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Feb 28, 2008, 4:48 PM
Post #73926 of 97182 (3954 views)

Registered: Nov 16, 2007
Posts: 1736

     Re: [epoch] TH3 thr34d of C4n4d4nz [In reply to]
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epoch wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Mrs_Zeke wrote:
epoch wrote:
Hey, Look at that. It's 11:23...

time for LUNCH.

Huh? They're called time zones...I get it.

I happen to like my life, so I am in no hurry for it to be 'lunchtime.'

I always enjoy a tastey lunch though. Might have to do the tuna melt today.

CI Stay away from the fat secretary. Euphamisms will kill you.

I'm having a ham and bacon sammich of epic porportions.

Quite the sausagefest...are you in teh middle. Fantastic.


Feb 28, 2008, 4:51 PM
Post #73927 of 97182 (3951 views)

Registered: Oct 31, 2007
Posts: 19994

     Re: [snoopy138] TH3 thr34d of C4n4d4nz [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
I'm beyond bored watching skateboarding on TV too.

uh-oez... AB was skateboarding pro hopeful. Nawt ment 2 b3.

Doesn't mean he likes watching it on tv either

I think I discussed with him the merits of watching Eric Koston skate sometime during the beerfest. A lot of skateboreding isn't that interesting to watch though. Maybe AB said he knew Koston or something, I don't remember.

Skated with him several times, not one of the pros I'd say I knew though.

And your wrong. Out of all the Sports Porn I've ever watched: Skating, Surfing, Boarding, Biking, Climbing, etc Skateboarding was by far the best. Of course I was younger then, when I had more time to sit around and watch those vids over and over and over. I had most the Plan B vids memorized. Pretty sad.


Feb 28, 2008, 4:52 PM
Post #73928 of 97182 (3950 views)

Registered: Oct 31, 2007
Posts: 19994

     Re: [tripperjm] TH3 thr34d of C4n4d4nz [In reply to]
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tripperjm wrote:
Arrogant_Bastard wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
Arrogant_Bastard wrote:
Hah! So was it Deputy Dogg or Deputy Stick up his Ass that deleted my posts in the beginners sticky?

Oh noez! Can't mention teh BET! Quick Delete! Censor censor, dunt let the young onez get exposed to teh madness!

teh greenies delete to compensate for a lack of climbing skills and small penises.

Scuze me! I have NO penis. THankyouverymuch

My guess is, that you could have as many penises as you like, if you wanted.

Are you hitting on me?

You maybe cute and all but NO I'm not hitting on you and I don't want to go out on a date with you cuz I'm not gay like you. Sorry.

Jack thinks I'm cute. Wow, that's two guys in one week. I really have to stop wearing this Axe body spray.

Partner epoch

Feb 28, 2008, 4:52 PM
Post #73929 of 97182 (3998 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2005
Posts: 32163

     Re: [Mrs_Zeke] TH3 thr34d of C4n4d4nz [In reply to]
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Mrs_Zeke wrote:
epoch wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Mrs_Zeke wrote:
epoch wrote:
Hey, Look at that. It's 11:23...

time for LUNCH.

Huh? They're called time zones...I get it.

I happen to like my life, so I am in no hurry for it to be 'lunchtime.'

I always enjoy a tastey lunch though. Might have to do the tuna melt today.

CI Stay away from the fat secretary. Euphamisms will kill you.

I'm having a ham and bacon sammich of epic porportions.

Quite the sausagefest...are you in teh middle. Fantastic.

Way to screw that one up.

I was seriously having a ham and bacon sammich. And it was fuckin awesome.

Partner epoch

Feb 28, 2008, 4:54 PM
Post #73930 of 97182 (3995 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2005
Posts: 32163

     Re: [epoch] TH3 thr34d of C4n4d4nz [In reply to]
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Feb 28, 2008, 4:54 PM
Post #73931 of 97182 (3993 views)

Registered: Oct 31, 2007
Posts: 19994

     Re: [caughtinside] TH3 thr34d of C4n4d4nz [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
dominic7 wrote:
Mrs_Zeke wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
artm wrote:
Arrogant_Bastard wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
artm wrote:
epoch wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
Holy crap I'm bored this morning. I've cleaned my bar already and cut up all the fruit. Can't restock because the manager isn't here with the keys yet. And you assholes are posting way too slooooooowwww.

Holy crap! You have the internets at the bar!!! What, you have an i-yuppie now? Facist...
Probably, shes been drooling over those stupid things since they came out. Last time I was in vegas she dragged me into a store to look at them.


At the end of the day, it's just a phone.

that has weather, maps, the internetz and an ipod. Chicks really seem to love them.

