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That Damned Da Vinci Code!!1
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May 19, 2006, 3:05 PM
Post #51 of 125 (2341 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
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Re: That Damned Da Vinci Code!!1 [In reply to]
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Shooting the messenger is a cheap ploy,...
...and one that appears to be quite popular here.

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Dude..with all respect..I think you're simply insane.
Peculiar, yes...insane, hardly. Enlightened, definitely.

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What could "his specific reasons" could be? Exterminate muslims?
No, actually, God made a promise to Hagar the mother of Ishmael a son of Abraham and halfbrother of Isaac that He would make a great nation of him. Fulfilling yet another prophecy, his decendants are the people that make up the modern Muslim world.

You see, Ishmael came about because Abraham didn't trust God's promise of giving him a son through Sarah. Abraham figured to do it his way (with hagar) and it's been the bane of his decendants through Isaac (the Jews) ever since. Moral of the story: don't trust your human ways, trust God's...otherwise, there will be unfavorable consequences.

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Hit a little too close did we?
Not at all close...I consider a cult any organized religion that has a perverted idea of Christology (ie. mormons, jehovah's witnesses and catholocism because of the whole Mary worship thing). I stand by my original statement.

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"As far as 'murderous crusades,' I have stated more than once in past posts that the crusades had little to do with true Christianity. We have a powerful enemy on this earth called satan and he is extremely capable of twisting the most beneficial into evil, especially by using the minds of weak and sinful individuals."

Anyone who says this seriously is obviously a troll.
Or maybe just a serious student of the Bible.


May 19, 2006, 3:15 PM
Post #52 of 125 (2341 views)

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Re: That Damned Da Vinci Code!!1 [In reply to]
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Shooting the messenger is a cheap ploy,...
...and one that appears to be quite popular here.

Well boys, considering these normal religious and political oriented 'discussions' are the same old circle jerk with the same old players, shooting the messenger is particularly hazardous, haha.

I noticed you fellers pull the trigger often enough too.



May 19, 2006, 3:19 PM
Post #53 of 125 (2341 views)

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Re: That Damned Da Vinci Code!!1 [In reply to]
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Shooting the messenger is a cheap ploy,...
...and one that appears to be quite popular here.

Well boys, considering these normal religious and political oriented 'discussions' are the same old circle jerk with the same old players, shooting the messenger is particularly hazardous, haha.

I noticed you fellers pull the trigger often enough too.

I just restocked on bandages.


May 19, 2006, 10:05 PM
Post #54 of 125 (2341 views)

Registered: Dec 24, 2004
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Re: That Damned Da Vinci Code!!1 [In reply to]
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Conversely, it seems little mister coopershawk is only interested in inflamatory pissfests.
My friend, this is not an inflamatory pissfest. so much wrong has been done in the name of christianity, i'm just trying to figure out how you all think. I mean, you hate gays, you think anyone that doesn't believe the way you do is hell bound, and god damn it, say what you will, but to christians, this war in the middle east is a CRUSADE againsty the infidels. the "war on terror" is just an excuse to finish (or attempt to) what was started in the middle ages. Oh sure, there's the oil issue, but deep in his heart, Dubya is hoping once the muslim masses are extinguished in a rain of nuclear fire, jesus will come down in his space ship and cart all the faithful off to Andromeda 5 or some shit.


May 19, 2006, 10:15 PM
Post #55 of 125 (2341 views)


Re: That Damned Da Vinci Code!!1 [In reply to]
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It seems coopershawk likes to condemn everyone in a very broad group for the behavior of the fringe elements of that group.

No bigotry here. :roll:

Why wont you answer my questions? :( :( :(


May 19, 2006, 10:20 PM
Post #56 of 125 (2341 views)

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Re: That Damned Da Vinci Code!!1 [In reply to]
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Because the fringe elements call the shots and represent the whole group dude. If Christianity is such a peaceful religion, how come the people claiming to be christians in positions of power are so greedy, warlike, and well....un-christianlike?

Partner blonde_loves_bolts

May 19, 2006, 10:23 PM
Post #57 of 125 (2341 views)

Registered: Apr 7, 2005
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Re: That Damned Da Vinci Code!!1 [In reply to]
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Peculiar, yes...insane, hardly. Enlightened, definitely.

Modest? Never.


May 19, 2006, 10:31 PM
Post #58 of 125 (2341 views)

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Dubya is hoping once the muslim masses are extinguished in a rain of nuclear fire, jesus will come down in his space ship and cart all the faithful off to Andromeda 5 or some s---.


May 19, 2006, 10:40 PM
Post #59 of 125 (2341 views)

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Re: That Damned Da Vinci Code!!1 [In reply to]
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Because the fringe elements call the shots and represent the whole group dude. If Christianity is such a peaceful religion, how come the people claiming to be christians in positions of power are so greedy, warlike, and well....un-christianlike?

