Forums: Community: Campground: Re: Gender-preferential treatment?: Edit Log

Partner rrrADAM

Dec 30, 2011, 12:44 AM

Views: 8479

Registered: Dec 19, 1999
Posts: 17553

Re: Gender-preferential treatment?
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I'd say 50/50, as you get perks in some areas, but discriminated aginst in others...

Even a remotely semi-attractive chick in many bars or clubs may not have to buy a single drink all night, where even the most attractive men have to buy their own.

But, many women still get dirsciminated aginst in certain fields of work... Not all, but still, any is too many. And that's just here in the US... Many other countries are far worse, and even some regions in the US are worse than others.

For what it's worth... The groups at my work (nuclear plant) that have women in them: e.g., service, technical, engineering, operations, financial, human resources, have women at all levels, up to and including executive level management, who perform just as well as the men, and are paid and treated the same... But then again, I work for a VERY large publically held utility, that adheres to its code of ethics policies.

(This post was edited by rrrADAM on Dec 30, 2011, 12:53 AM)

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Post edited by rrrADAM () on Dec 30, 2011, 12:53 AM

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