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Oct 12, 2007, 8:55 PM
Post #30901 of 97182 (3479 views)

Registered: Jul 25, 2007
Posts: 2005

     Re: [caughtinside] 24/7 "Where's your crown King Nothing?" Coffee. [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
NSFW wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
NSFW wrote:
Kelty Chinook 20F bag on SAC.

Hah! 4lb 10oz... what do they fill that thing with, lead?

I bought a synthetic bag on SAC a while ago, I think it was a Kelty. It was like 30 or 40 bucks. maybe 4 pounds.

I sent it back though, in an effort to save weight or cost, the zipper was only a half zip. I gotta have full zip so I can let the feet breathe when it's warm. no bueno half zip.

I actually picked up a good deal on a bag at that TNF outlet in Berkeley last time I was up there. I like to put on my Patagonia fleece suit and Prana beenie and sleep in style.

I live 6 or 7 miles from that outlet (but only a 5 minute walk from Urbian Creek). When did you get that bag? I remember going in there 10 years ago and they had real gear and stuff. Now it's a fashion fleece clearance center. Ugh! My Bro (my real brother) lives in AK and bought some cosmetic defect markdown -40 degree bag, the Inferno. I tried it out for fun in the living room, I was sweating profusely in under a minute.

patagonia fleece suit. That's funny.

I got it at the start of summer. Cat's Meow, 0F. I think it was $70 or so. Edit: Scratch that, not Cat's Meow... Snow Shoe, or something like that.

But yeah, you have to wade through piles of trendy crap with pasty white trail hikers fighting over them.

(This post was edited by NSFW on Oct 12, 2007, 8:58 PM)


Oct 12, 2007, 8:56 PM
Post #30902 of 97182 (3475 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

     Re: [obsessed] 24/7 "Where's your crown King Nothing?" Coffee. [In reply to]
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obsessed wrote:
NSFW wrote:
NSFW wrote:
gqsmooth wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
gqsmooth wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
Zeke, or the artist formerly known as the weke, has not received compensation for being weke, so he does not plan on paying those weke enough to try and capitalize on said wekeness. Those who choose to pursue this matter further will be court-ordered to stay at least 3 threads away from Zeke until such time they are no longer an oompah loompah.

wtf? no one gives "weke" here crap about ground up?

you rub shit in your mullet?

Art's the resident tattle tale, Donny. If you haven't noticed, crap rolls down my mullet and into the mouths of buttlickers like you.

GQ's the new cheesetits

In fact, since she's not around here as much any more, you can fill in for her. I think we'll call you Sweet Tits from now on. Do you know any witch craft?

Uhhhh, you DO know its a guy right?? NSFW is coming out of the closet. You want to nibble his raisins don't ya big guy???

ummmm, so how do you know he is a guy? You didn't look at his profile, did you? Cause that's cheating....


Oct 12, 2007, 8:58 PM
Post #30903 of 97182 (3470 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2006
Posts: 18730

     Re: [NSFW] 24/7 "Where's your crown King Nothing?" Coffee. [In reply to]
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NSFW wrote:
NSFW wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
So you all know, I'm drinking a beer right now. n00b bishes need to get drunks moor!!!

you lucky bastard. i'ts only 1:30. are you working from home, or is there some kind of fest at your job?

appawarently, po widdle zeke is sick today. Hahahaha....and drinking beer!!! Mmmm, Boont Amber Ale. So.Good.

you bastard!

Although you lose points for not using a valuable sick day to do something rad like go climbing.

He has a valid point.

Heh. Raise your hand if you were ever stupid enough to use a sick day to go boarding/skiing, and have to try to explain the raccoon face the next day.

*raises hand*

Drinking is totally valid.


Oct 12, 2007, 8:59 PM
Post #30904 of 97182 (3552 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 30603

     Re: [NSFW] 24/7 "Where's your crown King Nothing?" Coffee. [In reply to]
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NSFW wrote:
NSFW wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
So you all know, I'm drinking a beer right now. n00b bishes need to get drunks moor!!!

you lucky bastard. i'ts only 1:30. are you working from home, or is there some kind of fest at your job?

appawarently, po widdle zeke is sick today. Hahahaha....and drinking beer!!! Mmmm, Boont Amber Ale. So.Good.

you bastard!

