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Donate your old gear to Boy Scouts
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Jul 27, 2005, 3:46 AM
Post #1 of 195 (5555 views)

Registered: Jul 23, 2005
Posts: 53

Donate your old gear to Boy Scouts
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I'm creating a climbing program for our council and have a lot of gear so far but we don't have the resources for $100 climbing shoes. BUT if any of you kind souls have some worn out or unwanted shoes collecting dust and would like to donate them to our climbing program we'd love to have them!!!!!. It kills me to see boys having to climb in tennis shoes :( Come on now you know it would suck if you had to climb in tennis shoes right!!

Do a good deed today and PM me if you'd like to help out. We could use more helmets too. I will reimburse your postage if necessary and if you can't donate please send me a pic and a price.



Jul 27, 2005, 4:09 AM
Post #2 of 195 (5229 views)

Registered: Oct 11, 2004
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Re: Donate your old gear to Boy Scouts [In reply to]
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Jeez, I was not aware this sexist and religious organization is still alive!


Jul 27, 2005, 4:32 AM
Post #3 of 195 (5229 views)

Registered: Jul 27, 2005
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Re: Donate your old gear to Boy Scouts [In reply to]
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Sorry, I don't have any supplies to provide, but good luck on getting them. I wish my scout leaders provided us with equipment. They only just started offering the Rock Climbing Merit Badge after I got Eagle. But, have you talked to your local gym at all to see if they could let you buy any of their rental shoes? How about trying some fund raisers.

But, yes annak, Scouting has been around, and still is, and probably will always be around. There are Girl scouts for females to join. Some may say that they don't do much, but I know of females who got their Gold and are very satisfied with their girl scouting experience.

In fact they were so impressed with their girl scouting experience, that they reached out and got some help in finding a Venture Crew (see link, and educate yourself) As stated on the Venture Crew Fast Start site, " Venturing is the young adult program of the Boy Scouts of America for men and women who are 14 (and have completed the eighth grade) through 20 years of age.

As for religious, and I'm assuming that you mean Atheist and the whole requiring to believe in god,

It also must be noted Lord Baden Powell, the founder of the World Scouting movement in 1907 never excluded atheists from scouting. In his writings he made it very clear that he believed through the scouting experience a young boy or girl would hopefully find their own spirituality and possibly a belief in "God." He never said to exclude children from scouting if they did not believe in "God" If you don't feel like participating in the invocation, or benediction, don't.

In conclusion. Sexist is remedied by Girl Scouts, and Venture Crews. IF you don't have one in your area, then start one. Religious differences was originally not intended, and was changed by different councils.

Google is your friend. Use it wisely.

Partner crgwhe

Jul 27, 2005, 4:39 AM
Post #4 of 195 (5229 views)

Registered: Oct 26, 2004
Posts: 196

Re: Donate your old gear to Boy Scouts [In reply to]
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Jeez, I was not aware this sexist and religious organization is still alive!
The Scouting program has been alive since 1907 with over 30 million members in 217 countries and territories. Boy Scouting has continued to grow regardless of “sexist and religious” degrading by the ACLU, NAACP, Supreme Court Rulings, and all other organizations and individuals which have tried to put a halt to their activities….So STFU!
el_guapo, I don’t have any gear I’m not using on a regular basis, but I do know a sponsored climber (who received his Eagle Rank by the way) who has given me some of his gear. His sponsors keep sending him climbing stuff which he never uses. I’ll get a hold of him and PM you. Keep up the great work.


Jul 27, 2005, 5:06 AM
Post #5 of 195 (5229 views)

Registered: Oct 11, 2004
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Re: Donate your old gear to Boy Scouts [In reply to]
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Not sexist??? Then why the segregation by sexes???????????

OK, you are really non-sexist -- what about selling some cookies, rather than asking for free gear to have boys-only fun outdoors?

I am also glad to hear than I am not the only one concerned -- hope someone like Supreme Court will finally rule them out, at least in this one -- out of 217 countries -- that is more or less civilized in many other respects.


Jul 27, 2005, 5:17 AM
Post #6 of 195 (5229 views)

Registered: Jul 12, 2004
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Re: Donate your old gear to Boy Scouts [In reply to]
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I was in Scouts in australia when I was a teenager (the "venturers" group, 14 - 19 yrs or something like that) and all us girls got to do everything that the boys did, we were all part of the same team!

except i remember at least one occasion where my male partner carried the heavy load for our two "man" team!

probably just another american problem. not suprising really.

good luck getting gear for the troops. sorry i can't help, but i'm still using my first pair of climbing shoes.




