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The "Winter Olympics Are Overrated" Meh.
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Partner wideguy

Feb 17, 2006, 10:20 PM
Post #26 of 43 (972 views)

Registered: Jan 9, 2003
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Re: The "Winter Olympics Are Overrated" Meh. [In reply to]
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I believe most ppl watch what they like and most ppl complain about what they don't like
If ya don't like the 'lympics just don't fuggin watch it.

WHOA there big fella. That would be like simply avoiding a website you find worthless versus frequenting said web site just to tell eveyone how much it sucks. You KNOW people around here can't grasp THAT concept.


Feb 17, 2006, 10:47 PM
Post #27 of 43 (972 views)

Registered: Jul 27, 2001
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Re: The "Winter Olympics Are Overrated" Meh. [In reply to]
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the winter olympics are probably overrated if you live in a flat wasteland like illinois and are therefore unable to identify with them. i love watching the local ski races, so watching the olympics is a real thrill(and seeing the local boys win gold is that much better).

personally, i think the only way to make running races interesting to watch would be to have huge carnivores chasing the runners. however, i have the good sense to not deride the athleticism of the participants even though i am not interested in their event. curling aside(if this is an olympic sport, bowling should be too), all of the events take an enormous amount of athleticism to compete in at all.

the coverage does really suck though. the talking heads are mostly idiots, the interviews are vapid, and just when you really start to get in to the drama of an event they cut to another one. bogus.


Feb 17, 2006, 10:50 PM
Post #28 of 43 (972 views)

Registered: Jan 3, 2005
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Re: The "Winter Olympics Are Overrated" Meh. [In reply to]
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I believe most ppl watch what they like and most ppl complain about what they don't like
If ya don't like the 'lympics just don't fuggin watch it.

Kind of sucks though if you think the Olympics are a big waste of time but the party is coming to your town, and you're paying for it!


Feb 17, 2006, 11:51 PM
Post #29 of 43 (972 views)

Registered: May 12, 2004
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Re: The "Winter Olympics Are Overrated" Meh. [In reply to]
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however, i have the good sense to not deride the athleticism of the participants even though i am not interested in their event. curling aside(if this is an olympic sport, bowling should be too)

but bowling doesn't have as many good looking women

I also think that there is a large amount of thought and proactive strategy present in curling. This is why I enjoy watching it. There are a total of 16 stones. What can you do to make stone number 7 bring you an advantage at the end of the game? Bowling is strictly accuracy. Knock all the pins down and you win. There is no strategy there. Chess is the other side of things. There is much more thought going into the possible movements, but no athleticism is needed to execute it. All things aside, I could see bowling being an olympic sport. I just enjoy curling more.


Feb 18, 2006, 12:48 AM
Post #30 of 43 (972 views)

Registered: Jun 21, 2005
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Re: The "Winter Olympics Are Overrated" Meh. [In reply to]
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hip hip hooray for curling.

I thought Curling was strange at first but I'm starting to like watching a lot. It's like shuffle board but looks wayyy more fun because you're on ice pushing a 42 lbs stone.


Feb 18, 2006, 1:30 AM
Post #31 of 43 (972 views)

Registered: May 30, 2002
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Re: The "Winter Olympics Are Overrated" Meh. [In reply to]
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Softball is going to be phased out of the summer olympics. But the winter games have snowboardcross? What the fuck is snowboardcross, and is some guy from EXPN screaming about it with Mountain Dew spittle flying from his lips?


Feb 18, 2006, 1:33 AM
Post #32 of 43 (972 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
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Re: The "Winter Olympics Are Overrated" Meh. [In reply to]
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Are you sure it wasn't Red Bulltm spittle?

That stuff is pretty X I hear.


