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Anti-Atkins I'm sick of it
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Jun 22, 2004, 7:23 PM
Post #1 of 91 (1864 views)

Registered: May 26, 2004
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Anti-Atkins I'm sick of it
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I don't know about the rest of you, but ever since first hearing about it a while ago I've haaaaated the Atkins diet. It may help people lose weight, but most put it back on once they stop and it's obviously NOT HEALTHY. I haven't seen a food commercial on TV in a while that didn't mention the word "carbs" yet who are they kidding?? Well, haha, obviously they are fooling lots of people, but for instance on my lunch break I saw some commercial for low carb kellogs cereal that had 9 grams of carbs... so you take that plus a few that are in milk I'm sure and woaaah guess what at 9 in the morning you've already eatin' 15 carbs when you can only eat 20 a day when starting and not many more than that once you're into it a bit. Dr. Atkins himself died a few years ago and although it's denied to be the actual cause of death he had more than a few serious heart problems. Do people even know what the diet is???? or are they just sad enough to get caught up in product advertising and shotttty trends and pay more money to live an unhealthy lifestyle. Damn I hate the Atkin's diet... Quite a random post, but I know the climbing world in general is pretty lean and healthy and we like our carbs in our beer and our greenery in our "salad bowl." Peace, Mike.


Jun 22, 2004, 7:24 PM
Post #2 of 91 (1864 views)

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katydid moved this thread from Gear Heads to Community.


Jun 22, 2004, 7:31 PM
Post #3 of 91 (1864 views)

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Re: Anti-Atkins I'm sick of it [In reply to]
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thankya katydid

Partner wideguy

Jun 22, 2004, 7:52 PM
Post #4 of 91 (1864 views)

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Re: Anti-Atkins I'm sick of it [In reply to]
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Listen troll, The question is do YOU even know what the diet is?

Do you have any idea how much SALAD and how many cucifrous vegetables you can eat in a day on the atkins diet once you are in ongoing weight loss or maintenance? I bet not.

Ever read the whole book to have a firm understanding of the diet? I bet not.

See the article about the study conducted by shape magazine 2 months ago showing 5000 test subjects overa one year study that showed low carb and low fat dieters lost the same weight in a year, but low carb lost it faster and were less likely to rebound to old eating habits and gain it all back? Didn't think so.

I'm on it under doctor's supervision. Down over 60 lbs. Lower cholesterol, lower BP, lower body fat, higher energy, less hungy and healthier body composition.

There is only one reason all these people are coming out with low carb products, because there is a demand for them.
There is only one reason there is a demand, because it works for people.

Your statements about it being unhealthy and ineffective in the long term are baseless and wrong and being proven more so every day.

Stupid :troll:

Partner nostalgia

Jun 22, 2004, 7:58 PM
Post #5 of 91 (1864 views)

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Re: Anti-Atkins I'm sick of it [In reply to]
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I would like to hop on the "I'm tired of hearing about carbs" bandwagon. Besides the fact that severely limiting one type of food intake seems silly, it just seems like everyone and their grandmother's pet bird has gone Atkins. Atkins friendly this, lo-carb that. Sheesh.

Well, that was fun :)


Partner nostalgia

Jun 22, 2004, 7:59 PM
Post #6 of 91 (1864 views)

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Re: Anti-Atkins I'm sick of it [In reply to]
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It's not so much the diet itself, it's the fact that it's become so ubiquitous, and seems to be all you hear about on TV/radio these days. Kinda gets tiring.

I myself have done Weight Watchers (still do, in fact), but even with their new, super duper plans you don't hear about Points every 5 minutes.



Jun 22, 2004, 8:07 PM
Post #7 of 91 (1864 views)

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Re: Anti-Atkins I'm sick of it [In reply to]
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I'm on it under doctor's supervision. Down over 60 lbs. Lower cholesterol, lower BP, lower body fat, higher energy, less hungy and healthier body composition.

There is only one reason all these people are coming out with low carb products, because there is a demand for them.
There is only one reason there is a demand, because it works for people.

Glad to hear you've had such positive results. Keep the faith.

I'm not convinced about the long term popularity of the program. We Americans are particularly prone to a herd mentality. Today it's all the rage. How about a year from now? Will many of these low-carb products be a thing of the past? Remember the internet boom?


