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Lebanon, the truth!!!
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Aug 9, 2006, 3:36 AM
Post #26 of 87 (2117 views)

Registered: Jun 24, 2004
Posts: 232

Re: Lebanon, the truth!!! [In reply to]
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I am finding this whole thread actually quite an interesting read, for one full of rants (my own included).

On another note

It seems to me that almost any terrorist related news story (al least the muslim ones) claims to link the group in question to al-Qaeda, everywhere from baghdad to Bali. But I never hear any thing about Hamas or Hezbollah. Is this cause they don't have links? Or because they have been around so long, and are so well publicised that the media doesn't consider them news? or what?

Partner tisar

Aug 9, 2006, 9:16 AM
Post #27 of 87 (2117 views)

Registered: Jul 1, 2004
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Re: Lebanon, the truth!!! [In reply to]
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reno, the mail of your friend was the most comprehensive piece I've read so far on the subject. It's one of the few examples of someone being able to distinguish between Israel's right to act and the (often) stupidity to do so.

bigga, just a thought: If you want something to be cured, you might have to swallow the one or the other pill.

- Daniel


Aug 9, 2006, 10:44 AM
Post #28 of 87 (2117 views)

Registered: Mar 25, 2002
Posts: 14120

Re: Lebanon, the truth!!! [In reply to]
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:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

reno actually posted an article that was pretty much an extension of my recent post on the subject. i cant believe it. does that mean that you actually agree with me to a point??

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Infact, Hizbollah most certainly is part of the government. It is a political party. Hizbollah is actually arabic for "Party of Allah" and holds seets in the Lebanese Government

Perhaps you didn't read what I wrote? Once again. Hizbollah over the past many years has been attackin Israeli's, both military AND CIVILIAN accross the boarder with mortar and rocket fire. We were justefide back then to react to it, but never did. The kidnapping of TWO (not 4, a little loose on the facts again?) was the final act of a whole series of attacks until we finaly decided to do something.
And if you are still disturbed by the fact that we are reacting to the kidnapping of soldiers, who's job is dangerous by definition, then as far as you are concerned blame Israel's actions on the barage of rockets that hizbollah shot into the civilian towns of Kiriyat Shmonah, Metulah, etc that morning BEFORE the actual kidnaping took place. Or do those civilians not count?

"it makes no difference in my book if the innocents are killed needlesly by a rocked or a precision guided bomb"
Does it make any difference to you if one was targeting civilians and the other wasn't? If not then it is a sad state of afairs. It is the diference between premeditated murder and unintentional killing. If you believe that israel intends to cause civilian deaths, well then ignorance is bliss. Obviously israel is aware that sometimes civilians will die, but see's that as a minus not a plus but the risk must be taken. If you disagee with that logic then please note that if not for that very logic, you would now be speeking German and be walking funny because if America and England etc etc had refrained from strikes because there may have been civilian casulaties then the final score of WWII would have been: Nazi's 1 - You 0.

I know a pilot in our airforce. Every target the are given, is after teams of intellegence have gone over its relevance. Pilots, once on there way to a target have orders to abort the mission if they see gethering around their target. THOSE ARE THEIR ORDERS!.
Every dead body seems like an innocent civilian once its dead. And every building seems like a building no matter what was going on inside it. But these things are not done lightly. And the real entire picture is not one you'll see on Sky News.

It would be nice for people to diferentiate between right and wrong and have the back bone to stand up for it. And if that is what you have done, If your values equate us to terrorists then we will never at all see eye to eye. We are on completely different continents of morality.
A philosophy that absolutely every dispute can be solved without the use of violence will always lose to an opponent who is completely intent on violence, in which case the violent agressor becomes the winner and so I regard such a philosophy as imoral in itself.

I think you are wearing rose coloured glasses with blinkers on the sides. There are so many facts that you are willing to ignore,
Oh well.

ok, one by one.

i know hezbollah is a part of their government. but it is not their government. and i seriously doubt that the ones that are in the government really support terrorist activities. terrorist quickly become moderate when they become a part of a valid political system (just look at what happened with IRA and what was beggining to happen with hamas).

