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"Straight Pride?"
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Oct 20, 2004, 1:30 PM
Post #201 of 257 (3850 views)


Re: "Straight Pride?" [In reply to]
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Being heterosexual in and of itself has no merit;
And it is the living of a traditional, dominant culture's lifestyle;
The challenges posed by it are not a point of pride.

Straight pride, not okay.

That's my argument.

The question I've been asking myself throughout this thread (I may have missed some finer points cause english isn't my native language):

So, I'm not "allowed" to feel proud for being hetero.
What is the alternative(s)?
Is it OK to be indifferent (is that the right word?)?
Or do I have to feel ashamed?

I think it would be far more correct to say that you should be comfortable in being a straight.

I'm not proud because I'm straight, I just am. So I accept that, and luckily no one is actively trying to make me feel like I shouldn't be comfortable with my sexuality.

Partner tisar

Oct 20, 2004, 1:33 PM
Post #202 of 257 (3850 views)

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Re: "Straight Pride?" [In reply to]
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You state that it is acceptable for gay people to have pride in their sexual preference - gay pride - ...
No I didn't. I said that it's acceptable to have pride in living according to your sexual preference against social discrimination.

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but that for straight people to claim exactly the same right - straight pride - is "an offense".

Again I didn't. To be proud of beeing straight on the one hand is just nonsense but still not offensive. Wearing a shirt "Straight Pride" on the other hand ... read my posts.

- Daniel


Oct 20, 2004, 1:34 PM
Post #203 of 257 (3850 views)

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We can go on discussing on a meta-science level but I'd really prefer just to keep it easy. Falsification should do it. So despite the (not) missing evidence, at which point do you think the arguments are wrong?

The problem with your argument is very straightforward: it's discriminatory.

You state that it is acceptable for gay people to have pride in their sexual preference - gay pride - but that for straight people to claim exactly the same right - straight pride - is "an offense".

Is that your position or would you like to restate it?

I am coming in late. I have only read the first and last pages, but I must comment on this. There is nothing wrong with being proud of who you are. I am straight and proud of it. The problem is with the underlying conotations. Because of our society, we do not need to make statements about "straight pride". It is already understood. Stating it is only in opposition to the original "gay pride" movement. And by justifying by saying "why can't we be proud to be straight" is just being ignorant. When blacks and other minorities were fighting for their rights, they got opposition, when women were fighting for the right to vote, they got opposition. Why do we have to oppose every group that the current society says does not belong? I am beginning to wonder if I can even be proud to be human.

Partner tradman

Oct 20, 2004, 1:39 PM
Post #204 of 257 (3850 views)

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Re: "Straight Pride?" [In reply to]
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Oh, I see.

Well, I'll leave it at that. I've already deconstructed both the arguments you've just re-presented, and I'm not inclined to go through it all again.

Thanks though.


Oct 20, 2004, 1:43 PM
Post #205 of 257 (3850 views)

Registered: Mar 18, 2003
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Re: "Straight Pride?" [In reply to]
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One key aspect, that I don't think has been addressed so far, has to do with understanding why people are opposed to/offended by public statements of Gay Pride.

For those who support gay pride and don't support straight pride, you may get a fuller understanding of the situation if you can honestly understand why people take offense at gay pride symbols. By this I mean get past the "They're just a bunch of intolerant, narrow-minded bigots" mindset. :wink:

Partner tisar

Oct 20, 2004, 1:52 PM
Post #206 of 257 (3850 views)

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Re: "Straight Pride?" [In reply to]
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Oh, I see.

Well, I'll leave it at that. I've already deconstructed both the arguments you've just re-presented, and I'm not inclined to go through it all again.

Thanks though.

:D I see that you weren't really constructive but I doubt you deconstructed my arguments...

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In Christian dogma, pride (or vanity) is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is listed as one of the Seven Deadly Sins.

