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This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed)
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Aug 3, 2015, 6:23 PM
Post #1 of 238 (77965 views)

Registered: Jun 30, 2002
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This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed)
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So Jeff, you locked the thread titled This place is DEAD! In effect, eliminating one of the few remaining active topics anyone concerned about the site can offer up advice. Not sure why, unless you were feeling insecure. Let it run. Let people have discussion.

As far as achieving the site culture you said that you desired in your first post, I'd say that you have been able to successfully achieve it. The cost is to you and the site, as people were invited to leave via your invitation, and they did. Perhaps you might consider what you really wanted?

Jeff wrote:
Regarding site culture:
There are just a couple of things that are non-negotiable based on who I am as a person and what kind of site I want to be associated with. You can sum most of them up as be friendly, treat people, including women, with respect, don't be a jerk, and treat others how you'd want to be treated. The rockclimbing community tends to be a little rough around the edges, thrill-seeking, rules-pushing, heart-pounding awesomeness. No problems there--I was the kid growing up who drove the town roundabout backwards every so often just to feel like a rebel. But I'm not going to tolerate sexually crude remarks or slamming n00bs. People who want to do those things can go find another site. I haven't seen problems with these things so far, but just wanted to set the ground rules.


JimTitt wrote:
JimTitt wrote:
set up a sin-bin where the bad boys can mouth of to each other and we can watch the fun from the sidelines.

Jeff wrote:
Lol. Not really cool with that--I'd like to hit reset on that part of this site's culture.

Overall, the crew here is pretty friendly (and many of you have known each other for years), but occasionally threads disintegrate into drama, and when that happens I'll delete those posts and hand out warnings/time outs. It's going to take a little bit for us to all re-calibrate so I will do my best to over-communicate and give any offenders a reasonable chance to change before perma-banning them. That said, if it becomes clear someone needs to be banned, I won't hesitate to do that.

Disagreement is totally fine (and healthy), being rude and prickly, or personal attacks or crude remarks can go elsewhere. I'm still building my "strike zone" on where the line is, so we'll just see how it goes.

I'm not sure why you would ignore and rebuff a person of Jimtitts stature and intelligence. I find crap like that offensive. You are going to give ME a timeout? I'm 60 years old, have been rockclimbing for 43 years. I own my own business and don't need you to be my mother. You can choose to turn this site around right now. Encourage people to get in there and pitch their BS and spit and argue with each other. Let it roll baby. If someone gets personal and offers up something too far over the line, just quietly delete their comment. Don't F***ing lecture or talk down to them for speaking what they perceive is the truth- nobody here is a child. Except for maybe Sungum, but he's Scottish and growing out of it, plus he's hilariously funny. Heheh.

PS, please don't consider this a snarky post. The conflict/activity and bandying that defined disappeared, and with it -your customers and the things that made it interesting. This is why, not any other reason. Not back end, not front end, not less climbers, not facebook. I've been here a long time, I'm offering this in a respectful manner -let people have active discourse. Give it a thought.

(This post was edited by billcoe_ on Aug 3, 2015, 6:30 PM)


Aug 3, 2015, 7:49 PM
Post #2 of 238 (77941 views)

Registered: Jun 11, 2003
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Re: [billcoe_] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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Well said ^. I miss the vibrancy and relevance of the old I don't miss some of the ass hat attack mentality some posters had, but they were a small minority and often added needed counterpoint.


Aug 4, 2015, 8:37 AM
Post #3 of 238 (77793 views)

Registered: Sep 8, 2004
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Re: [billcoe_] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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-- repost from the other thread ---

Users: I'll tell you what's wrong with it, my lad. it's dead, that's what's wrong with it!

Owner: No, no, it's uh,'s resting.

Users: Look, matey, I know a dead website when I see one, and I'm looking at one right now.

Owner: No no it's not dead, it's, its restin! Remarkable site, the, idn'it, ay? Beautiful threads and databases!

Users: The threads and databases don't enter into it. It's stone dead.

Owner: Nononono, no, no! it's resting!

Users: All right then, if it's restin', I'll wake him up! (shouting at the site) 'Ello, Mister website! I've got a lovely fresh cuttle picture for you if you show...

(owner hits the site)

Owner: There, it moved!

Users: No, he didn't, that was you hitting the site!

Owner: I never!!

Users: Yes, you did!

Owner: I never, never did anything...

