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Is anyone out there happy?
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May 22, 2003, 11:08 PM
Post #51 of 75 (1464 views)

Registered: Feb 18, 2003
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Re: Is anyone out there happy? [In reply to]
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To many good answers to acknowledge them all.


May 22, 2003, 11:59 PM
Post #52 of 75 (1464 views)

Registered: Sep 14, 2002
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Re: Is anyone out there happy? [In reply to]
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This is a good thread as most of Stu's are. I am not happy but I can be if I think about it long enough and realize how lucky I am to have my girls and I am healthy as far as I know. I know people who have it alot worse than I do for sure. I think the American dream sucks. It makes us keep jobs we hate and get over weight because we dont exersise enough because we are to burned out from the job we hate to get the stuff we dont need to impress people we dont know. Honestly ,,I am down right f%$king miserable. I have wasted time building up debt I cant get ahead of and I make more money than I ever have. I dont get it. I came from a white trash childhood, I was left for dead by the educational system(I would kick priciple Kindmond in the balls if he was here). I am lucky to have what I do, I have always had to eat my way through life and bust my knuckles to get what I have and have earned it. I have never had a desk job, couldnt get one either but it still pisses me off to see those light wieghts with there"back injuries" pushing papers and getting big in the gut. I will be pulling wrenches till I die, or die pulling wrenches. I mean I like what I do I just want to do it on my terms and Im sick of working for people that know half of what I do and think they know everything,,its a joke. Now throw in the inlaws from hell,,nope thats another thread. I see younger people, I mean like 25, 26 and think of what I was doing at that age,,,Jesus They have no concept. I am glad for them,,really because I know they will be better off at my age in there job and probably getting satisfaction from it, wich makes my happy for them. But it in some ways makes me look at myself and say its no ones fault but yours that you are where you are. I know this to be the real truth, and the fact I know it makes it harder to swallow. Im not getting much satisfaction from the things I used to either wich pisses me off. Some people say its a midlife crisis, I say my life is crisis managment so I should be able to deal with it.


May 23, 2003, 2:15 AM
Post #53 of 75 (1464 views)

Registered: Dec 31, 2002
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Re: Is anyone out there happy? [In reply to]
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I've never been happier. I have a wife/best friend/partner in life and two great sons. Both of my parents are right down the road from me.


May 23, 2003, 2:25 AM
Post #54 of 75 (1464 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2003
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Re: Is anyone out there happy? [In reply to]
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Still, it's hard to remember any times in my life when I truly felt content.

Nothing makes a person more content and happy than when he KNOWS where he is going when he dies. I believe in the God of the Bible and since I gave my heart to him and received "Eternal Life" through His Son Jesus, I am very content and happy. Of course, I am human so I still have my ups and downs occassionally.


May 23, 2003, 3:54 AM
Post #55 of 75 (1464 views)

Registered: Nov 26, 2002
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Re: Is anyone out there happy? [In reply to]
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Hi, my name is Brad and I am also unhappy....

I've lived my life my way and I've payed the price for it. They say that you should find something you do well and find a way to make a living at it, but the only things I can do well are drink, fight and screw. Even my climbing sucks. I was born from woman and I will die by one. It gets worse but I won't go on, it isn't a competition.

Point is, if I was happy then that's all I would do... just sit and be happy. I wouldn't climb because I wouldn't HAVE TO climb. I wouldn't chase happiness because I wouldn't need to.... and chasing happiness is what gets me up and out of the door in the morning.

I'm not sure I want to be happy anymore, not on any more than a flleeting basis. I'm not sure if I've got room in my life for it. Constantly having an itch I need to scratch is what keeps me ALIVE.


May 23, 2003, 4:46 AM
Post #56 of 75 (1464 views)

Registered: Oct 4, 2002
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Re: Is anyone out there happy? [In reply to]
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No, I can't say that I'm happy. Broke up with a guy that I've been going out with for almost six months a week and a half ago, and guess what?? He's already goggling over some other girl. That's it for dating for me from now on. I'll just be friends with people, because the aftermath totally sucks. He doesn't even want to be friends now. Really hurts. But, I guess that's life, what can you do?



May 23, 2003, 6:59 AM
Post #57 of 75 (1464 views)

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.had to delete them.