2 soliders by hezbollah and 1 by hamas. well, i was wrong. i admit. but it doesnt really matter. and your government used the kidnappings as an excuse and not constant bombardment (which would be a better reason IMHO).

if you target a civilian structure, than youre targeting civilians. so if youre intentionally targeting civilian infrastructure, youre intetnionally targeting civilians. "hoping" or "assuming" that they wont be there really doesnt make much sense. as for standing orders about aborting a mission... can a pilot really see ppl gathering? and if he does, does it mean he will actually abort the mission or go blind for a second?

and bombing of cities during ww2 didnt really accomplish much for either side in europe (and it was only really effective with japan).

i dont watch sky news.

i do not equate you to terrorists. just your actions are the same and at about the same level. i said you are no better, not that you are the same.

read the above article again. especially the first four paragraphs. it is pretty good, though it doesnt say anything about the occupational regime in the occpied territories.

the sad thing is that this crap erupted just as the region was beginning to stabilize a bit, and israel shares at least part of the blame for escalating things. lebanon finally kicked out syria (and they payed a price), hamas was actually going to indirectly recognize the existance of israel. given some more time, im sure the things would really start to turn for the better. but what was one of the firt things israel did after hamas (was it really them? or just someone saying it was hamas?) abducted was to attack the offices of the palestinian primeminister, who was constantly trying to cool things down. now why would someone do that if they really desired peace is beyond my logic.

as for cutting support to israel... im pretty sure youre more than capable of winning any war in the region.

well, israel cant really win withtou use of force because theyre the current agressors (though you call it 'self defence'). palestinians could win with non-violence (think ghandi) IF us media actually reported what was happening in the occupied territores accurately, but im afraid its too late for that at this stage. too much hate on all sides.

and finnaly, i do believe that hezbollah should be disarmed. but youre doing it the wrong way.

you also see things with colored glasses and blinkers and ignore many facts. but, dont worry, you were taught to do so.


Aug 9, 2006, 2:15 PM
Post #29 of 87 (2117 views)

Registered: May 25, 2002
Posts: 365

Re: Lebanon, the truth!!! [In reply to]
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Well hello again.

Ok. Firstly I would like to appologize to you for my earlier comment.
Points you should consider. Noy only The Hizbollah members of government, but other members as well are openly in favour...including on television... of hezbollahs activities. So you really need not doubt... they go on record for you.
(After offering to put Lebanese army in South the lebanese prime minister was asked if this means the hizbollah would not be allowed there, he said no. Two weeks ago on TV he even congratulated Hasan Nasrallah)

You are right, it may have been wiser to use the bombardment prior to the kidnapping as the official excuse, rather than the kidnapping itself. It would make more sense in the eyes of the world. As a nation however, the kidnapping hurts us far far worse than the rockets do.

In your opinion, is a civilian building used to house rockets being fired into Israel, in some cases the rockets being fired themselves from the underground parking of that building ( caught on tape and even aired on CNN) still a civilian building?

I would like an expert, cause I am certainly not, to tell me whether if the allied forces acted with the strategic 'morals' you propose if WWII would have been won. Anyone?

As far as the pilots go. Yes you can see the target from the air incredibly clearly. And if you then assume that the pilots 'go blind' temporarily then you are implying that the people of israel themselves are themselves all murderers, and even disobey orders in order to be so. Furthermore, missions have actually been aborted for this reason, and many of them. If you would prefer to believe I'm lying then so be it. But if you believe I am a lier then why would we discuss this?

I dont know if Hamas actually did it. All I know is that they took responsibility for it and are making the demands.

Aggresors. LOL

I'm not sure what American media reports of the terretories. But I'm curious to know how since you are also in America, What is your point of reference to say that they are not reporting acurately?