Users: (yelling and hitting the cage repeatedly) 'ELLO POLLY!!!!! Testing! Testing! Testing! Testing! This is your nine o'clock alarm call!

Users: Now that's what I call a dead website.

Owner: No, no.....No, it's stunned!

Users: STUNNED?!?

Owner: Yeah! You stunned him, just as he was wakin' up! climbing sites stun easily, major.

Users: look, mate, I've definitely 'ad enough of this. That website is definitely deceased, and when you purchased it not 'alf a year ago, you assured me that its total lack of movement was due to it bein' tired and shagged out following a prolonged redesign.

Users: Look, I took the liberty of examining that website when I got it home, and I discovered the only reason that it had been sitting on its perch in the first place was that the threads had been NAILED there.


...Users: it's not pinin'! it's passed on! This site is no more! It has ceased to be! it's expired and gone to meet its maker! it's a stiff! Bereft of life, it rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed it to the perch it'd be pushing up the daisies! Its metabolic processes are now 'istory! it's off the twig! it's kicked the bucket, it's shuffled off its mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!! THIS IS AN EX-SITE!!


Aug 4, 2015, 8:46 AM
Post #4 of 238 (77788 views)

Registered: Sep 8, 2004
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Re: [billcoe_] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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By the way,

as of now, it's been more than a month that jeff has logged on to the site, so you might want to send a PM or a Mail, or a call...;

(copy pasted because i can't be asked to make a screenshot and embed it...)

Forums : Profile : Jeff

Registered: Oct 29, 2013, 4:21 AM
Last Logon: Jun 28, 2015, 3:16 AM
Posts: 173 (0.3 per day)
Local Time: Aug 4, 2015, 4:44 AM

(This post was edited by iknowfear on Aug 4, 2015, 11:45 AM)


Aug 4, 2015, 2:43 PM
Post #5 of 238 (77746 views)

Registered: Jun 30, 2002
Posts: 4694

Re: [iknowfear] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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Nice Python reference! Are you suggesting Jeff logged on, locked the "This is DEAD!" thread;so=ASC And then left?

Whoah........OK then.


Aug 4, 2015, 4:05 PM
Post #6 of 238 (77719 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2006
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Re: [billcoe_] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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billcoe_ wrote:

Nice Python reference! Are you suggesting Jeff logged on, locked the "This is DEAD!" thread;so=ASC And then left?

Whoah........OK then.

Yes, pretty much. Jeff has other things on his plate, site updating is more difficult, time-consuming, and confusing than he anticipated.

So, changes to this website might happen, but slowly, and with uncertain time table.

Is this place still worth something to you? Then to hell with the outdated forum layout. Just start talking.

Want to turn this into a new active thread? O.K., it is Tuesday, what are you up to? Angelic


Aug 4, 2015, 10:52 PM
Post #7 of 238 (77671 views)

Registered: Sep 8, 2004
Posts: 670

Re: [lena_chita] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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lena_chita wrote:
billcoe_ wrote:

Nice Python reference! Are you suggesting Jeff logged on, locked the "This is DEAD!" thread;so=ASC And then left?

Whoah........OK then.

Yes, pretty much. Jeff has other things on his plate, site updating is more difficult, time-consuming, and confusing than he anticipated.

So, changes to this website might happen, but slowly, and with uncertain time table.

Is this place still worth something to you? Then to hell with the outdated forum layout. Just start talking.

Want to turn this into a new active thread? O.K., it is Tuesday, what are you up to? Angelic

Just got back from climbing. A small 15 m Cliff, but with a 2 min approach (useful with current forecast). Aptly named Spinnenfels; everything was full (!) of spiderwebs. I think that climbing there would cure people of arachnaphobia as you HAD to reach through the web for the holds.

The routes itself were ok... one notices that it gets darker earlier again :-(


Aug 4, 2015, 10:54 PM
Post #8 of 238 (77669 views)

Registered: Sep 8, 2004
Posts: 670

Re: [billcoe_] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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billcoe_ wrote:

Nice Python reference! Are you suggesting Jeff logged on, locked the "This is DEAD!" thread;so=ASC And then left?

Whoah........OK then.

cheers, I'm glad you liked it.

it looks like jeffs last action was to lock the other thread, although, the forum software being buggy as it is, he could be logged on right now, and the last logon date is wrong. I would not hold my breath for a reply, though...

