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Aug 20, 2002, 10:34 PM
Post #151 of 181 (3143 views)

Registered: Jul 6, 2002
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I know that Chuck. I never prayed for a plane. I don't use that God thing as an excuse. God didn't give my wife cancer. She just got it.

I thank you very, very much from the bottom of my heart for your prayers.

I used to pray earnestly to God and then to the moon and to other things and it doesn't work. At least, it didn't for me. Why? Cause I don't think there is anything out there, but that is me, not you or others. I just hope and her treatments have gone well and I never asked "God" for anything.

Things will turn out, or they won't. That's about it, I think.

Thanks so much Chuck. I'll take your prayers, I just don't do it myself.



Aug 20, 2002, 10:35 PM
Post #152 of 181 (3143 views)

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good to hear from u Dawg...where have u being
i think I will need a first class ticket next to the 70 Virgins

[ This Message was edited by: punk on 2002-08-20 15:41 ]


Aug 20, 2002, 10:38 PM
Post #153 of 181 (3143 views)

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okay and good luck wild.



Aug 20, 2002, 10:39 PM
Post #154 of 181 (3143 views)

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Yes, I've read that book. I like it and it is similar to The Gospel of Thomas which says the same thing. That there is no relgion, that each will come to God, that you are to thank him, but not pray to, for all you see around you as you are ALWAYS in his church, or house, if you will.

Very well put.



Aug 20, 2002, 10:39 PM
Post #155 of 181 (3143 views)

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Thanks, again Chuck!



Aug 20, 2002, 10:43 PM
Post #156 of 181 (3143 views)

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I feel sorry for anyone that actual reads this entire thread.


Aug 20, 2002, 10:47 PM
Post #157 of 181 (3143 views)

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Aug 20, 2002, 10:54 PM
Post #158 of 181 (3143 views)

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I like this modified Jewslamtian religion it is “one small step to man and big step for human kind” Ill take it for 800 (don’t put it on ebay now…)


Aug 21, 2002, 12:08 AM
Post #159 of 181 (3143 views)

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ahhhh good ol kierkegaard, if it werent for his dependance on god his existentalism might be very very interesting (as it is though it is still interesting, just not as much as say sarte.)

oh the other thing that severely disturbs me about the good drs article is how it is only an affirmation of a christian god disregarding the analogous stories of different religions in terms of the 4th and 5th arguments.


oh and wildtrail is not stupid

see i wrote a sylogism

if wildtrail makes outragous arguments then he is stupid,
wildtrail doesnt make outragous arguments (he just posts a lot)
therefore he is not stupid



Aug 21, 2002, 2:24 AM
Post #160 of 181 (3143 views)

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I post a lot, but it has points. You didn't point that one out, Ben!



Aug 21, 2002, 3:29 AM
Post #161 of 181 (3143 views)

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  Talking about religion is something that can be hard for many people including myself. I getvery uncomfortable when people start saying god did this or god did that. I would love to say to those people shut up. I just don't like people talking too much about him/her (Who knows it could be a she). :-)
Anyways that is how I feel, please don't get mad at me for my opinion. I am a religous person but sometimes I just don't like to hear about all the time.



Aug 21, 2002, 4:48 AM
Post #162 of 181 (3143 views)

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catga: no one is forcing you to read the thread.

and ben, i think you might have it backwards. if it weren't for his (kierkegaard) dependance on existentialism, his theology might be more interesting. LOL!! just kidding. i enjoy both his existentialism and theology.


Aug 21, 2002, 6:06 AM
Post #163 of 181 (3143 views)

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And the Lord saideth to the people:

Leteth this stupideth threadeth die. For those of youeth that followeth me, I shall granteth you a bounty ofeth beereth!

And stayeth awayeth from this guy!

I thought these guys were cute. Fits the thread too. Hopefully, this ridiculous subject is over... ( )

Why? Cause it feels like this...

and this...

When we should be like this...

and share some of this...


[ This Message was edited by: wildtrail on 2002-08-20 23:09 ]


Aug 21, 2002, 8:34 AM
Post #164 of 181 (3143 views)

Registered: Jun 30, 2001
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not to keep th thread going or anything, but DID YOU KNOW...that God is the only "living" god that was worshiped? all other gods are dead, the greek dudes, and so on and so forth. just to let ya know. and i believe in god, and i made my own decision, im the only christian in my family. i didnt grow up around it. i chose it, and i like my beliefs.



