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Jan 14, 2004, 6:26 PM
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Rock Climbing, the New Fad?
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Okay, I'm doing a review for my school newspaper and I thought some good opinions and facts from people here might help, So let me know what you all think about it and such! Thanks,


Jan 14, 2004, 6:31 PM
Post #2 of 39 (5241 views)

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Re: Rock Climbing, the New Fad? [In reply to]
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WOW...rock climbing (climbing in general) is not even close to a fad....It has an amazing and rich history and tradition...It is for many a way of life.


Jan 14, 2004, 6:43 PM
Post #3 of 39 (5241 views)

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Re: Rock Climbing, the New Fad? [In reply to]
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no nono, dont get me wrong ive been climbing a few years myself, I just mean, that there has been alot of hype about it and alot advertised in commercials and stuff. Alot of people are aware of it nowa and are getting into it because of all the hype from stuff like speed climbing on X-games and commercials and the such....


Jan 14, 2004, 6:44 PM
Post #4 of 39 (5241 views)

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Re: Rock Climbing, the New Fad? [In reply to]
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No, actually, I think the fad is waning. Slowly but surely.


Jan 14, 2004, 6:47 PM
Post #5 of 39 (5241 views)

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Re: Rock Climbing, the New Fad? [In reply to]
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Well, depends on your particular context.

Call it cynical, but I would do a juxtaposition of the "true," deep-rooted sport against the modern fad elements. Most people are already familiar with the shallow aspects, which they are exposed to through mass media.

You could show aspects of climbing from the perspective of a true climber. I.e., break down stereotypes and misconceptions. There's a lot of possibility here!


Jan 14, 2004, 6:49 PM
Post #6 of 39 (5241 views)

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Re: Rock Climbing, the New Fad? [In reply to]
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I think that parts of climbing has become 'hip', ie. caught up by the mainstream. Climbing wear is a booming industry. Looking like a climber is the fad. Going to the gym a couple of times is becoming a fad maybe?
We all get into climbing for different reasons. Maybe folks get into it because its 'cool' or whatever, but in my experience, thouse folks dont tend to stay around. But for the ones who stick with it and find that it is for them, find it because of some personal reason (like the challenge, adventure, the life.) Like many people keep saying, climbing is not just a sport, an exercise at the gym, but a culture.

I think that the part of climbing that is becoming a fad, is the marketing of the culture. The fad is Prana, Pataguchi, the X-Games and all the lame TV ads with clean cut gumby 'climbers' selling cars, insurance and the Army. The fad is more of a fad for the ad industry.

Climb because you love it, not to sell it.



Jan 14, 2004, 6:54 PM
Post #7 of 39 (5241 views)

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Re: Rock Climbing, the New Fad? [In reply to]
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climbing is not a fad.


Jan 14, 2004, 6:56 PM
Post #8 of 39 (5241 views)

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Re: Rock Climbing, the New Fad? [In reply to]
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I think that parts of climbing has become 'hip', ie. caught up by the mainstream. Climbing wear is a booming industry. Looking like a climber is the fad. Going to the gym a couple of times is becoming a fad maybe?
We all get into climbing for different reasons. Maybe folks get into it because its 'cool' or whatever, but in my experience, thouse folks dont tend to stay around. But for the ones who stick with it and find that it is for them, find it because of some personal reason (like the challenge, adventure, the life.) Like many people keep saying, climbing is not just a sport, an exercise at the gym, but a culture.

I think that the part of climbing that is becoming a fad, is the marketing of the culture. The fad is Prana, Pataguchi, the X-Games and all the lame TV ads with clean cut gumby 'climbers' selling cars, insurance and the Army. The fad is more of a fad for the ad industry.

Climb because you love it, not to sell it.


Damn yuppies polutting our sport


Jan 14, 2004, 6:57 PM
Post #9 of 39 (5241 views)

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Re: Rock Climbing, the New Fad? [In reply to]
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Very vague, broad request. As such, there is a wealth of information to be gleaned from this intellectual repository with a little effort.

Wanna know what people think of Vertical Limit, that Visa commercial, "yuppies" and "posers" who think colorful lexan Nalgenes are the coolest thing since cassette tapes? Yeah, we already got that shit in spades here. (and my attendant flames!)

Review? Editorial-type piece? Well, what do your own personal feelings include? Like, how has your climbing experience been altered by the growing popularity of the sport? Do you like this, dislike it, indifferent?

I'm not trying to talk down to you Kira, I am just suggesting you search existing threads for facts and other people's opinions. It might be educational (or your brain may rot and shrivel to the size of a walnut...)