May 23, 2003, 7:32 AM
Post #58 of 75 (1464 views)

Registered: May 19, 2002
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Re: Is anyone out there happy? [In reply to]
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Good thread Stu...

About 14 1/2 years ago I was homeless and lived in a park to due IV drug addiction. Been clean and sober since Oct 23rd, 1988, and it's been a spiritual journey since then.

I remember being a kid in Elementary school, and feeling like I didn't fit in then... All the other kids seemed to interact so well, but for me it was a chore. Drugs eased those feelings quite a bit, but at the expence of me becoming a social retard. Foster homes and juvinile hall only added to my sense of not "belonging", and taught me that aggression was a tool to get what I want.

To make a very long story short, I define "spirituality" as knowing one's place in the world, or their purpose... Being comfortable in one's own skin. I found mine at around 5 years clean... To help addicts get clean if they want to, and to continually grow "on the inside". If I can not hurt anyone, learn something, and if possible help someone, then I had a good day. I'm generous to those who need help, and unfortunately, "no good deed goes unpunished", so I have been punished quite a bit, as there are many "takers" in the world. But that generosity has come back to me 2 fold... When I am generous, I am rewarded, when I am stingy, I am always wanting more.

I remember, not so long ago, that I would always rate myself against others... Better than, or worse than. I would trade places with many people at that time, since I was judging my insides by the outsides of others. This was ego, and only served to add to a sense of not belonging. Empathy and humility has taught me that I am no better or worse than anyone, but maybe just different, as we are all different.

Now, if I could trade places with anyone, I would not, where as before I would do it in a heartbeat.

I used to think that if I only had "that car, that chick, that job, etc...", but I realized that it is the small things in life that matter, not the big things. It's not realizing major life goals that count, as the satisfaction ebbs once it is attained, but the ability to apreciate the small things gives one satisfaction every day. I know... Like I said, I was homeless, and unemployable 14 1/2 years ago, and in that time I've gotten a home worth over $275K, and will buy an addidtional house every two years for the next 8 years till I can retire on rental income. I hace a job that pays really good $$$, and allows me to travel and climb all over the country, but I turn down bigger paying jobs because I like the time off, and don't want the change in lifestyle. I don't want to be rich, but well off, and have all my current and future needs met. There is nothing that I want right now, and have not wanted anything in the last 8 years, as all my wants are met. Because I stopped wanting THINGS.

Point is, I could lose all this, and still be happy, as the physical things are not important to me now, friends and family are. I enjoy getting home fromm a job, and having all my friends go out of their wayto come see me, and to know that I was missed. I enjoy being able to take a walk in my neighborhood, and have my neighbors ask how long I am home for, or what I have climbed. I enjoy walking by the park near my house and watching the little kids playing T-Ball, they hit the ball, and run to 2ndbase over the pitchers mound... They don't know what they are doing, but are having fun, and I get to see and enjoy the experience.

Eye Opener... Most people do not even know the first name of their great grand parents (who reading this does?), meaning that chances are when I am gone, my own offspring wont know my name in 3 more generations.

I had a friend who got her Doctorin in Pyscholgy, and she did an internship at an old people's home where they were terminally ill... She told me how the rich died alone, as they spent their lives trying to attain wealth, and passed those values on to their kids, so when they were dying, the kids were fighting over who was going to inherit the wealth. But those who placed family and friends over wealth died in the company of many friends and family.

We have just one shot here on this Earth, and if we do not make the most of it, and enjoy as much as possible, we are cutting ourselves short. Think about it... We are born, sentenced to school till we are 18 then slave for $$$ till we are 65, then what ??? That means that 1/3rd of our life we are sleeping, 1/3rd working, and 1/3rd for enjoyment... Better to work at something you enjoy, so that in your waking life you are enjoying it.

If anyone is not happy and content, they are not doing it right. If anyone would rather trade places with another, then they are not doing it right. We are all responsible to find our "purpose", because without one, we are just walking around lost and aimless.

