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Apr 28, 2005, 6:04 PM
Post #101 of 136 (17001 views)

Registered: Feb 24, 2004
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Re: Climbing Pornography? [In reply to]
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I do think there is a difference between a meditating woman and a coddling servant. Don't you?

In so far as these are images used to sell clothes, I don't see much of a difference at all. They are both designed to get my money and not intended to give me anything real in my life, except overpriced, mass-produced clothing. If my wife buys Prana clothes, will she suddenly become a meditating woman? Maybe she'll change into a coddling sevant if she purchases Blurr clothes? Ha. If it was that easy I'd go out and buy a her bunch of Blurr clothes right now.


Apr 28, 2005, 6:37 PM
Post #102 of 136 (17001 views)

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3. To vivalargo, for his most patronizing of posts:
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But hey, Prana can trot out scantily-clad gorgeousness—and get otherwise reactionary folks to rave on the virtues of it all--because their ad campaign has attached super duper spiritual airs to their rags, replete with a precious yoga connection and daffy New Age connotations.

Perhaps you have unearthed some hypocrisy here, and used it as an excuse to flame a philosophy you dislike! Congratulations. But let me point out that there is a difference between choosing to wear something and having it chosen for you. And as I understand it, the primary (i.e. initial) objection to these ads was not so much the scantiness of the clothing, but the situation of the models in the clothing. And I do think there is a difference between a meditating woman and a coddling servant. Don't you?

For starters, this silly post is itself a piece of ad copy insofar as you're trying to posit you and yours as authentic torch bearers of a White Light that shines finer and more pure than the light in a pool hall or bordello.

Hogwash . . .

I grew up just below Mt. Baldy Zen center and attended my first seshin there when I was 18, later moved to the LA Zen center for Koan study under Matzumi Roshi, and have been at it ever since--that's 32 years. During this voyage I've learned this much: Meditation and being a "coddling servant" are not mutually exclusive, and often go hand in hand. It is not all-or-nothing, one or the other, with any of this. In many cases, a "spiritual path" only increases attachments, reducing people to coddling servants of enlightenment and disfunctional, hierarchy-based "spiritual" communities. The fact that someone spends 32 years or 150 years in the zendo or ashran in no wise means the person is any beter or clearer than the day he or she started. Meditating, yoga, and all the rest do not, in and of themselves, represent something higher or lower than drinking Mescal or stripping in a Vegas lounge act.

The sham here is that an idealized vision of meditating, yoga posers and psychospirituality is being used to pimp a clothing line. The falsehood here is that those of the White Light tred ground higher and finer than that traversed by "coddling servants." That's advertising thinking and spiritual bilge--of that we may be sure.



Apr 28, 2005, 6:43 PM
Post #103 of 136 (17001 views)

Registered: Jan 2, 2003
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Re: Climbing Pornography? [In reply to]
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Apr 28, 2005, 6:47 PM
Post #104 of 136 (17001 views)

Registered: Jul 30, 2003
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Re: Climbing Pornography? [In reply to]
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...Does meditation really help with lactose intolerance?


Enter the quietest bathroom in your house (or apartment).

Light some candles.

Sit down on the heavenly white porcelain throne.

Close your eyes.

Meditate/Concentrate real hard. Chant, breath rhythmically or grunt - this depends on personal preference.

Works for me every time. I usually experience a sense of total "enlightenment" in 5 to 15 minutes.


Apr 28, 2005, 6:48 PM
Post #105 of 136 (17001 views)

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Re: Climbing Pornography? [In reply to]
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Anyway, since I am a woman, and I saw the ads, I realise that I must quit climbing and be a full time sex slave to some uncaring guy. Wish me luck on my new path in life!

No, these ads empower you to become the full time sex slave of another woman too!

Liberating, wouldn't you agree???

Its what the CHOICE movement it really all about.


I thought that ad meant that I was supposed to find a woman to be my full time sex slave? I'm so confused.


Apr 28, 2005, 6:54 PM
Post #106 of 136 (17001 views)

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Re: Climbing Pornography? [In reply to]
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...Does meditation really help with lactose intolerance?


Enter the quietest bathroom in your house (or apartment).

Light some candles.

Sit down on the heavenly white porcelain throne.

Close your eyes.

Meditate/Concentrate real hard. Chant, breath rhythmically or grunt - this depends on personal preference.