But one hint, from my heart: don't use that tired, gag-me-with-a-piton Alex Lowe quote: "The best climber is the one who's having the most fun!!!" (rah-rah!!)



Jan 14, 2004, 7:02 PM
Post #10 of 39 (5241 views)

Registered: Jun 4, 2002
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Re: Rock Climbing, the New Fad? [In reply to]
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Yes! Rock climbing, as well as many other sports portrayed as "extreme" by the media, have become a "new fad." The media has been in a marketing frenzy over the last few years touting their products to kids and adults via "extreme" sports. Look at all the advertisements now for Mountain Dew, cars, wireless phone service, the armed forces, etc. It is the cool thing now-a-days to be an extreme athlete and companies are exploiting that knowledge, as well as promoting the belief. I would say a lot of the marketing has been to the child and adolescent population, but I am seeing more and more geared to the 20/early 30 crowd too. There are both positive and negative impacts on these sports due to this situation and it is not hard to figure them out, so I won't spell them out. Just use your mind. Specific to rock climbing, indoor gyms have also had a big influence in the rise of popularity in climbing. It has made climbing easily accessible and "safe" for the masses. Couple this with the cool image that is portrayed in the media and boom, there is your fad. Again, this is a double edged sword that is not hard to figure out. I really hate the crowds now, but even worse in my mind is the loss of a community, a culture, and the bonds made. Yes, it is still out there, but it is not how it was in past. Those days are gone and will probably never return. So what do you do? You remember those times and place them in a special place. Then you move on and flow with the times, hopefully while positively influencing the new generations. The funniest thing, however, is that this is probably exactly what the generation before mine was saying.

Enough of my rambling.


Jan 14, 2004, 7:04 PM
Post #11 of 39 (5241 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2002
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Re: Rock Climbing, the New Fad? [In reply to]
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If you see Paris Hilton wearing a Von Dutch chalkbag then climbing has become a fad. Hopefully, that day will never come.

If that day does come, I think butt shots will make a strong comeback.

Partner coylec

Jan 14, 2004, 7:11 PM
Post #12 of 39 (5241 views)

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Re: Rock Climbing, the New Fad? [In reply to]
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Rock climbing, like other activities, has core participants and fad participants. This sounds extremely offensive, so let me clarify: there are people who start climbing because it looks cool and their friends are doing it. That's a fad. If its not really their thing, they get out. Regardless of your participant type, it doesn't matter. Everyone has their own way of judging your "value" or "worth" be it information, skill, gear or other.

I work at an indoor climbing wall at a University. I read the Campus Receration journals. Every program now wants to create a rock climbing style program: some schools are building indoor walls, some are having climbing trips, some are moving towards ropes or via ferrata courses. There is definately an increased level of interest and awareness of this sport. Rock climbing has reached a new popularity in terms of participation, both indoor and outdoor. On Monday, I had 18 climbers in 3 hours. 14 required waivers, meaning they had not climbed before. One was returning for the first time. Three were "regulars," and only one of them climbs outdoors as well. (no offense meant to indoor climbers)

Inside rock climbing, there are more specialists than ever. Some sport climbers see themselves as seperate from trad climbers. Some aid climbers see themselves different from free climbers. There is fractionalization and diversitification.

I'm not going to lie and say that watching climbing on television doesn't interest me. I started climbing when I lived in South Dakota, but got out of it when I moved to South Carolina. Having the indoor wall at USC built reignited my interest. Seeing the climbing competitions on ESPN helped too.

But, in my humble opinion, the majority of climbers aren't here on the wave of a fad. First reason: climbing is expensive. A top rope setup will run 300 easy, once you include biners, belay, slings, harnesses, helmets, and rope. Moving up gearwise to sport requires more of the above, plus quickdraws (and hopefully new rope). That's another 100. Now, move to trad, gearwise. That's a big investment - a basic rack of nuts, hexes and cams will be several hundred. That investment grows as you want to more complex or challenging routes. Next, go to aid climbing. That's very expensive (i don't know how much a basic set up costs, but looking at the various items, it looks like a chunk of change). Ice climbing is the same. Now, factor in the cost of driving to crags, paying fees and dues at gyms, injuries, gear replacements from normal wear, gear replacement from big-ol falls, and its expensive, especially for those of us in school or with low-paying jobs. You also have to be in shape. I work out 4 - 7 days a week because of climbing. You also have to learn a lot of stuff (knots, placements, anchors, loads, shock-loading, belaying, et al).

Another fad I know about is body piercing (i'm writing a thesis on subcultural style and body piercing). Body piercing is easier to get into - there are dozens of studios in a mid-sized city. Its a cheap investment - typically 20 - 50 per piercing. You can get more jewelry cheap and it never wears out. You don't have to be shape. You don't have to know what you are doing (the piercer does).

