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female genital piercing
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Jan 21, 2007, 4:43 PM
Post #1 of 36 (11657 views)

Registered: Jan 21, 2007
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female genital piercing
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Hey ladies. This is a serious question to climbers who have female genital piercings or know climbers who do. FYI, before I continue, I am an active member on this site and know many people on here so I decided to make up a 'ficticious name' because this is a personal matter I don't want all my friends knowing about.

I have been considering getting a vertical hood piercing now for a few years but have not because I am concerned about its impact on climbing. I climb outside every weekend and every free day I have, as well as climbing at the hard 11 level (so yes, I do spend a bit of time sitting in my harness cussing at routes AND taking falls). I understand that I can't climb until it would heal, but I would like to hear from people who have or know people who have a similar piercing and if it does or does not work in the long run.

I don't really want to hear from people who "think that it would BLAH BLAH BLAH" or any personal opinions about how good or bad this is. This is something that I have been contemplating for some time and have talked to EVERYONE is seems, except climbers. Does anyone have some input? Thanks a lot!


Jan 21, 2007, 5:53 PM
Post #2 of 36 (11644 views)

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Re: [experimentor] female genital piercing [In reply to]
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since this is, at least, nominally climbing related, i will pretend you're serious and answer you with a question.

if you were so embarrassed you made up a fictitious name to inquire about it, what makes you think that people would actually answer you with serious replies??


Jan 21, 2007, 7:31 PM
Post #3 of 36 (11617 views)

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Re: [clausti] female genital piercing [In reply to]
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Because I am not embarrased by it, except that 99% of the climbers who I know and climb with are men that I know well. I do not want them giving me that little smile around the camp fire after a few beers and asking "So how's it doing?". I also avoided asking here at (notice that only 1% of the climbers I know are female and none of them have had any input) because I know this is a question that would not be taken seriousely. Least I'm not asking about having sex on a porta-ledge or what type of shoe I should buy.

If you can offer me a better place to ask other climbers about this let me know. But you have been around the campfire lately? There's not many women to ask, and there's definetley no place to ask them without the guys wanting to hear all about it.

Partner happiegrrrl

Jan 21, 2007, 9:00 PM
Post #4 of 36 (11583 views)

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Re: [experimentor] female genital piercing [In reply to]
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"If you can offer me a better place to ask other climbers about this let me know. But you have been around the campfire lately? There's not many women to ask, and there's definetley no place to ask them without the guys wanting to hear all about it. "

1) You might have luck on a forum dedicated to piercing, where a larger percentage of the women(and men) are familiar with the topic.

Probably there are other scenarios that could be similar to hanging in a harness that they might be familar with, even if they aren't, specifically, climbers.

2) Some men also have genital piercings and I would think the issues would be somewhat similar. Therefore, I don't think your limiting the group you look to for advise to women is neccesary.

3) Isn't one of the things about piercing that you sort of want to know they're there?...... Save the ring and dangling things for rest daze, so you're not at risk of becoming like a hangdogging tradster(keep it up and they will eventually rip gear).


Jan 21, 2007, 10:08 PM
Post #5 of 36 (11568 views)

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Re: [happiegrrrl] female genital piercing [In reply to]
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this is now a sticky... why??

Partner macherry

Jan 21, 2007, 10:18 PM
Post #6 of 36 (11561 views)

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Re: [clausti] female genital piercing [In reply to]
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i'm making this a non sticky. Also pm sent to OP. We do have a rule on the website to having more than one user name.


Jan 21, 2007, 10:41 PM
Post #7 of 36 (11547 views)

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Re: [macherry] female genital piercing [In reply to]
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You people take this forum way too seriously. Relax a little.


Jan 21, 2007, 11:18 PM
Post #8 of 36 (11533 views)

Registered: Jul 6, 2005
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Re: [styleboy] female genital piercing [In reply to]
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A VCH. . . ok.

Any piece of metal protruding from your skin is likely to be able to catch on something, sometime. Clit hood piercings have the advantage of not (necesarrily) being as exposed as say an outer labia piercing, but the distinct disadvantages of having to use a smaller gauge piece (more likely to tear through, reject, migrate and whatnot) on a rather thin piece of tissue.