Jun 22, 2004, 8:18 PM
Post #8 of 91 (1864 views)

Registered: Feb 6, 2004
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Re: Anti-Atkins I'm sick of it [In reply to]
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I'm a full-on anti-atkins counterrevolutionary. Sick to death of it, and of the gullibility of the american public.

I challenge anyone to do some actual research--search medline or PubMed and find A SINGLE SHRED of clinical evidence supporting a low-carb diet, or any of dr. atkins' claims. I've searched, and found none. In fact, several studies have found there to be ZERO benefit to a low carb diet, other than the possibility that it helps subdue apetite, at least for a while. In any event, the attrition rate for low carb diets is the highest among alternatives tested, meaning that people are least likely to stay on them for long (a good thing, actually).

FACT: in calorie controlled trials, people on low-carb, medium-carb, and high-carb diets lost the EXACT same amount of weight.

FACT: people who lose weight on a low carb diet do so simply because they are consuming fewer calories.

FACT: low carb diets are extremely detrimental to athletic performance, particularly in sports with an endurance component.

FACT: Dr. Atkins has not published a single study or trial for peer review. Conversely, all the other information in this post was gleened from published, peer-reviewed papers in professional journals.

CONJECTURE: many of the researchers studying low carb diets have suggested that both Dr. Atkins and Barry Sears (guru of the "zone" diet) are more than educated enough to know that their published claims are based on pseudoscience. Both these men made a lot of money selling books to an scientifically uneducated public. Draw your own conclusions.


Jun 22, 2004, 8:19 PM
Post #9 of 91 (1864 views)

Registered: Dec 23, 2001
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Re: Anti-Atkins I'm sick of it [In reply to]
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I hate it hate it hate it and I'll bash it any time I can. I've told the story about how I tried it because even when I do two hours of cardio a day plus weights, I can't get below 145, and I think my frame would conceivably be better at 135. I was nauseous, passing out, and sleeping all the time.

I hate how my mom makes stupid comments like, "Well, it has low carbs, we have to watch our carbs" which I suspect is the general consensus of all these Atkins people. I don't think people truly understand the mechanics. I hate how every restaurant or chain food store has Atkins stuff.

It works, but I don't think its healthy, and I DO think its contrived. There's better ways to lose weight if you're as committed as you have to be on Atkins.


Jun 22, 2004, 8:21 PM
Post #10 of 91 (1864 views)

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Re: Anti-Atkins I'm sick of it [In reply to]
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It's not so much the diet itself, it's the fact that it's become so ubiquitous, and seems to be all you hear about on TV/radio these days. Kinda gets tiring.
Sort of like the campaign ads on tv.

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Remember the internet boom? :wink:

I like my low-carb beer.
Aspen Edge made by Coors.
It's a great lager.
I've always been strictly a Yuengling guy, but this stuff is better, and I don't get fat from it.
I gained almost 20lbs the one summer session I took classes my last year in college from drinking Porter and Lager.
I don't mind the low carb everything, but it's probably because I've stopped watching as much TV so I don't have to suffer through the "GW/Kerry suck because of this" comercials.

I'm arrettinator and I disapprove this message.
edit to clarify vague comment about .coms


Jun 22, 2004, 8:35 PM
Post #11 of 91 (1864 views)

Registered: May 20, 2003
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Re: Anti-Atkins I'm sick of it [In reply to]
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I too am sick of hearing about Atkins.

However, I think that Atkins was on to something. I don't believe that anyone has to be so F'n strict about their "carb" (I feel like such a tool even using the word) intake. My personal experience tells me that I am healthier when I increase my protien and veggie intake and decrease my consumption of breads and pasta. A lot of that probably has to do with the fact that meats and veggies are fresher and contain less preservatives and ingredients that I can't pronounce. But one cannot deny the fact that excessive carbohydrate intale without suffieient exercise causes those calories to be stored as body fat. Do you know many skinny people that eat a diet heavy in Italian food? Thought not.