Quite an accomplishment :!: You should be very proud; might want to add your cute young wife to the list somewhere :?: :wink:

I hope you speak at those 12 step meetings :!: And give others hope they can get to the other side.
Sometimes people just get lost in the world of drugs and alcohol ; and just aren't strong enough to break their daily,24/7 addiction to these substances. :idea:
Too bad they don't see they can be happy clean,too. :idea:

Partner rrrADAM

May 23, 2003, 4:57 PM
Post #59 of 75 (1464 views)

Registered: Dec 19, 1999
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Re: Is anyone out there happy? [In reply to]
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Yes, I speak at times, and have even been a "guest speaker" when out of town.

But drugs and/or addiction were not the problem, I was the problem. Using the drugs as an excuse would only serve to once again not be accountable for my problems. They kept me from commiting suicide early on, till I had the desire to look inward. Unfortunately, that didn't happen for my sister... She was never really into drugs, and commited suicide at 27 with 3 kids.

Yea, life is not fair... And thank God, as if it were I would be dead or in jail for many of the things I have done in my past.

The trick is to live life on "life's terms", not mine.

Kahlil Gibran wrote:
"A pearl is a temple built by pain around a grain of sand. What longing built our bodies, and around what grains ???"

The message:
Pain is not something to avoid, but to embrace and grow from. It's all an opportutnity for growth. Getting to the other side of major pain, gives one the ability empathize with others, rather than just feel compassion. Some of the best things about me, are as a result of how I dealt with the shitty stuff that has happened in my life... Conversly, some of the bad things about me are a result of the bad things I have not dealt with appropriately. There is always an appropriate action for things, but many times doing the right thing is not as easy as doing the wrong thing.


May 23, 2003, 5:03 PM
Post #60 of 75 (1464 views)

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Re: Is anyone out there happy? [In reply to]
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Kahlil Gibran wrote:
"A pearl is a temple built by pain around a grain of sand. What longing built our bodies, and around what grains ???"

That's a cool quote.


May 23, 2003, 5:15 PM
Post #61 of 75 (1464 views)

Registered: Jan 24, 2003
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Re: Is anyone out there happy? [In reply to]
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The trick is to live life on "life's terms", not mine.

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Pain is not something to avoid, but to embrace and grow from. It's all an opportutnity for growth. Getting to the other side of major pain, gives one the ability empathize with others, rather than just feel compassion.

Great words to live by rrradam.


May 23, 2003, 5:31 PM
Post #62 of 75 (1464 views)

Registered: Mar 13, 2003
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Re: Is anyone out there happy? [In reply to]
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2 "Rules" keep me sane.

1. Love God with all my heart.
2. Love my neighbor as myself.

The Love God part is the toughest, because that means being comfortable with who and what he made me, without using that as an excuse to withhold from growing and expanding the capabilities he's given me.

Once I am comfortable with who I really am, (Not just a role or persona) it becomes easy to love others. Most of the aggression and idiocy directed towards me comes from people who don't understand themselves, and do not know what they really want.

Life is great and kids are wonderful. I am so thankful for my lovely wife and two little daughters.

Godliness with contentment is great gain. That is where I have found happiness.
:D :D :D



May 23, 2003, 5:33 PM
Post #63 of 75 (1464 views)

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Re: Is anyone out there happy? [In reply to]
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Comments? Why? It's your choice brother. Whatever lifts your skirt!


May 23, 2003, 5:34 PM
Post #64 of 75 (1464 views)

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May 23, 2003, 6:43 PM
Post #65 of 75 (1464 views)

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Re: Is anyone out there happy? [In reply to]
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The older I get, the less I sweat the small things, the less I care about what others "might think."

I used to sort of dread growing older. I had no idea it would be so easy.

I also liked the pearl quote. I'm sitting naked in the sand right now.


No, I did like the quote.

