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really fat people climbing... why?
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Oct 25, 2002, 2:18 AM
Post #101 of 133 (10351 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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First, in response to the statement about: If you don't have something nice to say, ....

I think this is a terrible philosophy. If I have something to say, I say it. I think that too often things aren't said because we don't want to hurt others feelings. In realty all we are doing is reinforcing that which we don't agree with(i.e bad habits). I would prefer that people siad things to my face, rather than behind my back or not at all. And when people do tell me negative things about myself, I try to look at it objectively and not take it personally. It may be they are seeing something I should change which I have kept myself from seeing.

If I were very overwieght and was doing something which could potentially be dangerous like climbing, I would very much want someone to approach me and tell me why my weight could increase the dangers posed by climbing. However, I would hope that I was approached in a courteous manner.

I'm not saying big guys and women can't climb. However, because of the very nature of climbing vs. gravity, WEIGHT DOES MATTER. This is a simple fact. I weigh close to two hundred pounds. When a lighter person belays me I always make sure they are well anchored, which is my responibility. A newcomer might not be as cognizant of this, and needs to be informed. How many of you have belayed someone who weighs 300 pounds. I'm not sure I could hold a lead fall, and I sure as hell would be really cautious spotting.

My 2 cents.


Oct 25, 2002, 2:51 AM
Post #102 of 133 (10351 views)

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Astone spewed: I suspect that many of those who flame me play a part in this scenario or something close to it.

10 years as a nurse and 27 years old. Maybe you are getting flamed because many of those who flame you can detect a self-righteous blowhard when they see one.


Oct 25, 2002, 3:03 AM
Post #103 of 133 (10351 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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Gimme a break, who cares if a plus size is trying to climb?! Let him do what he can, as safely as he can and drop it! Get back on the rock and worry about your own climbing! Why should a little guy like me play football? WHO CARES! If I enjoy it, I'm certainly going to give it a try.


Oct 25, 2002, 3:19 AM
Post #104 of 133 (10351 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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I gotta say I agree with a number of people who have posted opinions like, "Maybe he found something that inspired him to get in shape." I'm not overweight (I've actually been trying to gain weight), but I was pretty terribly out of shape before I started climbing. Never found a sport that I particularly cared about. I absolutely LOVE to climb. Hell, it even got me to start going into the gym to weight train, just so I could become a stronger climber.

I don't particularly care to enter into the PC fracas. From what I've read I think that astone's heart was probably in the right place - and that's what is really most important. Yes, most of us probably know people that are overweight and have been made to feel not so good by others because of it. Those people suck. As I read it, though - no one's come out and said "You're fat nanny nanny poo poo." There are legitimate health concerns that arise at the intersection of obesity and exercise. I'll also say that this guy (that touched off this massive thread) is probably aware of them. It's sort of like people who tell me that smoking is bad for me. You can't interact with any kind of mass media for more than 15 minutes without knowing these things.


Oct 31, 2002, 3:52 AM
Post #105 of 133 (10351 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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That was beautiful astone.
This kid in my school's band came with me when I went to the gym on our practice break. He, uh, plays the tuba, so you know he's a big guy. He's kinda clumbsy and not that strong either. He thought climbing looked cool and wanted to do it. So the next day, he bought himself a $250 membrship and top of the line gear. Ahhh, what do I care what he does. Fat people can't climb as well as they would like to though, but they can still support the industry.


Oct 31, 2002, 3:58 AM
Post #106 of 133 (10351 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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Rock climbing is for everyone.

Did anyone tell whoever posted this topic that he/she shouldn't climb because they're ignorant.

I applaud whoever this larger person was taking the initiative to get off their butt and climb.


Oct 31, 2002, 4:24 AM
Post #107 of 133 (10351 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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One thing I encountered at my local climbing gym. People there are of various ages, ethnicity (Malaysia is a multi-racial community) and uh, sizes. The impression I get there is everyone is welcome and people encourage each other. They're pleased to see newbies like me as well. I remember my first day there very well. Other than the climbing itself it helped influence me to keep going back. I'd like to think climbing communities are like that the world over. My two cents, if you dig it, go for it.


