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Motorcycle accident
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Mar 21, 2005, 1:49 PM
Post #1 of 14 (597 views)

Registered: Jan 28, 2005
Posts: 32

Motorcycle accident
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I know it's kinda not that related, but...I just fell off my mototrcycle to-day. I'm not feeling especially bad, just bruised and sore all down the right side of my body. Anybody got any advice on how long I should wait before I start climbing again?...I'm supposed to be going away next weekend!


Mar 21, 2005, 2:13 PM
Post #2 of 14 (597 views)

Registered: Apr 14, 2003
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I think your description as to the extent of your injuries makes this one a little hard to answer.

Also, unless you aquired these injuries while motorcycle jumping to a landing atop a sea stack, then I'm afraid it's off to Community. Don't let that worry you, however, as at least 5% of the people down here are climbers in real life.

Cheers, and good luck healing quickly!


Mar 21, 2005, 2:13 PM
Post #3 of 14 (597 views)

Registered: Apr 14, 2003
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edge moved this thread [In reply to]
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edge moved this thread from Injuries & Accidents to Community.

Partner tgreene

Mar 21, 2005, 3:05 PM
Post #4 of 14 (597 views)

Registered: Oct 22, 2003
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Re: Motorcycle accident [In reply to]
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I've been in a couple of motorcycle wrecks, and any accident that you can walk away from, is a minor accident! :wink:

You did state that you have bruising, which is internal/external damage to soft tissues. If you're not too sore, then I would take it easy but still clilmb, as long as you know to quit as soon as your body begins to feel extra tender or painful in those areas.

If you have any road rash, then you absolutely should not be doing anything other than resting and tending to the abrasions, because road rash infections can quickly become very serious if they don't heal properly and quickly.

If your joints ache or if you have any sharp pains, the DO NOT climb until this has subsided, because it's too easy for a serious injury to be masked by other pain and discomfort. In fact, if you are suffering from any sharp pains in these areas, then get your ass to a hospital for x-rays! :shock:

FWIW: Of the accidents I've had, only once was I wearing a helmet at the time (which I rarely wore anyway), and thank God I was, because I was thrown and my head hit the sharp jagged edge of a corrugated drainage pipe. Had I not been wearing a lid, my skull would have been sliced in half! :idea:


Mar 21, 2005, 4:29 PM
Post #5 of 14 (597 views)

Registered: Nov 4, 2002
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Re: Motorcycle accident [In reply to]
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ATGATT = All the gear, all the time. (Lid; armored gloves; jacket with armor in the elbows, shoulders, and spine; boots; pants w/armor in the knees and preferably also in the hips.) Leather is best, but textile is better than nothing.

Riding a motorcycle is far more dangerous than climbing. There's too much outside your control (other vehicles, all of which are trying to kill you; schit in the road). And then there are your own mistakes...

Partner one900johnnyk

Mar 21, 2005, 4:54 PM
Post #6 of 14 (597 views)

Registered: Oct 23, 2002
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Riding a motorcycle is far more dangerous than climbing. There's too much outside your control (other vehicles, all of which are trying to kill you; schit in the road).

an old lady pulled out in front of me trying to make a left across my lane. there was nothing to do, it was too close to even lay it down so i went flying. said she didn't even look left. what the shit is that shit? i was all about getting annother bike.. it's fun as shit and there's nothing like riding one around but i realized i should take a break and come to my senses a little. my pop usually gives good advice so i guess it's about time to listen to him and coll out on the motorbike.. and he used to own one as well. EVERYONE who rides has a terrible story, you just gotta ask yourself if it's worth it i guess.... good luck healing, i took a couple months and i still have issues fromt hose injures now and again


Mar 21, 2005, 5:01 PM
Post #7 of 14 (597 views)

Registered: May 20, 2003
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Anybody got any advice on how long I should wait before I start climbing again?...
I recommend waiting at least 12 - 15 years.


Mar 22, 2005, 5:17 AM
Post #8 of 14 (597 views)

Registered: Nov 4, 2002
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EVERYONE who rides has a terrible story, you just gotta ask yourself if it's worth it i guess....
Yeah, ya do, I guess. Same thing one might say about climbing. Or smoking. Or walking out your F'ing door in the morning. All I know is my clapped-out bike is in the F'ing shop again, and I'm jonesing like a miserable bastage.

