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Sep 17, 2002, 11:25 PM
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This would be a good "reference thread" later for women to go back and see how to best address their questions. So...

Introduce yourselves!

So what is your background (where do you live)?
Favorite type of climbing?
Favorite places to climb and why?
Technical expertise?
Challenges overcome?

Tell! Tell! Tell! Anything else?

On my end:
So what is your background (where do you live)~
I am 26, live on Phoenix, AZ with my absolutely amazing boyfriend and work as an environmental planner for an engineering firm. Shamefully grew up 25 minutes from the Gunks in NY for 22 years and never knew they were there because I didn't climb then.

Favorite type of climbing~
I love bouldering with a passion, but my knees can't handle the impact so I'm very limited with what I can do. I prefer toproping so I don't have to mess with all the gear and can just focus on the climb itself. Plus, falling scares the bejeebus out of me.

Favorite places to climb and why~
Priest Draw (bouldering) and Queen Creek (everything) in AZ. I love pocketed limestone and volcanic overhangs. Anything pumpy!

Technical expertise~
Basic sport knowledge, but have always climbed with guys, so they do everything for me and I'm to anxious to get on the rock to learn. Trying to remedy that though...

Falling on lead. Have developed a new fear of heights lately since my injuries which really pisses me off.

Challenges overcome~
in climbing~ 3 knee surgeries and one on the way.

I travel a lot, but can't say I have many cool climbing-related accomplishments under my belt.

Would like to do a big wall in Zion and maybe Yosemite in the future. Also would like to add some junior monkeys to my climbing family in the future (5+years). My tick list of places to go includes Thailand, Potrero Chico, the Valley, and New Zealand.


[ This Message was edited by: climberchic on 2002-09-17 17:43 ]

Partner jules

Sep 17, 2002, 11:42 PM
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So what is your background (where do you live)?

I've lived in various towns in the Concord, NH area for my entire 14 years. Currently reside in Hopkinton about 75% of the time, and live with my dad in Concord for the remainder.

Favorite type of climbing?

Whatever I can get. I'm not picky.

I usually just toprope, but I've (sport) lead once or twice. Bouldering is fun, but I lack the strength to do anything with any significant level of difficulty to it.

I'm positive I've put in more hours belaying than climbing. I've gone climbing with younger kids quite a bit, and spent days "showing them the ropes". It's almost as fun as climbing watching kids who were convinced they couldn't succeed do so.

Favorite places to climb and why?

Again, I'm not picky. Big rocks, little rocks, buildings, bridges, plastic. Whatever's there.

Technical expertise?

I can set up a toprope. I can belay. I can rappell. Outside that, I'm not confident enough to do anything unassisted.


Fear? What's that?

Challenges overcome?

Convincing my parents I wasn't gonna get killed. Does that count?


Nothing much to speak of. I lead my first outdoor sport route a month or so ago. It was only a 5.6, and I had already toproped it, but if felt really great regardless.


To stick with climbing. To improve. To meet a bunch of cool people and have a lot of fun.


Sep 17, 2002, 11:50 PM
Post #3 of 143 (14768 views)

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      Nice topic, Erica!

I am from Coeurd'Alene, Idaho and started climbing this summer. I now have a passion for it and the complete outdoor activity thing. In fact, I've changed my major back to English so I can become an editor or journalist for an outdoor magazine. I will move to whichever state it takes me -- just need to be outdoors!!!

I prefer bouldering and sport lead -- however, I fell and now need to overcome that fear. I prefer climbing with one partner, rather than a group, as I can focus more. I enjoy top roping, but I save it for a confidence builder. I have been slowly buying new gear, and hope to trad next summer.

I've met some of the best people in this new activity!!! I plan to make many "road trips" in the next few months, thus meeting many more wonderful climbers and individuals.




Sep 18, 2002, 12:15 AM
Post #4 of 143 (14768 views)

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Great to meet you two

Hmmm...noticing a trend and...another topic perhaps?


Sep 18, 2002, 12:36 AM
Post #5 of 143 (14768 views)

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hello ladies!
nice to meet everyone
heres me...

backround: im from texas but thanks to being in the Air Force, i currently live in north carolina. but i've also lived in alaska and california. (gotta admit, i love cali the best so far!)

favorite type of climbing: my vote is on sport. im in love with my draws!

favorite place: i've only been outdoors here in NC and i've been to the New River Gorge. the new is fabulous and lit a fire under my ass to climb harder

technical expertise: like erica, i've got basic sport knowledge. just when i think i've learned a thing or two, someone comes along and shows me up!

Fears: i know this sounds dumb, but im afraid of swinging! let go of the rock once and swung right into a tree. ever since then...

Challenges overcome:

Accomplishments and Goals: hey, just the fact that i get out there and climb is an accomplishment for me. and my goals are just to continue to improve my skills...

keep climbing girls! be safe and have fun!


Sep 18, 2002, 12:38 AM
Post #6 of 143 (14768 views)

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So what is your background (where do you live)~
My name is Sara (aka Froggy) I am 25 years old and I live in Southern California. I have been climbing for about 1 year and 6 months.

Favorite type of climbing~
I love Trad and moderate Alpine Routes. I will Sport Climb, but I like plugging my own gear and the freedom of not having to follow some one elses moves on a route

Favorite places to climb and why~
J-Tree, Sierra's and Tahquitz. These places really teach you technique and can get you pushing your limits when you least expect too be.

Technical expertise~
Multi-Pitch, Trad, Sport, and TR Anchors.

Don't want to get hurt climbing.. It could screw up my leading head.

Challenges overcome~
I still do long routes in the Sierra despite my knee injuries. I have a horrible time going down hill.. OUCH! But, I wait long enough to forget the pain of going down Talus slopes then go again

Mt. Whitney via the East Butt, Bear Creek Spire via the North Arete, some routes in Yosemite and Touloumne, and the lower 1/3rd of the JMT.

Would like to travel and do some big walls too. I want to start in Zion and do the Nose - hopefully free one day


Sep 18, 2002, 1:24 AM
Post #7 of 143 (14768 views)

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So what is your background (where do you live)?

I am Hillary, will be turning 22 soon, and live in Tucson, AZ while I attend the University of Arizona. I have been climbing a year and some.

Favorite type of climbing?

I am a happy second on just about anything, and I will lead sport if I am feeling like it But I don't mind calling myself the Toprope Hot Momma of the World Never done aid, ice, or alpine, or trad leading. Only messed around boulders a wee bit, but wouldn't mind playing on them some more.

Favorite places to climb and why?

Jacks Canyon, AZ; Red Rock(s), NV. Both because of the incredible features and texture of the rock. Jacks also makes me feel secure on lead, because I know the area fairly well.

Technical expertise?

Um, the basic sport climbing stuff, how to clean an anchor, how to set a toprope.


Falling, duh And rapping. I really really don't like it, especially when it's off a tree and could involve ANY swinging...

Challenges overcome?

Transforming myself from the Least Athletic, indoorsy, scrawny geek to... a Moderately Athletic, outdoorsy, scrawny geek Really. I had NO strength a year ago. Now I can flex! *kisses biceps* My body type is very delicate. I am 5'3, 100 pounds, small bird bones. Strength training was scary for me, in its novelty. I had never been strong before. Now, I may not be able to lift a car, but I can hold onto a wall with my fingertips. Oooh, ooh, I really like my hands and fingers when it comes to climbing. They're tiny, but my crimp strength has taken me places...


Pardon my sap, but almost everything is an accomplishment Getting to the ground after a hairy rap, cleaning an anchor, leading onsight, helping a new climber enjoy the sport, even finishing That Damn Red 5.10 on the Overhang at the gym


To NOT be a weener when it comes to rapping, so I can have more fun on multi-pitch. That said, would like to lead trad (I am the proud owner of 2 Wild Country Rocks, sizes #6 and 7). I would also like to hit as many Climbing Meccas as possible! Yosemite!! Gunks! and all the River Gorges



Sep 18, 2002, 1:26 AM
Post #8 of 143 (14768 views)

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Nice profile, Martha. I would like to meet you. Now, since MY profile sucks, I'll just follow Erica's format

So what is your background (where do you live)?
I'm an australian citizen and spent my childhood in various countries, mostly England. I moved to the States when I was 16 and spent several years in New England (western MA and CT). I moved to North Carolina several years ago, then Louisiana, then TN. Currently, I'm living right outside Memphis, TN and may I add that it is the armpit of the country and if you know what's good for you, you'll stay far far away. If all goes according to plan, I'll be moving to Colorado next year, somewhere close to Denver. I'm a software developer and should hopefully be able to live just about anywhere.

Favorite type of climbing?
I am just getting into alpine climbing and it is my favorite. I knew all along that it would be. I love trad, ice, and aid. My fantasy is a huge jagged peak with pitch after pitch of rock, snow, and vertical ice at high altitude. I'm taking my time getting into this because I realize the dangers.
My goal for next year will be to climb in S. America and get well above 15,000ft.

Favorite places to climb and why?
This is a tough one because I've been to many places and love them all for different reasons. Can't really pick one as the best.

Technical expertise?
I started leading trad earlier this year. Still get a little neurotic over setting natural anchors. I'm going to start leading ice this coming season.

Setting up an anchor incorrectly and having it blow when my second falls. Talking myself out of leads for no good reason or insisting on top-roping one first just to "make sure" I can handle it. Rappeling . . . I will never ever be blase about it, though at
least it doesn't make me sniffle and whimper anymore.

Challenges overcome?
When I started, I was petrified of heights. My first climb came about because I decided
to white-knuckle my way through the vertigo. I warned my poor belayer repeatedly that I would probably get gripped and that he would have to come up and get me. He didn't have to.

My first alpine summit a few weeks ago, felt fantastic though it wasn't very high, lol.
My first trad onsight earlier this year gave me a feeling unlike any other.

To become a strong, self-reliant mountaineer. I'm going to build my skills by taking classes from guides and slowly build experience by tackling lesser peaks. When I feel ready, I'm going after the big ones. I want to climb in Alaska, the Himalayas and maybe one day Iceland.

Partner missedyno

Sep 18, 2002, 4:24 AM
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So what is your background (where do you live)?

I'm in Toronto, Ontario (Canada) but was born and raised in Nova Scotia, the beautiful maritime east coast.

Favorite type of climbing?

would you believe Trad??? I'm dying to get into it more. I'll gladly follow anyone up anything, I think that cleaning gear is an excellent way to figure out how it got in there in the first place. until then, i'm a sport climber. trad feels more natural, and bouldering i just can't seem to get a feel for. but i can see why it's popular....

Favorite places to climb and why?

though i've been climbing for a year and a half now, i've been lucky enough to climb in a number of places. west virginia had a strange home-like feeling (grew up around the northern part of the appalachians) and i fell in love with potrero chico in mexico. i hope to god the beauty of that place is not ruined by tourism.

Technical expertise?

? um, i'm a technical nerd, work in tech support... i have a feeling this should mean climbing though? hrm....


um, where to start... i fear myself, the extremes that i go to. i occasionally fear that i'll allow myself to be weaker than i am, i hate when i put myself down... i love spiders and snakes, so there go those fears... i'm a pretty laid back non stress low maintenance girl. i fear that my life right now is too great, too wonderful, and i'm in for a rude awakening. i try to keep it real.... i would hate to be in a car accident and never get to say goodbye to the love of my life. is that a fear?

Challenges overcome?

there have been some biggies in my life, but nothing compared to those of you that have gone through the deaths of loved ones, divorces (hell, marriage, for that matter) physical injury, or any of those large issues. my life is pretty light when put in perspective of those who cannot cleanse nor feed themselves in third world countries. if i wanted to, i could harp on about the rough times i've been through. and sure, they were rough, and no doubt there will be more. learn from it.


well, here's one... i have no formal training, but i'm self taught in IT and the youngest in my department. i went to college for a couple years to be a secretary and never made it into that field. got promoted within my firm and into tech support. i'm kinda proud of that... i worked hard for it.


cool plan: to get a month leave of absence in january to climb in el potrero chico and then hopefully meet a bunch of you!!!
dream: to travel and camp and climb as long as i can.

that's me!!! for a little story about me, check my profile too...


Sep 18, 2002, 6:02 AM
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I'm 28, live in Mesa, AZ teach high school math and do a little coaching (right now it's volleyball). I also go to ASU part-time working on a masters degree in Educational Technology.

Favorite type of climbing

I love sport and trad... and am even starting to really dig bouldering.

Favorite places to climb

In the past year I've been able to climb at so many cool places! One of my favorites here in AZ is Queen Creek because that's my climbing birthplace. Yosemite is definitely a favorite, because it has EVERYTHING! Indian Creek, UT is my favorite crack-climbing destination, and although I've only been to City of Rocks once, it was so cool I would even consider living in Idaho someday

Technical Expertise

I can lead 5.10 sport. I have only lead a handful of trad routes because I don't have enough gear (3 pieces of pro does not get you up far). I've done a bit of teaching lately... have taken many beginners out for their first time climbing and no casualties yet


Climbing fears? I am afraid to fall on pro while leading trad...not very confident in my placements yet.

The only other thing that really scares me would be a debilitating injury or illness that would keep me from doing the things I love!

Challenges Overcome

I haven't had many huge challenges. The only climbing challenge that I've had to overcome was a huge fear of leading after I'd had a fall that scared the crap outta me!


Climbing: climbed the eastern buttress of ElCap this past summer - my favorite multi-pitch climb to date. Also... managed to flash Supercrack withough puking

Others: Graduating from college was a big one... running a marathon... learning to speak Russian.


Continue teaching/working with youth, have a family, do a triathlon, travel.

Climbing: Become a trad leader, climb Monkeyfinger in Zion NP, and someday compete in the PBC.

[ This Message was edited by: rock_diva on 2002-09-17 23:03 ]


Sep 18, 2002, 6:12 AM
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Shelley~ Someday?!?!

This April.

You and me.


Be there.


Sep 18, 2002, 6:20 AM
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OK! This April...

I'm committing right now, so you can all hold me to it!

Actually Erica, remember Aaron (the boulderer we climbed with at the overlook?) He's offered to make me a bouldering champ... as long as I give him credit and maybe some gear


Sep 18, 2002, 6:37 AM
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Looke like we'll be competing against....



j/k. You know I love ya girl.


Sep 18, 2002, 11:49 AM
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So what is your background (where do you live)?

Grew up in Salem, Oregon, lived in Eugene for 8 years after that, and NEVER climbed at Smith Rock (except the stairs up the back). I've lived in Canada for 6 years and will become a dual citizen next August.

Favorite type of climbing?

Anything I can get. I prefer outdoor to in, and am hoping to second some trad this weekend to see what I think about it. I'm very intrigued at the idea. It seems like very brain-intensive climbing.

Favorite places to climb and why?

The Niagara Escarpment, because it's closest.

Technical expertise?

Well, I've only been climbing since June, so I can set up a top rope, tie about 5 million different kinds of knots (okay, slight exaggeration), and talk just about anyone into trying climbing "once". Due to my previous sports "experiences" I know a lot about stretching and injury prevention.


Hitting my head when falling, even with a helmet on. I've had enough concussions in my life to be really scared of what might happen to my brain with the next one.

Challenges overcome?

Discovering that people won't judge you for being a novice when you're just starting out. Most people I've met are incredibly nice and helpful.


Nothing big comes to mind.


To climb big walls with my uncle Mike.



Sep 18, 2002, 11:57 AM
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  another climbing resume????

So what is your background (where do you live)? Pa...south-central...right across the river from the capitol.
Favorite type of climbing?
hmmmm...i would have to say sport cause i am a wuss...and have a lot to learn about trad...
Favorite places to climb and why?
i would have to say i have never met a rock i didnt like, here i climb and slippery...but you get used to it...and carry a lot of extra chalk.
Technical expertise? hahahaha...ask me any question you want to about wines...
Fears? heights...what else
Challenges overcome? fear of heights...what else
Accomplishments? mother of 3 great kids

[ This Message was edited by: climbinganne on 2002-09-19 16:48 ]


Sep 18, 2002, 12:15 PM
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I live in Celje, Slovenia, but study pharmacy in Ljubljana, also slovenia.

I climb mostly limestone, but thats because we have only a few granite or other crags. only one sport so far.

managed to onsight 6b, redpoint 6c+, working on a 7a. i had a goal to climb 7b+ (5.12c), but a tendon injury interupted my training and climbing. so now im back at 6c range.

my goals are to be able to climb 5.14.

i have a slight case of arachnofobia.

i dont have a favourite place or type of rock. maybe i dont like slopers, but thets it.

as fr my technique, they tell me its quite good, considering i am only climbing for less that 2 years, but im working on improoving it. i dont have any trad or aid experince.



Sep 18, 2002, 2:10 PM
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Hi ladies,
I came to Phoenix several years ago from NY. I realy hated this place until I began to climb about 1 1/2 years ago. I started at Glen's gym and about two weeks later I met my first climbing partner who taught me everything I know. After we separated I met my second partner and we began to lead climb together. We started as sport but later we both became trad.

I'm 42 and live with constant pain in back, knees, etc, so my accomplishment often times is the approach to some of the crags (Granite Mountain, Cochise, etc.) Still I have lead but sometimes the rock flows under me and I scare my partner for I forget to place pro.

I would like someday be able to lead a 9 or maybe a 10. I don't like face, but crack loves my fist, knee or foot. Infact I almost became a permanent fixture last Sunday in a crack at Elden (Flagstaff).

I always climb with the guys, and that made me very tough and quiet.... hate to be a cry baby.

Don't really have a favourite place, but J-Tree is very dear to me.... that's the place where I became a strong trad leader.

My only fear is that I won't be able to climb.

Thank you ladies..... you are awesome.

[ This Message was edited by: graniterat on 2002-09-18 07:14 ]


Sep 18, 2002, 6:59 PM
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okay i am 28 and i am originally from eugene, oregon but met my husband and was forced to move to this godforsaken place in the middle of no where (just kidding although it was a culture shock)

we have one little boy 17 months now lil_cwboy (my little cutie)

i am just learning to climb so i am really really new haven't really done anything outside the one time i did go bouldering i sprained my ankle. as far as goals and accomplishments would be the same just make it to the top, well that and finish up my bachelors one of these days when i have time and am not chasing my son around the house.

editing do to new acclomplishments-

started going outside last month so much better than inside on plastic! first time did okay wanted to do more but too windy. second time out i got to lead twice on a couple easy routes and already have some picked out that i want to try later.

basically just going out and having fun spending time with my hubby whether it is easy or hard i don't care i will try and climb it, not sure about trad yet i think may have to wait on that one i like the security of the bolts right now.

[ This Message was edited by: russmanswife on 2002-10-24 15:39 ]


Sep 19, 2002, 5:16 AM
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So what is your background:Im from connecticut, but go to school in northeastern vermont
Favorite type of climbing? not ice, besides that it doesn't matter to me
Favorite places to climb and why? i love rattle snake mountain, its sort of my home crag and i love it even if it is all single pitch little stuff.
Technical expertise? ive been climbing for seven years so i have a pretty broad knowledge of things ive picked up here and there.
Fears? leading, leading hard stuff. trad leading, squirrels
Accomplishments? i got my dad to learn how to belay
Goals to climb more, there isn't too much climbing up here and ive softened up a lot in the past year


Sep 19, 2002, 7:00 AM
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
I live in San Francisco, city of my dreams. I'm from "back east" meaning born in Florida, raised in Connecticut, schooled in Boston. I'm a massage therapist, acupressure and deep tissue.

Favorite type of climbing?
I'm a bouldering girl. That's what I really started with. I've learned a little top-rope, how to belay, but bouldering is it for me. At least so far.

Favorite places to climb and why?
"Hello, My name is Diana and I climb in a gym." I actually like climbing in the gym for the workout and the convenience. I get lots of climbing done and get my weights and cardio there, too. I love Castle Rock, but I don't get there as much as I'd like. (Hint: Castle is an hour to an hour and a half away. The gym is walking distance.) I love Castle because there's lots of good problems and it's green and beautiful. I love JTree because, well, I don't think I need to explain...

Technical expertise?
Er, ah, I know how to tote a crash pad?

Messing up my sprained-too-many-times-already ankle. Oh, yes, and dynos.

Challenges overcome?
I'm so new to climbing, I don't think there's could be any to speak of. But when I think about it, I'm really proud to say I started climbing here in my mid-thirties when I was disabled with illness in my late twenties. It's been quite a journey.

Gee, I just did my first V1 today. Onsight. Can you see me rolling my eyes in fake modesty?

I want to boulder in Bishop, Joshua Tree, Tuolumme Meadows, Central Park (NYC). And, ok, Hueco Tanks. But if you repeat that, I'll deny it. I just want to get out there and have fun. That and I want better slopers, dynos, overhang work, balance, endurance...


Sep 19, 2002, 3:40 PM
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Mi llamo es Meghan...

~So what is your background (where do you live)?~
I live in Rifle, CO

~Favorite type of climbing?~
Bouldering, Sport and I'm just getting into trad and ice

~Favorite places to climb and why?~
#1 Skyland, in Gunnison...excelent highball bouldering surrounded by SO MUCH BEAUTY and
#2Penitente Canyon...beautiful sport spot..I guess I'm drawn to places with beauty and, Penetente has a hotsprings near-by where clothing isn't allowed...its always fun to hit that spot on the way back from a good day of climbing
#3 Red Rocks, NV...I've had some good times there, plus, I let my first 11B there too...

~Technical expertise?~,I can make a wicked pot of coffee??? lol

THis is a funny one...IM AFRAID OF HEIGHTS!!!! Fear of falling interfears with my bouldering AND sport...It is the biggest obstacle and annoyance, and as soon as I conquor my fear, I think I'll be able to climb 12 and V6...

