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How many of you out there are over 40?
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May 28, 2002, 1:22 AM
Post #1 of 26 (1134 views)

Registered: May 11, 2002
Posts: 100

How many of you out there are over 40?
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How many of you out there are over 40?
Have a survey, please reply.
How do you feel?
What do you climb?
How old is your belayer?(climbing bud)
How often do you climb?
If married, what does your wife think of this climbing thing?
How many more years do you think you will be climbing at your level?
What is your goal as a climber?(the nose el cap?)
What do you do to stay fit and keep up?
If you are ever in San Diego, please look me up! Let's climb!
H. (extrasports)

(edited the title to make it relevant to the subject matter)

[ This Message was edited by: pianomahnn on 2002-05-27 19:42 ]


May 28, 2002, 1:30 AM
Post #2 of 26 (1134 views)

Registered: May 22, 2002
Posts: 131

How many of you out there are over 40? [In reply to]
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How do you feel? wouldnt you like to know
What do you climb? granit
How old is your belayer?(climbing bud) 14
How often do you climb? 1-2 times a week
If married, what does your wife think of this climbing thing? shes kill me
How many more years do you think you will be climbing at your level? not long
What is your goal as a climber?(the nose el cap?) have fun
What do you do to stay fit and keep up? finger board and other sports (skiing, biking)


May 28, 2002, 1:44 AM
Post #3 of 26 (1134 views)

Registered: Jan 21, 2002
Posts: 672

How many of you out there are over 40? [In reply to]
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Years climbing:1&1/3
Years at present level:Always getting better
Climbing level:Led a 5.10 sport Sat.
Goals:Not to fall off
Belayer age:Various
How often: As often as possible,3-4 times a week
How much loger to climb:Until I can't anymore,just like sex.
Other interests:Mt.Biking,Freelance brain surgery ,and, gynecology,Mechanics,blah,blah,blah
Climb Happy

[ This Message was edited by: mitchal on 2002-05-27 18:46 ]


May 28, 2002, 1:44 AM
Post #4 of 26 (1134 views)

Registered: Apr 16, 2002
Posts: 118

How many of you out there are over 40? [In reply to]
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How many of you out there are over 40?

That's me... 41.
How do you feel?

Fine thanks, how 'bout you?
What do you climb?

Gym plastic and outdoor toperope so far.
How old is your belayer?(climbing bud)

Dunno, but they tend to be late 20s, early 30s.
How often do you climb?

once or twice a week. The downside of a "day job" and other hobbies.
If married, what does your wife think of this climbing thing?

She's cool with it, but not especially interested in participating (much to my chagrine).
How many more years do you think you will be climbing at your level?

Dunno when I'm going to die
What is your goal as a climber?(the nose el cap?)

To keep having fun.
What do you do to stay fit and keep up?

Urm... "climb". Other than that, absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. Except perhaps my leathercrafts, which can be pretty physically demanding at times.


May 28, 2002, 1:53 AM
Post #5 of 26 (1134 views)

Registered: Mar 4, 2002
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How many of you out there are over 40? [In reply to]
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How many of you out there are over 40? Not it
Have a survey, please reply.
How do you feel? Confused, drunk
What do you climb? rocks (tr some lead, lots of bouldering)
How old is your belayer?(climbing bud) 19 and 20
How often do you climb? 3 times/week
If married, what does your wife think of this climbing thing? girlfriend digs it
How many more years do you think you will be climbing at your level? .1
What is your goal as a climber?(the nose el cap?) strangely, base jump after a climb
What do you do to stay fit and keep up? climb, walk around campus, biked occasionally, till somebody stole it, bastards.