Works for me every time. I usually experience a sense of total "enlightenment" in 5 to 15 minutes.

I just read geology texts, works for me.



Apr 28, 2005, 6:55 PM
Post #107 of 136 (17001 views)

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Re: Climbing Pornography? [In reply to]
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I thought that ad meant that I was supposed to find a woman to be my full time sex slave? I'm so confused.

Society puts too much pressure on us women! Now we are expected to be sex slaves AND have sex slaves? My head hurts. I will go cry in the corner now. :cry:


Apr 28, 2005, 6:59 PM
Post #108 of 136 (17001 views)

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Re: Climbing Pornography? [In reply to]
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I thought that ad meant that I was supposed to find a woman to be my full time sex slave?

Right on. That works too. Please post a photo TR when you're done. We'll compre it to the Blurr ad for purity's sake.


Partner euroford

Apr 28, 2005, 7:13 PM
Post #109 of 136 (17001 views)

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Re: Climbing Pornography? [In reply to]
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god damn you people!

we have ourselves here a serously misdirected thread.

a freakin 8 page thread titled "climbing pornography" and not a single shot of some hottie getting shagged on a portaledge!!


talk about a let down......



Apr 28, 2005, 7:15 PM
Post #110 of 136 (17001 views)

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Re: Climbing Pornography? [In reply to]
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Where's the beef (cake)??


Apr 29, 2005, 2:56 AM
Post #111 of 136 (17001 views)

Registered: Oct 26, 2001
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Re: Climbing Pornography? [In reply to]
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But hey, Prana can trot out scantily-clad gorgeousness—and get otherwise reactionary folks to rave on the virtues of it all--because their ad campaign has attached super duper spiritual airs to their rags, replete with a precious yoga connection and daffy New Age connotations. With the table thusly set, the girls bursting out of their sports braws are not just comely forms betraying their modest sisters, they’re serious people striving after holiness. In other words, Prana’s ad campaign has totally buffaloed folks who say their shapely models are fine and dandy, while others, in basically the self same garments, are bottom feeding since they aren’t striking a yoga pose in the shot.

Bollocks . . .


Bollocks indeed young padwan. Yes that is the bull-in-a-china shop analysis, but the subtle differences are important and where images are concerned all things aren't equal. Ignoring the "Blurr Yang to Prana's yoga-driven environmental-conscious Ying" for a moment if you do a semiotic analysis of images of women in both Blurr and Prana ads you will find that in some of Blurr adverts (in this series at least) women are portrayed as subordinate whereas in the Prana the ads women are portrayed as independent and self-assured.

It's not really about the use of women to sell product, that as we know is timeless, but how they are portrayed.

Check out some of Jerome Curchod's work in the old Bikini mag for images that show women as independent and powerful but still oh so beautiful.

There is a question mark at the end of Climbing Pornography in the title to this thread which also referred to Lizzy Scully's quote. Anyone notice that?

On a side note, anyone any ideas why Lauren Lee got one of the front covers of the latest Rock and Ice? I can understand Hot Henry getting on there as he's a god, Robbins obviously because of the recent popularity of the Christian and Moral Right in today's USA, Long cause he was one of Russ Walling accolytes and had a famous girlfriend once, but I was a tad confused by Lee, great climber and all, but I would have thought that Steph Davis (Freerider etc), Beth Rodden (for many reasons), Lisa Rands (End Of THe Affair), or even the spritely Lynn Hill would have been more appropriate.

Could it have anything to do with the ' most average facial appearance effect?'

Best Regards,



Apr 29, 2005, 3:18 AM
Post #112 of 136 (17001 views)

Registered: Dec 29, 2002
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Re: Climbing Pornography? [In reply to]
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Some people waste too much time over-analyzing photos that are simply meant to sell overpriced cheap clothing to a bunch of sheeple.

Now if that time went into getting a step closer to finding a cure for cancer...


Apr 29, 2005, 3:31 AM
Post #113 of 136 (17001 views)

Registered: Jan 15, 2003
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Re: Climbing Pornography? [In reply to]
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Now if that time went into getting a step closer to finding a cure for cancer...

Oooooh yeah, that's what I was supposed to be doing instead of reading this 8 page rambling thread. But is sooo much more entertaining than cancer research!

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With the table thusly set, the girls bursting out of their sports braws are not just comely forms betraying their modest sisters, they’re serious people striving after holiness.

