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Rope snaps in low FF gym fall.
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Partner the_mitt

Jun 1, 2006, 2:05 PM
Post #226 of 358 (38714 views)

Registered: Jan 17, 2006
Posts: 279

Re: Rope snaps in low FF gym fall. [In reply to]
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(This post was edited by the_mitt on Nov 19, 2006, 6:51 PM)


Jun 1, 2006, 2:51 PM
Post #227 of 358 (7848 views)

Registered: Apr 1, 2004
Posts: 727

Re: Rope snaps in low FF gym fall. [In reply to]
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The fools that persist when they are dead wrong are best hoist on their own petard
You know, I bet that's what happened to the rope in question: it was weakened because someone used it to hoist a petard! :P


Did you ever get to finish your joke? now would be a good time.

I'm dying to know the answer!

(slight gallows humor there)

Scroll up .. if the Jesus thing is the joke you're talking about.

Now that this thread has been split in two, we actually have conclusive evidence in our childish internet flame-game:

Roy started it :lol:

If only it were that easy when I was a kid. Instead it went more like this:
"He started it!"
"No she did!"
"Liar, liar pants on fire!"....

Partner blonde_loves_bolts

Jun 1, 2006, 4:05 PM
Post #228 of 358 (7848 views)

Registered: Apr 7, 2005
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Re: Rope snaps in low FF gym fall. [In reply to]
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That it was directed at one person was the entire point. You would be far less offended by my comment if you were willing to hear it as a component of everything else that I said. You, of all people, should be able to distinguish between shock & awe and passing on the truth.

My best friend has terminal cancer, and we keep it very real - something that doesn't happen much around here. There is plenty of volume in these threads, but the truth rarely gets told. Being ill does not relinquish Dirt from accountability for bad behavior. He went there, and I called him on it.

Something said in a private setting is inherently not equitable to something posted for the world to see. If you're referring us to the entirety of your posting collection as a means of establishing some linearly traceable truth about your character, I also have to fundamentally disagree with you. It's contextually not feasible. And regardless, there is no amount of post content that can qualify a response like the one you gave to dirt.

While I may not know dirt personally, I'd be willing to bet that your aforementioned friendship is different, to put it mildly, than your compiled online interactions with dirt.

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Let's you and I get real for a moment. The reason that you have agreed with my key points is because they make sense. You can't level sense with something with which you disagree. One does not negate the other.

You also sent me a trophy PM, because of my comment to PTC. I believe your words were, and I'm paraphrasing, That post made my day. That's interesting, considering that the comments, which brought you such elation, were not very funny to PTC. There are different levels of offended - not offensive - and my remarks to PTC didn't meet your threshold. My remarks to Dirt obviously did, so I will remind you of this: Don't be a hypocrite.

As long as Dirt is among the living, and I hope that he is here for a very long time, I will approach him with the same level of honesty that I would extend to any other intelligent human being. The truth isn't always pretty, but it beats the alternative.

There. Extrapolate to your heart's content, but the words are as they are. I said what I meant, and you got it or you didn't.

I'm not an angel; that's something I would never represent myself as, except maybe in jest. Yes, you made a comment to PTC on why he depends on God, etc., that was inventive, perceptive, concise, and funny, IMHO. Many of your posts that I have enjoyed reading share some or all of the above characteristics. You can have decent things to say. However, to equate the PTC comment to what you said to dirt implies that you see no hierarchy of flaming, jabbing, challenging, etc. In that sense, I would think that you wouldn't want people to judge you via the entirety of the content you've contributed on these boards, as that determination would probably turn out to be even less favorable than how you're being viewed in this context.

Your comment to dirt was unsolicited, but more importantly it fundamentally lacked any sense of reciproity. I can engage people here - granted, sometimes in a less than flattering manner - but it's nothing that can't be thrown back at me in other ways. What you said to dirt left no room for a comparable response. If this effect was intentional on your behalf, that defines you as an individual who is severely lacking in taste. If it was unintentional, then your lack of an apology at the present time makes you nothing more than outspoken and ignorant.