May 28, 2002, 3:06 AM
Post #6 of 26 (1134 views)

Registered: Aug 3, 2001
Posts: 318

How many of you out there are over 40? [In reply to]
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How many of you out there are over 40? I am
Have a survey, please reply.
How do you feel? excellent
What do you climb? anything, everything.
How old is your belayer?(climbing bud)as young as 13; as old as 56. I'm not picky as long as they can belay. Fav is 26.
How often do you climb? Every other day in the gym, road trips three times a year.
If married, what does your wife think of this climbing thing? Thinks it's stupid and so am I.
How many more years do you think you will be climbing at your level? I have absolutely no idea, I'm still improving.
What is your goal as a climber?(the nose el cap?) Big wall, not el cap probably The Grand.
What do you do to stay fit and keep up? swim, bike, run, climb, surf, skate, usually I'm ahead so I don't have to keep up.


May 28, 2002, 3:55 AM
Post #7 of 26 (1134 views)

Registered: May 17, 2002
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How many of you out there are over 40? [In reply to]
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45 years old here.
How do you feel? Better than I've felt in 20 years.
What do you climb? - only 2 months into it, but done several climbs in Rock Canyon and Big Cottonwood Canyon - climbing up to 5.9s toproped with good success - can't seem to pull those overhanging 5.10s YET.
How old is your belayer?(climbing bud) Kids and wife - 15 to 20 and 47.
How often do you climb? currently unemployed so about 3 times per week.
If married, what does your wife think of this climbing thing? Loves to go and belay or rappel, but a very unsure of herself at climbing - but shes only taken a beginner clase (with the family) and climbed the one day with the class.
How many more years do you think you will be climbing at your level? I think I should be able to improve over the next 5 years, but likely will then drop back to easier ones - the mind is willing but the body is weak!
What is your goal as a climber: Right now to gain experience leading sport, start filling out my trad rack, and do some multi-pitch trads - Tetons, maybe even Ranier - I love Ice/ax and crampon on hard snow as well.
What do you do to stay fit and keep up? 25-30 pounds in pack and hike foothills around Heber - Ski winter, Extreme hiking - Wasatch Front peak bagging, hit the arobic machines in the gym if I only have a short time (or need the hot tub for sore muscles from climbing or hiking.


May 28, 2002, 5:19 PM
Post #8 of 26 (1134 views)

Registered: Mar 8, 2002
Posts: 182

How many of you out there are over 40? [In reply to]
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How many of you out there are over 40? Me, I'm 55. Been climbing for three years.
How do you feel? Like I'm 25.
What do you climb? Everything: gym, Lover's Leap, Yosemite, Pinnacles, Bay Area rock. I lead 5.7,top rope 5.10 (and once did a 5.11!)Love cracks and corners, faces and slabs. Not so much chimneys.
How old is your belayer?(climbing bud) 50 - he's a kid.
How often do you climb? Twice a week. Once in the gym; outside on weekends. Trips (whole weekend) every couple of months. Unfortunately, I work.
If married, what does your wife think of this climbing thing? Nope. No problem there.
How many more years do you think you will be climbing at your level? I'm climbing until I can't. At my level? don't know. I'll simply have fuin doing what I can.
What is your goal as a climber?(the nose el cap?) To stay in shape, have fun. Maybe lead a 5.10. Who cares about numbers?
What do you do to stay fit and keep up? Climb. Stretch. Jog. Sleep. Eat right. Pray and meditate daily.

Partner phylp

May 28, 2002, 5:49 PM
Post #9 of 26 (1134 views)

Registered: Nov 3, 2001
Posts: 175

How many of you out there are over 40? [In reply to]
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How many of you out there are over 40?
How do you feel? -- great, happy, reasonably fit (always trying). Main difference from 20 years ago is longer time to rest and recuperate.
What do you climb? -- outside as much as possible: trad, sport; gym for training purposes. On a good day, up to hard 11 onsight.
How old is your belayer?(climbing bud) --varies from 20 on up
How often do you climb? --minimum of 1x a week in the gym to 3-5 day road trips.
If married, what does your wife think of this climbing thing? -- Married 20 yrs. My husband (a climber himself but mostly inactive for a long time) completely supports me climbing anytime I want. He understands the passion.
How many more years do you think you will be climbing at your level? --At least 10.
What is your goal as a climber?(the nose el cap?) -- Goal is to have a lot of fun outside in beautiful places with good friends. Numbers are meaningless to me except as a general guide to what I should expect when I go up.
What do you do to stay fit and keep up? -- much crosstraining, stretching, aerobics, yoga, freeweights, meditation.