~Challenges overcome?~
To help me get over my fear, my friends in AZ made me jump off a 55 ft waterfall into a pool of water...yikes. I have NEVER been so afraid in my life, but I did it!
I also recently got over my fear of, yep you guessed it...FALLING...alot

5.9, 5.10 and 5.11b...

To be a well rounded climber and to redpoint 5.12 and V6..and to banish my FEAR!!!!


Sep 19, 2002, 4:51 PM
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So what is your background (where do you live)~
I am 26 years old...soon to be 27 on nov 13.
I live in Erie, Pa i was born here and then moved to youngstown, ohio for 15 years than back to Erie for the past 4.5 years. moved back to help out my dad with the family not work for family, you are over worked and under paid. i have a super great man who lives down at Nelson Rocks for now hope to follow. he will be home soon for winter. i have 2 dogs - sirius and sputnik and 4 cats - izobella, killian, catalina and violet.

Favorite type of climbing~
I enjoy TR cuz it;s fun and you can really just work stuff out and feel super safe. i just started leading this year which is cool too....just sport. i love the challange of getting the mindset of pushing my limits and still be in control. bouldering is a great workout and what i call the most frustrating fun you'll have aside from golf. looking forward to learning that is what my old man does...heading to the gunks this weekend for my have at it....if not cleaning will do. i also did my first multi pitch at seneca....freaky but can't wait to do it again...exposure does some weird things to you. Big walls....someday...once i get really, really comforatble with climbing and all the goobley-gooks of gear that goes with it. i just want to climb something most always i guess.

Favorite places to climb and why~
Love The new river gorge....cuz it's beautiful and offers tons of stuff to climb.
Indian creek was absolutely AMAZING...i love cracks....hand jammin!!!!
Jack canyon was route upon sport route until you collapse and than have to haul yourself out....easy in a little strenous coming out.
Nelson and seneca....little chossy but so much pumpy fun rock.
paradise forks.....just paradise...mmmmmm...more cracks. thank good my boyfriend leads trad.
oh i could go on...never met a rock i didn't like. except around these parts. gritty, tear you up rock in least in the vicinty of me.

Technical expertise~
Sport climb knowledge...anchor building....basic gear placement knowledge...more to come soon. i guess i just try to pay attention to more experienced people to pick up good habits. you can never be too safe.

Falling on lead.......snakes.....snakes......and a fear of heights that i will get over even if it has to be beat out of me.

Challenges overcome~
Working on being more focused....when bouldering and leading. i have learned to slow down the process so i get good foot placement before i try to power through to much and get wasted tired.

I have been to a great number of climbing destinations in only a short time that i have been climbing. i also have worked all winter pumping iron and working super hard on climbing did a 360.....i climb some stuff i never thought possible. plus it helped me trust my feet and get ready to lead.

I would like to quit my job....move to WV be with my man have access to climb daily...maybe try to start a non-profit org. for undeprivledged kids or kids with disablity to get them out in nature and work with the self-esteem and strentgh building. i just want to be doing something i love within the next 5-10 years.

That's it for now!!!

[ This Message was edited by: rockwomyn on 2002-09-19 09:54 ]


Sep 19, 2002, 10:39 PM
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My name is Karen and I have been climbing for about three years. My second date was at the gym with my now husband(rrradam). I have lived all over the east coast and love to travel. We travel for our job and hit a lot of climbing areas around the states. We have a house in California so we spend the winters and summers here at home.

Favoriate climbing

All climbing but if I had to choose it would be Trad.

Favoriate Places

There are so many places, I love all of them but all for different reasons.


Removing passive pro and I would like to think that I really try to give a good belay. Other than that I am pretty average.


My worst fear is a traverese!!! Long story and long pengaleum!!!! Falling!!!

The rest

Well, I just want to be happy and to love this sport for me and no one else and to have fun!!! What is life if you can't enjoy it!!!! A lot of climbers think it is about the numbers but for me its so much more than that. I will never be a comp climber but I don't think that makes me less of a climber. We all come to for one reason we love climbing!!!!


[ This Message was edited by: i.karen on 2002-09-19 15:41 ]


Sep 20, 2002, 1:00 AM
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I'm Amanda. I live in suburban Minnesota, and hate it. I'm 17 and a senior at this great school called the School of Environmental Studies, it's an optional high school on the property of the Minnesota Zoo.

Favorite Type of Climbing:
I really like bouldering, even if I'm not very good. I moslty toprope because I have hardly any gear and the people I climb with are way too over protective.

Favorite Place to Climb:
I love climbing on the north shore of Lake Supior, places like Shovel Point and Palisade Head. And I like Blue Mounds State Park, it's where I learned ot climb. Taylors Falls is probably the closest place to climb, and it's pretty nice there too.

Technical Expertise:
I don't have too much, but I can set up a toprope. I've also taught a lot of people how to do all the basics like tying in, belaying, and rappeling. I went as an assistan guide on one climbing trip this summer, but I'd like to learn more so that I could become a real, certified guide some day.

I'm more afraid of failure than anything else. I have a hard time climbing in front of lots of people because I get all paranoid that if I do sometihng wrong and fall, they'll have seen my mistakes. But it does push me to do my best, so maybe it's not such a horrible fear.

I have artheritis already, so sore joints are always an issue, esspecially in my knees. I also have chonic pain and a little bit less mobility in my left shoulder as a result of a somewhat traumatic car accident when I was 13.

Well, I once climbed a 5.10b that I was pretty proud of, but most climbers have done that. Like I said before, I did that one trip as an assistant guide, and I guess that my biggest accomplishment has been teaching others to climb. I also just started a climbing club at my school this year.

I want to learn to lead trad, aid, ice and do big walls. I also want to be able to climb 5.13. And I'm trying to get a climbing wall built for my school, or at least have the plans in place before I gruduate.


Sep 20, 2002, 4:33 AM
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Erica, I am SO glad you've got this off the ground!!

So what is your background (where do you live)?
I am currently working in Tuolumne Meadows and am moving to Mammoth after a little road trip this fall. I am originally from the Bay Area and went to school in San Luis Obispo. All of this being California.

Favorite type of climbing?
I'll do whatever you want to do, but I'm still kinda partial to sport. I've done a lot of trad and alpine climbing lately, but it's still nice to skitter up a wall, lower off and walk away.

Favorite places to climb and why?
Well, since Pinnacles NM was my stomping ground, i still love that. Owens River Gorge is also super fun, and, of course, Tuolumne.

Technical expertise?
? I suck at bouldering. I can sport lead low 10s, trad 5.9s

Everything. I sketch out if I think I'm going to take a lead fall. It's a major weakness. I still have yet to TAKE a lead fall.

Challenges overcome?
I think I'm getting pretty proficient at trad now. I have finally broken leading the 10 barrier, so yay.

I want to do Half Dome in a day. I want to lead 11 in sport and 10 in trad. But all I really want to do is have fun.


Sep 20, 2002, 8:46 AM
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So what is your background (where do you live)?

~I live in Portland,Oregon
(rain: ugh)
Favorite type of climbing?
All kinds: sport, bouldering, and seconding trad.
Favorite places to climb and why?

My most favorite, is Joshua Tree.

January '02 was my introduction to what I never ever thought possible, to feel for a place, of rock...Newer to climbing then, it was my first Outing/travel to climb. There is clearly somthing special there, mystical, spiritual, and I love that place. Saddens me to be here, and not there...on a daily basis. My soul was left there, never to return fully to me...I have to go to it, and search my soul again and again...Willingly. And I do as often as I can.

Technical expertise?
climbing...I'm climbing Sport 10 b's comfortably...when I'm climbing full on...4 days a week. Time off, I lose come back to it just as strong, just days later. I love that! It's like learning all over again.
Work: I do it, make damn good money at it...and I am my own boss...hense, my travels being possible.

Not haveing faith in my belayer.
Mind Fuc*! Stops me cold!

Challenges overcome? of lately time...My new home...takes my time.


I started a year ago Sep.1. I find all and everything I do, according to climbing an accomplishment. I am proud of what I've done...where I've traveled.
To lead with my soul this life we speak of, Travel, hike, camp...Live a long and happy life, exploring the world we have right before us, that I had never seen until I started climbing. Give it all to me...I wanna learn!! SOAK IT ALL UP!!



Sep 23, 2002, 7:57 PM
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Where do you live?

I just moved from Missouri to Portland so I guess that's my new home. I'm still getting used to everything new.

Favorite type of climbing?

I prefer outdoor climbing. There are a ton of ways to climb a specific route which is important to a short person. I don't like some of the routes at gyms because most of the setters I know or at least knew had no idea how short people climb. Everything was so reachy.

Favorite places to climb and why?

So far, Smith Rock. I haven't been all over this area yet.

Technical expertise?

I have been climbing on and off for 2 years. There are not that many places near Missouri to go and the summers are so hot that the seasons are fairly akward. I can get up 10a's with maybe a take but am fairly comfortable at 5.9's.


big falls scare me the most.

Challenges overcome?

Being openly friendly when I meet new people which is a hinderance since I just moved 2400 miles from all of my friends...


finishing a route without takes is a good one to start with.

To be able to lead so my boyfriend doesn't have to lead everything for me


Sep 24, 2002, 12:49 AM
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Contact T (nikegirl). She lives in Oregon as well and is a regular here (to put it midly ). I believe she might climb at Smith Rock from time to time.



Sep 24, 2002, 3:32 PM
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Great forum beginning grrls!

So what is your background (where do you live)?
Abigail Whitney Howe reporting in!
From NH originally, now I live in Alexandria VA outside DC (ugh!). Have also lived in Australia, Finland, Canton NY, Charlotte NC and Boston MA. And don't let my name here fool you, I'm all woman! It's been implied in many instances that I must be a lesbian because of such a manly screen name, but it actually comes from my last name being Howe and was a nickname I got when I used to ski a lot (and race)...
I'm not a lesbian, but I understand the inclination many days!

Favorite type of climbing?
I'll do just about anything, there's just TR here in the immediate area so that's what I do. When home in NH I love to do some sweet Trad and sport (as a second, still working on leading)

Favorite places to climb and why?
NH, where I learned and where I feel comfortable on the rock.

Technical expertise?
Climbing for about 6 years on and off, work at a climbing gym, rock climbing instructor, outdoor leader for summer camps in the past, WFA.

Heights, if you can imagine! Leading does scare me, but in a good way I think. My greatest fear is to look back on my life and wish to have done anything differently. So I try to make that impossible!

Challenges overcome?
Right now I'm overcoming a broken ankle from tripping over my dog... sucks big time. Only 1.5 more weeks in a cast! I've overcome lots of challenges in my life from leaving home at the age of 16 to go to boarding school, to breaking my femur when I was 12, to being the first in my immediate family to get a degree. Still overcoming lots of em to!

I've done what I've wanted with my life, and that includes learning to climb and living in foreign countries. I've hiked a lot of the over 4000 footers of NH, scuba dived the Great Barrier Reef, see Ayers Rock, traveled cross-country. It's been a fun life for being just 26!

To travel to world. I'm getting there one place at a time!

I look forward to the future of this space!

[ This Message was edited by: howitzer on 2002-09-25 08:16 ]


Sep 24, 2002, 4:58 PM
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I live in E.Stbg, Pa. The only place to climb around here is in Deleware Water Gap. All other places are pretty much traveling distance.

Favorite type of climbing

Right now is bouldering, I would love to try more. One thing I do know, I definetly perfer outdoor, not indoor.


Not being able to travel to great climbing places.


To improve my technique, and not to get discouraged.


Sep 25, 2002, 12:12 AM
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Alrighty, it's my first time posting here, so here goes.....

So what is your background (where do you live)? Portland, Oregon (originally from So Cal);have lived in Oregon for about six years.

Favorite type of climbing?
Sport, cuz it's the only one I've been exposed to, at this point.

Favorite places to climb and why?
Umm, two places...Smith Rock and Skaha;Smith for the nubbins and Skaha for the incuts and overhanging jugs.

Technical expertise?
Learned from some friends who climb hard.

Still trying to get over being sketched out on slabby and arete climbs. Also, if the bolts are a little run out, I'm definitely motivated to not hit the deck on slabby climbs.

Challenges overcome?
Feeling comfortable leading again after taking a twenty foot fall with the rope behind my leg and getting flipped upside down. Rope burns are ugly...

I've been climbing for about six months now, and recently, I onsighted my first 10c. I've been consistently leading 10's and top roping 11-12's.

Lead my first 11 by the end of the season. And to have fun and meet new people to climb with....


Sep 25, 2002, 1:08 AM
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I am new here(today) and was browsing around and saw this forum. My name is Jennifer and I am from Colorado. Problem is my boyfriend doesn't climb so I am going climbing with other guys all the time and it makes him jealous. I am a stewardess so I get to see a lot of different climbing areas on my layover days.


Sep 25, 2002, 4:28 AM
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Welcome to, Melee and Jennifer! THis is such a cool place, but please limit your time here. It has been proven to be addiciting.


Sep 25, 2002, 5:11 PM
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I'm 26 and originally from Windsor, Ontario -land of no topography and thus, no cliffs. I started climbing in a gym (blah.). My boyfriend (at the time) was a climbing instructor and I got hooked on competitive indoor bouldering through the ABS comps in Michigan.

Accomplishments - finding a hot young climber guy and quitting two jobs and selling my house to go climbing for two months with him. - and then doing it AGAIN the next year!

Goals - to get more confident with leading - so I don't rely on my boyfriend to put up climbs for me

Technical ability - I've worked as a technical climbing assistant for research rigging anchors for cliff face vegetation studies, I can lead 5.10, onsight 5.11 (if I've got a toprope), and redpoint nothing 'cause I get scared leading above 5.10 and my boyfriend hates running up top ropes on the same routes for me over and over again.

Fears? - injury, falling, not performing well in public (I know climbing's not about that, but I've always been very competitive and I hate sucking in public)

Last year I moved to Guelph, Ontario and now I can climb outdoors (at least in the summer and fall- damn winters) on the Niagara Escarpment. If there are any ladies wanting to climb on the escarpment, PM me!


Sep 25, 2002, 7:38 PM
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I love getting to read all of these. Thanks for the advice Erica. I'm in the process of branching out to get to meet people.


Sep 27, 2002, 12:24 AM
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Hello there...

My name is Emily.. (Elk) and I live in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. I've been climbing for 6 years, and I'm addicted!...

I recently (this year) began competing and will be one of the 3 women representing my state in the Australian Onsight Nationals in November, and I am scared out of my brain! Although I dare say the adrenalin on the day will be enough to push me further.

My favourite style of climbing is delicate face climbing, where the holds are small and every move is exposed and scary! Love it! Although over the last year or so I've been getting into more overhung pumpy stuff, which has come with pushing my grades, mind, and body harder.

My fears are simply that I won't continue to push myself mentally as well as physically in this sport...

I live close (ish) to the Grampians and Mt. Arapiles and I regularly do the drive of four hours with my boyfriend and/or all my other buds!

Climb on chickadees.


Sep 28, 2002, 5:29 AM
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Hi, so you really wanted to know about me? Well if you are still reading then you must, so I will go on. To start I am 15 and addicted to climbing. Period. Flat out I love this sport. I have three main focuses in my life other then climbing, first and most important I am an honor student and if I want my dad to let me climb I have to get good grades. The second is I am a theater techie so I have a tendency to lurk backstage and do techie stuff. Third, but not the last and not the least, I am working on my 11th year of ballet and I have to say it might take time away from climbing nothing has been better for my balance, strength, endurance and flexibility. I also ride a Lemond road bike, have been cross country backpacking since I was four years old to the Sawtoothe Wilderness of Idaho with my dad and do competitive ballroom dancing.

Anyway, Climb on and rock on (or on rock ),


Oct 1, 2002, 9:53 AM
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
I live in Arlington, Virginia, about a 1/2 mile from the pentagon. I've lived in Virginia most of my life. I am an architect that does urban development.
Favorite type of climbing?
Trad and TR
Favorite places to climb and why?
The local scene in DC is great, and of course it's great sometimes to get to travel.
Technical expertise?
I can lead, but haven't in a while due to a combination fall, baby, and broken ankle. Mostly the baby.
Gear failing.
Challenges overcome?
Fear of gear failing, broken ankle.
Climbed in Yosemite up something rated 11a - a slab on Daff Dome. 10c at Seneca WVA.
Keep climbing!
Tell! Tell! Tell! Anything else?
I love climbing!


Oct 2, 2002, 5:59 PM
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Hello everyone! I'm so glad to learn about all of you girls out there. It's cool to know there are so many of you who love climbing. I don't find many girls around here that are into it, unfortunately.



I've lived in the Ogden, Utah area for my entire 21 years. I've enjoyed it but I would like to get out more to see new places. Alaska, Washington, Europe are a few to name. But I'm happy here for now.

Favorite Type of Climbing...

My passion is for the mountains and the ice. Every other type of climbing I do is to reach that goal. I love ice climbing. On the rock, I love trad. I haven't aid climbed yet. Not much of an interest for stuff like Yosemite, etc. Well, I guess I would like that sort of climbing because I could basejump off. Moab is really fun for that. But, I'm more interested in the peaks of Alaska, Himalayas, and Alps. However, I enjoy "sport" ice climbs as well.

Favorite Places to Climb...

Around here, I ice climb a lot in Provo Canyon, Santaquin Canyon, Maple Canyon, Mahlen's Waterfall. I love Ouray, CO for ice. They have their own ice park. I rock climb in Ogden Canyon, BCC, LCC, Moab, etc.

Technical Expertise...

Hmmm... good rope/gear handler. I'd like to consider myself a very aware and attentive belayer. I'm kind of a gearhead. I work at a sporting goods shop just for the swag. I like to keep up to date on my gear. However, having $$$ for everything is a different story.


Not too many really... I am afraid of letting myself get out of shape. I'm also afraid of having no partners to share my adventures with. My climbing "guru" recently was killed on the Devil's Thumb in Alaska. I'm sympathetic for anyone who has had to go through a loss of a partner/friend.

Challenges Overcome...

I suffered a knee injury/strain which causes a lot of irritation when I hike downhill. Quite annoying. We climbed the Grand Teton in July and let me tell you.. the hike out was horrendous. I just hope it doesn't hold me back.


Ice: I've done several multi-pitch climbs at least 4-5 pitches and usually WI4-5. I can lead WI4 and TR WI5.

Rock: Did Castleton Tower in Moab awhile ago.. not really a big fan of sandstone. I try to find multi-pitch trad around here. I can TR 5.10d and lead 5.11. However, I haven't been rockclimbing much lately because I've been training for the upcoming ice season.


To climb those high peaks that require ice and rock skills. I want to aim for alpine-style ascents. I love to be at higher altitudes.

Thanks everyone for sharing! I'd love to climb with any of you guys if you're ever around the area!



Oct 5, 2002, 10:15 PM
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Hi, I just found this site today while I was looking for information aobut the Grand Teton. So I read through all the posts, and thought I'd add myself for novelty's sake!
Background: I'm 51 years old, been married to a great person for 28 years, am a reading/art teacher, and just started climbing 2 years ago. Our son and a good friend got me into it at one of Seattle's gyms, Vertical World.

Climbing I prefer: I'm trying it all, kids! Not getting any younger...Bouldering for power and planning, moderate sport leading outside, harder inside, gear following, and just learning about gear placement.

Where I like to climb: I've been to Squamish, BC, which I liked because it has so many different kinds of routes - Only a day at Smith, which I would like to revisit - several local crags off I-90, as well as Leavenworth, WA. Heading for Grand Teton!

Technical expertise: Lead belaying, rapping, learning more about anchors and gear placement

Fears: Let's call them healthy respect, or caution... Want to be bolder outside, where sometimes things just aren't as the guidebooks describe them - that I'll run out of time so far as my strenght is concerned..

Goals: A friend of mine is an Exum guide at teh Grand Teton, and has talked me into doing the Complete Exum, 23 pithces of moderate gear climbing (5.7), starting at 11,400 feet.
So, I'm in full-on endurance training, and hope to do it at the end of July, 2003.

Let me say that I feel extraordinarily fortunate to be able to flash a 10d lead in the gym, or an 11 whatever TR at my age. I think it's keeping me young. Also, I have had some great experiences with my 21 year old son, who also thinks of Joshua Tree as an almost holy place.
Hope to hear more from you all - Betsy


Oct 7, 2002, 3:54 AM
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Great to share this information, although I'm happy to do so within the 'Ladies Room' only, otherwise, it might be considered as a dating profile. It's a treat to read others' postings -- thank you to all who have participated.

So what is your background (where do you live)? I've recently relocated from 8 years in Santa Monica, CA to Summit County, CO. Proud to say I've succesfully 'escaped' from Hollywood filmmaking in hopes of a new commercial photography career. First climbed on December 31, 2000, and have loved it wholeheartedly ever since.

Favorite type of climbing? Started with sport, then bouldering, then trad, then mountaineering, and will be learning ice this season. To date, high-altitude mountaineering is my focus, although any type of climbing is a treat!

Favorite places to climb and why? While in California, my favorite place to climb was Joshua Tree (sad to say I never made it to Bishop or Yosemite, but have hopes of climbing there in the future). As for Colorado, it's all so new, and there are still so many spots to visit.

Technical expertise? Just learning to lead trad, but I can also make a tasty mexican margarita.

Fears? Heights, of course, but I'm getting over it. I also have an intense fear of falling while leading... but that's what keeps you on your toes, isn't it?!