In English, the term "pride" also has a more positive sense referring to self-respect, a refusal to be humiliated (such as in Lesbian and Gay pride) as well as joy in one's accomplishments. In this sense, "pride" is among the most-quoted themes of political and societal discourse of English-speaking nations, especially of the USA. This stands in some contrast to that nation's general image of itself as a mostly Christian society.

Some languages distinguish between the two senses of pride; in French, self-respect is fierté and vanity is orgueuil.

Arrogance is the act of obtaining rights or advantages, including merely rhetorical advantages, through violence or threats of violence, or through verbal violence. Arrogance is as much an aspect of aggression as it is of pretension, which is unwarranted pride. An arrogant person is not merely unjustifiably confident in their own ability and value, but one actively seeking to cow or belittle other "lesser" people, in order to achieve their ends.

... makes me think...

- Daniel

Partner tisar

Oct 20, 2004, 1:56 PM
Post #207 of 257 (3850 views)

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Re: "Straight Pride?" [In reply to]
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you may get a fuller understanding of the situation if you can honestly understand why people take offense at gay pride symbols.

Teach me, I listen.

- Daniel

* edited to add that this is meant serious.


Oct 20, 2004, 2:49 PM
Post #208 of 257 (3850 views)

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Is it OK to be indifferent (is that the right word?)?

The right word would have been 'tolerant'. And yes - it's okay and truly something you are allowed to be proud of. :wink:

- Daniel

I guess it's some kind of joke, and I don't get it.

I guess you are talking about my attitude towards others, that should be "tolerant"?
But I thought we were discussing attitudes towards ourselves. And being "tolerant" towards myself, well, I just don't get it? I can be proud that I tolerate myself, but I can't be proud of myself?

Partner tisar

Oct 20, 2004, 3:09 PM
Post #209 of 257 (3850 views)

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I guess it's some kind of joke, and I don't get it.

I guess you are talking about my attitude towards others, that should be "tolerant"?
But I thought we were discussing attitudes towards ourselves. And being "tolerant" towards myself, well, I just don't get it? I can be proud that I tolerate myself, but I can't be proud of myself?

Sorry. It was kind if a joke but not a good one.

If you mean by 'indifferent' that you really don't care - sounds reasonable. I just think that pride is reserved for things you've had to work for, not for things you have been given.

- Daniel


Oct 21, 2004, 8:46 PM
Post #210 of 257 (3850 views)

Registered: Feb 23, 2004
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Re: "Straight Pride?" [In reply to]
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Fenix, great job of interpreting the hundreds of posts.
:oops: Awww shucks, thanks.
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So, based on the fact that being a homosexual in and of itself has no merit;
And it is the living of a gay lifestyle;
And challenges posed by it may become a point of pride:

Gay pride is okay.


Being heterosexual in and of itself has no merit;
And it is the living of a traditional, dominant culture's lifestyle;
The challenges posed by it are not a point of pride.

Straight pride, not okay.

That's my argument.
I understand your argument of why being proud of being straight makes very little, if any sense; basically there is no challenge involved in being straight. This still raises two points argueable points for me:

1- If I recall correctly, you stated that you were pride of your Irish ethnicity, but since there is no challenge in you being Irish, why are you proud of it? What is the difference between you Irish pride, or my Latin pride, and Straight pride? None of these present a real challene to you lifestyle, none of these were "earned" through merit, so why is one OK and the other wrong? I am guessing your answer is going to be that Irish or Latin pride are not "oppressive" to our counterparts, whereas straight pride does, to some degree "oppress" (for lack of a better word) the Gay community. This brings me to my second point:

2-Why is it "wrong" to be a part of the majorit/mainstream/dominant binary? It is not my fault to have fallen into this sector of society, not anymore than it is a gay persons' to have fallen into the subjugated portion. If you accept that some sense of pride comes from something that you have real merti (ie nationality, ethnicity) then how can you contest straight pride? There seems to be a perception, on this thread, and in society as a whole, that being part of the majority is somehow "bad" or reprhensible, this seems to be the only reason you have an issue with stright pride, that is at the very least hypocritical, if not altogether oppresive. (no offence meant here, you know I like you mac :) )



Oct 21, 2004, 8:56 PM
Post #211 of 257 (3850 views)

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I think we're mostly at one. What makes me believe that "Straight Pride" is offensive are two points. First of all I agree that it is silly. But people not tend to carry silly statements into public without a cause. So if it's on purpose, what is the point?
I disagree, have you seen some of the shirts/slogans out there? Some are designed exactly to be silly/irreverent, it makes those people wearing seem/feel unique.

