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Ever told your boss off..?
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Sep 3, 2002, 5:14 PM
Post #1 of 23 (1996 views)

Registered: Aug 3, 2002
Posts: 213

Ever told your boss off..?
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OK, as some of you mihgt have hear me say, i used to work at the YMCA of GTA (greator toronto area).

But, as i was leaving for collage, i was confronted by the Director of Aqatics to hand in my uniform (a tank top that says YMCA Lifeguard on it), and of corse i told her i did have it. She gave me this long speech about being all respnsable, she tried to use some things my old teacher told her about me (they are friends) and brought up alot of stuff from a long time ago..

i looked her in the eye and told her to lick my Twig and Giggleberries. I laughed, and walked off the pool deck, with a smile on my face..
See, i woudnt have burned that bridge, butt, she really hated me anyway, so..

Anyone else told their boss in spades like that before..?


Partner euroford

Sep 3, 2002, 7:16 PM
Post #2 of 23 (1996 views)

Registered: Aug 26, 2002
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my boss and i are good buddies. he smooked some killer baby back ribs the other night

so yeah, i tellhim off all the time, thats what friends are for!!!

Partner calamity_chk

Sep 3, 2002, 7:53 PM
Post #3 of 23 (1996 views)

Registered: Apr 23, 2002
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Ever told your boss off..? [In reply to]
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/me calls into work one day ..

Me: "Um, yeah, I need the day off"

Boss: "Why's that?"

Me: "Because I'm having some problems with my vision today."

Boss: "Yeah, I guess, is everything okay?"

Me: "Yeah, kinda .. I just cant see myself working today."

.. needless to say, I'm no longer employed there ..

[ This Message was edited by: clymbr_chk on 2002-09-03 13:01 ]


Sep 3, 2002, 8:37 PM
Post #4 of 23 (1996 views)

Registered: Feb 25, 2002
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Ever told your boss off..? [In reply to]
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I work in fiber optic and play with lasers all day.
I've been trying to cut my bosses head off for weeks now, but my laser is just not up to the "star trek" standards.
If I were female I'd have a great job, but as I am male I get the second hand work fonr him, unfair and I am going to tell the other boss when she returns.


Sep 3, 2002, 8:42 PM
Post #5 of 23 (1996 views)

Registered: Jul 27, 2002
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Ever told your boss off..? [In reply to]
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  I tell my boss off at least once a month. It keeps him in check.



Sep 3, 2002, 8:50 PM
Post #6 of 23 (1996 views)

Registered: Aug 14, 2002
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Ever told your boss off..? [In reply to]
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I dont tell my boss off but I do constantly remind her that I am there for the money and nothing else.


Sep 3, 2002, 8:51 PM
Post #7 of 23 (1996 views)

Registered: Aug 5, 2002
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Ever told your boss off..? [In reply to]
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I've got a new job that I pretty much HATE!
I live less than an hour from Yosemite and have climbed only a couple of days in the last couple of months.
Where's this going? Lets just say I'm about to talk to my boss( that is the polite way to put it).
Wish me luck.


Sep 3, 2002, 9:14 PM
Post #8 of 23 (1996 views)

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I wish U good luck!


Sep 3, 2002, 9:51 PM
Post #9 of 23 (1996 views)

Registered: Jun 17, 2002
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Unfortunately I am the boss, but I do regularly tell myself to f--- off (particularly after I get spanked on some miserable hold). However, I did have one boss in the past (actually it was a client) who got me angry enough that I hopped on his desk with a drill, dug a hole into his desk, and spent the next five minutes trying to chip a golf ball into the hole while waiting for him to return from the conference room. It's tough to chip a ball with a five wood. Amazing how much glass was in that office....

Another time was many years ago while working at Taco Bell. It was my first day and after suffering 8 hours of "you'll have to cut your hair, lose the earrings", etc., as well as every moron in the world not understanding how to order (it's not difficult, while standing in line, figure out what you want so you're ready when some dork like me asks "Welcome to Taco Bell, may I take your order"), when a woman the size of a house ordered almost everything on the menu. And it wasn't to go. I asked her if she wanted anything to drink, and she replied "give me a small - what do you have in diet drinks?" I couldn't help it, "Lady, after ordering the left side of the menu, you can splurge!" I turned around and there was my boss. Pissed. I didn't even ask if I was fired, I just walked out.