I have been taught to think that way? I was born and bread in South Africa, left at the age of 18. Sorry to disapoint, what you interpret as anti-arabic hate, is not exactly first order of the day of South African education.


Aug 9, 2006, 3:43 PM
Post #30 of 87 (2117 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2002
Posts: 17398

Re: Lebanon, the truth!!! [In reply to]
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If the US cuts ties with Israel, they will be surrounded by Islamic nations that want Israel destroyed. Backed into a corner like that, they'd be much more likely to escalate the war and exercise the nuclear option.

Not good.

I'm not so sure of that... the 'not good' part.

If Israel's enemies came to understand the nuke option was a real possibility it would change everything at least at a national level.

Setting aside Israel for a moment, I'm also starting to think we are 180 degrees out of track with Iran on this. Rather than seeking to stop what experts seem to conclude is inevitable, I'm thinking we should embrace it.

If they're going to get it anyway, why not sell em some of our technology? Why not mend fences with a country that is more open to western ideals than any of her neighbors. The enemy of our enemy should be our friend and that is one of the most wicked ironies in this mess... the arabs have an even longer hatred of persians than they do of jews, haha.

And tell her point blank... if any of her weapons are ever used in a terrorist or uinprovoked attack of any kind, the top 25 Iranian cities will cease to exist. Hole in the ground.

And mean it, like we did with the Soviets.

I know its just farting in the wind. Many Americans would be incapable of accepting a path to peace, so intent they are for more war.

We all like to pretend its 'all them.' It isn't. There are 'fundamentalists' of a different nature in this country, just itching to turn this into a regional or wider conflict. They WANT IT to escalate. They keep saying Syria and Iran next, from behind the safety of their big executive desks and pampered bellies.

But they send the poor to do their fighting, as always.



Aug 9, 2006, 3:45 PM
Post #31 of 87 (2117 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2002
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Re: Lebanon, the truth!!! [In reply to]
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If the US cuts ties with Israel, they will be surrounded by Islamic nations that want Israel destroyed. Backed into a corner like that, they'd be much more likely to escalate the war and exercise the nuclear option.

Not good.

I'm not so sure of that... the 'not good' part.

If Israel's enemies came to understand the nuke option was a real possibility it would change everything at least at a national level.

Setting aside Israel for a moment, I'm also starting to think we are 180 degrees out of track with Iran on this. Rather than seeking to stop what experts seem to conclude is inevitable, I'm thinking we should embrace it.

If they're going to get it anyway, why not sell em some of our technology? Why not mend fences with a country that is more open to western ideals than any of her neighbors. The enemy of our enemy should be our friend and that is one of the most wicked ironies in this mess... the arabs have an even longer hatred of persians than they do of jews, haha.

And tell her point blank... if any of her weapons are ever used in a terrorist or uinprovoked attack of any kind, the top 25 Iranian cities will cease to exist. Hole in the ground.

And mean it, like we did with the Soviets.

I know its just farting in the wind. Many Americans would be incapable of accepting a path to peace, so intent they are for more war.

We all like to pretend its 'all them.' It isn't. There are 'fundamentalists' of a different nature in this country, just itching to turn this into a regional or wider conflict. They WANT IT to escalate. They keep saying Syria and Iran next, from behind the safety of their big executive desks and pampered bellies.

But they send the poor to do their fighting, as always.



Aug 9, 2006, 4:23 PM
Post #32 of 87 (2117 views)

Registered: Oct 13, 2003
Posts: 5558

Re: Lebanon, the truth!!! [In reply to]
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They WANT IT to escalate. They keep saying Syria and Iran next, from behind the safety of their big executive desks and pampered bellies.

But they send the poor to do their fighting, as always.




Barbarisms by Barbaras
With pointed heels.
Victorious, victorious, kneel.
For brand new spankin' deals.
Marching forward hypocritic
And hypnotic computers.
You depend on our protection,

Yet you feed us lies from the table cloth.
La la la la la la la la la,
Everybody's going to the party have a real good time.
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine.