Although you lose points for not using a valuable sick day to do something rad like go climbing.

He has a valid point.

Heh. Raise your hand if you were ever stupid enough to use a sick day to go boarding/skiing, and have to try to explain the raccoon face the next day.

*raises hand*

I learned that lesson early.

I was a senior in HS. A group of like a dozen friends were going to skip school on wednesday, for dollar days at donner ski ranch. All their parents said it was cool. But not mine! My mom was on the school board and thought it set a bad example. I was pissed! So I went anyway! And had a great time!

But, I forgot the sunblock. As some of you know, I am a bit of a whitey. My face was nuclear red. I got home and didn't even try to hide it, it was no use.

The next day, all my friends had notes from their parents saying they were sick. I had a note from my mom that said I skipped school and I should be busted as much as possible.

In my physics class our teacher was young and hip and knew what was up. SHe gave a big speech about how disappointed she was in those that skipped, and said something about how she respected my folks for being honest. There was a test the day we skipped too. The teacher said that even though she wanted to shaft everyone, she would only shaft me since her hands were tied. My friends laughed their asses off of course, they didn't give a shit. They got to take the test w/no penalty, I got docked 2 letter grades.

So I learned my lesson on that score. Sunblock on your face, and if you're climbing, tape your hands.


Oct 12, 2007, 9:00 PM
Post #30905 of 97182 (3552 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 30603

     Re: [caughtinside] 24/7 "Where's your crown King Nothing?" Coffee. [In reply to]
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PTFTW with story of a HS shafting!


Oct 12, 2007, 9:02 PM
Post #30906 of 97182 (3607 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2006
Posts: 18730

     Re: [climbs4fun] 24/7 "Where's your crown King Nothing?" Coffee. [In reply to]
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climbs4fun wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
Lemme help you with that
gqsmooth wrote:


Hey Vegas Kel, I could climb on 1/04/08 if you are available and don't still have a hangover! We could go a tradding or do some sport. Mrs. Zeke agreed shopping, etc. would tide her over as long as I got back to Sin-ville for the evening.

As long as I'm not in thailand with Art, working or no clearance to climb

It's a Friday, so you're probably working. But c'mon, Kel, you are my only chance!!!


Oct 12, 2007, 9:02 PM
Post #30907 of 97182 (3607 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

     Re: [zeke_sf] 24/7 "Where's your crown King Nothing?" Coffee. [In reply to]
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zeke_sf wrote:
Oh, it will get worse ...

Now, you need to work on your pc++. Postwhoring is the true gold standard of the true b_e-er. I'm barely respectable at sub-5K, so just think of the high levels of scorn you are ignorantly suffering.

There are few exceptions, one of which is Jack (tripperjm). We mostly don't bother him about pc++ because he is feisty and will cut your throat with a rusty blade as soon as look at you. Murf is alright too, but only because he mercilessly taunts Art. Now, I doubt you are as feisty as Jack and you have not proven yourself equal to taunting Art, so that leaves you pc++. You will find large quantities of alcohol, dereliction of duty, an OCD streak, and a thick skin to be your best tools...

You can sweet talk me all you want zeke, I'm still not going out on a date with you!!!1 I'm not gay like you, I don't sleep with hairy men(anymore) and under no circumstances do I sleep with shitty climbers! Guy has to have standards, after all.


Oct 12, 2007, 9:03 PM
Post #30908 of 97182 (3604 views)

Registered: Jul 25, 2007
Posts: 2005

     Re: [caughtinside] 24/7 "Where's your crown King Nothing?" Coffee. [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
The next day, all my friends had notes from their parents saying they were sick. I had a note from my mom that said I skipped school and I should be busted as much as possible.

Hah! That's classic.

Yup, learned my lesson as a Senior in college doing an intern. Wear SPF1000 sunblock.


Oct 12, 2007, 9:07 PM
Post #30909 of 97182 (3597 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2006
Posts: 18730

     Re: [tripperjm] 24/7 "Where's your crown King Nothing?" Coffee. [In reply to]
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tripperjm wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
Oh, it will get worse ...

Now, you need to work on your pc++. Postwhoring is the true gold standard of the true b_e-er. I'm barely respectable at sub-5K, so just think of the high levels of scorn you are ignorantly suffering.