Oct 31, 2002, 8:15 AM
Post #108 of 133 (10351 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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I too am in the health field.
If someone is fat and they are climbing, they are trying to have fun and help themselves and I applaud them.
If someone is fat and eating potato chips on the couch, that is the kind of person that needs to be told to get their fat ass up out of concern for their health.


Oct 31, 2002, 10:23 AM
Post #109 of 133 (10351 views)

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Nov 1, 2002, 4:43 AM
Post #110 of 133 (10351 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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Climbing is not a highly taxing sport on the cardiovascular system, he's not gonna kill himself.
I admire the guy for doing it, he probably knows that there are people out there thinking things like "what's HE doing here?" because he probably gets it everywhere.
Leave the poor guy alone, he's a champion for living and experiencing life the way he wants to.


Nov 1, 2002, 3:08 PM
Post #111 of 133 (10351 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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Well I think the important thing to remember AbKaiser is that John Dunne (who is large) can whip your butt with ease (both climbing and physically).

I wonder if he would look at you as some skinny pathetic individual who although weighing half his weight still can't climb as hard as him. Just a thought.



Nov 1, 2002, 3:09 PM
Post #112 of 133 (10351 views)

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Well I think the important thing to remember AbKaiser is that John Dunne (who is large) can whip your butt with ease (both climbing and physically).

I wonder if he would look at you as some skinny pathetic individual who although weighing half his weight still can't climb as hard as him. Just a thought.



Nov 1, 2002, 3:21 PM
Post #113 of 133 (10351 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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Really stupid posts.... why??


Nov 1, 2002, 3:30 PM
Post #114 of 133 (10351 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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How does such an ignorant post get 9 pages of reply? Who ever started this thread is either pathetically insecure or ...
No they're just pathetically insecure!


Nov 1, 2002, 9:25 PM
Post #115 of 133 (10351 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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All charitable kindness aside, and no offense to anyone out there, but the original poster of this thread is quite correct. It would be much more physically beneficial for a man of that weight to work his body aerobically than in short, intense, anaerobic bursts. Someone who is reacting so violently to such little exercise is demonstrating early signs of hypoxia, which is really not good for someone who has to make their heart work as hard as a man of that weight would. It would be much healthier for the man to use a treadmill, stairmaster, exercise bike, or other aerobic exercise in order to get himself in good enough shape to climb aerobiocally (or with endurance). The short, intense burts are not healthy, and are more likely to cause problems than really help much.

Think of the effect it has on joints as well. Part of having endurance and ability as a climber is having good, strong joints, tendons, ligaments, and muscles. If the guy can't climb for more than a few seconds before his weight brings him back to the ground, it is quite likely because any or all of those are not strong enough to support that kind of weight. He could do irreprable damage to himself that way. I used to climb 5.9s and 5.10s in the gym with a 40 pount weight in a pack on my back, and I regret doing that now. The joints of a couple of my fingers are all buggered up because of it, and I strained my pronator teres muscle in my forearm and was laid up for two weeks. Granted, I could climb a whole route and not fall off after a few seconds like the man in question. If his lack of strength and extra weight could be so much greater, then injury is nearly garunteed as I see it.


Nov 1, 2002, 10:05 PM
Post #116 of 133 (10351 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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Climbing won't do him much good because he won't actually get anything done. He'd be better off losing some wieght before he started


Nov 1, 2002, 10:10 PM
Post #117 of 133 (10351 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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AbKaiser is just a kiddie trying to up his post count. he should be banned for life. this thread should have been burned from the start.


Nov 2, 2002, 2:46 AM
Post #118 of 133 (10351 views)

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...speaking of useless posts thrillseeker5...


Nov 2, 2002, 2:59 AM
Post #119 of 133 (10351 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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Forget about the fat guy. You know what really pisses me off? These scrawny little 100lb bastards that go climbing. They're all over the place. And, they make me look bad--how hard can it be for them? They don't have any weight to support. I think they are cheating. I like the the fat guys climbing, they make me look good.



Nov 2, 2002, 11:14 PM
Post #120 of 133 (10351 views)

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I am proud to be one of those skinny, strong-yet with no weight to tote around, bastard climbers who skip half the holds and dyno up the rest. God bless the scrawny!


