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Purple Heart?
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Aug 6, 2004, 11:23 PM
Post #76 of 103 (2110 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2002
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Re: Purple Heart? [In reply to]
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the right at least uses a credible foundation to build their smear campaign on. The left just pulls crap out of their ass and states it as fact.

Can you use credible and smear in the same sentence???

Partner macherry

Aug 6, 2004, 11:25 PM
Post #77 of 103 (2110 views)

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the right at least uses a credible foundation to build their smear campaign on. The left just pulls crap out of their ass and states it as fact.

Can you use credible and smear in the same sentence???

only if you're thrasher

Partner coylec

Aug 7, 2004, 5:18 AM
Post #78 of 103 (2110 views)

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For 2+ years the left has been calling GW a liar, saying that he knew about 9/11 and let it happen, that he concocted the war in Iraq for oil, and on and on...and that isn't a smear campaign?

And they were late -- I've been calling GW a liar since he started campaigning in 2000, but not for those reasons ... more like No Child Left Behind, Clear Skies, Healthy Forests, et al.

It's not a smear campaign because he's lying. It's one of thost truth campaigns.



Aug 7, 2004, 6:34 PM
Post #79 of 103 (2110 views)

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Partner j_ung

Aug 7, 2004, 7:44 PM
Post #80 of 103 (2110 views)

Registered: Nov 21, 2003
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Re: Purple Heart? [In reply to]
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A lot of flame on both sides in this thread but this little jewel was hilarious!

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Your mom must have taken a dump and named it because she wanted a kid.

Thrasher dude, you are one of a kind.

He's actually a dime a dozen. Just go to your garage/basement/closet and open your toolbox.


Aug 9, 2004, 5:01 PM
Post #81 of 103 (2110 views)

Registered: Apr 14, 2003
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Re: Purple Heart? [In reply to]
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I'm sorry for my first post. I don't actually believe any of the things that I wrote. I just wanted to see some of the crazy conservatives here defend purple hearts. (you know who you are) None of us were there when kerry got injured, but as you all have made it quite obvious, its a VERY sensitive issue, so how could you even imply that maybe Kerry didnt deserve his medals. I think you all owe kerry an apology.


Aug 9, 2004, 6:33 PM
Post #82 of 103 (2110 views)

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Re: Purple Heart? [In reply to]
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There are a lot of stories floating around about Kerry's CO denying his request for a Purple Heart recommendation (and that Kerry put in the recommendation himself), that two of the wounds were self-inflicted, and that his heroics (saving a man's life) occurred when there were no enemy forces present. If Kerry would okay the release of his military records, we could separate fact from fiction.


Aug 9, 2004, 7:28 PM
Post #83 of 103 (2110 views)

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Re: Purple Heart? [In reply to]
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Hmmm, can you really trust somene who has something to hide???


Aug 9, 2004, 7:47 PM
Post #84 of 103 (2110 views)

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Re: Purple Heart? [In reply to]
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Hmmm, can you really trust somene who has something to hide???

The second Purple hHeart was for an incident where he droped a grenade into a small sampan that they had pulled alongside. The grenade landed in a basket of rice and as he turned and ducked he ended up with an ass full of rice. (This according to at least one eye witness)

I imagine he would be more than a little embarrased if that were exposed by his medical records.


Aug 9, 2004, 7:51 PM
Post #85 of 103 (2110 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2004
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Re: Purple Heart? [In reply to]
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Excellent point Jbird, just like when Bush wouldn't release his missing military records!


Aug 9, 2004, 7:53 PM
Post #86 of 103 (2110 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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Hmmm, can you really trust somene who has something to hide???

The second Purple hHeart was for an incident where he droped a grenade into a small sampan that they had pulled alongside. The grenade landed in a basket of rice and as he turned and ducked he ended up with an ass full of rice. (This according to at least one eye witness)

I imagine he would be more than a little embarrased if that were exposed by his medical records.

So, at least two out of the three Purple Hearts that Kerry "earned" were due to self inflicted wounds. What a total screw-up. I'd love to hear how he "earned" the third one. No wonder he wants to keep his records sealed.