There are few exceptions, one of which is Jack (tripperjm). We mostly don't bother him about pc++ because he is feisty and will cut your throat with a rusty blade as soon as look at you. Murf is alright too, but only because he mercilessly taunts Art. Now, I doubt you are as feisty as Jack and you have not proven yourself equal to taunting Art, so that leaves you pc++. You will find large quantities of alcohol, dereliction of duty, an OCD streak, and a thick skin to be your best tools...

You can sweet talk me all you want zeke, I'm still not going out on a date with you!!!1 I'm not gay like you, I don't sleep with hairy men(anymore) and under no circumstances do I sleep with shitty climbers! Guy has to have standards, after all.

I understand, Jack. I have my own policy about not sleeping with posters with less than 1K of pc++. Our love is doomed.


Oct 12, 2007, 9:07 PM
Post #30910 of 97182 (3597 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

     Re: [climbs4fun] 24/7 "Where's your crown King Nothing?" Coffee. [In reply to]
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climbs4fun wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Nice troll on murf, art.

Hey zeke, what are you doing for thanksgiving? Didn't you have some weke excuse for not climbing?

I was thinking at lunch it might be fun to go to Owens, plus maybe some bishop bouldering. I don't know.

I know Art wants to go to red rocks, but I am not sure about it that time of year. Crowded. Plus, last weekend's outing pointed out that my endurance is currently hovering around nil.

Yay! Art AND Tracy for Turkey day!!!! I can take over mom's house. They'll be in Phoenix. I'll cook. We'll drink. I probably won't have clearance to climb, but you never know. That would RULE!!!!!!!!!

Well now! Art didn't say we could crash at my BFF's parents house!

It'll be a good chance to deliver my new shoes in person! Angelic

You are sooooooo NOT getting shoes.

Do your parents have a hot tub?

Nope. I do at my condo, but it's small and I hope to have a roommate by then.

Do they have an extra bed with clean sheets for your buddy CI? Smile That would be much nicer than camping in a dust bowl and freezing my arse off. Smile

Yup. But I need to find out if they are going to be in town or not. Not like it matters. Mom put up 10 people for RRR one year.

A big party at kel's parents house in LV over the holiday? I can bring 10 people! Cool, I'm so in!!!!!!1


Oct 12, 2007, 9:09 PM
Post #30911 of 97182 (3593 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

     Re: [caughtinside] 24/7 "Where's your crown King Nothing?" Coffee. [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Nice troll on murf, art.

Hey zeke, what are you doing for thanksgiving? Didn't you have some weke excuse for not climbing?

I was thinking at lunch it might be fun to go to Owens, plus maybe some bishop bouldering. I don't know.

I know Art wants to go to red rocks, but I am not sure about it that time of year. Crowded. Plus, last weekend's outing pointed out that my endurance is currently hovering around nil.

Yeah, the fam is pretty strict about the let's-eat-turkey-together thing.

I may be able to swing a day up at Phantom or Sugarloaf around that time, but it would prolly have to take some convincing of erstwhile gymbies if you aren't around. I'm pretty sure I won't be in Owens and especially not Bishop shape. Are you trying to break my finger?

never mind zeke, never mind. I may have a line on some vegas climbing here!

Ditched again by your boyfriend? Maybe you should just break up with him and then tell us all about it?


Oct 12, 2007, 9:11 PM
Post #30912 of 97182 (3591 views)

Registered: Jun 10, 2005
Posts: 572

     Re: [tripperjm] 24/7 "Where's your crown King Nothing?" Coffee. [In reply to]
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tripperjm wrote:
gqsmooth wrote:
obsessed wrote:
gqsmooth wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
gqsmooth wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
Zeke, or the artist formerly known as the weke, has not received compensation for being weke, so he does not plan on paying those weke enough to try and capitalize on said wekeness. Those who choose to pursue this matter further will be court-ordered to stay at least 3 threads away from Zeke until such time they are no longer an oompah loompah.

wtf? no one gives "weke" here crap about ground up?

you rub shit in your mullet?

Art's the resident tattle tale, Donny. If you haven't noticed, crap rolls down my mullet and into the mouths of buttlickers like you.

I hope someone shits on the noob for screwing up the quote, in the next few pages!

you are about 16 hours too late

Hey new gay guy... 16 hours is a timely reply! Guess nobody told you, when you barged in here. Time stands still in the BET!!!!1 We've got rulez around here! well... they are more like guidelines, still, try to keep up, nobody around here gets paid for babysitting.