You seem to talk of yours quite often.
Well CI does have a girly voice like mrs_zeke


sorry art. that one just isn't catching on.

The cheezburger kitty? I luvz burger kitty!

How could anyone not love the CBK? Never mind lie to the cute little fella.


it just proves what we already knew: art is a terrible person.

While this is indeed correct, it makes no mention of the fact that you are the enemi of mankind.

Good point. Looks like he tried to casually ditch that moniker. The BET remembers Snupe. And if we don't, we'll just have D7 look it up in the history bookz.


Feb 28, 2008, 4:55 PM
Post #73932 of 97182 (3993 views)

Registered: Nov 16, 2007
Posts: 1736

     Re: [epoch] TH3 thr34d of C4n4d4nz [In reply to]
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epoch wrote:
Mrs_Zeke wrote:
epoch wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Mrs_Zeke wrote:
epoch wrote:
Hey, Look at that. It's 11:23...

time for LUNCH.

Huh? They're called time zones...I get it.

I happen to like my life, so I am in no hurry for it to be 'lunchtime.'

I always enjoy a tastey lunch though. Might have to do the tuna melt today.

CI Stay away from the fat secretary. Euphamisms will kill you.

I'm having a ham and bacon sammich of epic porportions.

Quite the sausagefest...are you in teh middle. Fantastic.

Way to screw that one up.

I was seriously having a ham and bacon sammich. And it was fuckin awesome.

Im sure it was...


Feb 28, 2008, 4:57 PM
Post #73933 of 97182 (3992 views)

Registered: Oct 31, 2007
Posts: 19994

     Re: [caughtinside] TH3 thr34d of C4n4d4nz [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
$72.67 dividend back from REI! Jebus. I had not idea I bought that much crap from them this past year. I was thinking about it and could remember no large purchases, but I guess a bunch of small ones added up.

I have a $129 dividend, plus I still have about $150 in a gift certificate. Guess I might as well use that 20% off on one item to score a #6. The dividend is pretty much all from the credit card.

You already have a #5? Good luck not getting razzed by CI on this...


There is someone, somewhere on this website, who has the 4 and the 6, but not the five. Apparently, they say the 4 and 6 barely overlap, making the 5 unnecessary.

That's the kind of shitty thinking you get when you try to crunch the numbers too much without any practical experience.

I have no idea why they publish those BS numbers on ranges. Well, yeah, I guess I do know why... still.

Strapped on the #4 last week for the first time in awhile. I forgot how bulky and heavy that thing is. I can't imagine a #6


Feb 28, 2008, 4:59 PM
Post #73934 of 97182 (3992 views)

Registered: Oct 31, 2007
Posts: 19994

     Re: [Mrs_Zeke] TH3 thr34d of C4n4d4nz [In reply to]
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Mrs_Zeke wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
dominic7 wrote:
We've done some strong work towards the collective gole of PT3K this weke.

It is shore to be a francising festival.

let's hope not.

The only way I see for it to be avoided is for you to be killed before we get there. If there is no francis, there can be no francising.

Your sheldoning right now and I'm not afraid to zachariah this information!

I don't believe that 'sheldoning' is a defined term.

At least I dont' know what it means. if you mean general chicanery perhaps.

Way to Sheldon your way out of that one.

Chicanery. Heh. I love that term. Pirate

Good catch. He is quite adept at Sheldoning his way out of situations.


Feb 28, 2008, 5:05 PM
Post #73935 of 97182 (3990 views)

Registered: Oct 31, 2007
Posts: 19994

     Re: [caughtinside] TH3 thr34d of C4n4d4nz [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
dominic7 wrote:
We've done some strong work towards the collective gole of PT3K this weke.

It is shore to be a francising festival.

let's hope not.

The only way I see for it to be avoided is for you to be killed before we get there. If there is no francis, there can be no francising.

Your sheldoning right now and I'm not afraid to zachariah this information!

I don't believe that 'sheldoning' is a defined term.

At least I dont' know what it means. if you mean general chicanery perhaps.

Dhude, we defined that daze ago! Sheldoning is when you pawn what you are originally guilty of onto others, a la francizing and zachariahing. It is you who first francized (not talking about the pt2k), and I know you've been zachariahing before I did it as well. It has its own honor, and is certainly worthy of being defined as "sheldoning."

Fuck that, someone else did that before I ever did. I think that was snoopy too.

here's a funny story, I may have told a couple of liez just for my own amusement at certain points in the thread. Once, I claimed I was framed for a franciz job, feigning indignation. Maybe inspired by roger clemens, who noes.