Challenges overcome? The biggest... changing careers and learning to deal with my hearing loss (I started to lose my hearing at age 21 and now wear hearing aids)... but in terms of climbing... I must say that I've overcome the thought of thinking... "no way...!" I've come to realize that it's all possible if you're educated, trust you have the skills, and just relax and enjoy the ride.

Accomplishments? To date, it has got to be the 21 hour, 18 (+/-) pitch of the NW Buttress of Capitol Peak (CO). There were many times I though about crying outloud, but as my lead climbing partner would attest to... I was a trooper. I had no idea what I was getting into, but surprisingly, my body and attitude survived. In retrospect (including the forced bivy at the summit (14,000+ ft) and the 5+ hour descent), I would do it again (with bells on!).

Goals -- What can I say... I have high hopes of climbing mountains like Aconcagua, Denali, Mt. Kenya, Ama Dalam, maybe even Everest. This has become a life-long passion of mine, and I hope my body and schedule keep up to my dreams. Although I must say... it's not about the goals, it's about the day to day experiences that keep me alive and enjoying each moment.

Cheers to you, my fellow female climbers! If you find yourself in Colorado, please look me up, as I'd be happy to share my playground with you.

[ This Message was edited by: kcrag on 2002-10-08 14:29 ]


Oct 9, 2002, 9:29 AM
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
I live in Melbourne, Australia, and have only just discovered climbing. I've been indoor climbing for less than a week.

Favorite type of climbing?
So far I've only done boldering - hope to start doing some indoors climbing next month.

Favorite places to climb and why?

Technical expertise?
Absolutly none at all!

Heights? I hope not, but I'll soon find out.

Challenges overcome?
Well - I finally convinced them to let me into the climbing gym! (the last two times they asked where my partner was, and when I said I didn't have one they turned me away ) I then discovered that you could bolder without a partner, so I told them I was boldering and they let me in

To find a climbing partner or two and start climbing some walls, then maybe even a rock (If I'm feeling brave). After that? Who knows! Maybe Conquer the world or something?

[ This Message was edited by: dangergirl on 2002-10-09 02:31 ]


Oct 9, 2002, 9:50 PM
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HI everyone.

I've been lurking around and finally felt like introducing myself. My name is Sarah. I'm 23 and I live in Southern CA.

Experience: Mostly Outward Bound and School trips and indoor gyms (beginner)

Fears: We'll talk about those some other time....

Goals: To Climb as much as humanly possible

Someone mentioned being a theatre techie...Me TOO!!!! (Well in high school and college.....ahh nothing like hanging upside down on a 35 foot scaffolding while hanging lights)

I'm wondering if there is anyone out there in the Southern CA area that would let me tag along when they go outdoor? I really want to get back into climbing and until the gym near me opens I'm stuck!

I thought I'd post to the ladies first.....

Soo anyway...HI!!!!!!!!!


Oct 10, 2002, 3:57 AM
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- 15 years old
- live in Calgary, AB
- love sport, (just started leading), multi-pitch, and bouldering!
- taking a big fall while leading, and your belayer isn't paying attention (I just read all those belaying horror stories!)
- want to climb everywhere when I go on my Round The World Trip
made the competitive team, and did an 11A, after a few weeks of hard core training from a 5.9
- looking forward to talking with all you... umm... ladies!


Oct 10, 2002, 5:09 AM
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It's soooo good to see all of the new faces! Welcome to the site and I hope you will keep up with the Ladies Forum. All of your input from beginners to experts, young to not-so-young is valued here.

If you have any issues, questions, etc. please feel free to start a new topic! Expect supportive feedback and you're sure to see some expert advice here and there.

Welcome, you climbing chicks, you!



Oct 11, 2002, 3:22 PM
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  Okay, ummm, let's see here. I'm livin' in the lower mainland of British Columbia, where I've been all my life. (Though desperately hoping to buy a house in Squamish in the not too distant future.) I love it here, and can't imagine calling any other place home.
I'm horrible at choosing a favorite anything. I try to find a balance of both alpine climbing, and the local stuff in Squamish. I really enjoy climbing on a nice crack above all else, but I can appriciate the sense of accomplishment from getting up a chunk of slab, on barely a nub. And although I keep trying I can find no love in my heart for the gym.
Technical expertise? I can bake the most kickass cheesecakes!
The entire mountainclimbing/rockclimbing experience has been one of constantly overcoming fears and obsticals, and forever creating new goals and accomplishing them. More than I can say for any other aspect of my life.


Oct 11, 2002, 4:27 PM
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Hi Everyone!
My name is Lindsey and I live in East Lansing, MI!!! Home of the MSU Spartans. I am finishing up my undergrad at Michigan State....hoping to go to grad school, but not really sure where yet.
I am a beginner and have not really climbed that much. Truth be told, my mom and younger sister are really more into the sport than I am. I enjoy climbing and hope to start to do it more often. I just bought a pair of shoes, after dropping that $$$ I have to use them....a lot! How come college makes you so POOR!!!!
MI is not that great of a spot for climbing, but what can I do? I also love to ride horses, ski and just about anything else outdoors!

[ This Message was edited by: whitenight on 2002-10-11 09:28 ]


Oct 17, 2002, 10:00 PM
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 Hi everyone im new to the site and new to climbing. So here it go's:

Bacground: I'm Robyn I'm 28yrs old. Raised as bascially a valley girl from Southern Ca. by a single mom. I never did much outdoors stuff, I was a dancer and cheerleader. I have the Most incrediable fiance named Geoff (climbingcowboy), he's got me totally hooked on camping, climbing, snow skiing, and site seeing. He is so patient with me.

Favorite Type: Even though I haven't done alot of climbing I like the cracks my boyfreind put me on alot more then face climbing.

Favorite Places: Anywhere thats got a great view. I've climbed in 4 places and the 2 most beatuiful were Sequias and Santa Barbara.

Expertise: None i'm new

Fears: Hieghts; not going up or rapping down but standing at the edge looking over.

Overcome: The feeling of being exposed.

Accomplishments: Climbing my first 5.6 crack at Gibaralter in Santa Barbara.

Goals: To be able to just go and keep up with my fiance.

Name: My boyfriend named me Tequilaclimber because in order to get me on my first toprope he gave me a shot of tequila to take the edge off, and it worked

Robyn ok-bye

[ This Message was edited by: tequilaclimber on 2002-10-17 15:11 ]


Oct 18, 2002, 4:29 PM
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Hi, I am new to this site as well, but I am already in love with this forum, its an awesome place to go and relax and get in touch with a ton of cool people.
About me:
Background- I'm 21, a full time student seeking a finance degree, I like hiking, camping, backpacking, and trailrunning.
I am just getting into bouldering but I would like to eventually top rope, lead, etc.
I don't have much for accomplishments, just finding the time to get out and climb!


Oct 18, 2002, 4:46 PM
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My introductions always sound like dating game script, so bear with me

Background: I'm 32. Have always loved the outdoors. I do a lot of hiking, etc and rock climbing is just the next natural step isn't it I have JUST started climbing at a gym but am dying to get outside once I find some sucker to take me But am already addicted. It's amazing how even brick walls take on a whole new appearance to you once you are bitten by the climbing bug, isn't it?

Favorite type of climbing: So far I don't have one since I'm a beginner, beginner, beginner.

Favorite places to climb and why? See above answer

Technical expertise? Ditto

Fears? Injury. I tend to go a bit gung ho with everything and end up straining/spraining/breaking things so I'm trying to take my time and be patient with my progress (which is HARD) so I am sufficiently strong to climb without injury.

Challenges overcome? Too new yet to have met any worthy challenges

Accomplishments? Climbed a couple of routes at the gym and completed them before my boyfriend was able to (shhh! Don't tell him I told you )

Goals: At this point to continue to improve my confidence and grace while climbing. I want to achieve that beautiful fluidity that really good climbers all seem to possess

Can I come back and update this later? LOL


Oct 20, 2002, 3:10 AM
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Hey Ladies,

Decided I might as well join in on the fun... looks like you are having quite a bit of it over here

So what is your background (where do you live)? My name is Irina and I am originally from Kazakhstan (yes I grew up there), but I spent about 8 years in California and now I live in Pittsburgh working on my graduate degree. (lemme tell you , this grad school thing is really cutting into my climbing darnit

Favorite type of climbing? I love seconding trad and I really want to start leading it. Right now though I've been leading a lot of sport and love it! I prefer slabby climbs to overhangs but mainly because I have a bad shoulder.

Favorite places to climb and why? Yosemite Valley (I learned to climb there and I lived around there for two years... its home... )

Technical expertise? Ummm not been climbing too long and not a very strong climber (yet) I can lead sport up to a 10a/b or so but that's a struggle. Working hard though

Fears? my shoulder subluxing on lead (happened a couple of times and its always been terrifying and ultra painful), and falling... loosing belief in my ability to get things done...

Challenges overcome? I am not afraid of heights anymore and I am climbing and leading despite a screwed up shoulder! yay!

Accomplishments? Seconding the regular route on fairview dome clean! getting my friends into climbing successfully and... well... I am very very proud of my life in general, I think its my biggest accomplishment... where I am at right now and the road that I went through to get here. The fact that I really do not regret anything, in fact, I am very thankful for all the experiences that I have had and all the incredible people that I have had the privelege to meet.

Goals - to climb, and to be me for whatever that's worth oh yeah... and to change the world even if in some really really minor and small way ...


Nov 8, 2002, 10:53 PM
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First of all, this topic is awesome - great idea! I don't know why it took me so long to find it...

Anyway, here goes...

So what is your background (where do you live)?

I live outside Boston, but I'm originally from upstate NY, and have lived in Michigan, Cincinnati, and NYC.

Favorite type of climbing?

I love both sport and trad. I intend to try ice climbing this winter, and hopefully get in to some aid (at least to help with the trad leading)

Favorite places to climb and why?

Yosemite because its awesome
Rumney because its also great and its CLOSE
Anywhere outdoors on real rock (don't get me wrong - I'm in the gym twice a week)

Technical expertise?

Um....just did my first trad lead last week....other than that, the usual - top rope setup, sport leading, anchors, etc....


I'm too stupid to have fear. Actually, I am afraid of getting seriously hurt, or having one of my friends get hurt, but so far it hasn't translated into a fear while actually on the rock....yet....

Challenges overcome?

The biggest challenge I've had in my recent past is getting to know people in Boston. I live outside Boston, and work even further outside Boston so meeting people wasn't easy. But actually, once I got back in to climbing, I've had no problems meeting people


I climbed two Yosemite classics on my 30th birthday (Bishop's Terrace and Nutcracker) AND did my first trad lead. People thought I was crazy to fly out to Cali to climb for a day and a half, but I figured you only turn 30 once, right?

I also attempted to sport lead a 5.10a and took my first lead fall without getting freaked out - could have finished the route but I jammed my ankle


To climb as hard or harder than the guys I climb with now. Actually, right now my long term (greater than 2 yr) goal is to be a guide. I know its no money, but its doing something I love!


I'm hoping to head out to Potrero in Jan or Feb to climb - probably head down by myself but hopefully I can meet up with some of you and climb!!


[ This Message was edited by: ejlim on 2002-11-08 14:54 ]


Nov 10, 2002, 12:46 AM
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
San Francisco Bay area (Peninsula)

Favorite type of climbing?
long trad multipitch

Favorite places to climb and why?
gunks - learned to climb there
Tahoe - beautiful granite, beautiful Sierra, not as intimidating as Yosemite

Technical expertise?
trad lead
anchors and placing gear

lots and lots. I am battling serious climbing anxiety right now

Challenges overcome?
Took a lead fall and got hurt, could not walk for a week, in pain for 4 weeks, and did not heal for a year. Got back on the horse that threw me, and started leading again.
Breast cancer at a very young age (32, I am now 36, which stopped my from climbing for two years.

Getting back into climbing after cancer
Getting back into leading after falling and getting hurt.

manage my fear
do at least one big wall in my lifetime
fall again on gear and not get hurt this time

I would be interested to hear from other women who have come back to climbing after a serious injury or illness. PM me or post on

rock on


Nov 13, 2002, 10:27 PM
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Hello people,
I just registered today, so this topic is very a propos. I just started climbing regularly this past May. I've been training in the gym and trying to get outside on the weekends. I climb at Boston Rock Gym on Tues and Thurs (in case any of you do too).

My favorite type of climbing is technical face climbing. I hate crack climbs (ouch!) and suffer through the Gunks roofs merely because they are an impediment to getting to the top.

I've only been outside at the Gunks, Rumney, North Conway, and Quincy Quarries. Everytime I go to the Gunks, I'm amazed by the jugs and multitude of climbs. I really love it there, but Rumney is cool too because it's so quick to jump on and off Sport climbs. I just went to the Gunks this past weekend and did Modern Times, Directissima, and High E. My forearms were so pumped after pulling the Modern Times Roof!

I am so afraid of whippers- the ones on traverses are the worst. I also don't like the first 15 feet of any climb because if you fall you could go crashing onto the rocks at the base. It's just a mental thing.

My biggest accomplishment is getting comfortable rappelling, since I have a huge fear of heights. It's okay going up, though.

Right now, my goal is to start leading trad and following 5.11 trad by the end of next summer. I'm so tired of relying on the boys to lead! Fortunately, I'm training with 2 girls right now and we're gonna kick ass by next year.

Now, I just have to put together a rack...


Nov 19, 2002, 7:33 PM
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So what is your background (where do you live)?

I'm 30 and have been climbing for 1 year now. Growing up I never did anything athletic due to severe breathing problems. About 4 years ago my marriage fell apart. Because of that I decided to start hiking all over LA, AR, and TX. I was backpacking everywhere solo. Because of my love for nature and the desire to make a better life for my sons, I moved out to CO 2 years ago Last year took up climbing. My life has never been more enjoyable!

Favorite type of climbing?
Super long multipitch routes in the 5.6-5.9 range.

Favorite places to climb and why?
I have yet to climb in UT but that is about to change next week. My favorite so far has been Shelf Rd in CO and City of Rocks in ID. Shelf road because of the beautiful limestone and CoR because of the unique frictiony granite. I love the desert too but I haven't done a lot of climbing there.

Technical expertise? None

Fears? My greatest fear is failing to get over this 5.9 lead hump.

Challenges overcome? Getting my lead head right and becoming more balanced on the rock.

Accomplishments? To me, getting the nerve up to start leading. I'm not the most confident person in the world so starting off was hard. To some, its an everyday thing but to me it was a huge accomplishment.

Goals: To lead solid 10 by this summer. (Oh boy, now its in writing). And to turn my sons into total climbing junkies!

[ This Message was edited by: tracyroach on 2002-11-19 12:50 ]


Nov 26, 2002, 4:08 PM
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No one has posted here in awhile, but I'm new, so I thought I'd reply just to say hello.

So what is your background (where do you live)? I'm 22, originally from the northern suburbs of philly, but am living in maryland now because thats where my job is. I'm fresh out of college, and looking to move back to the philly area to be near my family. I've just started climbing in the last year, with my boyfriend (though I got him into it and not the other way around).

Favorite type of climbing? I'm still a gym rat and top-roping, so I guess thats my favorite type. I love slab climbing, because my teeny hands and feet are a big help with crimpers and jibs, and I don't have to worry about my lack of upperbody strength.

Favorite places to climb and why? Well, so far, I haven't been outside, but I climb at PRG (PA) and Earthtreks (MD), depending on which state I'm in. I like them both, but feel more wimpy at earthtreks, though I couldn't tell you why.

Technical expertise? None really, unless you count tieing in, belaying, and falling without any grace at all.

Fears? in climbing- breaking something when I take my not very graceful falls (and I only top-rope...someone should have an ambulance waiting when I start lead climbing). outside of climbing- I have a stupid fear of rats and sharks, don't ask me, I know its ridiculous.

Challenges overcome? Convincing my boyfriend that the walls aren't really that tall (he's afraid of heights), and convincing my dad that taking up climbing doesn't mean I've gone insane; he threatened to commit me if I try to climb Halfdome in Yosemite.

Accomplishments? None to speak of since I'm so new. I'm still happy when I get off the ground on a 5.7

Goals? I want to climb outside once spring returns, and I want to stop climbing with my arms so much.

So now you know. Hello all!


[ This Message was edited by: mwbtle on 2002-11-26 08:26 ]


Dec 16, 2002, 12:10 PM
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
My name is Penny,I am 19,I'm from Greece,live in Athens.Newbee in climbing...for almost 1 month and 30 days...Totally addicted in climbing since i was little...but i hadn't the opportunity to climb.But now i can't forget climbing at's in my mind all the time.
I'm a college student in the American College of Greece,studying probably management or computer systems,undecided...
First climb was in my college's indoor was great...

Favorite type of climbing?
Sport and like bouldering

Favorite places to climb and why?
Varibobi because it's near me...almost 1.30h from home.

Technical expertise?
the basic as i'm a beginer

Fear of not climbing etc.
I'm very pessimistic and that really don't helps in climbing...but i begin to be more optimistic...

Challenges overcome?
I was afraid of heights,but i overcame it...

to strength my arms more,i have a little bit weak right arm...hopefully it will get stronger!Oh,when i'll be very good in climbing,I want to go to United States for climbing and not only for that but also for studying...So California here i come...hopefully...!!!


[ This Message was edited by: josephine on 2002-12-16 04:17 ]


Dec 17, 2002, 3:25 AM
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>>So what is your background (where do you live)?

Born and raised in NY, same as the first post, very near the Gunks, but I have never climbed there! Did my undergrad in upstate NY and now I live in NC (chapel hill) doing graduate work in geology. I have done a lot of indoor climbing in NC, but only a tiny bit of outdoor stuff (Stone and Looking glass and bouldering at Umstead)

>>Favorite type of climbing?

Well, I have only top roped and followed trad. I don't think I am taking to bouldering although anytime I am hanging on rock I am happy!

>>Favorite places to climb and why?

Anywhere anyone will take me!

>>Technical expertise?

pretty much none. set up a top rope a few times under supervision, does that count!


uh, falling! hurting myself or someone else because I did something stupid!

>>Challenges overcome?

Well, I am 5'5" and 140lbs, not exactly a climbers body! so I have to work hard to overcome gravity!


Buying myself a new harness (I am cheap, plus I don't have anything impressive to write about!)


Getting my PhD! Moving out west! Climbing something better than a 5.7! gaining upper body strength!



Dec 27, 2002, 6:34 AM
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So what is your background (where do you live)~
I am 25, live on Mexico-City, with my parents and i seek job, i study computational systems and i love climb.

Favorite type of climbing~
Sport climb and bouldering

Favorite places to climb and why~
Peña Bernal
Cerro Catedral
Las Mesas
why, i don't really know

Technical expertise~
Basic sport knowledge

Falling on lead.

Challenges overcome~


Would like to do routs in potrero chico


Dec 30, 2002, 6:36 AM
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Okay here we go

So what is your background (where do you live)? Right now I live in southern California, an hour north of LA [if any of you are from the area PM me...I'm always looking for people to climb with--Froggy, hopefully we'll get together soon!]. This summer I'll be working in Colorado. After that??????

Favorite type of climbing? sport for now. I'm working toward trad, slowly. I really love multipitch and want to get more experience there.

Favorite places to climb and why? I think my favorite places so far have been Alabama Hills, New Jack City and Echo Cliffs. Views of mountains and/or ocean while I climb or during the hike in inspire me and refresh me. I also like to go places where I don't have to wait in line to climb I honestly will climb anywhere though...however, the better the view, the better the memory. I feel like I earn the view by doing the climb....

Technical expertise? Confident belaying lead or toprope, setting up toprope and multipitch anchors, taking down climbs, following trad, leading sport, some self-rescue and rescue of others.... I can always learn more, for sure

Fears? Watching someone I know die or get badly hurt while climbing.

Challenges overcome? When I was in college I got really sick and was in the hospital for over a month. During the next 5 years I was in the hospital 2 more times, for over 2 wks both times. I had to quit school and wasn't sure I'd ever be able to do anything athletic again (the week before i was in the hospital I was training for a half marathon, the week after I could hardly walk around the block)...Now climbing and backpacking not only for fun but as a career is my biggest triumph ever.

Accomplishments? Running a marathon (3 years after the above event)

Goals Hike the Pacific Crest trail in its entirety. I WILL DO IT, I'm determined


Dec 31, 2002, 7:05 AM
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So what is your background (where do you live)? I have lived in Ohio, Wisconsin, Colorado, Australia/New Zealand, and California. Have been mostly in Colorado for 15 years. I live on the western slope which is convienently located within numerous abundant climbing areas. I just finished a degree in History with minor in Art History working on a teaching licence and a second degree in English. Hope to teach Juvenile delinquents (ie special ed - resources). I have three daughters ages 8, 5, and 5, whom I share with my ex - all ofthe girls are learning to climb.

Favorite type of climbing? I love crack climbing (ie trad) Have been leading a few months now and am totally hooked although there are days when TR is more enjoyable still. Have definitely gotten hooked into the whole "check out my rack" thing.

Favorite places to climb and why?
Indian Creek, Utah - It's quiet, beautiful and loaded with potential climbs. Not to mention I can get there in less than 2 1/2 hours. Loved Yosemite last May and hope to go again this year.

Technical expertise? Leading 5.8 pretty comfortably, still falling on 5.9 but am game for anything. Can follow much better - the guarantee of that TR is confidence building.

Fears? I recently sprained an ankle at Redrocks and a very nice and incredibly strong future fireman named Noah Wheatley carried me out piggy back (Thanks Noah). There is no way I could have done that - my fear of my partner getting seriously hurt and not having the strength or knowledge for self rescue. Have subsequently picked up the book.

Challenges overcome? I had a ruptured disc (not climbing related) and back surgery two years ago. Have made a full recovery.

