Forums: Climbing Information: Regional Discussions:
12/30 Climb at Joyama
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Dec 29, 2005, 11:15 AM
Post #1 of 1 (988 views)

Registered: Oct 11, 2005
Posts: 35

12/30 Climb at Joyama  (Asia: Japan: Shizuoka: Jo-Yama)
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Just wanted to let anyone in the area know that tomorrow, Dec. 30, I will be hanging out at Joyama for some fun. If you want to come down and climb, email me or just meet me up there. I will check my email untill 8:45 am tomorrow. I am also going up again for sure on the 8th of Jan.

But I am free anytime during the holidays. If anyone wants to come to Izu and to some climbs, drop me a line.

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