Then, I blamed epock for banzing Power_Tie, when I knew it was the Reno. I did it just for fun.

I told the zekez about this the night of the beerfest. Poor zeke looked stricken. "Is anything you say on there not a lie???"

Nope. HAHAHAHA!!!!

Poor form, Caughtinliez. Poor form indeed. Misdirection and subject change. Those are the tools used by true Chicanists to avoid using lies to cover up past deeds done dirty.

Partner epoch

Feb 28, 2008, 5:07 PM
Post #73936 of 97182 (3990 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2005
Posts: 32163

     Re: [Mrs_Zeke] TH3 thr34d of C4n4d4nz [In reply to]
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Mrs_Zeke wrote:
epoch wrote:
Mrs_Zeke wrote:
epoch wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Mrs_Zeke wrote:
epoch wrote:
Hey, Look at that. It's 11:23...

time for LUNCH.

Huh? They're called time zones...I get it.

I happen to like my life, so I am in no hurry for it to be 'lunchtime.'

I always enjoy a tastey lunch though. Might have to do the tuna melt today.

CI Stay away from the fat secretary. Euphamisms will kill you.

I'm having a ham and bacon sammich of epic porportions.

Quite the sausagefest...are you in teh middle. Fantastic.

Way to screw that one up.

I was seriously having a ham and bacon sammich. And it was fuckin awesome.

Im sure it was...
I really want to spoon take a nap now.

Partner dominic7

Feb 28, 2008, 5:08 PM
Post #73937 of 97182 (3989 views)

Registered: Mar 7, 2005
Posts: 18646

     Re: [caughtinside] t3h 1 thr3d [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
Won thr34d to rule tem all, 1 thr3d too f1ned tem, Juan tr3d to br1ng tem 4ll, and 1n teh d4rkn3ss b1nd tem ...

Sew, d3niz3nz ov m1ddl3-34rth, l3t us s33 witch kar4ct34 U R 1n th1s m0st n3rdy of p1ct0r334als…


Zek3 put some work into this one. one thread to rule them all. nice.

Strong work indeed. Jeff is my quasi-indentured servant. Where's Mrs_Zeke? She is Galadriel or Arwen? What are the other choices? Shelob? Rosie?


Feb 28, 2008, 5:08 PM
Post #73938 of 97182 (3988 views)

Registered: Oct 31, 2007
Posts: 19994

     Re: [zeke_sf] TH3 thr34d of C4n4d4nz [In reply to]
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zeke_sf wrote:
It's more than a little awesome that 955 pages later still finds us arguing franciz-gate.

This is correct.


Feb 28, 2008, 5:10 PM
Post #73939 of 97182 (3986 views)

Registered: Oct 31, 2007
Posts: 19994

     Re: [zeke_sf] TH3 thr34d of C4n4d4nz [In reply to]
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zeke_sf wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Mrs_Zeke wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Mrs_Zeke wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Mrs_Zeke wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
dominic7 wrote:
We've done some strong work towards the collective gole of PT3K this weke.

It is shore to be a francising festival.

let's hope not.

The only way I see for it to be avoided is for you to be killed before we get there. If there is no francis, there can be no francising.

Your sheldoning right now and I'm not afraid to zachariah this information!

I don't believe that 'sheldoning' is a defined term.

At least I dont' know what it means. if you mean general chicanery perhaps.

Dhude, we defined that daze ago! Sheldoning is when you pawn what you are originally guilty of onto others, a la francizing and zachariahing. It is you who first francized (not talking about the pt2k), and I know you've been zachariahing before I did it as well. It has its own honor, and is certainly worthy of being defined as "sheldoning."

Fuck that, someone else did that before I ever did. I think that was snoopy too.

here's a funny story, I may have told a couple of liez just for my own amusement at certain points in the thread. Once, I claimed I was framed for a franciz job, feigning indignation. Maybe inspired by roger clemens, who noes.

Then, I blamed epock for banzing Power_Tie, when I knew it was the Reno. I did it just for fun.

I told the zekez about this the night of the beerfest. Poor zeke looked stricken. "Is anything you say on there not a lie???"

Nope. HAHAHAHA!!!!

yep, CI definitely francised poor kel out of pt2k.

You invented francising. I had deletezed posts to test out what happened, but that was very early on, before pts were ftw.

I don't think this is what CI admitted to...though I also don't remember the exact conversation. Hooray for drunken blackouts!

Mrs Zeke becomes intoxicated rather quickly, I have noticed.


Eh....your correct.

hah! Well at least we are all having a good time.

At least, we were. Until you produced the vanilla flavored tequila.

