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Nov 13, 2007, 6:08 AM
Post #76 of 106 (2485 views)

Registered: Sep 16, 2004
Posts: 475

Re: [angry] How strong are harnesses? Why aren’t they rated? [In reply to]
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angry wrote:
In my first year of climbing I needed to rappel 40 feet. I had left my one and only belay device on the ground with my belayer.

So I wrapped the rope around a biner 2 or 3 times and proceeded to rappel down. Soon the rope twists came right across the non-locking gate, opened it, and I was off.

This happened very very slowly. So slow in fact that I was able to reach up, grab the rope then let the biner unclip. So yes, I was hanging maybe 25 feet off the ground, from one hand. While hanging I grabbed a sling and tied a prussick and then had my belayer toss me up my belay device. It was a significantly sketch moment.

Did I catch the rope? Yes, but I eased onto it, I did not fall.
Could I do it again? Very unlikely.

That incident might be proof that you can be a total idiot and get away with it, as long as you're 19.

I hate to admit it but I had a virtually identical experience. Rope came unclipped from my non-locker because I was cocky and thought I knew what I was doing. I'm pretty sure I was 19 and stupid at the time as well.


Nov 15, 2007, 4:16 AM
Post #77 of 106 (2438 views)

Registered: May 3, 2007
Posts: 15

Re: [drfelatio] How strong are harnesses? Why aren’t they rated? [In reply to]
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Everyone here should read "Life On A Line" by Dr. David Merchant. It' extremely informative for making knots, riggings, breaking strengths of both ropes and knots, and is just generally good knowledge to have for anyone working with rope. It might clear up some of this debate.


Nov 15, 2007, 6:35 AM
Post #78 of 106 (2410 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2006
Posts: 119

Re: [Zsublime.ph03nix] How strong are harnesses? Why aren’t they rated? [In reply to]
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There's a debate going on ?

Sounds like the ignorant not listening to wisdom and experience to me.

This shite continuing for 4 pages makes me want to go climbing.

It was explained before the first page ended, move on.


Nov 15, 2007, 7:30 AM
Post #79 of 106 (2397 views)

Registered: Jun 29, 2007
Posts: 475

Re: [mojede] How strong are harnesses? Why aren’t they rated? [In reply to]
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Fact #1: America is the best country in the world.
Fact #2: America has never put a woman in charge.

Does a correlation exist? I leave it to you to decide.

Colbert '08


Nov 15, 2007, 12:42 PM
Post #80 of 106 (2374 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2005
Posts: 190

Re: [diebetes] How strong are harnesses? Why aren’t they rated? [In reply to]
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diebetes wrote:
stagg54 wrote:
lofstromc wrote:

"Fool me once shame on you, fool my twice , blah, blah, duh...won't get fooled again"

I take it you're voting for Hillary??

You're about to get fooled 3 times.

I guess when you're a climbing bum it's easy to be a democrat. Once you get a real job and start paying taxes everything changes.

I'm giving them all this money for what? So I can support all the homeless people out there?

I hate this argument. You mean you don't get any benefits from taxes? You probably won't get social security cause your president is going to ruin that. You mean to tell me that people with mental disabilities should be expected to hold a job and take care of themselves? I have a job, I pay taxes, I'm not republican. I guess once you realize that all your taxes are paying for a foreign occupation, the purpose of which is to strengthen our hold on the world's oil reserves, it's easy to be a democrat. (which, by the way, I'm not). You're so worried about f-ing taxes, stop voting for people who give tax breaks to the wealthy. It's not wonder why the gap between the have and have-nots is growing. There is hardly a middle class anymore. Ask anybody who was alive in the 50s and 60s. ...homeless people... heh. Keep hording your resources selfish, not only are you not a member of a community, you also can take your money with you when you die.

by the way I'm not selfish at all. I donate quite a bit of money to charity. I've also given quite a bit of money to some of my friends and helped them out from time to time. I consider myself pretty generous. I just don't think the government should dictate who I give my money to. (Not to mention that most of the money you give to the government goes to overhead - such as non-binding resolutions.) I prefer to give my money to good hardworking people, not lazy people who take advantage of the system. There is a big difference between someone who is mentally challenged (my sister is - and she does get social security and she does need it) and someone who is perfectly capable but lazy and would rather sit at home and collect social security than work. These people need to grow up, get off the couch and do something productive with their lives.

And I hate how liberals demonize the rich. Yeah it sucks that they are rich and you are not. But then again a poor guy never offered me a job.

And just so you know the war in Iraq is not as big a part of the budget percentagewise as you think. It's actually quite small. I don't remember off the top of my head, but if you actually do some research I'm sure you can find it and enlighten us all.

Flame away - and how about a little logic this time.


Nov 15, 2007, 12:45 PM
Post #81 of 106 (2372 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2005
Posts: 190

Re: [JackAttack] How strong are harnesses? Why aren’t they rated? [In reply to]
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JackAttack wrote:
stagg54 wrote:
lofstromc wrote:

"Fool me once shame on you, fool my twice , blah, blah, duh...won't get fooled again"

I take it you're voting for Hillary??

You're about to get fooled 3 times.

I guess when you're a climbing bum it's easy to be a democrat. Once you get a real job and start paying taxes everything changes.

