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Mean People Suck
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Jan 17, 2006, 2:21 AM
Post #1 of 24 (936 views)

Registered: Jul 18, 2002
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Mean People Suck
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Just got back from the grocery store and my stomach hurts a bit. This old guy was working the U-Scan (self checkout) and he was making a few mistakes, going slow and constantly calling the head clerk for help. She belittled him, yelled at him and was so rude to this guy that it made me sick. As I walked out of the store, I looked at her and told her how rude I thought she was. The old guy thanked me. I told her that I was calling her boss. And so I did. This woman was being emotionally abusive to this poor old man because she could. It seemed like she got some kind of charge out of it. My kids saw the whole thing. We were all pretty uncomfortable. I hope that bitch loses her job. I doubt she will but more importantly, I'm glad the guy was around to hear me complain about her. It's all none of my business, although a lot of the problem was with my order but I felt so horrible for that guy. No one deserves to be treated like that. I can't stand people who treat other people like shit just because they can or because it makes themselves feel good. It made me sick. I had a co-worker like this. I listened to her treat her son terribly over the phone and the whole time she was doing it, she had this gross look of enjoyment on her face. Mean people totally suck!

Sorry. Just had to get that off of my chest.


Jan 17, 2006, 3:25 AM
Post #2 of 24 (936 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2002
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Momma sheep, that sig hurts, bad. It is a form of emotional torture.

Speaking of emotional torture, you should shop one item though the U-Scan every day for the next two weeks, and make a point of hitting the help key, make mistakes, ask questions, then pretend you can't hear the answers.

Use weird produce no one this side of Cambodia knows the name of... peel off the PLU code sticker first. Always good for a barrel of laughs. Complain if the wrong item is rung up, even if its cheaper. Blame the U-Scan lady for all things U-scan.

Another good one is to talk to the U-Scan machine. Loudly. Then listen intently. Then argue! Then ask the U-Scan lady if she'll help settle the discussion! (Scuse me? My friend and I (point to the U-Scan) are having a little disagreement...)



Jan 17, 2006, 3:45 AM
Post #3 of 24 (936 views)

Registered: Jul 6, 2002
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People like that should be belittled and treated poorly. Too many people are inconsiderate, slow, and stupid and don't give a flying f*ck about the person they are inconveniencing. I give kudos to the cashier!


Jan 17, 2006, 3:50 AM
Post #4 of 24 (936 views)

Registered: Nov 9, 2005
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Re: Mean People Suck [In reply to]
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That is really sad.

It hurts to see that kind of thing, especially when you know it is deliberate and undeserved.


Jan 17, 2006, 4:22 AM
Post #5 of 24 (936 views)

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People like that should be belittled and treated poorly. Too many people are inconsiderate, slow, and stupid and don't give a flying f*ck about the person they are inconveniencing. I give kudos to the cashier!
And if that stupid, slow old man were your dad or grandpa?


Jan 17, 2006, 4:37 AM
Post #6 of 24 (936 views)

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People like that should be belittled and treated poorly. Too many people are inconsiderate, slow, and stupid and don't give a flying f*ck about the person they are inconveniencing. I give kudos to the cashier!

You'll be there soon enough, and I hope for your sake that your skin will have toughened by then.


Jan 17, 2006, 4:43 AM
Post #7 of 24 (936 views)

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People like that should be belittled and treated poorly. Too many people are inconsiderate, slow, and stupid and don't give a flying f*ck about the person they are inconveniencing. I give kudos to the cashier!

You'll be there soon enough, and I hope for your sake that your skin will have toughened by then.

Dude, he has been there

many a time 8^)

So was that bitch of a cashier that's why she's like that
what you should have done was gone over,
told her what a POS she was, and then told her manager you wouldn't shop at a place with employees like that.

