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May 8, 2003, 10:48 PM
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Partner one900johnnyk

May 8, 2003, 11:20 PM
Post #2 of 94 (2076 views)

Registered: Oct 23, 2002
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Re: America's Global Rule [In reply to]
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yeah concern over clandestine nuclear weapons programs and violations of UN treaties are such a stupid thing to concern ourselves with. i like, totally don't agree with any of this because a republican is, like, running the country.



May 8, 2003, 11:49 PM
Post #3 of 94 (2076 views)

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It wouldn't be so easy to dismiss the administration's claims if it hadn't lied about the threat posed by Iraq. That's what happens when you cry wolf.


May 8, 2003, 11:56 PM
Post #4 of 94 (2076 views)

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It wouldn't be so easy to dismiss the administration's claims if it hadn't lied about the threat posed by Iraq. That's what happens when you cry wolf.

Exactly. Sort of like looking directly into the camera, shaking your finger, and saying "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." There goes any credibility.



May 9, 2003, 12:35 AM
Post #5 of 94 (2076 views)

Registered: Apr 15, 2003
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And Iraq was just brimming with weapons.


May 9, 2003, 12:39 AM
Post #6 of 94 (2076 views)

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It wouldn't be so easy to dismiss the administration's claims if it hadn't lied about the threat posed by Iraq. That's what happens when you cry wolf.

Exactly. Sort of like looking directly into the camera, shaking your finger, and saying "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." There goes any credibility.


Come on Curt. At least he didn't inhale. :lol:

Disclaimer: I'm not right or left winged. I'm both. Can't fly w/ only one. You just go in circles.


May 9, 2003, 1:03 AM
Post #7 of 94 (2076 views)

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Come on Curt. At least he didn't inhale.

I swear that I could visually discern a pronounced physical elongation of his proboscis after that one too.



May 9, 2003, 1:10 AM
Post #8 of 94 (2076 views)

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Re: America's Global Rule [In reply to]
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What's worse, lying about a blowjob or lying about a war?

Oh, I forgot, lying is lying. Sure...


May 9, 2003, 1:21 AM
Post #9 of 94 (2076 views)

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What's worse, lying about a blowjob or lying about a war?

Oh, I forgot, lying is lying. Sure...

I doubt that Bush will be impeached--as there was no perjury involved.



May 9, 2003, 2:16 AM
Post #10 of 94 (2076 views)

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Sure, no perjury that can be proven, unless someone takes the bull by the horns and follows up on the phony documents submitted "proving" Iraq was indeed harboring weapons of mass destruction.
Well, first of all, those darn facts keep getting in the way of the way you would like to view things, don't they? Perjury requires, as an element, lying under oath--as given testimony in a deposition or trial. When was GWB similarly questioned about Iraq? Your inference of any possible impeachment of Bush is a total non-starter.

Secondly, and more important, let us look at facts of Iraq's WMD. The United Nations (who seem to not be questioned at all by the Bush bashers) know with a high degree of specificity the quantities of Sarin, Anthrax, and other WMD agents that existed in Iraq in 1998--when they were forced to leave the country.

Now again--just looking at the facts--those who believe Saddam when he recently claimed to have no WMD have to make this leap of faith: That the existing WMD simply vanished into thin air. Do you really believe this is the most logical explanation?

* We know for a fact that he had them (according to the UN)
* He did not prove that he destroyed them.
* He did not account for them in the listing of Iraq's WMD.

So, you tell me, what is the most logical assumption as to whether or not Iraq still had WMD as of the time we attacked them?



May 9, 2003, 3:17 AM
Post #11 of 94 (2076 views)

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Re: America's Global Rule [In reply to]
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^^So, the lesson is that we're within our rights to invade any sovereign nation that we reasonaby assume might possess WMD, whether we have actual (as opposed to manufactured) intelligence or find any WMD after our invasion or not.

Got it.

That does simplify matters.