I once took an X of mine to the gym and she didnŽt have any probems with her horizontal hood piece, even though she forgot to exchange her ring piece for a barbell. I got her onto a high roof route and was scared as hell when she yelled as she fell (IŽm gonna bet she was too) but nothing happened to her piercing.

YouŽll likely get a barbell to heal with, and youŽll probably like the day to day feel of wearing one more than an (arracada = ring?) piece. For climbing, a good fitting roundball barbell is your best bet. and donŽt wear tight fitting pants while you climb.

Feel free to pm if you want to, i know stuff.

(btw. unless you live in a reaaally conservative/macho man area, most dudes who find out will find it hot for a while, then theyŽll just forget about it)


Jan 21, 2007, 11:24 PM
Post #9 of 36 (11529 views)

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Re: [happiegrrrl] female genital piercing [In reply to]
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happiegrrrl wrote:
2) Some men also have genital piercings and I would think the issues would be somewhat similar. Therefore, I don't think your limiting the group you look to for advise to women is neccesary.

3) Isn't one of the things about piercing that you sort of want to know they're there?...... Save the ring and dangling things for rest daze, so you're not at risk of becoming like a hangdogging tradster(keep it up and they will eventually rip gear).

2) Depends on the piece, but barring a scrotal skin piercing mens genital piercings go through thicker tissue and are less likely to rip through from a fall (you know, unless you get it stuck under a leg loop or somethinŽ)

3) Not genital pieces. In my experience, most people get a hell of a kick walking around and knowing they have a genital piercing while the rest of the world just sees them as normal, level-headed people. And yeah, save the danglers for some other time.

Partner macherry

Jan 21, 2007, 11:58 PM
Post #10 of 36 (11513 views)

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Re: [styleboy] female genital piercing [In reply to]
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styleboy wrote:
You people take this forum way too seriously. Relax a little.

dude, this is a highly moderated forum....check the rules before you enter


Jan 22, 2007, 4:44 AM
Post #11 of 36 (11446 views)

Registered: Nov 13, 2006
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Re: [macherry] female genital piercing [In reply to]
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Yet the day to day bashing of each other is allowed to happen? While someone with a serious question, who obviously wants to protect her identity for her own well-being and says this outright, is the one who needs the moderating?

Now I'm all for moderating this place as it needs it, but lets do it for the right reasons.


Jan 22, 2007, 12:46 PM
Post #12 of 36 (11402 views)

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Re: [styleboy] female genital piercing [In reply to]
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styleboy wrote:
Yet the day to day bashing of each other is allowed to happen? While someone with a serious question, who obviously wants to protect her identity for her own well-being and says this outright, is the one who needs the moderating?

Now I'm all for moderating this place as it needs it, but lets do it for the right reasons.

Think about this. If this person doesn't want the fact they plan on getting a peircing advertised, how many other women are going to come on advertising theirs?

The sujestions is to check out a peircnig board, which to me sounds like the best way to get the infomation that they're looking for.

As for Macherry's intervention of saying that multiple user names are not allowed, and getting rid of this thread as a sticky is just normal moderating, you'll find that in any forum. This forum is supossed to be much more moderated, meaning not as much crap gets tossed around here. You may notice the lack of suggestions to do someone in the pooper in this thread yet.

Partner happiegrrrl

Jan 22, 2007, 1:17 PM
Post #13 of 36 (11399 views)

Registered: Mar 25, 2004
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Re: [granite_grrl] female genital piercing [In reply to]
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SbyP also gave good, relevant help. But what I need to how on earth did the thread become a sticky? That's just wierd....


Jan 22, 2007, 1:29 PM
Post #14 of 36 (11397 views)

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Re: [happiegrrrl] female genital piercing [In reply to]
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happiegrrrl wrote:
SbyP also gave good, relevant help. But what I need to how on earth did the thread become a sticky? That's just wierd....

Makes me wonder the common user name of the OP. Could they have been the ones to make it a sticky? Or was it someone else who was hoping for an answer to this themselves, but was also too embaressed to ask.

