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Aug 23, 2002, 8:01 PM
Post #1 of 53 (2812 views)

Registered: May 24, 2002
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Who on this site, do you respect?



1. JT512, Always has a solid answer for questions, based in experience and TRUE knowledge of the sport. No mere opinion.

2. rrradam, All the b.s., flak, and thankless jobs on this site seem to default to him, for no pay, in fact he pays to do it, with minimal complaining.

3. nikegirl, Have never seen her flame or say anything negative at all. An example I must try to adhere to.

4. oozingpustule, Sarcasm, and outlook

Thanks guys.

[ This Message was edited by: elvislegs on 2002-08-23 13:02 ]


Aug 23, 2002, 8:20 PM
Post #2 of 53 (2812 views)

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PUNK , because he's from NYC also, seems to know a lot of climbing info, doesn't mind helping out newbies like myself, very active on, at last but not least, he has those cool icons at the end of his posts.

[ This Message was edited by: data118 on 2002-08-23 13:21 ]


Aug 23, 2002, 8:28 PM
Post #3 of 53 (2812 views)

Registered: Jun 19, 2002
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I will have to go with PTPP,the good Doctor on this one, the man has the knowledge, even if he did earn it the hard way, especially for big-wall and aid. Thanks Pete

I will gladly confirm your choice of JT512, "Always has a solid answer for questions, based in experience and TRUE knowledge of the sport. No mere opinion." Especially for technical questions and test results. Thanks JT

Yeah, rradam rocks," All the b.s., flak, and thankless jobs on this site seem to default to him, for no pay, in fact he pays to do it, with minimal complaining. " Plus he lets us see all his climbing pictures and doesn't whine about how they are voted, besides setting a fashion statement for us on how climbers SHOULD look (shades, cig, cuttoff Dickies)

Who could argue with your choice of nikegirl? Lots of posts , always cheerful and upbeat. WooHoooo!! You go girl
Oops gatta work now, others forthcoming.

Partner pianomahnn

Aug 23, 2002, 8:58 PM
Post #4 of 53 (2812 views)

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I respect almost everyone.

Or do you really mean, who on this site do you hold in high regard?


Aug 23, 2002, 9:05 PM
Post #5 of 53 (2812 views)

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piano: it's pretty much the same damn thing. you were on my list but after that comment, i'm not so sure just kiddin' with ya.

Elvislegs: he's the only person i "really" know on this sight and has spent much of his time to teach me to climb. he's the same person on the internet as he is in person.

Partner rrrADAM

Aug 23, 2002, 9:26 PM
Post #6 of 53 (2812 views)

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I "look up to", for one reason or another...

Ammon (elcapbuzz)

Andy (atg200)

Jay (jt512)

Glenn (beerandblood)

T (nikegirl)

Mark (fiend)

Keith (kagunkie)

John Gill (jgill)

Stu (da ooze)

Juliana (juliana)

Pat (metoliusmunchkin)

Trevor (trevor)


Aug 23, 2002, 9:46 PM
Post #7 of 53 (2812 views)

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jt512- he doesn't mince words. He knows his stuff, he can back up what he says. When Jay gets his
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on, you're about to get told!

nike- she's just too sweet DUH

crackaddict- he's good people!

kriso9tails- does this surprise you, Kris? I like to spar, sometimes brainlessly and sometimes not but for the latter, you were a good opponent.

dr. pee'd on- because he doesn't need your approval or something like that... and face it, he is quite the resource.

da ooze- he can be a crusty d*ck and that just makes my day. He can also show his intelligent, rational side and it makes my day even more

Of course, I have many other pals here, and you all now who you are... jmlangford, oldandintheway, fishypete, cragchica, etc etc... this is just my list for now


Aug 23, 2002, 10:54 PM
Post #8 of 53 (2812 views)

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Yeah need to add crackaddict as well.

I learned that he is a gentleman whilst going back and forth on the 'lowering through rap hangers' thread. It is rare (online) to be able to discuss, disagree and then still be friends when it is done.

Plus, who doesn't like crack?!


