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Thats It! Im Finding another gym!! (RANT)
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Jul 27, 2004, 6:04 PM
Post #51 of 91 (11071 views)

Registered: Jan 13, 2001
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Re: Thats It! Im Finding another gym!! (RANT) [In reply to]
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here's a novel idea... quit wasting your money at the gym and go climb outside. it's still pleasant in the morning.

face it, gyms make their real money off birthday parties, groups, lessons, etc... therefore, birthday parties, groups, lessons, etc... are always going to be there.


Jul 27, 2004, 6:13 PM
Post #52 of 91 (11071 views)

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Re: Thats It! Im Finding another gym!! (RANT) [In reply to]
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edited because it's just not worth it.


Jul 28, 2004, 1:20 AM
Post #53 of 91 (11071 views)

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Re: Thats It! Im Finding another gym!! (RANT) [In reply to]
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here's a novel idea... quit wasting your money at the gym and go climb outside. it's still pleasant in the morning.


1. The nearest gym is 15 minutes from home. The nearest outdoor climbing 90 minutes.
2. The gym is open after dark. The nearest climbing area is not.
3. Climbing in the dark is ok now and then, but I don't want to do it every week.
4. Sometimes it rains. Climbing in the rain is less fun.
5. Need I go on?

Gyms have their place. I prefer outdoor, but to say we just shouldn't patronize them ignores the fact that they exist because they do offer a useful service.



Jul 28, 2004, 2:00 AM
Post #54 of 91 (11071 views)

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Re: Thats It! Im Finding another gym!! (RANT) [In reply to]
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Go boulder for 3 months. Then you will have 135$ (3*45) which will buy you a rope at rei. Then buy a tibloc, fix a line and go climb....No belayer needed
Is the tibloc your belay device? Does anyone do this? Sounds uh..sketchy. Hows the rope look after a day of this? :?


Jul 29, 2004, 4:18 AM
Post #55 of 91 (11071 views)

Registered: Jul 25, 2004
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Re: Thats It! Im Finding another gym!! (RANT) [In reply to]
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Okay, I've only read a page and a half of this, because its late and I have a headache, but I hope that you realize nota ll of us are like that. I had the displeasure of trying a boulder on Long Island, and There was one other guy on it, but it was big enough for severeal people to be bouldering at once, so this guy climbs over near me and says to his spotter, "I'm so sick of little brats these daysing thinking they can climb anything, all they do is get in out way"

That really made me mad, and I hope you realise some of us do know what we are doing and we aren't inconsiderate of other climbers.


Jul 29, 2004, 5:35 AM
Post #56 of 91 (11071 views)

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Re: Thats It! Im Finding another gym!! (RANT) [In reply to]
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are you serious?
a couple of things:

A) oh no--they took away your crashpad!!! scary!!! STFU. Real men who were bouldering long before the advent of gyms never used crashpads--the dirt was a good enough landing zone for them (or is your gym's rubber, carpet, pea gravel, etc... flooring to rough for you?)

B) Gyms make money off kids groups--each of those kids has paid something to be allowed in the gym--as have you. don't think because youre a regular, you should get special treatment...after having worked in many fields, i can say that it's usually the regulars who cause the most problems (coming in two minutes before closing, asking for discounts, etc...)

C) They're kids. you were a kid once. get over it. yeah, it'd be nice to have separate areas for kids and members, but not all gyms can do that--plus, you're bouldering--close to the ground where kids can see--they want to climb and have to wait in line to put on a rope, so they'll boulder...they're trying to emulate you, not exascerbate.

D) kids are better than the bouldering groupies that hang out around the walls and yell "go for it" when one just wants to climb in peace...most kids will just watch wide-eyed, while the junkie has to confirm his prescene with supportive, moronic exclamations.

E) go outside. if there are people there, get up earlier or go farther away...if that doesn't work, go alpine climbing...if you''ve still sand in your craw, take up some lame-ass sport that no one is into and develop it--like hockey-cycling or flatwater high bellyflopping...

