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Holocaust survivor killed in Virginia shootings saved students by blocking door
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Apr 18, 2007, 3:19 AM
Post #1 of 27 (1337 views)

Registered: Oct 3, 2004
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Holocaust survivor killed in Virginia shootings saved students by blocking door
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Partner rrrADAM

Apr 18, 2007, 7:28 AM
Post #2 of 27 (1312 views)

Registered: Dec 19, 1999
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Re: [cosmin] Holocaust survivor killed in Virginia shootings saved students by blocking door [In reply to]
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I heard that on the news. Unsure

The character of people from that era is profound...

Most of our grandparents, and all of our greatgrandparents are from that era, and are just as profound.

I can only hope I develope the depth of character of my grandparents.


Apr 18, 2007, 7:46 AM
Post #3 of 27 (1306 views)

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Re: [cosmin] Holocaust survivor killed in Virginia shootings saved students by blocking door [In reply to]
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THat's a tragic destiny.


Apr 18, 2007, 7:48 AM
Post #4 of 27 (1304 views)

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Re: [rrrADAM] Holocaust survivor killed in Virginia shootings saved students by blocking door [In reply to]
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wow, kudos to him.

about character of ww2 survivors... it is said that pressure makes diamonds and i just cant imagine any more pressure than a concentration camp.

Partner rrrADAM

Apr 18, 2007, 8:21 AM
Post #5 of 27 (1299 views)

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Re: [overlord] Holocaust survivor killed in Virginia shootings saved students by blocking door [In reply to]
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Its almost all people of the era and before, not just in association with the war...

People in the 40's and before generally had much more character than we do today, despite how deep we think we are.

(This post was edited by rrrADAM on Apr 18, 2007, 8:23 AM)


Apr 18, 2007, 11:02 AM
Post #6 of 27 (1282 views)

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Re: [rrrADAM] Holocaust survivor killed in Virginia shootings saved students by blocking door [In reply to]
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Like Petain??? People from the 40s are like people from today : depending on their education, wealth, social background, they are courageous or coward.

Partner macherry

Apr 18, 2007, 1:28 PM
Post #7 of 27 (1266 views)

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Re: [thomasribiere] Holocaust survivor killed in Virginia shootings saved students by blocking door [In reply to]
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thomasribiere wrote:
Like Petain??? People from the 40s are like people from today : depending on their education, wealth, social background, they are courageous or coward.


i agree with adam, people like my folks, my grand parents suffered through way more adversity than most of us today.

Partner wideguy

Apr 18, 2007, 1:45 PM
Post #8 of 27 (1258 views)

Registered: Jan 9, 2003
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Re: [macherry] Holocaust survivor killed in Virginia shootings saved students by blocking door [In reply to]
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macherry wrote:
thomasribiere wrote:
Like Petain??? People from the 40s are like people from today : depending on their education, wealth, social background, they are courageous or coward.


i agree with adam, people like my folks, my grand parents suffered through way more adversity than most of us today.

I'd wager that most anyone here with a computer and online access and the luxury to post on a website about nothing more significant than a hobby haven't seen close to the kind of adversity our grandparents did. And those few who have, and have come through it, always seem quick to acknowledge how good they have it now.

Edit: As for the original point, it is indeed sad that this man was killed as he was. But at the same time it is inspiring that one man would take that sort of stand. I hope I would have the same courage.

(This post was edited by wideguy on Apr 18, 2007, 1:50 PM)


Apr 18, 2007, 1:47 PM
Post #9 of 27 (1253 views)

Registered: Oct 30, 2001
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Re: [wideguy] Holocaust survivor killed in Virginia shootings saved students by blocking door [In reply to]
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wideguy wrote:
I'd wager that most anyone here with a computer and online access and the luxury to post on a website about nothing more significant than a hobby haven't seen close to the kind of adversity our grandparents did. And those few who have, and have come through it, always seem quick to acknowledge how good they have it now.

Agreed. And those who haven't faced any such adversity are quick to point out how terrible things are today.