Low carb beer........ come-on. You are still sucking down empty calories while sitting your ass on a bar stool. If you are seriously concerned about your health then you aren't drinking enough alcohol to warrant worrying about "carbs." If you are sucking down a 30 pack every night, then cuddle up with your beer gut and enjoy it.


Jun 22, 2004, 8:35 PM
Post #12 of 91 (1864 views)

Registered: Oct 17, 2001
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Re: Anti-Atkins I'm sick of it [In reply to]
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...ditto wideguy...

...I love it when people are critical of Atkins. My first question back is ...what did you eat today? You mean that cheeseburger, fries, and diet coke are the healthy part of the diet? Hello!!! Basically you cut out carbs...THATS IT!!! For a lot of us, after ...uhheeemmm...a certain age are metabolism slows down ....we don't process carbs well. So sit down and shut up about Atkins and have another healthy Super Sized meal!!!


Jun 22, 2004, 8:42 PM
Post #13 of 91 (1864 views)

Registered: Sep 7, 2001
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Re: Anti-Atkins I'm sick of it [In reply to]
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Dr. Atkins diet has been out since the 70's, so I can not explain why it has just now caught on... Alot of people seem to believe that this is a relatively new idea even though that is not true. My anti-atkins ideas are as follows:

A consistant high protein diet (a long term Atkins diet) can cause liver & kidney damage. Eating a high level of protein will produce a toxin called Euria (sp?) in your pee. Euria is most commonly known to be the substance used by Agronomists (especially greens keepers) to fertalize lawns with 100% protein. The Atkins diet, if used accordingly, will produce Euria in your pee... needless to say that is very harmful to the liver and kidneys as stated above.

This is not hearsay... I've taken two nutrition classes at the University of Southern Indiana. Both professiors are against the Atkins diet for the reason I stated above. They said this (Euria in the pee) has been documented in a health journal somewhere but I don't have that information. Hope this is usefull... :?



Jun 22, 2004, 8:42 PM
Post #14 of 91 (1864 views)

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Re: Anti-Atkins I'm sick of it [In reply to]
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Anybody else want a bagel and a baked potato? :angel:

Partner nostalgia

Jun 22, 2004, 9:03 PM
Post #15 of 91 (1864 views)

Registered: Jun 18, 2004
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Re: Anti-Atkins I'm sick of it [In reply to]
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FACT: people who lose weight on a low carb diet do so simply because they are consuming fewer calories.

Similar to the Hollywood Diet craze not too long ago. That was the one where dieters were required to drink this horrible tasting orange liquid before going to bed. It was supposed to "burn fat while you sleep."

Why did people lose weight when they stayed on the Hollywood Diet plan? Because the plan says not to eat or drink anything for 4 hours before you go to bed. The actual liquid was a complete placebo. The company was sued and went out of business, if I remember correctly.

I still maintain that calorie control is the only way to lose weight long-term. Eat less than you burn. It's been said time and time again by doctor after doctor. It's not popular because it's not as easy as drinking a shake, or cutting a class of food from your diet, IMHO.



Jun 22, 2004, 9:03 PM
Post #16 of 91 (1864 views)

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Re: Anti-Atkins I'm sick of it [In reply to]
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dr andy wrote:
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A consistant high protein diet (a long term Atkins diet) can cause liver & kidney damage. Eating a high level of protein will produce a toxin called Euria (sp?) in your pee. Euria is most commonly known to be the substance used by Agronomists (especially greens keepers) to fertalize lawns with 100% protein. The Atkins diet, if used accordingly, will produce Euria in your pee... needless to say that is very harmful to the liver and kidneys as stated above.

This is not hearsay... I've taken two nutrition classes at the University of Southern Indiana. Both professiors are against the Atkins diet for the reason I stated above. They said this (Euria in the pee) has been documented in a health journal somewhere but I don't have that information. Hope this is usefull...

Andy you mean urea? This is found in all mamalian pee. Again, refer to wideguys post and READ THE BOOK!!!


Jun 22, 2004, 9:10 PM
Post #17 of 91 (1864 views)

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Re: Anti-Atkins I'm sick of it [In reply to]
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Dude, I don't need to read the book... I get all the beta I need from the nutrition menu at McDonald's. And yeh, I ment Urea.