When I want your opinion I'll make you point at your damn self with your own fukin middle finger!


Oct 12, 2007, 9:14 PM
Post #30913 of 97182 (3583 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2006
Posts: 18730

     Re: [gqsmooth] 24/7 "Where's your crown King Nothing?" Coffee. [In reply to]
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Ah, Smoothy, don't feed the troll. H3l is officially LNGR 4 U!!!


Oct 12, 2007, 9:17 PM
Post #30914 of 97182 (3566 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

     Re: [snoopy138] 24/7 "Where's your crown King Nothing?" Coffee. [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
oh yea... I would have used that cool bomz that somebody fixed up for me. But I'm such a loser I didn't save it and I'm too stupid to find it. So maybe if one of you smart guys, that still has a few brain cells left, could repost it I would not fail this time.


one more thing... this new kid gqsmooth... I keep wondering, did he get his name cause he is a hairless, 16 year old prettyboy twink?

which bOMBZ? the seacrit crag one? if so, I'll post it, even though I'm sure it's been posted already.

Thanks snoopy, I was really looking for the fingerbombz, but I hadn't saved that one either... I'm so lame!!!1


Oct 12, 2007, 9:17 PM
Post #30915 of 97182 (3566 views)

Registered: Jun 10, 2005
Posts: 572

     Re: [zeke_sf] 24/7 "Where's your crown King Nothing?" Coffee. [In reply to]
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so i don't play guitar, but i thinking about getting a gibson les paul or GPC and learning....


Oct 12, 2007, 9:22 PM
Post #30916 of 97182 (3562 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 30603

     Re: [chossmonkey] 24/7 "Where's your crown King Nothing?" Coffee. [In reply to]
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Wow, it keeps raining harder and harder out here.

Yosemite looks dry but unstable for the moment, but I think this storm will hit it by evening.


Oct 12, 2007, 9:22 PM
Post #30917 of 97182 (3559 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2006
Posts: 18730

     Re: [gqsmooth] 24/7 "Where's your crown King Nothing?" Coffee. [In reply to]
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gqsmooth wrote:
so i don't play guitar, but i thinking about getting a gibson les paul or GPC and learning....

I need to play more myself. Guitar is an addiction, my friend, but life is better that way.


Oct 12, 2007, 9:23 PM
Post #30918 of 97182 (3556 views)

Registered: Jun 10, 2005
Posts: 572

     Re: [tripperjm] 24/7 "Where's your crown King Nothing?" Coffee. [In reply to]
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tripperjm wrote:
one more thing... this new kid gqsmooth... I keep wondering, did he get his name cause he is a hairless, 16 year old prettyboy twink?

you are starting to scare me. every time you post, it seems you get your hopes up that some "pretty boy" or twink is gonna give it up to you. you can stop stalking ME man. if you want a twink, slap an "ie" on the end of that and go get your cream filled goodness there.


Oct 12, 2007, 9:25 PM
Post #30919 of 97182 (3553 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2006
Posts: 18730

     Re: [caughtinside] 24/7 "Where's your crown King Nothing?" Coffee. [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
Wow, it keeps raining harder and harder out here.

Yosemite looks dry but unstable for the moment, but I think this storm will hit it by evening.

Yeah, they were saying this storm would be weaker than the earlier one this week, but it has been coming down all day. Tuolumne is going to be out of play very soon, I think.


Oct 12, 2007, 9:26 PM
Post #30920 of 97182 (3551 views)

Registered: Jun 10, 2005
Posts: 572

     Re: [zeke_sf] 24/7 "Where's your crown King Nothing?" Coffee. [In reply to]
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zeke_sf wrote:
gqsmooth wrote:
so i don't play guitar, but i thinking about getting a gibson les paul or GPC and learning....

I need to play more myself. Guitar is an addiction, my friend, but life is better that way.

well i already do some MF photography, but i wanted to do music somehow. i already make baselines and beats with this cool little freeware program i found online...


