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Chipping Routes
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Aug 22, 2002, 5:30 AM
Post #1 of 2 (1996 views)

Registered: Jun 8, 2002
Posts: 78

Chipping Routes  (North_America: United_States: Oregon: Portland_Metro_Area: Rocky_Butte)
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Of all the bad press and bad atmosphere of Rocky, now we have: Chipped Routes.

I don't know when or who - and it may be old news since I'm a newbie to the area, but if you walk from Toothpick to Silver Bullet (picking up trash i hope!) you'll see some INCREDIBLY OBVIOUS chipped routes.

There are certainly holds now and again that have been smacked into the rock (Toothpick's 12 has 1) but on Mean Street you can examine a roof problem with perfectly chipped (drilled?) finger holds.

All we could say is the typical response: "If you can't climb it as is, you don't deserve to be on it".

Folks, chipping holds is permanently stupid. No better way to show off your local crag as a dumping ground for meatheads. Also a great way to lose access rights on some land.



Sep 10, 2002, 7:57 PM
Post #2 of 2 (1996 views)

Registered: Jun 28, 2002
Posts: 16

Chipping Routes [In reply to]
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Way old news. The one with the drilled pockets was from 92 or 3 as I remember. Yeah it does kind of suck.

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