I'm giving them all this money for what? So I can support all the homeless people out there?

oh jeez, im trying so hard not to go on a political rant. Basically, don't vote for hillary for so many reasons. 1)take money from rich and just give it to the poor? wheres the sense in that? the rich(er) people actually work but get their money taken away to give to the poor people who dont work but get free money. 2) her whole election campaign is centered around the fact that shes a woman. just recently she came out of a debate that she lost badly and said that the other people in the debate were picking on her because she was a woman. so if she becomes president and some other country starts nuking us, is she just gonna whine and say that its because shes a woman? doesnt sound like much of a president to me. im gonna cut myself off now before i right another three pages on why not to vote for hillary. but by the way, i dont see obama complaing that other people are picking on him because he is black, and everyone seems to overlook the fact that we havent had a black president either.

Finally somebody who uses knows how to use that watermelon shaped thing sitting on his shoulders. if only the rest of America could be so bright.


Nov 15, 2007, 5:12 PM
Post #82 of 106 (2348 views)

Registered: May 18, 2007
Posts: 106

Re: [stagg54] How strong are harnesses? Why aren’t they rated? [In reply to]
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stagg54 wrote:
diebetes wrote:
stagg54 wrote:
lofstromc wrote:

"Fool me once shame on you, fool my twice , blah, blah, duh...won't get fooled again"

I take it you're voting for Hillary??

You're about to get fooled 3 times.

I guess when you're a climbing bum it's easy to be a democrat. Once you get a real job and start paying taxes everything changes.

I'm giving them all this money for what? So I can support all the homeless people out there?

I hate this argument. You mean you don't get any benefits from taxes? You probably won't get social security cause your president is going to ruin that. You mean to tell me that people with mental disabilities should be expected to hold a job and take care of themselves? I have a job, I pay taxes, I'm not republican. I guess once you realize that all your taxes are paying for a foreign occupation, the purpose of which is to strengthen our hold on the world's oil reserves, it's easy to be a democrat. (which, by the way, I'm not). You're so worried about f-ing taxes, stop voting for people who give tax breaks to the wealthy. It's not wonder why the gap between the have and have-nots is growing. There is hardly a middle class anymore. Ask anybody who was alive in the 50s and 60s. ...homeless people... heh. Keep hording your resources selfish, not only are you not a member of a community, you also can take your money with you when you die.

by the way I'm not selfish at all. I donate quite a bit of money to charity. I've also given quite a bit of money to some of my friends and helped them out from time to time. I consider myself pretty generous. I just don't think the government should dictate who I give my money to. (Not to mention that most of the money you give to the government goes to overhead - such as non-binding resolutions.) I prefer to give my money to good hardworking people, not lazy people who take advantage of the system. There is a big difference between someone who is mentally challenged (my sister is - and she does get social security and she does need it) and someone who is perfectly capable but lazy and would rather sit at home and collect social security than work. These people need to grow up, get off the couch and do something productive with their lives.

And I hate how liberals demonize the rich. Yeah it sucks that they are rich and you are not. But then again a poor guy never offered me a job.

And just so you know the war in Iraq is not as big a part of the budget percentagewise as you think. It's actually quite small. I don't remember off the top of my head, but if you actually do some research I'm sure you can find it and enlighten us all.

Flame away - and how about a little logic this time.

first off, making lots of money does not mean you work harder. I know people receiving public assistance who work their tails off. Secondly, 'sitting on the couch' and collecting social security is not a glamorous life. They're not driving BMW's. Thirdly, the war in Iraq may not be costing as much as 'people like me' think. (though Bush did just ask for 46 billion more, which to me is a lot) However, which is a NECESSITY, occupying a nation with OUR military and national guard, or providing health care for our OWN people? Say what you will about the way things were under Hussein, things are worse now. Much worse. I'll end here.


Nov 15, 2007, 5:16 PM
Post #83 of 106 (2346 views)

Registered: May 18, 2007
Posts: 106

Re: [stagg54] How strong are harnesses? Why aren’t they rated? [In reply to]
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stagg54 wrote:
JackAttack wrote:
stagg54 wrote:
lofstromc wrote:

"Fool me once shame on you, fool my twice , blah, blah, duh...won't get fooled again"

I take it you're voting for Hillary??

You're about to get fooled 3 times.

I guess when you're a climbing bum it's easy to be a democrat. Once you get a real job and start paying taxes everything changes.

I'm giving them all this money for what? So I can support all the homeless people out there?

oh jeez, im trying so hard not to go on a political rant. Basically, don't vote for hillary for so many reasons. 1)take money from rich and just give it to the poor? wheres the sense in that? the rich(er) people actually work but get their money taken away to give to the poor people who dont work but get free money. 2) her whole election campaign is centered around the fact that shes a woman. just recently she came out of a debate that she lost badly and said that the other people in the debate were picking on her because she was a woman. so if she becomes president and some other country starts nuking us, is she just gonna whine and say that its because shes a woman? doesnt sound like much of a president to me. im gonna cut myself off now before i right another three pages on why not to vote for hillary. but by the way, i dont see obama complaing that other people are picking on him because he is black, and everyone seems to overlook the fact that we havent had a black president either.

Finally somebody who uses knows how to use that watermelon shaped thing sitting on his shoulders. if only the rest of America could be so bright.

Finally somebody who uses knows how to provide argument ruining irony. If only everybody I debate could be so self-less.


Nov 15, 2007, 7:49 PM
Post #84 of 106 (2321 views)

Registered: Aug 8, 2006
Posts: 5522

Re: [diebetes] How strong are harnesses? Why aren’t they rated? [In reply to]
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diebetes wrote:
stagg54 wrote:
JackAttack wrote:
stagg54 wrote:
lofstromc wrote:

"Fool me once shame on you, fool my twice , blah, blah, duh...won't get fooled again"

I take it you're voting for Hillary??