Kneeling roses disappearing,
Into Moses' dry mouth,
Breaking into Fort Knox,
Stealing our intentions,
Hangars sitting dripped in oil,

Handed to obsoletion,
Still you feed us lies from the table cloth.
La la la la la la la la la,
Everybody's going to the party have a real good time.
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine.
Everybody's going to the party have a real good time.
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine.

Blast off, its Party time,
And we don't live in a fascist nation,
Blast off , its party time,
And where the fuck are you?
:.. Yeah
Where the fuck are you?
Where the fuck are you?

Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor? [X4]

Kneeling roses disappearing,
Into Moses' dry mouth,
Breaking into Fort Knox,
Stealing our intentions,
Hangars sitting dripped in oil,

Handed to obsoletion,
Still you feed us lies from the tablecloth.
La la la la la la la la la,
Everybody's going to the party have a real good time.
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine.
Everybody's going to the party have a real good time.
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine.

Where the fuck are you!
Where the fuck are you!

Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor? [X3]
Why, do, they always send the poor [X3]
They only send the poor [x2]

[ ]


Aug 9, 2006, 4:34 PM
Post #33 of 87 (2117 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2002
Posts: 17398

Re: Lebanon, the truth!!! [In reply to]
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Love that tune and them boys can ROCK!




Aug 9, 2006, 4:42 PM
Post #34 of 87 (2117 views)

Registered: May 25, 2002
Posts: 365

Re: Lebanon, the truth!!! [In reply to]
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Dingus, thats the most unexpected suggestiong I've ever heard.

I'm loosly quoting a translation of the boss of Iran, talking about a cease fire between Israel and Lebanon. "There should be a cease fire, but only as a secondary goal to the final objective... the destruction of Israel" Finaly some one who speaks his mind. Thats been Irans agenda for a long time and it has made absolutely no effort to hide it. BTW all Western countries are next on its list (still no secret) which is why a Western attemp to arm it with Nuclear weapens seems like suicide on the basis of self preservation. I find that quite hard to understand.

From where I'm sitting as in Israeli, being the first to go, the idea of Iran having a nuclear weapen is not one I'm warming up to, to say the least. Indeed, in Israel the truth is we would never allow it to happen and that is basically common knowledge over here. If it came down to it, Israel would destroy it before the end if they had to, like we had done in Iraq, enen in the face of World Condemnation since we prefer that option to being a hole in the ground under a mushroom could. We haven't done so yet, since, because this is literaly a threat to the whole western world, it is a problem that the world should tackle together, as Perez said. I hope that it will before we our forced to do what is, in my eyes, everyone elses dirty work. As long as israel can prevent it, even if it would mean being followed by an all out war, Iran will not get nuclear weapens, since (as the Iranians have quite opnly said) it would be the end of Israel.


Aug 9, 2006, 5:09 PM
Post #35 of 87 (2117 views)

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From where I'm sitting as in Israeli, being the first to go, the idea of Iran having a nuclear weapen is not one I'm warming up to, to say the least.

I wasn't warm to the idea of you people having them either.



Aug 9, 2006, 5:46 PM
Post #36 of 87 (2117 views)

Registered: May 25, 2002
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Re: Lebanon, the truth!!! [In reply to]
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Perhaps not, though I would love to hear your logic.

However, so long as Israel does not include in its agenda the complete Anhialation of one country or another, the two can't even be discussed together


Aug 9, 2006, 5:55 PM
Post #37 of 87 (2117 views)

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the two can't even be discussed together

Then war is the only alternative. You said so yourself.



Aug 9, 2006, 6:27 PM
Post #38 of 87 (2117 views)

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Perhaps you're right. It may probably be inevitible


Aug 9, 2006, 7:23 PM
Post #39 of 87 (2117 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
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Just a little food for thought: There are Biblical prophesies that imply a "world army" (read:UN) arrayed against Israel in the "end".