Jul 27, 2005, 5:21 AM
Post #7 of 195 (5229 views)

Registered: Oct 11, 2004
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Re: Donate your old gear to Boy Scouts [In reply to]
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Just ran the google search: "free gear"+"serving lord" -- sorry, no matches....


Jul 27, 2005, 5:56 AM
Post #8 of 195 (5229 views)

Registered: May 12, 2005
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Re: Donate your old gear to Boy Scouts [In reply to]
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Not sexist??? Then why the segregation by sexes???????????

:? ummm... because boys and girls are different.


Jul 27, 2005, 6:42 AM
Post #9 of 195 (5229 views)

Registered: Oct 28, 2004
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Re: Donate your old gear to Boy Scouts [In reply to]
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what about selling some cookies, rather than asking for free gear to have boys-only fun outdoors?
Boy Scouts sell popcorn numbnuts.


Jul 27, 2005, 6:45 AM
Post #10 of 195 (5229 views)

Registered: Jan 26, 2005
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Jul 27, 2005, 6:45 AM
Post #11 of 195 (5229 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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Re: Donate your old gear to Boy Scouts [In reply to]
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I hear they could currently use some lightning rods, defibrillators and similar gear. Anyone?



Jul 27, 2005, 7:42 AM
Post #12 of 195 (5229 views)

Registered: May 12, 2005
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Re: Donate your old gear to Boy Scouts [In reply to]
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ooohhh... that was bad Curt...


Jul 27, 2005, 8:29 AM
Post #13 of 195 (5229 views)

Registered: Apr 22, 2004
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Re: Donate your old gear to Boy Scouts [In reply to]
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good one curt.
As for BSA i used to be apart of it and im sorry it is a homophobic and sexist group. The venture crew i was apart of was much better, mainly becuase we didt care about recruiting and the BSA in general we were more into the outdoors as it should be. As for the girls scouts, im sorry they dont even come close to the amount of outdoor experieces that the boyscouts and venture scouts have. So im sorry the girl scouts is lame and should be done away with along with the boys scouts. There should just be one organization. The scouts, plain and simple, coed and fair. In most other countriers this is how it is. I know that sport chalet rents gear our for relatively cheap and or is willing to give discounts. I believe some guide services do the same. good luck and please dont discriminate because someone is an athiest or doesnt swing in a staight line.

ps be careful of climbing under powerlines


Jul 27, 2005, 11:59 AM
Post #14 of 195 (5229 views)

Registered: Jul 23, 2005
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Re: Donate your old gear to Boy Scouts [In reply to]
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Wow I'm grateful to those who have responded! Many who were in scouting like me wrote that were it not for scouting they would never have been turned on to rock climbing and back packing. I might also add that scouts teaches leave no trace principles, good stewardship of the outdoors and cheerful service to others. Young people are our future and will be our access allies someday!!!

Those who wrote to say that the Boy Scout organization is sexist then by your definition any public facility that has seperate bathrooms for men and women is sexist. If you don't want to help then don't but don't justify your unwillingness to help boys have fun through transparently LAME condemnation. For scouts its all about doing fun stuff!!! I have no political agenda I am simply donating lots of my own money and time to help kids get a shot at doing what I love to do. ROCK CLIMB.

For those who'd enjoy volunteering with a sport they love please PM me if you have any old shoes or helmets you'd like to donate.

A HUGE THANK YOU to those who have responded!


Partner happiegrrrl

Jul 27, 2005, 12:40 PM
Post #15 of 195 (5229 views)

Registered: Mar 25, 2004
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Re: Donate your old gear to Boy Scouts [In reply to]
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It is a matter of principle for me, that whenever I go to a public bathroom where the mens and ladies rooms are near each other, and the ladies is in use, to go into the mens room. I always put the seat back up when finished, to be considerate.

I am a quick peer, and I don't take long times in the bathroom, so usually the guys are very ammendable when the door opens and its a woman who exits.

Only once did I get a nasty, and I do mean nasty, face from a guy. I was waiting, and waing and w-a-i-t-i-n-g, for the womans bathroom at the New Paltz bus station. A long time. A man had been in the mens room too. In use quite a while......uh oh.....

