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Shelley Windsor...
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Nov 8, 2005, 5:32 AM
Post #101 of 280 (43304 views)

Registered: Nov 8, 2005
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Shelley [In reply to]
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from all of us at Red Mountain College, Math 121, we would just like to send our deepest condolences to her family and friends that were climbing with her that day, we LOVED, to hear all her stories, she was and will always be the BEST math teacher we could ever have, we MISS her and we all LOVE her, :cry: , but we will carry her memories, and know she is in a better place. Laura


Nov 8, 2005, 5:44 AM
Post #102 of 280 (43304 views)

Registered: Nov 8, 2005
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Re: Shelley Windsor... [In reply to]
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From all of us in her Math 121 class @ Red Mountain, we were all shocked to hear her accident, and we are in deep sorrow that it happened, we will all miss her, she was and will always be the BEST math teacher anyone could ever have, we MISS her dearly, and will always have a special place in our heart,for her and all that she had taught us, WE LOVE YOU Shelley... You are now in a better place... :( :(


Nov 8, 2005, 6:21 AM
Post #103 of 280 (43304 views)

Registered: Sep 30, 2002
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Re: Shelley Windsor... [In reply to]
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Sorry to post a second time, but I thought I would suggest that the people involved in putting her memory book together include the many wonderful and sincere posts contained in this forum. If you need any help putting everyones words in to a single document, I'll be happy to take the time. Just let me know... I know there will probably be many more heartfelt messages to come... I won't be able to attend the services, I'm sorry to say, but if I can at least help in some way it would be nice.

Somebody also suggested finding out Shelley's favorite charity, so others can make donations in her behalf. I think this is a great idea.

Updated: From her loving friends and business partners at Over the Crux, I noticed they had informed us of Shelley's charity of choice:

Anyone looking to donate to a charitable cause in Shelley's honor should donate to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
-Daniel Arlit

Thanks Daniel.


Nov 8, 2005, 6:23 AM
Post #104 of 280 (43304 views)

Registered: May 30, 2002
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Re: Shelley Windsor... [In reply to]
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I am especially touched by the posts from her students... we know Shelley was about more than just climbing, but the notes from her students just bring it home.


Nov 8, 2005, 6:30 AM
Post #105 of 280 (43304 views)

Registered: May 30, 2002
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Re: Shelley Windsor... [In reply to]
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Hey Daniel, can you post pic 66 from your slide show? It's really cute. She looks so happy... made me stop and smile :)


Nov 8, 2005, 6:38 AM
Post #106 of 280 (43729 views)

Registered: Dec 22, 2003
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     Re: Shelley Windsor... [In reply to]
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Thanks for posting that account Leo--and don't beat yourself up about what theoretical actions could have potentially resulted in a more favorable outcome. It's clear that you did everything you possibly could have--and then some.


ditto. thanks for sharing that.

Partner philbox

Nov 8, 2005, 6:56 AM
Post #107 of 280 (43304 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2002
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Re: Shelley Windsor... [In reply to]
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Lost for words here and that is a pretty rare thing. All I can do is to add my condolonces to the others. I do not want to sound cliche at all. What I do wish to say is that reading through the posts in this thread makes my heart glad to be associated with a world wide community of people who care what happens to a person with a like passion. I did not know Shelley but would have gladly tied in with her on a climb.

Partner philbox

Nov 8, 2005, 7:20 AM
Post #108 of 280 (43729 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2002
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     Re: Shelley Windsor... [In reply to]
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Leo, we are all indebted to you for having commited to writing that account down. Bravo mate, thanks.

As to the anchor failure, I`m now even less a fan of girth hitching. I`m always telling my students not to girth hitch. The only time I ever girth hitch is for my personal daisey tie in to my harness. Comments made with the greatest respect. If anyone thinks that they are made in poor taste then I shall remove them immediately.


Nov 8, 2005, 7:50 AM
Post #109 of 280 (43729 views)

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My deepest condolences to the friends and family.