Partner brent_e

Jan 17, 2006, 5:29 AM
Post #8 of 24 (936 views)

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People like that should be belittled and treated poorly. Too many people are inconsiderate, slow, and stupid and don't give a flying f*ck about the person they are inconveniencing. I give kudos to the cashier!

dude, you're kind of a prick.

miss sheep....kudos to you for doing what is right. Sad that people either have bad days and take it out on others or that they are crapfaces and have yet to reform.



Jan 17, 2006, 5:39 AM
Post #9 of 24 (936 views)

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People like that should be belittled and treated poorly. Too many people are inconsiderate, slow, and stupid and don't give a flying f*ck about the person they are inconveniencing. I give kudos to the cashier!

Now that's a very "liberal" attitude :lol:


Jan 17, 2006, 12:44 PM
Post #10 of 24 (936 views)

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The manager called me and said that he had both employees in his office after I left. I guess the situation escalated even more. He assured me that the head clerk (the wench) was reprimanded and that that sort of behavior will not be tolerated. I filled out one of those customer service comment cards for the old guy. I doubt I would have kept my composure like he did if someone was acting like that towards me.

Wild, I hope I'm misunderstanding what you wrote and that you are trying to say that the head clerk should get what she gave out.

I was tempted to tell that woman what a P.O.S. she was but I had my sons there. I did tell her that she was extremely rude and that I would be talking to her boss.

My older son told me later that he liked what I did for the old man and that he likes how I stick up for people like that. That made me feel good.

Partner macherry

Jan 17, 2006, 3:28 PM
Post #11 of 24 (936 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2003
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i'ts a good thing you didn't call the woman clerk a POS, that would have made you no better than her and shown your sons, that calling other names is okay if you have a just cause. Better to take the high road and stay cool. you'll feel better afterwards.


Jan 17, 2006, 3:43 PM
Post #12 of 24 (936 views)

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i'ts a good thing you didn't call the woman clerk a POS,

A real good thing... POS means Point-of-Sale and refers to POS scanning systems, like U-Scan. Ha ha. You would have called her a cash register.

Hey! You cash register! Come over here and help me settle this argument with the other POS!



Jan 17, 2006, 3:45 PM
Post #13 of 24 (936 views)

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OK Sheep, go recruit about a half dozen friends from the gym, what have you. Get them to meet you at the store, send them in one at a time, to buy the exact same odd item, have the all go though the U Scan and ask the exact same question to the bitch, word for word. Something odd like,

"Excuse me, is it true that the radiation from this thing will cause bananas to go bad?"



Jan 17, 2006, 5:16 PM
Post #14 of 24 (936 views)

Registered: Sep 11, 2004
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Re: Mean People Suck [In reply to]
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I hate those U-scan things. I admit I had a complete meltdown in Home Depot a few months ago when I couldn't get it to work, and the employee was unhelpful. I got so mad I stomped off and left my stuff sitting there. I had to waste more time re-shopping a few days later when I'd calmed down.


Jan 17, 2006, 5:24 PM
Post #15 of 24 (936 views)

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I hate those U-scan things. I admit I had a complete meltdown in Home Depot a few months ago when I couldn't get it to work, and the employee was unhelpful. I got so mad I stomped off and left my stuff sitting there. I had to waste more time re-shopping a few days later when I'd calmed down.

I love em. Unions hate them though; strike busters. Those machines replace real flesh and blood cashiers. There's a formula for how many cashiers they can eliminate for each U-scan lane. As with your cheery sales clerk, 1 person to monitor 4 stations.

The PURPOSE of self checkout is to 'empower' the customer to do their own labor... with none of the savings! Such a deal! Your labor goes straight to the retailer's bottom line. They can hear the cha ching every time customers use their own labor to do the store's job.

That said, I still love them. I really don't like chit chatting with humans when I'm shopping.



Jan 17, 2006, 6:33 PM
Post #16 of 24 (936 views)

Registered: Jul 13, 2005
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It's incredible that so many consumers use these things. I find when I have just a few items I can move faster than a cashier, but other than that I go through the regular check out. There is absolutely no benefit to the consumer if U-scan, et. al. is slower than using a cashier. Customer service is already in a deplorable state and these don't help.