Partner tattooed_climber

Apr 18, 2007, 1:56 PM
Post #10 of 27 (1250 views)

Registered: Dec 13, 2003
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Re: [macherry] Holocaust survivor killed in Virginia shootings saved students by blocking door [In reply to]
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macherry wrote:
thomasribiere wrote:
Like Petain??? People from the 40s are like people from today : depending on their education, wealth, social background, they are courageous or coward.


i agree with adam, people like my folks, my grand parents suffered through way more adversity than most of us today.

totally disagree with ya marge....

i know people from my era (born in the 80s)....who been through "adversity"

i had 2 friends that survived and escaped the genocide in bosnia boss, his wife and a 1 year old son jumped the soviet border....i have/had 12 friends in afghanistan/been to.......ya....ww2 was the shits, but you find "strong characters" where ever you look

Partner macherry

Apr 18, 2007, 2:01 PM
Post #11 of 27 (1247 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2003
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Re: [tattooed_climber] Holocaust survivor killed in Virginia shootings saved students by blocking door [In reply to]
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point taken taddie


Apr 18, 2007, 2:42 PM
Post #12 of 27 (1230 views)

Registered: Feb 23, 2004
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Re: [macherry] Holocaust survivor killed in Virginia shootings saved students by blocking door [In reply to]
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A few more people like this guy and the body count would have been much lower. The first thing too strike me (after the OhhmyGodOhhmyGodOhhhmyGod) was how a single shooter with a 9mm semi-auto could rack such a body count without being swarmed...

I'll go halfway between Adam and Tat on this. Although I agree with Tat that you can find strong characters in every generation and in every walk of life, our Grandparent's generation went through "adversity" as a generation, not just specific individuals, which means that the "character" is a lot more common in those who lived WWII than now.

Exceptions apply to both generations though.



Apr 18, 2007, 2:58 PM
Post #13 of 27 (1225 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2006
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Re: [fenix83] Holocaust survivor killed in Virginia shootings saved students by blocking door [In reply to]
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I too think that this kind of "character" is more common in people of the older generation, and I do think it has something to do with living through adversity.

But consider, too, that the things we teach kids today are so different in many ways that the attitudes of the past.

Examples? Kids in my son's class have been told repeatedly, by warious teacher,s guidance councelors, etc, etc.:"If you see bullying taking place-- GO TELL AN ADULT." If someone is bothering you and you tell them to stop but they keep doing it, GO TELL AN ADULT. DON'T hit someone even if they hit you first-- GO TELL AN ADULT.

And it isn't just the kids-- the message is the same for adults, too. If you see anything untoward taking place? Go to autorities. Call 911. Call police. But never step into a brawl. You could get hurt or worse. Stay safe. If you hear gunshots-- duck and stay away from the windows. Etc. etc.

Reasonable safe advice, you know... But is it any wonder that after life-long indoctrination like that, when a situation like the VT arises, everyone just goes for the "safe" rather than heroic?

Partner wideguy

Apr 18, 2007, 2:59 PM
Post #14 of 27 (1225 views)

Registered: Jan 9, 2003
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Re: [fenix83] Holocaust survivor killed in Virginia shootings saved students by blocking door [In reply to]
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fenix83 wrote:
A few more people like this guy and the body count would have been much lower. The first thing too strike me (after the OhhmyGodOhhmyGodOhhhmyGod) was how a single shooter with a 9mm semi-auto could rack such a body count without being swarmed...

yeah, some of the reports are saying he was just a stone cold killer and that he targeted those physically closest first and that he changed clips with the speed of a pro. A couple survivors have talked about how "professional" he seemed. One kids described it as being like some movie assassin. And he had two guns to switch between.

I think that, as much as we'd all like to think differently, that faced with the same challenge many of us, if not most, would choose hiding or flight over confrontation. Hoping that maybe he'd run out of bullets or that he was just after someone in particular and that your best chance would be in staying low.

Hopefully the rest of us never find out how we'd react.