(This post was edited by iknowfear on Aug 4, 2015, 11:00 PM)


Aug 5, 2015, 4:19 AM
Post #9 of 238 (77628 views)

Registered: Jun 30, 2002
Posts: 4694

Re: [lena_chita] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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lena_chita wrote:
Jeff has other things on his plate, site updating is more difficult, time-consuming, and confusing than he anticipated.

So, changes to this website might happen, but slowly, and with uncertain time table.

Is this place still worth something to you? Then to hell with the outdated forum layout. Just start talking.

Want to turn this into a new active thread? O.K., it is Tuesday, what are you up to? Angelic

OK, just admit that you didn't read a damned word of my original post maybe past the title and I might step up and start talkin'.

Or knott.

Maybe I need to copy paste my own post so as to have it read? Shakes head.


Aug 5, 2015, 1:22 PM
Post #10 of 238 (77564 views)

Registered: Apr 17, 2004
Posts: 248

Re: [billcoe_] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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billcoe_ wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
Jeff has other things on his plate, site updating is more difficult, time-consuming, and confusing than he anticipated.

So, changes to this website might happen, but slowly, and with uncertain time table.

Is this place still worth something to you? Then to hell with the outdated forum layout. Just start talking.

Want to turn this into a new active thread? O.K., it is Tuesday, what are you up to? Angelic

OK, just admit that you didn't read a damned word of my original post maybe past the title and I might step up and start talkin'.

Or knott.

Maybe I need to copy paste my own post so as to have it read? Shakes head.

Quick get the's not dead yet! I think its still breathing,

or is this just a death gasp.


Aug 5, 2015, 3:35 PM
Post #11 of 238 (77542 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2006
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Re: [billcoe_] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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billcoe_ wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
Jeff has other things on his plate, site updating is more difficult, time-consuming, and confusing than he anticipated.

So, changes to this website might happen, but slowly, and with uncertain time table.

Is this place still worth something to you? Then to hell with the outdated forum layout. Just start talking.

Want to turn this into a new active thread? O.K., it is Tuesday, what are you up to? Angelic

OK, just admit that you didn't read a damned word of my original post maybe past the title and I might step up and start talkin'.

Or knott.

Maybe I need to copy paste my own post so as to have it read? Shakes head.

Your original post was addressed to Jeff. Who is probably not going to read it soon. And probably won't try to further justify his previous actions, if/when he reads it.

Nobody else can do it (or wants to), in Jeff's stead.

But you want to yell at someone, or argue with someone, anyway. And I responded... so now you're going to yell at me? It's O.K., I understand, I have teenagers at home.

yelling is a good way to vent some excess frustration. Keep on, please!


Aug 5, 2015, 3:39 PM
Post #12 of 238 (77540 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2006
Posts: 6087

Re: [iknowfear] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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iknowfear wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
billcoe_ wrote:

Nice Python reference! Are you suggesting Jeff logged on, locked the "This is DEAD!" thread;so=ASC And then left?

Whoah........OK then.

Yes, pretty much. Jeff has other things on his plate, site updating is more difficult, time-consuming, and confusing than he anticipated.

So, changes to this website might happen, but slowly, and with uncertain time table.

Is this place still worth something to you? Then to hell with the outdated forum layout. Just start talking.

Want to turn this into a new active thread? O.K., it is Tuesday, what are you up to? Angelic

Just got back from climbing. A small 15 m Cliff, but with a 2 min approach (useful with current forecast). Aptly named Spinnenfels; everything was full (!) of spiderwebs. I think that climbing there would cure people of arachnaphobia as you HAD to reach through the web for the holds.

The routes itself were ok... one notices that it gets darker earlier again :-(

I've climbed couple routes like that (spider-infested), but it seemed to have an opposite effect on me. There was one spider... I swear, I HEARD the "thunk" sound it made after it hit the ground from 50 feet up!


Aug 5, 2015, 3:42 PM
Post #13 of 238 (77537 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2006
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Re: [roadstead] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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roadstead wrote:
billcoe_ wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
Jeff has other things on his plate, site updating is more difficult, time-consuming, and confusing than he anticipated.

So, changes to this website might happen, but slowly, and with uncertain time table.

Is this place still worth something to you? Then to hell with the outdated forum layout. Just start talking.

Want to turn this into a new active thread? O.K., it is Tuesday, what are you up to? Angelic

OK, just admit that you didn't read a damned word of my original post maybe past the title and I might step up and start talkin'.