That being said, what we are witnessing today is merely the groundwork being layed for such a scenario.


Aug 9, 2006, 7:40 PM
Post #40 of 87 (2117 views)

Registered: Sep 7, 2004
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Re: Lebanon, the truth!!! [In reply to]
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not really. governments are not accountable for actions of criminal groups on their territory. if lebanese army attacked israel, im sure the reactions of internationaly community would be much different.

no. governments are accountable for the actions of thier citizens, criminal or not. this is no new idea the fact that lebannon showed and inabilty to riegn in hezbollah is a primary reason for the invasion. it also constitutes just cause under any just war theory.
same principle in climbing access, if a collection of individuals, be they a nation-state or a group of climbers fail to self-regulate to an extant that they damage the interest of other, the said group should expect to have regualtion forced on them by anyone with the force to do so.
also this sovereign state stuff is getting old, nice PC crap aside, soveriegnty is not granted by polticians, it's bought and proved in blood always has been and always will be, until lebannon can police their people and defend their borders, they are less than sovereign.

The 'International Community' just wants appeasment, just like the 1930s. last time that happend 6 million jews died. and sorry to be blunt but last time that happend it took a lot of dead american boys to clean up the mess made by "the international (european) community". Appeasment never works. Europe saw the riots caused by muslims in france last year, and it scared them, and they think appeasment will work. it's a shame they are willing to appease a genocidle madman for the second time in a century. but again it's no suprise that the contiant that watched the holocaust and by and large did nothing, would stand by and let the arabs finish the job.


Aug 9, 2006, 10:25 PM
Post #41 of 87 (2117 views)

Registered: Jul 2, 2004
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However, so long as Israel does not include in its agenda the complete Anhialation of one country or another, the two can't even be discussed together

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If it came down to it, Israel would destroy it before the end if they had to...



Aug 9, 2006, 10:50 PM
Post #42 of 87 (2117 views)

Registered: Jan 27, 2005
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Re: Lebanon, the truth!!! [In reply to]
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If the middle east is completely destroyed in a burning mass of nuclear destruction, will the oil still be good? I'm not sure what radioactive gasoline will do to the warranty on my car.


Aug 9, 2006, 10:55 PM
Post #43 of 87 (2117 views)

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If the middle east is completely destroyed in a burning mass of nuclear destruction, will the oil still be good? I'm not sure what radioactive gasoline will do to the warranty on my car.

No problem there - it's all buried well out of danger. It might cost a little more, though - radiation suits are expensive...


Aug 9, 2006, 11:11 PM
Post #44 of 87 (2117 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
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Some more food for thought: There is a Biblical scenario that readily implies NBC protocols. If your interested, I'd be happy to find it.


Aug 9, 2006, 11:26 PM
Post #45 of 87 (2117 views)

Registered: Oct 13, 2003
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Some more food for thought: There is a Biblical scenario that readily implies NBC protocols. If your interested, I'd be happy to find it.

You've been playing with mescalin again hm?


Aug 9, 2006, 11:37 PM
Post #46 of 87 (2117 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
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...serious as a heart attack.

BTW, I haven't done any mesc since the early 80's :wink:


Aug 10, 2006, 8:17 AM
Post #47 of 87 (2117 views)

Registered: Mar 25, 2002
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Re: Lebanon, the truth!!! [In reply to]
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Well hello again.

Ok. Firstly I would like to appologize to you for my earlier comment.
Points you should consider. Noy only The Hizbollah members of government, but other members as well are openly in favour...including on television... of hezbollahs activities. So you really need not doubt... they go on record for you.
(After offering to put Lebanese army in South the lebanese prime minister was asked if this means the hizbollah would not be allowed there, he said no. Two weeks ago on TV he even congratulated Hasan Nasrallah)

You are right, it may have been wiser to use the bombardment prior to the kidnapping as the official excuse, rather than the kidnapping itself. It would make more sense in the eyes of the world. As a nation however, the kidnapping hurts us far far worse than the rockets do.

