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1,000 Dead -- How Do You Sleep Mr. Bush?
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Sep 8, 2004, 11:11 PM
Post #1 of 131 (2564 views)

Registered: May 14, 2004
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1,000 Dead -- How Do You Sleep Mr. Bush?
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Excerpt from Sorry, it wouldn't let me post it in the Choss pile.

Watching TV, the anchorman says, "A milestone tonight, the 1,000th American soldier to die in Iraq." 13 soldiers have died in the past two days. We don't know how many Iraqi civilians have died in the bombing of Fallujah and Sadr City today, but hey, they're just Iraqis! All this killing, for what?

Bush now comes on the screen. His shirt is soaked with sweat. It is most days. Have you noticed this? Yes, we are men, and yes, we sweat, but man, this guy is drenched. I feel bad for him. He is not really up to the job of executioner (although it seemed so easy with his death row rat-a-tat-tat back in Texas).

Even though he himself doesn't have to pull the trigger, he knows what his actions have wrought and he sweats the sweat of a man in deep fear that he has doomed not only himself but countless Americans. Men who tell lies sweat like that. Men who cheat sweat like that. But in order to sweat like that you have to have a conscience, an active conscience, a present conscience, a voice that is always there to tell you that you are in violation of some greater law and order. Mr. Bush, his conscience still with him, and his shirt still wet, a thousand Americans now dead for no good reason other than they were willing to trust their commander-in-chief and promised to do whatever was necessary to protect you and me. I honor each and every one of the 1,000 for that, I grieve for them and their families, and I pray that Mr. Bush lies in a bed tonight, his sheets drenched not with sweat but with tears for those young men and women whom he consigned to their deaths.

Later today (Wed.), the Boston Globe, the A.P. and Dan Rather all present new and damning information about how George W. Bush got moved to the front of the line to get in the Texas Air National Guard, and how he then went AWOL. I am putting every ounce of trust I have in my fellow Americans that a majority of them get this, get the injustice of it all, and get the sad, sick twisted irony of how it relates very, very much to our precious Election 2004.


Sep 8, 2004, 11:12 PM
Post #2 of 131 (2564 views)

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maculated moved this thread from General to Community.


Sep 8, 2004, 11:42 PM
Post #3 of 131 (2564 views)

Registered: Jan 23, 2004
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Re: 1,000 Dead -- How Do You Sleep Mr. Bush? [In reply to]
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Mr. Bush, his conscience still with him, and his shirt still wet, a thousand Americans now dead for no good reason other than they were willing to trust their commander-in-chief and promised to do whatever was necessary to protect you and me. I honor each and every one of the 1,000 for that, I grieve for them and their families, and I pray that Mr. Bush lies in a bed tonight, his sheets drenched not with sweat but with tears for those young men and women whom he consigned to their deaths.
...I doubt he will greive for these people or their families.... he is as selfish as all other politicians.... looking towards the 4 year horizon or however long the term of government is.... those that faught and died would only enter his mind while thinking about how he could use their deaths as ammunition against manipulating the public's view on terrorists and how he could win votes with the speech he should make next....
...he was sweating because it was hot... he doesn't go much deeper than that...

Partner tgreene

Sep 8, 2004, 11:45 PM
Post #4 of 131 (2564 views)

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Re: 1,000 Dead -- How Do You Sleep Mr. Bush? [In reply to]
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I wonder if Klinton has ever watched "Blackhawk Down", or either of the Ruby Ridge or Waco movies..? :shock:


Sep 9, 2004, 3:09 AM
Post #5 of 131 (2564 views)

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Re: 1,000 Dead -- How Do You Sleep Mr. Bush? [In reply to]
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those that faught and died would only enter his mind while thinking about how he could use their deaths as ammunition against manipulating the public's view on terrorists and how he could win votes with the speech he should make next..

Most people in America do not need to be "manipulated" at all when it comes to terrorism, sport. Three innocent people died here not long ago. Perhaps you heard about it. It was in all the papers.

Only an asshole would capitalize on the 1000th death as some sort of morbid benchmark to prove that we should stop. That Michael Moore is that type of asshole is no great wonder.

Maybe the next child that has his brains splattered across a school yard will be yours. Then we'll see if killing the bastards is something you could support ....with your life if necessary.


