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The God Delusion
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Nov 3, 2006, 2:54 PM
Post #76 of 87 (1734 views)

Registered: Jul 30, 2003
Posts: 491

Re: The God Delusion [In reply to]
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would have been nice if you had cited the book you mention

Uh Degaine, check the thread title: "The God Delusion" is the name of a new book by prominent atheist Richard Dawkins. It's a book of justifications for why religion is wrong, bad, a mental illness and so on. Perhaps you should read it, I'm sure blondgecko can let you know if it's any good.

Wow, my bad, I stepped in shit and did not even see it. I think I even read the first page a while back. I hate emoticons, so I won’t use one, but if I did, it would be the one with the blushing cheeks. Reminds me of when I rush around looking for my sunglasses and a friend points out that they’re on my head.

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No one I know who does not believe in God or an afterlife has read anything telling them how they should go about being an atheist.

Well, if you have look at this and similar threads, the atheists here have a remarkable stock of links, books and references on the subject. Looks to me like they've been studying pretty hard.

How many people have posted to this thread? 20? 30? I have certainly admitted that those within my circle of acquaintances who do not believe in god or an after life, etc., could be statistically insignificant, I think using the example of a few posters fails to demonstrate that somehow Atheism is “doctrinated.” If Dawkins’ book is your proof, it’s only been out for a short time (two maybe three months?) hardly the time for something to become the “scripture” of the supposed large group of people of which you speak.

Partner tradman

Nov 3, 2006, 3:08 PM
Post #77 of 87 (1734 views)

Registered: Jan 14, 2003
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Re: The God Delusion [In reply to]
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If Dawkins’ book is your proof, it’s only been out for a short time (two maybe three months?) hardly the time for something to become the “scripture” of the supposed large group of people of which you speak.

Well, Dawkins has published a lot of books. He used to be an outstanding scientist ("The Selfish Gene" is possibly his seminal work and a standout example of new thinking on eovlutionary biology), but lately his books are more about bashing religion than about science, which is a shame I think.

You might also have a look at the late Stephen Jay Gould's work, and that of Sam Harris (he has a new book out too I think).

These works along with others form a backbone of common ideas amongst many, many atheists, and are often oustanding reads in their own right.

Partner tradman

Nov 3, 2006, 3:11 PM
Post #78 of 87 (1734 views)

Registered: Jan 14, 2003
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Re: The God Delusion [In reply to]
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Go ahead Dave, tell me I'm stupid again, you know you want to.

I've been speaking to blond this morning, so I'm all out of "stupid", sorry.

I've got a "grunting dumbo" and a few "lumbering thickos" spare, but that's all I'm afraid.



Nov 3, 2006, 7:26 PM
Post #79 of 87 (1734 views)

Registered: Nov 20, 2002
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Go ahead Dave, tell me I'm stupid again, you know you want to.

I've been speaking to blond this morning, so I'm all out of "stupid", sorry.

I've got a "grunting dumbo" and a few "lumbering thickos" spare, but that's all I'm afraid.


Those work ;-)

Y'know, between then and now, I went off and climbed in the quarry near my appt, which of course chilled me right out, so, like, what were we pissing on about? ;-)


Nov 3, 2006, 9:33 PM
Post #80 of 87 (1734 views)

Registered: Apr 12, 2001
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Re: The God Delusion [In reply to]
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To make a point about the lack of any possible falsifiability in religious beliefs, let me make the following disclosure to the world...

I am the 2nd coming of Christ... Yep, who would have thought that Jesus was actually a climber, and a member of

I am fulfilling what has been fortold in the Holy Bible, and am here to vanquious the Anti-Christ, whose identity I will NOT disclose...

The Lord, in His infinite wisdom, has hidden the answer in code in His own writings.



Nov 3, 2006, 9:36 PM
Post #81 of 87 (1734 views)

Registered: Apr 12, 2001
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Re: The God Delusion [In reply to]
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To make a point about the lack of any possible falsifiability in religious beliefs, let me make the following disclosure to the world...

I am the 2nd coming of Christ... Yep, who would have thought that Jesus was actually a climber, and a member of

I am fulfilling what has been fortold in the Holy Bible, and am here to vanquious the Anti-Christ, whose identity I will NOT disclose...

The Lord, in His infinite wisdom, has hidden the answer in code in His own writings.



Nov 4, 2006, 12:33 AM
Post #82 of 87 (1734 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2002
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To make a point about the lack of any possible falsifiability in religious beliefs, let me make the following disclosure to the world...

I am the 2nd coming of Christ... Yep, who would have thought that Jesus was actually a climber, and a member of

I am fulfilling what has been fortold in the Holy Bible, and am here to vanquious the Anti-Christ, whose identity I will NOT disclose...

The Lord, in His infinite wisdom, has hidden the answer in code in His own writings.


Evil in the shadow there lurks.

The Profit$ seduces with the science of hauling!

Tronto's most eligible bachelor:

From the great white north he comes... eh?

Beware the anti Christ

New Big Wall Helmet prototype:



Nov 4, 2006, 4:43 AM
Post #83 of 87 (1734 views)

Registered: Jul 2, 2004
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Re: The God Delusion [In reply to]
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Go ahead Dave, tell me I'm stupid again, you know you want to.

