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Question about Fish Face Wall Routes
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Jun 14, 2006, 8:09 PM
Post #1 of 3 (2196 views)

Registered: Sep 24, 2004
Posts: 164

Question about Fish Face Wall Routes  (North_America: United_States: Montana: Rock_Climbing: Bozeman: Gallatin_Canyon)
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It was my first time to Fish Face wall Yesterday, and I couldn't find routes for the life of me. I think I found the fish face . . .Does it look like a rainbow trouts coloring, with an eye on the arete (right side of the rock when looking at it) and his mouth is pointing straight down?

If that is the correct fish, I was in the right location, which I'm 99% sure that I was. Anyway, I was looking for any of the routes in the Rock Climbing Montana book, and I think I only found 2, but still not sure if they were right. Then I ended up climbing a very fun route that I don't think is in the book and I'm not sure if it was "fire escape" or not. If it wasn't I MAY have nabbed a FA. Can anyone tell me where I was?

Assuming Guppy Roof climbs the arete, pretty much right over what I thought was the fish eye, then Bif Memorial would climb the crack to the left of that. Into a little ravens nest, and pop the overhang and keep going. Rock Climbing Montana then says that Crystal Delight is 200' left of Bif. And fire escape is between Crystal Delight and Not in Vein. I never even saw the obelisk-like boulder next to Not in Vein.

I think I was only about 100' left of the fish face, and we saw some slightly overhanging flakes. In a sense, there is the fish face, then moving left, you have a west facing wall, then a very steep gully, then another steep wall, then these overhanging flakes. These are what we climbed.

Since it says Fire Escape is between Crystal and Not in Vein, and I don't think I was far enough over to even be at Crystal, does anyone think I nabbed a FA? If not, can anyone tell me what route I climbed? It seemed to be 5.8+ish. The crux is the bottom overhanging flakes, but as soon as you get those the route eases to about a 5.6.


Jun 17, 2006, 3:19 AM
Post #2 of 3 (2196 views)

Registered: Sep 24, 2004
Posts: 164

Re: Question about Fish Face Wall Routes [In reply to]
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Not only am I bumbing this. . . But I'm assuming since no one has replied that I probably did get the FA. I'll give it a little more time before adding this route to the Routes Database, and I think I'm going to go climb it and a second pitch of it this weekend. I'll look again for the other routes and see if I can figure out where I was.


Jun 24, 2006, 9:46 PM
Post #3 of 3 (2196 views)

Registered: Jan 3, 2003
Posts: 46

Re: Question about Fish Face Wall Routes [In reply to]
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Here's a drawing...hope I don't get shot by the locals for this.....

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