Or knott.

Maybe I need to copy paste my own post so as to have it read? Shakes head.

Quick get the's not dead yet! I think its still breathing,

or is this just a death gasp.
It's a heavy handed attempt at resuscitation. Rib-breaking CPR, and all.


Aug 5, 2015, 5:59 PM
Post #14 of 238 (77508 views)

Registered: Aug 14, 2004
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Re: [lena_chita] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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Evidently there's some demand this site satisfies which others don't, or people wouldn't keep remarking on its passing or calling for its resuscitation; that demand may just be nostalgia, old bookmarks and an unwillingness to let go. The good news it seems we've reached the bargaining stage of the five stages of loss, so only two more to go to acceptance.

While from a forum participant perspective this site may appear to be dead, from an owner perspective it's doing great and they're focusing on the right things if stats are anything to go by: unique visitors this summer are 3-4x greater than last year. is in the top 3 non-news/non-local google results for "rock climbing", an impressive feat for a mobile unfriendly site in a post-mobilegeddon world; MountainProject and SuperTopo don't make the first three pages.

When it comes to rebuilding the site, the job is getting increasingly difficult. The number of mobile-only adult internet users exceeded the number of desktop-only internet users this year; addressing mobile is going to require more than new forum software.


Aug 5, 2015, 6:41 PM
Post #15 of 238 (77490 views)

Registered: Jun 30, 2002
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Re: [lena_chita] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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lena_chita wrote:
But you want to yell at someone, or argue with someone, anyway. And I responded... so now you're going to yell at me? It's O.K., I understand, I have teenagers at home.
Haha! "I have Teenagers at home"..LOL. Thanks for that.

Well it bought Dave (Roadstead) out of hibernation, he's even older than me!! Hola Dave!!! Long long time. Teenagers, heh. Hey, my son texts me, "I'm coming home dad, do you have 70meter rope?" I replied "I'll check". Go find a brand new one hucked it on the bed he'd be saying in during the visit. It turns out that he's bringing me a 70M rope. He's been doing your guys new routes in Hells canyon and if you don't have a 70 you are hanging in space. So he got a prodeal on a 70M rope and remembered his father!!!

Anyway, I haven't been to Hell yet, not much of a bolt clipper, but probably will get over there at some point. Thanks for putting in some kick ass routes!

Iknowfear: any pictures of spiders? I can tell you my Funnel Web Spider story while climbing in Australia. No photos but from Wiki: "Australian funnel-webs are one of the most dangerous groups of spiders in the world and are regarded by some to be the most deadly, both in terms of clinical cases and venom toxicity"

(This post was edited by billcoe_ on Aug 5, 2015, 6:46 PM)


Aug 5, 2015, 8:49 PM
Post #16 of 238 (77455 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2006
Posts: 6087

Re: [billcoe_] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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billcoe_ wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
But you want to yell at someone, or argue with someone, anyway. And I responded... so now you're going to yell at me? It's O.K., I understand, I have teenagers at home.
Haha! "I have Teenagers at home"..LOL. Thanks for that.

You are welcome. See, you might not believe it, but I DID read your first post, and I do know how old (approximately) you are. But even guys in their prime (hehe!) can act like teenagers.

billcoe_ wrote:
Iknowfear: any pictures of spiders? I can tell you my Funnel Web Spider story while climbing in Australia. No photos but from Wiki: "Australian funnel-webs are one of the most dangerous groups of spiders in the world and are regarded by some to be the most deadly, both in terms of clinical cases and venom toxicity"

Note to self: put Australia further down on my have-to-climb-it list. It won't be so sad if I die from a spider bite at a more mature age.


Aug 5, 2015, 9:08 PM
Post #17 of 238 (77451 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2006
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Re: [billcoe_] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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Bill has it right, its a dead site, with a few worms and some gas making the corpse twitch. This thread is a meta thread, a thread about posting threads not about making climbing posts. We are like Angels overlooking the casket.

Yes, the new owner has now re calibrated his site. This is what Absolute Zero looks like; or as close to is as stochastic noise allows.

He got what he asked for, a site without chaos, bitchen, bitch slapping, ripping, lying and threats of any sort. No disrespect here either. No fucking nuthing.

