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Jul 27, 2006, 9:39 AM
Post #51 of 94 (6212 views)

Registered: Nov 15, 2005
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gatorade is like organic food, compared to this stuff.

LOL! :lol:

That fake water stuff scares me. Just shows how much processed shit we like to consume. It disturbs me to think that people grow disliking water when water is so fundamental to our existance.

Sure I don't mind a coke or whatever but normally I drink it only for the caffine or sugar. Likewise I don't touch diet drinks.


Jul 27, 2006, 1:01 PM
Post #52 of 94 (6212 views)

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Your sarcasm doesn't make your argument any stronger. Nobody here has denied that you need electrolytes. However the VAST majority of people do not have an electrolyte deficiency. At least with regard to sodium chloride, the typical diet includes excessive amounts.

Thus drinking a sports drink loaded with electrolytes is normally unecessary. You statement that as a rule your should drink sports drinks when you undertake sustained excersize is ridiculous.

I wont deny that sometimes you DO need electrolyte replacement. But it is much better to listen to your body than rely on some arbitrary rule.

It is funny how there are more and more sport drinks and sport foods available these days yet people are more unhealthy (weight wise) than ever. A healthy diet and plenty of water IS perfectly fine for sport performance.

I didn't say my sarcasm would make my argument any stronger. Where the Hell did you get that notion?

Anyways, yeah, you get electrolytes from eating food, as Reno has pointed out, but the rate at which you lose those electrolytes through sweat is incredible, especially if your pushing hard on an 8-miler in 90 degree weather with 90% humidity; your body may have stored electrolytes from food, but they are also being used up at a constant rate because you are always using your muscles (breathing: think ribs, diaphragm; heart: think beating and blood circulation; moving about the house; sustaining the muscles you have when you're not working out; pissing and shitting; etc.).

As I have said before, and because I don't want to repeat myself, look at the first post I made in this thread. I refer the reader to what liquids should be consumed depending on time spent on exertion. I made a mistake in not pointing out that the level of exertion should be taken into account as well. I talking about 75-100% of your Lactic Acid Threshold (LAC). LAC is the point where your body is removing lactic acid at the same rate your body is creating it; those who use this number most are cyclists and runners. At about 85% LAC, your exertion is pretty high up there so a proper sports drink is required for the refueling of carbs, sodium, and potassium.

Listen, do what you want, but if you're on some big wall and you're sweating your balls off or if you're trying to send that problem and you're exerting a lot of energy, don't blame me if you get light headed or you wake up the next morning and your muscles become very weak and start to cramp and your body feels like it's been hit by a bus. You didn't give your body the nutrients it needed.


Jul 27, 2006, 1:34 PM
Post #53 of 94 (6212 views)

Registered: Mar 25, 2002
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acutally i read an article not so long ago about marathon runners whose dehydration got worse after drinking only water after finishing the run. they just didnt have enough electrolytes in their system and just dilluted them further.

dehydration is a medical condition that can be caused by either too little water in the system, to little electrolytes or both. and if youre sweating much you MUST get additional electrolytes into your system. how you do it is up to you. if you dont like gatorade&co make your own. 1l water + 5g sugar + 5g kitchen salt are the easiest to start with. you can also vary the recipe. i usually add something for flavour because it tastes like crap. one lemon usually does the trick.

edited to add: i usually carry (at least) two bottles of fluid when i expect to sweat a lot (read: every time except winter); one 1.5l with regular water and one 1.5l with saline/sugar sollution. rigth before phisycal activity (read: start of pitch/climb) i drink regular water, before rest (read: end of climb/pitch, start of belaying) i drink the saline sollution.


Jul 27, 2006, 2:59 PM
Post #54 of 94 (6212 views)

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I didn't say my sarcasm would make my argument any stronger. Where the Hell did you get that notion?

Anyways, yeah, you get electrolytes from eating food, as Reno has pointed out, but the rate at which you lose those electrolytes through sweat is incredible, especially if your pushing hard on an 8-miler in 90 degree weather with 90% humidity; your body may have stored electrolytes from food, but they are also being used up at a constant rate because you are always using your muscles (breathing: think ribs, diaphragm; heart: think beating and blood circulation; moving about the house; sustaining the muscles you have when you're not working out; pissing and s---; etc.).