You're about to get fooled 3 times.

I guess when you're a climbing bum it's easy to be a democrat. Once you get a real job and start paying taxes everything changes.

I'm giving them all this money for what? So I can support all the homeless people out there?

oh jeez, im trying so hard not to go on a political rant. Basically, don't vote for hillary for so many reasons. 1)take money from rich and just give it to the poor? wheres the sense in that? the rich(er) people actually work but get their money taken away to give to the poor people who dont work but get free money. 2) her whole election campaign is centered around the fact that shes a woman. just recently she came out of a debate that she lost badly and said that the other people in the debate were picking on her because she was a woman. so if she becomes president and some other country starts nuking us, is she just gonna whine and say that its because shes a woman? doesnt sound like much of a president to me. im gonna cut myself off now before i right another three pages on why not to vote for hillary. but by the way, i dont see obama complaing that other people are picking on him because he is black, and everyone seems to overlook the fact that we havent had a black president either.

Finally somebody who uses knows how to use that watermelon shaped thing sitting on his shoulders. if only the rest of America could be so bright.

Finally somebody who uses knows how to provide argument ruining irony. If only everybody I debate could be so self-less.

For the love of god, somebody please move this to the soap box. The OP has acknowledged that his question has been answered. Please do not let this political crap infect the temple of truth that is "General."

Having said that, you are all idiots.

The social programs in this country put in place largely by the democrats are shamefully inadequate and only meant to make it look like they are sympathetic. The republicans on the other hand are just straight out assholes. No other way to describe it.

Rich people do suck and poor people do need help. Anyone who says otherwise is either rich or has never seen a homeless person or come within 100 yards of a homeless person in their life. I spend every day in New York City. Homelessness is a bit of a problem here. I trip over the homeless nearly every day and they take up all of our park benches. Since we can't drown them all in the east river like kittens we might as well feed them and give them someplace to sleep (other than my park bench). Unless you "republicans" want to come down here, roll up your sleeves and start drowning homeless people like kittens, you better do something because lower middle class people like me have no where to read a newspaper.

Now then, mods please move to Soap Box before the right to bear arms and the whole 'is there a God/no, STFU god boy!' thing comes up.


Nov 15, 2007, 8:04 PM
Post #85 of 106 (2313 views)

Registered: May 21, 2006
Posts: 510

Re: [jgloporto] How strong are harnesses? Why aren’t they rated? [In reply to]
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jgloporto wrote:
diebetes wrote:
stagg54 wrote:
JackAttack wrote:
stagg54 wrote:
lofstromc wrote:

"Fool me once shame on you, fool my twice , blah, blah, duh...won't get fooled again"

I take it you're voting for Hillary??

You're about to get fooled 3 times.

I guess when you're a climbing bum it's easy to be a democrat. Once you get a real job and start paying taxes everything changes.

I'm giving them all this money for what? So I can support all the homeless people out there?

oh jeez, im trying so hard not to go on a political rant. Basically, don't vote for hillary for so many reasons. 1)take money from rich and just give it to the poor? wheres the sense in that? the rich(er) people actually work but get their money taken away to give to the poor people who dont work but get free money. 2) her whole election campaign is centered around the fact that shes a woman. just recently she came out of a debate that she lost badly and said that the other people in the debate were picking on her because she was a woman. so if she becomes president and some other country starts nuking us, is she just gonna whine and say that its because shes a woman? doesnt sound like much of a president to me. im gonna cut myself off now before i right another three pages on why not to vote for hillary. but by the way, i dont see obama complaing that other people are picking on him because he is black, and everyone seems to overlook the fact that we havent had a black president either.

Finally somebody who uses knows how to use that watermelon shaped thing sitting on his shoulders. if only the rest of America could be so bright.

Finally somebody who uses knows how to provide argument ruining irony. If only everybody I debate could be so self-less.

For the love of god, somebody please move this to the soap box. The OP has acknowledged that his question has been answered. Please do not let this political crap infect the temple of truth that is "General."

Having said that, you are all idiots.

The social programs in this country put in place largely by the democrats are shamefully inadequate and only meant to make it look like they are sympathetic. The republicans on the other hand are just straight out assholes. No other way to describe it.

Rich people do suck and poor people do need help. Anyone who says otherwise is either rich or has never seen a homeless person or come within 100 yards of a homeless person in their life. I spend every day in New York City. Homelessness is a bit of a problem here. I trip over the homeless nearly every day and they take up all of our park benches. Since we can't drown them all in the east river like kittens we might as well feed them and give them someplace to sleep (other than my park bench). Unless you "republicans" want to come down here, roll up your sleeves and start drowning homeless people like kittens, you better do something because lower middle class people like me have no where to read a newspaper.

Now then, mods please move to Soap Box before the right to bear arms and the whole 'is there a God/no, STFU god boy!' thing comes up.

I agree completely on all points. Oh, and I'm a god boy.


Nov 15, 2007, 8:14 PM
Post #86 of 106 (2306 views)

Registered: Aug 8, 2006
Posts: 5522

Re: [themadmilkman] How strong are harnesses? Why aren’t they rated? [In reply to]
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themadmilkman wrote:
jgloporto wrote:
diebetes wrote:
stagg54 wrote:
JackAttack wrote:
stagg54 wrote:
lofstromc wrote:

"Fool me once shame on you, fool my twice , blah, blah, duh...won't get fooled again"

I take it you're voting for Hillary??

You're about to get fooled 3 times.

I guess when you're a climbing bum it's easy to be a democrat. Once you get a real job and start paying taxes everything changes.