Nov 3, 2002, 7:43 AM
Post #121 of 133 (10351 views)

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really fat people climbing... why? [In reply to]
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Micah, how on earth do you know he was suffering from hypoxia?
Unless you saw the guy, and you're trained to recognise the symptoms, and discount other possibilities, it's a pretty big stetch to diagnose even a runny nose.
Second, how do ANY of you know why the guy was climbing? Did he personally tell any of you that he was climbing to lose weight? Maybe he just watched MI2, or Cliffhanger and thought it looked cool.
Maybe he has always wanted to climb, and has just made the decision that he isn't going to let his weight stop him from doing what he wants anymore.
The point is, there are any number of possible reasons for this guy deciding to want to climb, and the whole time he probably knew that ill-informed idiots would be judging him for it.
Good on him.


Nov 4, 2002, 11:20 PM
Post #122 of 133 (10351 views)

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ok dude, strap in. You ask how I know he was hypoxic. First of all, do you have the foggiest clue what hypoxia is? Howsabout cyanosis? Those of us in the medical field can find signs of both conditions in the following statement given by a first-hand witness:
"He was struggling pretty mightily to get up the easiest holds in the room, just a foot or two up the wall would leave him gasping, shaking, and red-faced."
Do you want me to baby you through an explanation of hypoxia or will you just take my word for it that he was obviously not perfusing enough oxygen into the cells of his body?
You said "Unless you saw the guy, and you're trained to recognise the symptoms, and discount other possibilities, it's a pretty big stetch to diagnose even a runny nose." Thank God you aren't my doctor. And friggin bugger off you presumptuous asshole. I haven't spent years of my life and many thousands of dollars in nursing school to have blowhards like you tell me that I am not trained to spot obvious signs of rediculously common conditions. And what the hell do you know about actual medical diagnostics anyways? Who are you calling an ill-informed idiot? Pogue-assed limey bastard.
I dont give two shits as to why the man is climbing, that was not part of the discussion. I am holding to my original, educated comment, which for those just tuning in was this: that its not beneficial for an overweight individual to engage in activities which are intense and anaerobic (such as climbing for a few feet and falling off, weak from HYPOXIA "mate"). All that can serve him is the possibility (not inevitability, merely possibility) of injury or other weight-related medical problem. It would benefit the man much more to jog, or commit to some other scheduled aerobic workout; something to up his endurance, cardiovascular health, and reduce his overall lipid count. Am I still wrong, or have you some witty response you'd like to give?


Nov 5, 2002, 10:59 AM
Post #123 of 133 (10351 views)

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Ok buddy let's go. I too am in the Medical field, and not JUST a nurse.
I still say that because he was red in the face doesn't mean he was close to checking out.
If you want to assume that I was calling you an Ill informed idiot, then you must be feeling a little like you are one. It was a new paragraph, and was referring to all of the idiots who were trashing the guy for climbing. So you now really are an ill-infomed idiot.
Oh and by the way Einstein, a Limey is someone from England you ill-informed idiot. The term originates from the fact that English sailors used to eat limes to ward off scurvy, dop you know what that is, or do you need to look it up?- Vitamin C deficiency.

Think of the effect it has on joints as well.

It would benefit the man much more to jog.

Well, that's why you were never a doctor smartboy! This man has a body mass index of 53, more than double the healthy range, and you're recommending he JOGS! Good way to kill someone! You think THAT'S going to be good for his joints? You don't even deserve to talk fitness and health with opinions like that.
End of conversation fool, not bothering to check comments by an idiot.

Edit: That's why the recommendation goes something like 'before starting any new fitness program consult your doctor' and doesn't seem to mention nurses anywhere.

It occurs to me that most people get red faced when exercising, so should we all stop until you say it's OK? Or take up jogging?

[ This Message was edited by: ajkclay on 2002-11-05 03:17 ]


Nov 5, 2002, 5:34 PM
Post #124 of 133 (10351 views)

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WOW....this thread has gotten WWWWWWAAAYYYYY out of control...i mean i guess the hot topics are relgion, abortion and fat people...go figure!!!


Nov 6, 2002, 4:27 AM
Post #125 of 133 (10383 views)

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134 replies to this topic? Please . . . let fat people do what they want. It's none of our business - climbing should be personal: concentrate on your own performance and let others do the same.

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