Aug 21, 2002, 9:14 AM
Post #165 of 181 (3143 views)

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Sure I knew that he was the only "living" god. Well, there are tribal deities of various cultures that still praise living gods. As far as main religion, Christianity has the only (I do believe, I don't have my thinking cap on and I am currently under the influence of some pretty groovy prescription drugs) living god.

He's right here:


[ This Message was edited by: wildtrail on 2002-10-21 11:33 ]


Aug 21, 2002, 3:51 PM
Post #166 of 181 (3143 views)

Registered: Sep 9, 2001
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I think many people here have some serious problems with ultra-sensitivity. Why is it so aggravating or painful to talk about (or read about) the concept of God? Then, when somebody contributes their ideas to the forum, others come into the scene and mock them for getting too involved.

I think it is amazing how many people here act like the talk show hosts. They deal with issues of sexuality, best flavors of ice cream, actors and actresses, and then pontificate on why "naturalists" are the real experts on meaning in life. Finally they give even less time to and distance their emotions even more when they discuss the concept of God.

TO YOU WHO CLAIM TO HAVE AN OPEN MIND BECAUSE YOU DODGE RELIGION: I think that by attempting to squash the debate, you give us all insight to your duplicitous nature. There is a lot of HYPOCRISY in this amazingly "OPEN MINDED" crowd (I'm mainly addressing this to those who make comments to make people interested in the topic in order to make them feel ashamed). Religion is supposed to put you in a box, not the other way around!

I would like to continue discussing possible natures of God, but it must be in a reasonable fashion. The ideas are great, if they can be deciphered amidst all the over-generalized statements people make about religious and non-religious people alike.

My feelings are not hurt when people dis my faith, because it is mine and not theirs. Enough of this whining by people who have hurt feelings about those of us talking about who we think God is, and also from those who are tired of people talking about who they think God is. To be honest, a bit of gnashing of teeth can really add spice to the conversation. I would like to be confronted on my personal faith more.

I would also like to see some people take a distinct stand on particular issues of theology. Why don't those people who believe in prayer say so? I might pray daily, but if I say I do then I will be put in the religious extremist box and probably be alienated for it.

Our culture has really made religion into a private issue. This has it's benefits, surely, but there is also a socail decay associated with it. Without the open discussion, people who have faith cannot feel free to express beliefs in public without being ostricized for it, both subtly and blatantly.

Perhaps some of you know that I went to Africa for seven weeks this summer. I saw the killing fields of Luwero district in Uganda, where literally thousands of people were slaughtered by Idi Amin's armies just over a few years ago. I looked into the tomb of 372 skulls collected from the very ground on which I stood. This is the ultimate result of alienation in a culture. We cannot voice our opinions because it "hurts your feelings or makes you uncomfortable".

This culture is weak, and at times I feel ashamed to be part of it. But every once in a long while I see a spark of life- someone who wants to make a stand about their beliefs, even at the cost of alienation.

Anyway, have a nice day.

*Edit-a couple quick touch ups

[ This Message was edited by: dynamic on 2002-08-21 08:58 ]


Aug 21, 2002, 4:15 PM
Post #167 of 181 (3143 views)

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John: great post man. i can tell you put some good thought into it. i am in complete agreement with you on this. keep up the good posts, i am definately on your "side."


Aug 21, 2002, 4:56 PM
Post #168 of 181 (3143 views)

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So you remember what God said to Moses in the book of "Proverbs"…"(the religion) its not in the sky it is in your harts to preserve the rules of me"
What it means it is up to us to see god the way WE see it and to each and his own…I don’t understand why u get So worked up when some individuals don’t share the same perspective as yours and making less of your concept of god…to them its meaningless its funny how everyone is reserving to some study made by whoever as the proof of their believe and to create a base or foundation from so call Credible source while speaking their true mind and interpretation never accrue to them
If u looking to quote, quote the good book with your interpretation and your thought
Someone else's essay will not be yours


Aug 21, 2002, 7:13 PM
Post #169 of 181 (3143 views)

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I believe Craig also said that often, the best apology that can be made by a Christian is this:
"I'm not trying to prove to you that what the Bible says is true. I'm just trying to tell you what the Bible says."

Okay, let me base this in a specific issue. I know that many here who love to debunk the Christian perspective have actually STUDIED the Christian perspective (even if to a limited extent).