In my opinion; if you measure both webbing with knots and if the length is exactly even, then most likely anchor pulled (which was set on a single tree). Another suggestion ; may be both webbing were supposed to be also wrapped a round the anchor in a loop but somehow only one side of the webbing was clipped in to the biner and not the other side and it was left loose. There is also a possibility that may be there were two independent anchors (If webbing lengths are not the same) and both pulled or failed. Always check your system many times and back it up.


Nov 8, 2005, 10:19 AM
Post #110 of 280 (43729 views)

Registered: Mar 25, 2002
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nice account leo. kudos to you for at least trying to help.

and the not girthhitched sligs theory sounds pretty good to me.


Nov 8, 2005, 12:42 PM
Post #111 of 280 (43729 views)

Registered: Mar 20, 2004
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I do hate to hear of these things and I don't know my ass from first base.

But what I know is, what u guys are feeling. I call it, Ghost in my closet. Memories and sounds of days gone by. The thoughts are in the back of my mind, waiting for the time to come to the front. As time goes by they fade, but never forgotten. Seems the older I get, the more Ghost I get... I think it helps to keep me safe. Check check check check again.

may peace be with u my friends

I was climbing with some new ppls a few yrs. ago, when one of climbers rap a "single" ps. of 1" webbing around a tree {raped severial times}and called it good. When I questioned this, I got the long drawn out spew about Friction...then u wouldn't mind if I put a knot in it then.
But what do I know...natta

may my peace be ur's


Nov 8, 2005, 3:08 PM
Post #112 of 280 (43729 views)

Registered: Jun 17, 2002
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Leo, thanks for posting up about the accident. I'm sure it has been difficult to gather thoughts into words these past few days. Don't let the "what if's" haunt you -- it's clear you and everyone involved did everything possible to help. In a trauma situation like this, time is everything and everyone who has climbed at the Forks knows that a speedy rescue just isn't possible. I'm guessing that even if there were a dozen WFR's and six EMTs down there that it wouldn't have been enough to save Shelley without getting her to an advance life care unit. You folks bought her as much time as possible, and by all accounts I've heard everyone is grateful for your heroic efforts.

I hope, like Shelley's friends and family, that time will bring you peace and understanding with the events that occured and the action that was taken to try to save Shelley's life. You did what we all hope we could do if faced with a similar situation -- you did your best.


Partner jammer

Nov 8, 2005, 3:10 PM
Post #113 of 280 (43304 views)

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I did not know Shelly or remember talking to her on these pages, but as I read all the posts, a deep sadness engulfed me and I realize that I missed a chance of a life time. My heart does go out to all of you who had the privilage of knowing her.



Nov 8, 2005, 3:53 PM
Post #114 of 280 (43304 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2001
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Re: Shelley Windsor... [In reply to]
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My deepest sympathy....I can honestly say that every memory I have of climbing with Shelley involve her smiling and positive vibes. I can't say that about many people.



Nov 8, 2005, 4:09 PM
Post #115 of 280 (43304 views)

Registered: Nov 8, 2005
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Re: Shelley Windsor... [In reply to]
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Hi, I first met Shelley 6 years ago when she was living in Utah. We were in the same singles ward along with Lane Pollock, Mike Kniephof. It is a very tragic accident and Shelley will be missed. My thoughts go out to Shelley's family and friends and I know that Shelley is in a better place then the rest of us. One of my memories of her is one year there was a group of us and we all went tubing up American Fork Canyon. Tad Warren, was able to take a picture of Shelley just as she went off a jump, her facial expression was so damn funny. Shelley Windsor, I will miss you and I look forward to seeing you in the life to come.

Casey Larson


Nov 8, 2005, 4:34 PM
Post #116 of 280 (43729 views)

Registered: Nov 26, 2002
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     Re: Shelley Windsor... [In reply to]
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Thanks for that account, Leo.

By the sound of it, that fall was fatal (most long ground falls are) even if Shelley had gotten immediate medical care. You did all you could possibly do, Leo. Sounds like everyone did. It was totally out of your hands, which is a mighty hard thing to accept--that in some cases, we are basically powerless to reverse things. God forbid, but if I should ever again be put in your position I hope I can make the same effort you did.