Oh, you are hearkening back to that night? There have been so many.

We have since disposed of the jagermeister colored 'tequila'.

That is good to here.

My liver is not tolerant of such poisonous adult beverages. I need purity, lest I suffer a vicious hangover. The purity found, for example, in Rocky Mountain stream water. I am enjoying such a beverage at the moment.

You cheap bastard. I drank a 22 each of Anchor Bock and Anchor Porter tonight. The blort needed a break. Back on my bitch diet tomorrow though, I promise!

Anchor Bock? Never heard of it. But damn is that Porter a tasty beverage.


Feb 28, 2008, 5:12 PM
Post #73940 of 97182 (3984 views)

Registered: Oct 31, 2007
Posts: 19994

     Re: [caughtinside] TH3 thr34d of C4n4d4nz [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Mrs_Zeke wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Mrs_Zeke wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Mrs_Zeke wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
dominic7 wrote:
We've done some strong work towards the collective gole of PT3K this weke.

It is shore to be a francising festival.

let's hope not.

The only way I see for it to be avoided is for you to be killed before we get there. If there is no francis, there can be no francising.

Your sheldoning right now and I'm not afraid to zachariah this information!

I don't believe that 'sheldoning' is a defined term.

At least I dont' know what it means. if you mean general chicanery perhaps.

Dhude, we defined that daze ago! Sheldoning is when you pawn what you are originally guilty of onto others, a la francizing and zachariahing. It is you who first francized (not talking about the pt2k), and I know you've been zachariahing before I did it as well. It has its own honor, and is certainly worthy of being defined as "sheldoning."

Fuck that, someone else did that before I ever did. I think that was snoopy too.

here's a funny story, I may have told a couple of liez just for my own amusement at certain points in the thread. Once, I claimed I was framed for a franciz job, feigning indignation. Maybe inspired by roger clemens, who noes.

Then, I blamed epock for banzing Power_Tie, when I knew it was the Reno. I did it just for fun.

I told the zekez about this the night of the beerfest. Poor zeke looked stricken. "Is anything you say on there not a lie???"

Nope. HAHAHAHA!!!!

yep, CI definitely francised poor kel out of pt2k.

You invented francising. I had deletezed posts to test out what happened, but that was very early on, before pts were ftw.

I don't think this is what CI admitted to...though I also don't remember the exact conversation. Hooray for drunken blackouts!

Mrs Zeke becomes intoxicated rather quickly, I have noticed.


Eh....your correct.

hah! Well at least we are all having a good time.

At least, we were. Until you produced the vanilla flavored tequila.

Oh, you are hearkening back to that night? There have been so many.

We have since disposed of the jagermeister colored 'tequila'.

That is good to here.

My liver is not tolerant of such poisonous adult beverages. I need purity, lest I suffer a vicious hangover. The purity found, for example, in Rocky Mountain stream water. I am enjoying such a beverage at the moment.

You cheap bastard. I drank a 22 each of Anchor Bock and Anchor Porter tonight. The blort needed a break. Back on my bitch diet tomorrow though, I promise!

ah but you are forgetting zeke. I am not drinking the C- because I am cheap. I am drinking it because I like it.

sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie....

What a coincidence! Pumpkin pie is one of the few foodz I cannot resist.

The short list includes yogurt covered raisins and banana cream pie.

Scary. I'm not a dessert guy either, but you named two of the three desserts I love. Couldn't really care about the raisins though, unless they're in Carrot Cake that is.


Feb 28, 2008, 5:14 PM
Post #73941 of 97182 (3983 views)

Registered: Nov 16, 2007
Posts: 1736

     Re: [Arrogant_Bastard] TH3 thr34d of C4n4d4nz [In reply to]
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Arrogant_Bastard wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Mrs_Zeke wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Mrs_Zeke wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Mrs_Zeke wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
dominic7 wrote:
We've done some strong work towards the collective gole of PT3K this weke.

It is shore to be a francising festival.

let's hope not.

The only way I see for it to be avoided is for you to be killed before we get there. If there is no francis, there can be no francising.

Your sheldoning right now and I'm not afraid to zachariah this information!

I don't believe that 'sheldoning' is a defined term.

At least I dont' know what it means. if you mean general chicanery perhaps.

Dhude, we defined that daze ago! Sheldoning is when you pawn what you are originally guilty of onto others, a la francizing and zachariahing. It is you who first francized (not talking about the pt2k), and I know you've been zachariahing before I did it as well. It has its own honor, and is certainly worthy of being defined as "sheldoning."