(This post was edited by wideguy on Apr 18, 2007, 3:00 PM)


Apr 18, 2007, 3:16 PM
Post #15 of 27 (1218 views)

Registered: Feb 23, 2004
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Re: [wideguy] Holocaust survivor killed in Virginia shootings saved students by blocking door [In reply to]
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lena_chita wrote:
Examples? Kids in my son's class have been told repeatedly, by warious teacher,s guidance councelors, etc, etc.:"If you see bullying taking place-- GO TELL AN ADULT." If someone is bothering you and you tell them to stop but they keep doing it, GO TELL AN ADULT. DON'T hit someone even if they hit you first-- GO TELL AN ADULT.

My kid brothers and sisters have been told to disregard this sort of blatant stupidity and they have. Making kids into sheep should be considered negligence at least, reckless endangerment at worst...

lena_chita wrote:
And it isn't just the kids-- the message is the same for adults, too. If you see anything untoward taking place? Go to autorities. Call 911. Call police. But never step into a brawl. You could get hurt or worse. Stay safe. If you hear gunshots-- duck and stay away from the windows. Etc. etc.

I agree, very few people do even as much as calling the police, and this is a problem as well. It becomes an even bigger problem when resistance becomes your only path towards safety.

wideguy wrote:
fenix83 wrote:
A few more people like this guy and the body count would have been much lower. The first thing too strike me (after the OhhmyGodOhhmyGodOhhhmyGod) was how a single shooter with a 9mm semi-auto could rack such a body count without being swarmed...

yeah, some of the reports are saying he was just a stone cold killer and that he targeted those physically closest first and that he changed clips with the speed of a pro. A couple survivors have talked about how "professional" he seemed. One kids described it as being like some movie assassin. And he had two guns to switch between.

I don't care how good/fast he was (and I doubt he was all that), he does not have eyes int the back of his head and he had a limited number of bullets in his clips (remember his secondary gun was a .22). He could have been taken down by half a dozen people who choose to go down fighting.

wideguy wrote:
I think that, as much as we'd all like to think differently, that faced with the same challenge many of us, if not most, would choose hiding or flight over confrontation. Hoping that maybe he'd run out of bullets or that he was just after someone in particular and that your best chance would be in staying low.

I don't view this as heroic vs "cowardly", I simply view it as effective vs innefective. Barricading doors should have been an immediate response when shots were heard. Once the guy managed to breach the door everyone in the room should have been running at him with pencils, pens, staplers scissors and desks. Not because they all wanted to be heroes, but because this was their only realistic hope of self preservation.

wideguy wrote:
Hopefully the rest of us never find out how we'd react.


I'll quote a blog I quoted elswhere, the only blog I read, The LawDog Files

In reply to:
Monday, April 16, 2007
Virginia Tech Shooting

Oh, Christ, here we go again.

Some maladjusted little bugsnipe gets his mental panties into a bunch and goes flat boiling nutters with a gun in one of the few places where he knows someone isn't going to put him down like a rabid dog during his first magazine.

And -- as usual -- the Mainstream Media is bleating about needing more Gun Control.

Gun Control is a failure. You simply can not expect those who would do murder -- those who would violate the highest law -- you can not expect them to obey a lesser law.

And you can not turn a failure into a success by doubling the failure.

None-the-less, I will be greatly surprised if the Mainstream Media and the political lapdogs don't try to use this tragedy to further their gun control agenda.

You want to be really disgusted? I mean, the down deep nausea kind of disgusted?

The State Government of Virginia had a bill before it which would have allowed college students to exercise their Second Amendment rights on campus earlier this year.

The bill didn't even make it out of committee.

When the bill died, the spokesman for Virginia Tech -- where some college kids really needed to be able to shoot back this morning -- Virgina Tech spokescritter Larry Hincker stated:

"I'm sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly's actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus."

He was happy to hear of the defeat of the bill which would have allowed college kids to carry weapons for self-defence on his college campus.

Happy now, you sodding dacoit? Go tell the dead that they're really safe because the Virginia State Government refuses to allow them to carry for self-defence on campus, you ate-up catamite with delusions of adequacy.