In your opinion, is a civilian building used to house rockets being fired into Israel, in some cases the rockets being fired themselves from the underground parking of that building ( caught on tape and even aired on CNN) still a civilian building?

I would like an expert, cause I am certainly not, to tell me whether if the allied forces acted with the strategic 'morals' you propose if WWII would have been won. Anyone?

As far as the pilots go. Yes you can see the target from the air incredibly clearly. And if you then assume that the pilots 'go blind' temporarily then you are implying that the people of israel themselves are themselves all murderers, and even disobey orders in order to be so. Furthermore, missions have actually been aborted for this reason, and many of them. If you would prefer to believe I'm lying then so be it. But if you believe I am a lier then why would we discuss this?

I dont know if Hamas actually did it. All I know is that they took responsibility for it and are making the demands.

Aggresors. LOL

I'm not sure what American media reports of the terretories. But I'm curious to know how since you are also in America, What is your point of reference to say that they are not reporting acurately?

I have been taught to think that way? I was born and bread in South Africa, left at the age of 18. Sorry to disapoint, what you interpret as anti-arabic hate, is not exactly first order of the day of South African education.

well, lebanese government know that trying to displace hezbollah in the south right now would probably result in some serious trouble for them. and offcourse the government is supporting hezbollah right now. theyre the only ones that are able to fight israel (if lebanese army got involved, the outcome would be really ugly).

yes, i know that as a nation the kindapings hurt you more than rockets (kidanping jews is kinda a historical constant), but most actors in the international community dont see it that way.

a civilian building used for a military purpose is no longer civilian. but dont tell me that all the buildings destroyed were used for such purposes. its the same with civilans. once they point a gun at you, theyre no longer civilians.

i dont know what wouldve happened if they didnt bombard the cities. but i do know that the result was not what they expected (demoralizing the civilian populace). i believe even one of the commander said that the bombs wouldve been better used for bombarding the factories. it was the same with germans when they bombarded UK and other countries. if you bombard civilian populace (or even put undue pressure upon them), the history has showed us, you do not weaken their resolve, you strenghten it.

i can give you two more examples of this. one would also be from ww2. when germany&co occupied yugoslavia there really werent that many ppl willing to resist them actively. most didnt like them, and some even openly supported them (mostly croats, but sadly some slovenians, serbs and others too), but not many were willing to do something about it. then they started to ship ppl off to camps and kill 'hostages' and the shit hit the fan. instead of demoralizing the populace they managed to cause the majority to turn against them and at least in some way act to end their occupation.

the second would be the occupation of palestinian territories. im guessing (i dont know for sure, nor do i have the time to look it up right now) that the terrorist attacks didnt start until after the occupation. and the pressure put on the poppulace only strenghtened their resolve to the point where some ppl are willing to kill themselves just to hurt israel.

ill not dispute the pilots further, ill take your word for it. but if they do have such orders, are able to and do follow them, why are there so many civilian casualties?

well, maybe agressors is a bit strong word. but its clearly not 'self defence'.

why do you think im from US?? well im not. and i have access to more than one news source (as do the US citizens, but most dont bother) and use them. and US media usually covers up (doesnt report) the sides of stories they dont like. like the fact that israeli soldier 'defending' themselves from stone(and molotov)-throwers on the occupied territories are actually a part of the occupying army and are trying to subdue the occupied poppulace. see this link for a nice documentary on the matter.

it doesnt matter where you were raised, but how. i have also read an interview with a jew that was not raised in israel and is a raging anti-arab. and one sided reporting from the US media has had similar effects for quite a big % of US populace.