But, I really had to go, and I had a met online partner coming to pick me up. We didn't know each other, and I didn't want them to think I had not shown up, if they didn't see me waiting out front.

So, when the man finally came out, I held my breath, braced myself for what might lay ahead and made my move. The person in the ladies room seemed to be still in some sort of longterm process.

The door jangled before I even had reached the toilet, so I peed especially quickly, knowing someone was waiting. When I got out, I came face to face with a rather unpleasant, hateful countenance. To be truthful, he must have actually SEEN me enter the bathroom, since the door had been tested so quickly after my entrance.

My attempt to explain the scenario didn't appease him, and he steel-shouldered me on his way in. My only consolation was that he was not as lucky as me, to know that the person before had left a stinkbomb. heheheh.

As for donations, I have seen a lot of groups ask for them, and don't think they've been so successful. Howver, maybe some of the scout supporters PM these posters, and send a cash donation earmarked for the expense. other idea is to ask the local climbing gyms if they can donate some of the worn out shoes. I know our gym replaces regularly and puts the old ones in a box, free for the taking. They are in a state where a resole will be needed soon, but they are better than nothing, and probably even less worn than the ones you might get from individuals. Plus, the added benefit that the gym shoes are often worn with socks, being rentals, and also that the gym might have a policy to deodorize them.

Partner nostalgia

Jul 27, 2005, 1:13 PM
Post #16 of 195 (5229 views)

Registered: Jun 18, 2004
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Re: Donate your old gear to Boy Scouts [In reply to]
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Not sexist??? Then why the segregation by sexes???????????
:? ummm... because boys and girls are different.
That, and I don't want to even consider the chaos that would ensue if a week long BSA camping event was co-ed. *shudder*

I'm a BSA leader, climbing merit badge counselor and certified climbing instructor. We're just trying to get our troop outfitted with gear, now. It is expensive, as the BSA has some pretty strict rules on the origin and age of gear. Good on them for doing their homework and stressing safety, though, if they do err a bit far on the side of caution.

As for religion, yea, it bugs me a little. However it really is up to the troop to set how religiously involved the boys get. Our troop is only reverent during the Pledge of Allegiance.

My 2c. I think the BSA is on the whole a Good Thing for young boys. It teaches them a lot of life skills they would not get otherwise. I never made it past Cub Scouts, myself, and wish I had gone further. Being a leader I've learned a ton of stuff that could have helped me in my younger years.



Jul 27, 2005, 1:28 PM
Post #17 of 195 (5229 views)

Registered: Apr 18, 2005
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Re: Donate your old gear to Boy Scouts [In reply to]
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el_guapo, definitely keep up the good work. don't personally have shoes to donate, but will ask around.

annak, you are entitled to your beliefs, and i understand (to some extent) the information on discrimination cases you're basing your judgment on. that being said, i hope you have some small morsel of understanding that the bureaucracy level of scouting does not always affect the ways scout troops operate on an individual level. just because the national council says a girl can't be a member of a boy scout troop doesn't mean that everyone involved with boy scouts is some kind of woman-hater. as other posters have mentioned, venture crews are co-ed, and guess which organization venture crews are a part of? boy scouts

- eagle scout and proud of it


Jul 27, 2005, 2:44 PM
Post #18 of 195 (5229 views)

Registered: Mar 3, 2005
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Re: Donate your old gear to Boy Scouts [In reply to]
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Now that this thread is fully hijacked, I want in...

I was a scout, had a pretty good time in the scouts, and did a lot of stuff through their programs that led to me becoming a climber and a lot better outdoorsman. I don't think I even realized how much I had learned until I spent some time backpacking with people whose outdoor skills were the product of NOLS and the like. (Next time somebody with a NOLS mug clipped on their bag asks me to go on a trip, I'm running the other way. And washing my hands, too -- never camped so dirty and eaten so much dirt in my life as with those guys.) But much as the scouts taught me, I could never get over the homophobia and the "girls could never do any of this stuff" sexism of the national organization. I knew closeted but obviously gay scouts both older and younger than me for most of my years as a scout, including the last 3 that I spent mostly as a junior leader. Like all the kids, some were good guys who you knew you could trust to have the skill base and the sense of honor that are the goals of scouting, and some were little shits that you really hoped you managed to teach some sense before you were overcome by the urge to klobber them and tell their lard-assed moms and dads to put them back in front of the super nintendo. But I don't think in any single case the program did any of them any good by teaching them that their sexuality, which by nature or by nurture was part of who these guys were, was something that made them bad, inferior people who could never play a full role in the program or in society. One of the points of scouting is to set up both the older scouts and leaders as role models for the kids, and to send a message to some of them that as hard as they try and as successful as they might be in achieving the goals we set for them, they still can't ever take on these respected roles of scoutmaster and whatnot to me is just utterly conterproductive. Overall, I think the program has replaced its focus on building the kind of strong character that allows you to choose right over wrong with empty dogma about what is right and wrong.