Partner j_ung

Aug 9, 2004, 7:57 PM
Post #87 of 103 (2110 views)

Registered: Nov 21, 2003
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Hmmm, can you really trust somene who has something to hide???

The second Purple hHeart was for an incident where he droped a grenade into a small sampan that they had pulled alongside. The grenade landed in a basket of rice and as he turned and ducked he ended up with an ass full of rice. (This according to at least one eye witness)

I imagine he would be more than a little embarrased if that were exposed by his medical records.

So, at least two out of the three Purple Hearts that Kerry "earned" were due to self inflicted wounds. What a total screw-up. I'd love to hear how he "earned" the third one. No wonder he wants to keep his records sealed.


Hmmm... Sounds pretty credible to me.


Aug 9, 2004, 8:01 PM
Post #88 of 103 (2110 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2003
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Excellent point Jbird, just like when Bush wouldn't release his missing military records!

Ah! Bush has released all his records and has signed the authorization form that Kerry has refused to sign. The last batch of records for Bush were released July 22nd. They are still looking for more.

This from The Guardian today aptly describes the situation

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It's Godzilla versus King Kong fighting it out in the cesspit of US politics. If you believe Michael Moore's film, Bush was in cahoots with the Bin Laden clan. If you believe the Swiftvets' book, the man who wants to replace Bush is a poltroon - incapable of commanding a small plastic boat, let alone the most powerful nation on the planet as it faces the greatest crisis in its history.

I'll side with the guys that were there and saw what happened.


Aug 9, 2004, 8:08 PM
Post #89 of 103 (2110 views)

Registered: Mar 18, 2003
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Re: Purple Heart? [In reply to]
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Poltroon. I don't know what it means, but it can't be good. :lol:


Aug 9, 2004, 8:15 PM
Post #90 of 103 (2110 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2004
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Re: Purple Heart? [In reply to]
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Tradster, good to hear that you'll be siding with the people who were actually there, meaning the people who ACTUALLY served with Kerry and praise him, not the, I mean Swift Boat Veterans for Truth who were simply serving at the same time as Mr. Kerry.

Partner j_ung

Aug 9, 2004, 8:19 PM
Post #91 of 103 (2110 views)

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Re: Purple Heart? [In reply to]
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I'll side with the guys that were there and saw what happened.

Despite what you wrote, I'm guessing that you don't mean the people who actually served with him, since they mostly support him today. Swiftboat Vets for Truth are just another partisan group. They're the Michael Moore of the right.


Aug 9, 2004, 8:26 PM
Post #92 of 103 (2110 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2003
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Re: Purple Heart? [In reply to]
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Tradster, good to hear that you'll be siding with the people who were actually there, meaning the people who ACTUALLY served with Kerry and praise him, not the, I mean Swift Boat Veterans for Truth who were simply serving at the same time as Mr. Kerry.

This is too easy :lol: From Novaks interview

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The book's weakness is support for Kerry's presidential campaign by his swift boat crewmates, presumably people who knew him best. O'Neill told me that these former sailors served with Kerry no more than five weeks. Jim Rassmann, now part of the Kerry presidential campaign, was a Special Forces lieutenant spending a few days with Kerry when he fell or was knocked off the swift boat while under fire and was fished out of the Mekong River by the future candidate.

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The "band of brothers" was organized by Kerry, according to this book. It tells of a 2003 telephone call to Adm. Roy Hoffmann, who commanded swift boats in Vietnam, telling him he was running for president. Hoffmann, mistakenly thinking it was former Sen. Bob Kerrey, "responded enthusiastically." Once the admiral realized it was John Kerry, "he declined to give Kerry his support." Hoffmann is quoted as saying, "I do not believe John Kerry is fit to be commander in chief of the armed forces of the United States."