May 9, 2003, 3:56 AM
Post #12 of 94 (2076 views)

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Re: America's Global Rule [In reply to]
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Well, as long as they also have oil and can boost the president's job approval rating.

Yay for pax americana.


May 9, 2003, 4:22 AM
Post #13 of 94 (2076 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2003
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Re: America's Global Rule [In reply to]
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I think the administration made a mistake in making such a big deal about WMD. We invaded Iraq because they sponsor terrorism. Simple as that...Iran will probably be next. You are darn right Iran and North korea, etc. should not have nukes and we should. They sponsor terrorism and are a threat to democracy all over the world. The United States is not a threat. I think we should use our power to wipe out dictatorships like Saddam's all over the world. If you bleeding-heart liberals that are embarrassed to be Americans don't like it, feel free to go to one of those countries and be a human shield or something.

Why is it that you people are all for equal rights and human rights until it comes to other countries. Let's just leave Saddam in power so he can mutilate the genitals of more females, or torture and kill women just because they are lesbian, or jail children that want join his little youth army. You apologists for regimes like this make me absolutely sick!


May 9, 2003, 5:15 AM
Post #14 of 94 (2076 views)

Registered: Dec 15, 2001
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Re: America's Global Rule [In reply to]
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You are darn right Iran and North korea, etc. should not have nukes and we should. They sponsor terrorism and are a threat to democracy all over the world. The United States is not a threat. I think we should use our power to wipe out dictatorships like Saddam's all over the world.

By its own definition, the US gov't has committed more than it's share of terrorism throughout history right up until the present. It's not as simple as they're all bad and we are good, so we get weapons and they don't. Who says the United States isn't a threat? That's an opinion, based on one's perception of their relationship with the US. Obviously you won't think it's a threat from your point of view, but billions of other people around the world do, and since a threat is an issue of perception (in my opinion at least), that makes us a threat. And as simple and noble as it sounds to go around the world wiping out dictatorships, it just doesn't work that way. You're talking about establishing an empire. We can't go around just doing whatever the hell we want to whoever we dislike.....not only is it extremely arrogant and dangerous and will result in the loss of countless lives, but what kind of message does that send to other nations? Being in such a powerful position leaves us the large responsibility of setting an example. Just because you like you're way of life in the US doesn't mean it will work out bad as it might sound to you, democracy isn't for everyone, there are many cultures that just aren't accept it right now.

None of that means i support dictatorships or am a regime apologist.....when people from the opposing side argue that, it just shows me that they're trying to simplify things once again into terms of black and white, which they can more easily understand, and that they really haven't thought out any of my arguments. I'm simply saying that the situation is much more complicated than you're making it out to be.

Notice i also never called you a facist or anything like that, or said you make me sick. It would be nice if people could debate these things a bit more maturely....i'm pretty sure we're all past 5th grade by now. Namecalling just shows that you're arguements are weak and emotional and that you're categorizing people, which is another sign of oversimplifying.


May 9, 2003, 5:20 AM
Post #15 of 94 (2076 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
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Re: America's Global Rule [In reply to]
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I read that counterpunch link that skibabeage posted, it was the most ridiculous thing I've read in a while.

Seriously, trying to psychoanalyze someone from afar? They drew the conclusions they were looking to prove, hardly objective. They bable on and on about his ego and his self importance. Clinton was an ego maniac but I never heard anyone call him 'dry drunk.'

What a bunch of $hit.


May 9, 2003, 5:40 AM
Post #16 of 94 (2076 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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Re: America's Global Rule [In reply to]
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^^So, the lesson is that we're within our rights to invade any sovereign nation that we reasonaby assume might possess WMD, whether we have actual (as opposed to manufactured) intelligence or find any WMD after our invasion or not.

Got it.

That does simplify matters.


This is indeed an interesting point. Which way would you have it? For you can't have it both ways. Were the U.N. weapons inspectors giving us actual or manufactured intelligence that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction up until 1998?


