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Feb 8, 2009, 10:07 PM

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Registered: Mar 11, 2007
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Re: [clausti] Climbing and being a mom
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clausti wrote:
Hey Sebs, thanks for replying, and the below is not directed at you specifically.

but i've got all my going to hell points saved up, so i'll say another one of my thoughts.

it kinda seems like having kids is one huge pain in the ass after another. and listening to women talk about how hard it is to have kids, and then to turn around the other second and gush about how wonderful being a mother is, well- there's a term for ascribing value to something that was extremely difficult or painful. it's the same term used for why kids are so fanatically devoted to marching band (i e band camp is hell) or part of why members of the armed services (particularly the marines) are so fanatically devoted.

i can't remember what the term is right now. but it's like, you have to convince yourself that what you did was worthwhile, because it cost you so much. it seem like sometimes that's how women are with their kids, particularly when they talk very often about how difficult kids are. it's like they're hostages, and keep repeating that motherhood is wonderful because they're trying to convince themselves.

Hypocrisy? Hell? Self-deception? Denial?

Edit: Masochism! That's it! That's the term you're looking for!

(This post was edited by uhoh on Feb 8, 2009, 10:14 PM)

Edit Log:
Post edited by uhoh () on Feb 8, 2009, 10:14 PM

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