Ok, I know it was like 3 pages ago, but that quote cracked me up. My first thought was, wow... I wish I had enough boobs to burst out of a sports bra. Never even came close. And climbing certainly don't help. :oops:


Apr 29, 2005, 3:45 AM
Post #114 of 136 (17001 views)

Registered: Nov 6, 2004
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Re: Climbing Pornography? [In reply to]
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But hey, Prana can trot out scantily-clad gorgeousness—and get otherwise reactionary folks to rave on the virtues of it all--because their ad campaign has attached super duper spiritual airs to their rags, replete with a precious yoga connection and daffy New Age connotations. With the table thusly set, the girls bursting out of their sports braws are not just comely forms betraying their modest sisters, they’re serious people striving after holiness. In other words, Prana’s ad campaign has totally buffaloed folks who say their shapely models are fine and dandy, while others, in basically the self same garments, are bottom feeding since they aren’t striking a yoga pose in the shot.

Bollocks . . .


Bollocks indeed young padwan. Yes that is the bull-in-a-china shop analysis, but the subtle differences are important and where images are concerned all things aren't equal. Ignoring the "Blurr Yang to Prana's yoga-driven environmental-conscious Ying" for a moment if you do a semiotic analysis of images of women in both Blurr and Prana ads you will find that in some of Blurr adverts (in this series at least) women are portrayed as subordinate whereas in the Prana the ads women are portrayed as independent and self-assured.

It's not really about the use of women to sell product, that as we know is timeless, but how they are portrayed.

Check out some of Jerome Curchod's work in the old Bikini mag for images that show women as independent and powerful but still oh so beautiful.

There is a question mark at the end of Climbing Pornography in the title to this thread which also referred to Lizzy Scully's quote. Anyone notice that?

On a side note, anyone any ideas why Lauren Lee got one of the front covers of the latest Rock and Ice? I can understand Hot Henry getting on there as he's a god, Robbins obviously because of the recent popularity of the Christian and Moral Right in today's USA, Long cause he was one of Russ Walling accolytes and had a famous girlfriend once, but I was a tad confused by Lee, great climber and all, but I would have thought that Steph Davis (Freerider etc), Beth Rodden (for many reasons), Lisa Rands (End Of THe Affair), or even the spritely Lynn Hill would have been more appropriate.

Could it have anything to do with the ' most average facial appearance effect?'

Best Regards,


You go, girl.

Any gayer and you'd be dirtineye.



Apr 29, 2005, 3:59 AM
Post #115 of 136 (17001 views)

Registered: Dec 29, 2002
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Re: Climbing Pornography? [In reply to]
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Now if that time went into getting a step closer to finding a cure for cancer...

Oooooh yeah, that's what I was supposed to be doing instead of reading this 8 page rambling thread. But is sooo much more entertaining than cancer research!

Entertainment = good waste of time
Looking for and crying out over problems that don't exist = bad waste of time

Now, I have wasted too much time on, but it was all good. ;) Back to molecular bio for me. As if I can pull myself away from such good entertainment.


Apr 29, 2005, 5:32 AM
Post #116 of 136 (17001 views)

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Re: Climbing Pornography? [In reply to]
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[ Long cause he was one of Russ Walling accolytes and had a famous girlfriend once . . .

Best Regards,


Never been so deftly flamed in my life. Bull-in-a-China-shop, et al. But it was the overall faux-wisdom tone of this tortured epistle that's so magnificent. The "Best Regards" betrays a ham fist, but so what.

Now here's a fellow who's staked his claim on the high ground and all that he's missing is a Prana sport bra and a struck pose depicting prodigious independence and self-reliance--sorta like Bogart in the African Queen (just before his boat sunk).

Ciao from the watercloset inside the China Shop,



Apr 29, 2005, 6:13 AM
Post #117 of 136 (17001 views)

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Re: Climbing Pornography? [In reply to]
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As a marketing professional here's my take:

What other ads in the climbing rags get their own threads?

Love em or hate the ads - the marketing is working. Do you remember what patagonia's ad was about in the last Rock and Ice? Neither do I.

I do. I even remember what type of crampons were being used.
Go forth and sell my friend.


Apr 29, 2005, 6:42 AM
Post #118 of 136 (17001 views)

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Go forth and sell my friend.

d00d!!!WTF?! why would you sell your cams? why would you get someone else to do it for you? WTF? this is totally not the right forum for that, too, bro!!!