Partner one900johnnyk

May 9, 2003, 6:06 AM
Post #17 of 94 (2076 views)

Registered: Oct 23, 2002
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Re: America's Global Rule [In reply to]
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a few things. first. this thread is off topic. second. the topic was changed. to make it even more ridiculous. do you honestly believe America (which you talk about, ski, as if it were some giant living in the hillsides) is undertaking global rule?? get real. i mean..... ugh. at any rate. curt is winning. big time.

secondly. ..... ah yes. saddam should've been left in power? America is the bad guy? (do not click here unless youwant to see very very disturbing images)... and if you think iraq does not have banned weapons you are just kidding yourself. you're just fishing for reasons to make the current "Republican America" the worst thing that's ever happened to the planet.

at any rate, why has noone espousing the argument that America's war was undertaken on false pretense ignored the fact that Saddam gives money to suicide bombers in Palestine? or that Saddam provides funding for Abu Saeef, a terrorist group which killed many innocent people recently at an airport in the phillipines. Or that Saddam has been on the terrorist list since 1993. or that Saddam and his sons were given the opportunity to spare their entire nation of this unfortunate sequence of events by merely leaving the country and giving up power. and oh yes....


oh i suppose it's pointless to argue further, but that is what i have to say. my apologies for any misspellings or poor grammar as i'm fairly drunk and i do not have the patience nor the concentration to make sense of this spellcheck feature for the first time. good night.


May 9, 2003, 8:54 AM
Post #18 of 94 (2076 views)

Registered: Jul 1, 2001
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Re: America's Global Rule [In reply to]
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Now, admittedly I know next to nothing on these affairs as I’ve had more immediate issue to attend to over the past eight months or so, but some of these points don’t make too much sense to me; please explain.

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Exactly. Sort of like looking directly into the camera, shaking your finger, and saying "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." There goes any credibility.

This comment makes little to no sense. Of what validity is it? Is Clinton the embodiment of the left wing now? Does his administration have any bearing on the current issue? Or is this just between users from another instance(s)?

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This is indeed an interesting point. Which way would you have it? For you can't have it both ways. Were the U.N. weapons inspectors giving us actual or manufactured intelligence that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction up until 1998?

Check you calendar. It should say 2003, not 1998. That means that the year before was 2002, and the year before that was 2001. Note that none of those years were in fact 1998; therefore you would submit speculation based on prejudice that the weapons still existed in Iraq? If you want to believe that the weapons exist(ed) in quantities to provide sufficient threat then I’d like to believe that this is all about oil and global domination. See, I understand that it is reaonable to err on the side of caution based on the past evidence, but not how it is logical to declare absolutely that the threat still exists.

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I was under the impression that this was still unconfirmed. Personally I hope it remains so. I have my own reasons for wanting the US to merely scrape by in the publicity war... and really that’s all this nonsense is.


May 9, 2003, 1:36 PM
Post #19 of 94 (2076 views)

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Who says the United States isn't a threat? That's an opinion, based on one's perception of their relationship with the US. Obviously you won't think it's a threat from your point of view, but billions of other people around the world do, and since a threat is an issue of perception (in my opinion at least), that makes us a threat.

Exquisite thought process. One can only imagine what Hussein & Co would be doing right now if they had a fraction of our military power......I'm sure you cannot imagine're too busy contriving theories to support your grand "perceptions" theory, to really understand the definition of "threat."

It amazes me how many people on this board enjoy sitting around and trying to look "intellectual" by way of repeating the mantra "America is evil."

Reasonable people can see that this is about President Bush...specifically hating President Bush. As others have nicely pointed out, no one was saying how evil America was/is when Clinton was in office.

Curt...Outstanding point about the UN and the WMD. Fact is, that even the UN had the same conclusions/suspicions. Apparently, most of the far left would prefer that we wait until the WMD's are used on us before we actually move on that country which obviously advocated, harbored, supported and even used terrorism...even against its own people.