Feb 18, 2006, 3:46 AM
Post #33 of 43 (972 views)

Registered: Nov 20, 2002
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Re: The "Winter Olympics Are Overrated" Meh. [In reply to]
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curling for chicks is orgasmic

Dan, you're a genius...I'd would join a curling leage tomorrow if it was "Curling for Chicks"...;-)


Feb 18, 2006, 4:28 AM
Post #34 of 43 (972 views)

Registered: Dec 17, 2005
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Re: The "Winter Olympics Are Overrated" Meh. [In reply to]
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... should I go here... sht...

OK... well, I know a few Olympians, world cup champions, a handfull of Redbull drinking X-sports folk, and some adventure racers. As a kid I was groomed to compete skiing and I've watched a few of my friends succeed with careers in the sports they chose to compete in with their whole hearts at a very earily age and later. Some are winter sports athletes, and winter olympians, some are summer and summer. Many climb! All of them are athletes in a greek-god kind of way, it seems. (short, tall, big, small, yes all types. Some times I find my self in a room full of my friends and it's like I'm hanging out with the X-Men or Justice League or something, but my imagination is a little odd too. They are amazing though!)

So, what am I getting at? ... My argument is yes, I think some of the olympic events are over rated too, but I understand I think this only because ~I~ HAVE NOT invested enough of my self in these sports to apriciate them in the way they deserve. It is ~MY~ knowlege, compassion and empathy that is diluted, its not the sport. They are sports that deserve recognition and they are Atheletes that deserve praise and recognition, by their peers for sure and by us second, people with intenet connections, cable tv, and hearts. (ever climb hard enough to puke? ever climb hard enough to wish you could puke?)

I have gone 80mps on skis and stood on small podiums next to people who later stood on the big podiums who have also gone 100mph. I feel more when I see someone competing in skiing than in, say, figure skating. I dont ice skate regularly. I ski regulary.

I guess my argument is something analog to an argument for musicians conserning their relationships with recording companies. They are artists first and corporations are parasites. Like artists and musicians atheletes inspire us.
All that and sex with real atheletes is Great! Their focused, flexable, have high pain tollerences, etc. Hours and hours of fun! Especially when you're in shape too! :wink:


Feb 18, 2006, 8:14 AM
Post #35 of 43 (972 views)

Registered: Dec 23, 2001
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Re: The "Winter Olympics Are Overrated" Meh. [In reply to]
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Curling is SO fun. I did it when I visited Canada.

Also, poor little American snowboarder girl. She's 20, so she did a trick because she was feeling confident - does it have to be pummelled into everyone that she made a mistake? NOooooooooooo.

This is why I cannot bring myself to be a journalist. "I have one question for you: 'What were you thinking?'" I'd be like, "Hell, no! Producer, let her alone!"


Feb 18, 2006, 9:04 AM
Post #36 of 43 (972 views)

Registered: Sep 24, 2002
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Re: The "Winter Olympics Are Overrated" Meh. [In reply to]
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I'm torn between empathy and hysterical laughter. I was actually yelling at the screen for her to pull a trick because she had such a lead, but I think if it was me, I would have just tucked and gone straight.

Think she burned most of her endorsements with that little mishap, but she should try for Southwest Airlines. "Want to get away..."


Feb 18, 2006, 6:59 PM
Post #37 of 43 (972 views)

Registered: Jun 16, 2003
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Re: The "Winter Olympics Are Overrated" Meh. [In reply to]
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Aside from the NBC coverage sucking hard as always, I like the Olympics for the variety of random sports I can see. I mean, skeleton? Hurtling down a luge-type run, headfirst, on a little sled ~3 inches off the ground, at up to 75 mph?? Who knew? And, OMFG, I want to try that!!

Also, anyone else catch the piece about there being no women's ski jumping in the Olympics? It's because--according to some fat man at the IOC with his head up his ass--ski jumping is too dangerous for women. :shock:

Um, hello!!! Sure, it's dangerous, but it's not like it's less dangerous for men just because they have penises. And it's not any more dangerous than Super-G or luge or any other high speed thing involving ice/snow that women already compete in. So, WTF? :evil:


Feb 18, 2006, 8:51 PM
Post #38 of 43 (972 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
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Um, hello!!! Sure, it's dangerous, but it's not like it's less dangerous for men just because they have penises. And it's not any more dangerous than Super-G or luge or any other high speed thing involving ice/snow that women already compete in.