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This brings in the second point. From what I wittnessed in the past years (I know many gay people, including my adopted elder brother) the struggle of the coming out and the constant hostilities lead to the subjective perception that sexuality is in fact the most defining character trait. At least for young gays who are on the active pursuit of their own position in life.

People know that and wearing a "Straight Pride" shirt therfore is at least an unsensitive joke, if not a pure despite. If I wore a shirt "Tall Pride" I'd know exactly that small people would be offended by it. So I don't - even if I'm glad (not proud) to be 6ft23.
- Daniel
I agree with the fact that society tends to make gay sexuality a defining characteristic of peoples persona, when in my experince with both stright and gay people, it is not. So maybe it would be more productive to attack those elements in society which perpetuate this trend of defining people by their sexuality, thus making this entire debate moot. If we could accept secuality as just another trait, like blonde/brunette hair, then gay and striaght pride would be complete non issues.

As for your last point, saying that stright pride could be offensive to homosexuals, I agree. Unfortunately, our society is plauged with things that are offensive, and in all honesty, this thread would not exist if PTC had a TALL PRIDE signature. In the end, there is some oversensitivity to sexual issues, especially homosexuality, due in no small part due to the issue discussed in my previous paragraph.


*edited for spelling


Oct 22, 2004, 11:58 AM
Post #212 of 257 (3850 views)

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There seems to be a perception, on this thread, and in society as a whole, that being part of the majority is somehow "bad" or reprhensible. This seems to be the only reason you have an issue with straight pride, which is at the very least hypocritical, if not altogether oppresive.

Excellent point, fenix. The crux of the issue.


Oct 25, 2004, 9:17 PM
Post #213 of 257 (3850 views)

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Re: "Straight Pride?" [In reply to]
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What happened here? A great thread just kinda died down?


Partner tisar

Oct 26, 2004, 1:31 PM
Post #214 of 257 (3850 views)

Registered: Jul 1, 2004
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What happened here? A great thread just kinda died down?


Perhaps people just think that there's said enough.

But the thread brought up a question for me wich I wanted to discuss in a new thread cause it's somewhat off topic. It's about the limit of tolerance.

- Daniel


Oct 26, 2004, 5:12 PM
Post #215 of 257 (3850 views)

Registered: Dec 23, 2001
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There seems to be a perception, on this thread, and in society as a whole, that being part of the majority is somehow "bad" or reprhensible. This seems to be the only reason you have an issue with straight pride, which is at the very least hypocritical, if not altogether oppresive.

Excellent point, fenix. The crux of the issue.

Being part of the majority isn't neccesarily "bad," it just has a tendency to limit valid viewpoints. If you're a white man, you do not know the plight of the black woman, even if you spend your life studying it. Read "Black Like Me." The white dude makes himself black and goes undercover in the South. It's antiquated, but the point is there.

It's easy to look down your nose at things and not consider others' feelings because you're in a supportive majority. That is my point.


Oct 26, 2004, 5:49 PM
Post #216 of 257 (3850 views)

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Being part of the majority isn't neccesarily "bad," it just has a tendency to limit valid viewpoints. If you're a white man, you do not know the plight of the black woman, even if you spend your life studying it.

I've always felt this argument is cheating, and a way to discount other people's opinion. But only white men's opinions, since everyone else can share in the brother(or sister!)hood of oppression.

I'll get back to keeping people down now.

The Man.