So you now have your calibration. A climbing site that welcomes Rokjox and those others who seem to have a attitude and a reputation and people who dislike them maybe, too. A site with a SHITLOAD of posts and replies, a barroom battle every day and a big return, a site vibrant with discord and making a lot of clicks;

or a drop dead quiet site no-one is interested in except obsessive-compulsive fist fighting old mountaineers, like me. A site even I can get nothing out of, it just that the obsessive/compulsive thing means that I tune in on the barest CHANCE something has changed, that someone has responded to something I wrote perhaps. Not that there is a real turn of the wheel, that the wind may have changed something.

Check Alexis for the rank. RC is dead and I would post the BLANK CHARK that represents Superstupids popularity now. RC is running on its prior reputation, it had a lot of airspeed and altitude once. Now it doesn't, its almost hitting the ground... ""So FAR so GOOD, EH?!!" the moron muttered as the plane dove into the ice"

I post it, but you can't post an image here anymore, still, right? Too cheap to put up the server space?? Hope you get done calibrating this dump before irreparable brain death sets in. You think this thing will just sit in a frozen hell waiting on you to get out of the hibernation tank?

You COULD HIRE some actual expertize. Not everyone that climbs are idiots, some are programmers. Better ones than you. With a little kissing up to your base, that bigass database that is, you might be able to get some worthwile shit done, AND in this decade.

Truth is, damn few owners are as smart as they say, most fatcats depend on the skills of others and a ruthless exploitation of blind luck. Ask the Donald.

Did he make his money by building shit with a hammer or by kissing people and getting them to do shit FOR him for less than the results were worth? Does he know what a hammer is?

Can you understand standard white street English? Or is this racist, demeaning to you and an nu-necesarily combative troll? Answer wrong and blow this joint off.

So hows that "Calibration" doing ya?

P.S. I'm 60 ...err... and I got 43 years of climbing in, too. I'm not the twitchy tween kid you seem to think posts on a climbing site. But if you want nothing BUT climbing posts, you will get nothing. Again.

Its lonely at the top. Its fucking DEAD at the bottom.

Alexis says that Supertopo, a plane crash in progress, lost 185 ranking places in the last 3 months... almost level. lost 16.500 places.
Steep dive into obscurity. No purpose, no energy.

(This post was edited by Rokjox on Aug 6, 2015, 12:20 AM)


Aug 6, 2015, 8:56 AM
Post #18 of 238 (77342 views)

Registered: Jun 24, 2004
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Re: [lena_chita] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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Spiders are p. much the entire reason I never want to climb in Australia.

Spiders are sp00ky.


Aug 6, 2015, 9:02 AM
Post #19 of 238 (77339 views)

Registered: Sep 8, 2004
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Re: [billcoe_] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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billcoe_ wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
But you want to yell at someone, or argue with someone, anyway. And I responded... so now you're going to yell at me? It's O.K., I understand, I have teenagers at home.
Haha! "I have Teenagers at home"..LOL. Thanks for that.

Well it bought Dave (Roadstead) out of hibernation, he's even older than me!! Hola Dave!!! Long long time. Teenagers, heh. Hey, my son texts me, "I'm coming home dad, do you have 70meter rope?" I replied "I'll check". Go find a brand new one hucked it on the bed he'd be saying in during the visit. It turns out that he's bringing me a 70M rope. He's been doing your guys new routes in Hells canyon and if you don't have a 70 you are hanging in space. So he got a prodeal on a 70M rope and remembered his father!!!

Anyway, I haven't been to Hell yet, not much of a bolt clipper, but probably will get over there at some point. Thanks for putting in some kick ass routes!

Iknowfear: any pictures of spiders? I can tell you my Funnel Web Spider story while climbing in Australia. No photos but from Wiki: "Australian funnel-webs are one of the most dangerous groups of spiders in the world and are regarded by some to be the most deadly, both in terms of clinical cases and venom toxicity"

incidentally, while climbing I commented to my buddy: boy am I glad this is not australia. over here, spiders don't bite...

but please, tell the story


Aug 6, 2015, 2:35 PM
Post #20 of 238 (77267 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2006
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Re: [theguy] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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theguy wrote:
Evidently there's some demand this site satisfies which others don't, or people wouldn't keep remarking on its passing or calling for its resuscitation; that demand may just be nostalgia, old bookmarks and an unwillingness to let go. The good news it seems we've reached the bargaining stage of the five stages of loss, so only two more to go to acceptance.

