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Do girls like rock climbers?
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Apr 21, 2008, 4:04 PM
Post #151 of 194 (6606 views)

Registered: Dec 20, 2005
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Re: [kyleshea] Do girls like rock climbers? [In reply to]
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I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.


Apr 21, 2008, 4:19 PM
Post #152 of 194 (6592 views)

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Re: [bizarrodrinker] Do girls like rock climbers? [In reply to]
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bizarrodrinker wrote:
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

this will get u no girls.


Apr 21, 2008, 4:48 PM
Post #153 of 194 (6579 views)

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Re: [kyleshea] Do girls like rock climbers? [In reply to]
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kyleshea wrote:
bizarrodrinker wrote:
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

this will get u no girls.

That and a laundry list of other things. Almost complete lack of tact being first and foremost.


Apr 21, 2008, 4:51 PM
Post #154 of 194 (6576 views)

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Re: [bizarrodrinker] Do girls like rock climbers? [In reply to]
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bizarrodrinker wrote:
kyleshea wrote:
bizarrodrinker wrote:
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

this will get u no girls.

That and a laundry list of other things. Almost complete lack of tact being first and foremost.

all that laundry cant help either. its good to have a varied wardrobe, to show the chicks ya got some style, but ya still gotta keep it clean.


Apr 21, 2008, 5:55 PM
Post #155 of 194 (6552 views)

Registered: May 7, 2007
Posts: 19

Re: [Bats] Do girls like rock climbers? [In reply to]
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Bats wrote:
Okay...enough!!! Now back to the subject...AJE would do better with a girl with a common background like climbing. Do you agree with this statement, SEV?

And just one bit of TEXAS history...Texas was annexed through a hand-shake deal which under the laws of the Republic was not just. And TEXAS is the only state that can legally separate from the United States if it chooses so.

I do not agree with anything you say. The reason for this is that you have no idea what you're talking about, and while your ideas might seem like they somehow relate to each other, it is mostly nonsense.

Earlier in this discussion on the information super highway, I presented the Original Poster (referred to OP from here on out) with a fool-proof, 100% chance of success protocol. If the OP chooses to follow the protocol in great detail, he will succeed in acquiring a suitable female to mate and reproduce with. I thought that I had made my findings pretty clear, but apparently some people are having trouble grasping this very simple concept. It boils down to this:

A male climber's chance of bagging a female (climber or non, it makes absolutely no difference, as hard as that is to believe) is in direct proportion to the size of that climber's trad rack.

Sport climbing, bouldering, and even soloing (this is for you notapplicable) pale in comparison to trad climbing. Is this clear?

As far as I know, Texas is still one of the united states. I may be wrong, however, as this subject is not in my domain. Also you're stupid. And so is Hillary Clinton. Vote Obama.


I went back and perused some comments that I have missed. Specifically this one:

taydude wrote:
I think something important is being forgotten here. If you go climbing with a non-climber lady-friend it is essential to make loud cries of pain while being lowered. This shows her just how huge your package is. This technique is often used in climbing gyms where the screams can be heard by more people. This can help to attract other women in case this one doesn't work out. It also has the side effect of intimidating other males. It should be noted that this technique will NOT work on the seasoned female climber.

I do not have any evidence to support or discredit this claim, but in my personal opinion it seems brilliant. I honestly can't believe that someone of my intellect did not think of it first. Regardless, it is extremely promising and it definitely warrants further research. If taydude can provide us with more than just anecdotal evidence (perhaps a graph, or a data table), that would be great. I am interested to see what the data have to say.

Taydude, thank you for your contribution to this discussion on the information super highway. You are the shining beacon at the end of this dark tunnel through utter ignorance and stupidity. Assuming that the data agree with your hypothesis, I will immediately amend the original protocol to include this.

(This post was edited by sev on Apr 21, 2008, 6:14 PM)


Apr 21, 2008, 6:28 PM
Post #156 of 194 (6519 views)

Registered: Mar 27, 2007
Posts: 12

Re: [shockabuku] Do girls like rock climbers? [In reply to]
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shockabuku wrote:
geeze wrote:
well im a surfer and a climber my wife is proud to tell people i surf but thinks im a anorack for climbing she just dont see it?

Do you mean this:

In slang an anorak is a person, typically a man, who has unfathomable interest in arcane, detailed information regarded as boring by the rest of the population, and who feels compelled to talk at length about this information to anyone within earshot.

In Britain, people who wear anoraks in their social life are often stereotyped as trainspotters or persons with unimaginative and dull pastimes/hobbies.