Oct 26, 2004, 5:51 PM
Post #217 of 257 (3850 views)

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Nicely put Maculated. You're right, I can't truly understand the plight of the various underprivileged groups in our society. Does this give these underprivileged factions exclusive rights to publicly laud their uniqueness?

There seems to be a mindset that "oppressed" groups can make all the noise they want about who they are or why they're oppressed, not matter how offensive it may be to some. Conversely, if those in the mainstream or those more advantaged publicly embrace those traits that set them apart, then they are condemned for their behavior.

You can dissect and/or rationalize this any way you want, but in the end it's quite simply a double standard.


Oct 26, 2004, 6:55 PM
Post #218 of 257 (3850 views)

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You can dissect and/or rationalize this any way you want, but in the end it's quite simply a double standard.

Vigorously enforced by the PC thought police.


Oct 26, 2004, 7:49 PM
Post #219 of 257 (3850 views)

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The fact is, Dave and Thorn, oppression sucks. If you aren't sympathetic to that, then you are proving my argument. All I'm saying is take into account other people's reactions to your behavior and you'll see that "Straight Pride" jokes too much from a non-sympathetic angle.

Go watch Team America. I felt sort of wrong laughing at that stuff, but at the same time, it humanizes it. If you laugh because you can see the stereotypes for what they are, then bully! If you laugh because you agree with how they are portrayed, then you need to get a little sensitivity training.


Oct 26, 2004, 8:04 PM
Post #220 of 257 (3850 views)

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All I'm saying is take into account other people's reactions to your behavior and you'll see that "Straight Pride" jokes too much from a non-sympathetic angle.

This is a two way street. Many among the "oppressed" show little regard about how their behavior will effect others. Sometimes they act as if it's their duty to be particularly antagonistic.

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If you laugh because you agree with how they are portrayed, then you need to get a little sensitivity training.

So much for freedom of thought.


Oct 26, 2004, 8:06 PM
Post #221 of 257 (3850 views)

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Oppression does suck. That doesn't make an observation of a double standard less valid.

I watched team america. I laughed the whole time.

However, recommending sensitivity training for anyone is BS. I would actually recommend DEsensitivity training. We're so caught up in how everyone feels that we can't get anything done without a ton of doublespeak.


Oct 27, 2004, 12:54 AM
Post #222 of 257 (3850 views)

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So much for freedom of thought.
Oh, you certainly have this freedom, and with it my blessing. But the point of this is that sometimes we'd all be better if you kept those thoughts to yourself, most especially if they are inflammatory, offensive, argumentative, or antagonistic.

But then this forum would die... so let's all agree to keep spouting.

I'm watching the game now, so leave me alone!


Oct 27, 2004, 6:01 AM
Post #223 of 257 (3850 views)

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So the real problem is the antagonistic and annoying folk. Well, I concede to you there.

And again, folks, watch ad hominem. Since I know Thorn associates with my dear friend Travis, he has to have one hell of a good heart. Just different opinions.

Dave, that last comment about sensitivity training was a joke.

Partner tradman

Oct 27, 2004, 11:38 AM
Post #224 of 257 (3850 views)

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oppression sucks. If you aren't sympathetic to that, then you are proving my argument.

You've already said that we can't identify with the plight of others because we're the majority, so how can we be sympathetic? Sympathy without any mutual understanding is just pity.

If you want gender equality, sexual equality, or any other equality, you must dispense with preferential treatment of any side. That means all groups get the same rights, regardless of history, origin or size.

Partner tisar

Oct 27, 2004, 12:12 PM
Post #225 of 257 (3850 views)

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If you want gender equality, sexual equality, or any other equality, you must dispense with preferential treatment of any side. That means all groups get the same rights, regardless of history, origin or size.

Equal rights don't mean equality. You just cannot forget about all given history which lead to the present inequality. Justice means treating the equal as equal and the unequal as unequal.

If history has lead to disadvantages of any social group it is the duty of any contitutional state to "previlege" those groups until they got equal chances. Everything else would just be social darwinism.

- Daniel

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