Sep 9, 2004, 3:13 AM
Post #6 of 131 (2564 views)

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Sep 9, 2004, 3:19 AM
Post #7 of 131 (2564 views)

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Re: 1,000 Dead -- How Do You Sleep Mr. Bush? [In reply to]
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Sep 9, 2004, 3:25 AM
Post #8 of 131 (2564 views)

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Re: 1,000 Dead -- How Do You Sleep Mr. Bush? [In reply to]
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Relatives of the missing search through bags containing corpses recovered from a mass grave near Hilla
Gravediggers at the Muhammad Sakran graveyard search for identifying ribbons around the numbered markers of graves of executed prisoners.
Unearthing the body of an executed prisoner at a mass burial ground in Muhammad Sakran village


Sep 9, 2004, 3:27 AM
Post #9 of 131 (2564 views)

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Re: 1,000 Dead -- How Do You Sleep Mr. Bush? [In reply to]
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Dear Kachoong,

The man that did this is now in custody and will soon be tried by those to whom he did it.


Sep 9, 2004, 3:29 AM
Post #10 of 131 (2564 views)

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Re: 1,000 Dead -- How Do You Sleep Mr. Bush? [In reply to]
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Only an asshole would capitalize on the 1000th death as some sort of morbid benchmark to prove that we should stop. That Michael Moore is that type of asshole is no great wonder.

Only a asshole would at this point think that the terrorists are in Iraq. Read the 911 report? The assholes who attacked the US and killed all those children are not in Iraq. An only an asshole would admit at this point that there are WMD in Iraq and that a thousand of young American lives were worth losing on this cause. You are just as bad as Michael Moore except that you are on the other side of coin.

That sad part is that Bush keep using the Iraq war as a focal point on the fight on the terrorists. No wonder we are having a hard time of it.


Sep 9, 2004, 4:59 AM
Post #11 of 131 (2564 views)

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Re: 1,000 Dead -- How Do You Sleep Mr. Bush? [In reply to]
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Dear Kachoong,

The man that did this is now in custody and will soon be tried by those to whom he did it. are you happy?... do you feel safe now, knowing that 'this man' is going to be tried for all the things he did to innocent people?.... don't you think that there have been (and will be) many more like him....

...and what the hell is this supposed to mean?:
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Maybe the next child that has his brains splattered across a school yard will be yours. Then we'll see if killing the bastards is something you could support ....with your life if necessary.
..are you saying that Mike Moore would capitalise on such a morbid benchmark to make Bush stop? I was saying that Bush would use it as a reason to continue.... to continue to what end? 10000 dead?


Sep 9, 2004, 8:59 AM
Post #12 of 131 (2564 views)

Registered: May 14, 2004
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Re: 1,000 Dead -- How Do You Sleep Mr. Bush? [In reply to]
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Sep 9, 2004, 9:09 AM
Post #13 of 131 (2564 views)

Registered: May 14, 2004
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Re: 1,000 Dead -- How Do You Sleep Mr. Bush? [In reply to]
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Relatives of the missing search through bags containing corpses recovered from a mass grave near Hilla
Gravediggers at the Muhammad Sakran graveyard search for identifying ribbons around the numbered markers of graves of executed prisoners.
Unearthing the body of an executed prisoner at a mass burial ground in Muhammad Sakran village

Let me gues Danooguy, You went out and bought all those flags and stickers that say thinks like "STAY BRAVE STAY FREE" Do you just watch fox news and base all your politics on that? There are thousands of crimes against humanity going on all over the world right now, where is your bleeding heart for them? Oh wait, No oil there. 1000 American familys will not have a good christmas this year. They will never have peace. Fathers will bury sons, Sisters will bury brothers. Right now there is an American solider in Iraq talking about what He/She will do when they arrive home. A week from now, this person I speak of will be dead. Let's stop this pointless war RIGHT NOW.

Partner tradman

Sep 9, 2004, 9:11 AM
Post #14 of 131 (2564 views)

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Re: 1,000 Dead -- How Do You Sleep Mr. Bush? [In reply to]
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I think that bears repeating.








Oh and Danoo, I didn't have enough space to post pics of the 12,000 civilians who have been killed in Iraq, sorry. I'm sure you would've found them interesting in your own ghoulish way.


Sep 9, 2004, 9:18 AM
Post #15 of 131 (2564 views)

Registered: May 14, 2004
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Re: 1,000 Dead -- How Do You Sleep Mr. Bush? [In reply to]
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Writings from U.S. troops who have died in Iraq

Army Pfc. Rachel Bosveld, 19, of Waupun, Wis., in a letter home.
“More and more people want us to go home. Believe me, we want to go home.”