May 9, 2003, 1:50 PM
Post #20 of 94 (2076 views)

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Reasonable people can see that this is about President Bush...specifically hating President Bush. As others have nicely pointed out, no one was saying how evil America was/is when Clinton was in office.

Sure we were; y’all just had no reason to listen


May 9, 2003, 2:21 PM
Post #21 of 94 (2076 views)

Registered: Nov 4, 2002
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This is indeed an interesting point. Which way would you have it? For you can't have it both ways. Were the U.N. weapons inspectors giving us actual or manufactured intelligence that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction up until 1998?


Let's assume--for the sake of argument, since we don't have the facts in front of us--that the UN had credible intelligence of WMD in '98. (Notwithstanding that highly placed Iraqis have said since the war that the programs had been largely ineffectual since the early '90s.)

So, in '98, the country is contained. We pound them any time they break the no-fly zone rules, etc., but we think they're developing WMD. That's a problem.

Cut to 2003. UN inspectors once again have the run of the country. Because of a credible threat of another war, I should add, Iraq caves in again to inspectors. Now the country is contained, and UN inspectors are back in the country.

Problem solved?

Apparently not. Some of us must be worried, still, because we defy world opinion and conduct a unilateral war, ruining diplomatic relationships, hosing up trade, demonstrating to an already suspicious and resentful global community that we will pursue any geopolitical policy we want for any set of reasons we might devise.

WMD? Haven't found any yet. (If we were so worried, why did we let looters have several days' access to the country's most important nuclear facility? If there were fissionable material there in the first place, it's not going to be there now. We must have been about as worried about that as we were about the national museum, when all our troops were busy guarding the oil ministry. I can document this, if you insist.)

Liberating Iraqis? The world's full of nasty dictators, many of whom we installed and have supported, in good bipartisan tradition. Since when do we invade entire nations for the purposes of building democracy? Show me the precedent.

Harboring terrorists? This was merely the first in a series of reasons the administration gave, which it then had to back off of when people actually had the balls and intelligence to ask for evidence.

Honestly, I fear for my commonwealth when I see apparently reasonable people support an unreasonable, ideologically-driven foreign policy--a policy that will prove to be either too expensive and destructive to pursue consistently or, therefore, inconsistently and chaotically pursued.

(I'm a parent, and there's one--and only one--thing I understand about parenting. Whatever you do, you have to be consistent if you want a sane household. You need to have policies that everyone understands, and you need to follow them consistently.)

WMD was no reason. Terrorism was no reason. Liberating the Iraqis might have been a reason, but if so it was the reason of last resort for something Bush's advisors have been wanting feverishly to do for the past dozen years.

Bush annoys me, it's true. I find him a national embarrassment, it's true. But--and I'm being perfectly honest--he's not the focus of my anger. At least on foreign policy, he's simply the figurehead and the medium for the policies of his core group of advisors, all of whom have been in positions of power at least since his old man was president. Dubya will go away. But the policies and effects of Cheney, Wolfowitz, Perle, etc., will stay with us. For our sins.


May 9, 2003, 2:31 PM
Post #22 of 94 (2076 views)

Registered: Jan 24, 2003
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I read that counterpunch link that skibabeage posted, it was the most ridiculous thing I've read in a while.

Seriously, trying to psychoanalyze someone from afar? They drew the conclusions they were looking to prove, hardly objective. They bable on and on about his ego and his self importance. Clinton was an ego maniac but I never heard anyone call him 'dry drunk.'

What a bunch of $hit.
i'm not vouching for the article here but i will say it's the exact first impression i received about him.


May 9, 2003, 2:44 PM
Post #23 of 94 (2076 views)

Registered: Mar 18, 2003
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WMD was no reason. Terrorism was no reason. Liberating the Iraqis might have been a reason

Remember 9/11?