The closest American slang is perhaps nerd which is applied to bookish students. Anorak is not generally applied to students; and the anorak is more of a trivia-freak than an overly studious worker. A geek is a person typically expert at, and intensely focussed on, technical equipment, particularly computers; again this is not exactly an anorak — the anorak offers overly detailed discussion and arcane trivia on "hobbyist" topics.

without the c?

Actually, here in the US that would be a geek, not a nerd. And if they use the term otaku they are into anime and cosplay and are the geekiest of the geeky.


Apr 21, 2008, 8:45 PM
Post #157 of 194 (6491 views)

Registered: Sep 25, 2002
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Re: [MaxDWolf] Do girls like rock climbers? [In reply to]
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MaxDWolf wrote:
shockabuku wrote:
geeze wrote:
well im a surfer and a climber my wife is proud to tell people i surf but thinks im a anorack for climbing she just dont see it?

Do you mean this:

In slang an anorak is a person, typically a man, who has unfathomable interest in arcane, detailed information regarded as boring by the rest of the population, and who feels compelled to talk at length about this information to anyone within earshot.

In Britain, people who wear anoraks in their social life are often stereotyped as trainspotters or persons with unimaginative and dull pastimes/hobbies.

The closest American slang is perhaps nerd which is applied to bookish students. Anorak is not generally applied to students; and the anorak is more of a trivia-freak than an overly studious worker. A geek is a person typically expert at, and intensely focussed on, technical equipment, particularly computers; again this is not exactly an anorak — the anorak offers overly detailed discussion and arcane trivia on "hobbyist" topics.

without the c?

Actually, here in the US that would be a geek, not a nerd. And if they use the term otaku they are into anime and cosplay and are the geekiest of the geeky.

No, Earth: Above and Beyond slash writers are the geekiest of the geeky (especially if the writers are themselves straight). The otaku and cosplay cultures are almost mainstream at this point. Deeply horrifying (vis a vis Tron-Guy and every dude who dresses up as Sailor Moon) but disconcertingly mainstream.


Apr 21, 2008, 11:39 PM
Post #158 of 194 (6455 views)

Registered: Aug 31, 2006
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Re: [sev] Do girls like rock climbers? [In reply to]
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sev wrote:
Sport climbing, bouldering, and even soloing (this is for you notapplicable) pale in comparison to trad climbing. Is this clear?


Well on to plan B then...*Sev's mom, sister and daughter P.M.'d*


Apr 22, 2008, 12:51 AM
Post #159 of 194 (6437 views)

Registered: Apr 6, 2004
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Re: [Bats] Do girls like rock climbers? [In reply to]
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Bats wrote:
Okay...enough!!! Now back to the subject...AJE would do better with a girl with a common background like climbing. Do you agree with this statement, SEV?

And just one bit of TEXAS history...Texas was annexed through a hand-shake deal which under the laws of the Republic was not just. And TEXAS is the only state that can legally separate from the United States if it chooses so.
You are wrong. Vermont is able to do so as well.
And texas needs to hurry the fuck up, secede and become part of north fucking mexico. That entire state can go fuck itself.


Apr 22, 2008, 4:18 AM
Post #160 of 194 (6383 views)

Registered: Dec 2, 2005
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Re: [sev] Do girls like rock climbers? [In reply to]
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Fuck Chicks man...Tonight, i just wanna dance...


Apr 22, 2008, 4:19 AM
Post #161 of 194 (6383 views)

Registered: Sep 17, 2004
Posts: 209

Re: [secretninja] Do girls like rock climbers? [In reply to]
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secretninja wrote:
Fuck Chicks man...Tonight, i just wanna dance...

gay bar?


Apr 22, 2008, 11:43 AM
Post #162 of 194 (6358 views)

Registered: Dec 20, 2005
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Re: [secretninja] Do girls like rock climbers? [In reply to]
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secretninja wrote:
Fuck Chicks man...Tonight, i just wanna dance...



Apr 25, 2008, 9:58 PM
Post #163 of 194 (6217 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2006
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Re: [epoch] Do girls like rock climbers? [In reply to]
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epoch wrote:
The question that now arises in my mind is whether or not this thread belongs in this forum any more???