Wow, Thank god you showed up. One month after this thread died, and expressed your opinion. Anyway, I've found a time where I can go to the gym and not worry about seeing all these unsafe kids. I've actually grabbed a brake rope on someone elses belay cause they had the grigri open with one hand, and the other on the GUIDE rope. I've seen one kid take a 30' digger. (Im sure the "REAL" climbers have all done this, in fact, screw the crashpad, we dont even need the top ropes.) I can't climb comfortably knowing that there are kids next to me being unsafe. Anyone under 16 should be under CONSTANT adult supervision. And, the guardian should understand the concepts of top roping and belaying. I've seen kids "Speed climb" and when they get to the top, theres 15 feet of slack in the line. The belaying kid said, Ok, let go of the wall now, and mom just looked up with the camera like "Yah! Im so proud." I CAN'T WATCH STUFF LIKE THIS. I don't enjoy myself. I apoligize if i sound like a pussy to you, but, im one of those climbers that enjoys safty aspects. I like my crash pad. I'm sure there are many broken ankles out there that would agree with me.


Jul 29, 2004, 12:19 PM
Post #57 of 91 (11071 views)

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Re: Thats It! Im Finding another gym!! (RANT) [In reply to]
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If the gym is running a babysitting service the owner should set times for the service so others can avoid it. If the $$ is so important, time to spend your $$ somewhere else.

That's all I ever wanted was a heads up to know when the kids generally would be there so I could avoid the gym. It's a moot point now, since I have stopped visiting gyms in winter. Went once this year so far.

As for these kinds of rants being ineffectual, who's to say what the intended effect is? They do illustrate the most passionately disliked aspects of gyms, which all gym owners and managers need to be reminded of. They also serve the purpose of giving the annoyed parties a vent, which is entertaining.


Nov 15, 2004, 9:39 AM
Post #58 of 91 (11071 views)

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Re: Thats It! Im Finding another gym!! (RANT) [In reply to]
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Fadeux I know exactly your problem. the stupid little kids run around, and underneath when you bouldering and sit there, or even worse youve been woorking a hard traverse for a while and theres a little kind climbing in your way. I found a solution to this problem, I found carver boulder field was less than a half hour drive away I now have no longer had this problem, But for you I suggest going to the the manager and telling the problem threating to leave and not suggest that climbing gym to your friends Or suggest to the manager they have 1 day a week where little kids can climb, but only with their parents. And the rest of the week no one under 13 can climb .

when again was it that you turned 13?


Nov 15, 2004, 1:04 PM
Post #59 of 91 (11071 views)

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Re: Thats It! Im Finding another gym!! (RANT) [In reply to]
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Last week I was bouldering at the local gym, and there was a lot of kids there ( and a really annoying man who was supposed to be looking after them, but was more worried about impressing the kids with his skills ).
I was working on a roof problem when I fell down on two kids who were wrestling right beneath me. I probably fell from 7 feet or something, and actually landed with my knee first on one of the kids :shock: .
No one was hurt, but at least that scared the kids away from the bouldering cave :D


Nov 15, 2004, 1:59 PM
Post #60 of 91 (11071 views)

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Re: Thats It! Im Finding another gym!! (RANT) [In reply to]
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"the war on kids...the mother of all wars"

why all the kid hating? personally i don't have anxiety about talking to a kid or teacher.

and it does suck to boulder at the wrong hours but those are the breaks. at least the kids arent spewing beta. take that back spewing beta doesnt bother me unless it is when some one is talking about a some other guy saying "why cant he do that its so simple just do..."

if kids are doing something dangerous you must tell them so, and in no uncertain terms.


Nov 15, 2004, 2:02 PM
Post #61 of 91 (11071 views)

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Re: Thats It! Im Finding another gym!! (RANT) [In reply to]
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Um, go outside and climb on real rock. You avoid the members fees, it's more fun, and on top of all that, there tends to be less little kids making things hard for you...


