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Apr 4, 2002, 2:47 PM
Post #1 of 63 (6722 views)

Registered: Apr 3, 2002
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The thing that drives you....
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 Hello all. I have a serious question for all of you. I was looking at some pictures on your website, BREATHTAKING!!!!. Is a dangerous sport you guys are doing and I can even begin to comprehend how you manage and put all fears aside and do this. What drives you to do this? How does it feel to know that in a sport like this the one thing you love could very easily become a matter of life or death at the slightest miscalculation or mistake? I have my share of hardcore sports that most people will not dare do and look at me like I'm crazy. This thing you do, however, put me in the other side of the river. What drives you?

[ This Message was edited by: krazyclimber on 2002-04-04 06:48 ]


Apr 4, 2002, 3:00 PM
Post #2 of 63 (6722 views)

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The thing that drives you.... [In reply to]
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I think of it this way: its probably more dangerous to walk across the street or ride a car or get on an airplane or you get my point. Life is dangerous but you just gotta do the things you love and enjoy life cause we're all going to be dead at some point anyways.

Enough depressing talk. We're all just addicted to sticking that next hold, especially that one that you've been working on all week and never thought you'd get it. Why don't you get out and try it for yourself. I bet you'll get hooked.

I'm a rock climbing junkie and I love it!


Apr 4, 2002, 3:15 PM
Post #3 of 63 (6722 views)

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What fuels me is the desire to do what few can. Climbing is also the best competition....Yourself!
No matter what there is always room for improvement.


Apr 4, 2002, 3:23 PM
Post #4 of 63 (6722 views)

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I remember my first climb (about 6 years ago) like it was yesterday, and the fear I had not knowing what I was doing or what would come next. But the minute I was on the rock, I felt such a rush I couldn't believe it. It's one of the few places that reminds me how alive I really am. What usually reminds me of this is when folks come by where you are climbing and you hear them say "wow did you just climb up that?" or "I wish I could do that...." And knowing that I can and I DO do that! The safety aspect keeps me on my toes and in tune with life - realizing that life is short and you live each day as if it was your last. In a nutshell, climbing has brought my soul to places I didn't know exist.


Apr 4, 2002, 4:28 PM
Post #5 of 63 (6722 views)

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There's the sheer physical pleasure of climbing, and the joy of just being outside. Then there are two more payoffs -- one is that delicious moment of slumping into a comfortable spot at the end of the day and being too exhausted to do anything but sit there with a stupid grin on your face. Even better if you were freezing your butt off all day or starving to death . . now you've got a big plate of food and you're warm . . ahhhhhh, feels so good

The second is when, a few days or weeks later, your whole life is temporarily going to hell and you feel like crawling into a hole, but then you remember how you battled through intense fear, pain, and exhaustion while you were on your last adventure and didn't even whine about it (much) -- and suddenly you stand up straighter and remember that you're a pretty cool person after all.


Apr 4, 2002, 5:05 PM
Post #6 of 63 (6722 views)

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The desire to do what was once thought impossible

The desire to create

The desire to do what is now thought impossible

The desire to progress

The desire for nature


Apr 4, 2002, 5:15 PM
Post #7 of 63 (6722 views)

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Control, when I touch the rock and start a lead I AM IN CONTROL of everything around me. My rush comes from my knowledge that if I f**k up I'm dead plain and simple. You get on the wall and do things that most people are afraid to even think about and you know that the only reason that you can do it and the only reason that you have control is that you have the power over yourself. I also remember my first climb like it was yesterday and I remember being so afraid of what might happen that I screwed up and took a good fall. I will never forget the thought going through my head as I fell which was "If I live I will not screw up again!!, I will (and have) come back to this rock and face my fear"
(O.K. so I have some power issues it comes with the job and lifestyle )
Hope this helps, If your going to climb be ready to face your worst fears and psyical limitations all in the touching and seeing of the rock. It feels great


Apr 4, 2002, 5:57 PM
Post #8 of 63 (6722 views)

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I don't really think about the dangers, all I know is when i get to climbing... all of a sudden life seems.. nice.. no matter what is going on, its kinda like my meditation period.. but with pain lol I enjoy waking up the next day and having my body throb with pain.. kinda sounds like I just got done lifting but I didnt.. Its far better than that.. because I can honestly say I lost track of time while I was doing it... I get into a "Zone" where everything dissappears in the world except what is around me for that moment... and its addicting, and far better than drugs..