I know! I can't believe they let these penisless women into those dangerous sports either!

Thank god my penis protects me from danger.


Feb 18, 2006, 8:58 PM
Post #39 of 43 (972 views)

Registered: Nov 16, 2002
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Re: The "Winter Olympics Are Overrated" Meh. [In reply to]
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I think the Olympic Committee has made three serious mistakes

4. New scoring system in figure skating.... seriously...


Feb 18, 2006, 10:42 PM
Post #40 of 43 (972 views)

Registered: Jun 16, 2003
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Re: The "Winter Olympics Are Overrated" Meh. [In reply to]
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Thank god my penis protects me from danger.

ahh, see, it's those side benefits they never tell you about :P

How exactly do the danger-protection-powers work? Is it like an antenna that picks up danger signals? does it emit some sort of force field?

See, from my observations it tends to be the penis that puts its owner in danger, not protects it. So I'm a little confused about these protective powers. :D


Feb 19, 2006, 12:23 AM
Post #41 of 43 (972 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2003
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Re: The "Winter Olympics Are Overrated" Meh. [In reply to]
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ANd curling, by god. More curling!
Hoorah for curling!

Man. There is nothing greater or more frustrating than being stuck in French Canadia during the Winter Olympics and having to watch curling 24/7 while not knowing any of the rules,.

Also, I think that any sport in which you can scream like you're having an orgasm at the top of your lungs, is a sport that deserves to be televised.

I heart the Winter Olympics.



Feb 19, 2006, 1:45 AM
Post #42 of 43 (972 views)

Registered: Dec 17, 2005
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See, from my observations it tends to be the penis that puts its owner in danger, not protects it. So I'm a little confused about these protective powers.

Yes, the penis protective powers confuse many, but they do enjoy being observed. Fear not, they are here to help! I'm told powers vary form penis to penis but I dont know much about other penises, and dont really care too.

Here now is a survey of general penis protective powers (or PPP's) that is learned in 7th grade health class, when you guys learn about drawings of cow heads and ... what ever else you learn about in the other room during sex-ed.

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ahh, see, it's those side benefits they never tell you about
They are not openly spoken of, much like Fight Club.
~First rule of penis protection powers: dont talk about penis protection powers!
~Second rule: dont talk about penis protection powers!
~Third: ok, you can talk about them if you want too.

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How exactly do the danger-protection-powers work? Is it like an antenna that picks up danger signals?
Yes. How did you know? Insects have pheromones and antennae, cats have that spray thing they do and whiskers, dogs have the life, and men have their own personal danger divining rod. It witches water too, not many will admit to this though. Its a little awkward at times (buried power-lines are a pain), but its a nice feature in the desert when you need it.

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does it emit some sort of force field?
...Yes, Wow you are perceptive! This is an advanced technique that is used today more to disadvantage others through what is commonly called the 'cahk-block' than it is to act prophylacticly. Designed to protect the emitter originally, this field is short-circuited and polarized by some to misdirect and shut down others, placing the emitter on center stage. For further reading google or wiki 'Alberto Tomba', 'Dirty Italian Guy', and 'God I Hate That Guy'.


Feb 19, 2006, 2:54 AM
Post #43 of 43 (972 views)

Registered: May 12, 2004
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Re: The "Winter Olympics Are Overrated" Meh. [In reply to]
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Man. There is nothing greater or more frustrating than being stuck in French Canadia during the Winter Olympics and having to watch curling 24/7 while not knowing any of the rules,.
You can click on the 'curling 101' link to learn more. (This is mostly for everyone who WILL be stuck in a canadian hotel watching curling. :) )

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Also, I think that any sport in which you can scream like you're having an orgasm at the top of your lungs, is a sport that deserves to be televised.

The US men's team whooped up today. I have to admit though, from my armchair, even I could have beaten the Germans.

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