Well, I can't afford the rope yet, and then what could i complain about?

Don't need a rope for bouldering :-P
But then you could complain about a crash pad.
But with a rope, what could you complain about?
Not having the pro to build an anchor.
Not having pro to lead with.
Paying for gas. Which climbing outsides is ALWAYS more expensive than indoor, most ppl just don't realize it. I spend at least $20 in gas to hit the crag, $10 in beef jerky, ~$8 for drinks

So there's my rant, it's not kids climbing in the gym, I can deal with them pretty well (I have practice, as I have 2 kids)..

But back to my rant, climbing outdoors, in the big picture, is definitely more expensive than climbing indoors. But to me it's worth it - even in high 40/low 50's I managed to drive 3 hrs yesterday for one short day of casual climbing.. ~ $20 in gas, $10 for the price to climb (entrance fee to the national park - almost the price of a day pass), $20 in beef jerky, drinks and snacks - musta cost me about 50 or 60 for me and my daughter to go climbing... Would have cost have that at the gym


Nov 15, 2004, 2:08 PM
Post #62 of 91 (11071 views)

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Re: Thats It! Im Finding another gym!! (RANT) [In reply to]
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Have you ever tired "Rock Climbing"? Yeah, I know Gym Rats ask whats that, maybe you should invest some time on the rock instead of plastic. And yeah, it's only Kids. Are they not allowed to have some fun for one night? You Pay x amount of dollars a month and you enjoy yourself. Would it really hurt you that much if you gave up climbing for one night to the kiddies? Maybe so.....


Nov 15, 2004, 5:58 PM
Post #63 of 91 (11071 views)

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Re: Thats It! Im Finding another gym!! (RANT) [In reply to]
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Dont be a baby. The only reason you have a gym is because of those kids and groups like them. You think your gym makes enough money to keep the doors open off of climbers!? Well obviously you do, but the correct answer is NO. Yea, 50 rugrats running around when you wanted a nice session sucks, but theyre a necessary evil. Call ahead next time if they bother you so much. Peace.


Nov 15, 2004, 6:43 PM
Post #64 of 91 (11071 views)

Registered: Jul 30, 2004
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Re: Thats It! Im Finding another gym!! (RANT) [In reply to]
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I totally agree with you. Yesterday I was at an indoor comp and a 10 or 11 year old shit was not obeying the rules in the least. He would steal your route in a heartbeat, take the crashpads as if they were his own and cuss up a storm. I guess most people looked unto him as if he were young and didnt understand, but you'd better believe that I didnt back down once from him! I took a route that was rightfully mine after standing in line for 5 minutes, even if that meant physically nudging him outta the way. I think if a child is going to enter a comp or climb inside, they should be accompanied by an adult that knows what they are doing or themselves obey by the rules. To make it worse the comp directors almost granted him special rules or turned the other way because he was younger.


Nov 15, 2004, 7:13 PM
Post #65 of 91 (11071 views)

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Re: Thats It! Im Finding another gym!! (RANT) [In reply to]
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I hate to break it to you, but the gym owners are not going to turn away a bus load full of kids and the $ they bring. Not gonna happen. It sounds like they should employ some gym nazis who can enforce the rules on the little grit grinders, but whatcanyado? What we really need is to have the heavy hand of venerated old-schoolers come down and smack some respect into the little sh*ts. Dream on. My advice...say f#*k the gym. Build your own wall, climb outside, or both. I don't know how anybody can concentrate in a gym anyway. Of the perhaps 10 times I have ever been to a gym it suuuucked! So bad. Do your self a favor and take this as an opportunity to expand your climbing vision. Just say "NO" to climbing gyms.