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not really. governments are not accountable for actions of criminal groups on their territory. if lebanese army attacked israel, im sure the reactions of internationaly community would be much different.

no. governments are accountable for the actions of thier citizens, criminal or not. this is no new idea the fact that lebannon showed and inabilty to riegn in hezbollah is a primary reason for the invasion. it also constitutes just cause under any just war theory.
same principle in climbing access, if a collection of individuals, be they a nation-state or a group of climbers fail to self-regulate to an extant that they damage the interest of other, the said group should expect to have regualtion forced on them by anyone with the force to do so.
also this sovereign state stuff is getting old, nice PC crap aside, soveriegnty is not granted by polticians, it's bought and proved in blood always has been and always will be, until lebannon can police their people and defend their borders, they are less than sovereign.

The 'International Community' just wants appeasment, just like the 1930s. last time that happend 6 million jews died. and sorry to be blunt but last time that happend it took a lot of dead american boys to clean up the mess made by "the international (european) community". Appeasment never works. Europe saw the riots caused by muslims in france last year, and it scared them, and they think appeasment will work. it's a shame they are willing to appease a genocidle madman for the second time in a century. but again it's no suprise that the contiant that watched the holocaust and by and large did nothing, would stand by and let the arabs finish the job.

the problem is that lebanon was not really sovereign, like you pointed out. one part of sovereignty is the monopol on the use of armed force. and in lebanon there are two groups who can use armed force, namely hezbollah and the government. that would be the reason they were unable to kick them out. and the blame for can be place on syria/iran for supporting hezbollah. but lebanon was able to kick syria out and im sure they wouldve done the same with hezbollah. no government wants a challeger to their monopoly on armed force.

but a government is NOT responsible for the actions of its citizens, unless they are under orders from it. if they were, any criminal act could be a reason for war; try blaming turkey for the attack on the pope (also a terrorist act, but nobody said turkey was responsible for it), blaming italy/russia for the acts of their crime sydicates etc.

in 1930 hitlers agressive campaing was not yet evident and offcourse other countries didnt want to start a war. who would? if they did, im pretty sure they wouldve taken him out of the picture (no need to start a war then, just eliminate him). but they didnt know.

who is the genocidal madman youre talking about?


Aug 10, 2006, 1:39 PM
Post #48 of 87 (2117 views)

Registered: May 25, 2002
Posts: 365

Re: Lebanon, the truth!!! [In reply to]
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It seems absurd to say that the lebanese government is in favour of Hezbollah being the only ones fending off Israel, since if it weren't for Hizbollah Israel would not now be attacking, and there would be no one to fend off, since Israel's agenda is against the hezbollah itself. Being in favour of the group protecting the country from the nation from whom they, that group, invoked an attack. A bit of circular logic no?

You are right, most of the international comunity doesn't see it that we. (kidnapping being worse than bombing). We must be forthright to our own comunity first of all.

As for targeted buildings. They are all chosen after literaly hours of intelligense gathering by teams of people, sometimes involving incriminating footage or grey work on the ground in lebanon. They are all iether buildings from which rockets were fired, buildings in which rockets are kept, buildings which house Hizbollah or Hizbollah activities. Though I am sure mistakes are sometimes made, after the amount of effort put in to sellect each target they are rare.

Just for sake of example. After the Khanah "masacre" where 28 people were killed (reported on CNN as 60, until the truth was made clear and they stopped reporting on it, and which the UN severely and imidiately condemned before they even knew what went on there) the international comunity demanded proof of how we selected that target. And in a press conference the head of the airforce gave proof, that over 150 Ketusha rockets were fired FROM THE PARTICULAR HOUSE. That press conference was never aired (to the best of my knowledge) on CNN and the incident is still refered to as a masacre of inocents regardless.
As with every other army in the world, Israel will not expose the intellegence behind every target it selects. Occasionaly, rarely, they do... in which case on Israeli news you will hear of the exact names of the people that were in the building, including the specifics of what activities were going on there (I'm not just refering to rockets) and still on CNN all you will here is that israel blew up a building in a village or in a civilian area, and I know exactly what that sounds like.
If you don't believe we have any value for human life, at least believe that we would not use bombs that cost Israel sometimes over a million dollars for a single one, to destroy buildings at random.