Army Pfc. Diego Rincon, 19, of Conyers, Ga., in his last letter home.
“Whether I make it or not, it’s all part of the plan. It can’t be changed, only completed. Mother will be the last word I’ll say. Your face will be the last picture that goes through my eyes. ... I just hope that you’re proud of what I’m doing and have faith in my decisions. I will try hard and not give up. I just want to say sorry for anything I have ever done wrong. And I’m doing it all for you mom. I love you.”

Marine Lance Cpl. Aaron Austin, 21, of Sunray, Texas, in the last letter to his fiancee, Tiffany Frank.
“When the pastor says you may kiss your bride that will probably be the happiest moment next to the next time you are able to lay your head on my chest ... There is no one or nothing that will stop me from getting back to you baby. So don’t worry. Just wait.”

Army Sgt. Micheal Dooley, 23, of Pulaski, Va., in a letter home to his wife, Christine, who was six months’ pregnant when he died.
“I want pictures of you, to see how big your belly is getting. How much my baby is growing inside of you. Not being with you makes me weak. You are the link that makes my chain strong. You complete me in every way.”

The final journal entry of Army National Guard Chief Warrant Officer Bruce Smith, 41, of West Liberty, Iowa. His wife, Oliva, received the necklace in the mail two days after his funeral, with a short note: “Oliva, Happy Birthday Early. Love Bruce.”
“I sent Oliva a b-day present yesterday. A nice necklace. She will get it a couple of weeks early but that is good.”

If you support this war, get the hell over there.

"Extending the war into Iraq would have incurred incalculable human and political costs. We would have been forced to occupy Baghdad and, in effect, rule Iraq. The coalition would instantly have collapsed, the Arabs deserting in anger and other allies pulling out as well. Exceeding the U.N.'s mandate would have destroyed the precedent of international response to aggression we hoped to establish. Had we gone the invasion route, the U.S. could still be an occupying power in a bitterly hostile land."
-- From "Why We Didn't Remove Saddam"
by George Bush [Sr.] and Brent Scowcroft, Time Magazine, 1998

Oh, and Danooguy, If you're so worried about Iraq Civillians, relax, we've only killed 13,000 CIVILIANS so far... Make sure you check your facts before you make yourself look like a total moron next time.


Sep 9, 2004, 9:28 AM
Post #16 of 131 (2564 views)

Registered: Mar 25, 2002
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Re: 1,000 Dead -- How Do You Sleep Mr. Bush? [In reply to]
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i dont think he lost any sleep over it... havent you already realised that he only cares about hes and hes cronies $$$????



Partner sauron

Sep 9, 2004, 12:33 PM
Post #17 of 131 (2564 views)

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Re: 1,000 Dead -- How Do You Sleep Mr. Bush? [In reply to]
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Excerpt from Sorry, it wouldn't let me post it in the Choss pile.

I believe Michael Moore has been added to Godwin's Law - so, by virtue of mentioning the kook, you have killed this thread, and invalidated any opinion you may have.

- d.

Partner tgreene

Sep 9, 2004, 1:00 PM
Post #18 of 131 (2564 views)

Registered: Oct 22, 2003
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Re: 1,000 Dead -- How Do You Sleep Mr. Bush? [In reply to]
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Where was the International outcry, when the US ordered it's troops against it's own people, killing 73..? Sure, it's only 14%, but it also happened during a 1 month seige, not 14!

Why was there no outcry..? Because the deceased were ultra-right nutjobs with a highly distorted and convoluted perspective about religion... Yes, the Branch Davidians were a cult, but with the "seperation of church and state", they should have been allowed to practice whatever they were so inclined, as long as it remained with the confines of the law.

Sure, lots of stories had surfaced about this and that, but none of them could hold water, and had been investigated time and time again, by local & state officials.

The world is saddened and sickened by the most recent slaughter of children in Russia, but has forgotten the souls of the dead children at Waco, that died at the hands of the leaders of the Democratic party.

Let us also never forget Randy Weaver's 13 year old son, who was shot in the back , or his wife, who took a single bullet to the head, while holding her infant daughter... :cry:


Sep 9, 2004, 2:08 PM
Post #19 of 131 (2564 views)

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Re: 1,000 Dead -- How Do You Sleep Mr. Bush? [In reply to]
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The world is saddened and sickened by the most recent slaughter of children in Russia, but has forgotten the souls of the dead children at Waco, that died at the hands of the leaders of the Democratic party.
what a mixture of ideas!


Sep 9, 2004, 4:43 PM
Post #20 of 131 (2564 views)

Registered: Dec 31, 2002
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Re: 1,000 Dead -- How Do You Sleep Mr. Bush? [In reply to]
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Very interesting stuff. Here we have people like Moore and the ever-frothing Bobbie Boy that claim to "support our troops" but cannot wait until the 1000th death so that they can infer that those troops died for nothing.