Sep 3, 2002, 10:30 PM
Post #10 of 23 (1996 views)

Registered: Oct 17, 2001
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Ever told your boss off..? [In reply to]
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this has nothing to do with climbing.
please move to community.

as for me, i worked in the service department of a car dealership changing oil. my boss came in 2 minutes before i got off work and told me he had three cars to do..1 oil change and two tire recalls(more than 2 minutes of work.)

i promptly told him after he spent two minutes trying to convince me to do the cars that i was off the clock and his pompous ass could do the f---ing work himself. he did not like that, the customers got pissed, and i got off work on time.


Sep 3, 2002, 10:39 PM
Post #11 of 23 (1996 views)

Registered: Aug 3, 2002
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My boss stomped on my lolly that i dropped this morning. I was happy just to be able to call someone a c*** this early in the morning


Sep 4, 2002, 10:14 PM
Post #12 of 23 (1996 views)

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I've told several off. If you want to hear any of them, let me know. Two of them are quite funny as they left those boneheads speechless!



Sep 4, 2002, 10:19 PM
Post #13 of 23 (1996 views)

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Ever told your boss off..? [In reply to]
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Tell us Wild


Sep 4, 2002, 10:55 PM
Post #14 of 23 (1996 views)

Registered: Mar 13, 2002
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Ever told your boss off..? [In reply to]
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dont leave us hanging, wildtrail!!!


Sep 9, 2002, 2:08 PM
Post #15 of 23 (1996 views)

Registered: Aug 3, 2002
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yea windtrail....
lets hear it..

ey, mreardon...
damn man. i was in the computer lab at school when i read your post..

i burst out laughing and everyone started staring at me..
corse, i told em to f--- off, but...
lol, jokes man...



Sep 9, 2002, 3:39 PM
Post #16 of 23 (1996 views)

Registered: Jul 6, 2002
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Ever told your boss off..? [In reply to]
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Sure, here's one:

I was working doing manual labor for a water softner company. I was hauling and delivering softner salt for them. On average, 6,000 pounds of it a day, all delivered and carried into their basements, two 50 pound bags at a time. Yup, I'd carry 100 pounds at a time on my shoulder. Definitely helped me lose some weight.

Well, I was hired to do that and when I was I received (in writing) that after 90 days I would receive a pay raise from $12 an hour to $15 an hour and be promoted to a plumbers assistant (I have a lot of mechanical background and plumbing only requires the intellegence of a 12 year old).

I humped that salt for 120 days and then started to question. I waited that extra month because we were busy, and having had come from management myself, I understood the fact that things can get set aside during the busy times. I finally questioned, and questioned, and questioned.

It was 180 days now (six months) and nothing.

So, I came in late on purpose. Like four hours late (noon). My boss was there and waiting, but not upset as I had a perfect attendance (until that day, any way).

He asked what had happened and I answered with "I'm not delivering any f---ing salt today."

To which, he asked why.

I said something like, "Because I'm not doing another thing for this poor excuse of a company unitl I get what was promised", and threw the piece of paper at him (literally through it at his chest all folded into a square) that he had signed.

He started to get a little upset and said that I would be fired if I didn't lose the attitude.

I responded with "No I won't! I'll quit first any way. I won't stand for this bullshit and this company lying to me. I was promised something in writing and I have the right to sue if I wanted."

I do have free lawyers. I know I wouldn't have gotten much, besides the difference in pay for time promised, but I still could have got it.

Now things get a little "tense". He yells back at me that I shouldn't talk to him like that and crumples up the paper and throws it back to me.

~now, if you knew me, you would know my temper and because of him doing this, I'm "off the handle", so to speak~

I respond with "F--- YOU!"

To which he responds with same.