I just read somebody's sig line on one of the sportbikes boards. It was a quote that went something like "Racing motorcycles makes heroin addiction look like a vague taste for something salty." I just started riding last year, but I'm already convinced that if I die before I drag a knee on the track I won't have given adequate expression to my humanity. Or something. (Where is the emoticon for "ready to kill something if I don't get a fix"?)


Mar 22, 2005, 4:37 PM
Post #9 of 14 (597 views)

Registered: Nov 26, 2002
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Re: Motorcycle accident [In reply to]
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Motorcycling is a blast, espcially at high speeds, but here in LA, Cal., the traffic is so bad and the drives so edgy that bikes are like moving targets. About 20 years ago I was riding a HD Sportster and a car pulled out right in front of me. I t-boned the back of he car, and summersalted over the trunk landing on my feet. Luckliy I was only going about 20, but i got a heel bruise that lasted a month and my shoulders were tweaked for a while as well. But it could have been much worse.

Sadly, just yeserday driving home from work, traffic was horrendous, and soon enough I passed a bunch of cop cars blocking the left lane which had a cumpled up bike and a body laying under a tarp. Bad.

As much as I'd like to get back on a bike, I can't imagine doing it here in LA.



Mar 22, 2005, 6:58 PM
Post #10 of 14 (597 views)

Registered: Nov 4, 2002
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Sadly, just yeserday driving home from work, traffic was horrendous, and soon enough I passed a bunch of cop cars blocking the left lane which had a cumpled up bike and a body laying under a tarp. Bad.

As much as I'd like to get back on a bike, I can't imagine doing it here in LA.

Damn. An ugly, tragic business. Up here in Portland, I have a short commute in slow traffic that isn't any fun, but I get out of the city for good rides. Any way you cut it, though, wherever you are, it's dangerous. That's why I'm so anal about gear. I assume no one sees me and wouldn't care if they did.

My SO and I are planning to get over to north-central OR for a two-day ride this weekend on back roads. Few cars, no cops. Just us, the bikes, and the roads. And while we love to ride, we're not nuts about pushing our (still young) skills too far.

We went on a big group ride a couple of weeks ago that was part of a skills clinic. Jeezus H, did those people ride fast... I kept thinking that it doesn't matter how "mad" your "skillz" are, if you outride your sight line in the turns you're asking for death/dismemberment.

That's why, finances permitting, I want to start spending time on the track. I just can't lean it over enough on the roads without taking stupid risks.

Partner one900johnnyk

Mar 23, 2005, 7:45 PM
Post #11 of 14 (597 views)

Registered: Oct 23, 2002
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EVERYONE who rides has a terrible story, you just gotta ask yourself if it's worth it i guess....
Yeah, ya do, I guess. Same thing one might say about climbing. Or smoking. Or walking out your F'ing door in the morning.

as scared as i might be fifteen ft above my last piece on a 5.9 trad route, at least i don't have to worry about a blind old lady or a semi merging into me at 90 kilometers per hour... if there's one thing i learned it's that people are f'in dumb, and you take a more frequent chance with your life in the white knuckled hands of a stranger on the road than you ever will climbing..... i have missed riding, but i haven't missed flying thirty feet through the air and slamming into the pavement...


Mar 23, 2005, 7:50 PM
Post #12 of 14 (597 views)

Registered: Apr 15, 2002
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Re: Motorcycle accident [In reply to]
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:roll: glad ur ok, jonnyk

glad you are too, who :?:

where's cam when you need a good rap

thinkin' i need a spankin, where's that strap?


Mar 23, 2005, 9:59 PM
Post #13 of 14 (597 views)

Registered: Nov 4, 2002
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people are f'in dumb, and you take a more frequent chance with your life in the white knuckled hands of a stranger on the road than you ever will climbing.....

Yes! But does that mean the risk isn't worth taking? Everybody's gotta make that call for him/herself. I choose--for now, anyway--to wear full gear, assume they all want to kill me, and ride.

I just got my bike out of the shop. I am so *happy*. Like a leetle guurrhllll...

It's valves are adjusted. It's fuel-air mixture is purrfect. It has Torque. And the if weather gods smile, my lover and I are going to ride our bikes all over north-central Oregon this weekend. This makes me happy.


Mar 23, 2005, 11:17 PM
Post #14 of 14 (597 views)

Registered: Mar 23, 2005
Posts: 41

Re: Motorcycle accident [In reply to]
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i would say, start rock climbing right now!
just kidding! :lol:

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