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How does a thin guy loose a gut?
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Dec 21, 2002, 11:26 PM
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Registered: Dec 20, 2002
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How does a thin guy loose a gut?
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I want to trim my waste size. Any ideas
I am 150lbs and just shy of 6 feet (and male). So statistically, I am on the lower side of my recommended weight. However, the problem lies in that I am extremely lean everywhere except for my stomach. I do not want to diet for fear of losing weight elsewhere, and I really really really hate sit-ups. What do you think my best approach might be? Can sit ups help my trim my waste or will I just build muscle under the fat?

see you on the rock



Dec 21, 2002, 11:38 PM
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Sit ups will tone your stomach muscles but won't burn enough calories to help you lose fat. To lose fat, you have to reduce your caloric intake (diet) and/or increase your caloric expenditures (exercise). To help insure that you don't lose muscle while dieting, reduce caloric intake by reducing fat intake while maintaining high protein intake, and lift weights or climb to counteract the catabolic effects of dieting on muscle.



Dec 21, 2002, 11:46 PM
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How does a thin guy loose a gut? [In reply to]
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stop drinking beer.....

personally, i like my beer, and my gut.


Dec 22, 2002, 12:09 AM
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How does a thin guy loose a gut? [In reply to]
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Forget situps..
Start running.. or get yourself a skipping rope..

Running is by far the best way to loose fat where you don't want it...
I however don't like running, and I also had abit of a stomach developing, so besides climbing I started skipping 15 mins a day, before I knew it no more fat...


Dec 22, 2002, 12:16 AM
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Lipo is your only hope.

Buy into the corporate consumer lifestyle or get left behind.


Dec 22, 2002, 3:16 AM
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How does a thin guy loose a gut? [In reply to]
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Running is the best.

But my knees don't like it.


Dec 22, 2002, 3:28 AM
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How does a thin guy loose a gut? [In reply to]
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Do a lot of crunches to tone your muscles.
To lose the fat, do something anerobic,
run, swim, tennis, .....just work up a sweat and sustain it for a while.


Dec 22, 2002, 11:09 AM
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How does a thin guy loose a gut? [In reply to]
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go vegan man, it's all that dariy and meat. Cow milk is for baby cows, who double their weight in six weeks and weigh 1,000 lbs. within a year. As for meat, just check out the colon blow thread in community.


Dec 22, 2002, 12:39 PM
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don't go vegan, humans evolved with teeth made for eating veggies AND meat, as well as with eyes in front of there heads like predators, not on the sides like plant eating prey....cut down on the carbs, work your abs, increase cardio and protein...


Dec 22, 2002, 1:07 PM
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How does a thin guy loose a gut? [In reply to]
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jt512 has it completely right. Situps, crunches, fancy devices won't take your gut away!!! They will just strengthen the muscles that are UNDER the fat. In fact, as you work you abs more, it may make your gut stick out MORE, since you are increasing the muscle mass behind the fat.

You need to reduce your caloric intake. Preferably decreasing fat intake and carbs. Lots of fruits and veggies is good. As well as fish, chicken, a little white meat, beans. Try to cut down on bread and pasta. Your body turns excess carbs into FAT, so many people think they have a "low fat" diet, but in fact are actually getting fatter. If you eat bread, stick to whole wheat which is healthier.

Don't reduce your caloric intake to much. Maybe by 500 calories a day maximum. If you reduce your diet too much, your body will think you are starving and your metabolism will slow down, and you will be burning less calories. So the net gains are not realized. That is why those trendy diets never work.

Exercise is the MOST important. Try lots of cardio exercise. Probably 3 times a week minimum. Running is great, but can be bad for some peoples joints. Biking is less stressful on kness, hips, etc. If you can get to the gym, they have machines that will work your cardio withouth stressing your joints. The multi-trainer taht works your legs and arms is great (looks like you are snow-shoeing). But Stairmaster, tread mills, Nordic Track all work well also.

Get a trainer at the gym if you need advice on a workout program. They can show you the proper workouts to get the results you desire, plus give you nutritional advice. You will probably lose a bunch of weight (10-15 lbs.) the first 1-2 months you start your program. This is due to your metabolism speeding up and adjusting to the increased exercise. Your results will be SLOWER after that. It can be discouraging, and that is why many people quit working out after a couple months. But stick with it adn keep exercising. There are NO SHORTCUTS.


Dec 22, 2002, 4:15 PM
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How does a thin guy loose a gut? [In reply to]
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Let me tell you what has not worked for me (175 and 5'7")

eating costco muffins for breakfast.

chocolate in the form of bars and snack cakes for lunch.

Wishing it would get smaller. NO, that hasn't helped decrease it's size. My wife is astounded at how strong my abs are after you get under the fat though.

Hope that helps: as ususal, JY has it correct I fear.



