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Feb 11, 2009, 10:56 PM

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Registered: Sep 18, 2007
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Re: [Gmburns2000] Climbing and being a mom
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
lena_chita wrote:

And as to clee03's question as to why women choose to stay in relationships that are not "fair"-- well, it isn't black and white. Are you 100% absolutely happy with your husband 100% of the time? No. Do you argue? Do you fight about you spending too much time climbing? About other things? Yes. So, why don't you leave your husband and find a husband that is 100% supportive of your climbing 100% of the time? Why stay in "less than perfect" relationship? Well, first of all b/c such ideal husband may not exist anywhere. And secondly, there is more to M. than just his agreeing or disagreeing with your climbing. There are things about him as a person that you really like (as well as things that you dislike, probably), and if you were to tally everything up, you will probably find a positive balance, right? AND, there is such thing as love. It is no different in other relationships. A woman might be complaining to her girlfriends about unfairness of her husband never doing laundry, or bitching about the fact that he forgot to mail the important letter and was an hour late dropping off the kid at a friend's birthday party, but beyond the immediate irritation with the husband there is that over-all positive balance that makes the relationship "worth it".

One of my favorite positions on life can be summed up by this: we admire people for their accomplishments, but we love them for thier flaws.

I think it may be more to do with being good in bed Wink Heh.

Seriously though, as long a people remain flexible, adaptable, broad minded and understanding of their partners, I see no reason why it would not work when we all change, as people do yes, as long as it is for the better would be nice.

(This post was edited by rockie on Feb 11, 2009, 11:00 PM)

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Post edited by rockie () on Feb 11, 2009, 11:00 PM

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