On the idea that this is a Republican operation

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John E. O'Neill, co-author of "Unfit for Command," replaced Kerry as commander of Swift Boat PCF 94 in 1969 and has been confronting him since 1971. O'Neill told me he is no George W. Bush partisan and probably would have supported John Edwards had he been nominated for president, but is committed to keeping Kerry out of the Oval Office. Thus, reversing the usual formulation, the assault on Kerry is personal but not political.
O'Neill told me neither he nor his co-author (Jerome R. Corsi, a writer and expert on the Vietnam antiwar movement) has had contact with the Bush White House or the Bush-Cheney campaign. He said he and Corsi, on their own initiative, went to conservative Regnery Publishing to offer the book.

I'll still beleve his fellow squadron officers.


Aug 9, 2004, 8:40 PM
Post #93 of 103 (2110 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2004
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Re: Purple Heart? [In reply to]
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From yesterday's USA Today:
"Like Hoffmann, none of the 13 men in the TV ad served on either of the two swift boats — small, lightly armed patrol craft — that Kerry commanded. Of the group's 254 members — out of 3,500 swift boat sailors who served in Vietnam — only one served under Kerry. The rest who did serve on Kerry's boats back his record."

And in reponse to your partisan "information":
"On its Web site (, the group calls itself "non-partisan." But public records show that two of its three main backers are longtime GOP contributors: Bob Perry, a Texas home builder who gave $100,000, and Harlan Crow, a Dallas real estate executive, who gave $25,000."

And Tradster please, Novak? I would not call him a reliable or independent source. He's a white house mouth piece.


Aug 9, 2004, 8:55 PM
Post #94 of 103 (2110 views)

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Why isn't Novak reliable?

Seems like every time the left cries foul, he get some mud on him and six months later it turns out he was completely right.

Anyone remember the Joseph Wilson scandal? Turns out Wilson was quite the teller of tall tales.

Novak was recently vindicated. As expected, it didn't get much media coverage.


Aug 9, 2004, 9:03 PM
Post #95 of 103 (2110 views)

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From yesterday's USA Today:
"Like Hoffmann, none of the 13 men in the TV ad served on either of the two swift boats — small, lightly armed patrol craft — that Kerry commanded.
Of the group's 254 members — out of 3,500 swift boat sailors who served in Vietnam — only one served under Kerry. The rest who did serve on Kerry's boats back his record."

And Tradster please, Novak? I would not call him a reliable or independent source. He's a white house mouth piece.

The whole issue that started this was this photo that Kerry used in an add without their permission. If they weren't his "band of brothers" why did he this photo in an add? Why did he blow off their Cease and deciss letter?

They were all his fellow officers and served along side him.
Not to mention that he accused them of being war criminals.

The point of Novak, (who I would imagine is persona non grata around the whitehouse over other issues) is it is a QUOTED interview. It's about what they said, not Novak.


Aug 10, 2004, 12:34 AM
Post #96 of 103 (2110 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
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Re: Purple Heart? [In reply to]
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I'm sorry for my first post. I don't actually believe any of the things that I wrote. I just wanted to see some of the crazy conservatives here defend purple hearts. (you know who you are) None of us were there when kerry got injured, but as you all have made it quite obvious, its a VERY sensitive issue, so how could you even imply that maybe Kerry didnt deserve his medals. I think you all owe kerry an apology.

I never thought of myself as a crazy conservative, but that doesn't have a bad ring to it. I am veteran of and community and rarely do I get riled up or pissed off by someones stupid ass post, but your first post did just that. whether you believed it or not, you said it, and for that you are a fuking asshole and second the notion to kick your ass personally if I ever see you in person. [/end]

as for the whole purple heart thing, I have seen both sides of this situation. I am not particularly political, so don't bash me on kerry this or bush that, but I have seen first-hand people who have not deserved the purple heart get the honor, and those who deserve it not get it. My dad served in Vietnam and while on patrol a mine went off. there were three in the patrol and the first one was killed instantly. the second one was running around, flesh falling off the bone as the guy burned alive. my dad, was the furthest away and suffered minor burn injuries. He was also shot by enemy fire (once in the arm). And guess what, no purple heart. The system for these decorations is not completely accurate and sometimes people get them that don't deserve them and those that deserve them don't get them. almost 30 years after his service to his country, my dad finally got his purple heart. but not because his military record warranted it, or the Marines put him in for it. He got it because he deserved it, so I presented it to him after I had seen the horrors and heros on the hospital ship last March. I never fully comprehended what it truly means to serve until I saw it first hand. My dad never once asked for an award or accolade. he performed his duties with pride and espirit de corps. He served his country as have many others. And I am honored that he is my father, and there are many many more just like him and I thank them.