Partner rrrADAM

Apr 4, 2002, 6:05 PM
Post #9 of 63 (6722 views)

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My concious knows that I'll be OK, but my subconcious does not. So I guess I'm hooked on the "fight or flight" adrenaline that's released in my body because my subconcious is in fear of my life.



Apr 4, 2002, 6:33 PM
Post #10 of 63 (6722 views)

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All things in this life are dangerous. Especially now when just about everything will give you cancer, so they say. I just choose to climb for the fear factor of it. I mean honestly how many people can do what we do and have a knowledge that this could end our life. And then turn around and do it again the next day! Some call us crazy or tell us that we have death wishes. But I say we are all a touch crazy but that is what drives us to climb up that next pitch. Why not live your life when you stretch the rules and break boundries? Climbing does both of these. And besides I hate rules and I love to break them!!


Apr 4, 2002, 7:19 PM
Post #11 of 63 (6722 views)

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Im scared of heights but I love climbing.As everybody here before me said....a lot of things you can do or happens in life can cause you harm but you cant think about that.If you like to do something....then do what the Nikey commercial says "JUST DO IT!!!".


Apr 4, 2002, 7:49 PM
Post #12 of 63 (6722 views)

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The first and only time I've climbed trad, a bolt and a cam popped out when weighted. I've had boulders come crashing down inches from where I was standing. My arms looks like i had a fight with a blackberry bush and lost. One of my friends asked me why I keep doing it.

Anything that gets me out into nature, with good people, excercising, and, at times, making me feel super human is going to call to me. My body isn't fit for true mountaineering, I'm not a water gal, and while I'm into sports, I'm too independent to rely upon solely that. It also attracts intelligent people, and I'm not one to suffer fools gladly.

Climbing does it all for me, and its something I can see myself maximizing my own potential in. That's always a good thing.


Apr 4, 2002, 8:35 PM
Post #13 of 63 (6722 views)

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Pounds and pounds of Cocaine, as well as many other halucinogenic drugs. You would be surprized at what you can do when there is a red fire breathing dragon chaseing you. But in reallity I mostly do it because I find physical exaustion very relaxing, and it helps relive stress. And for all you happy shiny people who do it for the birds and the bees and the sickamore trees, why dont you try backpacking, perhaps you will meet a bear that will eat you.
do not take everyting seriously.

[ This Message was edited by: its_me_drew on 2002-04-04 12:38 ]


Apr 4, 2002, 8:49 PM
Post #14 of 63 (6722 views)

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The thing that drives you.... [In reply to]
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I love the adreneline.

The diferent places I get to go and see.

Being able to go where only climbers can go.

I like being to use all my stregth, my mind and abilities all at once.

The great views from a wall. Not everyone gets to see these views.

Sense of acomplishment.

It's fun!!!

Rock It Up!!!

[ This Message was edited by: crackaddict on 2002-04-04 12:52 ]


Apr 4, 2002, 11:54 PM
Post #15 of 63 (6722 views)

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Climbing it's just an addictic undescriptable feeling...not a sport.

Some dudes needs to shoot it themselves, but climbers just need touch rock...and goes up.

Keep climbing... hard.



Apr 5, 2002, 12:07 AM
Post #16 of 63 (6722 views)

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OH yeah! The thing that drives me?

My Toyota 4x4!

It gets me to every climbing area.


Apr 5, 2002, 12:19 AM
Post #17 of 63 (6722 views)

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Quote:How does it feel to know that in a sport like this the one thing you love could very easily become a matter of life or death at the slightest miscalculation or mistake?

Frankly, it's not as dangerous as you think. I can only think of a handful of times that I've put myself in mortal danger. They all occurred early in my climbing "career." I'm either too smart or too old to climb like that anymore.

Some types of climbing are more dangerous than others. I climb sport and trad (check the glossary on the site) routes that I can protect well if they are near my limit. I'm really not into taking risks with my life.



Apr 5, 2002, 1:18 AM
Post #18 of 63 (6722 views)

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To be honest with you, climbing is the SAFEST part of my day. After putting in a shift at my job, I feel MUCH safer on the rocks. Most climbing you are in control of what goes on around you. Where climbing becomes dangerous is when you get into the alpine environment and rockfall, weather, etc. become an issue. Those things you CAN'T do anything about. However, even in the alpine environment, you can lower those objective dangers by using a little common sense. Simple things like the route you choose, the time of day you cross a potential avalanche/rockfall area, etc. Bottom line, I feel safer climbing than walking cross a Wal-Mart parking lot! I STILL have a twinge of fear every time I step off the edge of a cliff on a rappel. I have this worry that the anchors, no matter how bomber, are going to pull out. I just shove those thoughts away and a few feet down the cliff I am pretty relaxed.

