
Aug 22, 2002, 6:21 PM
Post #1 of 4
Registered: Jun 8, 2002
Posts: 78
Staring at the beauty of the East Face, with its nice roofs and clean cracks, I wanted to know if anyone has beta for this wall - besides "The East Wall is closed" Tim's books says little to nothing about it. I didn't see any bolts or other obvious route clues - I'm guessing they would be pretty serious. mug [ This Message was edited by: mugnyte on 2002-08-22 12:51 ]

Aug 23, 2002, 8:01 PM
Post #2 of 4
Registered: Jan 25, 2002
Posts: 1650
Hi Mug, Welcome! There is and old guidebook that mentions the East Face but I can't find it, there were some lines that were done way back, mostly nailed aid routes (no small feat in basalt columns) and none that I remember more than a couple of pitches. Practce lines more or less. But the wall of the early morning light was closed, as we all know, because it is a rookery for many types of birds. Good question, perhaps suitable for the Climbing History Forum? (*hint hint* moderator) Jeff

Sep 10, 2002, 1:18 AM
Post #3 of 4
Registered: Jun 28, 2002
Posts: 16
Isn't Beacon Rock in Washington? Also ,in the first version of Portland Rock Climbs there is a topo for a mystery climb in the back. This climb is actually on the East Face of Beacon. No surprise there, as its the only possible location of a route of that length in the area. I don't know if the new version of the guide has it in there but if you search around you can probably come up with one or maybe I could send you a photo copy.

Nov 26, 2002, 8:14 PM
Post #4 of 4
Registered: Oct 24, 2002
Posts: 199
I actually heard the that the reason for closure of the east face is not due to birds but rare plants that only grow in the gorge. PS I've seen some bolts up there up far on the right side of the wall. hmmmm. . . . [ This Message was edited by: texplorer on 2002-11-26 12:15 ]