Jul 27, 2005, 3:10 PM
Post #19 of 195 (5229 views)

Registered: Aug 18, 2004
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Re: Donate your old gear to Boy Scouts [In reply to]
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Jeez, I was not aware this sexist and religious organization is still alive!

Yes you were.

And how is it any more sexist than girl scouts? Anatomy check isle 5. Boys and girls are different and not just in our pee pee's. Lots of boys don't like girls at those ages and the ones that do would be trying to get in their pants if they were out camping in the same tents together.

I think they are losing govt. funding over the whole swearing allegiance to God thing, but that's a whole other matter.


Jul 27, 2005, 3:20 PM
Post #20 of 195 (5344 views)

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I guess boy scouts is after 13 or so, so yeah...ALL the boys would be trying to get some from the girl scouts and would never get anything accomplished. Woo hoo, I got my ASS badge. Hehe, sorry.

I was in cub scouts only so was thinking a little younger when responding.


Jul 27, 2005, 3:30 PM
Post #21 of 195 (5229 views)

Registered: Aug 14, 2001
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Re: Donate your old gear to Boy Scouts [In reply to]
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All they do is chop down trees, make huts, start forest fires and basically trash a campsite....oh yeah, bunch of homophobic religious wanks...


Jul 27, 2005, 3:34 PM
Post #22 of 195 (5229 views)

Registered: Jan 15, 2003
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Re: Donate your old gear to Boy Scouts [In reply to]
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Oh yeah... really hijacked...

I was a girl scout, and that's where I learned to climb and belay. I do often complain that I never got to learn to shoot like my husband and brothers did in the boyscouts, but I don't blame that on the national organization as much as my girlscout troop leaders (suburban mom's who really had no interest in learning to shoot themselves).

I find it strange that women are here complaining about "segregation" being "sexist" and over on the Ladies' Room they are happily extoling the virtues of women-only climbing courses and camps.

Girl scouts and boy scouts are "segregated" for the same reasons... it's one less distraction you have to put up with. I have to say, when I was in elementry and middle school, boys were mean to me. It was nice that I could go out and do the stuff I like without having to put up with their sh*t. :roll:

Partner jammer

Jul 27, 2005, 3:37 PM
Post #23 of 195 (5229 views)

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All they do is chop down trees, make huts, start forest fires and basically trash a campsite....oh yeah, bunch of homophobic religious wanks...

I just shit all over your post! I'm sure there are some homophobic religious wanks on their roster, but to lable them all ... come on man, what's up with that??


Jul 27, 2005, 3:39 PM
Post #24 of 195 (5229 views)

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Re: Donate your old gear to Boy Scouts [In reply to]
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Whining about the boy scouts? That's pretty pathetic! It's a private organization that does a lot of good.

You don't like it? You don't have to join it or support it. Grow up.

In the meantime, I'm going to lobby against locker room segregation. It's just wrong! Girls running around in bras and panties tickling each other and snapping towels. It's so sexist I just can't believe it. :lol:

Partner macherry

Jul 27, 2005, 3:48 PM
Post #25 of 195 (5229 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2003
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All they do is chop down trees, make huts, start forest fires and basically trash a campsite....oh yeah, bunch of homophobic religious wanks...

okay, lets keep this thread civil!. The original poster was asking for used equipment, not looking for a debate over the relevence of the BSA.

my 2cents: I was a brownie ( girl guide and younger sparks) leader for over 5 years. I also worked as the commissioner/head honcho in my local town for the girl guides. These organizations are worthy. There can be some bad seeds, but on the most part they enrich boys and girls lives. My daughter is 14, is self reliant in the wilderness, knows survival skills,respects the outdoors, and does volunteer work through guiding in the community. That's a good thing.

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