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really fat people climbing... why?
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Oct 23, 2002, 4:19 PM
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really fat people climbing... why?
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So I'm at the gym a couple weeks ago, and there was this guy in the bouldering room that I'd never seen there before. He was pretty big - about 5'8" and 350 pounds. ...I'm not kidding on that weight estimate. He was pretty immense.

He was struggling pretty mightily to get up the easiest holds in the room, just a foot or two up the wall would leave him gasping, shaking, and red-faced.

Now, on one hand I gave him kudos - I thought it was cool that he was trying something like this, when his body was the way it was. Gutsy and willing to try.

On the other hand - is this wise? I mean, when *I* start climbing, I get sweaty and heart-pounding pretty quickly. This guy... I'd be afraid he'd pop some important organs if he kept that up!

I do have a point to this post - anyone ever see people climbing that probably shouldn't? If you were this guy, wouldn't you want to start with some weight training and aerobics before jumping into climbing?

Make sure your body can handle what needs to be done, otherwise you're asking for big trouble.


Oct 23, 2002, 4:22 PM
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or maybe he's just having fun


Oct 23, 2002, 4:25 PM
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Who's to say who should be climbing and who shouldn't? At least he's trying. Some less than heavy people struggle to get up the easiest holds.


Oct 23, 2002, 4:28 PM
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Perhaps because of his condition, his doctor is trying to get him to lose weight and he is just looking for a fun way to do it. Not everyone is gifted with a great body, and , not everyone can log hours in the gym doing cardio. We should treat everyone as equals...I bet if you talked to him and gave him some words of encouragement or welcomed him to the gym he would be thrilled. You never know who he is, maybe he could give you a leg up in this crazy world.

Everyone is equal


Oct 23, 2002, 4:28 PM
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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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Ill say Fvcking awesome…
Obviously he is aware of his problem and trying to get over it
Its all about one baby step after the other
Go man go…


Oct 23, 2002, 4:29 PM
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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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hmmmm.... I think anybody who wants to try should. Just because I don't climb at the "elite" level, it doesn't mean I shouldn't get on rock and have fun. If he thinks he's ok and healthy enough to do it, then let him have his moment . After all, when we go outside to climb, we take our own health and safety in our own hands... if something bad happens, I have nobody to blame.


Oct 23, 2002, 4:29 PM
Post #7 of 133 (11659 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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A lot of peole who are overweight...maybe don't like to exercise...maybe this is just fun for him/her and it will hopefully get them into taking better care of themselves..not for us but for them. to each it's own...although i do have an aversion to really obese people, i also feel for them too. i was about 60 pounds heavier a couple of years ago. i do give them credit for not giving a crap and just doing it, instead of saying...well i wish i would have.


Oct 23, 2002, 4:36 PM
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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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I think fat sloppy people should climb. That way they can provide hours of entertainment for the rest of us.

Have any of you ever experienced the joy of watching some fat slob quivering and shaking on some measly slab. It's great! The adipose tissue quakes and jiggles like so much holiday jello, and when the poor guy inevitably falls and weights the stressed toprope he hangs in his undersized harness in all sorts of weird ways. Too entertaining!


Oct 23, 2002, 4:38 PM
Post #9 of 133 (11659 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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if you see him again try to inspirate him again, at least his trying. there are too many fat people raised in shadow of MacDonald´s and they do need the way to get out. climbing alone may not be the way but it is a start. it´s hard not to be fat in this world nowadays, don´t you think? let´s give them our support and let´s not judge them...


Oct 23, 2002, 4:40 PM
Post #10 of 133 (11659 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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Go rent the flick, "Hard Grit". Pay particular attention to John Dunne (I believe that's how the last name is spelt). Bigger guy, holds a lot of CRAZY 'FAs' in England. Stuff that scares the crap out of anyone.. hard 13/14 stuff with very minimal protection. In fact, the first route someone is climbing is a vid (Gia) the guy bails at the top.. the rest is just ugly.