I've been speaking to blond this morning, so I'm all out of "stupid", sorry.

I've got a "grunting dumbo" and a few "lumbering thickos" spare, but that's all I'm afraid.


You just keep on promoting those good Christian values. You're doing a bang-up job! :wink:


Nov 4, 2006, 4:34 PM
Post #84 of 87 (1734 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2002
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Re: The God Delusion [In reply to]
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You just keep on promoting those good Christian values. You're doing a bang-up job! Wink

Just like the Rev. as say, not as I do.

These fecking fanatics crack me up.

Where Pinko???

Maybe hiding in the closet since his role-model (Rev. Haggard, I love men cocks and Meth) got caught with his pants down. :lol: :lol:


Nov 5, 2006, 11:13 PM
Post #85 of 87 (1734 views)

Registered: Jun 13, 2003
Posts: 1814

Re: The God Delusion [In reply to]
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An interesting review of the book:

(Actually somewhat of a review of another review.)

Partner rrrADAM

Nov 6, 2006, 4:00 AM
Post #86 of 87 (1734 views)

Registered: Dec 19, 1999
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Re: The God Delusion [In reply to]
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show me just 1 scrap of evidence that proves I am NOT Jesus. Just one.

Okay. You don't fit what it says about you in the bible. And if you don't fit the description, you ain't it. The second coming of christ and its circumstances is described in detail, and you don't fulfill any of the criteria in that description.

See if you can follow this...

The Jews didn't recognize me as the messiah 2000 years ago, as I did not "fit the description of what they expected" from how they interpreted the text of the same book you refer to. Remember that there was no such thing as Christians, and they were not even a thought at the time I was born, and I was a JEW. Now the Jews said the same thing you just said, and used text from the same book to make that decision. Yet you believe that they were wrong, about THEIR OWN TEXT, and that you are right about Jesus being that mesiah or me not being him.

Now, as Jesus, I am telling you that my deciples are simply mistaken in many areas, so its easy to see how so many can be mislead...
Its understandable, as they wrote "their version" of events and what they interpreted them to mean, about 30 years (at the earliest, many texts were written much later) after I died on Golgatha... Honestly ask yourself, "How well would you remember details of events and be able to quote me so long after the fact ???" Honestly, how well ??? Also put yourself into the shoes, or should I say sandals, of my followers in regards to their lack of education, literacy, and the fact that they didn't carry around parchment detailing every event to use later in the compilation of their letters, later to become the Gospel, and the REVISION of the Jewish religion into what has become Christianity. You still use the Old Testament (Jewish Religion), and site it often.

So as you can see... They were a bit mistaken. Hell, it took Saul (Paul) to invent the idea that I died "on purpose for your sins", hence he is attributed as the "author of Christianity", instead of my brother John who actually better understood and taught my ideals, in order to end up with what is now the core belief in Chritianity... That you were saved through "grace alone". I NEVER directly said that I was God... That was decided by man to be me in 325 AD at the 1st Council of Nicaea... If I was God, who did I pray to when I was on the cross, myself ???

Instead, I simply provided a path to follow, one of righteousness and compasion as a way to get closer to God... Remember, I was a Jew, not a Christian... I was trying to teach of a "loving God", instead of the beief in a strictly "vengfull punishing God" that was common at the time. I NEVER said that "all you had to do was believe I was God, and that I died for your sins, and you were a shoe-in for heaven". You, man, did that one your own, just like you invented the "Rapture" in the 1800's. :roll:

On a final note... Those proclaiming to be "Christians" don't do a very good job at walking in my footsteps. Remember, I washed the feet of lepars and was closer to a prostitue than to any of my other followers, so I would sit down now and eat with gays, athiests, murderers, muslims, witches, and even those who forsake me, yet many of you who claim to follow me, judge these people and many others in my name, ironically when I tried to teach you not to judge.

Hell, I'd even eat with Jeffery Dahmer, although I wouldn't allow him to prepare the meal... Heaven knows what he'd try to feed me. But then again, you guys seem to enjoy symbolically consuming me in the form of "bread and wine".

See, you guys really got it all wrong.... I did not intend for you to judge others in my name, create powerfull wealthy churches or cable channels, and/or use my words to control people, steal their wealth and land, crush the creeds of others, or justify whatever else you want to do. All I wanted was for you to love one another, show compasion, and believe that God was also loving and compasionate. How that message was perverted into Inquisitions, Conquests, Crusades, Witch Trials, Wealthy Powerful Churches and Cable Channels, and an excuse and justification for literally billions of deaths is beyond me.

And yes... I, Jesus, know my spelling sux, but remember, a quality education was hard to come by when technology was "the wheel", and you lived the life of a nomad... Now you can see why there is no text whatsoever claimed to be written by me, or even claimed to be dictated by me to any of my friends. :wink:


Nov 6, 2006, 7:20 AM
Post #87 of 87 (1734 views)

Registered: Jul 30, 2003
Posts: 491

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And yes... I, Jesus, know my spelling sux, but remember, a quality education was hard to come by when technology was "the wheel", and you lived the life of a nomad... Now you can see why there is no text whatsoever claimed to be written by me, or even claimed to be dictated by me to any of my friends. :wink:

Well, given that your first language was Aramaic/Hebrew, your written English skills are pretty sharp!

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