Tradman, I expect more from you, but I’m beginning to question why. I never said, that Iraq was DIRECTLY connected to 9/11. Further I never said, and I do NOT recall our president saying that this war would be restricted to ONLY those responsible for 9/11. Oh, and you are aware that Hussein paid the families of suicide bombers. Should I type that nine or ten times as you did? Would that add weight to my opinion?

And trad, do you find the pictures "ghoulish?" Poor boy! Does it offend you to have to be reminded of what happened to America and what happened in Iraq and Afghanistan and only days ago in Russia? Does it bother you that Iraqi civilians died in the process of removing the man that had murdered and tortured and raped them wholesale for nearly 30 years? Did you forget that, depending upon whose figures you believe, Hussein killed hundreds and hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of those same civilians for whom your hearts supposedly now bleeds? Maybe you should move to Spain, where they prefer to cave to terrorist attacks. Perhaps you'd be more comfortable among those that knuckle under to the demands and actions of murdering thug terrorists.

America has chosen to fight, and the majority of Americans support our actions regardless of the rantings of people like Bobby Boy and the others that come up with clever quips like "If you support this war, get the hell over there." That you, Trad, would join in the glee of the jackasses on this thread that are celebrating the 1000th death as some sort of victory for the hard-left, and point to the civilian casualties as some sort of validation shows how far you are willing to go (even to the point of painting me as ghoulishly "enjoying" the deaths...My God, the irony of you saying that to me as you attempt to validate the premise of this thread.)

Trad, from another thread:
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The world does not revolve around the United States, and the idea that without you we'd all just descend into chaos and tyranny says a great deal about your world view.

Your jealousy and disdain for America are transparent.

In that same thread you said:
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America sat on the sidelines and watched as 10 million died in world war 1 and 20 million died in world war 2, all the while exchanging cordial pleasantries……..

Obviously, in your book, America is damned if she does and damned if she doesn’t. Your opinion begins to whither in value and merit.

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Oh, and Danooguy, If you're so worried about Iraq Civillians, relax, we've only killed 13,000 CIVILIANS so far... Make sure you check your facts before you make yourself look like a total moron next time.

Here's a fact for you, faedeaux: Never before in the history of warfare has a campaign of this magnitude been waged with such successful emphasis on preserving not only civilian lives, but as much as the infrastructure as possible. Do a google search for "WWII" and "carpet bombing" and see how many hits you get. Perhaps your problem is that you hate Bush so much that you are incapable of analyzing in context what has occurred and the extent of what has been prevented from happening recently and in the case of Hussein, what will ever happen again. Apparently, you cannot stop frothing long enough to remember the facts about how many Hussein killed during his tenure. ...... Gee, when one steps back and thinks about the facts in context, it would be you that looks like a total moron, now wouldn't it? I feel sorry for you.

Look at the pictures again. Take a good hard look. Burn them into your mind. That is what we are trying to end, that is why we are fighting and will continue to fight and yes, even continue to die.


Sep 9, 2004, 4:59 PM
Post #21 of 131 (2564 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2004
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Re: 1,000 Dead -- How Do You Sleep Mr. Bush? [In reply to]
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Danoo, are you kidding me? That (horrific treatment of people) is what we're trying to end? We SUPPORTED Saddam until recently. We sold him guns and other arms to fight Iran. He was one of our favorite dictators. Now he's the most evil guy on the planet? What changed?

I think you are mistaken if you think people are "celebrating" that fact that 1,000 of our troops have died and countless others have been injured and their lives changed forever. We are calling on an end to this madness, to bring our troops home so not one more young American has to die for...for who knows what. Certianly not for WMDs, certainly not for liberating the Iraqi people, both of the reasons for the war initially have been discredited.


Sep 9, 2004, 5:10 PM
Post #22 of 131 (2564 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2002
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Re: 1,000 Dead -- How Do You Sleep Mr. Bush? [In reply to]
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Very interesting stuff. Here we have people like Moore and the ever-frothing Bobbie Boy that claim to "support our troops" but cannot wait until the 1000th death so that they can infer that those troops died for nothing.

You are a bigger asshole than your post would lead one to believe. I never asked for or wanted any of our troops to go to that war. No they did not die in vain, they were misled into war by inept leaders who could care less about human lives and thier well-being. It plain to me and other that your one that care so little about the lives of our troops. If did care you would say (like 80-per-cent of Americans have) that this war is wrong and let's get our troops out ASAP before more Americans lives are lost.