Partner rrrADAM

May 23, 2003, 7:52 PM
Post #66 of 75 (1464 views)

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Re: Is anyone out there happy? [In reply to]
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Bad visual !!! :roll:

"Book em Dano !!!" :lol:


May 23, 2003, 8:06 PM
Post #67 of 75 (1464 views)

Registered: May 11, 2001
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Re: Is anyone out there happy? [In reply to]
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I took the time to go back and read all the answers posted and have one other thought to add.
I think that happiness is not having things always go your way, getting all the money or things you may want, never knowing of death or disease. Happiness is more taking in all that life has to offer, be it good or bad. Rellishing in the good and learning to deal with the bad.
Like most other here I have had my share of tragedy in my life, death of family and friends, personal difficulties, financial problems but I never let them beat me down. I may be down from time to time but have found friends that support me during these times and I survive. Each of those times has made me stronger so that I know I will survive the next one, and there will be a next one! All of this has made me more fully enjoy the good times, the times with family and friends, the times when there is actually money left over after the bills and those losses we all go through.
Yes, I am happy because I wake up every day excited to see what will come my way, be it good or bad. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Go out this evening and sit and watch the sunset. I stopped along the highway a few nights back and did just that. It makes you glad that you can see it and take in all its beauty.

Climb On


May 23, 2003, 11:42 PM
Post #68 of 75 (1464 views)

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Re: Is anyone out there happy? [In reply to]
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I took the time to go back and read all the answers posted and have one other thought to add.
I think that happiness is not having things always go your way, getting all the money or things you may want, never knowing of death or disease. Happiness is more taking in all that life has to offer, be it good or bad. Rellishing in the good and learning to deal with the bad.
Like most other here I have had my share of tragedy in my life, death of family and friends, personal difficulties, financial problems but I never let them beat me down. I may be down from time to time but have found friends that support me during these times and I survive. Each of those times has made me stronger so that I know I will survive the next one, and there will be a next one! All of this has made me more fully enjoy the good times, the times with family and friends, the times when there is actually money left over after the bills and those losses we all go through.
Yes, I am happy because I wake up every day excited to see what will come my way, be it good or bad. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Go out this evening and sit and watch the sunset. I stopped along the highway a few nights back and did just that. It makes you glad that you can see it and take in all its beauty.

Climb On

Every so often you meet somebody that leave's an impression on you, Coach is one of these people. I agree with 99.9% of what he said,,exept. What doesnt kill me,,just pisses me off.

on belay


May 24, 2003, 2:35 AM
Post #69 of 75 (1464 views)

Registered: Jul 27, 2002
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Re: Is anyone out there happy? [In reply to]
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here's one very happy contented girl. how can i be anything but happy? I have a God that loves me. that's all i need to be happy. yeah i've had a lot of rough things happen but what is that compared to what Christ suffered on the cross? and there is no burden that is too big for Him to bear for me. So when things get tough...I go to Him with my problems and though i may not see the light at the end of the tunnel, I know that He knows exactly what's going to happen and I know that He is going to work everything out for good. He hasn't failed me and I know He never will.
interesting question stu



May 24, 2003, 2:37 AM
Post #70 of 75 (1464 views)

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Re: Is anyone out there happy? [In reply to]
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here's one very happy contented girl. how can i be anything but happy? I have a God that loves me. that's all i need to be happy. yeah i've had a lot of rough things happen but what is that compared to what Christ suffered on the cross? and there is no burden that is too big for Him to bear for me. So when things get tough...I go to Him with my problems and though i may not see the light at the end of the tunnel, I know that He knows exactly what's going to happen and I know that He is going to work everything out for good. He hasn't failed me and I know He never will.
interesting question stu


I am happy for you Gwen, however that light may just be an oncoming train.

You have a nice attitude I hope it doesnt rub of on me,,j/k.


May 24, 2003, 3:12 AM
Post #71 of 75 (1464 views)

Registered: Nov 18, 2002
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Re: Is anyone out there happy? [In reply to]
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I too went back and read throw these post
It amazes me the hardship that some have suffered
how strong they are to pull themselves back up
It is truly my pleaser to have made your acquaintance
thanks for sharing
Peace baby!

"O" and if you smile the world smiles back at you !

now it may sound like a old cliche' but its true
scientist think it release a chemicial in the brain which make u happy
and that women smile more then men > IT'S A BOUNDING THING
also when women take on a mans jobs they smile less...
So what the FUCK :lol:

Smile Baby ! it's the shit
It's a new Drug !! :lol:


May 24, 2003, 5:12 AM
Post #72 of 75 (1464 views)