Oct 12, 2007, 9:26 PM
Post #30921 of 97182 (3550 views)

Registered: Jul 25, 2007
Posts: 2005

     Re: [gqsmooth] 24/7 "Where's your crown King Nothing?" Coffee. [In reply to]
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gqsmooth wrote:
so i don't play guitar, but i thinking about getting a gibson les paul or GPC and learning....

Sweet bro, you totally need to learn some Jack Johnson.


Oct 12, 2007, 9:27 PM
Post #30922 of 97182 (3547 views)

Registered: Jun 10, 2005
Posts: 572

     Re: [NSFW] 24/7 "Where's your crown King Nothing?" Coffee. [In reply to]
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NSFW wrote:
gqsmooth wrote:
so i don't play guitar, but i thinking about getting a gibson les paul or GPC and learning....

Sweet bro, you totally need to learn some Jack Johnson.



Oct 12, 2007, 9:28 PM
Post #30923 of 97182 (3546 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 30603

     Re: [NSFW] 24/7 "Where's your crown King Nothing?" Coffee. [In reply to]
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NSFW wrote:
gqsmooth wrote:
so i don't play guitar, but i thinking about getting a gibson les paul or GPC and learning....

Sweet bro, you totally need to learn some Jack Johnson.

Hey Sweet Tits, do you have a game cube?


Oct 12, 2007, 9:28 PM
Post #30924 of 97182 (3546 views)

Registered: Jul 25, 2007
Posts: 2005

     Re: [gqsmooth] 24/7 "Where's your crown King Nothing?" Coffee. [In reply to]
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gqsmooth wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
gqsmooth wrote:
so i don't play guitar, but i thinking about getting a gibson les paul or GPC and learning....

I need to play more myself. Guitar is an addiction, my friend, but life is better that way.

well i already do some MF photography, but i wanted to do music somehow. i already make baselines and beats with this cool little freeware program i found online...

Don't lube up next time Jack is ripping you one... you'll make music.


Oct 12, 2007, 9:28 PM
Post #30925 of 97182 (3546 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
Posts: 10650

     Re: [murf] 24/7 "Where's your crown King Nothing?" Coffee. [In reply to]
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murf wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
artm wrote:
artm wrote:
artm wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
artm wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
Oh, it will get worse ...

Now, you need to work on your pc++. Postwhoring is the true gold standard of the true b_e-er. I'm barely respectable at sub-5K, so just think of the high levels of scorn you are ignorantly suffering.

There are few exceptions, one of which is Jack (tripperjm). We mostly don't bother him about pc++ because he is feisty and will cut your throat with a rusty blade as soon as look at you. Murf is alright too, but only because he mercilessly taunts Art. Now, I doubt you are as feisty as Jack and you have not proven yourself equal to taunting Art, so that leaves you pc++. You will find large quantities of alcohol, dereliction of duty, an OCD streak, and a thick skin to be your best tools...
Murf and I had a conversation once in Crossroads where I taunted him with the fact that he had more posts on rc.n00b than I did. Of course I was lying and of course Murf checked, he then started a thread entitled "artm is a liar!".
I trolled Murf IRL and he's never gotten over it!

Huh! You say it so much that I've stopped believing you, but I guess Murf really is stalking you. His one mission: to troll Artm for good and all!
For your reading pleasure;#619413
Tales of Murf and why he stalks me.

I was climbing in the gym with my old mentor (also asian) we were minding our own business when Murf puffs up his chest and walks over to us with a really macho pose and then loudly declares "I want to get a tattoo so I can be just like you guys" (Bui and I both have tats). I looked him straight in the eyes and responded "We only have tattoos so white boys like you can tell us apart" The whole lead area erupts in laughter and Murf slinks away with his tail between his legs.
Please read the comments on this photo of "cookies on sunday" for more illumination on why murf stalks me.

It looks to me like you guys stalk each other.

If the first one is a troll, then I guess the best trolls are the truth. You did (and damn well do now ) have more posts than I do ( especially with the alter egos ). I got all the old homo's to pipe in RRRRRAAAADDDAMMM, hangonelessbolt, etc.

I could always tell you and Tim apart. Tim was the one who could send.

As for the COS comments, not a troll when you are just picking up on other material. I think you need to get on COS b4 you make fun of me. Whoops, that's right clean alpine granite != socal choss.

The difference between Jack and his minions is that we went around and sent everything else *before* becoming a Choss Master.

Now I think pretty boy is flirting with me!

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