Partner nostalgia

Jun 22, 2004, 9:14 PM
Post #18 of 91 (1864 views)

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Re: Anti-Atkins I'm sick of it [In reply to]
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I think the good Doctor may have meant elevated levels of urea.

Quote from

Emphasis added to tie the quote to the discussion:
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An elevated level of urea and creatinine in the serum in fact already indicates renal insufficiency, for the renal function is then already so seriously impaired that the kidneys can no longer keep the urea and creatinine concentrations within the normal range.

However, the serum urea level depends on other factors as well. It is also increased by a high-protein diet and by intense protein decomposition, caused e.g. by fever, trauma and bleeding. A low protein diet, on the other hand, makes for a low serum urea level.



Jun 22, 2004, 9:20 PM
Post #19 of 91 (1864 views)

Registered: May 24, 2002
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Re: Anti-Atkins I'm sick of it [In reply to]
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extremely good beer is not low in carbohydrates.

for this reason, and this reason alone, i believe that Dr. Atkins is SATAN INCARNATE, and his ideas are only for those who hate themselves and others.

sure all that energy and weight loss is nice, but dude... the beer suks.

why would anyone want to go on a diet where the beer suks?

...i don't get it.


Jun 22, 2004, 9:27 PM
Post #20 of 91 (1864 views)

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Re: Anti-Atkins I'm sick of it [In reply to]
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Euria is most commonly known to be the substance used by Agronomists (especially greens keepers) to fertalize lawns with 100% protein. The Atkins diet, if used accordingly, will produce Euria in your pee...

Hey Wide, I need you to come over and piss on the burned out section of my lawn. Nothing else seems to be working.


Jun 22, 2004, 9:27 PM
Post #21 of 91 (1864 views)

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Re: Anti-Atkins I'm sick of it [In reply to]
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elvislegs wrote:

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extremely good beer is not low in carbohydrates.

for this reason, and this reason alone, i believe that Dr. Atkins is SATAN INCARNATE, and his ideas are only for those who hate themselves and others.

sure all that energy and weight loss is nice, but dude... the beer suks.

why would anyone want to go on a diet where the beer suks?

...i don't get it. CHEAT of course.... :D


Jun 22, 2004, 9:30 PM
Post #22 of 91 (1864 views)

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Re: Anti-Atkins I'm sick of it [In reply to]
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...just so everyone understands is one of the most common substances used in a multitude of products today. Foam insulation, glues, fertilizer, it's a binder in a lot of common items used daily.

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Main Entry: urea
Pronunciation: y-r-
Function: noun
: a soluble weakly basic nitrogenous compound CH4N2O that is the chief solid component of mammalian urine and an end product of protein decomposition and that is administered intravenously as a diuretic drug -- called also carbamide


Jun 22, 2004, 9:36 PM
Post #23 of 91 (1864 views)

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Re: Anti-Atkins I'm sick of it [In reply to]
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so, madriver... hypothetically speaking, if a guy was putting out, oh i don't know, sayyyyy twenty to thirty pints of piss a day, about what would you say the going rate for that much urea would be?

like enough, or not enough money to support a steady diet of banana bread, expensive beer and lots of trips to the city of rocks? maybe a roll of toilet paper now and then.
just gimme like a ball park number here.


...asking for a friend...

a hypothetical one.


Jun 22, 2004, 9:49 PM
Post #24 of 91 (1864 views)

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Re: Anti-Atkins I'm sick of it [In reply to]
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elvislegs wrote:

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so, madriver... hypothetically speaking, if a guy was putting out, oh i don't know, sayyyyy twenty to thirty pints of piss a day, about what would you say the going rate for that much urea would be?

like enough, or not enough money to support a steady diet of banana bread, expensive beer and lots of trips to the city of rocks? maybe a roll of toilet paper now and then.
just gimme like a ball park number here.


...asking for a friend...

a hypothetical one.

...about 2-1/2 cents a gallon...just a piss ass guess you understand....


Jun 22, 2004, 9:58 PM
Post #25 of 91 (1864 views)

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Re: Anti-Atkins I'm sick of it [In reply to]
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a certain age are metabolism slows down ....we don't process carbs well.

Cite, please? Carbohydrates are not at all hard to digest, as far as I know.


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