Partner macherry

Jan 22, 2007, 2:29 PM
Post #15 of 36 (11382 views)

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Re: [styleboy] female genital piercing [In reply to]
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styleboy wrote:
Yet the day to day bashing of each other is allowed to happen? While someone with a serious question, who obviously wants to protect her identity for her own well-being and says this outright, is the one who needs the moderating?

Now I'm all for moderating this place as it needs it, but lets do it for the right reasons.

The OP was not "bashed" in anyway. Other users were just suspect in her motives as to use another alias.

BTW her post and alias was allowed to stay for this post/thread.

Just curious, why did you step into this thread styleboy? do you have any information you could share on genital piercing?

Partner happiegrrrl

Jan 22, 2007, 3:16 PM
Post #16 of 36 (11368 views)

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Re: [macherry] female genital piercing [In reply to]
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But Macherry! - Only you can answer...How did the thread get "stickified?" Joe and Jane Average User can't make a sticky, can they?

Partner macherry

Jan 22, 2007, 3:27 PM
Post #17 of 36 (11363 views)

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Re: [happiegrrrl] female genital piercing [In reply to]
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 another mod made it a sticky, so it would not repeat on the forum page. I unstickied it.

i don't think a user can make a sticky, i don't know for sure.

Partner happiegrrrl

Jan 22, 2007, 3:40 PM
Post #18 of 36 (11353 views)

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Re: [macherry] female genital piercing [In reply to]
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oh.... I see. That must have been a *sticky* subject inthe Moderator's Control Room...
Moderate Mod: "Oh jeez, will ya take a look at this. Houston, we may have a problem."

Houston Mod: "Roger that MM. We've got to quel potential for disaster.... Contain that rascally thread. But I'm out of duct tape! The very last inch of it was used to keep the old platform taped together, and 3M, who holds the propietory formula, went on a worldwide tour with all the profits, so no more has been made since then....."

Moderate Mod: "Roger that, HM. I feel bad for all those aid wannabes wondering how they'll be taping hooks on their first attempts at El Cap this summer....

Well.....we still have a decent inventory of stickies. You know the holding power is a lot less, but maybe if we slap one on that renegade thread, we'll be able to keep her in the correct path of orbit."

Houston Mod: "Roger that MM; you've saved the day again. Let's go get some lunch and see how that sticky holds up."

Moderate Mod: "Roger Dodger. We're outa here..."


Jan 22, 2007, 3:54 PM
Post #19 of 36 (11347 views)

Registered: Oct 24, 2005
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Re: [macherry] female genital piercing [In reply to]
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Figured I should step up here since I thought that this would be a good place to post this topic. I was the original OP and wanted to remain ananymous because I live in this wonderful state called Mississippi. (BTW, I did find the rule that said no 2 accounts, but it took me about 45 minutes of searching this site and about 50 pages). In this state and part of the world, there are certain things you don't do (like think freely, but that's a different thread) and I have many climbing partners from the area down here that, if they new about this, would make me feel very uncomfortable. Yes, I know that I need better partners, but I don't have a plethora of people that I can climb with. I want to clear the air and apologize for not wanting to be degraded more than I already am for who I am due to the location that I reside.

Now, back to the topic. I don't know who made the thread a sticky. Thanks SbyP for the information, it was very helpful. As for the piercing bulliten board, I've tried that and have had little luck. I have also spoken with many piercers and people who have them, but none of them could give me any information regarding it's impact in a harness. They also recommended me to just "ask another climber". How many other people in the world spend as much time in webbing as climbers?

I feel a bit put off that I got so much slack for this. I tried to post a question that I wanted some input in, but feel that I got put on the whipping post by most of the users. I'll post here next time about my period, break-up, or breast size so that I'll be taken seriouslyUnsure.


Jan 22, 2007, 4:35 PM
Post #20 of 36 (11326 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2002
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Re: [zenelky] female genital piercing [In reply to]
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sorry is I gave you grief about this, I would have volunteered some information if I actually any to tell you (at least by PM, if not directly on this board).

I still don't have any more information that I can volunteer, but maybe you could try to find info from women that do other sports? I know that its hard to find other sports that can effect your sensitive bits like a harness, but maybe something like skydiving? Or for pure abuse, there is always cycling. I used to go on the Team Estrogen ( I spelt it correctly)message board but I haven't been there for forever.