Incidently, Home Depot claims that they have not cut their staffing due to the self check out registers, but have redistributed the personel within their stores. Riiiight, then why do I have to wait 10 minutes for someone to show up and cut a key for me.

AAA now lets you "create" trip tiks (sp?) on line. So I can spend 1/2 hour in front of the computer (time I could spend writing witty posts on instead of making a 5 minute phone call to a AAA office and telling them where I want to go? Thanks!


Jan 17, 2006, 7:12 PM
Post #17 of 24 (936 views)

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At the Fry's here, the self-checkouts are for a limited amount of items anyway. I use them when I have a few things and am not buying booze, since the cashier needs to get off her stool and check my ID for that.

That's really cool that your son was affected by how you stood up to the cashier, m_s. If I'da seen my mom do that she'd have been my hero. Way to set a good example for the little ones.


Jan 17, 2006, 9:58 PM
Post #18 of 24 (936 views)

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Jan 17, 2006, 10:10 PM
Post #19 of 24 (936 views)

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Incidently, Home Depot claims that they have not cut their staffing due to the self check out registers, but have redistributed the personel within their stores.

It may certainly be true. These things aren't cheap. They're around 3 times the price of a conventional check out lane, they usually put in at least 4. > 100k per store. Retailers do not spend 100K on fixtures per store LIGHTLY.

There is an ROI with these things. They can pay for themselves in over- time and holiday pay alone, in a couple of years. Throw in a strike like what SoCal suffered through and the things pay for themselves in like 2 weeks.

Seriously, they do. The goal is not to reduce labor outright. The goal is to improve the perception of customer service, take the bumps out of front end scheduling (the asst mgr of a grocery store spends a good part of every day working the schedule) and to strike proof the store. A manager can just as easily monitor the U Scan as a cashier... specially when those are the only lanes open.

Knowing all this ahead of time I was prepared to have a strong bias against self checkout.

On the contrary, I love them. I wish more stores had them. As a tech savy consumer, well, they DO empower me. In to Albertson's, lettuce, meat, whatevah, through the self checkout out the door, 5 minutes, no surly Albertson's cashier to deal with. Win win.



Jan 17, 2006, 10:12 PM
Post #20 of 24 (936 views)

Registered: Apr 13, 2002
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You da hero, mom.
Thankx for stickin up for us old guys.


Jan 22, 2006, 5:29 PM
Post #21 of 24 (936 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
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People like that should be belittled and treated poorly. Too many people are inconsiderate, slow, and stupid and don't give a flying f*ck about the person they are inconveniencing. I give kudos to the cashier!

DL climbers should remember this bit of advise next season when you are bumbling up Brinton's Crack on TR, while there is a line of people waiting to lead it. :lol:


Jan 22, 2006, 7:42 PM
Post #22 of 24 (936 views)

Registered: Jul 27, 2003
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How do you know that the woman did not just have some horrible tragedy happen to her, tainting her mood? What if the old man is the bosses incompetant uncle who screws up on a daily basis? Did the guy make the same mistake twenty times that day? None of this would justify yelling at the old guy in front of a customer but it would explain why she was so frusterated.

Partner jammer

Jan 22, 2006, 8:30 PM
Post #23 of 24 (936 views)

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There could be thousands of reasons why she is the way she is, but that don't matter. If she could not restrain herself from dumping her shit all over someone else, then she should not be there.

Ma, the minute she did that, and you and your kids heard, it became your business. You did right. Keep it up!



Jan 23, 2006, 2:20 PM
Post #24 of 24 (936 views)

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Yep Alan. I agree. Regardless of what this woman was going through, she was at work and acted extremely unprofessional. Lots of us walk around hurting for 1 reason or another but that doesn't give us the right to shit on people because we feel bad.

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