On the contrary, epoch, the Bats/notapplicable/sev debate is exactly to the point: both notapplicable and sev are demonstrating different methods of getting into a girl’s pants (Bats). Bats’ “drivel” and her Texan “nationality” have marked her an easy target for the peculiar advances of notapplicable and sev’s overly—and might I add, unnecessarily (considering Bats’ manifested astuteness)—clever diatribe. Notapplicable is demonstrating “chivalry” (a word, which apparently has no meaning for Mr. Grammarian) by being protective of the vulnerable female, who has trouble defending herself from sev’s verbal rampage. Sev, on the other hand, has a different approach: he is attempting to woo the unsuspecting female with a display of his wits. Since some women seem to be drawn to witty, sarcastic, cynical men while some respond better to the chivalric types, I deem both approaches perfectly valid, albeit for different types of members of the fair sex. It occurs to me that if Bats’ “drivel” remained simply ignored, we all would have missed out on this important lesson in sociology. Thank you, Bats and gentlemen, for your contributions. Jolly well done!

To go back to the topic question... I think I'm speaking for every woman, when I say, YES, but only if they're showing off their colorful, shiny--and need I add--large racks and wearing beanie hats!


Apr 25, 2008, 11:22 PM
Post #164 of 194 (6198 views)

Registered: Jul 11, 2007
Posts: 19

Re: [dumbsocrates] Do girls like rock climbers? [In reply to]
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Beanie hats are for boulder bras. Skip those and go for the trad climbers with all that gear. Dating a climber who can boulder, sport & trad climb gives you the best of all parts of climbing, not to mention a boyfriend with a nice body....

(This post was edited by boulderkitty on Apr 25, 2008, 11:47 PM)


Apr 26, 2008, 5:46 AM
Post #165 of 194 (6167 views)

Registered: May 23, 2007
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Re: [hyongx] Do girls like rock climbers? [In reply to]
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hyongx wrote:
secretninja wrote:
Fuck Chicks man...Tonight, i just wanna dance...

gay bar?

-Dane Cook


Apr 26, 2008, 10:52 AM
Post #166 of 194 (6131 views)

Registered: Nov 23, 2006
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Re: [dumbsocrates] Do girls like rock climbers? [In reply to]
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dumbsocrates wrote:
epoch wrote:
The question that now arises in my mind is whether or not this thread belongs in this forum any more???

... Jolly well done! ...

If you're going to bandy around comments like that, we'll have to take a look at your passport. What.

Socrates? Jolly? Texas? I think you might be "internationally confused"


Apr 26, 2008, 12:56 PM
Post #167 of 194 (6111 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2006
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Re: [limeydave] Do girls like rock climbers? [In reply to]
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limeydave wrote:
Socrates? Jolly? Texas? I think you might be "internationally confused"

I think you might have stumbled upon something there.


Apr 28, 2008, 6:54 PM
Post #168 of 194 (6037 views)

Registered: Mar 19, 2008
Posts: 195

Re: [aje963] Do girls like rock climbers? [In reply to]
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chicks dig climber guys who ride motorcycles. the combination invokes a stronger attraction reaction than being a climber or rider alone. personally, i ride a nighttrain. chicks love harleys.


Apr 28, 2008, 8:35 PM
Post #169 of 194 (6000 views)

Registered: May 7, 2007
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Re: [dumbsocrates] Do girls like rock climbers? [In reply to]
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dumbsocrates wrote:
On the contrary, epoch, the Bats/notapplicable/sev debate is exactly to the point: both notapplicable and sev are demonstrating different methods of getting into a girl’s pants (Bats). Bats’ “drivel” and her Texan “nationality” have marked her an easy target for the peculiar advances of notapplicable and sev’s overly—and might I add, unnecessarily (considering Bats’ manifested astuteness)—clever diatribe. Notapplicable is demonstrating “chivalry” (a word, which apparently has no meaning for Mr. Grammarian) by being protective of the vulnerable female, who has trouble defending herself from sev’s verbal rampage. Sev, on the other hand, has a different approach: he is attempting to woo the unsuspecting female with a display of his wits. Since some women seem to be drawn to witty, sarcastic, cynical men while some respond better to the chivalric types, I deem both approaches perfectly valid, albeit for different types of members of the fair sex. It occurs to me that if Bats’ “drivel” remained simply ignored, we all would have missed out on this important lesson in sociology. Thank you, Bats and gentlemen, for your contributions. Jolly well done!

To go back to the topic question... I think I'm speaking for every woman, when I say, YES, but only if they're showing off their colorful, shiny--and need I add--large racks and wearing beanie hats!

I'm sorry, I did not read this all the way through, mainly because it seems as if the concept of a paragraph is foreign to you, but there were other reasons as well.

If I collected enough data to classify all the posters in this thread, I would have to lump you in with notapplicable under the heading "severe trouble with reading comprehension." You - just as he did - completely missed the point of my perfectly clear (though not as concise as they could have been) presentations on the topic at hand.