May 28, 2002, 6:25 PM
Post #10 of 26 (1134 views)

Registered: May 6, 2002
Posts: 61

How many of you out there are over 40? [In reply to]
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I am 44 years old.
I feel better now than when I was 20. I quit smoking and I drink less.
I am very much a trad climber, have been for about 25 years.
My primary climbing partner is my son he's 15. I also climb with a friend who is 45.
I try to climb at least once a week.
My wife of 25 years does her best to understand that this is important to me and she supports me as much as she can.
I love the mountains and the way it feels out there and hope to continue as long as I live.
My goal is to keep climbing and to keep enjoying life. If I am 75 still have my wife and family and can climb 5.anything I will consider myself very fortunate indeed.
I run a lot and I climb.


May 28, 2002, 7:00 PM
Post #11 of 26 (1134 views)

Registered: Aug 23, 2001
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How many of you out there are over 40? [In reply to]
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Wow, you guys are getting old



May 28, 2002, 8:35 PM
Post #12 of 26 (1134 views)

Registered: Jan 25, 2002
Posts: 1650

How many of you out there are over 40? [In reply to]
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Trevor or Chris might be able to come up with the actual number of us that are over 40 (I say us because I do fall into that group!)

After many years of substance abuse and too many motor vehicle accidents (cars, motorcycles, boats ect.), I feel old and tired most days!

My free climbing skills are getting harder and harder to get going each spring, so I am doing a lot more aiding lately, and my free climbing is starting to go downhill ratings wise!

In the distant past my belayers were my age (when we were college aged). Then for a while I was into free soloing, but a fall for me and the death of a fellow free soloist (and the theft of all my gear) caused me to walk away from climbing, at all, for a while. Now for the past few years my belayers/partners have all been much younger than me. And it has not been very easy to find the type of friendships that first brought me to climbing (which is most of what I came back looking for), so I have gone through quite few of them. So as of late most of my climbing has and probably will be solo!

The weather here isn't good enough for year round climbing, but I try to climb 50 days or more a year.

I have been lucky enough to have had the same awesome girlfriend for 19yrs! She doesn't climb (she has gone up a V0 on a rope, and done a 5.6 at the gym), but she is totally cool with my doing it (it has been a step down from other more extreme sports) and the other things I do! It's not worth fighting with me once I get an idea to do something, she just lets it "run it's course".

I don't see free climbing at my current level much longer, as I am already seeing diminishng returns from the training and climbing I am doing now! But with a little help from the Good Dr. my aid climbing skills are improving rapidly and I hope they will continue to progress.

My goal as a climber is now to give back to the sport/lifestyle as much as it brought to my life! I have been so blessed to have spent over 20 years involved with a fringe group of sportsmen and women! Now I am very busy developing a new climbing area, teaching new climbers how to climb safely and mostly just climbing for fun.This is the first year I have ever been unconcerned that I push my grades up, I am finally satisfied with the amount of skill I do or do not have!
So my goal, for the short term anyway, is just to enjoy the climbing as much for the great views and the sight of the wildflowers as it is for the pleasure of a job well done!

I am finding, with the recent addition of a steel plate in my leg, it very difficult to do much to stay in shape (you really don't heal as fast when you get older). I ride my bicycle as mch as I can (sometimes a couple hundred miles a week) and I have a home wall on my house, but I've been finding the motivation to use it hard to muster up. Mostly I work hard for a living, as a handyman, one day I might be mowing the lawn and another pushing wheelbarrows of concrete you never know.

I don't travel much, or like the heat, but if you happen to get up my way (we do have some awesome climbing) let me know we'll go out climbing!