Aug 23, 2002, 10:58 PM
Post #9 of 53 (2812 views)

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Jules Vaness Rachel but thats about all the people I talk to... Yeah! Bye Guys


Aug 24, 2002, 12:40 AM
Post #10 of 53 (2812 views)

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Fiend b/c he answers my heat-of-the-moment rants in a very thought out well worded way.

Biggernhell b/c he's blunt and doesn't try to sugarcoat. seems like a pretty cool guy.

joel_gibbel b/c he's a Christian and not afraid to talk about it.

Wildtrail...don't agree with him a lot of the time on religious issues but he's given me great climbing advice and he's always kind.

Nikegirl: what a sweetie. never negative that i can see.

Kartaphilos b/c he thinks it's cool i hunt nazguls.

And lots of other people i can't remember at the moment


Aug 24, 2002, 12:57 AM
Post #11 of 53 (2812 views)

Registered: Jan 25, 2002
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Wow this could take awhile,

There are so many...

Ladies first, (in no particular order)
Hollyclimber - She is so sincere and nice, she loves climbing like no girl I have ever known. She is an angel.
Nikegirl - She is truly nice and so entusiastic and I can always count on her to make me laugh! With seventeen smilies, now that is "content of character"!
Climbchick/Yvette _ Any chick who will not only go up a big wall with Pete, let alone in a cave for day too, has my total respect!
Climberchic/Erica - I can always count on her to call bulls**t when she sees it, and to defend those who get slammed when they didn't deserve it! And besides she loves ME!!!
Juliana - Because she teaches me how to be mature (and keeps me from killing my 'puter).
Climbsomething - 'Cause she's a straight shooter (like Erica), she'll call B.S. too!
Climbinganne - Because no matter how many times she gets knocked down she keeps gettin' back up and fighting!!! She is a good friend!
I.karen - Because she loves Adam (I mean that in the nicest way), and everyone who has ever mentioned her to me has the greatest love and respect for her! 7740 users can't be wrong!
Kelownaclimberette - She is the sweetest, but still toughest, woman I have ever met she will someday rule a great and happy family!!!

All these women are heros to me, I hope I tell them often enough! And so are many others I will add you as I remember you!

Ok now for the men and a little less mush;

Pete - For so many reasons most I have already expressed before, but the biggest is he is truly my friend and I know that he loves me!
Munchie - Because he's Munchie and there is only one of him in the world, he is so smart he scares me, and we totaly get each other!That is when I can keep up with him!
Kelownaclimber - He is an aweome host and a great climber, a route pioneer and "my kindred spirit".
Jt512 - 'Cause he never writes anything he doesn't know to be true, and he can spell like nobody's business!
Smithclimber - One of the best partners I have ever shared a rope with!
Elcapbuzz - Because when he talks I feel like Moses at the Burning Bush like it is coming straight from the mouth of God!
JmLangford - 'Cause he is genuine, friendly, helpful and honest. He is a good father and a hard working guy, a wealth of history, and a hero at work everyday (I wouldn't do his job for all the money in the world, and I am glad someone else will... You be careful Jody!).
Natec - He is open and honest and always willing to help out.
Wyoclimber - He is a good guy and a great climber, always climbing in great places, I would like to be his shadow!
Crackaddict - He is so nice he always checks on me when I'm down, and I so appreciate that! And he is also a wealth of info and always moving up, and climbin' somewhere! I wish him all the best!
Taxexile - Duncan always let's me know he's got my back, and when I screw up he let's me know too, he is honest and I can almost always count on him to send me a PM and tell me he's on my side when I need it! That's a friend!
Russwalling - Duh, he's Russ Walling! And for the technical expertise he brings to the site! But mostly 'cause he said he liked my Krustyledge!
Adam - Because he, like Annie, just keeps gettin' up and goin' back into the fight! I know one day, with the help of his friends and the love of a great woman, he will win it!!! Best of luck to you Bro'!
Rickoldschool - 'Cause he believes climbing is open ended, and that he will continue to grow as a climber no matter what, age, injury, finances... you name it he'll overcome it! I could and have learned a lot from him!
Da Ooze - Stu is just plain great in my book, and his sense of humor kills me, he is good to all who come into his world! I wish him many long happy evenings sitting on the porch with his friends and family, after a great day on the rocks!
Yossarian - Because he brings clarity to my climbing and reminds me of the good things about it, and we always have a good day!
Philbox - Does the word HARDMAN mean anything to you???
Karlbaba - Ditto!
Wildtrail - He knows what's important in the world!
Trevor - He is honest and forthright, he keeps us fully up to speed on how things will work here. And I believe he respects me, and that means a lot!