Nov 8, 2005, 4:35 PM
Post #117 of 280 (43304 views)

Registered: Nov 8, 2005
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Re: Shelley Windsor... [In reply to]
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im not a climber - but ms windsor was my math teacher at heritage academy from 8th - 10th grade. she was my student council advisor, and my basketball teacher.

reading all of your posts really drove home how special she was to so many people, and i just wanted to share a quick memory of her. we never had a really good relationship, shelley and i. in fact, we butted heads all through out my high school career, but she was always there. my ex boyfriend used to go climbing with her, and i finally wrote her a letter regarding why i felt we had a bad student/teacher relationship. the letter she wrote back was so heartfelt and honest, explaining that it had all been a misunderstanding and she wanted to be friends. if at any time i needed to call her or anything, she was there. ms windsor was a wonderful math teacher and a wonderful person. she was so hilarious - one time at student council camp, she went against the rules of the other advisor, peeked her head into our room at the cabin and shouted "hey girls, lets go on the roof" .. we layed up on the roof for hours talking about school, life.. aliens, you name it. it was awesome to see that side of her. even when we got back to school, she snuck up in our famous orange tower and wrote her name up there with us. she was such a rebel, haha. man, she really did light up the lives of many students at that school - and she changed my life for sure. she taught me a lot of things about how to deal with people, and improve relationships. i really hope she knows how much she really did mean to me, even if i didnt show it. my senior year we kinda lost touch, except for when she'd occasionally tease me about my crush on another teacher. i feel lucky that i got to see her a couple weeks ago, one of only two teachers i have seen since i graduated.
my prayers go out to her friends and family, she will be missed.


Nov 8, 2005, 4:45 PM
Post #118 of 280 (43729 views)

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Thanks for taking the time to share your account of the events that tragic day. I can't imagine how difficult it must have been to type it all out.

I will tell you this: From a medical care standpoint, there is nothing... NOTHING you could have done differently that would have made any difference in Shelley's outcome. Nothing. The world's finest trauma surgeon could have been standing at the bottom of the canyon, and that wouldn't have made any difference.

(I've been doing emergency trauma care for nigh on 10 years, so I'm well-versed in such things.)

You should rest easy, knowing that you did the very best thing you could have: You stayed by your friend in her last minutes and didn't let her die alone. That's honorable, and I'm humbled by such actions.


Nov 8, 2005, 5:11 PM
Post #119 of 280 (43304 views)

Registered: Nov 10, 2004
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Re: Shelley Windsor... [In reply to]
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I did not know Shelly and I don't climb at her level but after reading and listening and lookin - I get a sence of her. I can see a hugh smile, hear a great laugh and my gut feels she was special with an open heart and zest for life. This is the greatest thing you all can do for her - giving her life after death. Thank You.


Nov 8, 2005, 5:16 PM
Post #120 of 280 (43729 views)

Registered: Dec 4, 2003
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     Re: Shelley Windsor... [In reply to]
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Ok, before I write anything else, know that I mean no disrespect by putting forward the following theory (ie, I´m going to speculate on what happened).

After reading through the posts in this thread and seeing climbaddic´s pics of what might have gone wrong with a girth hitch in the webbing, I see another possibility.

In this picture, we see a the knot pinned below the other sling and, when the 2 are pulled tight around, say, a tree, the bottom loop´s knot would be pulled up against loop above it, effectively pinning it down against the tree trunk.

Now see these pictures:

(sorry, don´t have any webbing nearby so I used 2 different cordlettes)

Now, in the pics above, the lower loop´s knot is also pinned under above loop (loop = webbing). The key difference is that the lower loop was actually passed through the above loop.

In climbaddics pics, if the person putting up the webbing were to release pressure of it against the tree, the two pieces of webbing would separate (unless caught against the bark). In my pics, you can see that 1 of the loops is threaded through the other, as you would do in beginning a girth hitch.

(I promise to clean up the language immedietely and make it clearer; I just wanted to put this idea out as fast as I could in support of family and friends)


That makes perfect sense. This is my guess from hearing Mark’s story and reading the posts on the web. If you have been to Paradise Fork, most of the routes in the Paradise Fork are very hard to TR with cams and nuts. Most TR routes are setup by sling them around a tree. Since Shelley moved the slings from one tree to another tree, she may have thought that two slings were already girth hitched together from visual inspection?