To make my point: rock climbing is not conducive to being a fad. Oh, it can be popularized and dramatized, but in terms of community, i think that most climbers are here because they enjoy climbing. Skiclimber had it right, rock climbing has a rich history and set of traditions.

I think that the hype about climbing is something that is here to stay. I think its a result of the commodification of the environment - most people's exposure to the "outdoors" is walking around the city or a park. Parks are sad representations of what is really outside. Its all part of people's desire to connect to something "real." I don't think that's a bad thing - the more poeple climbing, the better (for the most part). If everyone respects the crags (Leave No Trace) and is polite, it can work. more climbers does several good things, in my opinion
1. cheaper gear: when demand goes up, supply goes up, more supply means economies of scale, meaning i pay less per piece.
2. more acceptance of climbing: the more climbers we have, the more powerful the community is politically. Also, the more exposure people have to the sport. This means that people won't close rocks because they think we are going to be hammering pitons into all the cracks.

that's the best i can do. PM if you want more.



Jan 14, 2004, 7:13 PM
Post #13 of 39 (5241 views)

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Re: Rock Climbing, the New Fad? [In reply to]
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If you see Paris Hilton wearing a Von Dutch chalkbag then climbing has become a fad. Hopefully, that day will never come.

If that day does come, I think butt shots will make a strong comeback.

too bad Paris Hilton is a naaaaaasty reptilian thing with NO butt ;)

Partner taualum23

Jan 14, 2004, 7:15 PM
Post #14 of 39 (5241 views)

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Re: Rock Climbing, the New Fad? [In reply to]
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I would like to think that climbing is not a fad, just a sport that has gained immensely in popularity, and will, hopefully, retreat to a more sane and sustainable level in the future. Many of the newest climbers (but by NO MEANS all of them) only know the physical aspect of the sport. They know nothing of the exhilarating, pioneering spirit and tradition that can be found by looking into the history of climbing. They don't or won't know the feeling of coming down after 6-12-24-72 hours on the rock, stinking, hungry, dehydrated, tired, and bleeding, looking at their partner, and knowing what it's all about.
This is not unique to climbing. Look at Yoga. Fancy ladies paying $350/week to take classes in a fancy building from a fancy teacher who drives a $40,000 car. It's great that they have such a healthy and often emotionally fulfilling HOBBY, but ask them about the Hindu gods and goddesses, ask them about why and how the practice came about...and you'll get an answer similar to the one you'd get if you asked many (BUT NOT ALL!) gym/newer/yuppie/insert-derogatory term here/ climbers about the origins or climbing in the west (or anywhere, for that matter). CLIMBING AS A HOBBY MAY BE A FAD, BUT BEING A CLIMBER IS NOT, AND CAN NEVER BE ONE.

End of Rant.


Jan 14, 2004, 7:22 PM
Post #15 of 39 (5241 views)

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Re: Rock Climbing, the New Fad? [In reply to]
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Is climbing a fad, for some it is, and those people know who they are. For others it isn't, and those people know who they are. For me, though I am relatively new to climbing, I would consider myself a climber, not because of how long I have climbed, but because of how I feel about it. Has climbing's popularity increased, I would say so, but a popularity increase doesn't necessarily mean that it is a fad. I don't think it is posible for a climbing to be a fad for a true climber. It is a lifestyle, not just a word.

If you want some numbers for your paper, look at the member list. About as many people have joined in 99, 00, and 01 as they have in 04, and it has only been 14 days. I know that there are a lot of indirect variables that come into play with these numbers, so no one jump on me. I think everyone knows this, but it is something to look at. Everyone can make there own deductions about weather the other variables are the only reason for the increase in members, or if climbing's popularity truely is increasing.


Jan 14, 2004, 7:53 PM
Post #16 of 39 (5241 views)

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Re: Rock Climbing, the New Fad? [In reply to]
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Unfortunately, I think that each time the general public is exposed to another message about climbing, as in a school publication, the intensity of the interest in climbing increases. Afterall, we all want to be extreme...

So, each new commercial and reality TV show, newspaper story and documentary, draws more people into the "cool" new sport of rock climbing. The sad result, I believe, is the proliferation of sport climbing, countless debates regarding the merits of bolting cracks, and retro-protecting R-rated routes. In all, a widespread sanitizing and homogenizing of rock climbing, as the great majority of new climbers are interested in being extreme, rather than pursuing climbing for any other number of reasons. Thus, many seek the equilibrium of minimum risk, while maintaining an air of badass extremeness.