Accomplishments? Learning to lead. Giving birth to three children including twins, finishing college after 22 1/2 years as a professional college student, traveling the globe more than a few times, deciding to get a divorce!

Goals- To financially support my kids and I unaided, become a licenced teacher, continue traveling, lead 5.10 within 6 months (a bet with one of my climbing partners), meet as many really neat people as I can, climb all over the states.

Tell! Tell! Tell! Anything else? I run the "Over 25 Climbing Club" at Rock of Ages Climbing Gym in Grand Junction. The club is free and meets Wed. and Fri. evenings in the Autumn, Winter, and Spring. We're working on developing a really friendly community of climbers out here in Western Colorado. Stop in and see us.


Jan 1, 2003, 5:29 AM
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What is your background?
Rockclimbing about 5 years. Iceclimbing 3 seasons. Ski-touring and mountaineering about 7 years.
Favorite type of climbing?
It's all good. Favourites routes are long and adventurous. I like mileage.
Favorite places to climb
Squamish because it's home.
Technical expertise?
I'm self-sufficient.
I don't want anyone to ever say about me that I died doing something I love. Blech.
more alpine climbing, especially in winter.


Jan 2, 2003, 4:17 PM
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Trish here, from beautiful colorado...have only been climbing a few months and am loving it!
Fav. climbing: anything that is a challenge, no style preferance!
Places: i'm pretty limited, so i'd have to say the flatirons
tech: i've been climbing 5.9s lately, mostly top ropes, which leads to my goals..
goals: to learn everything i can and excel - and be able to share my love of climbing with others...(and to learn how to spell!!!)
accomplishments: sucking it up and begging others to climb with me as i don't really know many climbers in my area.

[ This Message was edited by: mtxstream on 2003-01-02 08:18 ]


Jan 21, 2003, 3:37 AM
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So what is your background (where do you live)?

I've lived in northwestern PA for all my the same the same house...of course I'm only 15 and my town is the smallest town in exsistence filled with the most narrow minded people.

Favorite type of climbing?

I love any type of climbing...primarily I toprope and boulder...of course I would climb at a gym but the closest one is 2hours away and I can't legally drive...and if you consider it in the climbing group I slackline...

Favorite places to climb and why?

The Mill...I'm kinda partial to it because that's where I first climbed...I like climbing anywhere and everywhere though...

Technical expertise?

ummm...I can settup a toprope...a slackline...and belay...that's about it...


kidding me of absolute with no sound what so ever...

Challenges overcome?

I'm working on coming to school instead of going out climbing...just for a note...I am an A student and accelerated in all my classes...the fact I can skip and still get A's should say something about the school system...


ummm...I climbed a 5.9 my third time out... does that count...


I know for a fact I want to continue climbing until it is physically impossible for me to climb anymore...and I want everyone to know someday I'm going up k2.

Just one more note about the entirty of my small town there might be five people that have been climbing...and because of us climbers being a minority...well I'm the_outsider for more than one reason...but let me tell you they don't know what they are missing...PEACE


Jan 24, 2003, 5:56 PM
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Background: I grew up in Alabama, one day left my job and decided the south wasn't for me, that night I packed my car and moved to the North Pole aka Ohio, where right now it is a whopping 18 degrees.

Preferred Climbing: Multi-pitch trad!! I love it more than Mountain Dew, I haven't lead it yet, I have only been the cleaner thus far....but leading will come with time and lots of practice. I also love bouldering, and crack climbing....lots and lots of crack!!

Place: Stone Mtn., NC.....though I am going to AZ and to Joshua Tree in February so I have a feeling that will definitely change.

Expertise: making pilsbury orange rolls and how to tape your hands for crack climbing.

Fears: Losing my teeth,(a illogical fear since childhood), having something happen where I could no longer climb, and small confined spaces with people who won't stop talking, rappelling

Challenges overcome: The fear of heights, part of why I started climbing was because I couldn't rationalize being afraid of heights, so I decided to go top-rope, topout and fall. It worked after a few falls.

Accomplishments: Learning that it doesn't matter what others whatever cranks your cheese-wheel. Finally sticking the flesh-pink colored problem at my local gym. Cranking it up the Block route at Stn. Mt., and rapping down when I was ready to cry because I HATE coming down that way.....hate it, hate it, hate it.

Goals: To lead a multi-pitch trad route 5.10 or higher. To clean my apartment and keep it clean. To be nicer to people off the cuff. To have a plant, that, once in my keeping, lives more than one week.



Jan 24, 2003, 6:50 PM
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Hello -
I'm new to the sport, but taking it in eagerly. Born/raised in California, always an outdoors type. I went to school in Chico - skinnydipping in Upper Bidwell and sitting on rocks was my favorite pastime.

I am pretty much a couch potato, but have been known to get exerted while skiing, playing softball, kayaking, hiking, and now - climbing.

It's amazing what a workout you can get bouldering for 20 min. I love using the rock to build strength.

Favorite type of climbing?
It's going to be trad, I think. I love getting roped up. no fear of heights - well, I haven't been up that high yet.

Favorite places to climb and why?
Castle Rock State Park above Skyline.
I'm a beginner, so I don't have a list yet.

Technical expertise?
I'm a good, attentive belayer, have a lot of knowledge about health and joint problems; take a lot of supplements and can recommend healthy treatments for ailments; have taken CPR and first aid; I can carry my own weight; not a whiner; try to keep up.

My fear is getting up somewhere and not being able to get down - the "cat up a tree"; afraid that I only have a couple more "good" years in me.

Challenges overcome?
I have a lot of joint problems and am working with a bad left wrist now, hurt back from a rollerblading fall, and a degenerated cervical disc. I'm amazed that I am as active as I am, with all the aches and pains, but I'm determined to get fit and stronger.

Raised two beautiful daughters who think their mom is a nut for rollerblading/ boating/ climbing at her age.

Learn safety/white water rescue; take an environmental studies class/ spent a couple of weeks on the Rogue River and really get to know the river; find more places to kayak/hike and climb and people to enjoy the outdoors; become more peaceful and serene/never ever let a climber fall.

[ This Message was edited by: watersprite on 2003-01-24 10:54 ]


Feb 6, 2003, 2:28 PM
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Let's see. I've been climbing for about 3 years now (on-and-off for a while but now i'm addicted). I recently moved from Colorado to DC for the job...but I cannot wait to get back out west--i miss the land so much!

Favorite type of climbing: crimpy slabs, long face climbs, aretes...actually, i like just about everything. I do more sport than trad these days but love doing both. I especially love multi-pitch routes.

Favorite places to climb: all in colorado...South Platte, Lumpy Ridge and Eldo (especially for the views), Shelf road, Ophir wall

Technical: I'm a good belayer/seconder... i lead occassionally and am working on forcing myself to do it more often.

Fears: Leading, leading, leading. I threw myself into leading (trad)when i was just learning to climb and had some scary falls. So now, when i get gripped, i have these flashback moments to those falls. I'm working on it. I know i gotta keep forcing myself to lead to get more comfortable with it. I also get sketched downclimbing.

Challenges overcome/Accomplishments:
I finally feel like i'm working through this plateau i'd been at for a while. Climbing my first 11s and having 10s get a bit easier. Not letting my fears about leading hold me back from doing it. Seeing my technique improve and feeling more graceful in my climbing.

Goals: Simple-to do more climbing. #1 priority is to get back out west (soon!) and spend much more time outdoors than in the gym (now i'm in the gym more often and it bugs me that i feel like i've forgotten about being on real rock!). I wanna keep working on 11s, do some more leading and more trad.

I spend way too much time on this site but it's a great place to learn new things and it constantly reminds me why i love this sport!


Feb 8, 2003, 11:04 PM
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
My name is Aimee. I'm 27 and I live in Flagstaff, AZ with my husband and dog.

Favorite type of climbing?
I like it all, except ice climbing and mixed climbing (glorified chiseling in my opinion.)

Favorite places to climb and why?
Red rocks cause it's close to home and they have it all. Hueco cause it's the best bouldering ever. Maple Canyon cause there's always intermediates and that rock is so cool!

Technical expertise?
I can lead 5.9 on gear and I've done some aid climbing.

Having children

Challenges overcome?
Getting into Physical Therapy school.

Onsighting 5.12a, redpointing 5.12c, bouldering V7

To boulder V10, sport climb 5.13, and lead trad at solid 5.10 consistently. Also to do a big wall. I would love to do an all female trip up The Nose as a tribute to Lynn Hill.

[ This Message was edited by: aimeerose on 2003-02-08 15:14 ]

Partner costellobr

Feb 10, 2003, 9:54 PM
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Feb 11, 2003, 7:01 PM
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I live in Springfield, Missouri.
Learned to climb in the Uinta mountains on the border of Wyoming and Utah.
Like to boulder and top rope and gym climb. Haven't gotten to climb lately due to surgeries and weather.
Not what most people would call a "hard core" climber, just like to have fun and hike and camp as well. I also love rafting and canoeing. I'm more of an all-around outdoor person. If you're ever going to be around Springfield let me know. Sam's Throne is some good climbing (in Arkansas).


Feb 26, 2003, 7:26 PM
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
I live/grew up in Beautiful San Diego on the North County Coastline minutes from the Del Mar Race Track. It's a great place to be (minus the expensiveness).
Favorite type of climbing?
I like all climbing...just recently got into bouldering. I enjoy more than anything climbing with my boyfriend and observing our completly differnt climbing styles. It just plain amazes me how we can both finish a route in two completly different ways!
Favorite places to climb and why?
So far he (boyfriend) has only taken me to Joshua Tree, Red Rocks, NV, and locally here in San Diego. I really enjoy climbing at Joshua Tree if you can get on routes. It's been so crowded there lately and the etiquette is going downhill. Other than that, I love those rocks!
Technical expertise?
I've only been climbing for a little over a year now, but feel that I have really progressed.
I found that I'm afraid of standin up after getting to the top of a climb...I guess that would be a heights thing. It's really frustrating! I mean come on! I work really hard to summit only to freak out on top! What's the point? Once I get on the ground, I feel better, but Man oh man...I'm just plain silly! :oops:
Just feeling comfortable with myself on the rock is an accomplishment in my eyes. I know I can do a lot more than I give myself credit for, but don't. I'm getting better with this though...I'm afraid I'll embarass myself.
I want to learn how to lead...not ready yet, but I can't wait!


Feb 26, 2003, 8:39 PM
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
Hey ya'll, am I the only female on these boards living in NYC?? Hard to believe...
I hesitated in posting because I'm an absolute beginner, but I think I've fallen in love with this sport so here I am. I'm a native New Yorker and get out of the city as much as possible, I love to hike & XC ski, like camping, skiing, wandering, star-gazing. Sitting on my butt all day at this desk job just gives me more reason to push myself to get up on that wall and climb.
Favorite type of climbing?
Ummm, well, at this point I'd have to say that climbing at a gym kicks ass! 'cause it's all I've done, a total of two times so far. #3 coming up tomorrow, and #4 on Saturday.
Favorite places to climb and why?
I've hiked in and around the Gunks enough to know that it must be one hell of a great place to climb. I hope to get out on real rock this spring/summer myself, if I can find an experienced partner or two with a rack and a car! Anyone want a newbie tagging along? I make great cookies...
Technical expertise?
I brew a mean cup of coffee, build a stylin' web site...oh, you mean climbing expertise? I'm a strong belayer and enjoy doing it. I can tie a figure-eight knot and work a gri-gri. Also a fantastic chalk-dipper. More expertise to follow.
Falling. Not afraid of heights, but I just have trouble belieiving I'll be ok when I totally wipe out.
Failure. Looking like a greenhorn. Not knowing the correct terminology or how to express a question, or what the questions even are.
But really, I'm not afraid of much. I just really like climbing!
So far, my big one is: climbing a wall that angles forward, idea what that's called...but I didn't think I had the strength for it. I am digging how confidence-building this sport is, how my body and my mind can figure out what to do in these interesting situations.


Feb 27, 2003, 12:40 AM
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Hi My name is Lynn. I live in Los Angeles with my climbing partner/boyfriend Ben and my dog Bowie.

What is your background?
I had climbed a few times a few years ago. Loved it but couldn't really get into it for stupid reasons. Been climbing somewhat consistently for 2 years in June.

Favorite type of climbing?
I love all kinds of climbing. In the beginning cracks and laybacks were my enemies but I have grown much more comfortable with both, 4 weekends in a row in Yosemite last summer helped my crack confidence enormously. I love sport and trad climbing. Granite!!! All the other rocks are wonderful also, but there is just something about granite... Technical face stuff. Trying to work on my weaknesses right now.

Favorite Places to Climb?
We road trip as much as possible and go to:
Red Rocks – Black Velvet Canyon and the sport climbing areas near the Visitor Center
Bishop & Mammoth – Owens River Gorge, Happy Boulders, Clark Canyon, Dike Wall, Bear Crag, etc….
Joshua Tree
Southern California - New Jack City, Williamson, Cemetery, Malibu, Echo, etc…

My favorite place? God that’s a hard one – I really love being up in Tahoe, Lover’s Leap is amazing! Fun climbing, granite, easy decent, and a beautiful view. But I really just love getting outside.

Technical expertise?
I'll TR anything. I can lead up to 11b, redpoint 10c sportclimbing. I have just started bouldering - I would never do it before, topping out and getting up high without a rope scared me. I usually down climb, never jump off from the top. I mainly do it for the workout to get stronger for all other forms of climbing - not to tick off high grades. I've followed up to mid 10 on trad and have led 5.8 - scared me silly! Did a wall, Prodigal Son, with my boyfriend last fall in Zion - so much work but one the most rewarding things I have ever done!

Getting really far above my last piece of gear if I'm on lead. I was terrified of climbing anything really overhanging, but have been forcing myself to get on them in the gym and ya know they aren't so bad! I'm getting used to the whole twisty body drop knee thing.

Challenges overcome and Accomplishments
I used to be terrified of heights so being able to sleep on a portaledge was a huge thing for me.

Every time I convince anyone to give climbing a try I feel like I’ve accomplished something grand.

Fun Fun Fun! To climb better. The best thing about climbing is that know matter how good you are there is always something just out of your reach that makes you really push yourself to achieve it.


Feb 27, 2003, 12:44 AM
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
I am from MO but now live in AZ
Favorite type of climbing?
Favorite places to climb and why?
Hueco Tanks and I don't know if I need to explain that
Technical expertise?
in what area? I am a chemist
Challenges overcome?
my dissertation defence in a couple of months, an always positive attitude would be nice
nothing important
oh, yeah, I like to outdo myself as often as I can... do it better than I did it the last time


Feb 27, 2003, 3:42 PM
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*34 YO, Austin, Texas. Bouldering only. Don't even try to touch me with them rope thangs. Nosiree.

*Don't know where I like to climb yet because I just started. Actually, I take that back. I like to climb anywhere I can do more than two moves before falling off. I do know that I hate the gym, but I do it because it's what I need to get strong.

*What's 'technical expertise'? *g*

*I'm not afraid of much, but I'm also very careful because I hate getting injured--I get so bored while waiting to recover from injury. So I go low n slow and let the process evolve organically.

*Challenges overcome--failed marriage, sexual assault and overall a helluva difficult life. proud to say it's all under control and I'm rockin'.

*accomplishments: my entire life, everything I do. Goals: to keep learning and growing up to and beyond the day I die.

*anything else? I'm a Feldenkrais teacher, choreographer with a dance company, artist and musician. And I just won a fellowship to a writing retreat. I stay busy!


Feb 28, 2003, 6:10 PM
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I am a 100% new newbie, but I thought I would toss my info out :D
I have just taken a class, and have climbed indoors one time since then.

So what is your background (where do you live)? Minneapolis, MN

Favorite type of climbing? I have only done indoor climbing, but I love it. I love the movements of climbing.

Favorite places to climb and why? I haven't climbed enough to have a favorite place yet.

Technical expertise? None.

Fears? Heights. But that is getting better everytime I climb.

Challenges overcome? My fear of heights. And saving up $$ to buy gear :D

Accomplishments? That I have actually climbed :D

Goals? To climb more and have a blast doing it.


Mar 29, 2003, 12:39 AM
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i want to start off by saying "HOWDY AND NICE TO MEET ALL OF YOU!"
here it goes with my info:


i grew up in a crappy little town in kansas. i lived there until i was 16, moved to san diego for 2 years and wound up in Mammoth Lakes, CA. I have lived here for almost 6 yrs now and don't plan on moving anytime soon. my boyfriend (who got me into climbing) is my next door neighbor and my brother is my roommate. i have a 4 yr old daughter--she's a climber too. my boyfriend and i are hopefully going to retire on her climbing winnings!!!!!!! ha ha


i have only bouldered and toproped. i love doing both of those! you'll see under the topic fears why i don't think i can ever lead -- maybe sport lead--i don't have balls big enough to ever trad climb (at least right now i don't see myself ever doing it i'm too big of a chicken)


well... once again lack of experience hinders my answers. i've only climbed a few places--bishop (obviously:)) going out and finding unclimbed rock on the side of the hiway or off on some random dirt road- and other sport/boulder spots between bishop and yosemite. my favorite is clark's canyon. i think it's just because i feel much more comfortable on rope and i tend to go more balls out there!!

NONE!!! i had no idea what the hell a crash pad was until my boyfriend showed me his!!! (i am truly talking about the pad--not the other "P" word!! Ha Ha)


everything imaginable!! i am sooo freakin' terrified of heights. sometimes when i am topping out i have to yell at myself for crying because the tears get in the way of finding what hold i need to be using. i pretty much always have to have my partner climb up the down climb just so i can see how the hell to get down-and realize that i'm not going to be killing myself!


right now i am working on overcoming a challenge: getting over my fear of falling. Last summer on a little excursion my boyfriend and i were playing around on some roadside boulders and i fell. my feet were only 8-10 feet off of the ground and my man is the best spotter in the world-but i ended up scrapping down the entire boulder--i haven't been the same since. he's trying to help me, but i know that it's something i have to get over myself....


starting to climb and getting to the top of where i needed to be-- that will always be an accomplishment to me. i am still working on v1's and 2's so for me to get to the top of anything will always be a job well done:):):)


get over my fear of falling and be able to climb with the people that i love for a long time and meet lots of interesting and cool people doing it!!

hope ya'all learned a little about me--thanks for sharing yourselves--great topic idea


Apr 14, 2003, 3:31 PM
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Background- I am 29 yrs old and have been climbing for about 10 yrs. Originally from Michigan, lived in Utah and now reside in Durango, CO. with my husband and almost 2yr old son, and loving life! Enjoy climbing and hanging out with the family. Most favorite is watching my son have a ball bouldering. JOY!!

Favorite Type of Climbing- I really enjoy both (Sport/Trad) I like to mix it up.

Favorite places to climb- I have been to many places. I really enjoyed climbing in the Red river george. My most favorite so far is Indian Creek. The lines are sooooo gooood!

Technical expertise- I have really good balance and my foot work is pretty good on vertical face climbs.

Fears- Falling far!!!

Goals- My goal is to be able to free lead sport 11 outside and Trad 10. I know that's a big goal but, I think if I keep training I will be able to come close.

I find that it's hard to find women climber's, So if you are in the area or know of someone that's looking for a partner. email me! Love to climb, boulder and have fun! Later Dar


Apr 14, 2003, 6:33 PM
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I’m close to turning 25 and live on the north side of Chicago. Love it here – except for the long distances you have to travel to reach any decent climbing and skiing. I grew up in Iowa and graduated from the University of Northern Iowa where I took rock climbing to fulfill my personal fitness requirement. I was hooked from the start, but never really found a group to climb with until I moved to Chicago. Now I can’t get enough! But climbing isn’t my entire life. I do have my day job working in the marketing department of a national architectural/engineering firm. That keeps me extremely busy! I also work part-time at a rock climbing gym on the weekends. I’m addicted to music and luckily Chicago has a great music scene. I’ve been know to spend my lunch hour trouping over to Tower Records with the headphones glued to my ears. I also live a few blocks away from Lake Michigan and there is an amazing bike path, beaches, and parks that run along it.

Favorite type of climbing
I like to TR, lead a bit indoors, and of course boulder.

Favorite places to climb
I’ve been a gym rat, but in a couple weeks I’m making my first trip to Devils Lake up in Wisconsin and hopefully heading out to Red River Gorge over Memorial Day weekend.

Technical Expertise
I have the basic knowledge.

Falling on lead and breaking some bones.

Challenges Overcome
I’ve only been leading in my safety zone and need to take more chances.

This year I learned how to lead belay and lead climb indoors. It was something I had worked at for awhile and after a few months got up the nerve to take the test at they gym I go to.

I just want to do a 5.10 clean, build up my endurance, and start leading hard.


Apr 15, 2003, 5:52 PM
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
I'm originally from central IL....and obviously there isn't any places to climb there besides indoor gyms. I just moved to Madison, WI and I haven't climbed in about 2 years now so I'm just starting to get back into it and back into shape.

Favorite type of climbing?
I like to TR and boulder. I haven't learned how to lead yet but very soon!!

Favorite places to climb and why?
I've only climbed indoors but the gym in Bloomington, IL is really nice. I plan on making out to Devils Lake this summer and start climbing outdoors.

Technical expertise?
I have the basic knowledge, with a little tips from the guys I use to climb with.

Would you really be climbing if you were scared??

Challenges overcome?
Just learning to lead and the new experience of climbing outdoors.

I use to climb a solid 5.9 and a rough 5.10......I'll let you know when I get to that again or even past it. I'm a little out of shape but I'm hitting the gym when I'm not climbing.

