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I'm a headcase!
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Partner tgreene

Oct 13, 2006, 9:05 PM
Post #1 of 12 (368 views)

Registered: Oct 22, 2003
Posts: 7267

I'm a headcase!
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I've received a ton of emails and phone calls since word first got out about what's happened to me, so here's a very detailed description (as best as I can recall) that I have posted on the National Migraine Organization forums, while in search of answers...


I just found this board on Monday, while laying in the hospital and surfing on my laptop, trying to keep my mind focused on looking for answers...

I'm a 40 year old male that has suffered from common migraines for as long as I can remember, but fortunately with very few of the typical nausea & vomiting type side effects other than standard head pain and light sensitivity. I do however often times get canker sore clusters at the same time as my Migraines, which really sucks. -- Fortunately I have a dentist that gets me Debacterol at his cost, which nukes the nerves immediately, stopping any and all canker sore pain as soon as it starts.

Typically I'll get a stabbing trigger pain in either the left or right temple about 30-45 minutes before the onset of a migraine. Often times, if I act quickly enough, I can generally fight it off with Naproxin, Excedrin, or even high doses of caffeine (chocolate bars seem to work best as a last resort).


Now is where things get really scary for me!

For the past several years, I have randomly experienced brain sensations that I can only equate to being the same as if you were to hit the {Degauss} button on a CRT type computer monitor, in order to demagnetize it. Now, when I say random, I'm talking in terms in 2-3 a month, and at the most maybe 5 or 6 times a month. When this happened, it was seemed to be an electrical "short-circuit", that lasted a fraction of a second, and then no indication that it ever happened.

Roughly 3 weeks ago, these began hitting in rapid-fire succession, getting stronger and lasting a bi longer each time. I was suddenly having several a day, and it was really beginning to scare me, so I mentioned this to my Chiropractor who happens to be partnered with a Neurologist (the Chiro is also a good friend of mine), and he told me that it sounds like textbook TIA's, but the sudden frequency is of concern to him. He asked me to monitor them closely, and keep him informed. After several days of very active TIA's (again w/o any side effects), they finally stopped.

On Wednesday Oct. 4th, I came down with what I thought was another routine migraine, and took my typical steps to fight it off, but to no avail... When I realized it was here to stay, I then did whet I typically do, which was to sit on the floor of my shower stall with the water running down the back wall and over my head, neck and back as hot as I could possibly stand it, until there was no hot water left. This generally helps alleviate my pain by warming and thinning the blood, allowing it to better flow through the constrictions. Nothing I did was working this time!

On Friday Oct. 6th while still in heavy migraine pain, I had what I'll again describe as a massive TIA that damn near knocked me out, and made the left side of my face feel as if it had been injected with Lidocaine and was now sliding off my head. I was also for the first time ever left with a very "displaced" feeling, as if on heavy doses of narcotic pain meds. I immediately called my Chiropractor to see if he could do some acupuncture to relieve the pain, but he refused due to the symptoms and told me to go to the ER immediately, thinking I may have actually had a stroke.

Upon entering the ER, I was immediately interrogated for 35-40 minutes about what illegal drugs I had taken. After I got passed that BS, the ER doc told me to quit telling him what my brain was doing, because a brain has no symptoms... I told him to F-OFF, and tell that to my brain!!!

-- During registration, I told them I was ALLERGIC to Hydrocodones --

Once the doctor finally realized how serious I was about all of this, and that there were in fact no illegal drugs involved (I fully realize that 98% of the time, with symptoms such as what I was describing, there actually are.), he had me placed on Oxygen, had blood drawn, and ordered a CT-Scan (all tests were negative). At that time, he also had me take a Vicodon. I was unaware at the time that Vicodon is classed as a Hydrocodone, but since they AMPLIFY PAIN, SIGHT & SOUND for me, not only was I very quickly made aware of it, but it made for one hell of a long Friday night and Saturday, since they also keep me very wide awake...

As Saturday drew on, things began to return to pre-Hydrocodone, which was a hell of a lot better, but still horrible. At least I was able to get "some" sleep Saturday night.