Partner sauron

May 28, 2002, 9:10 PM
Post #13 of 26 (1134 views)

Registered: Oct 15, 2001
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How many of you out there are over 40? [In reply to]
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Trevor or Chris might be able to come up with the actual number of us that are over 40 (I say us because I do fall into that group!)

Between 611 and 628.

- d.


May 29, 2002, 12:43 AM
Post #14 of 26 (1134 views)

Registered: Jan 25, 2002
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How many of you out there are over 40? [In reply to]
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Or "he who's name I cannot say" might also answer that!

Thanks Dom,



May 29, 2002, 1:35 AM
Post #15 of 26 (1134 views)

Registered: Jan 30, 2002
Posts: 124

How many of you out there are over 40? [In reply to]
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I am 47-- no brag, just a sad fact.

How do you feel?

I'm a far cry from my younger days when I was able to onsite trad 5.11+, 5.12-, but I feel that those numbers are still within my reach if I were to train hard for it. So, age is not so much the issue as is motivation to train.

What do you climb?

Onsite Trad 5.10, Sport 5.11-.

How old is your belayer?

Wife: she is 30-something.

How often do you climb?

Most weekends in the summer. In the gym at least once a week.

If married, what does your wife think of this climbing thing?

She digs it. She can lead Trad 5.9 and can follow anything I can lead.

How many more years do you think you will be climbing at your level?

I feel like I should be able to climb 5.10 for another 20 years. Or maybe I'll be dead meat long before that. Who the F--- knows?

What is your goal as a climber?

I'd like to be able to onsite a Trad 5.11 again. Also, still many alpine peaks to be bagged.

What do you do to stay fit and keep up?
Run, moutain bike, gym climb, alpine climb, play ice hockey, ride my horses, chase 3 dogs around-- anything but watching the frigging idiot box.


May 29, 2002, 2:30 AM
Post #16 of 26 (1134 views)

Registered: Dec 19, 2001
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How many of you out there are over 40? [In reply to]
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Hey Sauron (Dark Lord of Mordor),
If there are over 600 of us who have breached the age of 40 ( and don't mind braggin' about it), that means we outnumber the youngin's that populate this site.

Us old guys and gals just kick butt!!!

Grandpappy Jeepmonkey

Partner sauron

Jun 10, 2002, 3:47 PM
Post #17 of 26 (1134 views)

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How many of you out there are over 40? [In reply to]
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If there are over 600 of us who have breached the age of 40 ( and don't mind braggin' about it), that means we outnumber the youngin's that populate this site.

Hardly, since there are 2419 of us youngin's..

- d.


Jun 10, 2002, 4:03 PM
Post #18 of 26 (1134 views)


How many of you out there are over 40? [In reply to]
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Success is defined as "Being over 40 and Full-time-climb"


Jun 10, 2002, 10:24 PM
Post #19 of 26 (1134 views)

Registered: Oct 17, 2001
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How many of you out there are over 40? [In reply to]
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i just hope i'm still pulling hard when i get old..


Jun 11, 2002, 2:42 AM
Post #20 of 26 (1134 views)

Registered: May 18, 2002
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How many of you out there are over 40? [In reply to]
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O.K. you mere youths. Enough namby pamby patter. Let's get down to the real nitty gritty: how many of you are over 60? Bob Kamps is 70 and I think he's still leading sport climbs (at least he was a couple of years ago - leading 5.11). Go Clint Eastwood of the rocks!


Jun 11, 2002, 2:55 AM
Post #21 of 26 (1134 views)

Registered: Mar 3, 2002
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How many of you out there are over 40? [In reply to]
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How many of you out there are over 40? I'll be 41 July 1

How do you feel? Very good

What do you climb? 5.9 Sport
How old is your belayer?(climbing bud) 44

How often do you climb? At least twice a week

If married, what does your wife think of this climbing thing? Single (and bummed that Nikegirl is married )

How many more years do you think you will be climbing at your level? at least 10 more years

What is your goal as a climber?(the nose el cap?) 5.12

What do you do to stay fit and keep up? Kick-boxing and running


Jun 11, 2002, 2:55 AM
Post #22 of 26 (1134 views)

Registered: Jan 2, 2002
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How many of you out there are over 40? [In reply to]
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Ok, here's some Q's for girls aged 14-16

Do you sport climb under 5.12?
Do you Boulder under V5?
Do you own a full cam rack?
Would you Ice climb?
Would you have sex in a port-a-ledge?

