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Climbs at Bethal Lake
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Jul 16, 2002, 4:15 PM
Post #1 of 2 (718 views)

Registered: Jul 5, 2002
Posts: 32

Climbs at Bethal Lake  (North_America: Canada: Ontario: North_Eastern_Ontario: Bethal_Lake)
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I was just at Bethal Lake last night climbing. There used to be a lead climb there. Just to let everyone know that there is a bolt missing from the climb so leading it is not an option anymore Not to mention it looks like there are only 5 or 6 climbs now that some of the bolts have been removed.


Jul 18, 2002, 3:30 AM
Post #2 of 2 (718 views)

Registered: Aug 1, 2001
Posts: 589

Climbs at Bethal Lake [In reply to]
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Hrm I wonder who did that Bethel lake used to have tons of bolts. I know the Laurentien outdoors program does alot of stuff out there so maybe they're the ones that bolt and unbolt it.

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