I guess I never thought that a peircing would be effected that much by a harness. I have been curious about such peircings myself. Would you mind if I PM you in the future about it?


Jan 22, 2007, 4:41 PM
Post #21 of 36 (11325 views)

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Re: [zenelky] female genital piercing [In reply to]
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zenelky wrote:
Figured I should step up here since I thought that this would be a good place to post this topic. I was the original OP and wanted to remain ananymous because I live in this wonderful state called Mississippi. (BTW, I did find the rule that said no 2 accounts, but it took me about 45 minutes of searching this site and about 50 pages). In this state and part of the world, there are certain things you don't do (like think freely, but that's a different thread) and I have many climbing partners from the area down here that, if they new about this, would make me feel very uncomfortable. Yes, I know that I need better partners, but I don't have a plethora of people that I can climb with. I want to clear the air and apologize for not wanting to be degraded more than I already am for who I am due to the location that I reside.

Now, back to the topic. I don't know who made the thread a sticky. Thanks SbyP for the information, it was very helpful. As for the piercing bulliten board, I've tried that and have had little luck. I have also spoken with many piercers and people who have them, but none of them could give me any information regarding it's impact in a harness. They also recommended me to just "ask another climber". How many other people in the world spend as much time in webbing as climbers?

I feel a bit put off that I got so much slack for this. I tried to post a question that I wanted some input in, but feel that I got put on the whipping post by most of the users. I'll post here next time about my period, break-up, or breast size so that I'll be taken seriouslyUnsure.

no, seriously, everybody got why you didnt want your name tagged to a genital piercing thread. the thing you were egocentrically overlooking was that if anyone who DID have one was to reply, they would have to do so devoid of the protection you granted yourself. or else we'd have a whole thread full of "users" with one post each.

the stuff about the sticky wasnt mud slung at you.


Jan 22, 2007, 4:54 PM
Post #22 of 36 (11314 views)

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Re: [clausti] female genital piercing [In reply to]
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It's called a PM. I did receive several that had a lot of good information and a few other women who wanted to ask a similar question. Sorry if you think it's dumb, but you didn't have to interject on this topic if you have no relevant information. I think that topics about break-ups, boob jobs, and boyfriends are dumb. I'm not taking over those threads and telling those women that they are egocentric. Nor do I jump in and try to degrade them for being curious, heartbroken, or any other silly emotional state.


Jan 22, 2007, 5:19 PM
Post #23 of 36 (11297 views)

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Re: [zenelky] female genital piercing [In reply to]
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zenelky wrote:
It's called a PM. I did receive several that had a lot of good information and a few other women who wanted to ask a similar question. Sorry if you think it's dumb, but you didn't have to interject on this topic if you have no relevant information. I think that topics about break-ups, boob jobs, and boyfriends are dumb. I'm not taking over those threads and telling those women that they are egocentric. Nor do I jump in and try to degrade them for being curious, heartbroken, or any other silly emotional state.

You are in a silly emotional state, yes, but that wasnt the problem I was commenting on. I think secondary screen names are bullshit, and my real name and location has been known for pretty much my entire tenure here.

only info on genital peirceing I have is that I met two guys in kentucky, at the red who had them and didnt have any problems with their harness, though they said that you do have to be careful about the healing, of course.


Jan 22, 2007, 5:56 PM
Post #24 of 36 (11284 views)

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Re: [clausti] female genital piercing [In reply to]
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I made it a sticky hoping it wouldn't echo on the main forums page, so this thread (female genital piercing, imagine the drooling campground users) would not drag dozens of users with poor infos or poor taste. But then I went to bed, and couldn't follow it.


Jan 22, 2007, 6:16 PM
Post #25 of 36 (11272 views)

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Re: [experimentor] female genital piercing [In reply to]
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Maybe I’m an idiot, but why are you so concerned about climbing. Your harness doesn't go "there" does it?

You have to worry about any jewelry especially piercings, but this has to be safer than earrings. After you're healed just take the thing out if it bothers you at all.

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