I'd like to get back into it hard enough to compete......we'll see


Apr 16, 2003, 1:57 AM
Post #81 of 143 (11765 views)

Registered: Mar 9, 2003
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New to AZ [In reply to]
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Hello girls, I just moved out to southern AZ (between PHX and Tucson) in February and have not found one woman to climb with yet, so email me at if you see this, live in the area, and want to climb...

I started climbing in June of 2001 in New England. Climbed mostly at the Gunks, Rumney, some at the New River Gorge and Red River Gorge too.. Mostly sporties at Rumney though.... great place!
I fell out of love with leading soon after falling in love with it (due to an awkward fall and a Wilderness First Responder course that reminded me of everything that could go wrong!!!!!) I generally only lead up to 5.9, but really want to start pushing to lead sport near my limit (which is 5.10 c or d at the moment).
Am also anxious to start placing some gear on easy routes, but haven't because I have no trad gear or money for it and also am not sure I am ready to trust my life to that type of hardware...
I danced for a lot of years so I think this helps my climbing. I am working towards finding true focus while climbing and not letting other climbers or thoughts and emotions throw me off... I am feeling more centered at present, especially now that I am single and finding much self-fulfillment and independence in it. (i was dating a flawless climber for 1 and a half years- he'd been climbing for 15 years!!! A little intimidating always to me and he could never seem to understand my state of mind as a "new" climber)
Have been climbing at Queen Creek and Lemmon here so far... So much fun! So many rocks!!!!!!!!!!
Hope to meet some other climbing women soon! Peace, lauren


Apr 20, 2003, 4:35 PM
Post #82 of 143 (11765 views)

Registered: Apr 6, 2003
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Hi! [In reply to]
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So what is your background (where do you live)~

Hi, my name is Kerry, I live in Amherst, MA, and go to UMass. I'm 21 and have been climbing for about 2 months now. I did alot of ropes courses growing up, and summer 2000 I was a ropes course instructor at a summer camp in NH. We did take the kids rock climbing fairly often, but as I was their belay slave, I never really got to climb. But it's something I've always wanted to get into. The past few months I have met alot of kids who climb and have taken the opportunity to get as involved as possible. I am now hooked and want to go climbing all the time!!!

Favorite type of climbing~

Well, I've only bouldered and top-roped. I do like bouldering, but I've realized that I love to climb UP! No fear of heights here! I enjoy climbing at the gym, but I just went outside for the first time on Wednesday and I LOVED it. I would really like to get into sport climbing. Trad seems a little scary to me at this point, but only because I would never trust myself to place the gear correctly until I was trained like 8 billion times.

Favorite places to climb and why~

I'm not really picky. I'll climb anywhere as long as I get to climb. I don't have any gear besides shoes so I'm a little dependent on other people as far as place is concerned.

Technical expertise~

I just know how to put on my shoes and climb =) Oh, and I'm a great belayer!

As far as climbing goes, I would have to say my biggest fear would be to somehow injure myself in a way that would hinder my ability to climb and hike (my first love). This is one reason why I like top-roping as opposed to bouldering. I am very clumsy so I'll probably sprain my ankle or blow out my knee someday while landing. Top-roping seems very secure to me. I trust the rope, so I'm not really ever scared doing that. However, I'm sure leading anything would probably scare the crap out of me.

Challenges overcome~
Well, the kid who introduced me to the sport (first took me to the gym a few months ago) kind of turned into an a$$hole and stopped talking to me. I was dying to climb and had noone to go with! So I've had to go out on my own and find people willing to let a newbie with no gear tag along. (Which has led me here!) I'm always looking for partners, so if you live in New England, drop me a PM! Other than that, it's been all good so far!

I climbed outdoors for the first time the other day. I finished the 5.6 part of this route, but got stuck on the 5.9 part. I was still pretty psyched though =) I've also finished a v2 problem at the gym.

I would just like to climb and learn as much as possible. I would like to check out the Gunks and also Rumney and Pawtuckaway. I would like to complete a v4 and climb a full route. I would also like to learn how to safely set up a top rope, and also learn some other climbing methods. Most importantly I would like to go climbing at least once a week. Right now that is my number one goal.


Apr 20, 2003, 7:41 PM
Post #83 of 143 (11765 views)

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So what is your background (where do you live)?
Heyo, My name's Kat, I'm 15 and from Kelowna, which is in BC, and only an hour and a half from Skaha. I've been climbing for just over a year now, and mostly been climbing indoors, but now have more chance of hitting crags outside. My partner Lisa and I love getting outdoors, and try to take ever chance that comes up! We both climb regularily at The Crux Climbing Center.

Favorite type of climbing?
I love any kind of climbing, but I've never gotten to learn Trad, or any ice climbing. I'm more into bouldering, but if there's any chance to get out to the crags for some sport climbing, I'll be there!

Favorite places to climb and why?
Well, I've only been to Skaha once, and I loved it. This year I'll be climbing out there (hopefully) more often. The weather there is particularily nice, GREAT scenery, awesome rock, and lots of places to go hiking.
I also like the Kelowna Crags a lot, there's a good variety of difficulty of climbing, from 5.2-5.12something... I'm not sure on the exact gradings, but the rock there is really nice, and the view is incredible! Five minutes away, there's the Lonely crags as well, has a good variation, and the rock is really nice. Not to mention the view of the lake!!

Technical expertise?
I've taken a sport lead course last summer, so I know how to top-belay, set up anchors, multi pitch, rappel, and some basic first aid. Oh yes, and I'm a very good belayer, but I learned how to belay, and basic lead climb at the Crux Climbing Center.

Taking big whippers, or chances where something may not be secure, and something could go wrong, oh ya, and I hate spiders and bees.

Challenges overcome?
After taking the sport lead course, I got out climbing a couple times, and finally onsighted a 10d for the first time. I now look forward to climbing harder, now that the weather is nice.

At best, I've climbed a 5.11a, and indoors, I've lead a 5.10-ish overhang six times consecutively. (Talk about endurance!)

My goals this year, are to be able to steadily lead climb a 5.11a, and build up my endurance. I'd also like to be climbing more than three or four times a week, and at least go climbing outside once or twice a week. If there's a chance to climb more, I'll be there!


Apr 23, 2003, 7:56 PM
Post #84 of 143 (11765 views)

Registered: Apr 2, 2003
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an introduction??? [In reply to]
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OKC, OK, 42 years young, got into climbing about 3 years ago (prior to that I was heavy into skydiving), 3 kids (mostly grown, only one left at home)

Favorite type of climbing
Trad, moderate alpine

Favorite places to climb and why
Around home, Wichita Mtn National Wildlife Refuge in Southwestern OK
Elsewhere...anywhere in Wyoming and Colorado

Technical expertise?
Yea...the ?? is a deliberate touch. Comfortable 5.8 trad/5.9 sport leader. I'll follow 5.10 or better.

Hey this stuff mostly scares the crap out of me...go figure, I'll jump out of a perfectly good's the perspective (and all the pokey out things on the way down)

Challenges overcome
Hey I'm still working on them. Some days the leading stuff doesn't bother me at all...others...I can be standing on a ledge, zipped up and still have sewing machine leg...go figure.

My first technical alpine, Grand Teton (Owen's Spaulding)

Mt Moran, CMC route
Devil's Tower (I have several routes I want to do on this)
Grand Teton, Exxum
and on, and on....


Apr 24, 2003, 1:56 AM
Post #85 of 143 (11765 views)

Registered: Apr 23, 2003
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Re: an introduction??? [In reply to]
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My name is Sarah. I'm 20 and from Winchester, Ky (30 min. away from the Red River Gorge!). I started climbing at our campus gym back in January and I fell in love with it. I climbed outdoors for the first time on a bouldering trip to Indiana and then I went to the Red River Gorge a few days after that in March. I climb every chance that I get.

Favorite type of climbing:
Sport and bouldering. Someday I would like to try trad

Favorite places to climb and why:
The Red of course! It's the only place I've been climbing and I love it. I can climb there the rest of my life (and i probably will) and have a new route to climb every day.

Technical expertise:
Haha...something i don't really have yet. But I'm working on it! I'm taking a women's technique workshop at my climbing gym and it's helping alot.

I have always had a fear of falling. Now that I've started taking more risks (climbing) it's gotten a little better...but still

Challenges overcome:
The fear of falling...somewhat anyway. Also, my parents. They really don't like the idea of me climbing. They're afraid I'm going to fall and hurt myself, or kill myself. I tried explaining to them that climbing is not that dangerous, that yes it does happen, but you have to be careful, know your limit, and have a knowledge of climbing.

Sending a 5.10, and hopefully this weekend I'll get my first lead climb in...that will be a big accomplishment!!

To develop a better technique and more endurance and be able to normally climb 5.10's by the end of this summer. To become more comfortable and less nervous climbing


May 2, 2003, 6:07 AM
Post #86 of 143 (11765 views)

Registered: May 1, 2003
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me [In reply to]
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
i'm 24 and I live in southern wisconsin. I teach, which allows me generous time to travel, climb, and run, as well as spend time with my almost four year old son, cole.

Favorite type of climbing?
so far i've only tr'ed and bouldered. i want to get into mountaineering and ice climbing.

Favorite places to climb and why?
devil's lake is just an hour or so away. but i loved, loved climbing in joshua tree over winter break.

Technical expertise?
besides being a great belayer, i have learned a lot from various friends and guides that i've been fortunate enough to climb with.

either having my son see me get hurt climbing or watching him do the same. (i'm a very protective mom in that respect).

Challenges overcome?
i'm trying to allow myself more time to climb, with and without my son. i have a hectic life and time seems to be my biggest deterent. (only six weeks until summer vacation, but who's counting?) :D

i'm up to running 15-20 miles a week and i'm doing my first half marathon at the end of this month (the day before my 25th birthday!) and i was so happy with my climbing in jtree. i learned a lot of techniques and skills.

this summer, i want to climb outside at least once a week. i want more faith in my skills too.



May 3, 2003, 6:10 AM
Post #87 of 143 (11765 views)

Registered: Apr 30, 2003
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introduce yourself [In reply to]
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my name is vicky. i have been climbing since 1986ish. i was immediately hooked. and it was very special feeling like i was part of the grassroot. i was afraid of heights - still have my moments if my dental or sinus stuff is acting up. i have had the road tripping instilled in me long ago. then i went to school and became a nurse 95 graduate. if you ever want a job that lends itself to climbing drop me a line. although i refer to myself as a rockclimber and i laugh. my favorite areas are ..... this for that and that for this. i started climbing in the south. lived in knowxville,tn and grew up to be able to climb at tn wall. i am 45 years old and had my best climbing goals met in my 40's. lots because i lost weight and made great sacrifices- i have been computer shy on this link and now i am going out on lead. i want to write you my poetry because than the prose and speeling doesn't seem to me to be so important. i am recently renewed and ready to check out some different aspects of climbing. i love climbing with women. am headed to central cali or to go do contact improve dancing in the moab area. dancing strenghins my soul when i can't climb. i hope with my new computer and online status i can be more spontaneous. i am a doer more than a thinker - and you heard my fear..... my climbing fears come and go. i hope to figure out how to get photos on line--- i'll show you one proudly full of muscles.


May 3, 2003, 7:33 AM
Post #88 of 143 (11765 views)

Registered: Jan 9, 2003
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My name is Alisa, I go by Ali. I'm 24 and I live in Louisiana for now, I'm in the military so wherever they tell me to go, I go! I mostly do trad, but I go bouldering and mountaineering. I want to do ice, but I'm not quite there yet. My favorite place to climb is by far Yosemite. I'm looking for a new place to climb, I'm thinking Arkansas or Oklahoma. I can lead, but nothing above a 5.9, I'm not too confident about that. I'm usually the pro cleaner. As for fears, I really don't have any. I've made my peace with my higher power and if it's my time to go, then it's my time to go. I've fallen before, it is scary, but you can't really control it. Challenges overcome is every climb I have ever done in my life. By far the best challenge was Overhang Bypass and Lost Arrow Spire. Those are my two most memorable climbs. Other than that, I'm just waiting to find a strong partner to team up with and get back into the swing of things. I will make it back to Yosemite for another climbing go 'round!


May 7, 2003, 4:49 PM
Post #89 of 143 (11765 views)

Registered: Apr 24, 2003
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introduce yourself [In reply to]
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
I am currently living outside of Oshkosh, but the husband and i are thinking about moving to La Crosse (Wisconsin)
Favorite type of climbing?
I have only top-roped but love it! Anything out doors is my favorite
Favorite places to climb and why?
I have only been a couple of places, but i really enjoy High Cliff State Park in Appleton. The routes are all unrated (but i assume fairly easy) so i can get out there and work on technique-- there are tons of places to top rope so i have yet to climb a route twice!! Just move from one to another for hours!! :)
Technical expertise?
expertise??? none!!! ok-- i can tie all the knots and set up what i need to for top roping... i am learning everything i can so anyone interested in helping out I'd love to get to know you!
Looking dumb in front of all these internet people who talk about 5.13's and the fancy moves... i am nowhere close to that yet.
Challenges overcome?
Getting out on the rock for the first time and trusting the knots i tied!!
Every time i get to the top of a route and touch the beener
To improve and keep my passion alive-- not let the ego climbers and number chasers crush what i love about climbing

what do i do when i am not climbing???? Run, road biking, yoga, lunch with friends, talking about climbing, shopping (for climbing stuff) :)

Looking for a female climbing partner-- my husband is going out of the county for a few weeks this summer and i have noone to climb with.


Partner caligrrl

Jun 3, 2003, 7:27 AM
Post #90 of 143 (11765 views)

Registered: May 30, 2003
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
I'm 26 and work as an technology account manager during the day (what pays the bills), and moonlight at a local gear retailer at night (what I love... READ: Gear whore). I grew up in the Central Coast near Santa Barbara. Small town called Lompoc. I now call Los Angeles (South Bay: Manhattan Beach) home, since I moved here for college (USC 99..Go Trojans!).

Favorite type of climbing?
Well, since I have only done 3 types as of last weekend, I guess I would have to say that I enjoy outdoor sport climbing the best. Bouldering was fun but a huge ego check, and not all that easy on the body!

Favorite places to climb and why?
Pt. Dume, since that is where I learned and so far the only place I have gone regularly.

Technical expertise?
Very practice (other than climbing in itself). Plenty in book knowledge and standing around listening when not climbing. I also have a very knowledgeable climbing buddy whose brain I love to pick. I love learning new things, so I've been trying to find more folks locally to play with and learn from.

Heights, bugs that bite, failure, not living up to my potential.
Challenges overcome?
Heights (skydiving and now climbing)

Climbing wise? Well, I entered my first competition (bouldering) at the urging of forum member Hasbeen, and placed second in the beginner category, so I'm pretty proud of that (It was the first time I ever went "bouldering"...before the comp, I was going around asking folks what I had to do!). And the first time I went climbing at a local climbing area, I had a woman come up and ask me where I climb and she seem suprised that it was only my first time out...That made me smile. :)

I'm a jack of all trades and a master of none....I also love snowboarding, backpacking, golf (although I really suck at it!), really anything outdoors!!

1. Stop doing what others think I should cause it pays well, and start doing what I love even if I have to do it for free. (do what you love and the money will come naturally)
2. Learn to belay my climbing buddy who is significantly bigger than me.
3. Learn to lead all the routes where I learned to climb w/ in the next 6 months.
4. Sell all gear I am not currently using on eBay!
5. Quit my job and travel/climb/snowboard/hike/explore for a minimum of TWO YEARS!!!

:) Charlotte
(aka Cali)


Jun 8, 2003, 1:27 AM
Post #91 of 143 (11765 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2003
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from Cali [In reply to]
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I'm new to the forum as well...and to climbing, but here goes

So what is your background (where do you live)? I'm from San Jose but am going to school in Davis right now. I had wanted to try some climbing, but never had the time...then my friend took me climbing and i got addicted. I've only been climbing for a month or two and its awesome.

Favorite type of climbing? Right now I'm indoors and I love the enduro tracks on the boulders. I'm just starting to understand the number system, but I'm kicking some 5.8 butt. I'm getting ready to take some outdoor toproping classes so that I can climb in more places. If anyone in the area wants to go climbing or help teach a newbie, I'm there.

Favorite places to climb and why? Anywhere possible...because its fun.

Technical expertise? only technical expertise goes along the lines of dealing with blisters from running in boots

Fears? It's mostly something I get really peeved about, but when my body decides to stop doing what I want it to do because it's so stressed out.

Goals: Like everyone else here, I want to be able to climb anything and everything. On a non climbing note, I also want to become an aviator in the army, so being able to climb can keep me in shape. It also has the added benefit of being fairly easy to do when I get stationed in who knows where.

Partner missedyno

Nov 1, 2004, 7:27 PM
Post #92 of 143 (11765 views)

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I'm sure we have some new ladies room participants....


Nov 1, 2004, 8:26 PM
Post #93 of 143 (11765 views)

Registered: Jul 2, 2004
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So what is your background (where do you live)?

I'm originally from SC but I live in North Yorkshire, England. It's beautiful up here, exactly what you picture England to be (country lanes, rose gardens with tumble down stone walls, red telephone boxes etc., sheep everywhere!) I feel very lucky to be in such a great area (as there is also a fantastic climbing area very close)

Favorite type of climbing?
I've been bouldering for a whole 6 months and I love it! Can't figure out why I never tried it before.

Favorite places to climb and why?
Anywhere that I happen to pass by and think, Hmmmm, that looks promising

Technical expertise?
Not much I guess, I can tell that I'm improving though.

Getting injured or too old to do the things that I love.

Challenges overcome?
Having a premature baby! Thank the gods that things worked out okay but that has been the biggest challenge of my life so far. Makes all the petty problems of life seem very small indeed!

I'm not sure if these are accomplishments or just being very lucky but I've travelled alot in Europe, hiked extensively in the Alps (we take a week in Bavaria every year), whitewater rafted in Austria, taken French courses so I could converse with my god sons (and buy my favorite fromage without embarassment), listened to the wolves singing in the hills of Tuscany, and generally tried to spend every moment of the last 11 years enjoying life. I think I've pretty much accomplished that!


1. Encourage my son through my own behavior to enjoy nature, stay active and to enjoy the simple things in life.

2. To continue to improve my bouldering and when my little one is old enough, possibly take some courses on Trad so he can join my husband and myself.

3. My short term goal is to compete in the Zugspitz extremberglauf mountain race in Germany next summer. It's 20 kms to the top of the highest mountain in Germany. We'll see, I really want to compete but I couldn't stand it if I couldn't make it. It's not really about competing with others, It's more about living with failure and I'm not real good with that.

Anyhow, I've really enjoyed reading about everyone. It's nice to get past the short little replies and see a little of the humanity!


Nov 2, 2004, 1:21 AM
Post #94 of 143 (11765 views)

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Introduce yourselves [In reply to]
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
Orginally Indiana, currently Lexington KY (to be closer to the Red)
Favorite type of climbing?
Favorite places to climb and why?
Red River Gorge because it's my home crag, I love the community, and I love Miguel's pizza
Technical expertise? I can tie a figure 8 with my eyes closed!!! I don't understand the ?.
Fears? Snakes and breaking my ankle again on a fall.
Challenges overcome? Currently, I'm hitting a mental block in climbing and it sucks so I'm going to stop climbing so much.
Accomplishments? Ticking a bunch of 11s here in the Red and getting the audacity to jump on 12s
Goals Travel more, tick a 12 and start bouldering more.


Nov 2, 2004, 7:11 PM
Post #95 of 143 (11765 views)

Registered: Feb 26, 2002
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
Been living in SLC, UT for a bit over two years now, before that it was the DC area. I grew up near Boston and went to college in Maine. SLC is definitely, far and away, the best place I've lived for climbing.

Favorite type of climbing?
Waaaayyyyyyy too hard to say. It changes periodically. A year or so ago, it was sport; right now I'm focused on trad and bouldering, but that's just while I'm waiting for the ice to form up. And I'm just getting into aid and loving it. If I had to pick, I'd, screw it, I don't have to pick so I'm not going to :)

Favorite places to climb and why?
Little Cottonwood Canyon--world class granite trad and bouldering, 15 minutes from my house. I love granite climbing.
Red Rocks--great mix of trad, sport, bouldering, long and short, quick and easy and adventurous. Perfect winter weekend destination from here.
Moab area--cool (and sometimes terrifying) towers, Indian Creek splitters, Mill Creek (the best sport climbing in Utah, IMHO), Big Bend boulders, what more need be said? The desert is awesome.
New River Gorge--my old stomping grounds. Haven't made it back since moving to Utah, but definitely want to. So many more routes I could do now than I could a few years back. Incredible spot. Here's to Roger, I miss you!

Technical expertise?
Been leading sport for four years, trad for 3.5, building TR anchors for 7ish. Comfortable clipping bolts, building anchors, placing trad gear, screwing in ice screws. Just starting to aid climb, learning the ropes of that. Lots of backcountry packpacking/camping experience, starting more and more to combine that with my climbing skills.

Still deal periodically with the demons of leading on gear. Hoping aid climbing will help with that (get me more proficient and comfortable with my gear placements). Sometime fears of failing, I'm very "internally" competitive (ie, I don't really care how others are doing, but I hate not succeeding). Leading harder ice--wow...the only thing keeping me from being 100%, super duper stoked for ice season are fears about leading.

Challenges overcome?
Dealing with a chronic back problem--it ended my career as a full-time sport-route projecter and keeps me from "pushing the grade" as much as I once wanted to. In the end, that's a good thing, but for a while, it was hard. Getting used to falling on gear--man, that first one was a (good and bad) rush.