As I have said before, and because I don't want to repeat myself, look at the first post I made in this thread. I refer the reader to what liquids should be consumed depending on time spent on exertion. I made a mistake in not pointing out that the level of exertion should be taken into account as well. I talking about 75-100% of your Lactic Acid Threshold (LAC). LAC is the point where your body is removing lactic acid at the same rate your body is creating it; those who use this number most are cyclists and runners. At about 85% LAC, your exertion is pretty high up there so a proper sports drink is required for the refueling of carbs, sodium, and potassium.

Listen, do what you want, but if you're on some big wall and you're sweating your balls off or if you're trying to send that problem and you're exerting a lot of energy, don't blame me if you get light headed or you wake up the next morning and your muscles become very weak and start to cramp and your body feels like it's been hit by a bus. You didn't give your body the nutrients it needed.

Dude, you are fighting an up hill battle. Your argument is a hard argument to win. When you make such broad statements you don't make it easy for yourself.

At about 85% LAC, your exertion is pretty high up there so a proper sports drink is required for the refueling of carbs, sodium, and potassium.

This is a ridiculously broad statement. So a few generations ago when 'sports' drinks weren't around people couldn't operate at 85% LAC?? So a healthy diet, or even a snack after excise doesn't refuel carbs, sodium and potassium? Shit I wonder how we survived before Gatorade(TM) came on the scene.

There are numerous other equalling good ways of staying healthy and excersizing without buying into the sport drink fad.

One more point to note. I hardly think electrolytes are 'used up' in your muscles. I worry about the quality of your biology degree if you think that.


Jul 27, 2006, 4:41 PM
Post #55 of 94 (6212 views)

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Jul 27, 2006, 5:03 PM
Post #56 of 94 (6212 views)

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you don't need any energy drinks w/ a proper diet.

but if you do stay away gatorade or anything that has higher sodium levels then potassium. very bad for the stomach.

use Emergen C or Rebound-fx


Jul 27, 2006, 11:39 PM
Post #57 of 94 (6212 views)

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... so assuming the pro-sport drink crowd are right, how many grades harder will it make one climb?


Food (or drink) for thought



probably none. but you won't puke so hard in the parking lot after the retreat approach. and the usual third day big wall hallucination might get toned down a bit.

what i'm saying is I don't think it matters measured in climbing grades. but you wont have that pounding headache when it's your turn to belay.

well in that case I say: [violet]Suck it up Princess![/violet]

Climb Hard!



Jul 27, 2006, 11:53 PM
Post #58 of 94 (6212 views)

Registered: Oct 30, 2001
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your body may have stored electrolytes from food, but they are also being used up at a constant rate because you are always using your muscles (breathing: think ribs, diaphragm; heart: think beating and blood circulation; moving about the house; sustaining the muscles you have when you're not working out; pissing and shitting; etc.).

Well, the ribs are not muscles, but I see the point you're trying to make. But it's wrong.

The stores of electrolytes, in addition to normal daily food intake, are far more than you'll lose in a typical workout. That having been said, there's nothing WRONG, per se, with consuming Gatorade or other sports drinks during long endurance high energy workouts (i.e. marathon.) Nobody is saying "Don't do it!!!!1" Just saying that it ain't necessary.

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acutally i read an article not so long ago about marathon runners whose dehydration got worse after drinking only water after finishing the run. they just didnt have enough electrolytes in their system and just dilluted them further.

dehydration is a medical condition that can be caused by either too little water in the system, to little electrolytes or both.

Bit of a misnomer here, though one often said for simplicity sake. Dehydration is simply "Not enough water in the system." Too little electrolytes is a whole different pathology, and thus treated in a whole different fashion. What's being referred to above in the marathon runner scenario is *probably* hyponatremia, a condition where the plasma concentration of sodium (Na+) is too low. Or, more simply, there's too much water for the amount of salt available.

More on that available here:

The fix for this, in the early stages, is simple: Eat something salty.


Jul 27, 2006, 11:56 PM
Post #59 of 94 (6212 views)

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Double post.


Jul 28, 2006, 6:06 AM
Post #60 of 94 (6212 views)

Registered: Nov 21, 2005
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Double post.

then delete it, duh

well shoot, now you can't because I replied...

people can't stand to tick the post count backwards any.

but i definitely understand...its a very powerfull little display of numbers and while I was being sarcastic and demeaning before, I'm being serrious now. It pulls weight.


Jul 28, 2006, 8:22 PM
Post #61 of 94 (6212 views)

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Double post.


Jul 28, 2006, 8:24 PM
Post #62 of 94 (6212 views)

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At about 85% LAC, your exertion is pretty high up there so a proper sports drink is required for the refueling of carbs, sodium, and potassium.

