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Climbing (Ice/Rock/Alpine) & Weather in Vancouver Area I
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Apr 11, 2006, 2:32 PM
Post #1 of 1 (565 views)

Registered: Oct 30, 2005
Posts: 37

Climbing (Ice/Rock/Alpine) & Weather in Vancouver Area I  (North_America: United_States: Wyoming: Western_Wy_: Bridge_Bands: Mudwall)
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After visiting Vancouver I've been contemplating moving to the city (or somewhere nearby) and wanted to know what the weather is like in regards to ice/rock and alpine climbing. What months on average can you ice climb? rock climb? Are there months of the year (or times of the year) where avalanche danger is so high that alpine climbing is pretty much impossible or too dangerous? With the fact that the area is a "rainforest", I'm concerned that there is so much precip/clouds that the mountains are socked in or conditions are too dangerous to even get out and enjoy them.

Oh I do ski so I realize that there is tons of great skiing but I'd rather be out climbing. Thanks for any info that you can provide me with.

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