Point.. not everyone is going to be picture-esque. Different people, different results. I personally give this guy kudos, he could just be sitting at his house eating Lays chips or something.. At least he's out trying..


Oct 23, 2002, 4:42 PM
Post #11 of 133 (11659 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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I think he need a climbing-friend. We don't know the reasons why he's climbing.

But i see your point. Nobody wants this guy to get hurted, overweight is dangerous. Was nice from you to talk to him. Help the guy!

A year ago, the company i work for took us to a special camp with sport activities. We suposed to work in groups but there was an easy test and one friend of mine, who is fat, had a lot of problem there.

I don't mean just problems, he was suffering just getting up on the small hills there. At the end everyone had fun but him and because the look on his face, some of us were getting afraid he could injured himself.

Your new friend is very wise, even that climbing is not the best sport to losse weight, it is the one where you have more fun!


Oct 23, 2002, 4:45 PM
Post #12 of 133 (11659 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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If you're dumb enough to tear down a large individual for trying to climb, you obviously lack the intelligence to be able to determine who should or should not be climbing. Maybe this guy is passionate about climbing but hasn't quite mastered the perfect climbing physique. So skinny boy, is climbing just a sport to you? Must be! If it wasn't, you'd never question anyone's desire or right to be on the wall, regardless of their size! It's judgemental people such as yourself that keep less than perfect, somewhat awkward people out of the gym. To me that's sad!

[ This Message was edited by: tracyroach on 2002-10-23 09:48 ]


Oct 23, 2002, 4:47 PM
Post #13 of 133 (11659 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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Have a weight requirement and ask fat people to complete a few months of spinning class prior to access to the climbing gym. Have the anorexic girl who only crimps and frogs up easy vertical 5.11 because she is masking her weakness with her ‘featherweigheness’ eat a few burgers and kick her out of all the aerobics classes for power lifting. Tell the 5.10 guy to try a 5.11. Have the boulderers take a lead test before shunning the rope. Have gyms pre-screen for the creepy starey climber who watches and judges everyone else and send him somewhere else. Climbing is about fun – who cares if a fat dude has trouble on 5.6. Climbing = fun. #’s have nothing to do with enjoyment – go get a life and stop judging others. In climbing there is a place for everyone: the fat dude, the anorexics, boulderers, but I have a great deal of contempt for the creepy starey, for you cultivate gossip and negative energy.


Oct 23, 2002, 4:47 PM
Post #14 of 133 (11659 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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My pleasure mtngeo,

I worked in nursing for 10 years. Fat is one of the primary causes of morbidity in America's population. It also one of the reasons our society is soft and getting softer.

Most "sensitive" people like you are scared to death of talking about obesity. Maybe you tried it once with a girlfriend and got scratched in the face, or maybe you are just generally fruity and sensitive. By refusing to discuss obesity we sanction the behavior that leads to obesity and the consequent disease and death of the obese.

Save a fatso, tell him he is fat!

Partner sauron

Oct 23, 2002, 4:50 PM
Post #15 of 133 (11659 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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Someone on here called my 240 lbs, 6'4" body, "fat" - I don't remember who. Doesn't really matter, I know I'm "big" - but I'd hardly consider myself fat.

Yes, I ain't a featherweight like many of you, but screw it - I enjoy climbing, and even if I can't redpoint that uber-simple 10a, just because I weigh twice as much as many of you, that doesn't bother me.

I think it's great that the guy is trying to get into climbing - it's a very enjoyable sport - as a matter of fact, the only sport I've stayed with for over a year (year and 2 months, and not likely to give up anytime soon) - yeah, it was hard in the beginning, but through it, I've lost quite a bit in body mass, and gained quite a bit in muscles.

I think you should talk with him some more, encourage him - you never know when lifelong friendships get started from climbing..

- d.