I'm giving them all this money for what? So I can support all the homeless people out there?

oh jeez, im trying so hard not to go on a political rant. Basically, don't vote for hillary for so many reasons. 1)take money from rich and just give it to the poor? wheres the sense in that? the rich(er) people actually work but get their money taken away to give to the poor people who dont work but get free money. 2) her whole election campaign is centered around the fact that shes a woman. just recently she came out of a debate that she lost badly and said that the other people in the debate were picking on her because she was a woman. so if she becomes president and some other country starts nuking us, is she just gonna whine and say that its because shes a woman? doesnt sound like much of a president to me. im gonna cut myself off now before i right another three pages on why not to vote for hillary. but by the way, i dont see obama complaing that other people are picking on him because he is black, and everyone seems to overlook the fact that we havent had a black president either.

Finally somebody who uses knows how to use that watermelon shaped thing sitting on his shoulders. if only the rest of America could be so bright.

Finally somebody who uses knows how to provide argument ruining irony. If only everybody I debate could be so self-less.

For the love of god, somebody please move this to the soap box. The OP has acknowledged that his question has been answered. Please do not let this political crap infect the temple of truth that is "General."

Having said that, you are all idiots.

The social programs in this country put in place largely by the democrats are shamefully inadequate and only meant to make it look like they are sympathetic. The republicans on the other hand are just straight out assholes. No other way to describe it.

Rich people do suck and poor people do need help. Anyone who says otherwise is either rich or has never seen a homeless person or come within 100 yards of a homeless person in their life. I spend every day in New York City. Homelessness is a bit of a problem here. I trip over the homeless nearly every day and they take up all of our park benches. Since we can't drown them all in the east river like kittens we might as well feed them and give them someplace to sleep (other than my park bench). Unless you "republicans" want to come down here, roll up your sleeves and start drowning homeless people like kittens, you better do something because lower middle class people like me have no where to read a newspaper.

Now then, mods please move to Soap Box before the right to bear arms and the whole 'is there a God/no, STFU god boy!' thing comes up.

I agree completely on all points. Oh, and I'm a god boy.

God... pfft.

STFU God boy!!

(see what I mean?)


Nov 15, 2007, 8:58 PM
Post #87 of 106 (2292 views)

Registered: Nov 19, 2006
Posts: 289

Re: [jgloporto] How strong are harnesses? Why aren’t they rated? [In reply to]
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jgloporto wrote:
diebetes wrote:
stagg54 wrote:
JackAttack wrote:
stagg54 wrote:
lofstromc wrote:

"Fool me once shame on you, fool my twice , blah, blah, duh...won't get fooled again"

I take it you're voting for Hillary??

You're about to get fooled 3 times.

I guess when you're a climbing bum it's easy to be a democrat. Once you get a real job and start paying taxes everything changes.

I'm giving them all this money for what? So I can support all the homeless people out there?

oh jeez, im trying so hard not to go on a political rant. Basically, don't vote for hillary for so many reasons. 1)take money from rich and just give it to the poor? wheres the sense in that? the rich(er) people actually work but get their money taken away to give to the poor people who dont work but get free money. 2) her whole election campaign is centered around the fact that shes a woman. just recently she came out of a debate that she lost badly and said that the other people in the debate were picking on her because she was a woman. so if she becomes president and some other country starts nuking us, is she just gonna whine and say that its because shes a woman? doesnt sound like much of a president to me. im gonna cut myself off now before i right another three pages on why not to vote for hillary. but by the way, i dont see obama complaing that other people are picking on him because he is black, and everyone seems to overlook the fact that we havent had a black president either.

Finally somebody who uses knows how to use that watermelon shaped thing sitting on his shoulders. if only the rest of America could be so bright.

Finally somebody who uses knows how to provide argument ruining irony. If only everybody I debate could be so self-less.

For the love of god, somebody please move this to the soap box. The OP has acknowledged that his question has been answered. Please do not let this political crap infect the temple of truth that is "General."

Having said that, you are all idiots.

The social programs in this country put in place largely by the democrats are shamefully inadequate and only meant to make it look like they are sympathetic. The republicans on the other hand are just straight out assholes. No other way to describe it.

Rich people do suck and poor people do need help. Anyone who says otherwise is either rich or has never seen a homeless person or come within 100 yards of a homeless person in their life. I spend every day in New York City. Homelessness is a bit of a problem here. I trip over the homeless nearly every day and they take up all of our park benches. Since we can't drown them all in the east river like kittens we might as well feed them and give them someplace to sleep (other than my park bench). Unless you "republicans" want to come down here, roll up your sleeves and start drowning homeless people like kittens, you better do something because lower middle class people like me have no where to read a newspaper.

Now then, mods please move to Soap Box before the right to bear arms and the whole 'is there a God/no, STFU god boy!' thing comes up.

STFU, you are so wrong. Why was there a Great Depression? I'll tell you why. People got lazy for several years. Very, very lazy, all around the world, and they all just wanted a free handout from the government. Luckily the rich hardworking people of the world started WWII and killed off all of the lazy people (the rich ones didn't have to fight) and then there were no more lazy people for awhile and it was much better.


Nov 15, 2007, 9:08 PM
Post #88 of 106 (2286 views)

Registered: Aug 12, 2003
Posts: 7250

Re: [jgloporto] How strong are harnesses? Why aren’t they rated? [In reply to]
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jgloporto wrote:
diebetes wrote:
stagg54 wrote:
JackAttack wrote:
stagg54 wrote:
lofstromc wrote:

"Fool me once shame on you, fool my twice , blah, blah, duh...won't get fooled again"

For the love of god, somebody please move this to the soap box.