And despite all of that -- despite the senseless death and the smug arrogance that allowed the death to happen -- there is news that sickens me to the very core.

There are reports -- granted unconfirmed at this time -- that several students were forced to line up, kneeling, and executed from behind.

I pray to the old gods -- the gods of war and blood and thunder -- that this is not the case.

I pray that some students went down fighting.

Because as bad as this is -- and this is a horror -- as bad as this is, if fifty some-odd people were injured and killed by one person whilst on their knees begging like so many Eloi, like a herd of sheep -- if no one stood up and fought back, then this is becomes an example of evil.

Not the evil that allows a man to kill other men -- although that is here in abundance. No, I am speaking of the putrescent evil which convinces good men not to fight back; the sordid filth of the soul which allows one bad man to prevail against fifty -- or 25,000 -- good men because good men have been systematically denied the mindset required to meet with, engage and defeat evil -- even if all you have is fingernails and rage.

One man. On a campus of 25,000 people. 25,000 people surrounded by fire extinguishers, book bags, pencils, pens, drafting compasses, chairs, broom handles, power strips, ceramics, chains and everything heavy and/or sharp.

One man managed to gun down fifty people -- or more -- without being stabbed and bludgeoned to death where he stood by the other 24,950 people.

I weep for the dead. I weep for the families who lost their treasured children today.

I weep even more for a land which not only denies the tools required for self-defence, but also denies the very mindset required for self-defence.


(This post was edited by fenix83 on Apr 18, 2007, 3:17 PM)


Apr 18, 2007, 3:31 PM
Post #16 of 27 (1209 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2006
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Re: [fenix83] Holocaust survivor killed in Virginia shootings saved students by blocking door [In reply to]
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fenix83 wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
Examples? Kids in my son's class have been told repeatedly, by warious teacher,s guidance councelors, etc, etc.:"If you see bullying taking place-- GO TELL AN ADULT." If someone is bothering you and you tell them to stop but they keep doing it, GO TELL AN ADULT. DON'T hit someone even if they hit you first-- GO TELL AN ADULT.

My kid brothers and sisters have been told to disregard this sort of blatant stupidity and they have. Making kids into sheep should be considered negligence at least, reckless endangerment at worst...

I hear you. I grew up with firm belief that you shouldn't start a fight, but if someone is hitting you or your friends, you hit them and don't hold back. Never had a problem with bullying, despite being the youngest and smallest kid in the class.

But I'm telling you, the "don't ever EVER strike back" message is ever-present now, especially for boys... It seems that when it comes to adults the self-defence argument still stands, but when it comes to kids-- nope. Go to the teacher.


Apr 18, 2007, 3:37 PM
Post #17 of 27 (1206 views)

Registered: Apr 10, 2006
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Re: [lena_chita] Holocaust survivor killed in Virginia shootings saved students by blocking door [In reply to]
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lena_chita wrote:
fenix83 wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
Examples? Kids in my son's class have been told repeatedly, by warious teacher,s guidance councelors, etc, etc.:"If you see bullying taking place-- GO TELL AN ADULT." If someone is bothering you and you tell them to stop but they keep doing it, GO TELL AN ADULT. DON'T hit someone even if they hit you first-- GO TELL AN ADULT.

My kid brothers and sisters have been told to disregard this sort of blatant stupidity and they have. Making kids into sheep should be considered negligence at least, reckless endangerment at worst...

I hear you. I grew up with firm belief that you shouldn't start a fight, but if someone is hitting you or your friends, you hit them and don't hold back. Never had a problem with bullying, despite being the youngest and smallest kid in the class.

But I'm telling you, the "don't ever EVER strike back" message is ever-present now, especially for boys... It seems that when it comes to adults the self-defence argument still stands, but when it comes to kids-- nope. Go to the teacher.