I say "I quit! You and your company are a
f---ing joke! You are all a bunch of f---ing liars!" And, I throw the crumpled up piece of paper into his face like a major league fast ball.

He stands up and threatens me with "You're fired and get the f--- out of here."

So I lose it because he "stood up on me" and say "You step one inch in my direction I'll kick the f---ing s--- out of you and shove a fifty pound bag of salt up your ass!"

As I am walking out, I say "You're too late moron! I had already quit."

As I leave (he is following me to make sure I leave) I look back and say, "You owe me three months of salary" and I kick in (literally) the drivers side door of his Ford Probe and say "now we're even."

The End


P.S. I have more, but that is the best. I have one where I told my boss this job sucks and I have one in which I knock out my supervisor, too (not real proud of that one, but it happened).

[ This Message was edited by: wildtrail on 2002-09-09 08:42 ]


Sep 9, 2002, 4:21 PM
Post #17 of 23 (1996 views)

Registered: Apr 15, 2002
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Ever told your boss off..? [In reply to]
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  you steve????? no way!!!!!

i bet when you told your oss to F--- off you did it with a smile and a wave


Sep 9, 2002, 5:12 PM
Post #18 of 23 (1996 views)

Registered: Jul 5, 2002
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Well, not in the same way , but I did tell my boss off recently.

To make a long story short, my boss felt justified in yelling at me in an email. (Background: He works in a family business where they yell at eachother *all the time*.) When I called him on it. He said, "I wasn't yelling at you". He said, "I'm sorry, but...", "I apologize, however..." He didn't get it till I told him I can't work for people who yell at me and quit. Oh, then, he was remorseful. HA! I was clear and professional the whole time, thanks to some intense email editing from a friend. I feel better that I stood up for myself without burning bridges.


Oh, I forgot my best evil boss story. Micro-managing, stealing clients from a junior sales person. Evil, evil, evil. So, we got her fired! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA

We worked in a small ad sales office where the main publishing offices, including her bosses, were back in New York. So, we all got together and maintained logs of her transgressions and reported back to her bosses. She didn't like that. She had the rest of the office on her tail. She also had her bosses coming down on her, because she wasn't meeting her performance goals either. It took maybe six months. Her bosses knew she needed to go, but you can't fire someone at that level before six months without risking getting sued. But we did it, we got her fired and IT FELT GOOD.

[ This Message was edited by: likethegoddess on 2002-09-09 10:24 ]


Sep 9, 2002, 6:15 PM
Post #19 of 23 (1996 views)

Registered: Jul 6, 2002
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Very funny, babe!

Still love ya!



Sep 9, 2002, 6:17 PM
Post #20 of 23 (1996 views)

Registered: Jul 6, 2002
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By the way, Ms. Thang, I have done that, but it was more like;

(while smiling and waving ) "F--- You! F--- You very much!"



Sep 9, 2002, 6:51 PM
Post #21 of 23 (1996 views)

Registered: Apr 15, 2002
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  point taken...BABE !!!!!

Partner sauron

Sep 9, 2002, 10:55 PM
Post #22 of 23 (1996 views)

Registered: Oct 15, 2001
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be glad your boss didn't press charges against you...

Property damage is not something to make fun of - and I bet the body shop would have charged a lot more than your difference in salary. (In other words, you're the one who gets the shaft, because he'd sue you for more than you'd get from the late-salary-payment settlement.)

(The intelligent amongst us, tell their boss off, and have the boss thank you for telling them off... *cough*)

- d.

[ This Message was edited by: sauron on 2002-09-09 15:58 ]


Sep 9, 2002, 10:58 PM
Post #23 of 23 (1996 views)

Registered: Jul 6, 2002
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I wasn't worried about it. I had him and the company by the balls (and more than just the wage and promotion thing, things I won't mention). Besides, he doesn't have the balls. Also, my best friends father owns a body shop (and I know body work well) I would have done it there for free. I don't believe in loose ends. I knew what I was doing. Besides, I've been in jail before and it is no big deal.



Thanks for the concern, man. Its appreciated.

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