Having said that, you are all idiots.


Now then, mods please move to Soap Box before the right to bear arms and the whole 'is there a God/no, STFU god boy!' thing comes up.

The motion has been made and seconded, now one of you mods get to it!


STFU, GOD boy... and hand me my gun, I'll send you to meet him!


Nov 15, 2007, 9:09 PM
Post #89 of 106 (2285 views)

Registered: Aug 8, 2006
Posts: 5522

Re: [Johnny_Fang] How strong are harnesses? Why aren’t they rated? [In reply to]
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Johnny_Fang wrote:
jgloporto wrote:
diebetes wrote:
stagg54 wrote:
JackAttack wrote:
stagg54 wrote:
lofstromc wrote:

"Fool me once shame on you, fool my twice , blah, blah, duh...won't get fooled again"

I take it you're voting for Hillary??

You're about to get fooled 3 times.

I guess when you're a climbing bum it's easy to be a democrat. Once you get a real job and start paying taxes everything changes.

I'm giving them all this money for what? So I can support all the homeless people out there?

oh jeez, im trying so hard not to go on a political rant. Basically, don't vote for hillary for so many reasons. 1)take money from rich and just give it to the poor? wheres the sense in that? the rich(er) people actually work but get their money taken away to give to the poor people who dont work but get free money. 2) her whole election campaign is centered around the fact that shes a woman. just recently she came out of a debate that she lost badly and said that the other people in the debate were picking on her because she was a woman. so if she becomes president and some other country starts nuking us, is she just gonna whine and say that its because shes a woman? doesnt sound like much of a president to me. im gonna cut myself off now before i right another three pages on why not to vote for hillary. but by the way, i dont see obama complaing that other people are picking on him because he is black, and everyone seems to overlook the fact that we havent had a black president either.

Finally somebody who uses knows how to use that watermelon shaped thing sitting on his shoulders. if only the rest of America could be so bright.

Finally somebody who uses knows how to provide argument ruining irony. If only everybody I debate could be so self-less.

For the love of god, somebody please move this to the soap box. The OP has acknowledged that his question has been answered. Please do not let this political crap infect the temple of truth that is "General."

Having said that, you are all idiots.

The social programs in this country put in place largely by the democrats are shamefully inadequate and only meant to make it look like they are sympathetic. The republicans on the other hand are just straight out assholes. No other way to describe it.

Rich people do suck and poor people do need help. Anyone who says otherwise is either rich or has never seen a homeless person or come within 100 yards of a homeless person in their life. I spend every day in New York City. Homelessness is a bit of a problem here. I trip over the homeless nearly every day and they take up all of our park benches. Since we can't drown them all in the east river like kittens we might as well feed them and give them someplace to sleep (other than my park bench). Unless you "republicans" want to come down here, roll up your sleeves and start drowning homeless people like kittens, you better do something because lower middle class people like me have no where to read a newspaper.

Now then, mods please move to Soap Box before the right to bear arms and the whole 'is there a God/no, STFU god boy!' thing comes up.

STFU, you are so wrong. Why was there a Great Depression? I'll tell you why. People got lazy for several years. Very, very lazy, all around the world, and they all just wanted a free handout from the government. Luckily the rich hardworking people of the world started WWII and killed off all of the lazy people (the rich ones didn't have to fight) and then there were no more lazy people for awhile and it was much better.

C'mon now... that's just ridiculous. This is a serious dialogue in a forum designed for legitimate discussion of american politics (screw you, canada!). We all know that the Great Depression came long after WWII. Now if you want to use sarcasm to mock serious posts I suggest you go back to 'General'...

oh wait...


Nov 16, 2007, 12:32 AM
Post #90 of 106 (2271 views)

Registered: Jun 23, 2005
Posts: 807

Re: [jgloporto] How strong are harnesses? Why aren’t they rated? [In reply to]
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jgloporto wrote:
Johnny_Fang wrote:
jgloporto wrote:
diebetes wrote:
stagg54 wrote:
JackAttack wrote:
stagg54 wrote:
lofstromc wrote:

"Fool me once shame on you, fool my twice , blah, blah, duh...won't get fooled again"

I take it you're voting for Hillary??

You're about to get fooled 3 times.

I guess when you're a climbing bum it's easy to be a democrat. Once you get a real job and start paying taxes everything changes.

I'm giving them all this money for what? So I can support all the homeless people out there?

oh jeez, im trying so hard not to go on a political rant. Basically, don't vote for hillary for so many reasons. 1)take money from rich and just give it to the poor? wheres the sense in that? the rich(er) people actually work but get their money taken away to give to the poor people who dont work but get free money. 2) her whole election campaign is centered around the fact that shes a woman. just recently she came out of a debate that she lost badly and said that the other people in the debate were picking on her because she was a woman. so if she becomes president and some other country starts nuking us, is she just gonna whine and say that its because shes a woman? doesnt sound like much of a president to me. im gonna cut myself off now before i right another three pages on why not to vote for hillary. but by the way, i dont see obama complaing that other people are picking on him because he is black, and everyone seems to overlook the fact that we havent had a black president either.

Finally somebody who uses knows how to use that watermelon shaped thing sitting on his shoulders. if only the rest of America could be so bright.

Finally somebody who uses knows how to provide argument ruining irony. If only everybody I debate could be so self-less.

For the love of god, somebody please move this to the soap box. The OP has acknowledged that his question has been answered. Please do not let this political crap infect the temple of truth that is "General."