I attempted to illustrate the clear correlation between gear and the attention one will acquire from a female, which I later broke down into different sub-categories due to people inquiring about different climbing disciplines. Somewhere in the midst of the information transmission on the information super highway, Bats decided to assert her opinion. This is perfectly acceptable, because on the information super highway, anyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how ludicrous it is. The only problem is that Bats communicated her thoughts in a manner closely resembling that of an autistic child (have you seen Mercury Rising?).

So, you see, that was the reason I asked Bats to clarify. I am unaware of any romantic interest notapplicable has for Bats (I didn't even know Bats was a female until he pointed it out) but he took offense for some reason. He then managed to demonstrate that his written communication skills are right on par with Bats. In fact, that may very well be why he took offense to my original post, I haven't thought of it from that perspective.

Also, overly and unnecessarily tend to go hand in hand, so there is a little bit of redundancy in your post. I suggest you go over it and see where you could have improved your efficiency in the delivery of information on the information super highway. I can give you a consultation in private, if you'd like.

Thank you for your time, dumbsocrates, and I hope you've learned something today.


Apr 28, 2008, 9:05 PM
Post #170 of 194 (5977 views)

Registered: Aug 31, 2006
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Re: [dumbsocrates] Do girls like rock climbers? [In reply to]
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dumbsocrates wrote:
On the contrary, epoch, the Bats/notapplicable/sev debate is exactly to the point: both notapplicable and sev are demonstrating different methods of getting into a girl’s pants (Bats).

Damn, my cleaver little game has been uncovered!

Nice post by the way, very intelligent and insightful, you have a beautiful mind.

See what I did there^^^ more of that cleaver charm at work.Wink

dumbsocrates wrote:
To go back to the topic question... I think I'm speaking for every woman, when I say, YES, but only if they're showing off their colorful, shiny--and need I add--large racks and wearing beanie hats!

Hmmm, I dont have one of those.Frown


Apr 28, 2008, 9:07 PM
Post #171 of 194 (5976 views)

Registered: May 16, 2007
Posts: 48

Re: [taydude] Do girls like rock climbers? [In reply to]
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taydude wrote:
I think something important is being forgotten here. If you go climbing with a non-climber lady-friend it is essential to make loud cries of pain while being lowered. This shows her just how huge your package is. This technique is often used in climbing gyms where the screams can be heard by more people. This can help to attract other women in case this one doesn't work out. It also has the side effect of intimidating other males. It should be noted that this technique will NOT work on the seasoned female climber.

That's because there is a good chance that she has more balls than you Wink


Apr 28, 2008, 9:10 PM
Post #172 of 194 (5974 views)

Registered: Aug 31, 2006
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Re: [sev] Do girls like rock climbers? [In reply to]
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sev wrote:

I'm sorry, I did not read this all the way through, mainly because it seems as if the concept of a paragraph is foreign to you, but there were other reasons as well.

If I collected enough data to classify all the posters in this thread, I would have to lump you in with notapplicable under the heading "severe trouble with reading comprehension." You - just as he did - completely missed the point of my perfectly clear (though not as concise as they could have been) presentations on the topic at hand.

I attempted to illustrate the clear correlation between gear and the attention one will acquire from a female, which I later broke down into different sub-categories due to people inquiring about different climbing disciplines. Somewhere in the midst of the information transmission on the information super highway, Bats decided to assert her opinion. This is perfectly acceptable, because on the information super highway, anyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how ludicrous it is. The only problem is that Bats communicated her thoughts in a manner closely resembling that of an autistic child (have you seen Mercury Rising?).

So, you see, that was the reason I asked Bats to clarify. I am unaware of any romantic interest notapplicable has for Bats (I didn't even know Bats was a female until he pointed it out) but he took offense for some reason. He then managed to demonstrate that his written communication skills are right on par with Bats. In fact, that may very well be why he took offense to my original post, I haven't thought of it from that perspective.

Also, overly and unnecessarily tend to go hand in hand, so there is a little bit of redundancy in your post. I suggest you go over it and see where you could have improved your efficiency in the delivery of information on the information super highway. I can give you a consultation in private, if you'd like.

Thank you for your time, dumbsocrates, and I hope you've learned something today.

Despite the lack of beanie, I think the choice is clear Socrates.

How about we meet Sevs mom at Bats house and have us a good Ol' time.