I think that "safe" climbing is definitely here to stay. What may be fading are the virtues of boldness, respect and love for the rock, and the sense of community among climbers who tended to share many of said characteristics.


Jan 14, 2004, 8:01 PM
Post #17 of 39 (5241 views)

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Re: Rock Climbing, the New Fad? [In reply to]
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climbing is not a fad, u shoudl not talk that nonsense


Jan 14, 2004, 8:27 PM
Post #18 of 39 (5241 views)

Registered: Dec 17, 2002
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Re: Rock Climbing, the New Fad? [In reply to]
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Climbing can be a fad, an obsession, a lifestyle... It depends on the goals of the individual involved in it. Some may have empty and shallow goals, some may truly love the sport.

To me, it is an all encompasing obsession - sometimes to a fault. It is my fantasy world, mountains were such a bizzarre and interesting place for a kid growing up in Ohio. The bug bit hard when I saw pictures and when my mom read me "Donald Duck Mountain Climber". To me it is not a fad.

Some people may call it a fad, but I think that it is just chest puffing. It makes people feel good to downplay other peoples goals and aspirations. It is more of a defense mechanism for a poor self image. :shock:

Climbing isn't for everyone. The media is exposing more and more people to it than ever in the past, so more and more people are trying it. Most won't stick with it, but some will. To call that a fad discredits the sport and those who truly love it.

Partner tim

Jan 14, 2004, 8:52 PM
Post #19 of 39 (5241 views)

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Re: Rock Climbing, the New Fad? [In reply to]
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climbing is not a fad, u shoudl not talk that nonsense

31337-speak, on the other hand...


Jan 14, 2004, 9:30 PM
Post #20 of 39 (5241 views)

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Re: Rock Climbing, the New Fad? [In reply to]
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I think climbing and maybe bouldering in particular are going through a phase that could be described as a fad. Its not really all that surprising, since most sports and activities go through a phase where they publicized and temporarily perceived as the latest, greatest thing.

However, most of those who join in a sport only because of the transient popularity of the sport will quickly drop out.

Climbing - my favorite fad for the last 25 years. :wink:



Jan 14, 2004, 9:43 PM
Post #21 of 39 (5241 views)

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Re: Rock Climbing, the New Fad? [In reply to]
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I don't think climbing is or ever will be a fad for the following reasons; expensive, most people have some fear of heights, its life threatening sometimes, takes a great deal of learning and practice, and it is physically strenuous. These are not atributes of what I would consider a fad.


Jan 15, 2004, 11:58 AM
Post #22 of 39 (5241 views)

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Re: Rock Climbing, the New Fad? [In reply to]
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I sure hope not! I do think that alot of people think "wow thats really cool" but will never actually climb... I like the climbing community the way it is... kinda small and down to earth people... I havent met any climbers I couldnt be myself around in less then 2 min!


Jan 15, 2004, 12:25 PM
Post #23 of 39 (5241 views)

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Re: Rock Climbing, the New Fad? [In reply to]
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I would say that climbing is not yet a fad. But it is becoming very popular. Gyms have promoted this sport to many. Due to the sport climbing event in the X games, many teens have come to think that rock climbing is cool as it's classified as an extreme sport. In fact, everyone want's to try. I've got friends telling others how good they are by being able to climb once on an exhibition wall to introduce the sport.

What they don't yet know is that it's really expensive, it takes alot of dedication and practice to move up the grades. They think it's as easy as tie a rope around you and try pulling a bunch of uncoordinated plastic.

It's ok for the sport to be famous, but it's bad to know that it's being exploited and becoming a fad. (like skateboarding and in-line skating)


Jan 15, 2004, 1:31 PM
Post #24 of 39 (5241 views)

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Re: Rock Climbing, the New Fad? [In reply to]
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personally... i think that gym climbing might be becoming a fad... not actual climbing. i've been going to the gym a lot (it's winter... and i live in new hampshire) and i've noticed more and more yuppies coming in with brand new everything and climbing... so gym climbing definatley is becoming a fad, not so sure about "real" climbing :wink:


Jan 15, 2004, 1:57 PM
Post #25 of 39 (5241 views)

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If you see Paris Hilton wearing a Von Dutch chalkbag then climbing has become a fad. Hopefully, that day will never come.

If that day does come, I think butt shots will make a strong comeback

Especially since it wouldn't be unthinkable that that is all she might wear!

Yes, in this period of time climbing has become a fad. Someone wrote that the cost of entry at $300 was high. Compared to other hobbies and sorts that simply isn't true. Besides, most people start in a gym these days and they often spend less than $20.

Leading trad or aid or alpine or mixed is a different story. I don't think you can stay in those games very long if you are not a climber.

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