A few 12a sport redpoints a while back (before the back problems)--those were awesome, because it was a milestone I never really thought I'd reach. Falling on gear--I consider going for it and falling (when it's safe to do so) as much of an accomplishment as many of the routes I've done without falls! Leading on ice--only a couple of very easy routes, but you gotta start somewhere.

Lots more aid climbing. Do a wall in Zion this season. Lead more ice. Redpoint Technochrist in Mill Creek (wow, I mean, this route is just everything I do love about sport climbing--a beautiful line, great movement, sustained, etc). Solidify myself at leading 5.10 trad and try some 11s.


Nov 2, 2004, 7:12 PM
Post #96 of 143 (11765 views)

Registered: Jun 13, 2004
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
My name is Erica as well. I'm from Maine, school in NH, lived in Olympia WA for 2 years, now in Portland, OR for 4.
Am 29, married for 1 year, am an occupational therapist working in hand therapy, and loving life.
Climbed inconsistently for a while (minored in outdoor ed in college), then began climbing consistently about 1 1/2 -2 yrs ago.

Favorite type of climbing?
Outdoor. At this point, mostly sport, but am working on getting comfortable leading trad. I enjoy multi-pitch. Since I'm in Portland, (rain) during the winter I'm forced to be a gym rat, and do a little of everything there- including bouldering, which I think is a great complement to routes. I usually climb 2-3 x/wk if I can.

Favorite places to climb and why?
Haven't climbed in a whole lot of places consistently, but love Smith Rock, and more locally, Carver. Oh, also French's Dome is gorgeous and fun.

Technical expertise?
ummm... I pride myself in attentive belaying, and am proficient in knots. I'm able to consistently lead 10s sport, and can follow 11s. Still get sketched placing gear, but am working on trusting my placements.

Still working on FALLING. Have taken a total of 2 (count 'em- 2) outdoor lead falls. And this is clipping bolts. At this point, am pretty terrified of falling on pro.

Challenges overcome
See above answer. My mental game is finally getting to the point where I can stay calm and focused leading. (not always, but I can now...) I'm still working on - "if I'm safe, just fall." I think the mental aspect of climbing is something that can constantly be improved upon.

Again, see above answers. I think that I'm able to now just jump on a 10 lead instead of wanting to TR it first. I don't have to onsight, I can take if I want, I can downclimb to rest, and I can fall! I've realized that I won't be a 10 climber if I don't get on 10s! (And 11s and so on...)

To get comfortable with trad leading.
To be able to consistently lead 11s (and onsight too)
To continue to work on my mental game, and lead calmly.
To be able to consistently move gracefully yet powerfully on the rock. Flow.


Nov 8, 2004, 9:07 PM
Post #97 of 143 (11765 views)

Registered: Sep 7, 2004
Posts: 20

Re: Revive the thread? "Introduce yourself" [In reply to]
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Hi everyone. Sorry that this is a bit long.


I am 37, grew up in Michigan, 20's in NYC, became obsessed with primarily alpine climbing about 6 years ago. Moved to Co last year to ice climb every day then ended up in SoCal aid climbing this past summer. Still in LA area.


Tossup. Aid, alpine, ice. I admit alpine ice is still more of a goal than an accomplishment at this point. I enjoy water ice and mixed very much, even though I suck at mixed.


Another tossup. For ice, Ouray and Alberta. Ouray cause you can get in great ice and mixed shape fast. For high mountains, anywhere. Loved where I have been. Peru is great cause once you buy the ticket everything else is really cheap. I am currently fixated on aid, love Yosie walls, and want to climb La Esfinge in Peru, in a combined alpine and aid trip. For sport, Smith or Tahoe so far, because I like thin face and thin crack. For trad, anywhere and I suck on trad.


Solid intermediate "all-arounder" experience. Good rope management; trad, aid, and ice rope soloing experience; decent anchor skills. Have a Wilderness First Responder and anatomy training. Good "crisis head." Practiced in crevasse rescue, including one-on-one. Some glacier travel experience in the great ranges, and some avalanche and self-rescue training. A hypothermic solo emergency bivy and rap experience. Bear safety and backpacking skills. Have led waterfall ice to WI4+, followed 5-5+. Have led A3 (not C3) clean, though I am admittedly slow. Some experience with crampon technique and one-tool mountain climbing in both Alaska and Peru. Poor ski skills, however, and poor trad and sport leading head, though I managed to sport redpoint to 11a and onsite to 10c, Yos trad lead 5.8.


Oh, boy, yeh! The list, let's see...That I gave up a career but won't achieve my alpine dreams... That I won't have money left to travel to the great ranges in the future. Or partners. Fears of finding partners, that's a biggie. Social ineptitude. Climbing fears? Crappy lead head when free climbing, better on aid, and ice. Inordinate fear of falling even when intellectually know it's safe (read, fear of losing control). I'm reading the Rock Warrior's Way currently. Maybe will help some.


To answer this requires positive self-appraisal, not my forte. Er, have overcome inertia and self-defeating thoughts on a number of occaisions. Like actually having the fortitude to do the damn solo aid climb last month. Like leading Rigid Designator and Bridalveil Falls despite fears made hyperadrinergic and gut-wrenching by past trauma experiences. Just devoting my life to being a climber has been a challenge: deciding I would keep climbing not only despite the fact that I sort of suck, but in fact exactly because I suck, am not a natural athlete, and it's a huge challenge for my ego to keep going in a field I don't really excel. In one instance I learned a great deal from the experience of going from a mess secretly snivelling in my tent in Alaska, just wanting to go home, to not wanting to leave and feeling strong by the end of the trip. Oh, another big challenge to overcome was geographical: living in the midwest/east and having to uproot and finally get west for my climbing!!


Moving west to climb full-time finally! The biggest accomplishment by far! Another: just up and deciding to learn water ice a couple years ago, figuring out how to go about this, and then doing it. Later, leading hard water ice. Becoming a climber with solid all-around experience. Learning enough in one aid season to complete a solo aid climb, and to lead A3. Rapping down the Leaning Tower gully system (read: waterfalls) alone in the storm last month, fighting moderately severe hypothermia, an emergency bivy, and objective hazard.


Oh geez. Some goals that are just dreams, that are admittedly probably a bit too ambitious. So I will keep to myself for now and see where this life goes. But, goals, this winter, more hard ice leads. Greater comfort on vert ice, like actually being able to stop and put in screws on 4+/5 terrain. Less shrieking and wailing when climbing on the same, and on free rock. Alpine ice, alpine ice, alpine ice. Preferably in the big mountains, overseas. Technical "trekking peaks" in Himalaya. Ham-n-Eggs, and even more technical climbs that are as I said too embarrasingly ambitious to mention, in Alaska and elsewhere. Interested in Wrangall-St. Elias. Interested in first ascents of aid or mountain routes. More a dream, that. Aid in Peru, this one will happen. Aid in Greenland as a pleasant dreamy dream. Aid elsewhere in the mountains. Should I put meet the generous millionaire full-time climbing partner as a goal or is that a dream? Kidding, kidding (er...). But making money somehow in the outdoors field would be awfully nice. Meeting good women to climb with is a HUGE goal. A solo of El Capitan next season. El Cap with a partner next season. Yes.
Another goal - talk less. Be concise and do not tire people with too many words.


Nov 9, 2004, 2:45 AM
Post #98 of 143 (11765 views)

Registered: Nov 8, 2004
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Hello From Marge [In reply to]
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Hello! My name is Marge. I'll be 38 years old this week. I started climbing 1.5 yrs ago, stopped for a year, and started again last month. Just got a job where I'll be climbing for part of it, so I'd better get moving! Here's my info:

So what is your background (where do you live)? Niles, IL

Favorite type of climbing? Bouldering

Favorite places to climb and why? North Wall Climbing Gym, because I don't know how to outdoor climb yet and they are the nicest people in the world!

Technical expertise? Is pathetic a rating? Getting better daily...

Fears? Fear of falling, even though I've done indoor top rope climbing about 35 times, the fear is still present and limits me

Challenges overcome? I thought returning after a year would mean starting all over again, but I'm actually climbing better than I did before, possibly thanks to a 14 pound weight loss and better balance

Accomplishments? Getting a job that requires me to climb sometimes and may even send me someplace to get good at it!

Goals: I want to get to a 5.9 ability and learn to lead climb

Thanks for listening!



Nov 9, 2004, 4:13 AM
Post #99 of 143 (11782 views)

Registered: May 2, 2004
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
I'm living in Calgary Alberta Canada, I've been climbing for about 2 years,climbing seriously for about 1 year and I used to dance.

Favorite type of climbing?
I loooooooooove bouldering

Favorite places to climb and why?
The gym, cause I get a lot of coaching i can't drive yet, and i'm the only one in my family that climbs.

Technical expertise?
ummm... I can belay and tye knots and i can lead, usually.

Falling on lead. Im fine when i just let go of the wall and fall 20 feet or so (sometimes more), but im scared of falling off a route.

Challenges overcome
I am not scared to just go try things anymore and i have finally found something that i enjoy.

I have learned how to move on the wall, i can lead and i can tr pretty much any 11 (sometimes even 12's)

To become a better climber, to try different types of climbing and get stronger


Nov 9, 2004, 3:39 PM
Post #100 of 143 (11684 views)

Registered: Sep 4, 2003
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
I live in Indianapolis :( I plan on moving out west once I gradute from college in a year and a half.
Favorite type of climbing?
My favorite type is sport climbing. I've never tried trad, so I can't say anything to that yet. And I don't have the strength to be a good boulder.
Favorite places to climb and why?
Well, right now is Red River Gorge since that place is the closest to where I live. Only other place I've been to is Jackson Falls.
Technical expertise?
None really, I've never lead yet, only been climbing for about a year and a half. Don't know how to clean, or set up to rapel (sp?)
I have a huge fear of falling and hurting myself. I love heights, I'm just afraid especially for bouldering of not landing on the crash pad and getting injured. I think a lot of it has to do with my mentality. Once I know I won't get hurt, I think mentally I should do fine.
Challenges overcome?
I used to be afraid of coming back down after topping out. Now, I'm not so afraid and its quite fun.
Um, night climbing. My very first climb at the Gorge was at night. It was awesome!
To move out west and be able to climb whenever I want. It might be far out there, but I really want to be around where I can climb on the weekends and it won't be a 4hour drive.


Mar 21, 2005, 1:47 AM
Post #101 of 143 (11845 views)

Registered: Feb 9, 2005
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Hi ladies
just in case any of you stil might be reading this site here goes

My name is Amy 36 years old currently live in southern Oregon.
I have been climbing for over 7 years but not consistantly for a variety of reasons....
I can climb 5.10s trad and sport.
lead 5.8s sport but want to increase that
trad pretty rusty and have no gear currently
favorite place to climb .. J tree
locally I go to smith
or rattlesnake or greensprings

goals to stay injury free

would love to hook up with some ladies to climb with ..when consistant I improve quickly

I have alot of interests mountain and road bike .. mountaineering
running soccer backcountry skiing
so if any of you gals who are locals want to email me ... and climb my eamil address is


Mar 25, 2005, 3:25 PM
Post #102 of 143 (11845 views)

Registered: Mar 12, 2003
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Introduce Yourselves! [In reply to]
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
I live in Silt CO. I have been climbing for 4 years now and I love every min of it. I am 20 Years old and trying to find where I fit in at.

Favorite type of climbing?
I love all Climbing, Sport, Trad, and Boldering. I love all the unique qualities that they all bring. My favorite would have to be sport, because I am really in to Rifle Mountain Park right now sence it is in my back yard. Also I have Boulders right close by as well that I like to meet friends at in the afternoons.

Favorite places to climb and why?
Rilfe Mountain Park would be my Favorite right now. There is such a challenge in the Rock and Atmostphere there that I just can't get enough of. This is a sport area so that is why I love sport so much right now.

Technical expertise?
I am climbing 5.10s but only leading 5.9s right now. I am hoping in the next few weeks that will change.

My bigest fear would be to now have a partner this summer. All of mine have eather moved or are not climbing as much any more. I hind it hard to find a new partner around hear.

Challenges overcome?
This for me is yet to come. This summer I wont to takle the fear of leading so I can get past 5.9, 5.10 and beyond.
At first the biggest challenge would have been the hight. I wasn't afraid I just didn't trust it yet. When I did that is when I came in to the sport.

I have done some moulti pitch routs and some of Rifle. I haven't ventured out of the area to far but I have been to Boulder, Shealf, and The Black Cayan. All places I wish to go back soon.

To do some Big Walls and get on El Cap. I have never been to Yosemite but I am going vary soon. I won't to polish my climbing and Get as good as I can.



Mar 28, 2005, 2:06 AM
Post #103 of 143 (11845 views)

Registered: Feb 18, 2005
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
Hi, my name is Amber, (Hello Amber.), and I'm addicted to climbing. I'm a 19 y/o psychology student at Ohio University in sleepy Athens. Originally from a suburb of Cleveland, but I've recently been around the country with the Army National Guard. (Must say, I love Texas.) Not that much climbing to be done here besides our indoor wall and select chossy bouldering areas. But, thankfully the New is quite close and the Red isn't that far either.

Favorite type of climbing?
Sport, but I'm incredibly eager to learn trad and aid.

Favorite places to climb and why?
The New, although my basis of comparison is quite small; I've only been to the New and the Red. Good, solid climbs, many options and great scenery. Big fan of Summersville Lake. Good approaches, too.

Technical expertise?
Sport leading, rappelling, TR, belaying, and anchor set-up. Can TR 10b's, yet haven't tried leading anything past 9's. Oh, so eager to. Also a certain knack for buildering and rappelling off of the 4th floor of my dorm.

Decking, watching an anchor I set-up blow on the second, long falls, somehow jacking up a rappelling set-up, hitting my head (too many prior concussions), going to Iraq

Challenges overcome?
Took a pretty big, (~22 feet) unexpected fall while bouldering. Landed on an old pad. Unhurt, yet numb, got up and sent it. Very surprised at myself, yet still somewhat apprehensive to climb it.

I lead and belayed the leader for the first time. That was a huge step for me. The climber that taught me, Tina, was so great. She was patient and listened to my concerns and put me at ease. My next trip out, I lead as many climbs as I could.

Trad climbing and leading some harder routes. Would like to also become a more confident boulderer. I have an interest in aid climbing and would like to pursue it further. In addition, I'd like to go out west to climb.


Apr 13, 2005, 3:14 PM
Post #104 of 143 (11845 views)

Registered: Jul 26, 2003
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So what is your background (where do you live)? I'm a 21 year old who lives and studies (Go TU!!) in (and am orginally from) Tulsa, OK and have also lived in several other areas of the US including Dallas, TX and Spokane, WA. Right now, I'm studying abroad in Amiens, France and can't wait to get home so I can hit the rocks again!

Favorite type of climbing? Trad.

Favorite places to climb and why? The Witchitas- close enough to home (3 hours), yet just far enough away...also John's Wall because its SO close (then again, those are the only places I've climbed)

Technical expertise? belaying, rapelling, anchor set-up, TR- but I'm slowly transitioning into leading :D Can climb 5.10, but really want to learn to lead...

Challenges overcome? Learning to trust myself and my partners, getting over the overhang (without aid!)

Accomplishments I've done a few (very few) multipitch routes, my first route ever was a 5.8- first try!!

Fears? snakes, setting a bad anchor/piece, taking a HUGE fall, not being able to climb again

Goals: Learn to lead, climb more often, graduate on time (next spring!!) & get my master's (find grad school), lose weight & get in better shape (baguettes are dangerous! :D ), travel ALOT more, figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life- careerwise, at least......


Apr 13, 2005, 6:47 PM
Post #105 of 143 (11845 views)

Registered: Apr 12, 2005
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So what is your background (where do you live)? My name is Sara, actually. I am 25, the mother of a 2 y/o "all" boy. I've been climbing on and off for a couple years, but only when I have someone to go with (far and few btw) unless bouldering. I live in the Mad River Valley of VT.

Favorite type of climbing? Bouldering

Favorite places to climb and why? Rumney, haven't really been anywhere else. Loved the Gunks though!

Technical expertise? belaying, rapelling

Challenges overcome? Heights, for the most part.

Accomplishments Two multi-pitch routes at the Gunks. Feeling comfortable and pushing myself in the presence of more experienced climbers. Raising a GREAT son!

Fears? Not being able to climb, being a bad mom, falling.

Goals: To travel to all the bouldering hot spots, teach my son to be himself at all times and to remain myself at all times (its getting easier by the day!). Oh, and to lose my remaining mommy (baby) weight and look hot everyday...for me! :D


Apr 14, 2005, 5:25 PM
Post #106 of 143 (11845 views)

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[indigo]Too cool - wonder why I never saw this thread before![/indigo]

So what is your background (where do you live)? HI! I am Angela, Live in Omaha Nebraska :x but it isn't too bad, as I have plenty of vacation and a Subie that gets me 8 hours west (Front Range or Vedauwoo) at least once a month. I have been climbing since 1997 and its ALL I DO! and ALL I THINK ABOUT especially this time of the year.

Favorite type of climbing? Five Fun! or anything Trad or Alpine

Favorite places to climb and why? THE DESERT - Utah is the best!

Technical expertise? done it all . . Alpine, Aid, Trad, Sport. .

Challenges overcome? I need to be able to get into my lead head faster and keep it longer. it takes so long at the beginning of the season to get back out on the sharp end, and if I don't get out for a month it feels like starting over. . . THIS YEAR WILL BE DIFFERENT I am already feeling better about what I can do mentally and Physically

Accomplishments Prodigal Son in Zion - WOW tough tough tough!

Fears? loosing a friend in a climbing accident

Goals: be able to follow my hubby up anything . . . be able to lead anything I can comfortably climb. ----- all in all . . . I wanna' be a Rock Hottie. . . :D


Apr 22, 2005, 1:17 AM
Post #107 of 143 (11845 views)

Registered: Apr 7, 2005
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
I'm originally from northwest Germany, but left 4 years ago to explore the world. After staying in Brazil, The States and Canada, I'm living now in Bogota, Colombia. Since I'm from the plains it was quite amazing to be living in the mountains, and after a couple of claustrophobic breakouts, I'm now totally loving it and cant imagine anything better. well maybe a mountain with a sea
Favorite type of climbing? I love sport climbing and trad climbing

Favorite places to climb and why? the rocks of suesca, because its close and the climate is nice. And of course I don't no better :-)

Technical expertise? Hm. I'm trying to get some books though, its kinda hard to get em here. I try to learn techniques by watching other climbers, preferable females,
Challenges overcome?
to be jealous of my climb because he climbs better

Fears? Falling and hurting myself really bad, or something happening to my partner or his daughter (9, climbing as well)
Goals: maybe I'm watching to much movies, but a REAL mountain would be nice one day ( doesn't have to be a 7 thousander, 5 would be good ;-))
and of course one day to climb 5.11, 12 and stuff-but for now,my goal is to work myself through 5.10 s


Jul 3, 2005, 11:12 PM
Post #108 of 143 (11845 views)

Registered: Jun 26, 2005
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So what is your background (where do you live)?

I live in Hillsboro, Oregon; grew up in Washington State. I started climbing 3 years ago when I met my husband (he was the manager of a local indoor wall). Did mostly indoor climbing off and on (mostly off). Now, here I am, finally getting around to begging him to take me climbing outdoors. I've only been twice (last weekend and today), but I love it so far!

Favorite type of climbing?

Well, right now I only do top roping as a start. I really want to learn lead climbing, but my husband wants me to get comfortable with top roping first (makes sense).

Favorite places to climb and why?

Personally, I think I'd love climbing in the desert (eastern Oregon, Utah, or Nevada). I like the sunshine and the landscape.

Technical expertise?

Really not a whole lot :? Pretty basic stuff like top-rope climbing and belaying. I'm scouring though and digging into my husbands brain for knowledge. He's actually impressed with what I've learned so far. It's something I'm really interested in learning.

Challenges overcome?

I'm in the midst of overcoming my fear of heights. I don't have as much of an issue when climbing, because you never really look down. However, my husband tried to teach me to rappell today and I couldn't do it. I'm kind of mad at myself, but I know what stopped me, so I'm working on overcoming it completely.

Accomplishments: Since I'm new to the sport, I just consider the fact that I'm comfortable climbing outside as an accomplishment. I'm starting to get quicker too.

Fears: Falling and getting hurt or my husband falling and getting hurt.

Goals: I really want to learn to lead I'm working towards that right now.


Jul 4, 2005, 5:56 AM
Post #109 of 143 (11845 views)

Registered: Jun 17, 2005
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Hi, I'm Howard, and I'm an alcoholic.


Jul 5, 2005, 12:22 AM
Post #110 of 143 (11845 views)

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Sorry really new to this, so here goes everything.
So what is your background(Where do you live)?
I live in Fall River Mass.I am married to a wonderful man who does not climb, but does support my crazy ideas. I also have 2 kid both teenagers :roll:
Favorite type of climbing?
I guess it would have to be trad.because that all I know.
Favorite place to climb and why.
I sorry I am new. Have not been anywhere outside of North Conway NH and it always with an instructor.
Technical expertise?
sorry still trying have all my knots :shock:
Fallen. Not succeeding in what I try,(like repelling)Breaking my leg.Return of Cancer(so far 6yrs in remission 14 to go)
Challenges overcome?
I guess the main one would be learning to walk again.
Trying to get 5 ft off the ground while learning to climb.
try to Losing weight and get in shape.Reach the top of what I'm trying to climb.Find a partner to climb with
Hope I did not bore anyone. thank you and be safe.