Kerry and Bush may have shady service records, but they have to live with that and spend the rest of their lives trying to hide it from the public. What ever the case may be, I have always believed in the saying that "It is better to deserve honors and not have them, than to have them and not deserve them."

just my measley .02 cents worth.



Aug 10, 2004, 1:58 AM
Post #97 of 103 (2110 views)

Registered: Dec 31, 2002
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Kerry reportedly received 3. Its hard to imagine that at least one of them was well earned.


Aug 10, 2004, 4:35 AM
Post #98 of 103 (2110 views)

Registered: May 28, 2002
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well i definitely would rather have kerry be president instead of bush. that being said, i think that purple hearts are the stupidest medals that you can win. Why would they reward you for getting hurt? Maybe if you got hurt doing something really brave, you should get a medal for getting hurt, but the whole point of fighting is to hurt the other person, not get hurt yourself. So getting a medal for getting hurt is like rewarding someone for screwing up. Its the same thing with that Jessical Lynch girl. She was made out to be a hero but all she did was get lost. She put other soldiers at risk just to save her sorry behind. The soldiers who rescued her are the real ones who deserve medals.

I was pretty pissed when I read this. Thankfully, Polarwid put this trash in the proper perspective.

Then there was this:

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I'm sorry for my first post. I don't actually believe any of the things that I wrote. I just wanted to see some of the crazy conservatives here defend purple hearts. (you know who you are) None of us were there when kerry got injured, but as you all have made it quite obvious, its a VERY sensitive issue, so how could you even imply that maybe Kerry didnt deserve his medals. I think you all owe kerry an apology.

I don't know if this is genuine or just CYA, but there is a point in all this. All of you who are nit-picking Kerry's war service are doing the same thing cantclimbforsht did in the first post. Maybe not to the same degree of absurdity, but you are just the same.

I believe that on the field of battle, some soldiers to heroic things, some do horrific things, and some do what many might think to be cowardly things. They are all ok with me.

For Chrissakes, the man went into battle; fought; killed; was injured; for his country. Even if he had received no medals I would honor his service.

What's really pathetic is that most of you regularly post here as though you think you have the corner on the market of patriotism and fervor for support of our troops.

You have no right to claim you support our troops if you participate in this sort of BS.

As usual, John McCain is right. That is a man of honor.

Would anyone like a mirror?


Aug 10, 2004, 5:06 AM
Post #99 of 103 (2110 views)

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You have no right to claim you support our troops if you participate in this sort of BS.

You might have a point if the matters in question were as cut and dried as you paint them. They are not. Kerry went to Viet Nam. Some of those that served with him have raised some serious questions about his credibility, his service behavior, and his qualifications to be the next Commander in Chief. Kerry speaks of his service in Viet Nam. He is not so quick to replay the incidents where (upon returning to the USA) he claims to have committed atrocities while serving and the fact that he claimed that atrocities were committed wholesale by Americans in Viet Nam. He slandered those still in the jungles and rice paddies, huge. He didn't argue the merits of the war so much as he argued that those that fought it were war criminals. In that respect he's on record as being a sort of male Jane Fonda without the apologies in retrospect...not quite the same as Johnny Rambo, now is he?


Aug 10, 2004, 5:08 AM
Post #100 of 103 (2110 views)

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believe that on the field of battle, some soldiers to heroic things, some do horrific things, and some do what many might think to be cowardly things. They are all ok with me.

They were not "all OK" with Kerry. They were all war criminals.

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