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Summit via normal route
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May 2, 2005, 11:22 AM
Post #1 of 1 (760 views)

Registered: Feb 9, 2005
Posts: 88

Summit via normal route  (South_and_Central_America: Ecuador: Eastern_Cordillera: Antisana)
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This should be on every hardcore climbers to do list, while climbing this amazing mountain I did not see any other climbers for 3 days, the setting is amazing as well as the views. This mountain borders the amazon jungle so you basically sit on a 20,000 ft ledge, seeing jungle on one side and the cordillera on the other side. The normal route is HEAVILY canvased and long with no formal base camp, snow stakes and flukes are required as well as steep nieve climbing in at times exposed locations. Be sure to go with an experienced climber as rescue is not an option due to its remote nature. The best time to climb is in DEC and Jan.

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