This is a ridiculously broad statement. So a few generations ago when 'sports' drinks weren't around people couldn't operate at 85% LAC?? So a healthy diet, or even a snack after excise doesn't refuel carbs, sodium and potassium? s--- I wonder how we survived before Gatorade(TM) came on the scene.

People could operate at LAT, but they wouldn't be giving the body the electrolytes needed during and after a hard run, and it took more time to recover. Sure a healthy diet will help and a proper snack will refuel, but then you have to take into account that there is about a 30 minute window for proper glycogen storage after exercise. It takes longer than 30 minutes for the body to break down solid food where as it takes much less time for the body to absorb sodium, potassium, and carbs if ingested in a liquid form.

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There are numerous other equalling good ways of staying healthy and excersizing without buying into the sport drink fad.

Sure there are. Make your own. Look up a recipe for oral dehydration salt and then just add a lemon for flavoring. It tastes pretty bad, but the taste is the last thing on your mind when you've got Giardia and amoebas living in your intestines.

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One more point to note. I hardly think electrolytes are 'used up' in your muscles. I worry about the quality of your biology degree if you think that.

Bad wording. Electrolytes are not used up, but they are expended. Sodium and potassium are the key electrolytes involved in muscle contraction. Everytime you move a muscle (everytime!!! This includes blinking), you use sodium and potassium the ever so famous sodium potassium pump. Just google it.

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Well, the ribs are not muscles, but I see the point you're trying to make. But it's wrong.

The stores of electrolytes, in addition to normal daily food intake, are far more than you'll lose in a typical workout. That having been said, there's nothing WRONG, per se, with consuming Gatorade or other sports drinks during long endurance high energy workouts (i.e. marathon.) Nobody is saying "Don't do it!!!!1" Just saying that it ain't necessary.

Sorry again. I meant to say intercostal muscles, not ribs. If the stores of electrolytes "are far more than you'll lose in a typical workout" (reno, 2006) please define the phrase "typical workout". Like I've said before, what you drink should depend on the type of workout (exertion levels i.e. LAT or VO2 levels) and the time spent. If you're on the stair master for 15 minutes in an air conditioned gym, water will do. If your projecting a 5.13 and it's 80 degrees and humid, by all means, use a sports drink.

During "long endurance high energy workouts (i.e. marathon)" (reno, 2006), a sports drink isn't necessary, but you will be withholding your body from the nutrients it desperately needs. Yeah, you can eat a banana, but then you'll have to wait for your body to digest it while your body is still in need of electrolytes. Sports drinks are the best (in terms of time of absorption and ease of consumption and levels of nutrients) source of a post, and mid, workout fuel for recovery and hydration.


Jul 28, 2006, 8:31 PM
Post #63 of 94 (6212 views)

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Double post.

funny, i got the email, climcked on it and visited the thread in time to get another email for the second of your double post. :D


Jul 28, 2006, 8:36 PM
Post #64 of 94 (6212 views)

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One more point to note. I hardly think electrolytes are 'used up' in your muscles. I worry about the quality of your biology degree if you think that.

One more thing, don't worry about the quality of my biology degree. It's better than your biology degree. And it's not just a degree I have to back up my claims. It's work as a college lab instructor, university biology tutor, experience as a high school biology teacher, and training in the Peace Corps on how to help your body survive in extreme heat while exercising (training for a marathon in the Sahel) and how to recover from dehydration due to intestinal amoebic and flagellic cysts and Giardia.


Jul 28, 2006, 8:37 PM
Post #65 of 94 (6212 views)

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Double post.

funny, i got the email, climcked on it and visited the thread in time to get another email for the second of your double post. :D

You can get emails on when a thread is replied to?


Jul 28, 2006, 8:52 PM
Post #66 of 94 (6212 views)

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Double post.

funny, i got the email, climcked on it and visited the thread in time to get another email for the second of your double post. :D

You can get emails on when a thread is replied to?

yea... i thought that was how everyone had it, when someone replies to a thread that I've posted to I get an email with a link telling me so.

Hey I just saw your comment on a Devil's Lake picture of Upper D. You climb there a lot? That's my home crag, I'm suburbs of Chicago, how about yourself? Upper D is probably my favorite lead there...a really fun route.


Jul 28, 2006, 9:48 PM
Post #67 of 94 (6212 views)

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For a big (dilutable) dose of sodium & potassium, try V8 juice. The need
to dilute it (or drink bits along w/water separately) gives one a chance
to change the flavor with something else, perhaps sweetened for energy.