When I have kids, I have the feeling I will be what's fast becoming an "old fashioned" parent. It is ok to fight back, and if you get sent to the principals office for fighting back, I will support you. But if you started the fight for some dumbass reason, prepare to get a second whooping once we get home Wink

Partner wideguy

Apr 18, 2007, 4:02 PM
Post #18 of 27 (1200 views)

Registered: Jan 9, 2003
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Re: [carabiner96] Holocaust survivor killed in Virginia shootings saved students by blocking door [In reply to]
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carabiner96 wrote:

When I have kids, I have the feeling I will be what's fast becoming an "old fashioned" parent. It is ok to fight back, and if you get sent to the principals office for fighting back, I will support you. But if you started the fight for some dumbass reason, prepare to get a second whooping once we get home Wink

Good for you. Just be prepared to walk the walk. My wife got called to the principal after school because my son had hit another boy. The other boy had repeatedly tried to pull my son's pants off at recess. My son had told him to stop, then simply pushed him away, then pushed him to the ground and then finally punched him in the mouth. My son and wife got to discuss the "incident," the other kid's mother got an apology from the school.

(This post was edited by wideguy on Apr 18, 2007, 4:02 PM)


Apr 18, 2007, 4:20 PM
Post #19 of 27 (1185 views)

Registered: Oct 9, 2003
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Re: [carabiner96] Holocaust survivor killed in Virginia shootings saved students by blocking door [In reply to]
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carabiner96 wrote:
When I have kids, I have the feeling I will be what's fast becoming an "old fashioned" parent. It is ok to fight back, and if you get sent to the principals office for fighting back, I will support you. But if you started the fight for some dumbass reason, prepare to get a second whooping once we get home Wink

I grew up being told not to start it, but that there were lines and to wait untill the lines were crossed before getting into it. Then again it was my Mom that taught me and my brother to punch properly... and she did phone the principle to warn him that we had been given parental permission to beat up the school bully should he start things. And start things he did Sly hehehe...

I think the problem now is that people in general, not just kids, don't know when to stop. And that causes Major problems.

But, kids shouldn't be turned into sheep and brainwashed into "I have to tell an Adult", cause if you remember your childhood.... There wasn't always an adult around!

(This post was edited by the_climber on Apr 18, 2007, 4:20 PM)


Apr 18, 2007, 4:32 PM
Post #20 of 27 (1179 views)

Registered: Mar 11, 2007
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Re: [macherry] Holocaust survivor killed in Virginia shootings saved students by blocking door [In reply to]
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macherry wrote:
thomasribiere wrote:
Like Petain??? People from the 40s are like people from today : depending on their education, wealth, social background, they are courageous or coward.


i agree with adam, people like my folks, my grand parents suffered through way more adversity than most of us today.

Today's youth endures a different kind of adversity, or so I believe. We don't have great trials and tribulations such as war and vast economic depression to try our characters. Instead, I suspect many americans lack a sense of purpose in life and this weighs heavily on many.

Palahniuk once wrote, "We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our war is a spiritual war. Our great depression is our lives."

Cliche? Probably. But there is truth in it.

Not that arguing this point is the topic of this thread.

When I heard about the man dying it brought a tear to my eye more so than the stories of most of the other victims.


Apr 18, 2007, 6:21 PM
Post #21 of 27 (1165 views)

Registered: Feb 23, 2004
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Re: [wideguy] Holocaust survivor killed in Virginia shootings saved students by blocking door [In reply to]
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wideguy wrote:
carabiner96 wrote:

When I have kids, I have the feeling I will be what's fast becoming an "old fashioned" parent. It is ok to fight back, and if you get sent to the principals office for fighting back, I will support you. But if you started the fight for some dumbass reason, prepare to get a second whooping once we get home Wink

Good for you. Just be prepared to walk the walk. My wife got called to the principal after school because my son had hit another boy. The other boy had repeatedly tried to pull my son's pants off at recess. My son had told him to stop, then simply pushed him away, then pushed him to the ground and then finally punched him in the mouth. My son and wife got to discuss the "incident," the other kid's mother got an apology from the school.

I think standing in for my largely absent father hasa thrust me into many of these situations which I will continue to impress on my kids. I have had to deal with fallout from teachers, principals and/or parents where angry/worried that their kids got beat up for pushing my kid brother/sister around.

