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Horse Shoe Canyon
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Aug 22, 2005, 11:45 PM
Post #1 of 1 (924 views)

Registered: Dec 27, 2004
Posts: 20

Horse Shoe Canyon  (North_America: United_States: Arizona: Southern: Horseshoe_Canyon)
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I wanted to post an update for Horse Shoe Canyon since the only post was very old. I scouted it the other day (by car only). This canyon is a very solitude place, with a porous med quality looking granite. The rock is very blocky, with quite a few cracks in certain areas. It's not a major climbing destination, but it looks like a great place to boulder and set top ropes. (Not allot of high walls) I also believe that it would be a fantastic place to do some crack climbing (short climbs) as well. NOW, The reason no one goes to this canyon, is because in order to find it without good directions is impossible. The drive in is very easy, but due to the ranchers leasing the property for cattle, it appears to be private property when it is not. The road is pretty good, but you might want to take something with a little clearance.

The gate is located on Highway 80, east of Douglas, Arizona, about forty miles, or south of Rodeo, New Mexico, maybe 10 miles.

Mile Marker 412 - go west through the metal gate with green posts labeled as Sunrise Rd.

Go 1.6 miles though a take down gate (usually open) and continue west

Go another .5 mile and the road dead ends into a fence, Turn right and travel north.

Go .5 mile and turn west

Go .5 mile and you will come to an old corral with a adobe shed. Go through the gate to the right of the load shoot (cattle) and now you are entering the Coronado National Forest (posted).

The wall just south of the corral looks really awesome, and if you continue down to the split for North fork Canyon (2.6 miles), there is a very nice wall with maybe forty short (80') crack climbs possible.

Don't be discouraged by the directions, it is actually pretty easy, and almost all the rock is within 300 yards or closer to the road. It also looks like an awesome area to camp- Good Luck

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