Nov 15, 2004, 7:14 PM
Post #66 of 91 (11071 views)

Registered: Oct 10, 2004
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Re: Thats It! Im Finding another gym!! (RANT) [In reply to]
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I'm a little surprised by the opposition the original poster is facing. Yes it was a rant, but I imagine most of us have ranted at least once in our lives. Regardless of tone, the point isn't children climbing responsibly and sharing the gym. The point is unsupervised madness that puts others at risk.

Yes, the owners need to draw in revenue and parties, tours and kids are a great way to do it. Most people who pay memberships, however, do so thinking that there is an unspoken agreement between them and the gym. I will assure you a consistant flow of cash per the terms of our contract against which you can plan bills, expansion, upgrades and salaries. With that in mind, I expect a reasonably safe and enjoyable return on my investment. This kind of dependable income is critical to the gym. It allows for them to actually plan expenses. Trickle-in funds from tours and parties are nothing to sneeze at, but it is not contractually provided, is not assured, offers no promise of repetition from the same source (unlike the contracted individual), etc.

So when I go to the gym I expect a few things. First and foremost is to have a good time enjoying the service being offered. Climbing. If I'm spending my entire time worrying about my safety, having kids climb over/under me, dodging flying ATCs and wondering where my pad went, I'm obviously not getting my money's worth.

The solutions have already been outlined. 1) specific areas for children and parties 2) logically designed routes that trend children away from more advanced routes 3) adult supervision. I didn't read all the posts so if the following has been said, forgive me, but let me add in...

4) Management supervision - If the parents/guardians are NOT doing a good job of keeping their children under control, management SHOULD make every effort to rectify the problem. To this end, party attenders should be required to sign an agreement that they will hold their children to a set list of controlled conduct and accept that they will be asked to leave the gym if those rules are not followed with no refund.

5) Party schedule posted - There should be a party schedule posted at the gym and online if available so that members can plan accordingly.

6) One or two members only days a week -

I agree that kids need to be kids. But NOT at the expense of others around them. Yes, I was a kid once, but I was expected to behave and did so - we actually used to get spanked in the old days, kiddies. It's a shared world and some brat's need to be annoying and dangerous because mom or dad doesn't have the balls to put them in their place should NOT become a gym member's problem. I, for one, have no intentions of paying my hard earned money for the displeasure and would leave your gym. Correction, I would first talk to the manager to see if anything is planned in the very near future to resolve this problem. Failing that, I would take my business elsewhere. There are solutions that are positive for all parties. If the owner of your gym chooses not to employ them, find a gym that does.

A small business owner has an obligation to offer the best possible product to his customers... kids and adults. If only the kids are being catered to, you don't need to be there any more than you need to be spending your paycheck at Toys R' Us on a regular basis.


Nov 15, 2004, 7:30 PM
Post #67 of 91 (11071 views)

Registered: Nov 8, 2004
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Re: Thats It! Im Finding another gym!! (RANT) [In reply to]
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Here is my two cents...for what it's worth.

I've only climbed indoors as well, (haven't found anyone to take me outdoors yet :( ) I tend to only have time on the weekends, when there are b-day parties and lots of children there...I just avoid the areas where the kids are and climb elsewhere...and if the children are acting up...I will directly speak to the child and tell them what the appropriate behavior is. Generally they freak out b/c it's a stranger talking to them and they shut up real fast!! 8^) If not, talk to someone that is working wiht them (i.e a staff member), and tell them of the issue...most of the time the people that work at they gym are cool and will get on the kids to keep em in line.

Side Note - I take my nieces and nephews climbing...they love it...and how else will we make future great climbers if we don't expose them early...


Nov 15, 2004, 7:34 PM
Post #68 of 91 (11071 views)

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Re: Thats It! Im Finding another gym!! (RANT) [In reply to]
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I'm a little surprised by the opposition the original poster is facing. Yes it was a rant, but I imagine most of us have ranted at least once in our lives. Regardless of tone, the point isn't children climbing responsibly and sharing the gym. The point is unsupervised madness that puts others at risk.