My kids (bor/sis) know when it is/isn't acceptable to fight (and it doesn't mean they have to be hit first, basic self-defense principles apply), they know how to fight effectively and they know that the rest of the family will back them up all the way (they have seen/lived it). They also know that the consequences of becoming a bully/instigator will be of biblical proportions.

I'll give you another example:

My mother's school was demolished during an earthquake (thankfully it was a holiday so no one was there). One of the lessons learned was that doors tend to jam closed in a big quake (frame gets deformed, floor rises) and that the "Get under a desk until it passes, then head to the safety zone" doctrine is not only useless, but will cause massive casualties if implemented in a real quake. This was the official school policy and my mother told us, and the administration that it was unacceptable.

Me and my brother (2nd in line) were given clear, concise instructions. In case of a quake you go get the other two (I went for my sis, he went for my little bro) and get them to the football field. Do not wait, do not hesitate and do not let anyone deter you.

I quickly pointed put that my teachers wouldn't let me out of class, and even if they did, the kids teachers wouldn't let us take them out of theirs.

Her simple answer "Deck them if you have to, I'd rather have you expelled than crushed".

Our teachers and the administration were advised of this and we kept a copy of our "charges" schedule with us at all times when in school.

Behaviors which would have gotten me killed by my mom under regular circumstances was not only acceptable, but expected when my safety and that of my family is involved.

If you raise sheep you will have to live with their slaughter.



Apr 18, 2007, 9:27 PM
Post #22 of 27 (1138 views)

Registered: Jul 27, 2002
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Re: [lena_chita] Holocaust survivor killed in Virginia shootings saved students by blocking door [In reply to]
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I hear you - at my high school anything more than a shoving match and the teachers phoned the cops. If it was a real deal fist fight, then kids would spend a day in jail, get suspended at least, often expelled, for even a first time offense.

Sometimes people need to have their ass kicked. Sometimes a couple of guys need to just fight it out - often they'll become best friends afterwards - they don't let you do that today.

But, people do seem to take it to far a lot of the time - the person on the losing end coming back with pals or weapons, so I can kind of see it. It sux though, what ever happened to the good old fashioned fist fight you hear about in Johnny Cash songs???



Apr 18, 2007, 9:46 PM
Post #23 of 27 (1131 views)

Registered: May 3, 2005
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Re: [crankingclimber] Holocaust survivor killed in Virginia shootings saved students by blocking door [In reply to]
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To think that he survived all that horror of the Natzi death camp only to years later be shot by a deranged punk that got the wrong idea in life. That's rather sad. of course protecting the lives of his students, and ultimately dieing for the further of their lives and education is most likely the highest way to die in my book. My respects in the highest measure to this man.


Apr 18, 2007, 10:15 PM
Post #24 of 27 (1124 views)

Registered: Feb 23, 2004
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Re: [crankingclimber] Holocaust survivor killed in Virginia shootings saved students by blocking door [In reply to]
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crankingclimber wrote:
I hear you - at my high school anything more than a shoving match and the teachers phoned the cops. If it was a real deal fist fight, then kids would spend a day in jail, get suspended at least, often expelled, for even a first time offense.

Sometimes people need to have their ass kicked. Sometimes a couple of guys need to just fight it out - often they'll become best friends afterwards - they don't let you do that today.

But, people do seem to take it to far a lot of the time - the person on the losing end coming back with pals or weapons, so I can kind of see it. It sux though, what ever happened to the good old fashioned fist fight you hear about in Johnny Cash songs???


I would argue that there is probably a very strong relationship between the fact that there is "zero tolerance" for self-defense, hell, even for horseplay and the fact that when things do come up they get out of hand so often.



Apr 18, 2007, 10:25 PM
Post #25 of 27 (1118 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
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Re: [fenix83] Holocaust survivor killed in Virginia shootings saved students by blocking door [In reply to]
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Just curious Fenix, but when you say "football" field, do you actually mean soccer field.Wink

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