Having said that, you are all idiots.

The social programs in this country put in place largely by the democrats are shamefully inadequate and only meant to make it look like they are sympathetic. The republicans on the other hand are just straight out assholes. No other way to describe it.

Rich people do suck and poor people do need help. Anyone who says otherwise is either rich or has never seen a homeless person or come within 100 yards of a homeless person in their life. I spend every day in New York City. Homelessness is a bit of a problem here. I trip over the homeless nearly every day and they take up all of our park benches. Since we can't drown them all in the east river like kittens we might as well feed them and give them someplace to sleep (other than my park bench). Unless you "republicans" want to come down here, roll up your sleeves and start drowning homeless people like kittens, you better do something because lower middle class people like me have no where to read a newspaper.

Now then, mods please move to Soap Box before the right to bear arms and the whole 'is there a God/no, STFU god boy!' thing comes up.

STFU, you are so wrong. Why was there a Great Depression? I'll tell you why. People got lazy for several years. Very, very lazy, all around the world, and they all just wanted a free handout from the government. Luckily the rich hardworking people of the world started WWII and killed off all of the lazy people (the rich ones didn't have to fight) and then there were no more lazy people for awhile and it was much better.

C'mon now... that's just ridiculous. This is a serious dialogue in a forum designed for legitimate discussion of american politics (screw you, canada!). We all know that the Great Depression came long after WWII. Now if you want to use sarcasm to mock serious posts I suggest you go back to 'General'...

oh wait...

Whoa who who... stop right there. With Harper as Prime Minister, American politics ARE Canadian politics. Our homeless are headed right on up there, side by side with the best NYC has to offer. Another couple of years of this and our natural talent for being the best at useless things will takes right past you weak-assed Americans when it comes to idiotic governmental policies.

nuff said...


Nov 16, 2007, 12:53 AM
Post #91 of 106 (2265 views)

Registered: Aug 8, 2006
Posts: 5522

Re: [macblaze] How strong are harnesses? Why aren?t they rated? [In reply to]
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macblaze wrote:
jgloporto wrote:
Johnny_Fang wrote:
jgloporto wrote:
diebetes wrote:
stagg54 wrote:
JackAttack wrote:
stagg54 wrote:
lofstromc wrote:

"Fool me once shame on you, fool my twice , blah, blah, duh...won't get fooled again"

I take it you're voting for Hillary??

You're about to get fooled 3 times.

I guess when you're a climbing bum it's easy to be a democrat. Once you get a real job and start paying taxes everything changes.

I'm giving them all this money for what? So I can support all the homeless people out there?

oh jeez, im trying so hard not to go on a political rant. Basically, don't vote for hillary for so many reasons. 1)take money from rich and just give it to the poor? wheres the sense in that? the rich(er) people actually work but get their money taken away to give to the poor people who dont work but get free money. 2) her whole election campaign is centered around the fact that shes a woman. just recently she came out of a debate that she lost badly and said that the other people in the debate were picking on her because she was a woman. so if she becomes president and some other country starts nuking us, is she just gonna whine and say that its because shes a woman? doesnt sound like much of a president to me. im gonna cut myself off now before i right another three pages on why not to vote for hillary. but by the way, i dont see obama complaing that other people are picking on him because he is black, and everyone seems to overlook the fact that we havent had a black president either.

Finally somebody who uses knows how to use that watermelon shaped thing sitting on his shoulders. if only the rest of America could be so bright.

Finally somebody who uses knows how to provide argument ruining irony. If only everybody I debate could be so self-less.

For the love of god, somebody please move this to the soap box. The OP has acknowledged that his question has been answered. Please do not let this political crap infect the temple of truth that is "General."

Having said that, you are all idiots.

The social programs in this country put in place largely by the democrats are shamefully inadequate and only meant to make it look like they are sympathetic. The republicans on the other hand are just straight out assholes. No other way to describe it.

Rich people do suck and poor people do need help. Anyone who says otherwise is either rich or has never seen a homeless person or come within 100 yards of a homeless person in their life. I spend every day in New York City. Homelessness is a bit of a problem here. I trip over the homeless nearly every day and they take up all of our park benches. Since we can't drown them all in the east river like kittens we might as well feed them and give them someplace to sleep (other than my park bench). Unless you "republicans" want to come down here, roll up your sleeves and start drowning homeless people like kittens, you better do something because lower middle class people like me have no where to read a newspaper.

Now then, mods please move to Soap Box before the right to bear arms and the whole 'is there a God/no, STFU god boy!' thing comes up.

STFU, you are so wrong. Why was there a Great Depression? I'll tell you why. People got lazy for several years. Very, very lazy, all around the world, and they all just wanted a free handout from the government. Luckily the rich hardworking people of the world started WWII and killed off all of the lazy people (the rich ones didn't have to fight) and then there were no more lazy people for awhile and it was much better.

C'mon now... that's just ridiculous. This is a serious dialogue in a forum designed for legitimate discussion of american politics (screw you, canada!). We all know that the Great Depression came long after WWII. Now if you want to use sarcasm to mock serious posts I suggest you go back to 'General'...

oh wait...

Whoa who who... stop right there. With Harper as Prime Minister, American politics ARE Canadian politics. Our homeless are headed right on up there, side by side with the best NYC has to offer. Another couple of years of this and our natural talent for being the best at useless things will takes right past you weak-assed Americans when it comes to idiotic governmental policies.

nuff said...