Shelley’s friend


Nov 8, 2005, 5:36 PM
Post #121 of 280 (43304 views)

Registered: Jun 17, 2002
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Re: Shelley Windsor... [In reply to]
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This one really hits home. I've had to explain my tears here at work on more than one occasion after reading some of these posts. Shelley was a friend to everybody -- easy with a smile, and always a quick hello. And tough -- damn, that girl could climb! I was climbing at Pinnacle Peak a couple of years ago and watched her and Dale do a couple of wicked-thin routes. She could hang with Dale, and that's really saying something.

I remember back at the second AZ gathering at QC, she had asked me to take her aid climbing sometime. She wanted to learn just enough aid to be able to go do some routes in Zion. I was flattered -- me, of all people, being able to teach her something about climbing. Seemed silly at the time. She was very humble. I wish I had taken her up on it.

Like tragedies tend to do, it has me taking a look at who else in my life I have been "planning" to get together with soon to do something or other, but just haven't made the time. How do our priorities get so out of whack sometimes? I'm still in denial that she's gone.

I'll miss her, but I'm very grateful that our paths crossed a few times over the years -- at the gym, out at the crags, and at her shop. I hope we can all get together soon to help celebrate her life, and have a party/climbfest fitting of her memory.



Nov 8, 2005, 5:40 PM
Post #122 of 280 (43729 views)

Registered: Oct 13, 2005
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Since Shelley moved the slings from one tree to another tree, she may have thought that two slings were already girth hitched together from visual inspection?

If the leading theory is correct as to how the knot would catch in an incorrectly applied girth hitch then the tree plays a major part in causing the knot to catch. Removing the slings from another tree would remove that key component and the slings would likely just fall apart or slip in a way that would make the non-girth hitch obvious IMHO. Of course, this only considers the leading theory.


Nov 8, 2005, 5:48 PM
Post #123 of 280 (43729 views)

Registered: Nov 26, 2002
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Charlie wrote: "Since Shelley moved the slings from one tree to another tree, she may have thought that two slings were already girth hitched together from visual inspection?"

I can't make any sense out of this comment, Charlie. If you have "visual inspection," even with slings of the same color, you can clearly see if the slings are girth hitched--or not. Moving two slings--unconnected--from one tree to another . . . well, an experienced climber would know if she was holding two seperate runners, or two runners hitched together. And I can't imagine that in moving the slings from one location to another -- if indeed this happened -- that the slings stayed connected by a mere snag. The snag really only keps the slings "together" when they are under pressure. Also, if the slings were NOT girth hitched in the previous set up, then that set up would have failed.

I don't want to be a stickler here, but in describing any of these things you HAVE TO USE VERY PLAIN, CLEAR, AND PRECISE LANGUAGE, or everything can get totally bungled up. Descriptions like, "the biner pulled through the webbing" are just horrendous to try and sort out. Read Curt's description.



Nov 8, 2005, 5:50 PM
Post #124 of 280 (43304 views)

Registered: Nov 29, 2003
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Shelly was such an inspiration to us! We arrived in Utah from Canada in late November of last year to visit Aaron (idsclimber). Even before we had a chance to flinch we were on our way to the Creek to meet Shelly and Jon who had under blustery cold conditions baged up a couple of highy notable climbs (Fine Jade and NF of Caselton!?) WOW -We were embraced with kindness and infected with an unbounded sense of adventure. I'll never forget this kindness as it changed the way I viewed myself as a climber. She set the bar for what it means to be a humble, highly motivated and spiritual adventurer. I know my girl friend will be very sadened to hear the news but I know that the motivation Shelly belted out while her little fists fiddled for purchase in supercrack on that blizzard of a day in November will never be forgotton. You are forever in our hearts and Souls!


Nov 8, 2005, 6:03 PM
Post #125 of 280 (43729 views)

Registered: Apr 30, 2003
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Leo, we are all indebted to you for having commited to writing that account down. Bravo mate, thanks.


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