I hear what you are saying about streanthening resolve. The pointless bombing of civilian populations serves no purpose... on the contrary. And though there may have been a time in the world when such tactics would have been effective, in todays world it couldn't work.

If by occupation you mean the existance of a jewish state, you would be right. Israel has had terrorist attacks since the declaration of Independance in 1948, when we were at our very first borders declared by the UN. In fact the terrorist attacks were terrible even before the war of independance. In truth jews in Israel were subject to terrorist attacks in before Israel became a state, only then it wasn't called Israel. Basically the fact that we are here has always been viewed as an occupation so there has always been an excuse. So that example you gave is wrong, though as to the previous one I will take your word for it.

Why are there so many civilian casualties? Don't misunderstand what I say now to mean that there are no civilian casualties. There are. But when a building is bombed, and journalists arrive and all the people tell them that there are no terrorists here, only innocent people (which of course they would say when you consider that Hizbollah areas are pro-Hizbollah in their ENTIRETY, and will not say "we are terrorists and Israel is right to targer us") and the israeli army will not divulge the source of its intellegence then the media will report what it knows. And that is that a building was hit and that the people around the building attest to the innocence of its occupants. End of story.
I heard one Lebanese say that there are more children killed than actual Hizbollah combatants and he needs no proof for a sentence like that to be effective. I will put money on it that the future will show that that is a complete conconction, the same way that during the 'Jenin massacre' reported by the entire world when after having more than 1 suicide bomber a day, israel went in to a terrorist hub in Jenin. While it was going on the Arabs were claiming that a Massacre was going with hundreds of civilians murdered, and such was reported accross the world and as now, the UN automaticaly condemned Israel's massacre before the facts were known. After the 'massacre' where hundreds of civilians were claimed to have been murdered, the UN sent an investigative team to attest. There findings were that (I may be off by one or 2) about 48 people were killed, almost all of whom, down to a man, were armed fighters.

Not self deffense? I disagree. The best deffence is offence. The Romans who managed to stay the mainpower of the world in every respect, not just militarily but culturaly etc as well, had a saying, if you want to live in peace, prepare for war. The only reason russions didn't nuke Amerca was for fear of its own losses, and you know that true.
No country, in response to being showered with rockets, will react by building stronger rooves.

I dont know why I assumed you were American. Where are you from?

A Government is responsible for enforcing the rule of its law among its constituents. If it can't it still had to try. If it is too scared to try then it is not the government, it is not the ruler of its land, and Hezbollah is, and in iether scenario, Israel is justified.


Aug 10, 2006, 3:31 PM
Post #49 of 87 (2117 views)

Registered: Mar 25, 2002
Posts: 14120

Re: Lebanon, the truth!!! [In reply to]
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by occupation i mean the occupation of gaza strip and west bank.

i didnt know that rockets were fired from that house. care to cite a source? and please, an independent one. israeli army has a histrory of mistaking things for something theyre not.

im pretty dubious that all that 'intelligence' is actually gathered and is not just propaganda.

the roman empire crubmbled quite miserably in the end. as did the soviet union (who was also pretty much on the offence). and prepare for war and fight a war is not the same thing (not to mention that you cant really root out terrorism with military force).

it says where im from under my username. celje (town), slovenia (coutry, part of the former yugoslavia, east of italy and south of austria).

i agree that the government should try to enforce the rule of the law, but failing to do so is not a reason for attacking it. imho it wouldve been more creative if israel offered some 'help' with getting rid of hezbollah, offcourse in such a way that they couldnt refuse :wink:


Aug 10, 2006, 3:38 PM
Post #50 of 87 (2117 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 7947

Re: Lebanon, the truth!!! [In reply to]
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the roman empire crubmbled quite miserably in the end. as did the soviet union (who was also pretty much on the offence).
The revived Roman Empire (read: EEU), however, is alive and well! Also, don't discount Russia...never discount Russia. Their role in this mess is far from over.

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