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Sep 3, 2002, 8:15 PM
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My three year old, Taylor has always been daddy's girl, and when I took up climbing this year, she fell right in line. She know acompanies me to the climbing gym at least once a week. She does this of her own free will, and her mom and I never pressure her. She has gotten her own harness and carabeaner, so she can be like dad(and to keep her out of my gear bag) and we are trying to teach her to respect the equipment. Is this too early, or is she too young? I have posted a pic of her at the wall, it should be up by tomorrow. -Berg


Sep 3, 2002, 8:23 PM
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I don`t think its too early... I don`t have kids of my own... but if she enjoys it and your not pressuring her to do anything... then theres no problem? As they say climbing is a family activity.

so climb and have fun with your family


Sep 3, 2002, 8:25 PM
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I say Congratulations! Sounds like a wonderful thing for both you and your daughter. Just be ready for her to loose interest and then gain it back in certain times of her life.


Sep 3, 2002, 8:33 PM
Post #4 of 15 (2202 views)

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My wife and I started taking our daughter to the gym last summer when she was 3 and a half. She still goes, when she wants to, which is about every third time we go out.

She's been climbing outside with us as well. She climbs more enthusiastically in the gym, but enjoys going outside so she can hunt for bugs too...

I think kids can climb as early as they want to, as long the adults around make sure the kids are daughter has corrected others for not yelling rock when they knock things over the edge and told a fellow that he really should have yelled rope before throwing his rappel line off the cliff...and she understands why we pick up other peoples garbage and wrap the trees if we use them for anchors.

I think our kids have great fun and learn alot too. Its wonderful that you are spending climbing time with your daughter.

Partner polarwid

Sep 3, 2002, 8:33 PM
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Check out this article for some excellent tips on climbing with the younger ones...



Sep 3, 2002, 9:09 PM
Post #6 of 15 (2202 views)

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I say,"Go For It!", just don't be pushy.
My daughter first climbed at 2 1/2 yrs old. We started her off just hanging & swinging in her harness(homemade) from a tree. Her first climb ever was a 5.6 at Donner Summit, Ca. Her mom belayed, I tied in to the other end and tied Kadianne in just a couple of feet in front of me. I proud to say," She just cruised the pitch", with a little help from Dad of course. Now only 1 1/2 yrs later, she loves telling people about handjams and the differences between biners & lockers. She also loves to walk on our slackline, again with help. Her favorite saying is," I'm a B.M.W., which stands for Burley Mountain Woman".
Sorry if I got carried away with fatherly pride, but keep up the good work.


Sep 3, 2002, 9:37 PM
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i have a son that is almost a year and a half and last week when my husband and i went out to play on our wall in he was trying to climb up the wall too. climbing is just a natural process for kids might as well let them have fun at it, i would much rather he climbed on our wall then try and climb up my bookcase or his dresser. i can't wait until he gets bigger and can really start climbing with us.



Sep 3, 2002, 10:12 PM
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My daughter started around three by coming out with me bouldering at Stoney Point. I would climb, she would collect pretty pieces of glass and store them in my chalkbag (ouch!). Five years later her interest is about the same. She loves climbing on the home gym (about 400 sq. feet of wall and ceiling in the garage), begs to go camping/climbing at Joshua Tree, Vegas, Bishop, and Tahquitz, but rarely wants to come with me when I go local. I never push, only encourage. I can remember many times carrying her stuff (and sometimes her!) to the rock only to have her swing on the rope rather than climb. But there are other times like when she flashed "White Lightning" (5.7 trad) at Joshua Tree and sent a 10b at Vegas that made the effort of bringing her worth it. Just don't be a jerk like some who "force" the kids to climb. I remember seeing one jerk-off push his kid so hard that the kid was crying at the top of the climb. Where's the fun in that?

Remember, you're not getting paid to climb, so just enjoy it for what it is, and the memories will be well worth it!


Dec 15, 2002, 3:18 PM
Post #9 of 15 (2202 views)

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I took my kids until they turned into Teens then they wanted other things but now that one is 17 and the other 15, they both want to come back and go do some more climbing.
Now, I have some young nephews and nieces and I want to take them as soon as I can convince the parents to let me have them. They have this picture of me hanging them for a hook or something on a wall.


Dec 15, 2002, 3:48 PM
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Not too young, just be safe. I think my nephew started around the same age, or maybe a year or 2 later. You definately need to buy a full body harness (with straps that go over the shoulders). NOT a regular seat harness (waistbelt with leg loops). Petzl and Bluewater offer some reasonably priced harnesses. And she will use it until she grows into a regular one(maybe 8-10 years).

The reason for this is that kids have a less understanding/instinct for keeping upright and staying balanced. The body harness will prevent them from falling sideways or upside-down and hurting themselves. A helmet is advisable as well. Since they are just toproping, a bike helmet is probably fine. I'm not sure about the proper age to switch to a regular harness (someone else correct me here). But a 3 year old certainly requires a body harness.

Also, make sure your child stays nearby whether at the gym or the crag. An adult should be free (NOT belaying) to supervise them at all times. This is for their own safety. They could get hit by a rock, slip off a cliff or down a slope, even get bit by a snake. They can even get fallen on or kicked in the face at the gym.

Hope this does not sound preachy. Just some friendly advice.


Dec 15, 2002, 6:24 PM
Post #11 of 15 (2202 views)

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i take my 3 year old every chance i get. weve only been bouldering so far, but this summer shell be getting her first harness and "learning the ropes" as it were. she digs it. just checkout the smile on this face...

she loves it almost as much as i do. you just gotta be sure they are safe, cause they dont really know what safe is...they have no fear


Dec 15, 2002, 9:41 PM
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My daughter is only 1 year old...I can't wait until she is around 3 to introduce her to climbing....


Dec 15, 2002, 10:40 PM
Post #13 of 15 (2202 views)

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it is NEVER to soon to begin climbing. just dont TRAIN her too much. make it enjoable. the training part begins at abou 9.



Dec 16, 2002, 12:22 AM
Post #14 of 15 (2202 views)

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I heartily support kids climbing, but for god's sake please control your three year old at the gym. There is nothing more annoying than a three year old (no parent in sight) running around throwing rubber chunks and jumping all over the wall and mats. Most of the younger kids I see are fine, and I'm glad that they are getting into climbing so quickly, but every once in a while I run into one of those kids. *shudder*


Dec 16, 2002, 1:26 AM
Post #15 of 15 (2202 views)

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We all grow up climbing trees as kids, toddlers start climbing on things before they can walk, there is no such thing as too young to climb. Have fun, be safe (the full body harness is a very good idea), and enjoy this time as much as you can... it goes fast.

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