All you guys who keep this thing up and running;

Again I will be adding more of you as I remember.


[ This Message was edited by: krustyklimber on 2002-08-24 15:42 ]

Partner jules

Aug 24, 2002, 1:02 AM
Post #12 of 53 (2812 views)

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She puts up with me. 'Nuff said.


Aug 24, 2002, 1:42 AM
Post #13 of 53 (2812 views)

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  thats a good one jules


Aug 24, 2002, 2:27 AM
Post #14 of 53 (2812 views)

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thank you krusty for your very kind words, great thread elvis!

The people i respect are many on this site; for their knowledge, time spent helping other's and their particular brand of humor.

The ppl i love and respect know who they are, they are true, genuinely fine human beings who are caring and loving and I am soooo honored to call them friends...thank you friends, you know who you are!!!

*/me thanks you for your support and love!!!!


Aug 24, 2002, 2:43 AM
Post #15 of 53 (2812 views)

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Ammon-He answed a ton of my questions and can climb hella fast.
Pete-Has taught me a ton
Mike(yossarian)-Climbed with a 15 year old kid(me) he didn't know much about.


Aug 24, 2002, 2:55 AM
Post #16 of 53 (2812 views)

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jmlangford-Very nice and helpful person.He has done a lot for this site and I appreciate it!!!

nikegirl-The first friend I had on friendly and also helpful.She has also done a lot for this site and I appreciate it!!!

cass-Very cool girl.Very helpful and has also helped out quite a bit.Really appreciate it!!!

jabbeaux-Has helped me out a lot and has done a lot for this site.Appreciate it!!!

These are the ones off the top of my head.


PS-Don't want to leave out here are some others....


Also last but certainly not least....munchkin.

Ok so he is not last now....I just read nikegirls post and I have to agree.

Trevor is the man when it comes to this site.He is the founder and he is still doing what he can to keep it going.I have to say that he has my utmost respect.Can't believe I didn't add him in sooner.Anyways he definetly has my respect.

rrradam is pretty cool too as he has a lot of responsibility.Haven't really talken to him much....just when I had problems but he seems to respond (at times ) so yeah he also has my respect.

[ This Message was edited by: sharmagod on 2002-08-25 18:10 ]


Aug 24, 2002, 3:01 AM
Post #17 of 53 (2812 views)

Registered: Apr 10, 2001
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hmmmm, beyond_gravity i sort of respect, not really but sort of hes just great to climb with and is great to hang with, same with pat (aka, pattypie, hardcore_climber, patagin), hmmmmm, climbinganne cuz shes real cool ummm, hmmmm, nikegirl, just cuz she is really groovy and is never negative, oozingpustle cuz he can pull a fast one on me anyday ill think of more


Aug 24, 2002, 2:21 PM
Post #18 of 53 (2812 views)

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the list would be endless
respect for one and all
to one and all

[ This Message was edited by: cass on 2002-08-24 14:38 ]


Aug 24, 2002, 4:27 PM
Post #19 of 53 (2812 views)

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JMLangford-Great person that has been very fun to talk to and learn from
NikeGirl-How can you not love her?
ClimbingAnne-Super nice person, very courageous, always gets back up
Annalee-One of the nicest people I've ever met in real life.
PTPP-Gets dished out some crap, but still illustrates The Better Way clearly so we all learn.

There are lots more (this is a great bunch of people), but these individuals have really impressed me. Keep it up


Aug 24, 2002, 6:24 PM
Post #20 of 53 (2812 views)

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climber_chick from Alaska. She's smart and has much wisdom for her age. Keep it going dudette.

climbingimp b/c she taught me the value of technique. thanks


need more time to think.