Yes, the owners need to draw in revenue and parties, tours and kids are a great way to do it. Most people who pay memberships, however, do so thinking that there is an unspoken agreement between them and the gym. I will assure you a consistant flow of cash per the terms of our contract against which you can plan bills, expansion, upgrades and salaries. With that in mind, I expect a reasonably safe and enjoyable return on my investment. This kind of dependable income is critical to the gym. It allows for them to actually plan expenses. Trickle-in funds from tours and parties are nothing to sneeze at, but it is not contractually provided, is not assured, offers no promise of repetition from the same source (unlike the contracted individual), etc.

So when I go to the gym I expect a few things. First and foremost is to have a good time enjoying the service being offered. Climbing. If I'm spending my entire time worrying about my safety, having kids climb over/under me, dodging flying ATCs and wondering where my pad went, I'm obviously not getting my money's worth.

The solutions have already been outlined. 1) specific areas for children and parties 2) logically designed routes that trend children away from more advanced routes 3) adult supervision. I didn't read all the posts so if the following has been said, forgive me, but let me add in...

4) Management supervision - If the parents/guardians are NOT doing a good job of keeping their children under control, management SHOULD make every effort to rectify the problem. To this end, party attenders should be required to sign an agreement that they will hold their children to a set list of controlled conduct and accept that they will be asked to leave the gym if those rules are not followed with no refund.

5) Party schedule posted - There should be a party schedule posted at the gym and online if available so that members can plan accordingly.

6) One or two members only days a week -

I agree that kids need to be kids. But NOT at the expense of others around them. Yes, I was a kid once, but I was expected to behave and did so - we actually used to get spanked in the old days, kiddies. It's a shared world and some brat's need to be annoying and dangerous because mom or dad doesn't have the balls to put them in their place should NOT become a gym member's problem. I, for one, have no intentions of paying my hard earned money for the displeasure and would leave your gym. Correction, I would first talk to the manager to see if anything is planned in the very near future to resolve this problem. Failing that, I would take my business elsewhere. There are solutions that are positive for all parties. If the owner of your gym chooses not to employ them, find a gym that does.

A small business owner has an obligation to offer the best possible product to his customers... kids and adults. If only the kids are being catered to, you don't need to be there any more than you need to be spending your paycheck at Toys R' Us on a regular basis.

In my experience, people (that dont have kids) will complain about a bunch of kids whether they well behaved or not. They are just rugrats that get in the way. Being a parent, I hear the comments all the time. And my kids are the better behaved by the way :)


Nov 15, 2004, 7:45 PM
Post #69 of 91 (11071 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2004
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Re: Thats It! Im Finding another gym!! (RANT) [In reply to]
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I'm going to get this on the table right off the bat.......I really like going to my gym (VE) when 6 months out of the year it's below freezing outside. And I don't ice climb.

This isn't meant to be a plug for the gym I go to, but they deserve credit for strategically placing the beginner areas (two of them) on the opposite end of the gym from the routes the regulars frequent. We aren't even AWARE when birthday groups come in. And they have recently implemented a kids play area (enclosed). This is good management-they have taken care of all their clients.

Partner robdotcalm

Nov 15, 2004, 8:59 PM
Post #70 of 91 (11071 views)

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I regularly take two of my grandchildren (girl 4 and boy 7) to the gym on Sunday mornings, because it’s a convenient time for them and me and the gym is least crowded then. I will take one kid by myself, else if both go, my son, who is not that much into climbing, also comes along. I find that I can’t safely watch both kids. Of course, I’ve taught them all the safety stuff and especially not to get below somebody on the wall. I find they enjoy climbing for about an hour, and then they just love to play in the bouldering cave making up games and jumping and falling off and doing somersaults and the like.

Obviously, I’m not in the “hate kids” demographic, but there is one gym I seldom visit because of the number of kids there that interfere with my ability to get on routes. That’s rather simple minded. I don’t like the product so I don’t patronize them anymore.