Fuck that, someone else did that before I ever did. I think that was snoopy too.

here's a funny story, I may have told a couple of liez just for my own amusement at certain points in the thread. Once, I claimed I was framed for a franciz job, feigning indignation. Maybe inspired by roger clemens, who noes.

Then, I blamed epock for banzing Power_Tie, when I knew it was the Reno. I did it just for fun.

I told the zekez about this the night of the beerfest. Poor zeke looked stricken. "Is anything you say on there not a lie???"

Nope. HAHAHAHA!!!!

yep, CI definitely francised poor kel out of pt2k.

You invented francising. I had deletezed posts to test out what happened, but that was very early on, before pts were ftw.

I don't think this is what CI admitted to...though I also don't remember the exact conversation. Hooray for drunken blackouts!

Mrs Zeke becomes intoxicated rather quickly, I have noticed.


Eh....your correct.

hah! Well at least we are all having a good time.

At least, we were. Until you produced the vanilla flavored tequila.

Oh, you are hearkening back to that night? There have been so many.

We have since disposed of the jagermeister colored 'tequila'.

That is good to here.

My liver is not tolerant of such poisonous adult beverages. I need purity, lest I suffer a vicious hangover. The purity found, for example, in Rocky Mountain stream water. I am enjoying such a beverage at the moment.

You cheap bastard. I drank a 22 each of Anchor Bock and Anchor Porter tonight. The blort needed a break. Back on my bitch diet tomorrow though, I promise!

Anchor Bock? Never heard of it. But damn is that Porter a tasty beverage.

I had never seen the anchor bock before either, which is why i bought it. that, and it has a goat on the label, and goats a are teh swete.


Feb 28, 2008, 5:16 PM
Post #73942 of 97182 (3981 views)

Registered: Oct 31, 2007
Posts: 19994

     Re: [snoopy138] TH3 thr34d of C4n4d4nz [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Mrs_Zeke wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Mrs_Zeke wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Mrs_Zeke wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
dominic7 wrote:
We've done some strong work towards the collective gole of PT3K this weke.

It is shore to be a francising festival.

let's hope not.

The only way I see for it to be avoided is for you to be killed before we get there. If there is no francis, there can be no francising.

Your sheldoning right now and I'm not afraid to zachariah this information!

I don't believe that 'sheldoning' is a defined term.

At least I dont' know what it means. if you mean general chicanery perhaps.

Dhude, we defined that daze ago! Sheldoning is when you pawn what you are originally guilty of onto others, a la francizing and zachariahing. It is you who first francized (not talking about the pt2k), and I know you've been zachariahing before I did it as well. It has its own honor, and is certainly worthy of being defined as "sheldoning."

Fuck that, someone else did that before I ever did. I think that was snoopy too.

here's a funny story, I may have told a couple of liez just for my own amusement at certain points in the thread. Once, I claimed I was framed for a franciz job, feigning indignation. Maybe inspired by roger clemens, who noes.

Then, I blamed epock for banzing Power_Tie, when I knew it was the Reno. I did it just for fun.

I told the zekez about this the night of the beerfest. Poor zeke looked stricken. "Is anything you say on there not a lie???"

Nope. HAHAHAHA!!!!

yep, CI definitely francised poor kel out of pt2k.

You invented francising. I had deletezed posts to test out what happened, but that was very early on, before pts were ftw.

I don't think this is what CI admitted to...though I also don't remember the exact conversation. Hooray for drunken blackouts!

Mrs Zeke becomes intoxicated rather quickly, I have noticed.


Eh....your correct.

hah! Well at least we are all having a good time.

At least, we were. Until you produced the vanilla flavored tequila.

Oh, you are hearkening back to that night? There have been so many.

We have since disposed of the jagermeister colored 'tequila'.

That is good to here.

My liver is not tolerant of such poisonous adult beverages. I need purity, lest I suffer a vicious hangover. The purity found, for example, in Rocky Mountain stream water. I am enjoying such a beverage at the moment.

CI, I regret two inform you (okay, actually I don't regret it at all) that based on your beer preferencez, you belong in that other thread.

This isn't a thread about beer preferences. This is a thread about insults, slander, and quite possibly death threats. You will see I got in on the ground floor. Hell, there's some clown in that other thread who climbs in flannel pajama pantz. WTF??

fucking hell, microdonny is really annoying. and he climbz in flannel pajama pantz. fucked up.

I'm 40 pages behind in my GUing of that thread. but I still respect t3h ethic.

If I'm bored I'll GU what's new, but won't hesitate to skim past large quantities of stuff I don't find interesting. I look at it as a Jardine Traverse sort of path.