Aug 24, 2002, 8:07 PM
Post #21 of 53 (2812 views)

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I respect and love everyone here!
Nikegirl, for her sweetness,
Piano, cuz he's fun to pick on
Pinto, cuz he snores really loud
and Talmadge cuz he's good in the sack!

I don't really know anyone here personally besides Talmadge and Pinto, but maybe sometime soon we could have a gathering up my way and that will change!!

Partner pianomahnn

Aug 24, 2002, 8:33 PM
Post #22 of 53 (2812 views)

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I'm on the list.

In your face, suckaz!!


Aug 24, 2002, 9:02 PM
Post #23 of 53 (2812 views)

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I respect everyone for different reasons. I disagree with some one certain issues like Jody on gun control and Gwen on religion, but they are great people. Hell, we can't agree with everyone on everything all the time!

So, I respect everyone. I also really like George (mntgeo). The guy makes me laugh. I think he and I operate on the same twisted wave length at times. Must be the marriage thing?



Aug 25, 2002, 2:53 AM
Post #24 of 53 (2812 views)

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I respect everyone on this site who takes the time to share their knowledge by
answering questions and entering useful and detailed information into the database.

A few members who have left a really good impression on me are:

mtngeo, because I value his experience and get a big kick out of his wit -- his posts are always both informative AND funny

Ooze, because he's a helluva writer when he wants to be and because he has kept climbing despite tremendous setbacks

PTPP, because of his huge store of knowledge, patience, and attention to detail (and despite his behavior at drivethroughs, eh Pete?)

Krusty, because he is always supportive, kind, and fiercely loyal to his friends

WyoClimber . . because he's possibly the most mellow, positive person I've ever met,
and he doesn't whine & gripe when the going gets tough

StigonRock because she never hesitated for a second when Eric needed her at his side

ClimberChic (Erica) because she's a total class act

JTCronk because anyone who can climb WI6 is my hero AND because he always kindly responds in detail to all my requests for beta on his area

JMLangford, because he's contributed to much to the site and goes out of his way to highlight the efforts of others

Beyond_Gravity because he has made a very strong effort to change his ways and
continues to work on it despite a few lapses now and then -- compare what we have now to i_rap-Off-cam-hooks (for those of you who have been around that long). You go, Jeremy

Jeez, I could go on for ages, but I'll leave it at that for now. You guys all rock!



Aug 25, 2002, 7:28 AM
Post #25 of 53 (2812 views)

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I can say, that I respect most all!! No one do I read, or look at here in a poor manner.
Those whom I hold in the highest regard?

rrradam: We have been on this site together for almost a year...i seem to think his birthday was a focal sobriety! His story and life is truly amazing! His contributions to this site have been phenomenal!! Brash? yes! Childish, sometimes. His approach to life is something I hear with golden ears. I have been guided in life by this man...though he has not a clue his impact. His critism, crushing sometimes. But, I take it with respect in his words. I learn. I grow. He is what runs this site. This I know.

hidden, behind the scenes. But, the reason he is so well respected is how he doesn't involve personally to this site...keeps it running...Keeps "IT"(his life)running,too. For he could have given up and tossed this site to internet oblivion...but, NO. He is trying as Well as he can, to keep it afloat! And for that I hold him at the highest regard!

All the personal user respect(s) that I could put here??
I do beleive, I've been one to let you know, on a day to day basis...personally.


I hope that you ALL know my respect is overflowing in love and friendship...for most have been and know of my last few months in life(s) hard times. All of you have guided me thru, or given me support in ways no one (physically or cyber) could fullfill!!

Yes, there is the full blown respect of good beta, via this site!! But, somehow??? The site is more family/community for me, beta aside. So, my respect/admiration goes out to all the users here and flows the gammut!!
I'm an open book here! Mushy, yes. Blessed by the goddess to have found climbing...and on Sept. 1, blessed to have found this site a year to date

Goddess Bless!!


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