I feel that children, say under 12, need constant adult supervision at climbing gyms.

One final point, as I’ve told my fiancée, Mary, she should be careful about letting me take Wren to the gym by myself. She’s the ultimate chick magnet. When this 4 year old gets up the wall, the women climbers always just have to come over and talk to her. And she loves the attention.


15 November 2004 13:49 MST (-6 UMT)


Nov 15, 2004, 10:40 PM
Post #71 of 91 (11071 views)

Registered: Jul 6, 2002
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im sick of little kids! Sick and tired of them! Now, i dont have many belay buddies, im very particular in whom I trust. So I do a lot of bouldering. As I pull into the gym parking lot today, i get cut off by a bus. Not a mini Van or even a full size conversion van, a BIG-@SS Yellow Cheesebox! Then, I watch, as 30+ kids go storming into the already child filled gym.
Thats the implications of being a gym climber.. :lol:


Nov 15, 2004, 10:41 PM
Post #72 of 91 (11071 views)

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im sick of little kids! Sick and tired of them! Now, i dont have many belay buddies, im very particular in whom I trust. So I do a lot of bouldering. As I pull into the gym parking lot today, i get cut off by a bus. Not a mini Van or even a full size conversion van, a BIG-@SS Yellow Cheesebox! Then, I watch, as 30+ kids go storming into the already child filled gym.
Thats the implications of being a gym climber.. :lol:


Dec 9, 2004, 2:53 AM
Post #73 of 91 (11071 views)

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Re: Thats It! Im Finding another gym!! (RANT) [In reply to]
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I go to Rockville in NJ and the way they solve this problem is by making the bouldering cave off limits to kids, especially Newbie kids. This makes sense when you think about it - I mean you are more likely to get hurt bouldering than toproping. They also designate tues and thurs as members nights.

While I feel the parents have to watch the kids, its every climbers responsibility to stop something unsafe. You shouldn't be afraid to point something unsafe out to kids, even if you don't know the parents. Don't yell but the kids will probably listen. Also realize that the parents at these parties know as much or less than the kids do.

That being said, yeah I stay away from the gym when a large party is in. All the noise and running takes away from mood for me. I understand the rant and I think people reacted to it to strongly.

Partner ctardi

Dec 9, 2004, 4:26 AM
Post #74 of 91 (11071 views)

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I'm not sure how many of you will view it as I do. Have you ever been to a rock climbing birthday party when you were young? If so, you will see how i think. I am a member, gym employee, and have gone to a few rock climbing partys. At our gym, the owners and members know eachother, and the owner has no problem telling you when birthday parties are. My advice, stay away from fridays after about 4, all day saturday, and sunday mornings, those are the most common times for b-day parties.

Also, at our gym, if you come in during a party, and have a bouldering problem or a project route you wish to work on, we have no problem roping off the section so you can climb undesturbed.

It is not as easy as you would think trying to both belay and keep 15-30 kids in line. Also, i find that even when i'm not working, if you look the kid in the eye, and talk in a stern voice, he/she will listen.

At our gym, there are 3 programs for different aged kids, and the times those are at are well known with the members, so they know that those arn't good times. Same with the team, it's schedual is posted by the front desk so that you know it's not a good time to come. We post the days we will be routsetting, and days we are painting some parts of the gym. (old owner plastered the walls, the walls flex, and it peels off, so we are always sanding and painting)

hmmmm, can't think of anything else, except, on your 8th birthday, did you want some strong freak with a funny hat and some white dust on him bossing you around, and being mad at you?


Dec 13, 2004, 1:37 AM
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Registered: Nov 10, 2004
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Re: Thats It! Im Finding another gym!! (RANT) [In reply to]
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Just accept the fact that they are kids, and kids goof around a lot. If they are older than 11, tell the gym staff that little juvenile delinquints are running around and ruining your climbing experience.

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