I believe that in mere function, the concepts of living the life that Jesus Christ laid out are fundamental to our daily life. Whatever one's own belief on what reality really is, I believe that every living person can identify with and implement the teachings of Christ in a way that will influence every aspect of such a person's life.

Perhaps rather than dissecting whatever evidence and logic that we have on the mere existence of God, we might begin to analyze and critique the actual teachings of Christ in a way that will not cause severe hostility in the crowd.

The sermon on the mount (I believe it may be Matthew 12)... Does anyone remember the words that Christ spoke? I, for one, find particular identity with many of the aspects of this avenue of thought.

I have also found that in my experience, limited as it is, James has shed a particular bit of wisdom in his first chapter. I don't know that anyone here particularly cares what I think, but perhaps rather than attack one another in a somewhat unproductive framework of religious discussion we might implement a debate about ideas subjective to interpretation.

I don't know, but wildtrail has sent me a rather extensive message. I look forward to interacting with him on the material. I also look forward to having a meaningful dialogue with someone who hasn't quivered in fear at the thought of voicing his opinion on the issue while perhaps recieving a less than embraceful response at times.

I might also mention that although the Pascalian wager is often debunked (perhaps rightfully so), it answers the one attack of the atheist. Such a foolish wager may not, in a relative context, be so foolish after all.


Aug 21, 2002, 8:56 PM
Post #170 of 181 (3143 views)

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I'm a bit confused by your statement about God being the only living god. Perhaps you could explain. I doubt very much that other religions hold their gods to be dead. You also seem to imply that the Greek gods actually once existed.


Aug 27, 2002, 8:37 AM
Post #171 of 181 (3143 views)

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i never meant to imply that greek gods did exist. it's just that to the greeks, they once did. i heard it from my pastor that God was the only living God that people worship. I was just sharing what i had heard. if the greek gods ever did exist, that would be pretty cool, but nobody really knows. all this stuff about God and who he is and what he looks like and stuff, they are just guesses. in the bible, it was said that man was created in Gods image. he could not be a man or a woman at all, just a spirit. it's amazing, the things that i have seen the holy spirit do in people. it's soooo cool! i have gone to this jesus freaks thing a couple of times, and they have hard punk rocker bands that are chrisitan bands, that come and play. the things that i have seen happen to people are extraordinary, out of this world. it's so cool! i love to see it, and i love it even more when it happens to me. sometimes you can really feel the presence of God, and it's amazing. if i could find a way to share it with people, it would be the coolest thing on earth. i would recomend to ANYBODY to go to this new direction/jesus freaks thing. besides, if you like to mosh, then it would be for you. :-D there may be other gods that are "living" now, and i may stand corrected, but i was just sharing my knowlege. but my God is...God. peace out, and let your freak flags fly!!!



Aug 27, 2002, 10:31 AM
Post #172 of 181 (3143 views)

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If there is a heaven and hell,I want to go to hell!!!--Thats where all the FUN people will be,all the boring ones will be in heaven.

Just read through this thread and see who is having the most fun.

[ This Message was edited by: justsendingits on 2002-08-27 03:32 ]


Aug 27, 2002, 4:32 PM
Post #173 of 181 (3143 views)

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wow, i should have titled this the Lazarus thread. since it has risen from the dead, i thought i would add.

justsendingits: didn't they make a t-shirt or bumpersticker with that on it??


Katie: did i see that you didn't know whether or not other Gods exist?? just to let you know, if there are other Gods (Mormans believe that), then your whole belief system (christianity) went out the window. no amount of punk music or moshing for Jesus could get it back.


Aug 27, 2002, 4:52 PM
Post #174 of 181 (3143 views)

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 This smilie died for my sins. I know whatever I do right or wrong, I am going to heaven. I have faith.


Aug 28, 2002, 6:47 AM
Post #175 of 181 (3143 views)

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but you see, im not a mormon. i dont really care what people want to believe. i dont see why people try to enforce their beliefs on others. let each choose what they want to believe. i dont care, it may affect me, it may not. but i just made a statement. who cares if it was wrong, it couldnt have harmed anybody, i dont even remember what i said. so if any of that what i said offended you, then just disregard it and shrug it off. and i dont think i'll write anymore about greek gods and stuff, because every word i say is contradicted. sooo....fare well


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