[ This Message was edited by: sauron on 2002-10-23 09:52 ]


Oct 23, 2002, 4:54 PM
Post #16 of 133 (11659 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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cut the guy some slack. offer some encouragement. he's just trying to get exercise. bouldering a couple of feet off the ground does not sound that it could be that stressful on the body,even to one his size.


Oct 23, 2002, 4:55 PM
Post #17 of 133 (11659 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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I was about to flame you when I read the title but after reading your post I agree.

I think it's great he's out there and I admire his desire. If his desire is to lose weight though there are much better things than climbing.

I for one have gained weight since starting to climb because I gave up running.

If all he wants to do is climb, and he doesn't care about his weight then I see know probablem with him climbing, just as long as his weight doesn't jeopardize others.


Oct 23, 2002, 4:57 PM
Post #18 of 133 (11659 views)

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A couple points:

1) My point came across the wrong way. I certainly didn't mean to be a "rude piece of shit".

My concern was that while the guy had the attitude to start climbing, I think that he was killing his body. And I don't think that's wise.

2) My apologies to you and to the guy I saw, for sounding like a jerk. It was not intentional, and I should've reread my post before posting. I'll make sure my posts are more PC from now on.

3) To clarify - I never spoke to the man. After again rereading it, I was ambiguous - if read one way it appears I was telling this guy he shouldn't be climbing. Not true. Any dialog was in my own head.

If I see him in there again, I will make a point to say hi, and try to help him out.


[ This Message was edited by: abkaiser on 2002-10-23 10:08 ]


Oct 23, 2002, 5:00 PM
Post #19 of 133 (11659 views)

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I agree with sauron. I'm in the same situation - overweight and climbing seems to be the only thing that works for me for losing the flab.


Oct 23, 2002, 5:03 PM
Post #20 of 133 (11659 views)

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Thanks for the correction, I for one don't think that you are a "rude piece of shit". I just think we should make all people feel welcome. I bet if someone made a rude comment and this man heard it, he wouldn't come back. Maybe for him, rock climbing is what is going to inspire him to get in shape.


Partner missedyno

Oct 23, 2002, 5:06 PM
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legs for arms, i love your response!! right on!!!

boo hoo if the guy you saw was larger than average. kudos to him for not staying at home eating cheesy poofs and using a scooter to get around.

do you think he wasn't aware that you (or other people) were looking at him? good for him to get out and try something instead of using the "i'm too fat" excuse.

i mean, was he taking too long on a 5.6 that YOU wanted to do??? was he in your way in any manner?


Oct 23, 2002, 5:07 PM
Post #22 of 133 (11659 views)

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  The most likely scenario I see is that he falls in love with climbing and then has a reason to get in shape. I don't see climbing as going to cut THAT much fat off (I swim to keep in shape, climb for fun). I think he should be encouraged, but I also agree that he must watch his health carefully so he doesn't overdo anything.



Oct 23, 2002, 5:16 PM
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You shouldn't apologise. the point you make is fair. In fact you said the same thing all the pretenders said:I give him Kudos" or something.
Just remember the original question: Is this wise? the answer is not a simple: yes. He could suffer a heart attack or something, and there are more benificial things he can do IF his goal is health. If his goal is to climb(since it's the best), then so be it.
I don't care if someone climbs or not, but again the question is fair, stop being so PC everyone.


Oct 23, 2002, 5:17 PM
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Andy, thanks for the clarification. It struck such a cord with me because when I took that first step to climb, it was really hard for me. At the time I was VERY selfconscious about myself and I was so worried about other people judging me and watching me struggle. I had an interest in climbing but that little worry in itself made me drive up to the gym a couple of times and then drive away when I was going by myself.


Oct 23, 2002, 5:18 PM
Post #25 of 133 (11659 views)

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I used to climb with a guy who played football (UofM no less) and he was huge.6'4'' and about 300lbs. He struggled up routes most of us would find easy. He looked fat to some, but was strong as 2 ox and could run 8 miles at 6 min/mile pace. He just wasn't that good at climbing. Yet. Encourge the guy you saw, he'll be ok.

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