Oh no!!! Not Canadian politics!!!! Forget Soap Box. For the love of all things holy, mods, please lock this thread and send it to the recycling bin. We're all gonna die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!


Nov 16, 2007, 1:22 AM
Post #92 of 106 (2260 views)

Registered: Jun 23, 2005
Posts: 807

Re: [jgloporto] How strong are harnesses? Why aren?t they rated? [In reply to]
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jgloporto wrote:
macblaze wrote:
jgloporto wrote:
Johnny_Fang wrote:
jgloporto wrote:
diebetes wrote:
stagg54 wrote:
JackAttack wrote:
stagg54 wrote:
lofstromc wrote:

"Fool me once shame on you, fool my twice , blah, blah, duh...won't get fooled again"

I take it you're voting for Hillary??

You're about to get fooled 3 times.

I guess when you're a climbing bum it's easy to be a democrat. Once you get a real job and start paying taxes everything changes.

I'm giving them all this money for what? So I can support all the homeless people out there?

oh jeez, im trying so hard not to go on a political rant. Basically, don't vote for hillary for so many reasons. 1)take money from rich and just give it to the poor? wheres the sense in that? the rich(er) people actually work but get their money taken away to give to the poor people who dont work but get free money. 2) her whole election campaign is centered around the fact that shes a woman. just recently she came out of a debate that she lost badly and said that the other people in the debate were picking on her because she was a woman. so if she becomes president and some other country starts nuking us, is she just gonna whine and say that its because shes a woman? doesnt sound like much of a president to me. im gonna cut myself off now before i right another three pages on why not to vote for hillary. but by the way, i dont see obama complaing that other people are picking on him because he is black, and everyone seems to overlook the fact that we havent had a black president either.

Finally somebody who uses knows how to use that watermelon shaped thing sitting on his shoulders. if only the rest of America could be so bright.

Finally somebody who uses knows how to provide argument ruining irony. If only everybody I debate could be so self-less.

For the love of god, somebody please move this to the soap box. The OP has acknowledged that his question has been answered. Please do not let this political crap infect the temple of truth that is "General."

Having said that, you are all idiots.

The social programs in this country put in place largely by the democrats are shamefully inadequate and only meant to make it look like they are sympathetic. The republicans on the other hand are just straight out assholes. No other way to describe it.

Rich people do suck and poor people do need help. Anyone who says otherwise is either rich or has never seen a homeless person or come within 100 yards of a homeless person in their life. I spend every day in New York City. Homelessness is a bit of a problem here. I trip over the homeless nearly every day and they take up all of our park benches. Since we can't drown them all in the east river like kittens we might as well feed them and give them someplace to sleep (other than my park bench). Unless you "republicans" want to come down here, roll up your sleeves and start drowning homeless people like kittens, you better do something because lower middle class people like me have no where to read a newspaper.

Now then, mods please move to Soap Box before the right to bear arms and the whole 'is there a God/no, STFU god boy!' thing comes up.

STFU, you are so wrong. Why was there a Great Depression? I'll tell you why. People got lazy for several years. Very, very lazy, all around the world, and they all just wanted a free handout from the government. Luckily the rich hardworking people of the world started WWII and killed off all of the lazy people (the rich ones didn't have to fight) and then there were no more lazy people for awhile and it was much better.

C'mon now... that's just ridiculous. This is a serious dialogue in a forum designed for legitimate discussion of american politics (screw you, canada!). We all know that the Great Depression came long after WWII. Now if you want to use sarcasm to mock serious posts I suggest you go back to 'General'...

oh wait...

Whoa who who... stop right there. With Harper as Prime Minister, American politics ARE Canadian politics. Our homeless are headed right on up there, side by side with the best NYC has to offer. Another couple of years of this and our natural talent for being the best at useless things will takes right past you weak-assed Americans when it comes to idiotic governmental policies.

nuff said...

Oh no!!! Not Canadian politics!!!! Forget Soap Box. For the love of all things holy, mods, please lock this thread and send it to the recycling bin. We're all gonna die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!

Laugh you definitely have a point... Mods! Please make me stop!


Nov 16, 2007, 1:43 AM
Post #93 of 106 (2251 views)

Registered: Aug 23, 2003
Posts: 1077

Re: [jgloporto] How strong are harnesses? Why aren?t they rated? [In reply to]
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jgloporto wrote:
Oh no!!! Not Canadian politics!!!! Forget Soap Box. For the love of all things holy, mods, please lock this thread and send it to the recycling bin. We're all gonna die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!

STFU God Boy!!!!!!

(Sorry. Couldn't resistAngelic )

--Andy P

(This post was edited by andypro on Nov 16, 2007, 1:44 AM)


Nov 16, 2007, 2:35 AM
Post #94 of 106 (2240 views)

Registered: Aug 8, 2006
Posts: 5522

Re: [andypro] How strong are harnesses? Why aren?t they rated? [In reply to]
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andypro wrote:
jgloporto wrote:
Oh no!!! Not Canadian politics!!!! Forget Soap Box. For the love of all things holy, mods, please lock this thread and send it to the recycling bin. We're all gonna die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!

STFU God Boy!!!!!!

(Sorry. Couldn't resistAngelic )

--Andy P

Well, you know what they say about atheists and fox holes.

Besides, I'm any agnostic nihilist. Try and argue with that, I dare you.


