Forums: Climbing Information: Accident and Incident Analysis: Re: [jape] Red River Gorge -- Motherlode Accident: Edit Log


Apr 14, 2011, 11:51 PM

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Registered: Mar 12, 2003
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Re: [jape] Red River Gorge -- Motherlode Accident
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jape wrote:
spikeddem wrote:
potreroed wrote:
I'm glad you're OK. I'm going to get a lot of shit for saying this but I believe that if your belayer had been using a gri-gri this would not have happened. Gri-gris really do give you that extra edge of safety.
I believe that in this case, you're likely correct. Although, I'd rather say that there is only a "good chance" that it may have been prevented. A gri-gri may not automatically grab a rope without any braking hand action (and should absolutely not be belayed with in such a way), but it at least does have a chance.

That being said, I stick by my usual statement that if I don't trust someone to belay me with a tube-style device, then I wouldn't trust them to belay me with a gri-gri.
Potreroed is right...

Good chance is more closer to 100% than you prolly think. a gri-gri 2 will most definitely catch on a 9.9.

I have used gris basically for as many years as they have been around on everything from A4 solos (have caught numerous 30-50' aid falls) to 5.13s (probably 100s-1000's of falls here) and really get siked out when someone wants to belay on a fig8 or atc....plaquettes/cinch/etc are a bit better brake but still not even close to the GG2. Sometimes it helps me send even on the safest routes because I am so gripped, but usually it is just a tweak in the back of my mind that makes me take b4 even fighting thru the hard moves.

It doesn't help that I watched a near deck with a cinch @ the lode 2 years ago and also have seen several decks with other atc style devices, including a horrific one from the top of a climbing gym.

What the heck are you doing working sport routes in the lode being belayed by a tube? Sounds like you got super lucky! A shoddy belay on a gri-gri is damned safe(r) compared to any friction device....

Cinch accident was 100% belayer error. Gri gri has had plenty of people deck etc and i'm sure gri gri2 will have plenty of accidents associated with it too..

good belay devices can't help bad belayers.

(This post was edited by jakedatc on Apr 14, 2011, 11:52 PM)

Edit Log:
Post edited by jakedatc () on Apr 14, 2011, 11:52 PM

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