Jun 1, 2006, 4:54 PM
Post #229 of 358 (38714 views)

Registered: Apr 7, 2006
Posts: 251

Re: Rope snaps in low FF gym fall. [In reply to]
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As for my question...does the manufacturer have any way to determine if the rope was cut during previous use or if it was cut at the time it broke? It would probably drive me nuts to know the rope was cut, but not know if we visually missed it or if I botched the clip.

Brian Voyles

OK, with all the rubbish removed from this thread plus the fact I was just PMed and urged back I feel I can rejoin the discussion.

Over the last few days I've been using some free time to try to duplicate the break pattern in lab tests. What I'm finding coupled with Brian's information is that I may have something that resembles a chance of a chance of an explanation.

First the disclaimer: This is purely an informal study and must not be considered the definitive answer to what happened. My findings must only be considered a clue and no more. Not having the actual rope to examine plus not being able to examine the crash site, in person, should cast some doubts. Also, I only did three samples in each scenario which is probably not enough.

What I've done is:
1) Drop test ropes which I pre-cut to varying degrees.
2) Cut ropes under static loads.
3) Drop test ropes with no cuts but with a sharp edge fastened to the drop tower in such a way that the rope will contact it at the point of impact. The rope is not falling over the edge but rather hitting it when the rope comes tight.

What I found is:
1) Resulted in a rope that would not part on the first 5 drops. The rope performed as if it were a rope of a smaller diameter. The break pattern did not match that of the rope in the photos.
2) Using a tensile tester to pull a rope to a tension of roughly 800lbs I pushed, not sliced, a knife into the rope until it parted. The break pattern was very similar to the rope in the photos. Several of the cores were even while some others were jagged and matched what I see during normal pull tests.
3) These tests I did just a few moments ago. This produced a break pattern remarkably similar to the rope in the photos, more so that the static load tests. Another interest point is that the break produces a distinctly different sound than a normal drop test. The sound is sharper and perhaps louder. I kind of remember a witness remarking about the sound. I don't know, that's probably a shot from the hip so ignore it.

A note about the rope in the photos: I have no way of knowing how much the rope was handled and manipulated before the photos were taken. So the photos may not be an accurate representation of what the rope looked like immediately following the failure.

All this aside, I think it would still be prudent to wait for the answers from BD.

Again, this was a somewhat crude simulation so should not be used to draw conclusions. (have I said this enough yet?)

I don't know if this post is going to help or hurt this thread and the subject in general. My hope is that it may calm things down a bit.

Brian, glad you're OK man. I should post up my MRI scans to show you just how lucky you are.


Jun 1, 2006, 4:59 PM
Post #230 of 358 (7848 views)

Registered: Mar 29, 2003
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Re: Rope snaps in low FF gym fall. [In reply to]
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I'm posting this again, don't want it to get swpt away in the rip tide of roofian rhetoric, LOL!

Phil, I know I asked you earlier to delete this stuff, because of the dangerous modes of thinking put forth as good analytical methods.

BUT, I want to make it CLEAR, that there is no reason to delete attacks percieved or otherwise against me.

The fools that persist when they are dead wrong are best hoist on their own petard, and damned by their own words.

Let this thread stand as a memorial to rampant stupidity, that it may be forever etched in the minds of those who pursue it, and as a warning to those who would consider it.

Of course, a disclaimer should be made that the 'logic' oops the ILL-logic espoused by a few here is painful to cast one's eyes upon, and possibly dangerous if you are mislead by it, but also can be quite funny, if taken as the JOKE that it is.

I really don't have anything mean to say, now that the serious and meaningful rope thread is salvaged, and the light of reason is allowed to shine, uncovered by the dim and gloomy shrouds of ignorace and willful stupidity.

BUT, I am EXTREMELY PROUD of the appelations I created--

Juggernaut of Junkthink, and Oligarch of Obfuscation.

They fit soooo well, ROTFLMOA!!!!!!!