Jul 5, 2005, 1:07 AM
Post #111 of 143 (11845 views)

Registered: Apr 29, 2005
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So what is your background (where do you live)?

I live in Minnesota, I'm 15 years old, been climbing about a a year and a half maybe.

Favorite type of climbing?

I've pretty much only done top rope, lead and bouldering, so I'm going to say lead, but I think trad is really neat too, so eventually someday I would like to try that.

Favorite places to climb and why?

Outdoors: Blue Mounds (because it's the first place I've ever climbed outdoors) and Barn Bluff (only been there once, it rained, but it was really fun till it rained).
Indoors: Hmm, I like all of the places I've climbed indoors. Sad answer, but it's true :lol:

Technical expertise?

Belaying, rappelling, there could be more..


I'm afraid of heights, weird, I know, but I am, and climbing helps with that. Falling on lead.

Challenges overcome?

In order to pass a lead climbing test at a gym I went to, I had to fall while lead climbing, I'm proud of myself for doing that, it was scary :oops:


None that I can think of at the moment, but when I have one, I'll be sure to put it on.


Many different things, all pretty much have to do with climbing better and stuff like that.



Jul 22, 2005, 5:28 AM
Post #112 of 143 (11845 views)

Registered: Jul 13, 2005
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Hi there. My turn I guess...

So what is your background (where do you live)?
I'm 23, married, currently live in Tahoe. Grew up in Northern Michgan, went to college in Minnesota. Lived in the PNW for many summers as well.

Favorite type of climbing?
Multipitch trad.

Favorite places to climb and why?
WA Pass, Lover's Leap, Tuolumne. Why? Great routes on nice granite. Not to mention the views.

Technical expertise?
Trad leading, anchors, some mountaineering

Trusting my gear.

Challenges overcome?
Climbing a route that went right under a bat cave... yikes!

Climbing what I knew I could when I didn't let my mind get in the way.

Lead 5.10!


Jul 23, 2005, 12:58 PM
Post #113 of 143 (11845 views)

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Hello all...

So what is your background (where do you live)?
I'm 19 years old and right now I live in Singapore where I while my time away studying English literature in college and playing around on indoor rock walls. I've been climbing for about a month now.

Favorite type of climbing?
Uh, right now, sports climbing and bouldering, can't decide between both of them.

Favorite places to climb and why?
No idea, I love climbing anywhere as long as there is something to climb.

Technical expertise?
Well, top rope climbing and belaying.

Heights, and taking a fall especially when I'm really high up. Also, needles. Scary stuff, 'nuff said. And that one day someone will come and tell me I shouldn't climb because I'm shit at it.

Challenges overcome?
The insane fear of heights, I've stopped having panic attacks when I'm pretty high up.

Learning how to climb in the first place. And climbing the 6a route at the climbing center the other night.

To learn how to lead a climb and to do rope solo climbing.


Jul 23, 2005, 5:19 PM
Post #114 of 143 (11845 views)

Registered: Jul 21, 2005
Posts: 13

Hey all! [In reply to]
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
I'm from NYC, but I'm currently living on Long Island, NY. In january, I'll be moving to the Caribean for about a 1.5 years. I'm going to Med school there.

Favorite type of climbing?
I get a rush out of hanging upside down!!

Technical expertise?
Just a shame in that.

40+ y/o men with hair all over there body. *cringes*

Challenges overcome?
I'm working on seriously improving my finger strength right now. I have my upper body pretty strong. Indurance is my other challenge!

I've managed to remember 2 whole times now to bring water with me. I'm pretty happy with myself.

Eventually I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to do some big wall climbing with a serious group. I just want the crap scared out of me and know someones there to edge me on!


Jul 23, 2005, 11:35 PM
Post #115 of 143 (11845 views)

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So what is your background (where do you live)? Im 16 , in New Mexico, and I started climbing when I was 7 years old. However I took a 2 year break to go into some missions and am painfully trying to get back into climbing.
Favorite type of climbing? boldering/ sport climbing
Favorite places to climb and why? gym; in the sandias (by tajares)
Technical expertise? haha, umm not much.... just having fun!!!!
Fears? Worms
Challenges overcome? patience with myself, starting from scratch is soo slow
Accomplishments? 5.12 , meeting friends, loving climbing
Goals to be able to go Glacier climbing , trad climbing, to find a new partner.


Jul 28, 2005, 4:07 AM
Post #116 of 143 (11845 views)

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I'm a total newbie. I've only climbed a few times on an indoor wall with an auto belay system. I take my test today to be certified for manual belay climbing which so far has been a blast.
I just turned 27 on the 26th of July. I have three kids. The oldest lives in Ca. with his mom, he's my husband's son, but he's mine too. The other two live with us. I gave birth to them.
I grew up in south Miss. but was born in south Louisiana. (i claim Louisiana as home since that's were I was conceived and born and spent my summers.)
We live in Japan for now. This is were I got started with climbing. So far I REALLY enjoy it. I need to lose a few (well a bunch) pounds and work on strength, but I still make it to the top of the wall!
I take my first outdoor trip in August. Can NOT wait. My daughter is wanting to get into it as well. She's only six. As soon as I get my card, I'm going to get her a harness as well.
Hope this is good enough for all y'all. Glad to meet you. :mrgreen:

ETA: OH I forgot!! I'm totally freaked out about falling. I hate the feeling of dropping. My first time up i got to the middle and held on for like 15mins before my arms just gave out and I had to drop. I HATE letting go, but you must come down to go back up again!!


Jul 29, 2005, 11:23 PM
Post #117 of 143 (11845 views)

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wow, seriously, rock climbing is amazing, and i think that its awesome that your getting into it!! Falling, i don't have much to help you on that, because i think thats the best part! When I descend from the wall, i just think of how i accomplished it, and how hard it was, and how it relates to my life, soo repelling gives me time to reflect on what i did (maybe you can do that too to help you overcome the descending part). Don't worry about loosing weight either, because its just a fun sport, unless your wanting to get serious about it, weight doesn't matter much. I hope you and your daughter enjoy it as much as i do!


Jul 30, 2005, 2:33 AM
Post #118 of 143 (11845 views)

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So what is your background (where do you live)? Origially from Cali, and moved to Vegas 4 years ago. Missed the beach horribly, so decided to find out what was in the mountains...found climbing and hiking in nearby Red Rocks! Awesome.
Favorite type of climbing? So far, I've only experienced a smidge of trad, some bouldering, and mostly sport. I like all three, but would definitely like to get more into trad.
Favorite places to climb and why? I haven't been to too many places! But I've like every place I've been to-- probably because I haven't experienced enough to have a favorite yet.
Technical expertise? I try to be safe and not do anything stupid. Still learning technical expertise.
Fears? Taking a huge fall and hitting myself against something, thus hurting myself.
Challenges overcome? some headgame type things-- i used to get elvis legs so much, but now i can pretty much think through it, and not freak out about it.
Accomplishments? getting to climb some 11's, gaining confidence, pushing limits, and getting stronger!
Goals: trad, climbing more regularly, and climbing with people i connect with.


Aug 3, 2005, 11:45 PM
Post #119 of 143 (11845 views)

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Hi -very new here, just wanted to introduce myself

So what is your background (where do you live)? I'm from Australia, currently living in Japan
Favorite type of climbing? Rockclimbing wise, I'm too new to really have a favorite type, but I'm really into mountaineering (it's why I started rockclimbing)
Favorite places to climb and why? I don't really have a favorite yet
Technical expertise? On rock, none really, just top ropeing, but I've done a fair bit of snow/ice mountaineering.
Fears? Having a partner or friend get hurt beacuse of a mistake I made
Challenges overcome? Just dealing with my perfectionsit attitude - I expected myself to be perfect the first time I tried climbing and got angry at myself when I wasn't. I'm really working at not having such unreasonably high expectations of myself.
Accomplishments? So far, just getting up a 5.9 top rope
Goals: learn to lead climb (5.9 or simmilar would be nice)


Aug 8, 2005, 3:21 AM
Post #120 of 143 (11845 views)

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So what is your background (where do you live)?

I'm from Calgary, Canada. Also spent 5 years living in Vancouver.

Favorite type of climbing?

Three way tie between ice, multipitch trad and alpine.

Favorite places to climb and why?

Lake Louise... nice solid quartzite, beautiful view, easy approach. Anywhere in the Ghost... no crowds! The Chief, Squamish... great memories of my last 3 trips there and lots of friction slab :), nice solid granite, good for learning to place gear. Mt. Cascade (ice climb)... not technically challenging at WI2/3, but great exposure and one of the classics.

Technical expertise?

The basics (belaying, tying in), leading sport climbs, leading gear climbs, setting up anchors.


My biggest fear is something happening to my partner. Aside from that... rockfall, and falling on gear.

Challenges overcome?

Sprained ankle on one of my first leads. I fell 12 feet on a smooth, pretty much vertical wall. It took a session of deliberate falls in the gym and some easy leading way below my ability to get my leading confidence back.

Accepting the death of a good friend (killed by rockfall) and trying to be there for my best friend who was climbing with him at the time.


Getting over the numbers and bagging peaks thing. I think it's logical to want to climb higher number grades but it was kind of detrimental for me. Now I'm just happy with every day where I climb safely and thoughtfully, looking at and thinking about each hold and foot placement, making bomber anchors, and just enjoying the interaction with the rock. Ironically since I stopped caring about number grades or reaching the summit my climbing's actually gotten a lot beter.


I'd like to climb the N face of Athabasca later in the season when conditions stabilize. I want to finish the climb next to Takakaw falls... it spits you out a cave right at the top of a giant waterfall and I had to retreat off of it two weeks ago because the spray had drenched the rest of the route. I want to take my best friend who introduced me to climbing 1.5 years ago up a trad multi-pitch route on Yamnuska and have him be proud of all the stuff I've learned since then. There is a cool looking face across from Silver Tongued Devil Crag in the Ghost and I want to establish some ground-up routes there. Want to climb Hydrophobia (ice climb) this upcoming season.


Aug 8, 2005, 8:24 PM
Post #121 of 143 (11845 views)

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So what is your background (where do you live)? In Montreal, Canada until the end of the summer, then off to Peoria, IL in September. Originally from Toronto.

Favorite type of climbing?
Only top-roped so far.

Favorite places to climb and why? Umm.. the gym. Still need to go outside - and soon!

Technical expertise? Haha - that's a good one. Well, I guess belaying would count.

Fears? Approaching new people to climb with. Man, I find that hard!

Accomplishments? Pretty psyched about going up a grade last week :D



Aug 12, 2005, 3:23 PM
Post #122 of 143 (11845 views)

Registered: Jun 12, 2005
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Hi everybody, been lurking for a few months, decided to start posting:

So what is your background (where do you live)? Lived in California my whole life (36 years) - currently live in Sonoma County (north of San Francisco, wine country). I'm a physician working in biotech/pharma. Married, no kids (yet).

Favorite type of climbing? Too early to tell, I'm exploring as much as I can. I think trad is going to be my thing, though - the possibilities are endless ...

Favorite places to climb and why? Lover's Leap (South Lake Tahoe area) - great moderate multipitch, love those dikes, gorgeous!

Technical expertise? Developing ... need practice to reinforce what I've learned.

Fears? Getting careless, making bad decisions ...

Challenges overcome? Lost almost 40 lbs over the last several months, have gotten in the best shape of my life so far ...

Accomplishments? Overcoming my fear of the 4 foot roof on the second pitch of Haystack at Lover's Leap - it's only 5.8, wasn't as bad as it looked from below! (Of course I was only following.)

Goals: want to learn to lead moderate multipich trad routes. So far I haven't led, but only been climbing regularly about 2 1/2 months. Not yet solid on 10a like you to have to be to take the lead class at my gym. Right now I'm at about the 5.9 level at the gym, can eke up some 10a-10c routes depending on the overhang, but it ain't pretty. Want to get stronger, develop endurance.



Aug 15, 2005, 6:28 PM
Post #123 of 143 (11845 views)

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So what is your background (where do you live)? I am from the state that was scientifically proven to be flatter than a pancake - Kansas.

Favorite type of climbing? I have mainly top-roped and have only gotten to do one sport lead. I am hoping I can do more during my next trip.

Favorite places to climb and why? I haven't gotten to go outside all that much (remember the location from above). So far, of the places I have gotten to climb, Horseshoe Canyon Ranch in Arkansas would be my favorite so far.

Technical expertise? I have only been climbing since January, so the technical expertise isn't there yet. Most of the guys I climb with have been good about teaching me what they know, and I am picking it up slowly but surely.

Fears? Falling. Not heights, but falling. If I am not secured, I have difficulties getting within a foot of the edge.

Accomplishments? The one time I lead a route it was awesome because I had little to no difficulty doing it. In all honesty, climbing at all is a bit accomplishment for me, I never thought I would be able to do it...

Challenges overcome? After playing softball for over 20 years, I have a ton of minor nagging injuries, but the big one came a year ago when I had to have shoulder surgery to reattach where the bicep connects to the shoulder itself. 3 days after the surgery it was discovered I had a blood clot in my arm, and had to spend 3 days in the hospital. Those three days in the hospital that close to the surgery cost me about another month or two in recovery time. But, I am mainly healed and have learned what my limits are. I tried climbing for the first time about 5 months after surgery, and there are still many limits that exist.

Goals? To continue to improve and get outside. I spent most of my youth on a softball field and am lacking in general knowledge of the outdoors. I want to continue to build experience and friendships as I learn!


Aug 16, 2005, 7:01 PM
Post #124 of 143 (12003 views)

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So what is your background (where do you live)? I am from Arizona, currently in Tempe for school at ASU.

Favorite type of climbing? Top-rope in the gym for right now....I just started

Favorite places to climb and why? The gym....that is the only placed that I have climbed. I know that once I go outside I'll be hooked on climbing outside, but still need a lot to learn.

Technical expertise? I don't have any right now, just the confidence and motivation that I get from climbing

Fears? Just getting ahead of myself while climbing...I don't have any real fears about climbing yet. Too shy to ask for someone to train me. I am still a rookie and would love for someone to take me under their wings.

Accomplishments? Every time I get to the top, thats where all the motivation comes from.

Goals? To go outside, to go extreme with climbing, gain more knowledge on how to approach a route. There is so much more time I guess


Aug 23, 2005, 5:05 AM
Post #125 of 143 (12194 views)

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So what is your background (where do you live)?
I live in San Francisco - grew up in California, and never want to leave.

Favorite type of climbing?
Right now, it's trad, because of the mental aspects of it. But a close second is bouldering in the gym because of the social aspects and its just fun working hard problems. I like sport, too, but haven't really lead sport yet (just 1 route). I just like all climbing in general!

Favorite places to climb and why?
Haven't done too much travelling yet, but I'd have to say I really like the City of Rocks. It's secluded, not too crowded, and there are some sport, trad, and multipitch routes.

Technical expertise?
I'm still a noob. I dig learning about the physics of climbing, though.

Taking a whipper on a nut placement is my biggest fear right now.
I haven't fallen yet (just started leading), and I think I need to setup a toprope and lead up and fall on some placements to get over the fear.

Challenges overcome?
I work in a very sedentary profession, and have to make time during the week to do outdoor stuff. Lucky for me, my job is flexible and I can usually get away for a few hours while there's still daylight. Of course, weekends are always reserved for climbing. But I think it can be easy to fall into the trap of working more hours to make money at the expense of activity and exercise.

Climbing, and breaking into trad climbing is an accomplishment in itself. I am typically a cautious person, and a bit timid, which is good to keep oneself safe in a risky sport, but I had to overcome my fear and have confidence that I can manage most of the risks involved with climbing.

I have a list of areas that I want to be able to climb in:
Gunks, Indian Creek, etc
Maybe a bigwall, too

And for some reason, I have it in my head that I want to be able to climb 5.12 sport (I'm not even at 5.11 yet), and 5.10 trad (not even at 5.8 yet) someday - soon? I don't know why - I think I read too many of those damn climbing magazines.


Sep 16, 2005, 1:59 PM
Post #126 of 143 (11900 views)

Registered: Jul 18, 2005
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Howdy [In reply to]
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So what is your background (where do you live)? I grew up in Atascadero, CA. Two years ago, moved to Fairfax, VA. Will very soon be living in Castle Rock, CO.
Favorite type of climbing? I am 4-5 months new to climbing, so almost all of my experience has been with top-rope. I am taking a sport lead class currently and had my first opportunity this past weekend to follow on a trad. climb. My interest in trad. has been thoroughly piqued and I think this type of climbing will be my favorite in the near future. :D
Favorite places to climb and why? Don't really have any yet.
Technical expertise? Again, none yet.
Fears? Falling...I know the rope will catch me, but still...
Challenges overcome? I think every time I climb there are challenges overcome...both mental and physical.
Accomplishments? Climbing in itself feels like an accomplishment. I really am falling in love with it.
GoalsTo keep learning and never stop. I wanna do it all!


Sep 16, 2005, 3:37 PM
Post #127 of 143 (11900 views)

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Okay, so I've been here for 2 years but I haven't intro'd myself yet. Can't believe I haven't seen this before now!

So what is your background (where do you live)? The good ole state of PA for my entire life. Someday I entertain thoughts of moving out west, or anywhere with more rock (okay more quality rock, but all my industry is located around the mid-atlantic. Le sigh.
Favorite type of climbing? trad, baby.
Favorite places to climb and why? The Gunks, though I've only climbed a handful of places. Mostly I'm limited by my climbing ability. I'm sure I'd enjoy other areas more if I could climb a bit harder, but right now I love the plethora of easy trad routes that the GUnks offers so that I can get my trad leading up to par.
Technical expertise? None, really, but I've been told I place a mean nut and I certainly think I'm an expert at everything...
Fears? Falling, of course. Falling and swinging, in particular. Large pieces of rock coming down on my head or some other part of me.
Challenges overcome? Mostly I'm overcoming my cowardice, although recently I've been taking big steps in that area and am trying to focus on my technique so that I can climb harder.
Accomplishments? I just started leading trad in early June, and I think that's a pretty big accomplishment. I've gotten on some stuff that is only a grade or so below my comfort level following, and I've onsighted some routes that are harder than my 'comfort' level on unfamiliar rock...found out that sometimes I can do somethings I don't think I can! Also, been pushing myself on following routes that are harder, discovering that sometimes I climb harder than I think I can!
Goals To climb harder. To become more comfortable and expert in construction of different types of gear anchors. Someday, to do a big wall. To climb in the Buggs. To become the person I've always wanted to be. Mostly, just to live my life to its' fullest.


Sep 20, 2005, 10:11 PM
Post #128 of 143 (11900 views)

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Well I have posted a few times but I figured why not introduce myself.

So what is your background (where do you live)? I live in Lexington, KY and used to live in Jackson Hole, WY.
Favorite type of climbing? I LOVE bouldering!
Favorite places to climb and why? I love bouldering anywhere in the southeast as well as Bishop. I also like doing some roped climbing at the Red River Gorge with my "rope only" friends.
Technical expertise? I don't like leading but I love to lead belay and catch whippers :)
Fears? My first lead involved a big fall and I've never recovered, so I enjoy bouldering more.
Challenges overcome? I have never been able to climb consistently and I'm working on bouldering three weekends a month. I'm also trying to improve my overall head game with more positive thinking.
Accomplishments? I have been bouldering stronger than I ever thought I would after a 10 month break, all due I believe to a running program I began a few months ago.
Goals I want to do a lot more traveling (I love road trippin'!), get a lot stronger and learn to believe in myself more.


Oct 1, 2005, 5:08 AM
Post #129 of 143 (11900 views)

Registered: May 21, 2005
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Hi there! I've been reading the forums for months now, but for some reason I've never posted. So here I am, taking the plunge, and this seems like a good place to start! :)

So what is your background (where do you live)?
Originally I'm from Windhoek, Namibia but have been living near Cape Town, South Africa for the past 10 years until we moved to Atlanta, GA in December 2005.

Favorite type of climbing?
I've only done sports climbing so far, so I couldn't really say!

Favorite places to climb and why?
Silvermine near Cape Town because of the fantastic scenery (and good climbs, of course!) as well as Montague due to easy access and the vast number of routes. In the US I've only been to Foster Falls which was nice, but I'd like to check out some more areas - and that's exactly what we'll do now that fall's here!

Technical expertise?
Mmm, just the basics really - and not even all of them yet! :oops:

That somebody might get hurt badly in some or other way.

Challenges overcome?
Getting my head in the game and focusing more.

Getting onto overhangs! In the past I refused to climb anything that looked remotely overhanging and now that I'm training just a little bit harder I amaze myself with what I'm actually capable of if I just get on the rock and do it! And, of course, if I can crimp it, it sticks!

To constantly push myself to climb harder. To do my first lead. To try a bit of bouldering and to take great climbing pics!


Oct 1, 2005, 4:54 PM
Post #130 of 143 (11900 views)

Registered: Sep 25, 2005
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my intro [In reply to]
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So what is your background (where do you live)? In the flatlands of Iowa, but there are a few good rocks around here that are frequented by climbing types
Favorite type of climbing? Only done top rope climbing at the gym thus far. Sport climbing seems like the next place to go from here!
Favorite places to climb and why? So far, the rock wall at the gym! I just started about a month ago but I love it!
Technical expertise? I've learned a few skills from the mountaineering club at my university, but still learning a lot!
Fears? I think I will probably be very nervous the first time I venture out into real rocks. Right now, I seem pretty confident in the gym, although I'm sure I'll keep it low to the ground for a while... ;)
Challenges overcome? Working on overcoming my nonexistent arm strength
Accomplishments? Starting to be able to complete routes at the wall now instead of getting too tired halfway up!
Goals General fitness and strength training for now ... hopefully I can train hard over the winter and have my first real climb next spring!