This is often the case with groups of ANY kind, not only religious groups. The ones that make the most noise are invariably the ones that have a particular axe to grind or are just out there totally. Political, social issues, religious, etc. The same thing is happening with the Muslims right now as well. The ones that you see and hear about are the extremists with AK-47's, not the normal ones. I am a fairly conservation minded person, but I don't use the term "environmentalist" with many people because of the negative association with extreme rhetoric.

It's like anything else. The normal people are usually flying under the radar and the idiots get the attention. :roll:


May 19, 2006, 10:43 PM
Post #60 of 125 (2341 views)

Registered: Apr 10, 2006
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Re: That Damned Da Vinci Code!!1 [In reply to]
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catholics are the cult? sorry bud, but if anything, catholics and the greek orthodoxy were the homeboys, and everyone else split from them...

whats wrong with mary worship? she's a cool chick who had the misfortune of being knocked up by god....give her some respect!


May 20, 2006, 12:16 AM
Post #61 of 125 (2341 views)

Registered: Jul 2, 2004
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Re: That Damned Da Vinci Code!!1 [In reply to]
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The fact that that story is there, and is in perfect accordance with the Law of Moses, is evidence of absolutely nothing other than that the person who wrote the Book of Luke had, or had once read, a copy of the Old Testament. The person who wrote Luke could read, right?

Seriously, this quote is so transparent it's laughable.

Not really, no.

We are presented with two possibilities, and I'll happily grant that your idea is a possibility.

1. The person who wrote the passage from Luke really did know about Old Testament Judaism and was personally familiar with the places and customs described.

2. The person who wrote the passage somehow read the Old Testament (which was almost unavailable except to members of the Jewish religious hierarchy and was especially not available to gentiles) hundreds of years later but knew by some unspecified means that the practices described in that Old Testament were still in use in an area where he or she did not live prior to 70AD despite their having been discontinued ever since in some but not all areas.

Now, both are possible.

Which is more likely?

My god - that's even more of a stretch than Thorne's original quote.

Almost unavailable? WTF does that mean? Wouldn't a book that's so closely guarded as to be almost unavailable be pretty damn highly prized by any apikoras who managed to get their hands on it?

It's a funny thing about you, Dave. You seem to have this unshakeable belief that the people of those times were all morons or something.


May 21, 2006, 4:05 AM
Post #62 of 125 (2341 views)

Registered: May 19, 2005
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Re: That Damned Da Vinci Code!!1 [In reply to]
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I know this might seem wierd but people of power tend to collect things that are rare. i know it's crazy. Also there were these wierd people called "scholars" who studied things like books, occult books like the "torah: were likely to have been studied. It's so round about listening to the people trying to defend their statements by citing people whose job it is to defend them. why aren't non christians trying to show proof of something in the bible? and why aren't christians admiting that some of these people's logic is wrong? The wierd thing about christianity that kind of put me off is that it's taught that the logic(and i mean plain old logic) used to disprove it is a product of the devil or just false. And by that one cannever question a christian and get an answer that makes sense. it's almost like there is a whole different set of logic that they go by(not that i am implying it is wrong; or even that christians are wrong and stupid) and any attemp by people who use scientific logic tomake a point can never be understood by a christian and vise versa. It would be interesting to study the differences enough that we could bridge this logic gap. I don't like thinking that every christian is just weak minded and easily herded in one direction or another.i sure hope it's notthat. so perhaps it is more productive for us to not spit our logic at one another but rather go back to where we first learned our logic and then try to teach it to one another.


Ps i started this post being a sarcastic asshole and somehow it turned diplomatic. I must be really bored.....

Partner jules

May 21, 2006, 4:27 PM
Post #63 of 125 (2341 views)

Registered: Dec 1, 2001
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Re: That Damned Da Vinci Code!!1 [In reply to]
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This is your "credible source"?

Ah, attacking the source and not the facts.

A pretty clear sign that you have no evidence to the contrary.

We'll take that as a clear verdict then: the New Testament is not fiction.


WTF are you talking about? Anyone who made it through 10th grade English should know the importance of reliable, unbiased sources, and that depending on questionable sources will get you a failing grade...

Partner tradman

May 22, 2006, 7:18 AM
Post #64 of 125 (2341 views)

Registered: Jan 14, 2003
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Re: That Damned Da Vinci Code!!1 [In reply to]
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The fact that that story is there, and is in perfect accordance with the Law of Moses, is evidence of absolutely nothing other than that the person who wrote the Book of Luke had, or had once read, a copy of the Old Testament. The person who wrote Luke could read, right?