[ This Message was edited by: jmlangford on 2002-04-04 17:19 ]

Partner coldclimb

Apr 5, 2002, 2:08 AM
Post #19 of 63 (6722 views)

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The thing that drives you.... [In reply to]
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There are so many things about climbing that are just incredibly awesome. You could write a short novel about what drives you to climb. I just love it!


Apr 5, 2002, 3:34 AM
Post #20 of 63 (6722 views)

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I think it only apper's (sp) more dangerious to those who are new to the sport or those who dont know really any about it like it is (was for me) with all the rest of the extrime sports im into.


Apr 27, 2002, 6:05 PM
Post #21 of 63 (6722 views)

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I am inspired by mountains and natural beauty. It's a reminder of how simple life is and how materialistic industrial society is. Looking at rocks, I want to touch them and wield my body all over them. They are my friend but not my mate. It's as much a mental, emotional, spiritual thing as it is a physical thing. I have found pleasure in exertion.

Facing the danger makes me feel alive and it is a thought that sits sublty in my mind while at the forefront is my desire to push my abilities and pull that Roof!

[ This Message was edited by: inflight on 2002-04-27 11:06 ]


Apr 27, 2002, 6:16 PM
Post #22 of 63 (6722 views)

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First, there is no better form of stress relief than climbing. Then there's the rush of pumping yourself up for a big climb, the pressure of knowing that your friends are watching every move you make, the amazing sense of accomplishment when you reach the top, and the complete admiration from your buddies that couldn't get up the route. Can you tell I'm starved for attention?


Apr 27, 2002, 10:22 PM
Post #23 of 63 (6722 views)

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For me the drive is the feeling you get from conquering nature and conquering yourself. After your first time you either hate it or it overtakes your lifestyle (however, in my day I've seen many a yuppie at the gym that could give a s--- less aboot any one or any thing that has to do with climbing.) You grow bonds with people you don't even know. You notice the kinship and contribute to the love.
The love for the life.
The love for the people.
The love for the rock.




May 4, 2002, 4:46 AM
Post #24 of 63 (6722 views)

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Interesting. Hmm. Part of it is the danger involved in climbing and the clear thinking that must go on to face that danger and climb something safely. It's overcoming the desire to fly from danger and the inner stength it takes and that comes from doing it successfully. I don't climb for this reason but that inner strength carries over into life and vice versa I suppose. I have felt this especially on the few occasions when I have soloed something - nothing over 5.7 and only single pitch. Something I do rarely because I do not want to die climbing. There are more important things to die for. I also get this feeling of really floating up a wall once in a while. Then there is a kind of sheer joy in it. Everything else is completely out of my mind; it is a kind of contemplation. I move quickly and easily, catlike. Last had that feeling in March going up Portent in Pinnacles National Monument (CA) for the first time; an easy sport climb (5.6) but somewhat exposed. Then there's the sense of accomplishment of doing something well. So I guess I climb for the overcoming self part, for the sheer joy of it and for the sense of doing something - accomplishing something - well. And someone said it above, just getting outside. And feeling the solidity of the rock, moving my body with the contours of the wall, so that we fit together, we do this thing together. Something like that. I am climbing tomorrow. I am excited. I hope everyone does it safely.


May 4, 2002, 5:00 AM
Post #25 of 63 (6722 views)

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When you're run out and gripped, everything else falls away. It's sorta like meditation, except that you aren't pretzled-up on a pillow.

Any sport can do this for you, though. I play tennis, and to stay in the game, you have to lose everything else in your mind.

But, climbing has the extra benefit of an accomplishment to it. I mean, how many people get to go the water cooler and talk about getting 2000+ feet of air the previous weekend?

On an instinctual basis, the higher ground has always (and still is) a tactical advantage against potential adversaries. By rockclimbing, we respond to the call of the genes, to get to the high point where we'll be safe.

It's ironic that some people think it's dangerous getting there in the first place.

Statistically, sailboats have a higher incidence of killing people than cliffs.

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