Partner dominic7

Feb 28, 2008, 5:16 PM
Post #73943 of 97182 (3981 views)

Registered: Mar 7, 2005
Posts: 18646

     Re: [caughtinside] TH3 thr34d of C4n4d4nz [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
I'm beyond bored watching skateboarding on TV too.

uh-oez... AB was skateboarding pro hopeful. Nawt ment 2 b3.

Doesn't mean he likes watching it on tv either

I think I discussed with him the merits of watching Eric Koston skate sometime during the beerfest. A lot of skateboreding isn't that interesting to watch though. Maybe AB said he knew Koston or something, I don't remember.

You know, it's getting harder and harder for me to watch any sports on tv. the notable exception is the Tour de France, I love that shit. World Cup soccer too I really love for some strange reason. Maybe it's the playoff atmosphere of those events, it's all on the line. I can watch playoff pro sports, but not really reg season stuff anymore. Can't watch surfing on tv unless it's a surf video. surf contests suck. Olympics would be better if they just focused on the events instead of the human interest BS. It's become one big fucking marketing campaign.

Its the commercials I hate. I pay $100 a year to watch international rugby on the internet. No commercials and for some reasons foreign commentators are _way_ better than American ones. American sports commentary is geared towards people with retardation it seems. European and Southern Hemisphere color commentary is funny, enlightened and intelligent.


Feb 28, 2008, 5:17 PM
Post #73944 of 97182 (3978 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 30603

     Re: [Arrogant_Bastard] TH3 thr34d of C4n4d4nz [In reply to]
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Arrogant_Bastard wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
I'm beyond bored watching skateboarding on TV too.

uh-oez... AB was skateboarding pro hopeful. Nawt ment 2 b3.

Doesn't mean he likes watching it on tv either

I think I discussed with him the merits of watching Eric Koston skate sometime during the beerfest. A lot of skateboreding isn't that interesting to watch though. Maybe AB said he knew Koston or something, I don't remember.

Skated with him several times, not one of the pros I'd say I knew though.

And your wrong. Out of all the Sports Porn I've ever watched: Skating, Surfing, Boarding, Biking, Climbing, etc Skateboarding was by far the best. Of course I was younger then, when I had more time to sit around and watch those vids over and over and over. I had most the Plan B vids memorized. Pretty sad.

Ah yes. The dayz of extreeeme sports vid worship.

Sad indeed.


Feb 28, 2008, 5:18 PM
Post #73945 of 97182 (3976 views)

Registered: Oct 31, 2007
Posts: 19994

     Re: [tripperjm] TH3 thr34d of C4n4d4nz [In reply to]
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tripperjm wrote:
Arrogant_Bastard wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Mrs_Zeke wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
Arrogant_Bastard wrote:
dominic7 wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Mrs_Zeke wrote:
This one?

Zeke's face is classic.

That's it. zeke has a real Angelic face going there, between the sultry babez.

It's also known as my "penis fillin' wif blood, cuss it all t' tarnation" face.

The male equivalent of the Oh Face. It should be noted that neither of Mrs_Zeke's hands can be seen in this picture.

How would you know what a guys O face looks like?

We can only hope through the good ol' fashioned choice of straight men everywhere: the ceiling mounted sex mirror.

Word. We should get one. They are fun...and classy!

I have always wondered what chicks thought of that sort of thing. For instance, my bed is right next to my double closet, which has huge mirrors on it.

One whole side of my room is mirrors, it's always been a good thing... but it's a mirror with a legitimate purpose. The ceiling mirror may not be taken so kindly.

I picked up some fuzzy cuffs while dating a girl a while back, and she dug them. However, later wimmen didn't always appreciate them... especially if they were already hanging from my headboard. It's the difference between "mine" and "ours" in their mind. Some of them at least, I'm sure there's plenty that couldn't care less who they've been used with.

I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you 'fuzzy cuffs' are teh weke. Only plain, white bread, vanilla, yuppies mistakinly thinking they are players in the scene would be caught with them. I recomend a trip to the Pleaure Chest on SM blvd for a selection of quality gear for the serious. If you would like some reading material, I recomend the two book written by Jay Wiseman. Both give good overveiws of what going on.

But then the cuffs would scratch up my fancy iron headboard, and they wouldn't match my leopard print silk sheets.

Partner dominic7

Feb 28, 2008, 5:22 PM
Post #73946 of 97182 (3972 views)

Registered: Mar 7, 2005
Posts: 18646

     Re: [caughtinside] TH3 thr34d of C4n4d4nz [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
dominic7 wrote:
We've done some strong work towards the collective gole of PT3K this weke.