Jun 1, 2006, 5:28 PM
Post #231 of 358 (38714 views)

Registered: May 18, 2006
Posts: 1823

Re: Rope snaps in low FF gym fall. [In reply to]
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This thread has now been split with all the petty stuff sent off to community.

I'll be over in community if anyone is looking for me.

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I'll not hesitate to shift any post to the other thread should it be necessary.

Start shifting... I already about 4 posts since yours that are right back where we left off... oh wait, mine makes 5.

Someone drop me a line if any new information comes up that might lead to an actual discussion again. Like someone said back on page 1, guess we'll have to wait.


Jun 1, 2006, 6:01 PM
Post #232 of 358 (38714 views)

Registered: Apr 22, 2003
Posts: 476

Re: Rope snaps in low FF gym fall. [In reply to]
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Thanx Jim...trophy for you!! :D

About the precut ropes...can you elaborate on "varying degrees" of cut? Also, what kind/size ropes did you use?


Jun 1, 2006, 6:04 PM
Post #233 of 358 (7848 views)

Registered: Jul 4, 2005
Posts: 2618

Re: Rope snaps in low FF gym fall. [In reply to]
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That it was directed at one person was the entire point. You would be far less offended by my comment if you were willing to hear it as a component of everything else that I said. You, of all people, should be able to distinguish between shock & awe and passing on the truth.

My best friend has terminal cancer, and we keep it very real - something that doesn't happen much around here. There is plenty of volume in these threads, but the truth rarely gets told. Being ill does not relinquish Dirt from accountability for bad behavior. He went there, and I called him on it.

Something said in a private setting is inherently not equitable to something posted for the world to see. If you're referring us to the entirety of your posting collection as a means of establishing some linearly traceable truth about your character, I also have to fundamentally disagree with you. It's contextually not feasible. And regardless, there is no amount of post content that can qualify a response like the one you gave to dirt.

While I may not know dirt personally, I'd be willing to bet that your aforementioned friendship is different, to put it mildly, than your compiled online interactions with dirt.

In reply to:

Let's you and I get real for a moment. The reason that you have agreed with my key points is because they make sense. You can't level sense with something with which you disagree. One does not negate the other.

You also sent me a trophy PM, because of my comment to PTC. I believe your words were, and I'm paraphrasing, That post made my day. That's interesting, considering that the comments, which brought you such elation, were not very funny to PTC. There are different levels of offended - not offensive - and my remarks to PTC didn't meet your threshold. My remarks to Dirt obviously did, so I will remind you of this: Don't be a hypocrite.

As long as Dirt is among the living, and I hope that he is here for a very long time, I will approach him with the same level of honesty that I would extend to any other intelligent human being. The truth isn't always pretty, but it beats the alternative.

There. Extrapolate to your heart's content, but the words are as they are. I said what I meant, and you got it or you didn't.

I'm not an angel; that's something I would never represent myself as, except maybe in jest. Yes, you made a comment to PTC on why he depends on God, etc., that was inventive, perceptive, concise, and funny, IMHO. Many of your posts that I have enjoyed reading share some or all of the above characteristics. You can have decent things to say. However, to equate the PTC comment to what you said to dirt implies that you see no hierarchy of flaming, jabbing, challenging, etc. In that sense, I would think that you wouldn't want people to judge you via the entirety of the content you've contributed on these boards, as that determination would probably turn out to be even less favorable than how you're being viewed in this context.

Your comment to dirt was unsolicited, but more importantly it fundamentally lacked any sense of reciproity. I can engage people here - granted, sometimes in a less than flattering manner - but it's nothing that can't be thrown back at me in other ways. What you said to dirt left no room for a comparable response. If this effect was intentional on your behalf, that defines you as an individual who is severely lacking in taste. If it was unintentional, then your lack of an apology at the present time makes you nothing more than outspoken and ignorant.

Your pedantic rhetoric is wasted on me.

Outspoken? Guilty.
Ignorant? Not so much.