I find Gatorade's seeming insistance on a $1/quart price enough to lead
me elsewhere (even to Powerade)--funny how no matter the sale, that
price seems to be the bottom, generally.

As for "90 degrees & 90% humidity", that would really be a heckuva time
to climb. --often said, seldom realized, though. There's a Heat Index calculator
courtesy of NOAA at
which one can play with. (90-90 works out to a HI of 123^F, and whatever
your drink then, you'd want it in the pool-sized, open-top, pre-chilled container! :lol: )



Jul 29, 2006, 1:05 AM
Post #68 of 94 (6212 views)

Registered: Jun 16, 2006
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yea... i thought that was how everyone had it, when someone replies to a thread that I've posted to I get an email with a link telling me so.

Yeah, you can set it up under your Notifications in your profile.


Jul 31, 2006, 5:06 AM
Post #69 of 94 (6212 views)

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Hey I just saw your comment on a Devil's Lake picture of Upper D. You climb there a lot? That's my home crag, I'm suburbs of Chicago, how about yourself? Upper D is probably my favorite lead there...a really fun route.

I'm from Skokie. I've been there a too many times to keep track. I haven't been out there in a few months cause of Grad classes in the summer. I'm not ready to lead Upper D yet. It's still scary. I got spooked on Brinton's Crack the first time I got up there this season. It happens everytime; the first time back is the worst. I stitched the hell out of that crack. Where do you get your climbing in during the winter months?


Jul 31, 2006, 5:40 AM
Post #70 of 94 (6212 views)

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I believe it is important to keep your fluid intakes at the proper levels: 85% C8H10N4HO2O2 (i.e. coffee) 15% water.

Seriously though, just drink water until you aren't thirsty, maybe some Gatorade also. Use energy drinks as a supplement to, not in place of water. The actual effect they might have on your climbing is debatable though.

I believe that drinking energy drinks improves your climbing about as much as sizing down your shoes. But thats another thread altogether.


Jul 31, 2006, 5:59 AM
Post #71 of 94 (6212 views)

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Doesn't sugar inhibit water absorbsion? Any drink that's more than 7% sugar is actually harming your body's ability to absorb water. That's what I've read.

Drinks like Gatorade are way too sweet. And, they are the wrong kinds of sugars - monosacrides. In my youth, I used to ride my road bike (bicycle) an average of 300 miles per week. I ate like a horse and never drank any energy drinks or anything that was full of sugar. I felt fine all the time and never got dehydrated... well, maybe once.

Your body is mostly water, not Gatorade. 8^)


Jul 31, 2006, 7:13 AM
Post #72 of 94 (6212 views)

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Your body is mostly water, not Gatorade. 8^)

Word. 8^)

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Doesn't sugar inhibit water absorbsion? Any drink that's more than 7% sugar is actually harming your body's ability to absorb water. That's what I've read.
Considering the number of people whose only fluid consumption is sugary drinks I think it is still very possible to get your water requirements from sugary drinks. (Though obviously water is better). Also note that the ultimate by-products of the use of sugar in the body is water (H2O) and CO2 which is expelled out when you breath.


Jul 31, 2006, 7:21 AM
Post #73 of 94 (6212 views)

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I'm drinking Gatorade right now... I hope I don't shrivel up and die!


Jul 31, 2006, 9:18 AM
Post #74 of 94 (6212 views)

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Considering the number of people whose only fluid consumption is sugary drinks I think it is still very possible to get your water requirements from sugary drinks.

Unfortunately, popularity doesn't change fiction to fact. In other words, it doesn't matter how many people don't follow good nutritional or water consumption practices. If the science that I put forth is true, then a lot of people are perhaps in a constant of some level of dehydration.

BTW, loved the "word" bit. :wink:


Jul 31, 2006, 9:41 AM
Post #75 of 94 (6212 views)

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Considering the number of people whose only fluid consumption is sugary drinks I think it is still very possible to get your water requirements from sugary drinks.

Unfortunately, popularity doesn't change fiction to fact. In other words, it doesn't matter how many people don't follow good nutritional or water consumption practices. If the science that I put forth is true, then a lot of people are perhaps in a constant of some level of dehydration.

BTW, loved the "word" bit. :wink:

He didn't say it was the best practice just because plenty of people do it. He said it's still possible to fulfill your hydration needs, pointing out that people are doing it all the time. Too much sugar can slow down the hydration process a bit, but it doesn't stop it. And it doesn't reverse it (at least not for very long). The levels of sugar you would have to consume to pull that off are far higher than what you'll find in a sports drink like Gatorade.

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