Seriously, this quote is so transparent it's laughable.

Not really, no.

We are presented with two possibilities, and I'll happily grant that your idea is a possibility.

1. The person who wrote the passage from Luke really did know about Old Testament Judaism and was personally familiar with the places and customs described.

2. The person who wrote the passage somehow read the Old Testament (which was almost unavailable except to members of the Jewish religious hierarchy and was especially not available to gentiles) hundreds of years later but knew by some unspecified means that the practices described in that Old Testament were still in use in an area where he or she did not live prior to 70AD despite their having been discontinued ever since in some but not all areas.

Now, both are possible.

Which is more likely?

My god - that's even more of a stretch than Thorne's original quote.

Almost unavailable? WTF does that mean? Wouldn't a book that's so closely guarded as to be almost unavailable be pretty damn highly prized by any apikoras who managed to get their hands on it?

It's a funny thing about you, Dave. You seem to have this unshakeable belief that the people of those times were all morons or something.

As I said I accept completely that your version, whilst convoluted, is possible.

But is it more likely than the simple, straightforward explanation?

It's a simple question, really.


May 22, 2006, 3:25 PM
Post #65 of 125 (2341 views)

Registered: Apr 6, 2004
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Re: That Damned Da Vinci Code!!1 [In reply to]
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I got about an hour before work, so I'll toss a point of contention up here, for those who believe in the literal interpretation of the Bible, etc.
This might kinda stretch off from the original topic, but its something that reading this thread got me thinking about again.

Alright, so the Bible has man created in the image of God, right? So, would that mean that God has eyes, ears, nose, etc? These are all organs designed to allow up to process information from our envirornment, so therefore if God has these features, it would imply that he is not omniscient.
You also have to wonder about the sex organs, because again, if we are in God's image, does God have a holy D (and does this mean women are not in the image of God, because the Judeo-Christian God is male?)

Oh, and in reference to what percentage of the world's religious population is Christian - if you are going to make the claim the Roman Catholics are not Christian (which I don't see how you can), you have to cut a huge section out of your stats.


May 22, 2006, 3:42 PM
Post #66 of 125 (2341 views)

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Re: That Damned Da Vinci Code!!1 [In reply to]
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Oh, and in reference to what percentage of the world's religious population is Christian - if you are going to make the claim the Roman Catholics are not Christian (which I don't see how you can), you have to cut a huge section out of your stats.
Actually, I believe I was the only one making that claim. Let me expound a bit. Almost nine out ten of the RC's I've ever discussed salvation with are completely lost in the spiritual sense of the word. Most RC's believe that their eternal destiny is tied to their good works rather than Jesus' death on the cross in their stead.

...and as far as your numbers and stats, numbers and stats are irrelevant in the context of Truth. If there was only one true believer in all of history, it wouldn't make Christ's life, death and ressurection for that one believer any less meaningful.

(Edited 'cause my grammer sucks worse than a Costa Rican's)

Partner tradman

May 22, 2006, 3:47 PM
Post #67 of 125 (2341 views)

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Re: That Damned Da Vinci Code!!1 [In reply to]
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Alright, so the Bible has man created in the image of God, right?

Originally, yes. But a lot of things changed when we were kicked out of the garden of eden and we are now different to God in ways which are pretty obvious.

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the Judeo-Christian God is male

No, God is neither male nor female. Some refer to him as male for convenience. You can call him her if you like, I know people who already do.


May 22, 2006, 5:17 PM
Post #68 of 125 (2341 views)

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...and as far as your numbers and stats, numbers and stats are irrelevant in the context of Truth. If there was only one true believer in all of history, it wouldn't make Christ's life, death and ressurection for that one believer any less meaningless.

And here it is ladies and gentelmen, Pinky has finally come out of the closet, he is actually an atheist who believes "Christ's life, death and ressurection" meaningless. :lol:



May 22, 2006, 5:36 PM
Post #69 of 125 (2341 views)

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Re: That Damned Da Vinci Code!!1 [In reply to]
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Heh, you know, for a Costa Rican cabron, your grasp of the english language is pretty good :wink:


May 22, 2006, 5:59 PM
Post #70 of 125 (2341 views)

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Re: That Damned Da Vinci Code!!1 [In reply to]
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I actually re-read the line a couple of times to make sure the double-negative wasn't gonna wind up backfiring on me. I have always found it amazing how easily a man who can't reach down and touch his toes can reach up to put his foot in his mouth...

Keep thumping that Bible, reading these debates always makes time move faster while I'm in the office! :lol: :lol:



May 22, 2006, 6:08 PM
Post #71 of 125 (2341 views)

Registered: Mar 31, 2006
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Re: That Damned Da Vinci Code!!1 [In reply to]
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arguments aside. this movie was fucking dull.
and tom hanks needs to take the dead racoon off his head.