Sunday morning I woke up feeling the exact same way as I did when the TIA* hit me Friday afternoon, but by mid-morning, the pain had risen to a level that I had not previously had, and suddenly the numbness was also much worse. I was actually feeling so bad, and in so much pain after 5 days of a severe Migraine, that I openly discussed suicide with my wife, telling her that there was absolutely no way that I can live like this, especially now that other things are beginning to happen at the same time. -- Again, I still believe I'm having or have had a series of strokes.

My wife immediately takes me back into the ER, where this time, the triage nurse very clearly writes NON EMERGENT across the top of the admitting form, and then hands us a sheet of paper stating that we are required to meet with a financial counselor before treatment will be provided. WTF???

So we play their BS game and after 45 minutes of lying on a table, curled up in a fetal position and crying from the pain, a doctor finally comes in and starts asking the basics. I can't talk, and am actually shaking uncontrollably at this point, so my wife fills him in as best as she's able. He then pulled the records from 2 days prior to look at the CT and blood work, then returned to suggest that another CT be taken to examine the sinusus, as well as some different blood tests... Nope, everything was still negative, but at least this guy was caring enough to order a shot of Demerol, even though by now the pain was so severe, that it didn't do anything except give me a bad case of the of stupids about 1 hour later!

Eventually I was able to get some rest, and when I awoke on Monday morning, I was actually for the 1st time in 6 days, pain free!!!!

I'm a self-employed programmer/web developer/graphic artist that works from home, and since I was actually having a good day, I was taking this blessed pain-free opportunity to catch up on a couple projects that had fallen behind. All was going great until late afternoon, when all of a sudden I had what seemed to start out as a typical TIA*, yet I didn't have the "shorting out" feeling, instead it was as if a reset button had been hit, causing everything to completely stop-pause-restart... I honestly don't know how long this one lasted, because there seemed to be a time lapse somewhere in there, folowed by the same displaced feeling, but this time it was more like having an out of body experience. 10-15 minutes after this attack, the entire left side of my body went completely numb and while my head felt as if it was on fire, my left arm was suddenly ice cold. For a couple of minutes afterwards, I was actually unable to even stand up, and remained very unsteady and dizzy for quite some time afterwards. The only thing I had going for me at this point, was that I was pain free.


As soon as my wife and I walked into the admitting area, the clerk said something to the effects of , "Oh, it's you again!" and procedded to pull up my info without needing to ask any questions. She had the forms printed and ready to be signed, before I had a chance to sit down.

Fortunately, aside from the admitting clerk, there was a completely different staff working the ER on Monday. As soon as the nurse did hre pre-screen, she pulled all of the records from the previous 2 visits and the doctor reviewd them before seeing me. I could tell I was finally in good hands (or better anyway), when I could hear him complaining outloud about some of the stupid tests that were run, and why in the hell had an MRI not been done the moment I complained about head pain on the very 1st visit... He then came back to talk with me and explained a number of things that he was looking at, and different tests he was ordering which included the obvious MRI, another CT for a possible bleeder, c-spine x-rays, eeg, etc. He also stated that he took it upon himself to consult with a Neurologist and was keeping me overnight for observation (he commented that the others should have done this).

The next day, Tuesday Oct. 10th (3 days ago), the Neurologist came up to my hospital room to see me, at which time she stated she felt that I was having Aura Migraines, yet on the official diagnosis, it was written TIA vs Migraine.

I was given a script for Zonegram 100mg, to be taken once daily for the first 2 weeks, then upped to twice daily. I'm told this is a seizure preventative medication.


This is where it gets really scary from my perspective:

I'm a very active rock climber, that pretty much lives for the outdoors. Currently, I'm in a constant state of numbness, dizziness and feel perpetually displaced, like I'm on the outside looking in. I'm told that I can resume all normal activities, yet with the effects I'm experiencing, I can't drive and I damn sure can't risk my life (or especially my partners' life) by climbing. I've had to cancel out on a 3-day climbing festival in southern Illinois this weekend, that we had been planning for months, and from where I'm sitting right now, I simply can't see if there is a light at the end of this tunnel...

Currently, the TIA's* are rapid fire, and the numbness is constantly sweeping me in waves, as if receiving narcotics via an IV push.

Right now, I'm scared to death, because I simply don't know what's happening to my body, and frankly, I don't think any of the docs really have a clue either, because they kept insisting that what I have described as TIA's, are not (which is why I stated TIA*), yet on the official diagnosis, they put TIA vs Migraine!