Trust me, Blonde. If I received anything remotely similar to the criticisms that I regularly receive from a few of the regulars at RC.Com, I would seriously question my approach. That is far from the case, and I interact will all types of people. Maybe it's that I generally associate with broad-minded folks.

Blonde, you are too attached to your point of view. We all do it, so it's very important that we step outside of the box on occasion, to get some perspective. It's one of my personal reasons for visiting this site.

I appreciate your desire to defend Dirt. He is in a very serious predicament, and I believe that all hearts go out to him - mine included. His situation, however, does not preclude him from hearing the truth about his behavior - as sharp as the message might have sounded. He knew where his insults would take the discussion. If he didn't, which I doubt is the case, he is a fool.

BTW, Don't misconstrue this post as my defending myself. I am not. There is nothing wrong with what I said, in the context in which I said it. Please also understand that your basic point was not wasted on me. I actually do appreciate why my comment affected you as it did, but I also understand why it did. Let's just suffice it to say that I have never been a fan of "political correctness." It is just a euphemism for "disingenuous."

You seem to be a bright person, on certain levels, but you miss the proverbial boat on others. Don't be afraid to step out there. The big picture can seem ominous, although it can also be truly breathtaking.

Partner blonde_loves_bolts

Jun 1, 2006, 6:21 PM
Post #234 of 358 (7848 views)

Registered: Apr 7, 2005
Posts: 2287

Re: Rope snaps in low FF gym fall. [In reply to]
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Blonde, you are too attached to your point of view. We all do it, so it's very important that we step outside of the box on occasion, to get some perspective. It's one of my personal reasons for visiting this site.

I am unsure as to how this assertion applies in this situation. Please feel free to clarify.

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I appreciate your desire to defend Dirt. He is in a very serious predicament, and I believe that all hearts go out to him - mine included. His situation, however, does not preclude him from hearing the truth about his behavior - as sharp as the message might have sounded. He knew where his insults would take the discussion. If he didn't, which I doubt is the case, he is a fool.

Dirt seems like a big boy that can get along without any defense needed from me. I maintain, however, that his insults and yours are hardly comparable.

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BTW, Don't misconstrue this post as my defending myself. I am not. There is nothing wrong with what I said, in the context in which I said it. Please also understand that your basic point was not wasted on me. I actually do appreciate why my comment affected you as it did, but I also understand why it did. Let's just suffice it to say that I have never been a fan of "political correctness." It is just a euphemism for "disingenuous."

You seem to be a bright person, on certain levels, but you miss the proverbial boat on others. Don't be afraid to step out there. The big picture can seem ominous, although it can also be truly breathtaking.

You mentioned earlier that any misunderstanding of your statement could be clarified by looking at your posts as a collection rather than isolating one statement (I apologize if this paraphrase is inaccurate; please feel free to correct me). However, it baffles me that you can seem so civilized as in your previous response to me when you can be equally insulting in an excessively scathing manner towards others. If I was to collectively analyze your posts to gain a sense of your character (fallaciously, but of sincere intent), I would most likely conclude that your character contains a sense of schizophrenia, at best.


Jun 1, 2006, 6:26 PM
Post #235 of 358 (7848 views)

Registered: Jul 4, 2005
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Re: Rope snaps in low FF gym fall. [In reply to]
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If I was to collectively analyze your posts to gain a sense of your character (fallaciously, but of sincere intent), I would most likely conclude that your character contains a sense of schizophrenia, at best.

Then society is fortunate that you are not a clinical psychiatrist.


Jun 1, 2006, 6:57 PM
Post #236 of 358 (7848 views)

Registered: Jul 6, 2005
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Re: Rope snaps in low FF gym fall. [In reply to]
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Ignorant? Not so much.
The big picture can seem ominous, although it can also be truly breathtaking.

Well aren´t we enlightened?

To be honest, when I read rufus´ post, I didn´t think twice about it. I can´t say I didn´t see it coming in one form or another, but I wasn´t really expecting him to actually post it either.