While from a forum participant perspective this site may appear to be dead, from an owner perspective it's doing great and they're focusing on the right things if stats are anything to go by: unique visitors this summer are 3-4x greater than last year. is in the top 3 non-news/non-local google results for "rock climbing", an impressive feat for a mobile unfriendly site in a post-mobilegeddon world; MountainProject and SuperTopo don't make the first three pages.

When it comes to rebuilding the site, the job is getting increasingly difficult. The number of mobile-only adult internet users exceeded the number of desktop-only internet users this year; addressing mobile is going to require more than new forum software.

The name ( certainly helps get the first-time visitors who are interested in climbing and are starting from zero. You have to already know something to click on supertopo or Mountain Project links, if they appear in search, but Seems like a no-brainer.

But a better uestion is, after they looked at once, are they coming back? And the answer is, rather unlikely, right now.


Aug 6, 2015, 2:42 PM
Post #21 of 238 (77266 views)

Registered: Dec 14, 2002
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Re: [billcoe_] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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I stopped posting and lost interest when the crap posts started outnumbering the posts with actual climbing content. Geez. I think this is my first post in over a year, even.

I am still climbing - and climbing harder than ever before. I communicate with other climbers via facebook.

Maybe forums are a thing of the past. Maybe those of you who miss the former culture can connect with one another on some other form of social media.

I do not have high hopes of an comeback, regardless of what jeff does with the site. You know what they say - you can't polish a turd.


Aug 6, 2015, 4:55 PM
Post #22 of 238 (77228 views)

Registered: Apr 17, 2004
Posts: 248

Re: [billcoe_] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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billcoe_ wrote:
Well it bought Dave (Roadstead) out of hibernation,

Like other long time user's that appear to be our very own Crazy way.;;;;;;

wonderwoman might have said it best
wonderwoman wrote:
- you can't polish a turd.
or can you?

Add your name to the list by bumping this thread back to the top. Maybe we can pump a little life back in the old Wink

You need to go to Hell!!


Aug 6, 2015, 6:28 PM
Post #23 of 238 (77212 views)

Registered: Jan 21, 2003
Posts: 2481

Re: [lena_chita] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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lena_chita wrote:
Want to turn this into a new active thread? O.K., it is Tuesday, what are you up to? Angelic

The other weekend I took the kids (3.5 and nearly 9) out toproping at Coopers Rock in WV. The confidence the 9-year-old has bouldering in the gym hasn't translated into roped climbing at the crag. I rigged a couple of the easier climbs and he just wasn't super into it. The younger kid wants to hold the rope rather than the rock, with predicable results. Still, we were out in the woods, I got to climb a tiny bit, and we managed to find okay Chinese food on the way home.

I also realized that all of my slings are probably 14-15 years old, so the credit card got a little exercise, too. Next I get to send off cams to be reslung, in the hopes that I can dust off the rack soon. The mountain bike has been seeing more use than the climbing gear.

Partner Jeff

Aug 7, 2015, 8:21 AM
Post #24 of 238 (77103 views)

Re: [billcoe_] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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billcoe_ wrote:
So Jeff, you locked the thread titled This place is DEAD! In effect, eliminating one of the few remaining active topics anyone concerned about the site can offer up advice. Not sure why, unless you were feeling insecure. Let it run. Let people have discussion.

I didn't lock that discussion, not sure who did. I have no problem with you guys grousing about a situation that I agree sucks.

Possibly one of the mods thought the thread had run its course, I don't know.

Regardless, I'm still chipping away, writing code every day on the site.


Aug 9, 2015, 5:04 AM
Post #25 of 238 (76895 views)

Registered: Apr 6, 2006
Posts: 286

Re: [Jeff] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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Jeff wrote:
billcoe_ wrote:
So Jeff, you locked the thread titled This place is DEAD! In effect, eliminating one of the few remaining active topics anyone concerned about the site can offer up advice. Not sure why, unless you were feeling insecure. Let it run. Let people have discussion.

I didn't lock that discussion, not sure who did. I have no problem with you guys grousing about a situation that I agree sucks.

Possibly one of the mods thought the thread had run its course, I don't know.

Regardless, I'm still chipping away, writing code every day on the site.

Wow. One of only two or three threads in the last month that has created ANY conversation gets locked by "someone" and you just shrug your shoulders.

I continue to be shocked with what has happened (or actually not happened) to this site since October 2013. I keep on thinking it can't get any worse, but it does.

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