Nov 16, 2007, 2:53 AM
Post #95 of 106 (2231 views)

Registered: May 9, 2007
Posts: 1190

Re: [macblaze] How strong are harnesses? Why aren?t they rated? [In reply to]
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macblaze wrote:
jgloporto wrote:
macblaze wrote:
jgloporto wrote:
Johnny_Fang wrote:
jgloporto wrote:
diebetes wrote:
stagg54 wrote:
JackAttack wrote:
stagg54 wrote:
lofstromc wrote:

"Fool me once shame on you, fool my twice , blah, blah, duh...won't get fooled again"

I take it you're voting for Hillary??

You're about to get fooled 3 times.

I guess when you're a climbing bum it's easy to be a democrat. Once you get a real job and start paying taxes everything changes.

I'm giving them all this money for what? So I can support all the homeless people out there?

oh jeez, im trying so hard not to go on a political rant. Basically, don't vote for hillary for so many reasons. 1)take money from rich and just give it to the poor? wheres the sense in that? the rich(er) people actually work but get their money taken away to give to the poor people who dont work but get free money. 2) her whole election campaign is centered around the fact that shes a woman. just recently she came out of a debate that she lost badly and said that the other people in the debate were picking on her because she was a woman. so if she becomes president and some other country starts nuking us, is she just gonna whine and say that its because shes a woman? doesnt sound like much of a president to me. im gonna cut myself off now before i right another three pages on why not to vote for hillary. but by the way, i dont see obama complaing that other people are picking on him because he is black, and everyone seems to overlook the fact that we havent had a black president either.

Finally somebody who uses knows how to use that watermelon shaped thing sitting on his shoulders. if only the rest of America could be so bright.

Finally somebody who uses knows how to provide argument ruining irony. If only everybody I debate could be so self-less.

For the love of god, somebody please move this to the soap box. The OP has acknowledged that his question has been answered. Please do not let this political crap infect the temple of truth that is "General."

Having said that, you are all idiots.

The social programs in this country put in place largely by the democrats are shamefully inadequate and only meant to make it look like they are sympathetic. The republicans on the other hand are just straight out assholes. No other way to describe it.

Rich people do suck and poor people do need help. Anyone who says otherwise is either rich or has never seen a homeless person or come within 100 yards of a homeless person in their life. I spend every day in New York City. Homelessness is a bit of a problem here. I trip over the homeless nearly every day and they take up all of our park benches. Since we can't drown them all in the east river like kittens we might as well feed them and give them someplace to sleep (other than my park bench). Unless you "republicans" want to come down here, roll up your sleeves and start drowning homeless people like kittens, you better do something because lower middle class people like me have no where to read a newspaper.

Now then, mods please move to Soap Box before the right to bear arms and the whole 'is there a God/no, STFU god boy!' thing comes up.

STFU, you are so wrong. Why was there a Great Depression? I'll tell you why. People got lazy for several years. Very, very lazy, all around the world, and they all just wanted a free handout from the government. Luckily the rich hardworking people of the world started WWII and killed off all of the lazy people (the rich ones didn't have to fight) and then there were no more lazy people for awhile and it was much better.

C'mon now... that's just ridiculous. This is a serious dialogue in a forum designed for legitimate discussion of american politics (screw you, canada!). We all know that the Great Depression came long after WWII. Now if you want to use sarcasm to mock serious posts I suggest you go back to 'General'...

oh wait...

Whoa who who... stop right there. With Harper as Prime Minister, American politics ARE Canadian politics. Our homeless are headed right on up there, side by side with the best NYC has to offer. Another couple of years of this and our natural talent for being the best at useless things will takes right past you weak-assed Americans when it comes to idiotic governmental policies.

nuff said...

Oh no!!! Not Canadian politics!!!! Forget Soap Box. For the love of all things holy, mods, please lock this thread and send it to the recycling bin. We're all gonna die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!

Laugh you definitely have a point... Mods! Please make me stop!

God bless the Canadian dollar. Despite the collapse of the US housing bubble, my mom was able to sell her house to a Canadian and now she can retire in California.


Nov 16, 2007, 2:56 AM
Post #96 of 106 (2230 views)

Registered: Aug 12, 2003
Posts: 7250

Re: [k.l.k] How strong are harnesses? Why aren?t they rated? [In reply to]
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k.l.k wrote:
God bless the Canadian dollar. Despite the collapse of the US housing bubble, my mom was able to sell her house to a Canadian and now she can retire in California.
THAT will be a short retirement.


Nov 16, 2007, 3:43 AM
Post #97 of 106 (2218 views)

Registered: May 9, 2007
Posts: 1190

Re: [stymingersfink] How strong are harnesses? Why aren?t they rated? [In reply to]
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You forgot to include the quote boxes that would help to retire this thread.


Nov 16, 2007, 3:48 AM
Post #98 of 106 (2217 views)

Registered: Feb 24, 2004
Posts: 121

Re: [stagg54] How strong are harnesses? Why aren’t they rated? [In reply to]
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stagg54 wrote:
jt512 wrote:
Wild guess here: You voted for Bush, huh?


What does voting for Bush have to do with being stupid?

Wait for it... wait for it...


Nov 16, 2007, 2:03 PM
Post #99 of 106 (2201 views)

Registered: Aug 12, 2003
Posts: 7250

Re: [btreanor] How strong are harnesses? Why aren’t they rated? [In reply to]
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btreanor wrote:
stagg54 wrote:
jt512 wrote:
Wild guess here: You voted for Bush, huh?


What does voting for Bush have to do with being stupid?

Wait for it... wait for it...
i can't


Nov 16, 2007, 2:03 PM
Post #100 of 106 (2070 views)

Registered: Aug 12, 2003
Posts: 7250

Re: [USnavy] How strong are harnesses? Why aren’t they rated? [In reply to]
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