May 22, 2006, 6:24 PM
Post #72 of 125 (2341 views)

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Re: That Damned Da Vinci Code!!1 [In reply to]
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Although the ticket I paid for was for Over the Hedge, I went to see the DVC last night, myself. I too found it tediously drab at times.

Admittedly, there were parts that at times literally grated against my spirit and I found myself vocalizing with quiet outbursts of, "Bullshit!" and "Oohh, brother!" Still, it was entertaining for what it is, fiction. I think it could've been edited to fit within 2hrs. That hott actress, Tattou and her sexy accent was enough to keep my interest.

Conclusion: the hype far outweighs the substance.


May 22, 2006, 6:48 PM
Post #73 of 125 (2341 views)

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Still, it was entertaining for what it is, fiction.
I seem to be confused by this statement - who has been trying to say that the davinci code is nonfiction? I haven't read this anywhere, so I'm just curious where this comes in to play. Especially with all the protests and requests for a disclaimer.
Dan Brown himself states:
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The Da Vinci Code is a novel and therefore a work of fiction. While the book's characters and their actions are obviously not real, the artwork, architecture, documents, and secret rituals depicted in this novel all exist (for example, Leonardo Da Vinci's paintings, the Gnostic Gospels, Hieros Gamos, etc.). These real elements are interpreted and debated by fictional characters. While it is my belief that some of the theories discussed by these characters may have merit, each individual reader must explore these characters' viewpoints and come to his or her own interpretations.
The author didn't try to pull this off as non-fiction, nor did Ron Howard as director of the film, so far as I can find. So what exactly IS the problem?


May 22, 2006, 7:30 PM
Post #74 of 125 (2341 views)


Re: That Damned Da Vinci Code!!1 [In reply to]
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The author didn't try to pull this off as non-fiction... So what exactly IS the problem?

The actual drama is pure fiction. But his claims of historical accuracy and the use of certain weel known facts allows him to introduce some historical fictions, that could easily be considered historical truths.

Here are some of the grey areas -

Hidden (but intentional) message in Da Vinci's The Last Supper
Relationship of Jesus and Mary and any offspring
Prior of Sion
Opus Dei

Primary Colors and JFK were supposedly fiction, with some factual aspects. When an author/director presents a compelling case, while maintaining the story is fiction (wink, wink, nudge, nudge), a lot of people come away thinking some of the pieces of fiction were actually fact. :wink:

Here's an interesting article:
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LONDON (Reuters) - "The Da Vinci Code" has undermined faith in the Roman Catholic Church and badly damaged its credibility, a survey of British readers of Dan Brown's bestseller showed on Tuesday.

People are now twice as likely to believe Jesus Christ fathered children after reading the Dan Brown blockbuster and four times as likely to think the conservative Catholic group Opus Dei is a murderous sect.

"An alarming number of people take its spurious claims very seriously indeed," said Austin Ivereigh, press secretary to Britain's top Catholic prelate Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor.

"Our poll shows that for many, many people the Da Vinci Code is not just entertainment," Ivereigh added.


May 22, 2006, 7:37 PM
Post #75 of 125 (2341 views)

Registered: Oct 13, 2003
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Re: That Damned Da Vinci Code!!1 [In reply to]
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Opus Dei
former opusDei member tells the story

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The author didn't try to pull this off as non-fiction... So what exactly IS the problem?

The actual drama is pure fiction. But his claims of historical accuracy and the use of certain weel known facts allows him to introduce some historical fictions, that could easily be considered historical truths.

Here are some of the grey areas -

Hidden (but intentional) message in Da Vinci's The Last Supper
Relationship of Jesus and Mary and any offspring
Prior of Sion
Opus Dei

Primary Colors and JFK were supposedly fiction, with some factual aspects. When an author/director presents a compelling case, while maintaining the story is fiction (wink, wink, nudge, nudge), a lot of people come away thinking some of the pieces of fiction were actually fact. :wink:

Here's an interesting article:
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LONDON (Reuters) - "The Da Vinci Code" has undermined faith in the Roman Catholic Church and badly damaged its credibility, a survey of British readers of Dan Brown's bestseller showed on Tuesday.

People are now twice as likely to believe Jesus Christ fathered children after reading the Dan Brown blockbuster and four times as likely to think the conservative Catholic group Opus Dei is a murderous sect.

"An alarming number of people take its spurious claims very seriously indeed," said Austin Ivereigh, press secretary to Britain's top Catholic prelate Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor.

"Our poll shows that for many, many people the Da Vinci Code is not just entertainment," Ivereigh added.

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