It is shore to be a francising festival.

let's hope not.

The only way I see for it to be avoided is for you to be killed before we get there. If there is no francis, there can be no francising.

Your sheldoning right now and I'm not afraid to zachariah this information!

I don't believe that 'sheldoning' is a defined term.

At least I dont' know what it means. if you mean general chicanery perhaps.

Dhude, we defined that daze ago! Sheldoning is when you pawn what you are originally guilty of onto others, a la francizing and zachariahing. It is you who first francized (not talking about the pt2k), and I know you've been zachariahing before I did it as well. It has its own honor, and is certainly worthy of being defined as "sheldoning."

Fuck that, someone else did that before I ever did. I think that was snoopy too.

here's a funny story, I may have told a couple of liez just for my own amusement at certain points in the thread. Once, I claimed I was framed for a franciz job, feigning indignation. Maybe inspired by roger clemens, who noes.

Then, I blamed epock for banzing Power_Tie, when I knew it was the Reno. I did it just for fun.

I told the zekez about this the night of the beerfest. Poor zeke looked stricken. "Is anything you say on there not a lie???"

Nope. HAHAHAHA!!!!

Haha! Sheldon indeed.


Feb 28, 2008, 5:23 PM
Post #73947 of 97182 (3970 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 30603

     Re: [Mrs_Zeke] TH3 thr34d of C4n4d4nz [In reply to]
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Mrs_Zeke wrote:
Arrogant_Bastard wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Mrs_Zeke wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Mrs_Zeke wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Mrs_Zeke wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
dominic7 wrote:
We've done some strong work towards the collective gole of PT3K this weke.

It is shore to be a francising festival.

let's hope not.

The only way I see for it to be avoided is for you to be killed before we get there. If there is no francis, there can be no francising.

Your sheldoning right now and I'm not afraid to zachariah this information!

I don't believe that 'sheldoning' is a defined term.

At least I dont' know what it means. if you mean general chicanery perhaps.

Dhude, we defined that daze ago! Sheldoning is when you pawn what you are originally guilty of onto others, a la francizing and zachariahing. It is you who first francized (not talking about the pt2k), and I know you've been zachariahing before I did it as well. It has its own honor, and is certainly worthy of being defined as "sheldoning."

Fuck that, someone else did that before I ever did. I think that was snoopy too.

here's a funny story, I may have told a couple of liez just for my own amusement at certain points in the thread. Once, I claimed I was framed for a franciz job, feigning indignation. Maybe inspired by roger clemens, who noes.

Then, I blamed epock for banzing Power_Tie, when I knew it was the Reno. I did it just for fun.

I told the zekez about this the night of the beerfest. Poor zeke looked stricken. "Is anything you say on there not a lie???"

Nope. HAHAHAHA!!!!

yep, CI definitely francised poor kel out of pt2k.

You invented francising. I had deletezed posts to test out what happened, but that was very early on, before pts were ftw.

I don't think this is what CI admitted to...though I also don't remember the exact conversation. Hooray for drunken blackouts!

Mrs Zeke becomes intoxicated rather quickly, I have noticed.


Eh....your correct.

hah! Well at least we are all having a good time.

At least, we were. Until you produced the vanilla flavored tequila.

Oh, you are hearkening back to that night? There have been so many.

We have since disposed of the jagermeister colored 'tequila'.

That is good to here.

My liver is not tolerant of such poisonous adult beverages. I need purity, lest I suffer a vicious hangover. The purity found, for example, in Rocky Mountain stream water. I am enjoying such a beverage at the moment.

You cheap bastard. I drank a 22 each of Anchor Bock and Anchor Porter tonight. The blort needed a break. Back on my bitch diet tomorrow though, I promise!

Anchor Bock? Never heard of it. But damn is that Porter a tasty beverage.

I had never seen the anchor bock before either, which is why i bought it. that, and it has a goat on the label, and goats a are teh swete.

Hmm. Goatz go to hell. WHich is where the party is. Yet the way to heaven is overhung.

A conundrum.


Feb 28, 2008, 5:23 PM
Post #73948 of 97182 (3970 views)

Registered: Nov 16, 2007
Posts: 1736

     Re: [Arrogant_Bastard] TH3 thr34d of C4n4d4nz [In reply to]
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Arrogant_Bastard wrote:
tripperjm wrote:
Arrogant_Bastard wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Mrs_Zeke wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
Arrogant_Bastard wrote:
dominic7 wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
Mrs_Zeke wrote:
This one?

Zeke's face is classic.

That's it. zeke has a real Angelic face going there, between the sultry babez.