Registered: Sep 9, 2001
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Re: Is anyone out there happy? [In reply to]
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it seems like happiness is like a dream, where as soon as you realize what happened it disappears, to be sadly forgotten and leaving a dim awareness that time just left you in large amounts. being joyful, i think, is a more conscious event. this is what i seem to feel when i'm off the deck enjoying the highly unnatural position in which i find myself when climbing. happiness seems to be largely affected by both perception and definition of the term, but happiness is being caught in the moment you forget while joy is the product of a life well lived.

hey howitzer that post really made me think. thx

Partner missedyno

May 24, 2003, 5:47 AM
Post #73 of 75 (1464 views)

Registered: Nov 21, 2001
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Re: Is anyone out there happy? [In reply to]
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am i happy? yes.

i have a partner/best friend that i never thought i'd meet.

i am quite healthy.

i have no debts.

my job pays me well enough to cover my expenses, which are low. i am not materialistic, i do not need any more money.

i am madly in love with my partner.

my life... oh my. as it has been said about me before, i am an old soul. it's just how i feel. i could tell my life story, but does it really matter? i have no regrets, because for every single unfortunate thing that has happened in my life, i have learned something important. i like who i am today, and i am optimistic about who i will become. if i took back even one of those "bad" things that happened to me in my life, would i be the same person? no.

sometimes at work when people think i take myself too seriously i feel like i have to prove some sort of "hard core" aspect of myself to them. but why? i have a few small details of my life that i could say that would change people's view of me, but what do i have to prove?

life is all i have. is there anything after? well that's a silly question because you have to die to find out. all i know is that even if it takes many lifetimes, my soul will find its partner again.


May 24, 2003, 1:24 PM
Post #74 of 75 (1464 views)

Registered: Dec 14, 2002
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Re: Is anyone out there happy? [In reply to]
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am i happy? yes and no, when climbing or having fun with friends i'm very happy.......when i'm working/improving around the house, i'm work i'm not happy, it is just a job unless i spin it in my head like "cleaning up the environment for the future" i may fool myself to be a little bit happy. After 16 yrs in consulting i realized that i did not play the game & therefore have no possibility of advancement......lesson learned "perception IS reality" in the work force not performance. as for everything else my unhappiness is directly proportional to my low self-esteem. it is funny that my folks support me and are very proud of my accomplishments but they were the ones that gave me the my bad opinion of myself by telling me I'm stupid and can't do anything right as a kid. My attitude amazes me;.i get a masters degree working full time from one of the top 10 schools in the country and i down play it saying anyone could have done it; I love being nice to people but feel weird when others are nice to me or celebrate my accomplishments. I guess what bothers me the most is being an introvert, which makes it very hard to invest in friendship. I have a few good friends (3) but even with them I am constantly evaluating my contribution to these friendships. as for my personal life.....that ended with my divorce.......and as I recently discovered it is still buried under tons of emotional baggage. I long to meet someone who I can be happy with....but meeting is easy compared to getting someone to know who I am without fear of rejection .... there I said it.....scary

after reading all the previous posts and reading what others have overcome my silly problems seem very insignificant, which helps a lot. It puts things into perspective. Thanks I hope to meet & climb as many of you peeps as I can. Thanks for the thread stu; it is funny that I feel better after writing this and taking in all that you folks have written. Time to feel even better.....time to go climbing.


Partner calamity_chk

May 24, 2003, 2:00 PM
Post #75 of 75 (1464 views)

Registered: Apr 23, 2002
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am i happy? yes.

i have a partner/best friend that i never thought i'd meet.

i am quite healthy.

i have no debts.

my job pays me well enough to cover my expenses, which are low. i am not materialistic, i do not need any more money.

i am madly in love with my partner.

my life... oh my. as it has been said about me before, i am an old soul. it's just how i feel. i could tell my life story, but does it really matter? i have no regrets, because for every single unfortunate thing that has happened in my life, i have learned something important. i like who i am today, and i am optimistic about who i will become. if i took back even one of those "bad" things that happened to me in my life, would i be the same person? no.

sometimes at work when people think i take myself too seriously i feel like i have to prove some sort of "hard core" aspect of myself to them. but why? i have a few small details of my life that i could say that would change people's view of me, but what do i have to prove?

life is all i have. is there anything after? well that's a silly question because you have to die to find out. all i know is that even if it takes many lifetimes, my soul will find its partner again.

nice post, jess. thanks for the perspective.

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