I just started but I can say that I have never been this excited about physical activity ever. It seems that every other physical activity I do now is in order to improve my climbing skills and endurance. I'm glad to be fired up about it!! I've been an avid hiker and camper for years, but I'm really excited to add this to my interests and passions!!

The people here at my university's rock wall are also very supportive of newbies and I have felt generally very positive when I'm with them. They are all about encouraging and supporting eachother, and there are definitely some very skilled climbers in the bunch, but I think everyone realizes we're in Iowa and that no one can think of themselves as being very elite...


Oct 1, 2005, 9:17 PM
Post #131 of 143 (11900 views)

Registered: Jul 25, 2005
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Hey all!

Background: I was born and raised in Bangor, PA, and moved to the rival town, Pen Argyl, when I started grade school.

Favorite type of climbing?
Trad and bouldering

Favorite places to climb and why?
The Maine coastline :) because it's sooo beautiful. Who wouldn't want to climb right on the ocean, especially at sunset!

Technical expertise?
I've mostly toproped, but my brother recently taught me how to lead and second trad.

Rappelling :oops:

Challenges overcome?
Fear of heights! My hockey team went to a teamwork camp together, and at one point we had to walk across a wire rope 35 feet above the ground (on belay, of course :wink: ). I felt fine just standing there!

I was seconding my bro for the first time on a 5.7, and at one point I asked him to keep me on a tight belay. Well, he pulled the rope so hard I was pulled off the route and onto a short 5.11 variation. But I made it up! That's enough of an accomplishment for me. :wink:

Climbing: Be able to second 5.9 by next summer.
Other: Get accepted to and attend West Point, where I will join their climbing team (!) :P and ski patrol.

Nice "meeting" you all! -- :D Tara


Oct 4, 2005, 9:14 PM
Post #132 of 143 (11900 views)

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I live in Squamish (obviously) and have climbed on & off since '97. I climb mostly trad and have lead climbed as high as 5.9 and seconded and toproped up to 5.10 when I was in better condition than I am now.
Fears? Doing traverses. Hate 'em with a passion.

Technical expertise: Hmm. None to claim really, except thet I can retrieve pretty much any piece of gear my husband sinks into the rock. I place a good hex now & again too.

Challenges overcome? Getting out of the house these days.

Accomplishments? Just did broke a 2 year climbing dry spell by climbing Diedre with Squish, swapping leads & thoroughly enjoying a rare kid-free day this past Labor Day.

Goals? Lose 2 kids worth of baby weight & reassert my drive to get out there.

Anna V


Oct 5, 2005, 9:17 PM
Post #133 of 143 (11900 views)

Registered: Oct 5, 2005
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
I am a euro mut, like many in canada (Swedish, norweigan, dutch and scottish to be exact) and i live in Surrey, B.C :)

Favorite type of climbing?
I am a newwwwwbieeeee so i cant comment really.. bouldering seems tuff because im a weakling still :(
Favorite places to climb and why?
Again cant really comment, but i absolutly loveeeeee hiking in tofino. I've always been one to venture off the beaten trail... climbing over and around things in search of adventuer has always been more my style.
Technical expertise?
Not alot... i learned how to belay (haha) but i havent even done my test yet. LoL
Spiders.... and sticking my hand into a hold with spiders in it... encountering a spider while dangling hundreds of feet above ground. EEK
Challenges overcome?
Fear of spiders
I haven't got many.. i graduated hi-skool in 03, other than that.. not alot
To get my 200hr yoga teaching certification, see the world by foot with my bf, go on an expedition in the bugaboos, and patagonia, warm up in the blue lagoon, have kids, have smile wrinkles so deep you could grate cheeze on them in my old age years.


Oct 6, 2005, 9:42 PM
Post #134 of 143 (11900 views)

Registered: Apr 19, 2004
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
I grew up in Seward, Alaska! Small town, 3,000 people. Going to college in Anchorage right now. I've been climbing on and off for about 3 years now
Favorite type of climbing?
I love to climb out-doors!! Things are so much more challenging 'cause you aren't looking at all these pink and bright blue things in a gym. Top roping is really cool too!

Favorite places to climb and why?
Along Turnagain Arm by Anchorage, loads of good climbing places. Can't wait until next summer to get outside again!
Technical expertise?

I'm still afraid of falling, the rope will catch me but it's all in my mind..

Challenges overcome?
School is totally taking away from play time! It's hard to find time to go climbing or just exercise in general. Also bad balance.

I was so happy the other day when I could climb all the 5.8 routes at the gym. I know people say # don't mean anything but it's a good sense of accomplishment. Now on to 5.9 and .10! :)

I want to learn to do lead climbing and the more technical aspects of climbing. Also want to go Outside (that's the rest of the U.S. for all non-Alaskans) and climb in Utah and Colorado...

See you out there,


Dec 16, 2005, 1:40 AM
Post #135 of 143 (11900 views)

Registered: Sep 7, 2004
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Hi again. Thought I'd update.


I am 38, grew up in Michigan, 20's in NYC, became obsessed with primarily alpine climbing about 7 years ago. Moved to Co last year to ice climb every day then ended up in SoCal aid climbing this past summer. Still in LA area.


Tossup. Aid, alpine, ice. I admit alpine ice is still more of a goal than an accomplishment at this point. I enjoy water ice and mixed very much, even though I suck at mixed.


Another tossup. For ice, Ouray and Alberta. Ouray cause you can get in great ice and mixed shape fast. For high mountains, anywhere. Loved where I have been. Peru is great cause once you buy the ticket everything else is really cheap. I am currently fixated on aid, love Yosie walls, and want to climb La Esfinge in Peru, in a combined alpine and aid trip. For sport, Smith or Tahoe so far, because I like thin face and thin crack. For trad, anywhere and I suck on trad.


Solid intermediate "all-arounder" experience. Good rope management; trad, aid, and ice rope soloing experience; decent anchor skills. Climbed El Cap. Have a Wilderness First Responder and anatomy training. Good "crisis head." Practiced in crevasse rescue, including one-on-one. Some glacier travel experience in the great ranges, and some avalanche and self-rescue training. A hypothermic solo emergency bivy and rap experience. Bear safety and backpacking skills. Have led waterfall ice to WI4+, followed 5-5+. Have led A3 (not C3) clean, though I am admittedly slow. Some experience with crampon technique and one-tool mountain climbing in both Alaska and Peru. Poor ski skills, however, and poor trad and sport leading head, though I managed to sport redpoint to 11a and onsite to 10c, Yos trad lead 5.8.


Oh, boy, yeh! The list, let's see...That I gave up a career but won't achieve my alpine dreams... That I won't have money left to travel to the great ranges in the future. Or partners. Fears of finding partners, that's a biggie. Social ineptitude. Climbing fears? Crappy lead head when free climbing, better on aid, and ice. Inordinate fear of falling even when intellectually know it's safe (read, fear of losing control). I'm reading the Rock Warrior's Way currently. Maybe will help some.


To answer this requires positive self-appraisal, not my forte. Er, have overcome inertia and self-defeating thoughts on a number of occaisions. Like actually having the fortitude to do the damn solo aid climb last month. Like leading Rigid Designator and Bridalveil Falls despite fears made hyperadrinergic and gut-wrenching by past trauma experiences. Just devoting my life to being a climber has been a challenge: deciding I would keep climbing not only despite the fact that I sort of suck, but in fact exactly because I suck, am not a natural athlete, and it's a huge challenge for my ego to keep going in a field I don't really excel. In one instance I learned a great deal from the experience of going from a mess secretly snivelling in my tent in Alaska, just wanting to go home, to not wanting to leave and feeling strong by the end of the trip. Oh, another big challenge to overcome was geographical: living in the midwest/east and having to uproot and finally get west for my climbing!!


Moving west to climb full-time finally! The biggest accomplishment by far! Another: just up and deciding to learn water ice a couple years ago, figuring out how to go about this, and then doing it. Later, leading hard water ice. Becoming a climber with solid all-around experience. Learning enough in one aid season to complete a solo aid climb, and to lead A3. Rapping down the Leaning Tower gully system (read: waterfalls) alone in the storm in Oct 2004, fighting moderately severe hypothermia, an emergency bivy, and objective hazard.


Oh geez. Some goals that are just dreams, that are admittedly probably a bit too ambitious. So I will keep to myself for now and see where this life goes. But, goals, this winter, more hard ice leads. Greater comfort on vert ice, like actually being able to stop and put in screws on 4+/5 terrain. Less shrieking and wailing when climbing on the same, and on free rock. Alpine ice, alpine ice, alpine ice. Preferably in the big mountains, overseas. Technical "trekking peaks" in Himalaya. Ham-n-Eggs, and even more technical climbs that are as I said too embarrasingly ambitious to mention, in Alaska and elsewhere. Interested in Wrangall-St. Elias. Interested in first ascents of aid or mountain routes. More a dream, that. Aid in Peru, this one will happen. Aid in Greenland as a pleasant dreamy dream. Aid elsewhere in the mountains. Should I put meet the generous millionaire full-time climbing partner as a goal or is that a dream? Kidding, kidding (er...). But making money somehow in the outdoors field would be awfully nice. Meeting good women to climb with is a HUGE goal. A solo of El Capitan next season. El Cap with a partner next season. [update-Yee ha, did this!]
Another goal - talk less. Be concise and do not tire people with too many words.


Dec 17, 2005, 3:20 PM
Post #136 of 143 (11900 views)

Registered: Sep 1, 2005
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intoduce myself. [In reply to]
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So what is your background (where do you live)? Raised in Chicago, IL. Moved to New Orleans (a goal of mine that took me 10 years to accomplish!) then Katrina hit, now I'm living in Austin!

Favorite type of climbing? I mainly boulder. I really really wanna learn to lead climb tho. Work, or lack of it, is getting in the way of climbing. That should change after Christmas, tho!

Favorite places to climb and why? the Greenbelt here in Austin, TX is really close, and has so many routes- TR, sport and bouldering...Enchanted rock seems awesome, but I need someone who knows the area before I can say anything more about that place.

Technical expertise? None, really. Even my knots suck. But I can make stained glass windows- does that count?

Fears? Landing. hahahaha. I guess my biggest fear is getting hurt so bad I'm in the hospital, or a wheelchair. I don't have insurance, so I'd be screwed if I so much as break a bone.

Challenges overcome? Since the hurricane, I've been unemployed or marginally employed. Right now, that's my biggest hurdle. I can't afford the gas to take unnecessary trips, and it's killing me. In other areas, foreword progress is like swimming thru molasses. School is going so slow.

Accomplishments? I just got a job as the a restaurant on 6th street. I also, last summer at a gym in New Orleans, trained my first climber. She walked into the gym with me (there are no rocks in NOLA) barely able to get up a 5.5. By the end of summer, she was busting up 5.11b's. She's never (her words, not mine) been graceful, athletic or physical. She is now all of the above. The kids got amazing confidence now. I helped her get over one of her final challenges. It felt great!

Goals God. There are so many. I am stuck at 5.12a, and I have to get past that soon. I want to lead climb. I want to be climbing 4 days a week again, even if 2 of those days are in a gym, again. I want to finish school. I want a *good* job, with insurance. I want, I want, I want....

Well, that's me.

Partner paige_tpm1

Aug 17, 2006, 12:52 PM
Post #137 of 143 (11900 views)

Registered: Aug 14, 2006
Posts: 14

Hello Ladies! [In reply to]
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I just started climbing so here is a little about myself and other adventures. Look forward to meeting and climbing with many of you.

So what is your background (where do you live)?
I currently reside in the Sunshine state. I've been in FL for 2 years now, moved down to skydive. Winters in Ohio aren't really good for that.

Favorite type of climbing?
Since I just began in April, I've only gone to our indoor gym. I hit up the Gunks next weekend though (top roping since I'm no where near a lead climber).

Favorite places to climb and why?
I've only been to one but I like my gym, it's a nice place with nice people.

Technical expertise?
I'm an indoor skydiving instructor, event organizer, founder of a breast cancer fundraiser, and new climber (or wanna be :lol:)

Reinjuring my hip. I had a bad skydiving accident in 2004 where I broke my acetabulum (the socket, not the ball of the hip). 2 plates, 7 screws. If you reinjur something with metal, the bone shatters instead of breaking again. The metal shreds it :(

Challenges overcome?
Skydiving after my accident. I broke all but a few cenemeters of the left side of my body, and I am still not 100%. I am working with a trainer several days a week to get back to my normal self.

Tunnel for the Cause. A yearly 'flight' against breast cancer.
Event Founder and Organizer.

I hold a huge breast cancer fundraiser to benefit Jump for the Cause (women's world skydiving record attempt) and the City of Hope (cancer research and development). All proceeds raised benefit the cause! Everyone is affected by breast cancer and I won't stop the fight until we are all cancer free!

To have fun and be safe on every climb I undertake.


Nov 3, 2006, 6:25 PM
Post #138 of 143 (11900 views)

Registered: Sep 20, 2006
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
Heya! I'm 26, Toronto

Favorite type of climbing?
Multi-pitch Trad!! I did my first trad lead in August.

Favorite places to climb and why?
Want to travel more to check out more areas but I climbed in Wales (Snowdonia) in July, went up a few thousand feet which was way cool, 12 hours start to finish. In Ontario my fav places are Bon Echo (mmmm exposure.... it's the only Ontario multi-pitch I know of) and Lions Head (climbing with a view of the water is SO nice).

Technical expertise?
gear, knots, rope management etc.
had a quick lesson in rescue/hauling that I'd like to re-learn

Lead falls (almost never never fall, I even down climb in the gym!)

Going up! Nothing like getting to the top


to climb a mountain with an all-women group

to dirt bag all of my 30th year, quit work and climb all over north america (missedyno -- if you're reading this I really enjoyed your blog, came across it right after i made the decision/started saving to do it... If anyone else has done a long trip on a shoestring budget I'd love to hear your stories)

and to develop more grace under fire (i can be mean when i'm scared) cause climbing isn't just about making my body stronger -- it's about making my mind and heart stronger too!!

Nice to meet you all -- It's been really fun reading.


Nov 9, 2006, 4:00 PM
Post #139 of 143 (11900 views)

Registered: Nov 2, 2006
Posts: 564

Noob kid on the block [In reply to]
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So what is your background (where do you live)? I live an hour from some of apparently the best climbing in the US, if not the world, and yet only started climbing this fall. I decided I needed a new diversion for the biking off-season. I am a life-long bike nut - road, mtbike and most recently, BMX racing. I have 7 bikes and a shop in my garage most of my men biking friends are jealous of. So, ask me any bike-related question you want, but I don't ask me about climbing just yet.

Favorite type of climbing? Uh, the gym? It's all I know. I hope to get out on real rock when the world warms up in the spring. My friends have threatened to take me ice climbing this winter. I hope they aren't trying to kill me.

Favorite places to climb and why? The Inner Wall in New Paltz. It's the only place I've been. Like I said, I'm a total Noob with a captial "N". I freely admit this. I have no shame.

Technical expertise? None. It's nice that for once, my too-long-to-fit-most-shirts arms are finally an asset. I have strong legs from years of cycling, and I hear that will help. I weigh 125lbs and can squat 170lbs, and could probably go higher, but my doctor says I risk a hernia because of a previous abdominal surgery. Foot strength may be an issue, since they have always been supported by stiff-soled cycling shoes.

Fears? Falling. Gawd, I hate falling. I've acquired a long list of broken bones from biking and skiing mishaps, and nearly broke my neck in a hang gliding incident at age 18. My biggest fear is that I will wet myself from sheer terror if I take a screamer.

Challenges overcome? No climbing-related challenges yet. I'm still defining what they are. Personal challenges, many. Most notably surviving a neglected and abusive childhood to become a happy and productive adult. I am a recovering workaholic.

Accomplishments? I bought my very own climbing shoes and harness. Hey, it's a start.

Goals Learn good form and footwork, and have fun climbing without injuring myself.


Nov 23, 2006, 4:41 AM
Post #140 of 143 (2252 views)

Registered: Nov 23, 2006
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Re: [climberchic] Introduce Yourselves! [In reply to]
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So what is your background (where do you live)?
As this is my first (beer!) post I'll do the full intro. My name is Kelly, though I prefer to go by kelz or kel or to some, Joz. I'm a skydiver and a well traveled (domestically, at least) 20 something. I live in Southern New Jersey, near Philadelphia. I took some rope rescue courses in the past, mostly learning how to fetch skydivers out of trees. I didn't really ever retain anything except my desire to keep doing it. During a recent skydiving trip some jumper friends took me on a nice hike/ climb. Two days later we were setting up camp at Joshua Tree. Now I'm hooked, I've landed a great paying job, and I'm heading back to Joshua Tree during the holidays to really get into learning how to climb. I'm currently looking for indoor gyms to join in my area.

Giles or Frankie, if you're a member here say hi Smile

Favorite type of climbing? Too inexperienced to give this a legit answer.

Favorite places to climb and why? Haven't been to enough places yet.

Technical expertise? Minimal. Some training long ago; nothing to really rely upon.

Fears? regarding climbing? Finding myself stuck somewhere. Getting hurt and not being able to skydive anymore.

Challenges overcome? Started jumping again after 4 years away. If I can do that, get back into it after being out so long, I can do anything. Smile

Accomplishments? Traveling so much. Living simply.

Goals To be a trusted climbing partner, safe, cautious, aware of my (and my climbing partners) limits.


Nov 24, 2006, 11:46 PM
Post #141 of 143 (2206 views)

Registered: Nov 24, 2006
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Re: Introduce Yourselves! [In reply to]
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Hi There! here's my info...

So what is your background (where do you live)?
I'm 28, live in Vancouver, BC. I've been climbing now for about a year and a half so still pretty new!

Favorite type of climbing?
I like sport, probably b/c its similar to the stuff I've been doing in the gym. Easy slab is pretty fun too, altho harder slab freaks me out still...

Favorite places to climb and why?
I love Skaha! There's a ton of easy sport that's well protected. I love the sharpness of the rock and the crimpy features. I also love climbing in the Malamutes on a clear day, overlooking the water.

Technical expertise?
Yeah not much at this point...I can tie my figure 8 on the first try? ;) My only expertise might be that I've tried a variety of stuff so far - quite a fair bit of trad so laybacking different types of corners, flakes, finger locks, hand jams - sport routes, slab routes, i did 1 day of ice climbing last winter, multi-pitch etc..etc.. not an expert of any kind but i've tried!

I fear bouldering and falling from high up even onto the mats in the gym. I also feel intimidated by all the "good" boulderers at the gym, how everyone is standing around watching me flail on the v0's!!

Challenges overcome?
Rapelling for me was a huge challenge. Also getting over the whole rating system - i would be intimidated by high grades so much that i wouldn't even try b/c i'd "know" it was too hard for me. now i just try to ignore the grade and try it anyways... there is such a huge variation in how routes are rated.

Definately my first few multipitches and a 6 pitch climb I did are highlights... My first lead climb and sucessfull hand jams too were really exciting.

My goals are MANY - to lead something i've never TR'ed before (sport), to improve my footwork, to improve my movement and conserving strength. To be brave enough to boulder in the gym on a busy day with all the ppl watching! eek...

A goal I have for the next 2-3 years is to climb the Ultimate Everything on the Chief.

Nice to meet you all!!


Nov 29, 2006, 6:00 AM
Post #142 of 143 (2167 views)

Registered: Apr 4, 2004
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Re: [squiffany] Howdy [In reply to]
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[quote "squiffany"][b]So what is your background (where do you live)? [/b]I grew up in Atascadero, CA. Two years ago, moved to Fairfax, VA. Will very soon be living in Castle Rock, CO.
[b]Favorite type of climbing? [/b]I am 4-5 months new to climbing, so almost all of my experience has been with top-rope. I am taking a sport lead class currently and had my first opportunity this past weekend to follow on a trad. climb. My interest in trad. has been thoroughly piqued and I think this type of climbing will be my favorite in the near future. :D
[b]Favorite places to climb and why? [/b]Don't really have any yet.
[b]Technical expertise? [/b]Again, none yet.
[b]Fears? [/b]Falling...I know the rope will catch me, but still...
[b]Challenges overcome? [/b]I think every time I climb there are challenges overcome...both mental and physical.
[b]Accomplishments? [/b]Climbing in itself feels like an accomplishment. I really am falling in love with it.
[b]Goals[/b]To keep learning and never stop. I wanna do it all![/quote]

Hey Squiffany! A little early welcome to Colorado - you'll dig it here. I can't say much for Castle Rock as I live in Denver but you just can't beat Colorado. :)


Dec 3, 2006, 7:30 AM
Post #143 of 143 (2121 views)

Registered: May 31, 2006
Posts: 6

Re: [climberchic] Introduce Yourselves! [In reply to]
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hey hey everyone-
So what is your background (where do you live)? I've lived in Flagstaff, Az anchorage, ak and spokane, wa.
Favorite type of climbing? sport climbing outside
Favorite places to climb and why? hatchers pass for the amazing rocks and vararity of routes and most places along the highway south of anchorage
Technical expertise? I have a bit, decent at sport, and have done a few trad routes, but am not confident w/placing my own pro. a smidgen of ice and alpine climbing as well
Fears? tangling myself in the ropes when i fall and going for a hold only to find it drop off into space
Challenges overcome? overthinking problems, you just have to do it sometimes!
Accomplishments? leading my first 5.11 and climbing the "wave wall" at my local gym
Goals to climb a 5.12, becoming more proficent at placing pro and climb overseas

nice to meet you all,

(This post was edited by arctic_queen on Dec 3, 2006, 7:34 AM)

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