May 9, 2003, 3:00 PM
Post #24 of 94 (2076 views)

Registered: Dec 15, 2001
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Who says the United States isn't a threat? That's an opinion, based on one's perception of their relationship with the US. Obviously you won't think it's a threat from your point of view, but billions of other people around the world do, and since a threat is an issue of perception (in my opinion at least), that makes us a threat.

Exquisite thought process. One can only imagine what Hussein & Co would be doing right now if they had a fraction of our military power......I'm sure you cannot imagine're too busy contriving theories to support your grand "perceptions" theory, to really understand the definition of "threat."

It amazes me how many people on this board enjoy sitting around and trying to look "intellectual" by way of repeating the mantra "America is evil."

That has nothing to do with what i said. I didn't say that Saddam wasn't bad or that our gov't is the equivalent of Saddam's in terms of "evilness." I'm sure he would have done lots of harm if he had our military power, as would plenty of other harmful dictators around the world that we seem to ignore and let do what they want. That has nothing to do with what kind of threat we present, which is what i was talking about. I never even said it was bad that we present a threat (although in most cases right now i think it is, i know that it's necessary sometimes.....presenting a threat the the Nazis, for instance was crucial). I was just saying that it's not as simple as many people make it out to be, and that whether or not you perceive the US as a threat, many other people and nations around the world do. Here's the definition of the word "threat" in case you're worried i still don't understand it:

threat (n): 1. An expression of an intention to inflict pain, injury, evil, or punishment. 2. An indication of impending danger or harm. 3. One that is regarded as a possible danger; a menace.

If you don't think many people around the world see the United States in this manner, you really need to turn off the tv and start reading the newspaper.

Oh yeah, and why is what i said about "perception" a theory? Do you actually think that everyone in the world sees everything from the same point of view, and the only reason disagreements happen is because some people are good and some are bad?

And where did anyone in this thread try to look intellectual or say "America is evil"?

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Remember 9/11?

What does 9/11 have to do with Iraq? Iraq definitely had a very bad government running it, but they did not have the capacity to present any actual threat to us. If we wanted to destroy diplomatic relations by preemptively attacking a country that sponsers terrorism, why didn't we strike Saudi Arabia?


May 9, 2003, 3:05 PM
Post #25 of 94 (2074 views)

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If we were so worried, why did we let looters have several days' access to the country's most important nuclear facility?

Lame, pathetically lame.

As if we "let" them do it. As if we weren't under fire by tanks, regulars, suiciders, and snipers at the time. As if the entire region wasn't permeated by minefields in all the right places. As if the chaos of war doesn't exist. Never mind the years of advance warning we allowed while dancing for UN "approval."

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But--and I'm being perfectly honest--he's not the focus of my anger.

In your case, I might believe that.... for the overwhelming majority of others, no way, Jose. Your voice is drowned by the screeching of the likes of KKK Byrd and company. Any reasonable person sees right through the anti-Bush blatherings which are supposedly "issue" oriented.

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Harboring terrorists? This was merely the first in a series of reasons the administration gave, which it then had to back off of when people actually had the balls and intelligence to ask for evidence.

As though that evidence wasn't found in spades throughout and in the aftermath of the campaign. Such rhetorical commentary places you squarely among the numbers of people that are not convinced because not enough Americans have died on our own soil prior to Operation Iraqi Freedom.

I would remind you that less than 1/3 of suspected sites of WMD have been inspected thus far.

The irony of the situation is this: If they WMD's are not found, that does not mean they do not exist (only carefully and cleverly hidden...again, they had YEARS to prepare for the events that transpired). If they are found, the far-left will dine on carefully prepared crow sandwiches for a long, long time. And I won't stand on one leg waiting for some of you folks to admit that you were would rather choke to death first because it IS about hating Bush, first and foremost.


America is attacked. She strikes out at the sources of that attack. This is followed by threads like "America's Global Rule."


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