If you answered yes for all of these's questions, please pm me


Jun 11, 2002, 3:31 AM
Post #23 of 26 (1134 views)

Registered: Oct 26, 2001
Posts: 265

How many of you out there are over 40? [In reply to]
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Beyond Gravity, you could'nt get laid in a womens prison with a stack of pardons


Jun 11, 2002, 3:52 AM
Post #24 of 26 (1134 views)

Registered: Jun 11, 2002
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How many of you out there are over 40? [In reply to]
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How many of you out there are over 40? I'm ALMOST 40 - if I were up to my usual procrastination, I'd be 40 by the time I replied to this.
Have a survey, please reply.
How do you feel? I'm told I feel great :-) But seriously, I feel like I'm 25.
What do you climb? Rocks. It's about evenly split between sport and trad.
How old is your belayer?(climbing bud) I have quite a few people I climb with: mid 20s through early 40s.
How often do you climb? That all depends on my partners' schedules. Sometimes it's a couple times per month. Sometimes, like now, life gets in the way and I go for months without climbing.
If married, what does your wife think of this climbing thing? I AM the wife. My husband doesn't climb, but doesn't mind me having a few male climbing partners.
How many more years do you think you will be climbing at your level? I hope to be passed this level REALLY soon. I'm ready to move on, that's for sure.
What is your goal as a climber?(the nose el cap?) My goal is to become less dependent on my more experienced partners and become more knowledgeable and capable in my own right.
What do you do to stay fit and keep up? To tell you the truth, I don't do anything between climbing gigs.
If you are ever in San Diego, please look me up! Let's climb! I'm in Orange County. San Diego is not too far - drop me a line.


Jun 11, 2002, 4:16 AM
Post #25 of 26 (1134 views)

Registered: Oct 10, 2001
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How many of you out there are over 40? [In reply to]
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Today I soloed a pretty solid pitch of A3 on El Cap. Nothing desperate, but I cruised it.

I was thinking as I ran down the trail in ten minutes (from near Zodiac) that I'm feeling pretty much "on form". It's a good feeling. I don't think I've had it so well together since about the fall of 1999.

This is a good thing. I'll be 43 in a few months.

I'm climbing as well now as I ever have. I climb smarter, and I climb harder. I'm actually quite surprised at how good I actually feel! I've been well blessed, and have managed to avoid any injury whatsoever. My body is as good now (well, OK, almost.....) as it was twenty years ago.

But it's my head and my heart that are really dialled these days.

I'm not married any more. My ex-wife did not "get" my climbing at all. The girls I date have to "get" my climbing - either they climb too, or they just have to wait til I get back. Relationships have not been a problem for me since my ex divorced me. I've learned a lot, and when it comes to relationships, I "get it".

I now specialize in aid climbing. I climb smarter every route, so I don't see why I can't keep climbing hard routes. Look at guys like Bridwell and Donini? If they can do it, so can I. I feel a heckuva lot better now than I did ten years ago.

I still get asked for ID on occasion when I buy beer in Yosemite!

My goal is to just "keep on keeping on!" I'm having fun - I'm in Yosemite as I type this.

Eat your hearts out!

Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!! [D.D.E.L.]

What?! Me keep fit?!

Are you kidding???

I specialize in Off-The-Couch Ascents.

I'm as fit now as I've been in my life.

Back to the Big Stone tomorrow!


Journey Through the Brain - A4 hooks on Shortest Straw of El Cap. Think I'll solo it, just to keep me honest, eh?



and I am an Old Phart.

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