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climbing changes your figure/body?
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Nov 24, 2005, 2:28 PM
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climbing changes your figure/body?
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was talking with my mom again about climbing, and now her best idea how to make me stop climbing was smth like "this climbing thing has already destroyed your back, you look half like a man, soon you'll have no breasts left etc." :roll:

climbing has definitely given me some stonger-looking arms and less fat through the years (three so far), but is there any real (disastrous) long-term impact for a woman's body (guys don't care anyway)? Have any of you bothered to notice/think about it?

So far the worst thing for me has been those disgusting little bumps you get on your toes and heels from tight shoes...any remedy for that?


Nov 24, 2005, 6:42 PM
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Re: climbing changes your figure/body? [In reply to]
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such nonsense... climbing does change your body but for the better...
we climbing women are a sexy breed ;) Defined and toned.

Women have more fat then men.... ever seen a gymast at ease.... best body you'll ever see..... see them flex and hurcules would run for cover.

Do what you enjoy... who cares if you get some muscle going, being fit is not a bad thing.

If you feel like your taking on some slight masculine shapes... start changing your diet...add more calories and do some cardio to balance out the bulk muscle.


Nov 24, 2005, 7:36 PM
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Re: climbing changes your figure/body? [In reply to]
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you can pumice the bumps on your feet. it will remove the calluses, but then your shoes will hurt like new every time you put them on. pain or pretty?

and yes, climbing changes the overall configuration of your body. some guys arent gonna like it. i've had several say i'm too skinny, too muscular, butch, my hands are more callused than theirs, ect.

but theres also the more than a handful's a waste, look at that six-pack, you can carry your own pack, you can sleep in a tent, holy hell your triceps are amazing variety.

as far as boys go, i like the second type better. your mom seems like she likes the first.

cutest comment i ever got on the climbing-related noticable changes in my body was [referring] dude, look at those wings. you're like a flying squirrel. ya know, if i were ever gonna eat you i think i'd start... HERE! and then he nibbled on it. so, yes, some guys like it.

Partner missedyno

Nov 24, 2005, 8:16 PM
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Re: climbing changes your figure/body? [In reply to]
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as long as you're comfortable with yourself, that's the main thing.

mom's sure do say some strange stuff sometimes! may we all pledge to try our bestest not to give our daughters any body issues. :)


Nov 24, 2005, 8:34 PM
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as long as you're comfortable with yourself, that's the main thing.

mom's sure do say some strange stuff sometimes! may we all pledge to try our bestest not to give our daughters any body issues. :)

Well put... i pledge ;)


Nov 24, 2005, 10:06 PM
Post #6 of 50 (14551 views)

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Re: climbing changes your figure/body? [In reply to]
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maybe the feet stuff, and calloused hands.

i don't believe the back thing (possible hunchback posture)-- if you balance it out by working out the opposings, and don't have posture throughout the day, your back should be fine.

as for the calloused hands thing, i get worried when i shake people's hands that they'll think i have man hands. but i had someone confirm that my hands were too dainty to be man hands, so it was okay!


Nov 24, 2005, 11:27 PM
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Re: climbing changes your figure/body? [In reply to]
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For me it's my grandma that can be supercritical, but I know what you're talking about. Even though the cliche, "Be alright with yourself." obviously has something to it(it must or it wouldn't have made it to cliche status), it is still hard to get over something that someone close to you says like that.

Since I started climbing, I have become a little bit more picky about the kind of chicks that I ask out. After going on a weekend trip with my climbing partner's girlfriend (yeah he was there too.) I really realized just how important some standards for a guy like me are. His girlfriend was unhappy and complained about the hike and the food (first time she ever camped before). On top of that, because my partner was carrying a full pack, and I had packed light, I ended up carrying her bag the whole trip. Now I got an extra good workout, but I would much rather have worried less about her than I did. I couldn't date a girl that doesn't like the outdoors now...unless she completely didn't mind me leaving for weekends and vacations to go out into the wilds.