Apr 28, 2008, 10:58 PM
Post #173 of 194 (5923 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2006
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Re: [sev] Do girls like rock climbers? [In reply to]
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It seems that you are having trouble understanding the subtleties of the English language: you have no concept of tone or semantics. And, what’s worse, you seem to assume they are foreign to others as well. No amount of explanation on your part will convince anyone that your tone was less than acerbic. Further, a quick look in the dictionary would have proven your accusation of redundancy flawed: the word “overly” means “excessively” and the word “unnecessarily” means “needlessly.” You can use an excessive number of posts to some twit's dubious statement (an activity of which we all are guilty on this forum); however, the excessive posts may be necessary to put your sorry, sarcastic ass in place. On the other hand, your discourteous comment was unnecessary and frankly counterproductive, especially given your obvious desire to get into Bats’ pants. I would strongly suggest a different strategy. You might try, "Hey! You know, I have a large rack (I would avoid mentioning your micro nuts) and look stunning in my beanie."


Apr 28, 2008, 11:08 PM
Post #174 of 194 (6178 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2006
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Re: [notapplicable] Do girls like rock climbers? [In reply to]
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notapplicable wrote:
Despite the lack of beanie, I think the choice is clear Socrates.

How about we meet Sevs mom at Bats house and have us a good Ol' time.

A beanie is certainly easier to acquire than tact. And being a girl, who can appreciate a tactful man with or without a beanie, I certainly consider you a more desirable rock climber. There’s just one thing I don’t understand: what kind of “a good Ol’ time” would I be having with you, Bats, and sev’s mom? That sounds a bit too kinky for my taste. I think you might be getting overly (although possibly not unnecessarily) ambitious there. Wink


Apr 28, 2008, 11:39 PM
Post #175 of 194 (6168 views)

Registered: May 7, 2007
Posts: 19

Re: [dumbsocrates] Do girls like rock climbers? [In reply to]
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dumbsocrates wrote:
It seems that you are having trouble understanding the subtleties of the English language: you have no concept of tone or semantics.

I'm not sure I understand this part. The entire point of my exhaustive research is to argue the semantics of the word climbing. Unless you mean the more detailed semantics as it pertains to linguistics? In that case, I'm still confused as I'm quite familiar with both the Chomksyan philosophy, and the newer works of people such as Dr. Pinker. Perhaps you ought to elaborate on this part.

dumbsocrates wrote:
And, what’s worse, you seem to assume they are foreign to others as well. No amount of explanation on your part will convince anyone that your tone was less than acerbic.

You're absolutely right. If you go back to the beginning of this thread, you'll see that I put forth a nice system for the Original Poster (OP) to follow. I suggest that he may have some luck with females if he subscribes to my approach. That was my first post. I did not try to sound any less than acerbic because I was simply reporting on new scientific findings. There is no need to sugar coat science, do you agree? Anyway, this is what happens:

Little while later, Bats decided to mash her fingers on the keyboard. I know I mentioned earlier in this post that I have a decent grasp on linguistics. However, this does not mean that I'm adept at interpreting all failed attempts at communication by people such as Bats and notapplicable. That kind of work requires a state certified teacher/instructor and is out of my realm of expertise. Because of this fact, I asked Bats to elaborate, preferably in a manner which is common to people above the age of 7.

Enter notapplicable. He immediately starts employing ad hominem attacks (and he hasn't let up, either) for no apparent reason. Still, I maintain that I'm not doing anything more than putting forth information that I've gathered about the topic at hand. I'm the only one still trying to keep the discussion on track. If you look back, all of my posts (save the original one addressing Bats) are trying to bring the focus back to females and climbing. This doesn't satisfy notapplicable, for he not only continues the personal attacks, but also brings my mother into the picture. For shame. I've refrained from any such immature tactics. That is what they do at high school debates.

After I've dealt with all of this, you come in. I'm not sure what you have against me, but you posit that my posts combined are nothing more than a clever ploy to get Bats into bed. This is ridiculous, but you are entitled to your opinion. In my rebuttal, I point out the topic of the original discussion (again, the only one trying to get back on topic) and explain why I made the comments I made.

dumbsocrates wrote:
Further, a quick look in the dictionary would have proven your accusation of redundancy flawed: the word “overly” means “excessively” and the word “unnecessarily” means “needlessly.” You can use an excessive number of posts to some twit's dubious statement (an activity of which we all are guilty on this forum); however, the excessive posts may be necessary to put your sorry, sarcastic ass in place. On the other hand, your discourteous comment was unnecessary and frankly counterproductive

Correct. However, being efficient means leaving out superfluous content in order to get your point across clearly and without much fuss. Your sentence would have had the same effect with only one adjective. But, it is semantics at this point.

It's been nice engaging in a discussion with you, dumbsocrates. You are much easier to talk to than notapplicable, even if you don't understand certain things as much as you think you do. I'd just like to ask you, as a favor, to please make use of the novel concept of paragraphs next time you decide to share your ideas on the information super highway.

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