Apr 29, 2005, 7:26 AM
Post #119 of 136 (17001 views)

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Re: Climbing Pornography? [In reply to]
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OK I'm late getting to this thread and only read a few pages, but here goes...

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...Anyway, since I am a woman, and I saw the ads, I realise that I must quit climbing and be a full time sex slave to some uncaring guy...
For purely altruistic reasons, I'll volunteer to be the uncaring guy.

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...For starters, this silly post is itself a piece of ad copy insofar as you're trying to posit you and yours as authentic torch bearers of a White Light that shines finer and more pure than the light in a pool hall or bordello.

Hogwash . . .

I grew up just below Mt. Baldy Zen center and attended my first seshin there when I was 18, later moved to the LA Zen center for Koan study under Matzumi Roshi, and have been at it ever since--that's 32 years. During this voyage I've learned this much: Meditation and being a "coddling servant" are not mutually exclusive, and often go hand in hand. It is not all-or-nothing, one or the other, with any of this. In many cases, a "spiritual path" only increases attachments, reducing people to coddling servants of enlightenment and disfunctional, hierarchy-based "spiritual" communities. The fact that someone spends 32 years or 150 years in the zendo or ashran in no wise means the person is any beter or clearer than the day he or she started. Meditating, yoga, and all the rest do not, in and of themselves, represent something higher or lower than drinking Mescal or stripping in a Vegas lounge act.

The sham here is that an idealized vision of meditating, yoga posers and psychospirituality is being used to pimp a clothing line. The falsehood here is that those of the White Light tred ground higher and finer than that traversed by "coddling servants." That's advertising thinking and spiritual bilge--of that we may be sure.


Man I thought I was done reading your wisdom a long time ago, but then you write this. Freakin classic post.

OK FWIW here's my opinion. All the uptight, thin-skinned prudes out there that are whining about some stupid clothing ads need to relax a bit and focus their attention on something more important. As for me, I'm gonna get back to working on that cure for cancer just as soon as I hit send.


Apr 29, 2005, 8:40 AM
Post #120 of 136 (17002 views)

Registered: Jul 15, 2004
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Re: Climbing Pornography? [In reply to]
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Ignoring the "Blurr Yang to Prana's yoga-driven environmental-conscious Ying" for a moment if you do a semiotic analysis of images of women in both Blurr and Prana ads you will find that in some of Blurr adverts (in this series at least) women are portrayed as subordinate whereas in the Prana the ads women are portrayed as independent and self-assured.

Who is Lisa Dumper subordinate to in her ad?

Partner euroford

Apr 29, 2005, 12:12 PM
Post #121 of 136 (17002 views)

Registered: Aug 26, 2002
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Re: Climbing Pornography? [In reply to]
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hello!! still no p0rn in this thread!!!



Apr 29, 2005, 1:30 PM
Post #122 of 136 (17002 views)

Registered: Nov 10, 2004
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Re: Climbing Pornography? [In reply to]
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I can't believe that so much time and space has been wasted on this ridiculous thread. Women dressed provocatively, while perhaps not the most forward thinking image, is something that I see in my classroom everyday (I teach English at a university). The women in the photographs are willing participants in the photo shoot and probably earned some money. Climbing ads tend to represent reality better than most print images of women - I see scantily clad women traipsing behind their beanie sporting boyfriends nearly every time I am at the crag or gym. As a matter of fact I have never seen an all girl bouldering posse at my local area. Perhaps all of this excessive attention to inconsistencies and banalities might better be spent fighting the real enemies of women - sexual predators, wife beaters, misogynists, the neocon, the welfare state...


Apr 29, 2005, 1:52 PM
Post #123 of 136 (17002 views)

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Re: Climbing Pornography? [In reply to]
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What about those "Women of climbing calenders", those really peg the lame as $hit meter.


Apr 29, 2005, 2:26 PM
Post #124 of 136 (17002 views)

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I for one would never have seen these ads were they not referenced in this thread. Clearly there is more than one way to make money from subservient women?



Apr 29, 2005, 3:16 PM
Post #125 of 136 (17335 views)

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Clearly there is more than one way to make money from subservient women?


indeed. witness the naked lady sushi table phenomenon.

and since this thread is woefully devoid of any actual climbing pr0n, can someone at the very least put a little something fresh in the women of thread?

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