So, in my opinion(yeah I know, not much worth) you should just accept the possibility of having less guys interested in you, and wait on a dude that can appreciate a hardass'll still prolly get more dates than I do.(this site is really starting to make me think that I should seriously think about waxing myself...everyone seems to be convinced that would help me with that problem. :lol: )


Nov 25, 2005, 12:52 AM
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Your grandma is a funny one. Any sort of sport or outdoor activity is going to leave its mark on you, be it extra bruises from crawling around in the dark or rough fingertips from climbing volcanic tuff. Give me a woman with scratches and nicks. You can keep your flawless skin and perfect hair. That kind of beauty makes me uncomfortable! I can't deal with that, man. :lol:


Nov 25, 2005, 3:20 AM
Post #9 of 50 (14551 views)

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Re: climbing changes your figure/body? [In reply to]
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Don't listen to your mama! My mom told me that I would be pretty if only I put some make up on, that I should not go to college but find a guy instead, etc., etc. Mom's don't always know what they are talking about. Keep climbing and know that your body is beautiful, climbing or not.

I've come to accept that my toes will forever be ugly, no matter what color nail polish I use.

I have also recently taken up yoga. I notice that I am the most buff woman in my class. I had one of those 'am I normal?' moments, but then realized that I seem to be in the best shape too. So what am I worried about?

I am most buff in my back. Some of my bras are starting to get a little stretched out and I think it's because I have gotten more muscular lats. This started to make me worry, but then I realized that it's not fat, it's muscle.


Nov 25, 2005, 4:16 AM
Post #10 of 50 (14551 views)

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Re: climbing changes your figure/body? [In reply to]
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Mom's are older than us, and have different vies of how a 'woman' should look. I think a woman should look however she feels good looking. I went through the 'will a man love me with my callused hands and bruises' phase. A friend of mine told me to shave them off. I recoiled in abject HORROR! Then, the acceptance phase. They guys at my climbing gym were really supportive, even tho they know I'd never date them. Their girly-girl girlfriends drove them nuts.

I have a more muscular back than most men. It's sexy as hell, and makes my waist look smaller. I started wearing open back shirts and dresses. I got hit on like crazy.

Men of our generation look for different things than our fathers did. The idea of beauty is changed. We live in a day and age, the first ever, where thinness is more of a mark of desire-ability and success than plumpness.

It comes together. I swear it does. I will never forget the day I fell in love with Jim. He looked at my nasty, callused hands and said 'you have AMAZING hands- so strong, not a delicate part about them'. It was then that I realized I'd found someone who loves me *for* who I am, not *in spite* of it. I realized my calluses, my climbing addiction were what separated out the men who were confident enough to be involved with an athlete from the sissy boys that wanted a girlfriend to prop their egos and be a nice accessory at parties.

In the end, if you feel good, run with it. The only long term bad things are having to get new bras when your lats get too big for the old ones!


Nov 25, 2005, 4:21 AM
Post #11 of 50 (14551 views)

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Re: climbing changes your figure/body? [In reply to]
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I am skinny with lots of muscles and I have definitely noticed the difference in my body in the short amount of time that I have been climbing. I personally don't care because I'm married already and my husband is stuck with me haha. But seriously, I am more confident now than I ever was before maybe because I am getting more compliments. Sure my husband has his butt isn't big enough, my arms are to muscular looking and he doesn't like that I have a six pack while he has a beer belly (no my husband doesn't climb and never will). But I think as long as a woman is confident with her own body regardless if she is skinny, fat, muscular etc. that's the only thing that matters no matter what anyone else says.


Nov 25, 2005, 12:02 PM
Post #12 of 50 (14551 views)

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Mom's are older than us, and have different vies of how a 'woman' should look. I think a woman should look however she feels good looking. I went through the 'will a man love me with my callused hands and bruises' phase. A friend of mine told me to shave them off. I recoiled in abject HORROR! Then, the acceptance phase. They guys at my climbing gym were really supportive, even tho they know I'd never date them. Their girly-girl girlfriends drove them nuts.

I have a more muscular back than most men. It's sexy as hell, and makes my waist look smaller. I started wearing open back shirts and dresses. I got hit on like crazy.

Men of our generation look for different things than our fathers did. The idea of beauty is changed. We live in a day and age, the first ever, where thinness is more of a mark of desire-ability and success than plumpness.