You are a lame-ass loser, little man!


Sep 9, 2004, 5:15 PM
Post #23 of 131 (2564 views)


Re: 1,000 Dead -- How Do You Sleep Mr. Bush? [In reply to]
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As I said in that other thread you mentioned.

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Being avenged by the people who supported his crimes in the 80s, reverted back to tacit support when he suppressed the Shi'te rebellion in the south (after it became clear that a "palace coup" was not going to occur of course), and have themselves hundreds of thousands of Iraqis themselves seems somewhat twisted to me.
[ignore bad sentence construction, I went too fast]


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You must remember that the 700,000 some odd Iranians died in a war that the US directly supported. We even shot down an Iranian airliner killing 290 innocent people. The crimes are shared. We supported his gassing of the Kurds, as we supported Turkey in there attacks against the Kurds in the 90s, and as Kissinger (and the US) supported the betrayal of the Kurds in the 70s by saying "Covert action should not be confused for missionary work." Lets be honest.

Also, I've never seen any really good evidence that money did go to the families. I've heard the assertion, and it could easily be true. Here's one link to terrorism of his that is certainly true, and is always overlooked. The People's Mujadeen of Iran is an Iraqi-based terrorist group who carried out bombings in Iran. A few weeks ago they were designated as "protected persons" under the Fourth Geneva Convention. This protects them from punishment, and extradition to Iran to face charges of terrorism. This is the most obvious link between Saddam and terrorism, and now we are protecting them.

Oh, and trad is correct in pointing out our arrogance in thinking we keep the world running.

BTW, Bob, it was nice meeting you ever so briefly this past weekend.



Sep 9, 2004, 5:17 PM
Post #24 of 131 (2564 views)

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Re: 1,000 Dead -- How Do You Sleep Mr. Bush? [In reply to]
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We are calling on an end to this madness, to bring our troops home so not one more young American has to die for...for who knows what.

Thank you for confirming what I've been saying on this board for a long time. People like you do not and are incapable of supporting the troops because you do not support the mission. You feel that they are dying for nothing. It is no mistake at all. You are celebrating the 1000th death of an American as a macabre benchmark that it is all for nothing. The more death, the more it supposedly proves your point.

So when's the next celebration? 5000? 10,000? Oh, and did I miss the one for 500?

As to any support we gave Iraq, that question has been repeatedly addressed in a variety of threads. The situation in the Middle East is not static; it is, has been, and will continue to be changing, as those in power in the many corrupt governments there change. Again, you and yours approach the subject with simplistic, childlike reasoning, as though, there are the guys in the white hats and the guys in the black hats, now and forever.

As to the WMD's, that question has been addressed about 10,000 times on this board also. Hussein was posturing and refusing to cooperate, he had a history of using them, etc, etc, etc. You know the drill, you simply ignore the fact that if we'd ignored him and he later provided WMD's to others or used them against others, you and yours would be the first to scream, "Bush should have seen that coming."

The man is not my hero, and certainly not an ideal choice for President of the USA, but the alternative is a wishy-washy waffler that claims boldly that he "won't hesitate to defend America, if we're attacked." He's also stated that he'd seek the approval of others first.

I wonder which candidate the terrorists find most appealing from their prospective.


Sep 9, 2004, 5:18 PM
Post #25 of 131 (2564 views)

Registered: Jul 7, 2003
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Re: 1,000 Dead -- How Do You Sleep Mr. Bush? [In reply to]
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Danoo, are you kidding me? That (horrific treatment of people) is what we're trying to end? We SUPPORTED Saddam until recently. We sold him guns and other arms to fight Iran. He was one of our favorite dictators. Now he's the most evil guy on the planet? What changed?

...for who knows what. Certianly not for WMDs, certainly not for liberating the Iraqi people, both of the reasons for the war initially have been discredited.

Amazing that in the depths of malignant narcisism you have to drudge up the minimal support that ceased more than 15 years ago. The liberation and establishment of a democracy in Iraq IS the goal. It always was. The establishment of a viable democracy in Iraq is key to transforming the region. That would have been politicaly unsuportable and what was then believed BY THE ENTIRE WORLD! threat of WMD's used as a proximate cause.

Many nations have ellite forces. All have mottos that reenforce their mission they all have something to do with the defense of homeland, party, race or soverign. We as a nation are unique in that respect. Our ellite's moto/mission is "De oppreso, liber" "To free the oppressed". Oh, by the way, they beleve it!

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