Tim Greene


Oct 13, 2006, 11:43 PM
Post #2 of 12 (368 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
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Trying to deal with doctors can be extremely frustrating. In your condition I'm sure it seems even more so.

Hang it there Mr. Greene! :mrgreen:

Partner tgreene

Oct 14, 2006, 12:02 AM
Post #3 of 12 (368 views)

Registered: Oct 22, 2003
Posts: 7267

Re: I'm a headcase! [In reply to]
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At least I can always replay the "Touch Me" video, when I need to go back to my happy place... :boring:


Oct 15, 2006, 5:16 PM
Post #4 of 12 (368 views)

Registered: Mar 25, 2002
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Re: I'm a headcase! [In reply to]
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so let me get this straight... they let a person with severe headache that couldve just had a stroke, lie in the lobby for 45 minutes??

thats pretty amazing.

Partner tgreene

Oct 15, 2006, 6:24 PM
Post #5 of 12 (368 views)

Registered: Oct 22, 2003
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so let me get this straight... they let a person with severe headache that couldve just had a stroke, lie in the lobby for 45 minutes??

thats pretty amazing.
NO, I was laying in an exam room, without ever once being looked in on, while waiting for a Financial Counselor... :cry:

Partner epoch

Oct 16, 2006, 12:02 PM
Post #6 of 12 (368 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2005
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Re: I'm a headcase! [In reply to]
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Holy FVCK Tim!!! Now that you've stated it that way I better understand your situation. Sorry, I don't know crap about medicine, but IMO it sounds as if you should be seeking a Nuroligical specialist that you havent seen for a second opinion.

I hope the best for you.




Oct 16, 2006, 1:22 PM
Post #7 of 12 (368 views)

Registered: Jan 27, 2005
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Re: I'm a headcase! [In reply to]
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Damn, Tim! You sound pretty banged up. I feel like my body is quickly falling apart the older I get, but not like yours. Hang in there buddy. Hopefully thing will turn around for you fast.



Oct 16, 2006, 1:48 PM
Post #8 of 12 (368 views)

Registered: Oct 17, 2001
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Re: I'm a headcase! [In reply to]
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...I've wondered about my past experimentations with a clear liquid on blotter paper being a factor with mid-life problems such as a stroke, TIA or Ischemic, since there is no embelism, I wonder about this. I am in an on going study of stroke at a young age (cough cough) yeah I qualify. The NIH study is one of the biggest on gong studies in the nation. Hopefully something good will come from this.

All the best Tim


Partner tgreene

Oct 16, 2006, 1:57 PM
Post #9 of 12 (368 views)

Registered: Oct 22, 2003
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Re: I'm a headcase! [In reply to]
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I was never really into tripping (acid & shrooms twice each), but was a pill popper for years, which I have always disclosed to my doctors.

Partner epoch

Oct 16, 2006, 3:06 PM
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I was never really into tripping (acid & shrooms twice each), but was a pill popper for years, which I have always disclosed to my doctors.
Do you have dates and times that each trip lasted for?? :lol: :lol: :lol:

That would be borderline OCD.... (to add to your list.) :wink:

Partner macherry

Oct 16, 2006, 3:23 PM
Post #11 of 12 (368 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2003
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tim, i hope things work out for you and you're on the mend ASAP.

Never forget you know your body best, making you the best advocate for you're own better health. go for the first, second and third opinions.


Oct 16, 2006, 4:12 PM
Post #12 of 12 (368 views)

Registered: Sep 11, 2004
Posts: 777

Re: I'm a headcase! [In reply to]
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Tim, that really blows.

As a long time sufferer myself I can sypathize a bit, but your syptoms are way over the top. I hope you find a good doctor who can help you out.

All that aggravation with the hospital staff didn't exactly help matters. What is it with people in the medical profession?

(Typical conversation with my doctor):

Me: "Uh- doc- the slightest noise feels like a baseball bat hitting me on the head, and I've been curled up in a dark bathroom under the shower for 24 hours."

Doc: "Yup- that's a migraine. " *(cricket)* *(cricket)* *(cricket)*

Me: "I know it's a migraine dumbass. What the fuck are you going to do about it?"

Doc: " Uh- Oh- well_ here's a perscription- for something-er-other. "

I'm fretting for you a bit. Keep us appraised.


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