It comes together. I swear it does. I will never forget the day I fell in love with Jim. He looked at my nasty, callused hands and said 'you have AMAZING hands- so strong, not a delicate part about them'. It was then that I realized I'd found someone who loves me *for* who I am, not *in spite* of it. I realized my calluses, my climbing addiction were what separated out the men who were confident enough to be involved with an athlete from the sissy boys that wanted a girlfriend to prop their egos and be a nice accessory at parties.

In the end, if you feel good, run with it. The only long term bad things are having to get new bras when your lats get too big for the old ones!

Amen to all that sister! My body had changed as well since I started climbing. I was already athletic looking since I also run a lot and worked out in a gym with weights and all that stuff you find in normal gyms. But since I started climbing, well, first my back grew and especially my traps and lats. My arms got noticeably stronger and my boobs got way smaller. Do I care if I don´t really look like what society think a girl should look like? not at all! :) I really like looking stronger than most girls who don´t do any sports, and also being stronger than a lot of guys I know. I love that I can eat whatever I want without getting fat, and I really don´t care about having smaller breats, I actually prefer it. My fiancee is a climber as well, and he thinks I am sexy, so that is good enough for me. When I used to date people who did not sport, they sometimes compained that my legs were too big, or this or that, but I came to the conclusion that they were just jealous that I could run faster and longer than them, plus i could dance all night long without getting tired! :lol: I love looking at my bruises and scrapes after climbing, wtf I am proud of them! if anything they are my trophies for all my successes and failures. Don´t worry about what anybody tells you about your body as long as you feel happy about it. my mom also gives me s%&$t about how much my body changed, especially bc I went to buy my wedding dress with her and my breasts could not fill in any of them, they were all big..... and small around my shoulders and back...I am going to be the funniest looking bride! cool! :robert:


Nov 25, 2005, 2:07 PM
Post #13 of 50 (14551 views)

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Re: climbing changes your figure/body? [In reply to]
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thanks for comments, everyone!

clausti - pumice sounds just so painful...i try to put tape around my big toes in my tight shoes now, but doubt it makes a big difference...

elepita - that's funny! and congrats on your getting married! Come over to our 'Euro freaks' forum some time for a morning coffee chat :D

wonderwoman and everyone else, i totally agree, it's how you feel that matters. Unfortunately that whole peer pressure thing exists even if you close your eyes and ears and live behind a radiator most of your days, especially if it's the mom talking. I guess i just have to shut up and deal - and move out pretty soon :lol:

Thanks god there are few cracks here in europe - i remember having all these bloody scars on my hands and going to work with them in the US, that was exciting!


Nov 25, 2005, 4:44 PM
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Re: climbing changes your figure/body? [In reply to]
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Have you considered going for pedicures?? I haven't done it myself, but a good friend of mine (climbing friend) loves to get them. She's hardcore with the care of her feet, and they're pretty darn cute. I'm not sure if its the climbing shoes she wears, the way she cares for the feet, or perhaps both....but I bet that if you're feeling your feet aren't as pretty as they once were I'm sure a little TLC will at least make you feel better, even if they can't buff out all the caluses.

Perceptions of myself and others has changed since I've started being athletic. I like the sleek look of women climbers in their sport bras, I like the sexy legs of cyclists.

I have an older sister who has a bit of fat on her, but she works out a lot, and has some really nice muscle. I think she looks way better than my little sister who is tall and skinny, with no muscle. But I know my little sister likes how thin she is, she thinks she looks better than me or my older sister. Perceptions.


Nov 25, 2005, 6:18 PM
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In the end, if you feel good, run with it. The only long term bad things are having to get new bras when your lats get too big for the old ones!

Jeez, I am so happy to hear that this is normal for other climber chicks! Just two days ago I had to take a needle and thread to the front part of my bra because it was stretched so far that the seams were coming apart! :shock: I'm moving to the last latch before I go out and buy myself a whole new set of underwear!

Also, I have big calves so all my pants are sort of flared. I can't get them off if they are 'normal' pants. It's funny, but frustrating.