It's also known as my "penis fillin' wif blood, cuss it all t' tarnation" face.

The male equivalent of the Oh Face. It should be noted that neither of Mrs_Zeke's hands can be seen in this picture.

How would you know what a guys O face looks like?

We can only hope through the good ol' fashioned choice of straight men everywhere: the ceiling mounted sex mirror.

Word. We should get one. They are fun...and classy!

I have always wondered what chicks thought of that sort of thing. For instance, my bed is right next to my double closet, which has huge mirrors on it.

One whole side of my room is mirrors, it's always been a good thing... but it's a mirror with a legitimate purpose. The ceiling mirror may not be taken so kindly.

I picked up some fuzzy cuffs while dating a girl a while back, and she dug them. However, later wimmen didn't always appreciate them... especially if they were already hanging from my headboard. It's the difference between "mine" and "ours" in their mind. Some of them at least, I'm sure there's plenty that couldn't care less who they've been used with.

I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you 'fuzzy cuffs' are teh weke. Only plain, white bread, vanilla, yuppies mistakinly thinking they are players in the scene would be caught with them. I recomend a trip to the Pleaure Chest on SM blvd for a selection of quality gear for the serious. If you would like some reading material, I recomend the two book written by Jay Wiseman. Both give good overveiws of what going on.

But then the cuffs would scratch up my fancy iron headboard, and they wouldn't match my leopard print silk sheets.

Partner dominic7

Feb 28, 2008, 5:25 PM
Post #73949 of 97182 (3967 views)

Registered: Mar 7, 2005
Posts: 18646

     Re: [caughtinside] TH3 thr34d of C4n4d4nz [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
snoopy138 wrote:
dominic7 wrote:
We've done some strong work towards the collective gole of PT3K this weke.

It is shore to be a francising festival.

let's hope not.

The only way I see for it to be avoided is for you to be killed before we get there. If there is no francis, there can be no francising.

Your sheldoning right now and I'm not afraid to zachariah this information!

I don't believe that 'sheldoning' is a defined term.

At least I dont' know what it means. if you mean general chicanery perhaps.

Dhude, we defined that daze ago! Sheldoning is when you pawn what you are originally guilty of onto others, a la francizing and zachariahing. It is you who first francized (not talking about the pt2k), and I know you've been zachariahing before I did it as well. It has its own honor, and is certainly worthy of being defined as "sheldoning."

Fuck that, someone else did that before I ever did. I think that was snoopy too.

here's a funny story, I may have told a couple of liez just for my own amusement at certain points in the thread. Once, I claimed I was framed for a franciz job, feigning indignation. Maybe inspired by roger clemens, who noes.

Then, I blamed epock for banzing Power_Tie, when I knew it was the Reno. I did it just for fun.

I told the zekez about this the night of the beerfest. Poor zeke looked stricken. "Is anything you say on there not a lie???"

Nope. HAHAHAHA!!!!

yep, CI definitely francised poor kel out of pt2k.

You invented francising. I had deletezed posts to test out what happened, but that was very early on, before pts were ftw.

Nobody is writing what you're reading. I have long ago given up hope of finding the pt2k franciz. Nor do I carez.

I actually do carez, but like yourself, I have pretty much given up hope of finding the pt2k francis.

That doesn't mean however, that francis is not guilty of violashun of teh parl4y.

It's awesome that the controversy continues to simmer.


Feb 28, 2008, 5:25 PM
Post #73950 of 97182 (3966 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2006
Posts: 18730

     Re: [dominic7] t3h 1 thr3d [In reply to]
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dominic7 wrote:
caughtinside wrote:
zeke_sf wrote:
Won thr34d to rule tem all, 1 thr3d too f1ned tem, Juan tr3d to br1ng tem 4ll, and 1n teh d4rkn3ss b1nd tem ...

Sew, d3niz3nz ov m1ddl3-34rth, l3t us s33 witch kar4ct34 U R 1n th1s m0st n3rdy of p1ct0r334als…

Zek3 put some work into this one. one thread to rule them all. nice.

Strong work indeed. Jeff is my quasi-indentured servant. Where's Mrs_Zeke? She is Galadriel or Arwen? What are the other choices? Shelob? Rosie?

If she were Rose, INC would be her man by the end. Not gonna happen. If she were Shelob, I would have my nuts swung around like a meaty mace. Galadriel is a safe bet, but, then again, that woulda made me the seemingly neutered elflord. I figured making me her Arwen to my Aragorn woulda been way too cheezey and not really funny at all. Anyway, she is a Donny, so I think the package has been wrapped up rather tightly.

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