While I´m all for straight shooting, and while my mind isn´t entirely made up about the apology thing, this situation feels like when you´re joking around with friends or coworkers at a bar, and one jabs just a little too hard, lets his barbs get a little too personal, and then everyone just shuts up and leaves.


Jun 1, 2006, 7:01 PM
Post #237 of 358 (7848 views)

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this situation feels like when you´re joking around with friends or coworkers at a bar, and one jabs just a little too hard, lets his barbs get a little too personal, and then everyone just shuts up and leaves.

You run with a complex crowd.


Jun 1, 2006, 7:14 PM
Post #238 of 358 (38714 views)

Registered: May 6, 2004
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Re: Rope snaps in low FF gym fall. [In reply to]
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As for my question...does the manufacturer have any way to determine if the rope was cut during previous use or if it was cut at the time it broke?Brian Voyles

< notes about tests ALL of which focused on CUTTING>

I previously remarked at the need for quite a coincidence to position a prior
cut AT the 'biner at the full-arrest point (!!)--possible, but ... .

Obviously, one person w/good experience re rope failure is suggesting that
a LIKELY (or, perhaps better, "seemly"--re rope appearance) cause was cutting
on the fall, and this implies by the other witness reports by the 'biner.
--WHICH IS STILL IN USE, or is not so far subjected to further, close
examination? The ROPE has been sent off, but as one poster above who saw
something similar recommended, that 'biner should be scrutinized.

In reply to:
A note about the rope in the photos: I have no way of knowing how much the rope was handled and manipulated before the photos were taken. So the photos may not be an accurate representation of what the rope looked like immediately following the failure.
One witness reported--it's in fact the initial post on ST--that he handled
the rope to feel for irregularities, which impressed me as pretty seriously
tampering with the evidence, so to speak. --to wit:
" I pulled the length of the rope through my hands: no obvious core irregularities were detectable. There were no detectable stains or other markings on the rope.

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All this aside, I think it would still be prudent to wait for the answers from BD.
Yes, but then they don't have the 'biner. --worries me if the possible cause
is yet in use (like putting a new tire tube into a tire still holding the thorn).
There was I believe someone assoc'd w/gym stating that the 'biner was fine.

Brian, or anyone, know what's become of the relevant HARDware?



Jun 1, 2006, 7:29 PM
Post #239 of 358 (7848 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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You know, I vowed to myself not to get involved in these sorts of threads. I vowed to myself that I would only participate where I thought my input might be valued. I'm breaking that vow because I feel you have committed a great injustice, a rather vile act.

The above posting is grossly patronizing and pathetic. Nothing but self serving justification for crossing the line of what it means to be compassionate and civilized. You guys were trading barbs pretty aggressively but nothing truly personal. You made it personal. You took a shot at the extreme misfortune of someone else only to stroke your ego. You simply kicked a guy while he's down and that's just plain wrong.

'Keeping it real' is fine for someone that is OK with it and perhaps close to you but you have no right to treat the disease of someone else the same as you treat your friend's.

Sad, very, very sad. That's all I have to say.

I don't think Rufus is really a bad guy. After all, we shouldn't attribute to malice something that can adequately be described by stupidity.



Jun 1, 2006, 7:43 PM
Post #240 of 358 (38714 views)

Registered: Apr 30, 2003
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Re: Rope snaps in low FF gym fall. [In reply to]
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does anyone know if/how this rope was ever washed ?

i almost decked climbing someone else's rope last year - they had been on it all morning and no one noticed the core shot 6 feet from the end until I caught it at the chains while setting up to rap. that's 6 people missing a core shot completely...


Jun 1, 2006, 7:48 PM
Post #241 of 358 (7848 views)

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You know, I vowed to myself not to get involved in these sorts of threads. I vowed to myself that I would only participate where I thought my input might be valued. I'm breaking that vow because I feel you have committed a great injustice, a rather vile act.