Partner blonde_loves_bolts

Nov 25, 2005, 7:48 PM
Post #16 of 50 (14551 views)

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Your mom is trying to be helpful, kind of like the way my friend's mom kept setting her up with guy after guy as a diversion from listening to her. What's funny is that, personally, climbing has evened out my body significantly from when I was rowing competitively. My shoulders were huge, my thighs were like tree trunks, and my muscles were overly developed on one side. But for the only time in my life, I felt like I could hold my own against physically intimidating girls!

Your mom is probably well intentioned, but it's also likely that you're a beautiful climbing woman who has no problem attracting many of your preferred gender species. So revel in it.


Nov 26, 2005, 2:14 PM
Post #17 of 50 (14551 views)

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uasunflower, your moms’ statement is ridiculous. Any normal amount of exercise will make you body look better.

Clausti is as provocative as ever - and I agree with her and Tim completely.

Do you want to be treated as a competent adult woman responsible for herself, or would you rather be treated as a china doll with a husband who makes all your decisions for you. There’s room for middle ground here, but I am a strong advocate form making the most of one's self - women included.

Clausti: Though you have probably added muscle, climbing didn’t change your body type. You aren’t going to ever have a traditional feminine 50’s body type. That does not make you unattractive - and you know it.


Nov 27, 2005, 3:16 AM
Post #18 of 50 (14551 views)

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When I played soccer in high school, my brother told me I should quit because my legs were looking too manly. When I started climbing, my dad exclaimed over dinner one day that my arms are the biggest arms he has seen on a woman. My mom made it worse by telling him that these days, you can't say things like that to your children. So, I guess my arms are bigger. But I didn't stop playing soccer, and I am not going to stop climbing.


Nov 27, 2005, 5:08 AM
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grape climbes and she's hot ;)


Nov 27, 2005, 7:34 AM
Post #20 of 50 (14551 views)

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What we think of ourselves is much more important than what others think of us. That includes how we treat and exercise our bodies.

If you think it's sexy to be dolled up in heels and make-up, with or without muscles, go for it. If you think it's sexy to roll in the dirt, go for it. If you think it's sexy to have bigger muscles than some of the men you know, go for it! Just make sure you're doing what makes YOU happy. I think that we women are often socially conditioned to put others' happiness before our own, but let's face it... we do a better job of making the people around us happy if we are happy too :D

Besides.. there will ALWAYS be a man, somewhere, that finds whatever it is we choose to do to be sexy. Especially if we do it with confidence, and as long as we ENJOY being who we choose to be. Am I right, guys?


Nov 27, 2005, 11:25 PM
Post #21 of 50 (14551 views)

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Well Said.

Partner cracklover

Nov 30, 2005, 4:36 AM
Post #22 of 50 (14551 views)

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UASunflower, I've seen you recently, and... um... how shall I put this delicately?

I give up.

You're Hot.


Partner missedyno

Nov 30, 2005, 5:27 AM
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UASunflower, I've seen you recently, and... um... how shall I put this delicately?

I give up.

You're Hot.


guys are welcome in the ladies room if they make a post like one of the above about one of us. :P :)


Nov 30, 2005, 10:57 PM
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Re: climbing changes your figure/body? [In reply to]
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Climbing does not make any woman look like a man. This is irrational and just not possible. If you've been climbing a while, and you're working hard, you'll get muscle, and shed fat if it was there to shed, but climbing alone cannot morph your frame. I am still small and slight, I just have a few more bumps on my upper back and arms.


Jan 5, 2006, 4:07 AM
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i disagree. for some women climbing does change your body, just re-read this thread and peoples comments. its a fact for some women including myself and it varies with shape, size, body type, diet.... i never knew i had guns until 6months - one year of climbing. before climbing i was petite with little muscle to show. now i here it all... :shock: "you look like a guy" "look at the size of those arms" etc...etc... but do i give a rats ass shit what they think or say? of course not. but climbing does change some womens shape and can give you (some) a stocky look hence the male look alike comments. but who the F*** cares?! most of us go through this phase of "does my body look good??" and each of us has their own story and what brought them out of the phase. i love having ripped back of muscles! :twisted:

Climb hard.

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