Dec 22, 2002, 5:01 PM
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Maintain a healthy diet (not necessarily dieting, but enough protein and carbs and fat in balance) and get a lot of cardio exercise - something like 1-2 hours several times a week, running, swimming, hiking, skipping rope, etc. Time varies with intensity but for burning fat moderate intensity and longer duration are going to work better.



Dec 23, 2002, 3:22 PM
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How does a thin guy loose a gut? [In reply to]
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Dude, you're not fat....maybe anorexic, but not fat. I'm 5'7" and 3/4 and I weigh 155 lbs (of pure muscle), so you're definitely leaner than me. If you're really worried about it, get a body fat measurement done, 5-10% is healthy for strength training, if you're under 5%, you're probably unhealthy.

If you have a big gut, the only way to lose it is to stop drinking all that beer. Switch to hard liquor or wine.


Dec 24, 2002, 3:36 AM
Post #14 of 21 (3319 views)

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How does a thin guy loose a gut? [In reply to]
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Running is by far the best way to reduce that spare tire men are suseptable to. I also recommend following a Zone related diet. You can buy a book called "The Zone" by Barry Sears. It may sound a little harsh while reading it and may be a little difficult to follow at first but with dedication it will help. You do not need to ahear to the diet 100% but 75 or 80% of the time will work. Also, the beer thing, you can drink it but you will need to run it off. If hitting the pavement is not working for your knees then try a treadmill at the local gym. Be persistent and the results will come.


Dec 24, 2002, 7:57 PM
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JT is exactly right. Read some of his other posts on weight lifting, and training in general. You'll learn a lot of valuable accurate information, instead of a lot hearsay picked up from bad AM radio (wait, isn't that redundant?), and infomercials.


Dec 24, 2002, 9:01 PM
Post #16 of 21 (3319 views)

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Of course, jt is always right...

But for a human interpretation, cut OUT the excess fat and sugars (pop, candy, and dohnuts) and replace them with wholesome type snack foods that maybe have protien or natural fats like NUTS or dried fruit. Also, cut you carbos in half.

AND, increase your physical activity... Like going to the gym earlier and using the treadmill or recumbant bike before you climb. Or take the "long" approach to the crag. Walk up stairs instead of taking the elevator. You know, daily things...

Good luck!



Dec 24, 2002, 9:15 PM
Post #17 of 21 (3319 views)

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How does a thin guy loose a gut? [In reply to]
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I have to disagree with the advice to cut carbohydrate intake. The problem with trying to lose weight is that you tend to lose muscle mass along with body fat. Preventing the loss of muscle while dieting requires a diet that is lower in total caloric intake than your total caloric expenditures, but high in both protein and carbohydrate.

Carbohydrate has a protein-sparing effect. When you reduce carbohydrate intake, your body breaks down more muscle tissue to burn for energy. Fat, however, does not have the same protein-sparing effect; consequently, the reduction in calories should come primarily from fat, not carbohydrate.

Now, if you were to say, replace refined carbohydrates with whole-food sources of carbohydrates, I would agree.



Dec 24, 2002, 9:46 PM
Post #18 of 21 (3319 views)

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airscape et al;
are dead on. RUN! Better yet RUN! and strength train, cranks up your metabolism.

There is something primal about running that affects your central nervous system, goes beyond the simple calorie in/out.

There are a lot of golf courses here and I finally found a use for them, I run on them just before dawn. Drives the greenskeepers crazy but it is so much better for the knees.

[ This Message was edited by: rockpossum on 2002-12-24 13:50 ]


Dec 24, 2002, 10:38 PM
Post #19 of 21 (3319 views)

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How does a thin guy loose a gut? [In reply to]
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Stop eating Krispie Kremes


Dec 24, 2002, 11:00 PM
Post #20 of 21 (3319 views)

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How does a thin guy loose a gut? [In reply to]
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Two words.

Weight training.

Do high repititions with light weight if you don't want to gain much muscle mass. Light weight and high repititions will define you. Situps thereafter. If you are afraid of loosing weight elsewhere, you'll have to weight lift. Why? Because even just doing situps will burn fat. It's a myth that you can lose a gut just by doing situps. What causes weight loss is the burning of fat. Situps does very little of this. It strengthens the abdomen. Yes, it will stimulate some weight loss, but not enough if you have a good gut (like me).

Stay away from aerobic activiites. Jogging, cardio boxing, that stuff. Either way, you're going to lose weight. So I recommend involving some weight training. However, if you have tiny little half inch pinch of a gut, then situps will do the trick. What I was talking about above is in regards to a real gut, not just a stomach that needs some firming up.



Dec 26, 2002, 2:29 AM
Post #21 of 21 (3319 views)

Registered: Dec 20, 2002
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How does a thin guy loose a gut? [In reply to]
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Thanks for the advice everyone.

I have decided i'm NOT going to give up any of the food i like or the beer i drink.

But i AM going to get a skipping rope, go on more walks with my GF, and do some ab training on my hanging board (beats situps anyday)

thanks again,



[ This Message was edited by: bigdrop on 2002-12-25 18:30 ]

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