The above posting is grossly patronizing and pathetic. Nothing but self serving justification for crossing the line of what it means to be compassionate and civilized. You guys were trading barbs pretty aggressively but nothing truly personal. You made it personal. You took a shot at the extreme misfortune of someone else only to stroke your ego. You simply kicked a guy while he's down and that's just plain wrong.

'Keeping it real' is fine for someone that is OK with it and perhaps close to you but you have no right to treat the disease of someone else the same as you treat your friend's.

Sad, very, very sad. That's all I have to say.

I don't think Rufus is really a bad guy. After all, we shouldn't attribute to malice something that can adequately be described by stupidity.


Always the pillar of wisdom - in a vacuum.


Jun 1, 2006, 8:02 PM
Post #242 of 358 (7848 views)

Registered: Jan 27, 2005
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Re: Rope snaps in low FF gym fall. [In reply to]
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^^^Six posts later, and still has yet to bow out. Do I hear seven?


Jun 1, 2006, 8:48 PM
Post #243 of 358 (7848 views)

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^^^Six posts later, and still has yet to bow out. Do I hear seven?

All bets were off when this thread plummeted into Scummunity. There is your seven.


Jun 1, 2006, 8:58 PM
Post #244 of 358 (7848 views)

Registered: Mar 29, 2003
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Re: Rope snaps in low FF gym fall. [In reply to]
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I agree with Curt, Roofdoof is probably not a bad guy. I agree with Curt on the other part too.

And, if I had to dig a VERY DEEP HOLE, Roofy would be the VERY FIRST PERSON I would think of for the job, because he never knows when to stop digging himself a hole.

Oligarch of Obfuscation.

I wonder if he knows what those words mean?


Jun 1, 2006, 9:09 PM
Post #245 of 358 (7848 views)

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Oligarch of Obfuscation.


Put the dictionary down and get some fresh air. It might help your perspective.


Jun 1, 2006, 9:25 PM
Post #246 of 358 (38714 views)

Registered: Jan 18, 2006
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Re: Rope snaps in low FF gym fall. [In reply to]
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Obviously, one person w/good experience re rope failure is suggesting that
a LIKELY (or, perhaps better, "seemly"--re rope appearance) cause was cutting
on the fall, and this implies by the other witness reports by the 'biner.

Not necessarily:


Jun 1, 2006, 10:28 PM
Post #247 of 358 (7848 views)

Registered: Apr 19, 2004
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Re: Rope snaps in low FF gym fall. [In reply to]
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This thread reminds me of the time that angry/fshizzle almost slept with his sister.


Jun 1, 2006, 10:41 PM
Post #248 of 358 (38714 views)

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Re: Rope snaps in low FF gym fall. [In reply to]
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Intersting idea paganmonkeyboy.

Surely nobody would wash a rope in something that would 'dry it out' and make it brittle???

I hope not.

Please note that the words dry it out are in quotes. They are that way for a reason.

Use approved rope wash. Or plain water. I am afraid to use anything else.


Jun 1, 2006, 10:58 PM
Post #249 of 358 (38714 views)

Registered: Apr 12, 2001
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Re: Rope snaps in low FF gym fall. [In reply to]
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Use approved rope wash. Or plain water. I am afraid to use anything else.

Most rope manufacturers say that using a mild soap (eg Ivory Flakes or Woolite) is acceptable.



Jun 1, 2006, 11:18 PM
Post #250 of 358 (38714 views)

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Re: Rope snaps in low FF gym fall. [In reply to]
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Use approved rope wash. Or plain water. I am afraid to use anything else.

Most rope manufacturers say that using a mild soap (eg Ivory Flakes or Woolite) is acceptable.


I don't like the way those smell, and I am afraid other climbiers will think I am gay if my rope smells like soap, and beat me up. Or something. Really.

And I have stock in the company that makes rope wash.

And rope wash sounds cooler than ivory soap flakes, or woolite, and I care a whole lot about being cool.

Ort maybe, I just forgot about the mild soap thing.

But anyway, I have some rope wash and some dry treatment, but I've never used anything but plain water.

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